mapscript crashes on getFeature

Donovan donovan at FUNCTIONFOUR.CA
Wed Nov 16 10:07:01 PST 2005

>You've got my attention. Donovan do you have any more specific information
regarding the GEOS crash?   --Steve


I'm using mapserver 4.8.0beta - but 4.6.0 breaks too
--geos-2.1.1 from rpm (gdal-1.2.6 and proj-4.4.9 also)
--FedoraCore3 with java1.5 (glibc-2.3.5)

I think the crash occurs any time a shapeObj is returned.

I modified the java mapscript example class DrawMap from the mapserver
source tree to demonstrate the problem - is attached.

Without GEOS, generates the png but with GEOS, it looks like this:
# cd ~/mapserver-4.8.0-beta1/mapscript/java
# javac -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -d examples/ examples/*.java
# java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. Query
../../tests/ ./map.png

> The map will be drawn to:./map.png
> *** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0xb1c11ee8 ***
> Aborted

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