WFS server and HTTP request error

Vincent Da-Col vincedacol at FREE.FR
Thu May 12 08:05:30 PDT 2005


I have a little probleme with my WFS server. He give me an HTTP request error.

msHTTPExecuteRequests(): HTTP request error. Can't open output file

So it seem that mapserver couldn't find my *.temp.gml file.

I have scan my computer and this file doesn't appear. An other strange think is
the "road" to this temp file.

In my mapfile I have define the temp directorie like this:

    log "./tmp/Europe_Client_WFS.log"
    IMAGEPATH "./tmp/"
    TEMPLATE  'Donnees_test_WMS_WFS_template2.html'
    IMAGEURL "http://localhost/WFS/Europe_Client_WFS/tmp/"

So I don't undestand why there is a "\" in the road to my temp gml file.

Maybe someone have encounter the same problem???

Thank for the help,

Vincent Da-Col

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