RAM vs Performance, how much is more than enough?
Shawn Barnes
Mon May 30 11:54:51 PDT 2005
I'm running Gentoo Linux box (dual p3 1.4, 2GB ram, scsci) with apache2, php 4.3.10, mapserver 4.4.1, PostGIS 0.9.1 with no problems to complain about. With the traffic to date our site hasn't been stressed at all and the first month it was up it had served over 10000 maps.
I've noticed PostGIS likes ram and mapserver likes fast disk access.
On 09:57 Mon 30 May , Gregor Mosheh wrote:
> > The speed differential between RAM and disk
> > hits is so very high, that more RAM in combination
> > with caching (which every modern OS and
> > database does aggressively) will make things run
> > faster.
> Wow, even just a plain ol' webserver running a CGI?
> Good to know - thanks a lot, Paul.
> On a related note: Apache 2 offers file caching. I've
> tried running Apache 2 with the usual CGI-PHP setup
> and MapScript, and the webserver would randomly freeze
> every few days, even under light traffic. Is anyone
> using Apache 2 and MapScript under Unix with good
> results? I may have been using the wrong MPM (prefork,
> which sounded safe).
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Shawn Barnes
Centre for Sustainable Watersheds
11 St. Mary's Street
Portland ON
K0G 1V0
barnes at watersheds.ca
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Shawn Barnes
Centre for Sustainable Watersheds
11 St. Mary's Street
Portland ON
K0G 1V0
barnes at watersheds.ca
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