ka-Map: new open source project

Paul Spencer pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue May 17 17:12:59 PDT 2005

Nice idea.  I tried the sample and it didn't work for me in firefox
1.0.4 ... a bit disappointing!

If you would like to see this in ka-Map anyway you need to:

1. file an enhancement bug in www.maptools.org/bugzilla using the ka-Map
product and core component.

2. probably try to implement it yourself once the source is available
and then supply a diff/patch/instructions on how to do it ... its likely
not difficult to implement so I would encourage this to be a contribution :)



Bill Binko wrote:
> So, I already have a suggestion :)
> Could you hookup the zoomin/zoomout to the mouse wheel?
> See this site for a cross-platform approach (that works on very modern
> Firefox, and all IE 6+)
> http://www.gtalbot.org/Bugzilla/Bug111647.html
> Bill
> On Tue, 17 May 2005, Paul Spencer wrote:
>>ka-Map: new open source project
>>DM Solutions Group is pleased to annouce the release of a new MapTools
>>open source project aimed at the growing interest in highly interactive,
>>javascript mapping applications based on MapServer.  Here are some
>>details ...
>>ka-Map provides many of the features that one should expect in a
>>state-of-the-art web-mapping application.
>>Features include:
>>* tile-based continuous panning
>>* no page reloading
>>* keymap, legend and scalebar
>>* zoom in/zoom out
>>* keyboard navigation
>>* sliding effects for panning on double click (ok, that one's for fun!)
>>We have also implemented some advanced features that are more in tune
>>with the MapServer community's needs:
>>* configuration can include multiple map files with different extents,
>>image formats, and scales for each map file.  Client side interface can
>>include the ability to change between map files
>>* ability to have layer visibility controls by drawing each GROUP as a
>>separate HTML layer on the client side
>>* ability to use HTML legend template to build more advanced layer controls
>>* flexible tile caching system
>>* separation of the javascript logic from the HTML page to provide an
>>API with which to build your applications
>>ka-Map is built on AJAX principles and uses the XmlHttpRequest object to
>>communicate with the server, providing a much more responsive user
>>interface.  The server side is implemented using PHP/MapScript (what
>>else!) but could easily be replaced with anything that would spit out
>>the equivalent javascript in response to the various requests.
>>ka-Map uses cached tiles generated on demand by drawing much larger map
>>images and slicing them up.  The caching mechanism is currently quite
>>simplistic and could not handle large data projects, but it is
>>definitely sufficient for getting started.  There are issues with this
>>kind of tile generation, but it is almost essential for performance
>>given the current state of the art.
>>ka-Map is aiming to be an API for developing mapping applications.  As
>>such, we are hoping it will be picked up by, and integrated into, some
>>of the other open source projects such as MapBender, ZMapServer,
>>GeoServer, and (of course) Chameleon.
>>The home of ka-Map is:
>>Downloads and CVS are not quite ready, but you can try out the interface
>>by visiting our first public site based on this technology (basic
>>features only in this one):
>>Subscribe to the user list to find out when downloads and CVS access are
>>available, and also to participate in the ongoing development and
>>testing of this new technology.
>>We are hoping this project will engage the MapServer community's
>>interest and gain momentum from user contributions.  Please join up and
>>start contributing if you are interested in this technology!
>>|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
>>|Applications & Software Development                              |
>>|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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