Final help needed to complete AJAX-driven dynamic imagemaps

Andrew Collins andrewrcollins at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jun 29 03:56:49 EDT 2005


I am just a few pesky lines of code away from having
a working AJAX-driven dynamic map image (PNG) and
dynamic imagemap (HTML fragment) MapServer interface.

I may be doing something wrong, but my guess is that
I'm not, as I'm fairly sure the particular code I want
executed (mapimagemap.c, lines 1134-1135) is commented-out:

mapimagemap.c - lines 1134-1135:

/* char *title=(p->numvalues) ? p->values[0] : ""; */
         char *title = "";

I have integrated each of the following technologies,
solutions, ideas, etc. with the result that I can get
matched dynamic images and dynamic imagemaps, but the
title attributes for the <area> tags are identical,
being all equal to the layer name. (see mapimagemap.c)

The below allows for rectangle view/hide rollovers,
highlights, JavaScript calls. Similar to some Flash
MapServer interfaces. I think it would very well with

DOM Image Annotation

Swapping Out Image Maps

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

I use Windows and I tried to create a build environment
for MapServer in which I could test the changes I believe
are necessary to mapimagemap.c--but I simply couldn't
get "libiconv" to compile. (The install directions state
that MSVC is required--I don't have it, I use MinGW.)

Does anyone on the list have a completely solid build
process for MapServer on Windows using MinGW?

In the end I am working on a JSP CGI-proxy which will allow me to
make a request for an EXTENT to a JSP page which will re-package
the single request into the dual requests for the map image (PNG)
and the imagemap (html fragment) and parse them into a single XML
response which JavaScript can use to update the map interface.

Any help would be appreciated. When I get this final piece
in place I will release the above AJAX/DWR MapServer interface
mechanism to the community.


Andrew Collins - andrewrcollins at

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