mode etc documentation

Fawcett, David David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US
Wed Nov 9 05:25:45 PST 2005

I assumed that you were referring to the 'Itasca Demo' that I referenced
in my message, a simple html demo without javascript.  You are working
with a demo interface that uses javascript to craft URL calls for things
like scalebar, reference, etc.  It is not part of the MapServer CGI,
just an example of how one person built an interface using one of the
many different ways to build a MapServer interface.  

The box in the reference map is drawn by the MapServer CGI, it is not
done in the interface with javascript.  

Does your 'box of interest' show up when you zoom in?  If the extent of
your reference map is not set wide enough, the box may fall outside of
your reference image and not appear.  If this is the case, it should
show up as you zoom in though.  If the box doesn't appear after you
project the data, are the reference map units (and projection) the same
as the output projection and units for your map file?  (in the
projection block at the top of your map file)

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Davies [mailto:sdc at] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:20 PM
To: Fawcett, David; MAPSERVER-USERS at
Cc: Stephen Woodbridge
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mode etc documentation

Thanks for the feedback but the references you give don't really answer 
my questions.

The CGI reference lists the modes (I had seen this list but didn't 
realise that it was THE list) but says nothing to explain how/why the 
tutorial code works:

    document.scalebar_kilometers.src = MapServer + "?map=" + ms.mapfile 
+ "&map_scalebar_units=kilometers&mode=scalebar&mapext=0+0+" +
(ms.extent[2] - ms.extent[0]) + "+" + (ms.extent[3] - ms.extent[1]) + 
"&mapsize=" + ms.width + "+" + ms.height;

Clearly scalebar mode uses the "size" of the map and the size of the 
image to do it's job but the doco doesn't say anything about the extent 

I see nothing in the Mapfile reference to do with code. My current 
application works fine except that the "box of interest" does not 
display on my reference map when I project the data. I had to make a 
number of changes to get the demo javascript code to work with southern 
hemisphere data and want to check to see if there is a similar problem 
with this. 
Is the box drawn by mapserv reference mode or by javascript?
I would expect it to be in the javascript but cannot see it.

I understand what you say about the two extents and have just found the 
javascript code that uses them.

I have read/run pretty much all of the doco/demos at umn etc and have 
made good progress in getting my application up and running. There are 
just a few bits and pieces that I still need.

Cheers and thanks,

On Wed, 9 Nov 2005 01:53 pm, Fawcett, David wrote:
> Comments in-line
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Stephen Davies
> Sent: Tue 11/8/2005 8:55 PM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mode etc documentation
> G'day again.
> A couple more questions please.
> Where are the various mapserv modes documented?
> I see references to map, query, scalebar, legend modes but cannot find

> details of exactly what each one does and which mapfile entries are
used and
> whether there are any more modes available.
>    DF:  Take a look at:  scroll down to 
> Where is the code that draws the "box of interest" on the reference
>    DF:   
> What is the relationship between map extent and reference extent? Are
> simply used to scale between the two images?   
>    DF:  The reference extent defines the spatial extent for the
reference map.  It doesn't have to be the same as the original map 
extent, but it makes sense that it is similar.  The EXTENT defined in 
your map file only sets the initial map extent, the extent then changes 
as you zoom in, out, and pan.  
> Like Steven said, one of the easy ways to learn MapServer is to get a
demo ( working and then 
modify it to fit your data.  There is also a tutorial at
> If you haven't already looked at it, check out the MapServer New Users
> Good Luck,
> David.
> Thanks in anticipation,
> Stephen Davies

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