Easy $100.00 for the working example

Dave Tee wildrov at BELLSOUTH.NET
Fri May 20 06:55:16 EDT 2005

  Thank You for the help.  I am certianly willing to learn....no problem
there.  That is the biggest reason I took on this project.  I will admit
my frustration with it gets the best of me at times.

I guess I should have said....I have 2 rasters....1 with Geo information,
a Geotif (Actually a HDF file saved as Geotif) and a regular image.

The info from Listgeo for the Geotif is....
   Version: 1
   Key_Revision: 1.0
      ModelTransformationTag (4,4):
         3728.78049       0                0                -
         -0               -3728.78049      0
         0                0                0
         0                0                0
      GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): ModelTypeProjected
      GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea
      GTCitationGeoKey (Ascii,80): "US Geological Survey (USGS) General
Cartographic Transformations Package (GCTP)"
      GeographicTypeGeoKey (Short,1): GCS_WGS_84
      ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey (Short,1): User-Defined
      PCSCitationGeoKey (Ascii,9): "Mercator"
      ProjectionGeoKey (Short,1): User-Defined
      ProjCoordTransGeoKey (Short,1): CT_Mercator
      ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Linear_Meter
      ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey (Double,1): 0
      ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey (Double,1): 0
      ProjFalseEastingGeoKey (Double,1): 0
      ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey (Double,1): 0

Projection Method: CT_Mercator
   ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey: 0.000000 (  0d 0' 0.00"N)
   ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey: 0.000000 (  0d 0' 0.00"E)
   ProjScaleAtNatOriginGeoKey: 1.000000
   ProjFalseEastingGeoKey: 0.000000 m
   ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey: 0.000000 m
GCS: 4326/WGS 84
Datum: 6326/World Geodetic System 1984
Ellipsoid: 7030/WGS 84 (6378137.00,6356752.31)
Prime Meridian: 8901/Greenwich (0.000000/  0d 0' 0.00"E)
Projection Linear Units: 9001/metre (1.000000m)

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left    (-9882698.574, 4401333.476)
Lower Left    (-9882698.574, 2566773.476)
Upper Right   (-8003393.208, 4401333.476)
Lower Right   (-8003393.208, 2566773.476)
Center        (-8943045.891, 3484053.476)

The second raster is a Bathy chart I pieced together some time ago for use
with GPSU.

The Bathy image is at the corners of the map....

TL 35 00.0000 079 00.0000
BL 33 00.0000 079 00.0000

TR 35 00.0000 076 00.0000
BR 33 00.0000 076 00.0000

  I have not had a chance to look at all of this yet....but I will today
and I am sure to have questions.

Thank You all for your help!
In exchange for helping me work through this....All of you....I will
happily donate the $100.00 where ever ya'll see fit.  All I really want is
useful information to give to the members of my website.  (BTW...It is a
FREE site.  There is no money involved....I do not sell anything.)


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