Help on PHP/Mapscript (was: AIUTO-1!)

Carlo A. Bertelli bertelli at CHARTA.ACME.COM
Sun Oct 23 09:37:33 EDT 2005

This is what (I understand from what) Alessio asked:

--- Alessio <volverinn at> said:

Hello everyone,
I would like to know if MapScript can solve the following problem.
I should calculate the shortest track between two towns. I'm inspired by the
link state algorithm in of the routers, using the information stored in a
I'm wondering if this is feasibile in PHP/Mapscript, I think I could obtain
a new shapefile to show in the map.
I suppose I could get the relevant information from the starting shapefile,
so to perform a query on the database to meke up a new shapefile.
Are these the right steps?
TIA for any answer.


To Alessio: please make the effort to translate your requests in English.
This is an international list, if everyone would use his own language, our
life would be very difficult. We should agree on English to easily get help.
By the way, I thought there was an Italian list for MapServer. Isn't it?

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