polygon points from shapefile

joerg p superbla3000 at GMX.NET
Tue Jun 28 12:41:07 EDT 2005

thanks, I am gonna learn it.
But is this the only possibility? Isn't there a 'usual' phpmapscript 


Till Adams schrieb:
> joerg p wrote:
>> hello,
>> is it possible, to get the points of a polygon from a shapefile in an
>> array via phpmapscript?
>> So that I get e.g. ((49.12390,5.283990),(49,238238,5,23423442),....)
>> thanks
>> Joerg
> Joerg,
> why not using Mapserver as WFs Server? with the getFeature request 
> you'll get the data as GML.
> Get more info on that topic on:
> http://ms.gis.umn.edu/docs/howto/wfs_server
> Cheers, Till

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