Rotating a symbol/layer drawn with PointObj

Peter Freimuth pf at MAPMEDIA.DE
Thu Jun 30 06:49:34 EDT 2005

Kasey Kirkham schrieb:

> Hello,
> Long, long ago, I posted to this forum asking for guidance on drawing 
> a point layer(
> ).  Thanks to the help of the folks on this list, I was able to get 
> the application working.  First off, I created a layer for each symbol 
> I wanted to use(in the mapfile, see below).  The php app which uses 
> the mapfile will create a new PointObj for each coordinate returned by 
> a query,  look up the name of the symbol layer associated with the gps 
> source, then call PointObj->draw with the layer as an argument(see my 
> equally inscrutable code fragment below).  This works nicely for 
> drawing dots on the map, however there is now a new twist.  I would 
> like to use triangular symbols in my layer, rotated relative to the 
> point which follows.  For instance, if the first coordinate was (1,1), 
> and the second was (5,1), I would like to rotate the first symbol to 
> the right by 90 degrees so that it is "pointing" at the second 
> symbol.  I think labels support this with the "angle" attribute, but I 
> didn't find anything in the documentation indicating that 
> points/symbols could be rotated in the same way.  Any ideas?
> A million thanks!
> Kasey
> # mapfile fragment:
>   # LAYER object
>     NAME "point_mapping-red"
>     # CLASS object
>     CLASS
>       NAME "points_red"
>       SYMBOL "gps_coordinate-red"
>       COLOR 255 0 0
>       # LABEL object
>       LABEL
>         POSITION CC
>         SIZE TINY
>         MINDISTANCE 400
>         COLOR 255 255 255
>       END
>     END
>   END
> // php fragment:
>     // retrieve associative array of gps coordinates
>     $point_array = $currObjUnit->get_gps_coordinates();
>     // loop through array
>     foreach($point_array as $arPoints) {
>         // get a new point object        
>         $pointObj_coord1 = ms_newPointObj(); 
>         // set the X and Y coords
>         $pointObj_coord1->setXY($arPoints["longitude"], 
> $arPoints["latitude"]); 
>         // $map is returned by ms_newMapObj()
>         // $currObjUnit->get_unit_symbol retrieves the LAYER NAME 
> attribute for the layer indicated in the unit config(ie 
> "point_mapping-red" in this case)
>         $layerObj_imageSymbol = 
> $map->getLayerByName($currObjUnit->get_unit_symbol());
>         $class_index = 0;
>         // draw the point
>         // $map is a MapObj, $image is the image object returned by 
> $map->draw
>         $pointObj_coord1->draw($map, $layerObj_imageSymbol, $image, 
> $class_index, '');    
>     }

Dear Kasey,
we have implemented this function for rotating symbols by an angle 
attribute a while ago but the code is still not included in the current 
code base. I will send the regarding code next week to Steve Lime (main 
developer team). Maybe it can be integrated in the next mapserver 
release. Sorry for the delay!

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Peter Freimuth
Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme

Heilbronner Straße 10
D-10711 Berlin Charlottenburg

fon:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 70
fax:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 73
mail: pf at
pgp:  on demand

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