Performance ArcIMS vs MapServer

Moisan Yves ymoisan at GROUPESM.COM
Fri May 20 05:18:27 PDT 2005

Hi Johan,

I may add that your set up definitely should have favored ArcIMS since the C#/.NET windows platform definitely is not the most user supported platform for MapServer.  

To be on the devils'a advocate side a bit, I wonder if IronPython instead of C# would have made a difference.  I know ArcGIS comes with a Python interpreter (an old 2.1 though) so I wonder how other ESRI products play with Python and how that could be leveraged in IronPython (or CPython, but then you're outside the .NET domain).

Thanx for sharing this experiment with us.

Yves Moisan

-----Message d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Johan Hallgren
Envoyé : 20 mai 2005 02:42
Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Performance ArcIMS vs MapServer


We have created a testapplication that can be used on ArcIMS and now

Both MapServer and ArcIMS are on the same server (Windows 2000 server)
with the same data (200 MB vectordata in shapefiles).

MapServer is wrapped in a c#/dotnet webservice. The API to the webservice
is ArcXML so both solutions have the same interface.

The testapplication used sex simultaneous clients requested 500 maps each
in total 3000 maps.



Total time: 7.47 min (467 sec 0.1566 sec/map (image), 385 maps/min)

Max delay for a map: 2.93 sec

Min delay for a map: 0.14 sec

Average for a map (with six simultaneous clients): 0.96 sec


Total time: 12.08 min (728 sec 0.2426 sec/map (image), 247 maps/min)

Max delay for a map: 3.94sec

Min delay for a map: 0.12 sec

Average for a map (with six simultaneous clients): 1,49 sec

My calculations gives that MapServer is about 30% faster when zooming than



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