Problems upgrading to 4.6.1 or 4.8.0-beta2 from 3.6.6 (Not about the foundation :)

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Wed Nov 30 14:01:33 PST 2005

Hello Jean-François,

You might want to rebuild you tileindexes if you are using them with the 
new version of tile4ms. tile4ms will now throw an error if you attribute 
columns are not consistent across all files in the tileindex. This will 
cause problems for mapserver.

-Steve W.

Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote:
> Hello,
> So we've bitten the bullet and started the process to upgrade from 3.6.6 to
> 4.6.1 (And possibly 4.8).
> Mostly, things came across as expected, knowing what has changed and so on.
> Problem 1: REQUIRES.
> I'm aware of the bug in 4.6.1, so I'd backported the fix into it, and things
> were working ok for little while.
> Now however, it just won't work :(
> I've tried my version of 4.6.1 AND a "stock" 4.8.0-beta2, without success.
> Here's an example:
> Layer 1:
>         LAYER
>                 NAME vegetation_250K_legend_zoom_3_4
>                 STATUS OFF
>                 GROUP base
>                 TYPE POINT
>                 MINSCALE 42001
>                 MAXSCALE 300001
>                 METADATA
>                         "nolaydesclink" "2"
>                         "lay_title"    "Vegetation"
>                         "checkable"    "2"
>                         "legend_order"    "40"
>                 END
>                 CLASS
>                         NAME "Cut Line: Firebreak"
>                         SYMBOL cutline_firebreak_alt
>                         SIZE 20
>                 END
>                 CLASS
>                         NAME "Cut Line: Other"
>                         SYMBOL cutline_other_alt
>                         SIZE 20
>                 END
>                 CLASS
>                         NAME "Wooded Area"
>                         SYMBOL wooded_alt
>                         SIZE 20
>                 END
>         END
> Layer 2:
>         LAYER
>                 NAME vegetation_polygon_250K_map_zoom_3
>                 STATUS DEFAULT
>                 GROUP base
>                 TYPE RASTER
>                 MINSCALE 80001
>                 MAXSCALE 300001
>                 REQUIRES "[vegetation_250K_legend_zoom_3_4]"
>                 METADATA
>                         "legend_order"    "-2"
>                         "wms_srs"             "EPSG:42304"
>                         "wms_name"
>                         "wms_server_version"  "1.1.0"
>                         "wms_formatlist"
> "image/gif,image/png,image/jpeg,image/wbmp"
>                         "wms_format"          "image/gif"
>                 END
>                 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS
>                 CONNECTION ""
>         END
> Unfortunately, turning on layer 1 does not make layer 2 appear, even though
> it's "DEFAULT" ... The only way this works is if we comment out the REQUIRES
> in Layer 2 ... Then it'll appear.
> I have no idea what happened to either make my custom 4.6.1, or even worst,
> the 4.8 beta, NOT work :(
> I upgraded libcurl to 7.15.0 ... Could that be a problem? I also use
> gdal/ogr 1.3.0 and gd 2.0.28 ...
> Problem 2:
> Pixmap symbols don't appear in the legend (An HTML legend).  The symbols are
> just white or transparent gif's (Of the right size, 20x20 in this case).
> Vector symbology still works fine, other symbols are gif files, these are
> the problematic ones.
> Problem 3:
> Intermittent "no index item defined" errors.  I have to try and track this
> down further ... But if anyone has already run into this?
> I saw a few discussions on the topic, but nothing that seemed relevant in my
> case.
> One problem we had where mapserver would die without an error message (well,
> an empty one) was solved by re-generating the data (shapefiles) ... Are
> these versions of mapserver more data sensitive somehow?
> Thanks in advance for any help! I'm dying here :P
> Jean-François Doyon
> Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Spécialiste de
> dèveloppements internet et soutien technique
> Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de télédétection
> Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada
> Tel./Tél.: (613) 992-4902
> Fax: (613) 947-2410

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