Architecture of my site: Chameleon, MapLab, MapScript, etc. What should I

Rodrigo Tomasi rtcastro2 at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 2 09:46:39 PDT 2005

Thanks Jeff,

I want a more scalable solution. So I´l try MapEdit/MapBrowse to create my
maps and Chameleon to design my site. I hope it will work !!

If things become complicated I´l try GMapFactory with phpmapscript

If anyone has any other solution I´d like to hear.



On Mon, 2 May 2005 09:48:21 -0400, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA>

>That is one way to look at it. I don't think we ever thought of
>replacing GMapFactory - GMapFactory is still useful for people who don't
>care to customize their application (it does offer options for layout,
>however to add more options you would have to dive deep into
>phpmapscript code).  Chameleon offers many more 'widgets' (mapping
>functionality), allows for custom widget additions (as Bart mentioned),
>and is constantly growing through development.
>Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
>> I think Chameleon replaces GMapFactory, but maybe DMSG has a different
vision to this.
>> Chameleon offers a lot of flexibility in my opinion, you can build your
own widgets inside the Chameleon system. My advice would be to start
looking at Chameleon.
>> Best regards,
>> Bart
>> Bart van den Eijnden
>> Syncera-ITSolutions
>> Postbus 270
>> 2600 AG  DELFT
>> 015-7512436
>> email: BEN at
>>>>>Rodrigo Tomasi <rtcastro2 at GMAIL.COM> 05/02/05 02:15pm >>>
>> Thanks Bart,
>> And about MapLab s GMapFactory ? Isn t similiar to Chameleon ?
>> That s my doubt:
>> 1) Build my own mapscript application  OR
>> 2) Use Chameleon ou GMapFactory
>> Maybe the first option will be slower at start, by will give me more
>> flexibility and scalability in the feature. I m afraid of use a 3rd
>> solution (ex: Chameleon), have a fast start but after 1 month discover
>> that I have some limitations that I will not have building my own
>> mapscript application.
>> What is your sugestion ?
>> Thanks again,
>>     Rodrigo
>> ------------
>> On Mon, 2 May 2005 13:29:08 +0200, Bart van den Eijnden <BEN at SYNCERA-
>>>Maplab is a tool mainly aimed at creating and managing Mapserver MAP
>> files.
>>>Mapscript is a SWIG-based ( or PHP interface to the
>> Mapserver C core.
>>>Chameleon is based on PHP/Mapscript (PHP/Mapscript is the engine of
>> Chameleon) and is a toolkit to build webmapping applications fast using
>> templates. ALl the functionality you need is part of Chameleon.
>>>You can create your own Mapscript application, but it's a lot faster to
>> build an application using Chameleon in my opinion.
>>>Best regards,
>>>Bart van den Eijnden
>>>Postbus 270
>>>2600 AG  DELFT
>>> 015-7512436
>>>email: BEN at
>>>>>>Rodrigo Tomasi <rtcastro2 at GMAIL.COM> 05/02/05 01:14pm >>>
>>>I m searching for the best architecture for my MapServer site.
>>>I m with difficult to understand what is the difference between these
>>>tools: Chameleon, MapLab, MapScript. Can anyone point me in the right
>>>direction or send some documentation ?
>>>My page will run on Windows. I want to build a page with PHP that will
>>>display a mapfile with about 150 layers on Oracle Spatial or
>>>Shapefile, with the following commands:
>>>- Zoom in
>>>- Zoom Out
>>>- Full Extent
>>>- Pan
>>>- Identify
>>>- Measure Distance
>>>- Layer s list loaded from mapfile and divided into groups (vector and
>> raster)
>>>- Show/Hide layer
>>>Users will enter in the site by entering the main page (overview) or
>>>by making a query on a Table and the clicking on "View Map" button
>>>(direct view).
>>>The page will be part of an Environmental Information System.
>>>Any ideas ? What s the best option to me ?
>>>I have experience in ArcIMS (C# Development), so I think when I
>>>understand the architecture things will clear more rapidly.
>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>   Rodrigo
>Jeff McKenna
>DM Solutions Group Inc.

Thanks Jeff

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