Can map server send feature data/vector data to the client?

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Wed Jun 29 16:56:59 EDT 2005

> I was wondering if it was possible in mapserver to send raw
> vector/feature data to the client's web browser?

Yes: mapserver can send back WFS, Flash, and SVG, all of which are vector 

> I also thought that this might not be possible because of the sheer size
> of the vector data that you would have to send to the client. You would
> also have to make sure the vector data was removed from the client's
> machine as it would violate your licensing agreement for the map data if
> it was left on someone else's machine (well it would mine anyway).

Licensing is a separate issue, and is certainly a big reason why there are 
multiple approaches (WMS and WFS).  Others here are more capable of 
discussing the politics and trade-offs than I.

> Also does the jbox javca applet process vector data on the client?

I'm almost certain that that's a no


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