Getting UTM and stereographic projections to overlap

Trond Michelsen trondmm-mapserver at CRUSADERS.NO
Mon Oct 31 08:20:46 PST 2005

On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 10:41:22AM -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> I have you considered misrepresenting the UTM data as
> being on the spherical earth as well to avoid PROJ.4 trying
> to apply an ellipsoid translation?
> eg.
>    "proj=utm"
>    "zone=33"
>    "a=6371000"
>    "b=6371000"
>    "units=m"
>  END

Yes, I tried that, but I didn't get it to work. I didn't notice the
error message at the time, my web application would just hang while
waiting for the picture. Requesting the same URL with wget revealed
this error:

  msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. elliptical usage required 

If I add 1 to a, it "works". i.e. mapserver returns a picture, and the
point has moved slightly closer to where it belongs. But just

Trond Michelsen

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