Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 17 09:30:09 PDT 2005

Hi Martin,

Im just curious ... why would you want to switch to MySQL when you
already use PostGIS?

My understanding is that MySQL doesn't have hardly any of the spatial
functions that PostGIS has.

Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

On 10/17/05, Martin Poggensee <info at> wrote:
> I want to change the database from PostGIS to mySQL. Anything worked fine,
> but my ms4w-installation does not support mySQL. I get the message:
> "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'MLINES'.
> msMYGISLayerOpen(): Query error. msMYGISLayerOpen called but unimplemented!
> (mapserver not compiled with MYGIS support) "
> How can I get a win32-MapServer with mySQL-Support ???

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