escaping single quotes
Paul Scott
pscott at UWC.AC.ZA
Mon May 2 04:50:15 PDT 2005
Two other things you could try:
use htmlspecialchars();
or str_replace the "'" with '
That will make it look like ' . $gemnaam;
which will echo to 'genmaan
>>> Ace Suares <ace at SUARES.NL> 05/02/05 1:30 PM >>>
On Monday 02 May 2005 5:08, Paul Scott wrote:
> One word:
> addslashes();
> PHP does it for you with the function addslashes();
> '[GEMNAAM]'= addslashes('$gemnaam');
Tried that, didn't work. A \' is not recognized by mapserver.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I got the tip from some else (off-list) to us two single quotes in a
like '[GEMNAAM]'=''s-Gravenhage'
Haven't tested it yet.
I would prefer that mapserver/mapscript would honour addslashes().
> --Paul
> >>> Ace Suares <ace at SUARES.NL> 05/02/05 4:53 AM >>>
> dear list,
> I have the following situation:
> 1. a column in my shapefile (.dbf) that is called GEMNAAM
> 2. 482 gemeentes (counties), 3 of them starting with an ' (an
> or
> single quote).
> 3. a filter that looks like '[GEMNAAM]'='$gemnaam'
> where $gemnaam iterates over (some of) the 482 gemeentes
> The problem seems to be that the single quote in the $gemnaam is not
> being
> escaped, and I have no idea how to escape it.
> Is there an escape mechanism for single quotes ?
> I tried double quotes i.e. '[GEMNAAM]'="$gemnaam" but apparently to no
> avail.
> Much obliged for any hint. (However, that won't bring back the past 4
> hours of my life).
> _ace
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