double quotes in expression

Torsten Foy torsten.foy at UNI-ROSTOCK.DE
Thu May 12 12:57:10 EDT 2005

Dear mailinglist,

I'd like to qurey some data with an expression in the classobject of the map-file. The qurey is a string that contains double quotes. I can't modify this string because it is the definition of a marker symbol out of MapInfo stored in Oracle. I got no other attribute for the query. How can I tell the Mapserver to extract the features to be draw with this marker?
The strings to search for looks like this:

Symbol (12, 1, "ESRI IGL Font20", 1)

The Expression for a string-query starts and ends with double quotes, so that the whole expression would look like this:

EXPRESSION "Symbol (12, 1, "ESRI IGL Font20", 1)"

The start and the end quotes are writen to the map-file by the setexpression function of PHP-MapScript. So ich can't change them.
If anyone knows a solution for this problem I would be very happy to participate.

Thanks a lot

Dipl.-Geogr. Torsten Foy
Universität Rostock
Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Management ländlicher Räume
Professur für Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock 

Tel.: 0381 - 498 2025
Fax.: 0381 - 498 2188
e-mail: torsten.foy at
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