Performance problem with drawing several layers using Postgis

Frans Knibbe frans at GEODAN.NL
Fri Nov 4 02:53:37 PST 2005


A colleague suspects that the PROCESSING  "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" 
option is only used if OGR is used to access the PostGIS data and is 
ignored if you use the native PostGIS driver. Maybe someone can confirm 



Andre Karp wrote:

>Hello Frans,
>thank you for your reply. I also tried the postgis-connection with the
>PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" option, unfortunatly with no significant
>I have not indexed my classification coloums yet, since finishing a map
>request via postgis-connection took already 5 seconds without any
>filtering/classifying which is far to slow for my purpose. So the problem
>cannot be the filtering/classifying, but must have something to do with my
>postgis-connection, I think.
>Regards, Andre
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Frans Knibbe" <frans at>
>To: "Andre Karp" <karp at MSP-DORTMUND.DE>
>Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 12:33 PM
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Performance problem with drawing several
>layers using Postgis
>>Hello Andre,
>>At least you could leave PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" in the
>>mapfile. Have a look at the thread about PostGIS performance where this
>>is suggested:
>>And do you have an index on the columns you use in the classification?
>>I'm still not sure if this index will be used.. It would be interesting
>>to see if this makes a difference.
>>Andre Karp wrote:
>>>my problem sounds a bit obscure to me, but I couldn't figure it out on my
>>>own neither searching the archive, so maybe someone of you can give me an
>>>I want to use the Mapserver (cgi) to draw a map in which the polygons are
>>>colored according to a datebase attribute (I think I have to store this
>>>attribute in MySQL or Postgre since it's changed quite often through the
>>>internet, several times a day). The user should be enabled to select one,
>>>several or all layers out of a set of 15 Layers. Every layer contains the
>>>same geometry: about 400 Polygons, not too complex; the corresponding
>>>shp-file is about 1000 kB, and drawing the shapefile with mapserver
>>>overlaying it 15 times takes less than a second.
>>>First I tried accessing the attribute data which is stored in a
>>>MySQL-Database via the OGR/ODBC driver, and performance was very weak
>>>10 sec.)(the join fields where indexed). Then I tried by moving my data
>>>completly into a Postgis-based system (I also built a spatial index):
>>>performace got better, but it still takes roughly 5 sec to get a map,
>>>drawing 15 Postgis-stored layers without any filtering or table joins and
>>>on. The application runs on a P3-800 Mhz with 512 MB RAM and Windows
>>>2000/Apache System (well, not really fast, but should be sufficient since
>>>has to handle only one request a time?).
>>>I would greatly appreciate if someone could give me an idea what could be
>>>wrong with my application - thanks a lot in advance!
>>>Here the relevant parts of my Mapfile (using OGR/ODBC):
>>> NAME "Layer1"
>>> CONNECTION "test.shp"
>>> DATA "SELECT * FROM test LEFT JOIN 'ODBC:user at testdb'.tbl_reg_cat ON
>>>test.ET_ID = tbl_reg_cat.et_id"
>>> ...
>>>and this using PostGIS:
>>> NAME "Layer1"
>>> CONNECTION "user=test1 password=pw1 dbname=test_pg host=localhost"
>>> DATA "the_geom from test"
>>>   CLASS
>>>   ...
>>>Andre Karp

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