seamless layers

Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN David.Hunter at FNF.COM
Tue Jun 28 08:57:06 PDT 2005

I am using MapServer 4.4.1 CGI with Tomcat 5 and Windows 2000.  I am
experimenting with things, and producing some maps using MapInfo .TAB
files.  I cannot get seamless layers to work.  I googled on this and
found some threads that made it sound like it was possible to make them
work, what might I be doing wrong?


When using MapInfo files, how is it best to set up large layers that are
normally county-based, such as streets or water?  Do you set up a map
file with thousands of county-based layers, or create one large national
street or water layer in MapInfo?  Seamless layers would be very nice to
use for this...


David S. Hunter
Sr. Software Engineer
Fidelity National Geographic Solutions
division of Fidelity National Financial
5353 Gamble Drive, Suite 201
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
* Email: david.hunter at
' Phone: 952.542.1440 ext. 256
* Fax: 952.542.3859


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