epiphany about the idea of the Foundation

Gary Lang gary.lang at AUTODESK.COM
Tue Nov 29 11:45:00 PST 2005

Hi Gary,

Gary from Autodesk here.

I am doing this as we speak. In fact I started making my first calls
about 2 weeks ago. I just got a call from one 2 minutes ago from someone
at one those companies and they are interested in discussing what it
would mean to join. 

Involving other companies is actually something I have been clear I
wanted to do from the outset. Since I'm good acquaintances with my peers
at most of those companies and had hinted at our open source intentions
before with some of them, I am hopeful they will join us in this
adventure based on initial interest. 

Now, let me ask people here something, in my mind, if someone wants to
join the foundation, they should contribute something to the foundation
or agree to either support or use MapServer in their products, though.
What do you think? And to be clear, I wouldn't care which code base they
wanted to use.

I will address your comments about foundation control in another email.
Suffice it to say that we'd be incredibly stupid to help establish a
foundation in which Autodesk or any other corporate entity has "control"
- who would want to contribute their work if we did that? We wouldn't. 


-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Gary Watry
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:30 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] epiphany about the idea of the Foundation

Being as this is a non-profit open source Foundation, I hope that we
ask the other commercial Internet map software companies to join the
Foundation in the same manner as AutoDesk.

This should include ESRI, Integraph, Microstation, MapInfo, DeLorme, etc

Anyone who has a vested interest in Internet Mapping should be asked to
contribute and participate. If they opt not to - fine - but then they
are on
record for choosing not to play

But then the contributors could insure their other products were
with MapServer(OS) and that it was compatible with their products.

The two fold benefit to this is 
1. the foundation will not be concieved as a partner to Autodesk
2. Autodesk or no other Commercial company will control the Foundation

Gary L. Watry

GIS Coordinator
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Johnson Building, RM 215
2035 East Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840
E-Mail: watry at coaps.fsu.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Lester Caine
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] current OS license

Charlton Purvis wrote:

> Hi, folks:
> Although there continues to be an open source spirit surrounding the
> amid the launch of a MS Foundation, I'd like to ask for clarification
> the license of the MS code as it stands now.
> If for whatever reason a company like Autodesk (or I guess it would
> be the Foundation) wanted to slap some kind of non-open source license
> the code, is it true that the current code we call MapServer in its
> state will always remain covered under the license below?  Basically
> trying to make sure that a shop can't somehow repossess something that
> originally OS thus preventing folks from using it like it's being used

Borland tried it with Interbase, but Firebird is now freely available 
and there is not a lot Borland can now do about it ;)
I am sure Autocad have a 'hidden agenda' but as long as there are free 
versions of what ever is needed to provide a working system then there 
will not be a problem. Anything commercial will have to be worth the 
money to make any sales :)

p.s. I am not seeing my posts to the list so if you get this Charlton 
and it's not on the list please can you forward it :(

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services
Treasurer - Firebird Foundation Inc.

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