HELP!!!! Problem visualizing point file as pixmap symbols

Dott. Stefano Albanese alba75 at YAHOO.COM
Mon Nov 28 01:26:23 PST 2005

        Hi all,
  I'm having problem in visualizing a point shape file using a symbol.
  That's the problem:I've a point file and each point in file represents the location of a tree in the map. I used a Gif representing a tree  as symbol to substitute points in map. Everything works fine, my trees are shown at each point location. But if i zoom in map or if i move the map using pan tool and at least one tree goes out of the map frame then all the tree disappear from the map altough in the legend the trees layer is still represented. It seems like the layer can be visible only if all its features are shown inside the map frame.
  Why this? Is this a bug or I'm missing any parameter to set?

Dott. Geol. Stefano Albanese
     Via S. Giacomo 6
     83022 Baiano (AV)
Tel.: +390818243143
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