MapServer and Oracle Spatial

Fernando Simon fsimon at UNIVALI.BR
Thu Oct 13 04:48:34 PDT 2005

Hi Jukka,
    This error occur when the Mapserver can't access the ORACLE_HOME 
    When the Oracle Spatial connection return an empty error: "Error: 
.". It's relate with access to Oracle files.
     In your case I believe that if you set the same enviroments in 
console this error disappear.
    Can you set the Oracle enviroments in console (as System variables 
in Windows) instead of httpd env?
    Here, for Windows, I use the Hobu Mapserver binaries 
( with Oracle Spatial support.
    Thanks again.

Fernando Simon
Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR

Jukka Sirviö wrote:

>Hello Fernando!
>Sorry for not including the information from original threads to my 
>message, Below is the headers of earlier discussions, I face exatly same 
>kind of problems even after the proposed solutions.Wiki for MapServer + 
>Ora Spatial does not give any additional information 
>Mapserver error is :
>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'xxxx'. 
>msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. Cannot create OCI 
>Handlers. Connection failure. Check the connection string. Error: . 
>My httpd.conf contains following:
>SetEnv MS_ERRORFILE "D:\Apache2\logs\stderr_mapserver.log"
>SetEnv ORACLE_BASE "C:\Oracle\"
>SetEnv ORACLE_HOME "C:\Oracle\10.1.0Client_1\"
>SetEnv TNS_ADMIN "C:\Oracle\10.1.0Client_1\network\admin\"
>And my mapfile have following entry:
>CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
>And my tnsnames.ora have following entry (works with sqlplus and tnsping):
>      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = jukka)(PORT = 1521))
>    )
>      (SERVICE_NAME = udigtest)
>    )
>  )
>I tried several mapserver binaries which include oracle support. Next I 
>will try different mapserver binaries against 10g database (currently 
>testing against -release)
>:::::: THREAD1 ::::::
>Date:         Thu, 11 Aug 2005 08:49:31 +0200
>Reply-To:     François Prunayre <fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR>
>Sender:       UMN MapServer Users List <MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU>
>From:         François Prunayre <fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR>
>Organization: Office International de l'Eau
>Subject:      Re: Oracle / OCI error
>In-Reply-To:  <42F7581A.4050505 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>:::::: THREAD2 ::::::
>Date:         Wed, 26 Jan 2005 08:41:48 +0000
>Reply-To:     "Fernando S." <fsimon at UNIVALI.BR>
>Sender:       UMN MapServer Users List <MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU>
>From:         "Fernando S." <fsimon at UNIVALI.BR>
>Subject:      Re: MapServer and Oracle Spatial
>In-Reply-To:  <41F6DEDC.4070009 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Fernando Simon <fsimon at>
>12/10/2005 14:57
>        To:     Jukka Sirviö <jukka.sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM>, 
>        cc: 
>        Subject:        Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer and Oracle 
>Hi Jukka,
>    I didn't understand the situation that you described, can you sent 
>the error message that Mapserver returned?
>    Thanks again.
>Fernando Simon
>Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
>G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil
>Jukka Sirviö wrote:
>>I have exatly same situation, but I'm receiving the same errormessage 
>>after setting the apache enviroment variables. MapServer is running on 
>>XP sp1 with Apache 2.0.54 (tested also on win NT 4.0 with apache 1.3.33)
>>There is read / write access to oracle_home for anyone -user.

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