Label Coloring

David Robnett David.Robnett at NOAA.GOV
Mon May 16 12:43:45 EDT 2005

Hi list,

I am trying to map data from a csv file using php mapscript.  I would
like be able to color the label text based on values within the csv
file.  I have previously used expressions in the class object and a
classitem to do this with spatial data and was hoping there is a similar
method for the csv file.  I get the data plotted by creating line
objects and adding them as a feature to the layer but coloring them
according to different values has me stumped.  My only thought so far
has been to create different layers with each one having a single class
and label object with the color set to my specs.  This seems like it is
very inefficient and non-extensible way to do this.  Any hints or
pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.


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