connecting to mysql spatial

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL
Mon Oct 17 00:25:06 PDT 2005

You can't use the MySQL Spatial extensions with Mapserver unfortunately. OGR does not have a connector for the MySQL spatial extensions as well.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Syncera IT Solutions
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT 015-7512436
email: BEN at

>>> "Mauricio Stange H." <mstangeh at GMAIL.COM> 14-10-2005 21:48 >>>
    I need to connect mapserver to an spatial database in mysql, for now 
I'am trying it with a simple table with name, and a location (type POINT).
    So, how can I access this data from mapserver and display it in a 
layer?, I think that I have to use OGR, but how.

Thank you,
Mauricio Stange

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