Join between Postgis table and Postgresql table

Frans Knibbe frans at GEODAN.NL
Wed Nov 9 01:53:37 PST 2005

Hello Carlo,

If your data do not change much you could join the two tables in 
postgreSQL to make a new table which can be used by MapServer. This you 
will probably have better performance as well.



Carlo Calvino wrote:

>Hello all of you,
>I built a spatial database with PostgreSql/PostGis, and imported a
>shapefile (cities.shp) inside it. So I have a postgresql database with 2
>tables, one for the geographic data and the other for alphanumeric data.
>I was able to publish the vector data by MapServer, and I was also able to
>query it correctly. But...what about querying the vector layer using
>information from the second table? I need joining the two tables. As far
>as I know, it is only possible a join between Postgis and a dbf file, not
>a DBMS. So there are any suggestions?

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