DBASE file error. Item 'nombredep' not found.

Alejandro Mejia Evertsz amejia at GUA.NET
Mon Nov 21 06:59:32 PST 2005

Sorry, the links aren't ok:
Map File:
Layer's DB:


From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Alejandro Mejia Evertsz
Sent: Lunes, 21 de Noviembre de 2005 08:52 a.m.
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] DBASE file error. Item 'nombredep' not found.

Hi list!
I'm new to this mapserver stuff, and I'm having a trouble for creating a
I have a map called guate.map with only one layer (to start getting used to
The layer uses deptoswgs84.shp <>  ,
deptoswgs84.shx <>  and deptoswgs84.dbf
Database (.dbf) has a column called "nombredep" and I created a class item
under the layer with this name, but the server returns:
DBASE file error. Item 'nombredep' not found.
I don't know what else to do, cause I even changed the name of the column to
change the class item then, but have the same problem.
Is the database file corrupted or not compatible with mapserver?
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I missing any parameters in the map file?
You can see the error here:
(I'm using the Itasca demo templates cause I'm not an expert with this
mapserver thing, and I don't wanna create my own html's and have more
mistakes than now)
Thanks for your help and your time.
Alejandro Mejia
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