PHP MapScript hangs or performance degradation

Mathieu Bertrand mjbertrand at GMAIL.COM
Mon Nov 14 05:53:13 PST 2005


I'd very like to learn the result you will obtain from microsoft.

Few weeks ago, We had a problem similar to you...
Mapserver c#, and data stored in .tab (mapinfo).  Everything
was nice until a second user connects to our test website, then it was
always crashing when both user did any operation at the same time.
When the service was not responding anymore, the processor was utilize
at 100 percent until we killed the process "".

It was a concurrency problem, I located the problem exactly in the
function "msDrawVectorLayer" in mapdraw.c

Keep me informed...
Thank you,
-Mathieu Bertrand

On 11/13/05, Mark Alexander <mark at> wrote:
> I am seeing very similar symptoms.  I am running C# mapscript, and I've
> wrapped it in a .Net web service.  The web service will periodically peg
> the processor at 100%.  Appears to be in an endless loop.  We opened a
> priority support ticket with Microsoft.  They read a dump and determined
> the issue is inside the mapscript dll.  We just prepared a debug build, did
> a dump, and Microsoft is going to analyze the problem.
> Curiously, we are using shapefiles too.  We tried to verify them, and one
> had an error opening in ArcInfo.  We replaced it with an uncorrupted copy,
> and the problem now occurs far less frequently.  Based on that, it is my
> belief that our problem has to do with map server or mapscript having some
> problem with handling certain shapefiles, and that it goes into an endless
> loop.  For us, the problem would also 'correct itself' but that is simply
> because the process running the code would recycle.
> SO--we are probably going to move away from shaepfiles to ArcSDE.  I am not
> sure this will fix the problem--but it might help.  We are also going to
> find out what Microsoft says.  I think they'll be able to pinpoint the code
> that is looping.
> Feel free to email me if you want to learn the result in a few days.

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