MINSCALE MAXSCALE USE in grouped layers

Glen Thompson gthompson at LIZARDTECH.COM
Fri Oct 14 11:40:18 PDT 2005

I'm having a hard time understanding what they mean.

I'm using them in mapserver in a WMS implemention.  I have a layer of highres data in a tileindex and an additional lowres layer.
These layers are grouped together and I'm using minscale/maxscale to determine which layer the server should use to service the request.

Here is a snippet from config.map :

These are the values I used for the lowres
  NAME SeattleOverview
  GROUP "Imagery"
  MINSCALE 100000
  MAXSCALE 1000000000000

These are the values I used for the highres tileindex
  NAME SeattleTiledHighres
  GROUP "Imagery"
  MAXSCALE 100000

These values seem to be working ok but I want to understand their meaning.

many thanks,
Glen Thompson

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