Chameleon installation?

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Sat May 21 11:47:06 PDT 2005


first of all, this kind of question can be better addressed at the
Chameleon user list.

If you use MS4W installing Chameleon is a piece of cake actually. Running
your own Apache server you have to be a bit more advanced (but it is still
very much doable), and running under IIS even a bit more advanced.

Please note that Chameleon is not a map editing product, it is more a
publishing product to publish data in flexible web mapping applications
based on templates. Maplab does serve the map editing purpose.

For Map editing you could also use QGIS and export as MAP file, but I
don't know if your solution needs to be web-based. Also, QGIS can't open a
MAP file.

Best regards,

On Sat, 21 May 2005 20:41:18 +0200, Gregor Mosheh
<stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> I've been trying to install Chameleon for a few days,
> and have been having trouble with it. Specifically,
> the install documentation appears to be incomplete and
> inaccurate. Does anyone have a complete procedure for
> installing Chameleon?
> I considered trying MapLab instead, but the site says
> that it has a known problem with PHP > 4.3.9
> Any suggestions? Any comparable open-source
> map-editing products to suggest?
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