mapscript crashes on getFeature

Lowell.Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Tue Nov 15 10:09:15 PST 2005

Donovan writes: 

> I've been working with mapscript and tomcat for several weeks, generally
> mapserver is working great but when i try to query a layer (tried a polygon
> shp file, polygon tab file and a point tab file) the jvm crashes as soon as
> getFeature is called.  QueryByPoint and getResults appear to work - i can
> iterate over the resultset and print shape indexes but getFeature always
> crashes with this message: 
>> *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x093f6e30 ***
>> 15/11/2005 10:48:04 11023 jsvc.exec error: Service did not exit cleanly
> Any ideas?  I'm really stuck... 
> Following is a snip of the code and some more detail: 
> layer.queryByPoint(map,point,mapscriptConstants.MS_MULTIPLE,-1);
> resultCacheObj results = layer.getResults();
>     for (int i=0;i<results.getNumresults();i++) {
>         resultCacheMemberObj result = results.getResult(i);
>         shapeObj feature =
> layer.getFeature(result.getShapeindex(),result.getTileindex());
>     }
> f.realLayer.close(); 
> I'm using mapserver 4.8.0 but also tried 4.6.0 - same results
> I compiled mapserver myself with these flags
> --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-postgis --with-proj --with-threads --with-png
> --with-geos --with-gd --enable-debug 
> gdal-1.2.6,  proj-4.4.9 and geos-2.1.1 were installed using RPMs from
> JDK 1.5.0_05
> Tomcat 5.0
> Fedora core 3 
> I tried loading the jvm in GDB but it don't have the skill to track down the
> source of the memory corruption.
> Searched the list, google and the documentation with no success...


This isn't going to help a whole lot but I know this came up before but I 
think the result is in the new archives and the search doesn't work.
Someone should remember posting that error before - if you don't receive 
anything try submitting with the error as the subject line and that may 
catch the needed eye. 


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