dynamic layer filter, again

Stephen Davies sdc at SDC.COM.AU
Tue Nov 15 23:03:01 PST 2005

I just today succeeded in getting layer filter changes via URL to work by
following the ideas in the CGI Reference. ie


On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 16:52:04 -0300, Mauricio Stange H. <mstangeh at GMAIL.COM>

>Hi, me again,
>    please, does somebody know, how to do this. I already have posted
>the question.
>    Since then I tried with every time recreating a mapfile, (reading
>from a map file without the filter and inserting it in the new file),
>but I have problems with it, sometimes I select another filter and the
>map does't change unless I use a map control.
>    I tried with mapscript too: got the map, got the layer, and have set
>the filter property, but how update the modified layer into the map???
>Please, if somebody have an idea....
>    Mauricio Stange H.

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