WMS: wrap past 180 East/West

Gregory Yetman gyetman at CIESIN.COLUMBIA.EDU
Wed Oct 5 14:49:03 EDT 2005


We've managed to get mapserver to serve a series of tiled images via 
WMS. However, when we request a portion of the data that crosses the 
date line, there is a large gap created in the output image. We've tried 
using different projections, but the gap appears regardless (in native 
projection -- mercator, and in geographic). A sample GetMap is below, 
but I've deleted the server name as it's not public yet.

The data are properly georeferenced, they line up fine with other layers 
in commercial and open source GIS packages.

Any suggestions as to why the image won't wrap properly?



Gregory Yetman
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Columbia University
URL: http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/
e-mail: gyetman (at) ciesin.columbia.edu
tel: (845) 365-8982

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