WMS GetMap-Request and class expressions
Bart van den Eijnden
bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Oct 7 10:39:18 PDT 2005
you could use SLD to create dynamic classifications. Look at the Mapserver
WMS SLD Howto.
Best regards,
On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 19:21:26 +0200, Adam Quiney <aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET>
> Hi Stefanie,
> I recently finished something similar to your problem, that may or may
> not be
> helpful. In our situation, we needed to accept a normal incoming WMS
> request,
> and within that request, provide application specific variables (similar
> to what
> you need to provide) which are then substituted by mapserver to pull out
> the
> data dynamically.
> Mapserver can accept parameters following the standard WMS
> specifications, as
> well as providing extra functionality via the mapscript cgi interface.
> Our end
> result used a backend mapserver (which published a layer of data drawn
> out of a
> postgis database), and a front end pseudoWMS server. I wrote the pseudo
> server as a simple java servlet. The PseudoWMSServer acts as the WMS
> compliant
> entry point to the mapserver, and as such *should* accept incoming
> GetMap, and
> GetCapabilities requests. Clients make a request to this WMS server in a
> format
> something like this:
> request:
> http://www.refractions.net/PseudoWMSServer/PseudoWMSServer?request=GetMap&layers=layerName,variable1,variable2&etc.
> The PseudoWMSServer accepts this incoming request, parses it, and
> creates a new
> request to the mapserver instance. This new request uses the mapscript
> interface to pass in the same request, along with the variables. In our
> case,
> the new request made to the mapserver instance looked like:
> mapserverURLStr =
> http://www.refractions.net/cgi-bin/mapserv&map=/pathToMapFile&MODE=MAP&MINX=1&MINY=1&MAXX=2&MAXY=2&MAPSIZE=640+480&LAYERS=layerName&variable1=variable1Value
> In the mapserver instance's mapfile, we have a layer defined this way:
> NAME "layerName"
> CONNECTION "host=hostname dbname=dbname user=username"
> DATA "the_geom from (SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE blah=%variable1%)"
> etc..
> The PseudoWMSServer then opens up a stream to the mapserver, reads in
> the bytes,
> and spits them back out through the waiting http connection. Using this
> technique, you can maintain the use of WMS specifications, as well as
> making use
> of mapserver's extra functionality.
> Hopefully that helps. I have some kind lying around here, let me know if
> you
> need any of it.
> --Adam
> Stefanie Weykam wrote:
> Hi list members,
> A while ago I developed a very simple mapserver application which I would
> now like to make available as WMS. I wonder if it is possible to modify
> the
> class expressions via the WMS GetMap-request ?? Or can this only be done
> by
> WFS?
> You can see the application here at:
> It contains maps of 3 thematic groups (species distribution maps, maps on
> biodiversity indices and environmental factors) and a query that allows
> to
> generate a list of species, biodiversity indices and environmental
> factors
> for each graticule.
> The species distribution maps are what I would like to make available as
> web
> map service but I can't figure out how to pass the parameter on that
> indicates the species code.
> The problem is the layer 'Dlyr', my species distribution layer.
> As for the application, the user selects a species name from a list and
> this
> variable is then used to render the map by modifying the predefined
> classes
> in the map file.
> $clObj0=$Dlyr->getClass(0);
> $clObj0->setExpression('(['.$sp.']=0)');
> $clObj1=$Dlyr->getClass(1);
> $clObj1->setExpression('(['.$sp.']>0 AND ['.$sp.']<=20)');
> $clObj2=$Dlyr->getClass(2);
> $clObj2->setExpression('(['.$sp.']>20 AND ['.$sp.']<=40)');
> $clObj3=$Dlyr->getClass(3);
> $clObj3->setExpression('(['.$sp.']>40 AND ['.$sp.']<=60)');
> $clObj4=$Dlyr->getClass(4);
> $clObj4->setExpression('(['.$sp.']>60 AND ['.$sp.']<=80)');
> $clObj5=$Dlyr->getClass(5);
> $clObj5->setExpression('(['.$sp.']>80)');
> The class ranges never change, no matter what species is selected.
> The species code $sp identifies a column in a PostgreSQL table, i.e.
> [DEMI].
> Each species has its table column.
> I have already prepared a first version that you may try typing this in
> your
> browser:
> ties
> You may retrieve a map composition, for example...
> st=GetMap&layers=fondo,Dlyr,cuad50,cuad_anno&format=png&transparent
> First, the client has to have as well a species list that allows to
> select
> and pass on the species code (I will later make this list available).
> How is
> the species identifier added to the request string ?
> I guess, this calls for providing the layer as WFS instead (?). The
> client
> then creates his own classes and I don't have to modify my code at all?
> Is it possible to avoid that the whole data set is retrieved by a
> GetFeature-request? I tried by specifying 'wfs_maxfeatures', but it had
> no
> effect on the GetFeature response.
> I am using MapServer 4.4 and this layer is a PostGIS table.
> Thanks for your comments,
> Stefanie Weykam
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