message from Listserv rated as SPAM by Spamassasin

Marty Moloney martymoloney at SATDS.NET
Sat May 14 07:14:24 EDT 2005

Hi There,

just though I'd post this - it may be helpful if someone can modify the
email settins for this listserv based on the informaton herein.

I was expecting to receive my usual message from the MapServer listserv but
didn't because Spamassasin (a very common SPAM utility) detected the
message as SPAM.

Spamassasin uses rules/points, which it scores based on based on the
message content to decide what is/is not SPAM.  My host has set Spamassasin
so that if a message gets more than 5 "points" then it is not sent through
to me.  Maybe other people are also missing out on their MapServer messages
becuase of this.

I have copied the analysis from Spamassis below.  Perhaps the simplest
thing to do would be to

1. make the emails text/html and not html only.
2. use some lower-case characters in the "from" address.

here are the scores...

 1.0 FROM_NO_LOWER          From address has no lower-case characters
 2.2 BIZ_TLD                URI: Contains an URL in the BIZ top-level domain
 0.5 HTML_60_70             BODY: Message is 60% to 70% HTML
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
 1.0 HTML_TAG_EXIST_TBODY   BODY: HTML has "tbody" tag
 1.2 MIME_HTML_ONLY         BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts
 0.0 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG  HTML-only message, but there is no HTML

Yours truly,


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