Changing the imagepath in PHP?

Bob Bruce covariance at SHAW.CA
Sun May 8 08:41:59 PDT 2005

Is is possible to have the map images redirected by changing the imagepath
and imageurl ? And is it possible to do this in Windows?

In my web page I have the following lines:

        $map->web->imagepath = "C:/Apache/htdocs/Mpages/MuralMaps/";
        $map->web->imageurl = "/Mpages/MuralMaps/";

In my .map file I have the following lines:

    IMAGEPATH "c:/Apache/htdocs/temp/"
    IMAGEURL "/temp/"
    MAXSCALE 228000
    MINSCALE 200

after running the php code the image stays in the location named in the .map
file and doesn't get redirected to the location set in the php code.

I am running PHP 4.3.11 and PHP MapScript version 4.5 on Windows 2000 PRO.

Am I doing something wrong?

        Bob Bruce, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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