time series problem 3 (Bug!?)

Luis W. Sevilla cresques at GMAIL.COM
Thu Oct 13 20:40:41 EDT 2005

Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:

> From the specs (wms 1.1 annex c c.3), the extent could be defined in 4 
> ways :
>    1) value : A single value.  This is not directly supported in 
> Mapserver but there is an easy workwound by specifying the same value 
> as min and max
>    2) value1,value2,value3,... a A list of multiple values. This is 
> not supported in Mapserver.
>    3) min/max/resolution An interval defined by its lower and upper
>       bounds and its resolution.  This is supported in Mapserver (Note 
> that the resolution is not supported)

It sounds quite strange: how do you specify the ammount of time-slices, 
without giving the resolution?

>    4) min1/max1/res1,min2/max2/res2,... a A list of multiple 
> intervals. Not supported
>  I am willing to add the support for number 4) if you are willing to 
> do additional testing.

We may do some testing too. we're on the way of developping a new WMS 
cliente with time parameter support, and also interested in publising 
multitemporal data on the same way.

>  I am not sure if 2) is is a must have at this point.
>  Le me know what you think and then we can proceed with the impentation.
> Later,
> Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>> Thanks for that! Is it a complex thing to add such support? I had 
>> the  impression from the code that it was virtually there already, 
>> just  that it first checked for a range and does not proceed to check 
>> for  ranges?
>> The problem is that a range doesn't work for this series. Data comes  
>> in at three 10 daily periods a month, which is not exactly true as a  
>> month does not always have 30 days. Still the images are always 
>> dated  with a 01, 11 and 21 for the day (or 1,2 or 3 for a dekad).
>> Ciao,
>> Jeroen
>> _______________________
>> Jeroen Ticheler
>> Tel: +39 06 57056041
>> http://www.fao.org/geonetwork
>> 42.07436°N 12.34327°E
>> On 13 Oct 2005, at 20:03, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
>>> Hi There,
>>>  Sorry for the late answer.
>>>  From what I can see in your examples, you are running into a  
>>> limitation of mapserver and it's support for the time extent  
>>> values. Currently the time extent can only be defined as a range  
>>> value and only one range value is valid (so something like is the  
>>> only thing valid 2005-09-11/2005-09-21)
>>>  You should update your "wms_timeextent"  and try it with only one  
>>> range. I will enter documentation bug so that this limitation is  
>>> clearly defined. Give it a try and let me know.
>>> Later,
>>> Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>>>> Hi, sorry for continuing this story, but I really want to solve  
>>>> this  and hope my additional info helps to sort out the problems I  
>>>> face.
>>>> I am using a shapefile with the imgdate column added to it. I use   
>>>> exactly the same index to work with a WCS on the same data, that  
>>>> one  works perfectly fine.
>>>> I have browsed through the mapServer sourcecode to see if I could   
>>>> discover something/ understand the problem better. I'm not  
>>>> familiar  with C coding, so forgive my ignorance :-) What I could  
>>>> understand is  that my request fails when the time string  
>>>> submitted in the request  is compared to the timeextent given in  
>>>> the capabilities document.
>>>> The exact section of the code is in  between line 545 and line  
>>>> 569,  apparently the msValidateTimeValue() procedure fails to find  
>>>> the  requested date in the extent. I do not get an error when I  
>>>> change my  extent to a range like  
>>>> "2005-09-11,2005-09-21/2005-09-21" or   
>>>> "2005-09-11,2005-09-11/2005-09-21", but it will only render the  
>>>> very  last image, even when an earlier one is requested.
>>>> So I guess I face a bug!?
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Jeroen
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler at FAO.ORG>
>>>>> Date: 12 October 2005 09:54:26 GMT+02:00
>>>>> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] time series problem 2
>>>>> Reply-To: Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler at FAO.ORG>
>>>>> Further to my previous message, the exception I get is the   
>>>>> following one:
>>>>> <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
>>>>>     <ServiceException code="InvalidDimensionValue">
>>>>> msWMSApplyTime: WMS server error. Time value(s) 2005-09-21 given  
>>>>> is  invalid or outside the time extent defined   
>>>>> (2005-03-11,2005-03-21,2005-04-01,2005-04-11,2005-04-21,2005-05-01,2 
>>>>> 00  
>>>>> 5-05-11,2005-05-21,2005-06-01,2005-06-11,2005-06-21,2005-07-01,2005- 
>>>>> 07  
>>>>> -11,2005-07-21,2005-08-01,2005-08-11,2005-08-21,2005-09-01,2005-09-1 
>>>>> 1, 2005-09-21), and default time set is invalid (2005-09-21)
>>>>>     </ServiceException>
>>>>> </ServiceExceptionReport>
>>>>> And the URL's I use are:
>>>>> For Capabilities:
>>>>> version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities
>>>>> For a working map without specifying the time:
>>>>> version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:  
>>>>> 4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&format=image/  
>>>>> png&layers=spotndvi&transparent=true&width=400&height=200
>>>>> For a request with a time, the exception is returned:
>>>>> version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:  
>>>>> 4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&format=image/  
>>>>> png&layers=spotndvi&transparent=true&width=400&height=200&time=2005- 
>>>>> 09 -21
>>>>> These URL's can be reached from outside, so you can try this  
>>>>> yourself.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help to a solution,
>>>>> Jeroen
>>>>> On 11 Oct 2005, at 19:20, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a problem with time series for WMS. I have used the   
>>>>>> following WMS attributes in my map file and I get the default   
>>>>>> image the first WMS map request. The moment I start requesting   
>>>>>> maps with the time variable set, I get an exception indicating   
>>>>>> that the time format used is not correct.
>>>>>> The data is GeoTIFF
>>>>>> I have an index shapefile with an imgdate column containing the   
>>>>>> dates in the same format
>>>>>> Anyone an idea, I can't find an example that has a whole range  
>>>>>> of  images with a specific time set for each image.
>>>>>> Map file extract:
>>>>>> At the map level (although I don't think this is supported/ 
>>>>>> needed  for GeoTIFF data!?)
>>>>>> ____________________________
>>>>>>       "wms_timeformat"                 "YYYY-MM-DD"
>>>>>> ____________________________
>>>>>> At the layer level
>>>>>> ____________________________
>>>>>>      "wms_style_default_title"              "default"
>>>>>>      "wms_format"                           "image/png"
>>>>>>      "wms_timedefault"                  "2005-09-11"
>>>>>>      "wms_timeextent"                    
>>>>>> "2005-08-21,2005-09-01,2005-09-11"          # also tried with   
>>>>>> spaces after each comma
>>>>>>      "wms_timeitem"                         "imgdate"
>>>>>>     END
>>>>>>     DUMP TRUE
>>>>>>     TILEINDEX 'ndvi_idx'
>>>>>>     TILEITEM "location"
>>>>>>     EXTENT -180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0
>>>>>>     PROJECTION  "init=epsg:4326" END
>>>>>> ____________________________
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>> Jeroen
>>>>>> _______________________
>>>>>> Jeroen Ticheler
>>>>>> FAO-UN
>>>>>> Tel: +39 06 57056041
>>>>>> http://www.fao.org/geonetwork
>>>>>> 12.34327°N 12.34327°E
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Assefa Yewondwossen
>>> Software Analyst
>>> Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca
>>> http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
>>> Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
>>> Fax:   (613) 565-0925
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
gvSIG development Team

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