
Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu Oct 27 18:50:43 EDT 2005

Depends on the type of filter. If it's a logical filter then no filteritem is required. If
it's using regex or a straight string match then you need the filteritem. Of course
this assumes you're using non-db connections. For PostGIS, Oracle and SDE the'
filter is given in a native database format (i.e. a where clause).

So, in your case you could try something like:



>>> Kevin Flanders <kevin at PEOPLEGIS.COM> 10/26/05 4:44 PM >>>
Do I need to set FILTERITEM or can I put the entire expression inside of

I need to filter a shapefile so that all features where [DXF_LAYER] <>
'BACKGROUND' show on my map.

So, I have tried:


this did not work....

How do I setup FILTER parameters for this?


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