From ajfrank at ALICE.IT Thu Sep 1 00:51:29 2005 From: ajfrank at ALICE.IT (Gianfranco Brescia) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 02:51:29 -0500 Subject: Hardware Message-ID: Hi everybody, does exist a document, (in the web), about hardware specification for mapserver? Thanks From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 1 00:56:51 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:56:51 +0200 Subject: Hardware Message-ID: No it does not exist AFAIK, since this highly depends on the sort of application you are building with it, the number of visitors you expect etc. etc. etc. We generally run on Pentium IV 2 Ghz or higher, memory 1 Gb minimum and fast hard disks. But Mapserver will also run on a simpler machine ofcourse. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Gianfranco Brescia 09/01/05 9:51 am >>> Hi everybody, does exist a document, (in the web), about hardware specification for mapserver? Thanks From luca76 at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 01:01:13 2005 From: luca76 at GMAIL.COM (Luca Manganelli) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:01:13 +0200 Subject: What's new on mapserver 4.6.1? Message-ID: Where is the changelog? Thanks From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 1 01:02:50 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:02:50 +0200 Subject: What's new on mapserver 4.6.1? Message-ID: Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Luca Manganelli 09/01/05 10:01 am >>> Where is the changelog? Thanks From oubinny at HOTMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 01:45:00 2005 From: oubinny at HOTMAIL.COM (Mehdi Kiman) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:45:00 +0000 Subject: mapserver logo Message-ID: Hello, Where i can find a mapserver logo ? Thanks Mehdi From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 1 01:47:24 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:47:24 +0200 Subject: mapserver logo Message-ID: There is no official logo AFAIK. Unofficial logos can be found here: Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Mehdi Kiman 09/01/05 10:45 am >>> Hello, Where i can find a mapserver logo ? Thanks Mehdi From oubinny at HOTMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 02:11:35 2005 From: oubinny at HOTMAIL.COM (Mehdi Kiman) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:11:35 +0000 Subject: mapserver logo In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Cool ! and chameleon logo ? >From: "Bart van den Eijnden" >To: , >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver logo >Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 10:47:24 +0200 > >There is no official logo AFAIK. > >Unofficial logos can be found here: > > > >Bart > >Bart van den Eijnden >Syncera IT Solutions >Postbus 270 >2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 >email: BEN at > > >>> Mehdi Kiman 09/01/05 10:45 am >>> >Hello, > >Where i can find a mapserver logo ? > >Thanks > >Mehdi From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 1 02:14:21 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:14:21 +0200 Subject: mapserver logo Message-ID: Try to use Google next time please ..... :-) Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Mehdi Kiman 09/01/05 11:11 am >>> Cool ! and chameleon logo ? >From: "Bart van den Eijnden" >To: , >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver logo >Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 10:47:24 +0200 > >There is no official logo AFAIK. > >Unofficial logos can be found here: > > > >Bart > >Bart van den Eijnden >Syncera IT Solutions >Postbus 270 >2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 >email: BEN at > > >>> Mehdi Kiman 09/01/05 10:45 am >>> >Hello, > >Where i can find a mapserver logo ? > >Thanks > >Mehdi From speiser.ferenc at FREEMAIL.HU Thu Sep 1 02:18:16 2005 From: speiser.ferenc at FREEMAIL.HU (Speiser Ferenc) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:18:16 +0200 Subject: mapserver + postgis performance problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Everyone! I have a weird performance problem with postgis and mapserver. I have two similar queries, the involved tables and geometry tables has the same structure and indexes and they are running over postgreSQL for 3 seconds. But the rendering time is much longer for the second query (1 minute!). The first is okay, it is completed in 3 seconds. I can't find the problem. Both of the queries give correct resultset nearly with the same time over PostreSQL, but during the rendering, there is a huge time-difference. What can cause the difference between the two queries? I inserted the data lines from my mapfiles. Are there any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Feri 2nd query: DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom, gid, KSHKOD, arany/max *100 as arany from ( select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY from (select the_geom, telhat98_tstar.gid, telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY from TSTAR, telhat98_tstar where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD and TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAB001' and YEAR_ID=2001) query left join (select telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM from TSTAR, telhat98_tstar where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD and TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAA200' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm, (select max(arany) from ( select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY from (select the_geom, telhat98_tstar.gid, telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY from TSTAR, telhat98_tstar where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD and TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAB001' and YEAR_ID=2001) query left join (select telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM from TSTAR, telhat98_tstar where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD and TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAA200' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm) max) as foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1" 1st query: DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom, gid, KSHKOD, arany/max *100 as arany from ( select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY from (select the_geom, telhat02.gid, telhat02.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 where telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAC102' and YEAR_ID=2001) query left join (select telhat02.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 where telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAF100' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm, (select max(arany) from ( select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY from (select the_geom, telhat02.gid, telhat02.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 where telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAC102' and YEAR_ID=2001) query left join (select telhat02.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 where telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAF100' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm) max) as foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1" From diego.savardi at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 02:18:19 2005 From: diego.savardi at GMAIL.COM (Diego Savardi) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:18:19 +0200 Subject: Fwd: Problem with raster and ortho projection In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi all, I'm encountering some problems while trying to draw an entire image of the world using orthogonal projection. I use a lat-lon raster image derived from the nasa bluemarble and a shapefile of the world countries as layers. I'm working with cgi-mapserver 4.6 and also with java mapscript, and with both I have problems. There's something wrong with the image boundary, it seems that mapserver draw the raster only when the extent cross the image border, like it's trying to maintain square the raster area.. it happens only for the raster, the shapefile is drawn correctly (except from some points that fall in 0,0). If I zoom in to fill all the image with the map everything works correctly, on the other side if I zoom out just to see the entire globe there's no raster image drawn, only the shapefile works. With the bluemarble layer I've tried to use also the processing parameters LOAD_WHOLE_IMAGE=YES and LOAD_FULL_RES_IMAGE=YES with no results. Here there are the parameters I use: map.setProjection("+proj=ortho +lat_0=10 +lon_0=33 +x_0=0 +y_0=0"); map.setUnits(mapscriptConstants.MS_METERS); map.setSize(800, 800); map.setExtent(-6000000, -6000000, 6000000, 6000000); and here there's a picture to better understand what I mean: The problem seems not to have relation with poles or -180 longitude line. Thanks in advance for any advice, Diego -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE Thu Sep 1 03:25:39 2005 From: arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE (Arnulf Christl) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:25:39 +0200 Subject: signature In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) wrote: > hi list, > > how can I get a signature (e.g. for streets) in my map? > > best regards, > Leopold Probably you would want to use the label object to do that. (There is also a German version to read up on: Labels can be positioned automatically or explicitly. For street maps ideally you have a line geometry with an attribute that contains the text to display. The angle of the text can either be defined using an explicit field specified in the LABELANGLEITEM parameter. If ANGLE is set to AUTO MapServer will render the streetnames with the inclination of the line feature. AUTO is valid for LINE layers only. This is a snippet from a MAP file [...] TYPE ANNOTATION ... CLASSITEM zvs_code LABELITEM label_text # choose one: # ANGLE [double] # ANGLE AUTO # LABELANGLEITEM label_rotation SYMBOLSCALE 2000 CLASS NAME "BAB" EXPRESSION /1/ MINSCALE 0 MAXSCALE 15000 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE COLOR 0 0 0 FONT "arialnarrow" POSITION AUTO # depends on selection above PARTIALS FALSE FORCE TRUE MINDISTANCE -1 SIZE 34 END END CLASS NAME "Landesstr." EXPRESSION /2/ MINSCALE 0 MAXSCALE 15000 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE COLOR 0 0 0 FONT "arialnarrow" POSITION uc PARTIALS FALSE FORCE TRUE MINDISTANCE -1 SIZE 28 END END [...] Best, Arnulf From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 03:27:33 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:27:33 +0100 Subject: Hardware In-Reply-To: Message-ID: There was a recent thread discussing this, the subject of which was "slighty OT: new hardware for a mapserver application". I'm not sure how to link to the arhive copy without giving away my account details! One of the interesting bits was the ESRI article on hardware performance, Regards, Xin On 01/09/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > No it does not exist AFAIK, since this highly depends on the sort of application you are building with it, the number of visitors you expect etc. etc. etc. > > We generally run on Pentium IV 2 Ghz or higher, memory 1 Gb minimum and fast hard disks. But Mapserver will also run on a simpler machine ofcourse. > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>> Gianfranco Brescia 09/01/05 9:51 am >>> > Hi everybody, > does exist a document, (in the web), about hardware specification for > mapserver? > Thanks > From gavin.simpson at UCL.AC.UK Thu Sep 1 06:54:23 2005 From: gavin.simpson at UCL.AC.UK (Gavin Simpson) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:54:23 +0100 Subject: mapscript, php, fedora core 4 problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 15:31 +0100, Gavin Simpson wrote: > Hi, Dear list, For the archives, I'll answer this one myself. Recall that I was trying to use php both as an apache module and as a cgi, with php_mapscript files being handled via the cgi and all other php pages via the apache module. Recent versions of php have a third interface, the cli (command line interface), which differs from the cgi in one crucial way (with respect to mapscript and use as a "cgi") - it doesn't send headers, which causes the "Premature end of script headers" error when used as a cgi. After googling around I narrowed this problem down to the fact that FC4 was using the php-cli interface. To use the cgi interface, one now has to call/use php-cgi *not* php. So the problem was down to not reading the Release Notes that came with FC4 - which document this issue. So, for the record, here is how I got mapscript working on a freshly installed FC4 system: These instructions are based, largely, on the posting of Lindsay C. Blanton, available via the mapscript wiki: but updated for FC4. I can provide a cleaner html-ified version if this could be added to the wiki? Instructions: 1) get the source 2) install some software via yum: su -c "yum install postgresql-libs proj proj-devel libtiff curl gd gd- devel freetype freetype-devel php-devel libpng-devel libpng10-devel php- gd" 3) install needed further support programmes, gdal, ogr etc. (rpms for FC4 available from ) 4) configure the source: ./configure --with-php=/usr/include/php --with-ogr=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config -- with-proj Your choice of options may differ 5) if all is well, then make 6a) if you just want mapserver cgi then copy mapserv to /var/www/cgi-bin 6b) if you want php_mapscript as well, then copy ./mapscript/php3/ to /usr/lib/php/modules/ 7) create your php cgi handler in cgi-bin: su -c "touch /var/www/cgi-bin/" su -c "vim /var/www/cgi-bin/" edit so it looks like: #!/bin/bash export SCRIPT_FILENAME=$PATH_TRANSLATED /usr/bin/php-cgi make the file executable 8) edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add: Action phpms-script /cgi-bin/ AddHandler phpms-script .phpms in a suitable place. change the phpms bits to reflect your choice of extension for php_mapscript files. 9) get php to load the php_mapscript module. So: su -c "touch /etc/php.d/php_mapscript.ini" su -c "vim /etc/php.d/php_mapscript.ini" and edit the file so it includes: ; Enable php_mapscript functionality 10) restart apache: su -c "/sbin/service httpd restart" 11) create a file, say info.php somewhere in your webroot, which includes the following php snippet: Save the file and view this page in your browser. Look through the output to find the mapscript entry. If it is not there, then something is wrong - check the above. If it is there then everything should now be in place for running .php files through the apache module and .phpms files via the php-cgi. Hope this is of use to someone, Gav -- %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522 ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565 ENSIS Ltd. & ECRC [E] UCL Department of Geography [W] 26 Bedford Way [W] London. WC1H 0AP. %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% From miller_joseph at BAH.COM Thu Sep 1 07:03:28 2005 From: miller_joseph at BAH.COM (Miller Joseph) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:03:28 -0400 Subject: Using Mapserver as a WMS server with Google Earth Message-ID: There is a PHP script at this site for integrating WMS with Google Earth: Just wanted to pass along what else I needed to do to make it work properly with Mapserver. Google Earth does not support interlaced PNGs so the following outputformat needs to be defined in the map file: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME PNG24 DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" EXTENSION PNG IMAGEMODE RGBA TRANSPARENT ON FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=NO" END WMS gets should include a FORMAT=image/png in the request. Also make sure that Google Earth is set to refresh after each draw and that should do it. Just a heads up, Joe Miller From thomas at FREESERV.DE Thu Sep 1 06:27:41 2005 From: thomas at FREESERV.DE (Thomas Sebastian) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:27:41 +0200 Subject: where to get Germany Map Data Message-ID: Hello list, i'm pretty new in working with gis. i installed the FGS-Package from and it is working pretty good. but now i need the maps of my city ( leipzig/germany ). My question: does anybody have a hind to get Leipzig/Germay maps for FGS ? Thanx and regards Thomas From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 07:31:59 2005 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:31:59 -0500 Subject: XUL Interface for mapserver app? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Jon (or has anyone else done this) -- Did you ever do anything with your XUL client? Did XUL give you more flexibility/performance as opposed to straight DHTML? I am curious to hear any comments that you might have about XUL and Mapserver together. I think that for an intranet site, it might offer a number of advantages. David On 1/27/05, Jon Saints wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am currently experimenting with an XUL client > interface for mapserver. I develop in my free time so > it is coming slowly. Anyone else out there is working > on somehting simillar? > > Thanks > Jon > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL Thu Sep 1 07:49:42 2005 From: oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL (Robert oude Lohuis) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:49:42 -0500 Subject: Filtering on oracle layers using mapserver 4.6 Message-ID: Hi, Currently we are trying to use different datasets through a single layer definition in a mapfile. Mapserver runs on a Linux platform against a oracle spatial database using OGR. The layer always accesses the same table, but we want to use a filter. But then we got problems. The following two scenario's are possible: 1. Use a complete Oracle select statement for the DATA clause Advantage: Oracles query power is used to get the specific dataset. Disadvantage: No spatial queries are used by Mapserver when zooming in, so all data from that set is transferred from database to mapserver. When Zooming in the application does not get faster. 2. Use the full table for the DATA clause and use FILTER and FILTERITEM clauses (this is also the proposed option by the mapserver documentation) Advantage: perfect spatial where clauses are produced by Mapserver, so when zooming in performance is getting better because less objects are selected Disadvantage: Filtering is NOT performed in the Oracle query. We assume it is carried out in OGR/Mapserver, so too much data is transferred from database to mapserver. With each dataset added to the database, the performance gets worse in a lineair way. We very much like to use option 2, is there any other suggestion/option for our problem ? greetz and thanks in advance. From stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 1 08:09:57 2005 From: stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM (Gregor Mosheh) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:09:57 -0700 Subject: Hardware In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > Hi everybody, > does exist a document, (in the web), about hardware > specification for mapserver? Mapserver itself is just a CGI program, and takes up very little RAM. It'll run on any reasonably modern hardware: Some of our test boxes were PII Celerons with 64 MB of RAM running HostGIS Linux. Naturally, there are other considerations for your own needs. Although a low-end PII Celeron will run it, a high-speed P4 will of course be faster. If you're running Windows (let alone Mapserver), then a machine with 64 MB of RAM is torture. If you want a database, then that's a whole separate animal where all the RAM you can afford is worthwhile. In short: The minimum is basically most garage-sale PCs made in recent history. Your own impatience dictates getting something as fast as you can afford. ;) Now, a note on RAM. I had asked about this a few months ago and thought I'd mention it. MapServer itself, and Apache with the PHP/MapScript pre-loaded, still take up very little RAM. My question was whether, given this low RAM consumption, there would be a difference between 128 MB of RAM and 1 GB of RAM (assuming I were not running a database). The answer was that modern OSs will use all of your spare RAM aggressively caching files from the disk. Thus, the extra RAM will make a significant difference, because the OS can load the shapefile (or whatever) loaded from RAM cache instead of spinning the hard disk. -- Gregor Mosheh System Administrator and Head Programmer HostGIS, GIS Hosting Solutions for the Global Community ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Thu Sep 1 08:15:07 2005 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:15:07 -0300 Subject: Filtering on oracle layers using mapserver 4.6 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Robert, In Mapserver exist two ways how to use Oracle Spatial. One is using the native support that exist in Mapserver, and the second is using OGR. When you use the native support you can use spatial functions and operators without problems. About the problem number 1 when you use the native support the intenal SQL uses the extent to query the database, this feature will improve the performance how you describe. With native support you can change the spatial operatior that Mapserver will use, with a little parameter you can choose: SDO_FILTER, SDO_RELATE or none. About the problem number 2 with native support you can use complex query as DATA parameter. You can use complex query as the source of data, you can use as source any statment that return a SDO geometry object. You can add or change the layer data parameter using Mapscript or CGI, using this way you don't need to define a filter parameter, you can change dynamically the query. An example (using Oracle Spatial Guide): "geom from (SELECT SDO_GEOM.SDO_BUFFER(cshape, m.diminfo, 1) AS geom FROM cola_markets c, user_sdo_geom_metadata m WHERE m.table_name = 'COLA_MARKETS' AND m.column_name = 'SHAPE' AND = 'cola_a')" You can choose, native support or OGR support. For OGR support I believe that Frank is the better to reply you doubt. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert oude Lohuis wrote: >Hi, > >Currently we are trying to use different datasets through a single layer >definition in a mapfile. Mapserver runs on a Linux platform against a oracle >spatial database using OGR. The layer always accesses the same table, but we >want to use a filter. But then we got problems. The following two scenario's >are possible: > >1. Use a complete Oracle select statement for the DATA clause >Advantage: Oracles query power is used to get the specific dataset. >Disadvantage: No spatial queries are used by Mapserver when zooming in, so >all data from that set is transferred from database to mapserver. When >Zooming in the application does not get faster. > >2. Use the full table for the DATA clause and use FILTER and FILTERITEM >clauses (this is also the proposed option by the mapserver documentation) >Advantage: perfect spatial where clauses are produced by Mapserver, so >when zooming in performance is getting better because less objects are selected >Disadvantage: Filtering is NOT performed in the Oracle query. We assume it >is carried out in OGR/Mapserver, so too much data is transferred from >database to mapserver. With each dataset added to the database, the >performance gets worse in a lineair way. > >We very much like to use option 2, is there any other suggestion/option for >our problem ? > >greetz and thanks in advance. > > > From gavin.simpson at UCL.AC.UK Thu Sep 1 08:19:01 2005 From: gavin.simpson at UCL.AC.UK (Gavin Simpson) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 16:19:01 +0100 Subject: Mapserver / php_mapscript installation instructions for Fedora Core 4 Message-ID: Dear list: Following my earlier post, I have temporarily made available my mapserver and php_mapscript installation instructions for Fedora Core 4 via the documentation wiki we use at work. This page is read only - if there are problems with it please let me know. I'll leave the page up until such a time as similar instructions are available elsewhere, such as the mapserver website. The URI for the page is: If you have any comments, suggestions or errors to report, please let me know. All the best, Gav -- %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522 ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565 ENSIS Ltd. & ECRC [E] UCL Department of Geography [W] 26 Bedford Way [W] London. WC1H 0AP. %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% From peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 08:22:38 2005 From: peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM (Peter Kingsbury) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:22:38 -0400 Subject: Legends not updating? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks for your reply! I have found a way to enable the legend the way I want, only showing metadata-including layers. I've also modified the LegendTemplate widget (set ControlVisibility="true"). So far everything seems fine. Now the issue exists where the layers will disappear after updating the map! The first click results in the proper "on" layer being hidden, but any non-default layers are hidden. A following update to the map will remove all layers except those controlled by the legend. Strange! The "always on" rivers layer which stays put after the first Update, but disappears after subsequent updates, and a normal initially-invisible layer which the legend controls just fine: #---------------------------------- LAYER GROUP "Base Layers" NAME "Rivers" TYPE POLYGON DATA rivers STATUS DEFAULT CLASS NAME "Rivers" COLOR 48 100 230 OUTLINECOLOR 64 128 255 END METADATA SHOWINLEGEND "no" END END LAYER GROUP "Sites" NAME "Sites" TYPE POINT DATA sites TOLERANCE 6 STATUS OFF HEADER '../query/query_header.html' FOOTER '../query/query_footer.html' MAXSCALE 30000 METADATA SHOWINLEGEND "yes" END CLASSITEM "sites" LABELITEM "sites" END #---------------------------------- The legend template layer section: [leg_layer_html order_metadata=legend_order opt_flag=15] [if name=SHOWINLEGEND oper=eq value="yes"] [leg_layer_name] [/if] [/leg_layer_html] And finally, the LegendTemplate widget: Is this a circular catch-22 problem? Is there a way around this behavior? Best regards, - Peter Ken Boss wrote: >Peter-- > >It's been awhile since I've thought about this (so take the advice with some salt), but my approach to the checkbox portion of html legends has been more along these lines: > > [if name=layer_status oper=neq value=0] > CHECKED > [/if] > > > >HTH, > >--Ken > > > > >>>>Peter Kingsbury 8/31/2005 2:39:56 PM >>> >>>> >>>> >Hello all, > >Grief once again with my legends. > >The symptom is that, if the Layer status in the .MAP file is set to OFF, >the layer doesn't show up ... if set to ON, it shows up. This behavior >so far is normal. > >However, when checking/unchecking layers from the LegendTemplate widget, >then clicking Update, the page refreshes, and all layers listed in the >LegendTemplate become unchecked! > >I've gone through the documentation numerous times, and I am unable to >find anything that might be wrong with the code. I've also used the >sample legend template HTML code, which results in much the same >behavior. Not sure where to look at this point. Going to give it a go >again tomorrow. > >I've included the legend_template.html and widget code below. > >Any insight is appreciated! > >Best regards, >- Peter > > > >---- legend_template.html ---- >[leg_group_html] > > [leg_group_name] > >[/leg_group_html] > >[leg_layer_html order_metadata=legend_order opt_flag=15] > > > [if name=layer_status oper=eq value=1]on[/if] > [if name=layer_status oper=eq value=0]off[/if]> > > > > > > > [leg_layer_name] > > > >[/leg_layer_html] >---- end legend_template.html ---- > >---- chameleon widget ---- > type="LegendTemplate" > visible="true" > embedded="true" > template="legend_template.html" > popupstyleresource="TextButtons" > popupwidth="500" > popupheight="400" > status="false" > menubar="false" > controlvisibility="false" > /> >---- end chameleon widget ---- > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 1 08:42:24 2005 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:42:24 -0400 Subject: GetLegendGraphic and SLD question Message-ID: Does anyone know if it is possible to apply an SLD to a getlegendgraphic request? I thought I read somewhere that the following URL would work, but I am getting a blank screen. The sld works fine with a getmap request. Here's the documentation I read: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\cesi\map\ Debbie Pagurek, M.Sc. Integrated Environmental Applications Branch / Direction des Applications Environnementales Int?gr?s Knowledge Integration Directorate / Direction g?n?rale de l'integration du savoir Environment Canada / Environnement Canada 70 Cr?mazie, 7th Floor / 7e ?tage Gatineau, Qu?bec K1A 0H3 Tel / T?l: (819) 997-5956 Fax / T?l?c: (819) 994-5738 E-mail / Courriel: Debbie.Pagurek at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 1 08:49:41 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:49:41 +0200 Subject: GetLegendGraphic and SLD question Message-ID: Hi Debbie, it used to work for me, but I think I used SLD_BODY back then (which should not make a difference), see also: Haven't tried it in a while though. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]" 09/01/05 5:42 pm >>> Does anyone know if it is possible to apply an SLD to a getlegendgraphic request? I thought I read somewhere that the following URL would work, but I am getting a blank screen. The sld works fine with a getmap request. Here's the documentation I read: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\cesi\map\ Debbie Pagurek, M.Sc. Integrated Environmental Applications Branch / Direction des Applications Environnementales Int?gr?s Knowledge Integration Directorate / Direction g?n?rale de l'integration du savoir Environment Canada / Environnement Canada 70 Cr?mazie, 7th Floor / 7e ?tage Gatineau, Qu?bec K1A 0H3 Tel / T?l: (819) 997-5956 Fax / T?l?c: (819) 994-5738 E-mail / Courriel: Debbie.Pagurek at From gribas at CPQD.COM.BR Thu Sep 1 09:56:21 2005 From: gribas at CPQD.COM.BR (Gustavo Henrique Sberze Ribas) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:56:21 -0300 Subject: GetLegendGraphic and SLD question Message-ID: Hello, Yes it's possible and it works. I dunno what's wrong with your configuration, try double checking the SLD. Here's my working request: http://localhost/cgi-bin/rni_wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.1&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image/png&layer=medicao&SLD=http://localhost/tmp/882DEEF12E9E986C3D482BF819244E45.sld.xml (MapServer 4.4 + Apache 2) -- Gustavo -----Original Message----- From: Pagurek,Debbie [NCR] Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GetLegendGraphic and SLD question Does anyone know if it is possible to apply an SLD to a getlegendgraphic request? I thought I read somewhere that the following URL would work, but I am getting a blank screen. The sld works fine with a getmap request. Here's the documentation I read: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\cesi\map\ Debbie Pagurek, M.Sc. Integrated Environmental Applications Branch / Direction des Applications Environnementales Int?gr?s Knowledge Integration Directorate / Direction g?n?rale de l'integration du savoir Environment Canada / Environnement Canada 70 Cr?mazie, 7th Floor / 7e ?tage Gatineau, Qu?bec K1A 0H3 Tel / T?l: (819) 997-5956 Fax / T?l?c: (819) 994-5738 E-mail / Courriel: Debbie.Pagurek at From dps1 at UALBERTA.CA Thu Sep 1 10:05:06 2005 From: dps1 at UALBERTA.CA (David Shorthouse) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:05:06 -0600 Subject: point query precision Message-ID: Hello folks, I am making use of MapServer 4.6 and am pulling point data from sql server 2000. I just recently implemented query mode as a drop-down option on my cgi-generated map but I find that clicks on the map often do not generate results, especially after a number of zooms via browse mode. I am suspicious that mouse precision may be at odds with the query or, heaven forbid, the mouse click xy reference is not transferring well to the latitude/longitude in my sql server table. Is there a method to broaden the mouse click coverage or decrease the click precision in the map file to ensure that query mode clicks will generate results as they should? Thanks for any assistance, David P. Shorthouse -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 1 10:20:07 2005 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:20:07 -0400 Subject: GetLegendGraphic and SLD question Message-ID: Hmm - I tried with SLD_BODY and at least I got an image this time, but it seems to be the "regular" getlegendgraphic response, not what's actually in the SLD_BODY. I think I'll file a bug on this. Debbie -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bart van den Eijnden Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:50 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GetLegendGraphic and SLD question Hi Debbie, it used to work for me, but I think I used SLD_BODY back then (which should not make a difference), see also: Haven't tried it in a while though. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]" 09/01/05 5:42 pm >>> >>> Does anyone know if it is possible to apply an SLD to a getlegendgraphic request? I thought I read somewhere that the following URL would work, but I am getting a blank screen. The sld works fine with a getmap request. Here's the documentation I read: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\cesi\map\ Debbie Pagurek, M.Sc. Integrated Environmental Applications Branch / Direction des Applications Environnementales Int?gr?s Knowledge Integration Directorate / Direction g?n?rale de l'integration du savoir Environment Canada / Environnement Canada 70 Cr?mazie, 7th Floor / 7e ?tage Gatineau, Qu?bec K1A 0H3 Tel / T?l: (819) 997-5956 Fax / T?l?c: (819) 994-5738 E-mail / Courriel: Debbie.Pagurek at From arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE Thu Sep 1 10:36:40 2005 From: arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE (Arnulf Christl) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:36:40 +0200 Subject: getFeatureInfo slow with large map files Message-ID: Hi, just checking if anybody experienced the same problem: A very large map file with > 100 layers and > 100 classes per layer works fine when requesting maps. But getFetureInfo-requests on one single layer always take 10 seconds or more to get answered. First we suspected poor tuning in PostGIS (join over three tables) but no - even with a flat table its the same thing. To confirm this behaviour we extracted this queryable layer and put it into a separate WMS, performance is immediately fine. So we have a workaround but Nonetheless we wonder what causes this behaviour and where else it might steal us a second or two. Best, From fillymax at TISCALI.IT Thu Sep 1 10:42:26 2005 From: fillymax at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro MAZZELLA) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:42:26 +0200 Subject: NEED HELP Message-ID: Hi everybody ;) is it possible to get "labelitem" for layer's components from a joined table ? es.( JOIN TABLE "simulation.dbf" TO "SIM_ID" NAME "simulation" FROM "SIM_ID" END LABELITEM "VALUE" END ) where "VALUE" is joined table column name ? tnks to all Alex FillyMax ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From vincent.troisi at COLORADO.EDU Thu Sep 1 11:06:41 2005 From: vincent.troisi at COLORADO.EDU (Vincent J. Troisi) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:06:41 -0600 Subject: mapserv binary file changes? Message-ID: Has anyone experienced this problem? Periodically, the mapserv binary (executable) changes. The file size is the same, and the time stamp is the same as when the file was placed in the directory, and the stats on the file show no modification to the file, but...the md5sum is different than the original file and the binary, mapserv, is unuseable. Thoughts... From fillymax at TISCALI.IT Thu Sep 1 11:20:37 2005 From: fillymax at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro MAZZELLA) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 20:20:37 +0200 Subject: Fw: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NEED HELP Message-ID: > I've tryed to put LABELITEM declaration in every part of the map file ... > but it doesn't run :( > > bye, > > Alessandro MAZZELLA > > ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Randy James" > To: "Alessandro MAZZELLA" > Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:04 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NEED HELP > > >> Yes it is but i do not think you can do it in the join tag, its done in >> the layer >> section. >> >> --- Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: >> >>> Hi everybody ;) >>> >>> is it possible to get "labelitem" for layer's components from a >>> joined >>> table ? >>> >>> es.( >>> >>> JOIN >>> TABLE "simulation.dbf" >>> TO "SIM_ID" >>> NAME "simulation" >>> FROM "SIM_ID" >>> END >>> LABELITEM "VALUE" >>> END >>> >>> ) >>> where "VALUE" is joined table column name ? >>> >>> tnks to all >>> >>> Alex FillyMax >>> >>> ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) >>> >> >> >> >> >> ____________________________________________________ >> Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page >> >> > From antaborda at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 1 11:30:29 2005 From: antaborda at YAHOO.COM (Andres Taborda) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:30:29 -0500 Subject: jbox not use applet Message-ID: hello list I want add functions for zoom, panning, box, etc to my applications. how to make for include this functions not using the applet. I need addition source code based only with javascript Thanks very much. __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! Reg?strate ya - From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Thu Sep 1 11:37:20 2005 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:37:20 -0500 Subject: point query precision Message-ID: Take a look at LAYER TOLERANCE This should help. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of David Shorthouse Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 12:05 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] point query precision Hello folks, I am making use of MapServer 4.6 and am pulling point data from sql server 2000. I just recently implemented query mode as a drop-down option on my cgi-generated map but I find that clicks on the map often do not generate results, especially after a number of zooms via browse mode. I am suspicious that mouse precision may be at odds with the query or, heaven forbid, the mouse click xy reference is not transferring well to the latitude/longitude in my sql server table. Is there a method to broaden the mouse click coverage or decrease the click precision in the map file to ensure that query mode clicks will generate results as they should? Thanks for any assistance, David P. Shorthouse -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Thu Sep 1 12:24:30 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 21:24:30 +0200 Subject: oracle x mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Yes there is, check for more info. Bart On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 21:14:43 +0200, Davi Duchovni wrote: > hi, > i?m using the mapserver in windows... is there any way to use > GDAL/OGR's virtual spatial data > > thanks!! > > Davi > > On 8/30/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: >> Or you could use GDAL/OGR's virtual spatial data. You only need to >> compile >> OGR against the OCI libraries. >> >> >> >> Best regards, >> Bart >> >> On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 19:42:32 +0200, Fernando Simon >> wrote: >> >> > Hi Davi, >> > You can do this using Mapscript, creating features on the fly. >> > Here we did this using PHP to query the points (X and Y) in >> database >> > and used Mapscript to create features from these points. >> > Thanks. >> > >> > >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> > Fernando Simon >> > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer >> > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil >> > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR >> > >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> > >> > >> > Davi Duchovni wrote: >> > >> >> please, i?m wonder if i can work with mapserver and oracle, not >> oracle >> >> spatial. >> >> >> >> Is there any way to visualize points stores in the base in two >> columns >> >> diferentes, one represent the X and the other one represent the Y. >> >> Both number are non-spatial. >> >> >> >> >> >> thaks Davi >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> -- >> Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: >> > > -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: From rcolwell at WILLCOUNTYILLINOIS.COM Thu Sep 1 12:37:01 2005 From: rcolwell at WILLCOUNTYILLINOIS.COM (Rebecca Colwell) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:37:01 -0500 Subject: Multiple Layer Queries Message-ID: Thanks Ken! Sorry I didn't respond sooner, things got crazy at work, and this is the first chance I've had to take a look at your feedback. I appreciate the broken down explanation. You completely cleared things up for me! I should be able to implement it by the end of the day. Thanks again, ~Becky PS Great mapserver site BTW! -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Ken Lord Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:28 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Multiple Layer Queries Hi Rebecca, It appears you are using the CGI flavour of MapServer, which is also how I use MapServer. The header / footer and results templates work as follows: (at least the way I do it) 1. you submit your query to mapserver, by clicking on the map (or sending query information via URL parameters). 2. MapServer parses together the results webpage, starting with the main Header file, which you use to layout the structure of the page, such as a title, the start of a table to show the results, whatever else you want at the top of your page, etc. 3. For the first layer containing query results, MapServer parses the Header template you've made that is specific to that map layer, the HEADER "xxx" parameter within a layer in your mapfile. This header can be used to add the layer name, attribute names etc for that layer, and to layout the table structure specifically for the data that is retrieved for this layer. 4. MapServer parses through the TEMPLATE "xxx" file for the first layer that has results. think of this as a 'results' template. This file is processed once for each result found for that layer by the query, if you've set it up as a table, this template adds rows of results into the resulting webpage. 5. steps 3 and 4 are repeated for any other layers that returned results. 6. MapServer closes off the webpage with the Footer template, where you can close off the html table, or add whatever you want to be shown beneath the results. You list your main Header and Footer template files in the WEB section of your mapfile. Every layer for which you want to show query results must have its own Header and Template files. I find it convenient to name them to match the name of your layer, with a _header or _results appended to the end, such as soilassay_header.htm and soilassay_results.htm. The CGI values in your result templates need to be [UPPER_CASE] for shapefile layers, and [lower_case] for postgis layers. It is a good idea to include a TOLERANCE and TOLERANCEUNITS for each layer being queried, some versions of mapserver have some funny quirks if you leave them out. I would suggest that you take your existing queryresults_template file, and split it out into the main Header and Footer files, and a header and template file for that first layer, then copy and modify the header and template files to suit the other layers for which you want results. You can view how this system works for me at the following mapserver website: ... Click on the 'Highlights' tab at the top right of the page, and then view map number 3. Query the map with the ' i ' tool in a spot where there's lots of big and small point symbols close together. You should end up with a list of Soil Geochem and Drill Hole query results. Good luck, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 8/25/05, Rebecca Colwell < rcolwell at> wrote: Hi Everybody, I'm working on a new mapserver app after a long hiatus. I'd like to query two layers (Parcels and Zoning Districts)and have their attributes shown in the QueryResults_template.html. I'm using NQUERY, but am still only getting results from one layer in the results table. I know this is not a new question, but I'm having a hard time deciphering all the necessary steps from the tutorial, and haven't found the answers on previous list posts. I don't understand header/footer files. In case that's part of the answer, please share their significance in the process. Any help would be most appreciated. I'll post my queryResults_template.html below in case that'll help unlock the mystery. Thanks! ~Becky Airport Query Results 2005 Will County Regional Airport

Parcel # [PIN]
Owner(s) [OWNER_1]
Address [STREET]
City/State/Zip [CITY], [ZIP1]
Township [TWP_NAME]
Zowning District [ZONE_TYPE]

Sale Date
Sale Amount
Acreage [ACREAGE] acres

-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From vincent.troisi at COLORADO.EDU Thu Sep 1 13:33:06 2005 From: vincent.troisi at COLORADO.EDU (Vincent J. Troisi) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:33:06 -0600 Subject: mapserv binary file changes? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: No. I ran md5sum against the file before and after I moved the file to the cgi-bin directory. At that time the file was exactly the same. But after a day or two the file changes (per md5sum or unix checksum). I was just wondering if there might be some buffer overflow occuring in the binary when in use that may be causing this problem. I'm running on Suse Linux Enterprise 8, Apache 2 server, and Mapserver 4.6.0. Fawcett, David wrote: > Could you have corrupted it when you downloaded it? FTP set to ASCII? > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On > Behalf Of Vincent J. Troisi > Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:07 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserv binary file changes? > > > Has anyone experienced this problem? > > Periodically, the mapserv binary (executable) changes. The file > size is the same, and the time stamp is the same as when the > file was placed in the directory, and the stats on the file > show no modification to the file, but...the md5sum is different > than the original file and the binary, mapserv, is unuseable. > > Thoughts... > From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 13:57:24 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 16:57:24 -0400 Subject: Non-existant Legend Functionality? Message-ID: I build my legends by hand with PHP code because the native functionality just isn't good enough for what I need. Unfortunately I still can't get it perfect because of what I think is missing MapServer functionality. Currently my legends are just too big for printing. Is there a way to tell whether a certain class is visible w/i the current view? Now I don't mean whether the class is within it's scale limits (MIN or MAXSCALE). Rather can one tell if a layer / class has any data w/i the current view. For instance, I may have a fire hydrant layer w/o any scale dependencies. But I might be zoomed into a field way out in the country side. So, yeah, technically the layer can be seen at that scale, but no fire hydrants are actually in the view. If this doesn't exist, shall I issue a feature request? Thanks. -Abe -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 1 14:20:23 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:20:23 -0400 Subject: Non-existant Legend Functionality? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Abe, I think this would be a very valuable extension and it would not be that hard to implement. All that you would need is a bit array that is zeroed before a draw request where each bit represents a unique layer-class, then as objects are drawn you would OR 1 into the bit array for the layer-class index if/when an object is drawn. Then you would need to be able to query the bit array for a given layer-class index to see if it was drawn. -Steve W. Abe Gillespie wrote: > I build my legends by hand with PHP code because the native > functionality just isn't good enough for what I need. Unfortunately I > still can't get it perfect because of what I think is missing MapServer > functionality. Currently my legends are just too big for printing. Is > there a way to tell whether a certain class is visible w/i the current > view? Now I don't mean whether the class is within it's scale limits > (MIN or MAXSCALE). Rather can one tell if a layer / class has any data > w/i the current view. For instance, I may have a fire hydrant layer w/o > any scale dependencies. But I might be zoomed into a field way out in > the country side. So, yeah, technically the layer can be seen at that > scale, but no fire hydrants are actually in the view. > > If this doesn't exist, shall I issue a feature request? > > Thanks. > -Abe From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 14:29:48 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:29:48 -0400 Subject: Non-existant Legend Functionality? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Yep, should be simple enough to keep a tab on the visible layers as they're drawn. Well, I'll just stick to querying each layer by hand for now. Where can I go to add a feature request? Do we also want to put this into the MapScript API where each class can have something like: $class->hasDataInCurrentMapExtents; // Or something more concise. :) And layers have the equivalent where it's false if each of it's classes are false for the above attribute. Thanks. -Abe On 9/1/05, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Abe, > > I think this would be a very valuable extension and it would not be that > hard to implement. All that you would need is a bit array that is zeroed > before a draw request where each bit represents a unique layer-class, > then as objects are drawn you would OR 1 into the bit array for the > layer-class index if/when an object is drawn. Then you would need to be > able to query the bit array for a given layer-class index to see if it > was drawn. > > -Steve W. > > Abe Gillespie wrote: > > I build my legends by hand with PHP code because the native > > functionality just isn't good enough for what I need. Unfortunately I > > still can't get it perfect because of what I think is missing MapServer > > functionality. Currently my legends are just too big for printing. Is > > there a way to tell whether a certain class is visible w/i the current > > view? Now I don't mean whether the class is within it's scale limits > > (MIN or MAXSCALE). Rather can one tell if a layer / class has any data > > w/i the current view. For instance, I may have a fire hydrant layer w/o > > any scale dependencies. But I might be zoomed into a field way out in > > the country side. So, yeah, technically the layer can be seen at that > > scale, but no fire hydrants are actually in the view. > > > > If this doesn't exist, shall I issue a feature request? > > > > Thanks. > > -Abe > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Thu Sep 1 14:32:00 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:32:00 -0400 Subject: Apache/mapserver error In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi all, I am having this error at some point. This is from apache log. I am sure if what actually tiggers this error. Does anyone have an idea about what might be triggering this??. I am using postgres/postgis shapes, standard ms4w 1.2.1 package and am using phpscript for talking to mapserver. /**** [Thu Sep 01 16:58:57 2005] [error] [client] msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = 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referer: &minX=652076.1870602727&minY=1148917.8477019286&maxX=658167.2032802727&maxY= 1152793.9489319285 ******/ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 1 14:35:57 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:35:57 -0400 Subject: Non-existant Legend Functionality? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I would just copy and paste the relevant parts of this thread into a new bug and select it as a feature request. -Steve Abe Gillespie wrote: > Yep, should be simple enough to keep a tab on the visible layers as > they're drawn. Well, I'll just stick to querying each layer by hand for > now. Where can I go to add a feature request? > > Do we also want to put this into the MapScript API where each class can > have something like: > > $class->hasDataInCurrentMapExtents; // Or something more concise. :) > > And layers have the equivalent where it's false if each of it's classes > are false for the above attribute. > > Thanks. > -Abe > > On 9/1/05, *Stephen Woodbridge* > wrote: > > Abe, > > I think this would be a very valuable extension and it would not be that > hard to implement. All that you would need is a bit array that is zeroed > before a draw request where each bit represents a unique layer-class, > then as objects are drawn you would OR 1 into the bit array for the > layer-class index if/when an object is drawn. Then you would need to be > able to query the bit array for a given layer-class index to see if it > was drawn. > > -Steve W. > > Abe Gillespie wrote: > > I build my legends by hand with PHP code because the native > > functionality just isn't good enough for what I > need. Unfortunately I > > still can't get it perfect because of what I think is missing > MapServer > > functionality. Currently my legends are just too big for > printing. Is > > there a way to tell whether a certain class is visible w/i the > current > > view? Now I don't mean whether the class is within it's scale > limits > > (MIN or MAXSCALE). Rather can one tell if a layer / class has > any data > > w/i the current view. For instance, I may have a fire hydrant > layer w/o > > any scale dependencies. But I might be zoomed into a field way > out in > > the country side. So, yeah, technically the layer can be seen at > that > > scale, but no fire hydrants are actually in the view. > > > > If this doesn't exist, shall I issue a feature request? > > > > Thanks. > > -Abe > > From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 14:37:05 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:37:05 -0400 Subject: Non-existant Legend Functionality? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Will do. Thank you. -Abe On 9/1/05, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > I would just copy and paste the relevant parts of this thread into a new > bug and select it as a feature request. > > > > -Steve > > Abe Gillespie wrote: > > Yep, should be simple enough to keep a tab on the visible layers as > > they're drawn. Well, I'll just stick to querying each layer by hand for > > now. Where can I go to add a feature request? > > > > Do we also want to put this into the MapScript API where each class can > > have something like: > > > > $class->hasDataInCurrentMapExtents; // Or something more concise. :) > > > > And layers have the equivalent where it's false if each of it's classes > > are false for the above attribute. > > > > Thanks. > > -Abe > > > > On 9/1/05, *Stephen Woodbridge* > > wrote: > > > > Abe, > > > > I think this would be a very valuable extension and it would not be that > > hard to implement. All that you would need is a bit array that is zeroed > > before a draw request where each bit represents a unique layer-class, > > then as objects are drawn you would OR 1 into the bit array for the > > layer-class index if/when an object is drawn. Then you would need to be > > able to query the bit array for a given layer-class index to see if it > > was drawn. > > > > -Steve W. > > > > Abe Gillespie wrote: > > > I build my legends by hand with PHP code because the native > > > functionality just isn't good enough for what I > > need. Unfortunately I > > > still can't get it perfect because of what I think is missing > > MapServer > > > functionality. Currently my legends are just too big for > > printing. Is > > > there a way to tell whether a certain class is visible w/i the > > current > > > view? Now I don't mean whether the class is within it's scale > > limits > > > (MIN or MAXSCALE). Rather can one tell if a layer / class has > > any data > > > w/i the current view. For instance, I may have a fire hydrant > > layer w/o > > > any scale dependencies. But I might be zoomed into a field way > > out in > > > the country side. So, yeah, technically the layer can be seen at > > that > > > scale, but no fire hydrants are actually in the view. > > > > > > If this doesn't exist, shall I issue a feature request? > > > > > > Thanks. > > > -Abe > > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From RMcCulley at COUNTY24.COM Thu Sep 1 14:39:17 2005 From: RMcCulley at COUNTY24.COM (Rob McCulley) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:39:17 -0600 Subject: Non-existant Legend Functionality? Message-ID: This can be done using PHP, but it would be much better/faster if it were a feature in MapServer. To perform this in PHP you would need to create a RectObj that corresponds with the current extent of the map, and then individually queryByRect each layer to see if any objects are within the current extent. You would be able to reduce the number of querys by not running the query on layers that are not sparesly populated (like your parcels or roads etc.). Cheers, Rob -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 3:20 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Non-existant Legend Functionality? Abe, I think this would be a very valuable extension and it would not be that hard to implement. All that you would need is a bit array that is zeroed before a draw request where each bit represents a unique layer-class, then as objects are drawn you would OR 1 into the bit array for the layer-class index if/when an object is drawn. Then you would need to be able to query the bit array for a given layer-class index to see if it was drawn. -Steve W. Abe Gillespie wrote: > I build my legends by hand with PHP code because the native > functionality just isn't good enough for what I need. Unfortunately I > still can't get it perfect because of what I think is missing MapServer > functionality. Currently my legends are just too big for printing. Is > there a way to tell whether a certain class is visible w/i the current > view? Now I don't mean whether the class is within it's scale limits > (MIN or MAXSCALE). Rather can one tell if a layer / class has any data > w/i the current view. For instance, I may have a fire hydrant layer w/o > any scale dependencies. But I might be zoomed into a field way out in > the country side. So, yeah, technically the layer can be seen at that > scale, but no fire hydrants are actually in the view. > > If this doesn't exist, shall I issue a feature request? > > Thanks. > -Abe From numerous at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 1 15:36:13 2005 From: numerous at GMAIL.COM (Yar Doroshenko) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:36:13 -0500 Subject: Mr SID support into PHP mapscript Message-ID: How are you guys, As the time goes by I decided to post this question again, just in case someone is able to help me: Has anyone compiled Mr SID support into PHP mapscript? If so, does anyone have binaries for download? Also, another question: does anyone know of an efficient way to reproject MrSID images from Albers to Latlong without converting them into GeoTIFFs? Thank you very much! Yar From bill at BINKO.NET Thu Sep 1 15:42:30 2005 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 18:42:30 -0400 Subject: Mr SID support into PHP mapscript In-Reply-To: Message-ID: GDAL can handle MrSIDs if you download the development library. You might look at for more about how to set that up. Once GDAL is compiled with MrSID support, All of the Mapserver raster support will be available on MrSIDs. Bill On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Yar Doroshenko wrote: > How are you guys, > > As the time goes by I decided to post this question again, just in case > someone is able to help me: > > Has anyone compiled Mr SID support into PHP mapscript? If so, does anyone > have binaries for download? > > Also, another question: does anyone know of an efficient way to reproject > MrSID images from Albers to Latlong without converting them into GeoTIFFs? > > Thank you very much! > > > Yar > > From steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 1 15:49:35 2005 From: steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM (Steve Benzo) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:49:35 -0700 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o Message-ID: Hi, I'm trying to build the latest version of mapserver, 4.6.1. After successfully running configure, I get the following fatal error when I try to make mapserver: make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `mapogr.o The only thing that seemed to be off from the configuration run was the following: configure: checking HTTPD server (Apache) version... checking for httpd... /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd awk: syntax error near line 1 awk: bailing out near line 1 awk: syntax error near line 1 awk: bailing out near line 1 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd version is Apache/2.0.49 (). Compiling with -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA. checking compiler warnings... basic I tried running it without the http and that didn't seem to work. I'm on a Solaris machine using GDAL 1.2. Thanks in advance. ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page From steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 1 15:53:12 2005 From: steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM (Steve Benzo) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:53:12 -0700 Subject: installation woes - 256 character limit In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Just thought I'd pass along what I did to get this working. Turns out the 256 was a limitation of the korn shell, and by simply switching to the bash shell (by typing bash) I was able to enter more than 256 characters (and thus successfully configure mapserver). Thanks everyone for your help on this. > > Steve Benzo wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I'm trying to configure mapserver on solaris (via > ssh > > to a remote machine). Anyway, I'm unable to add > more > > parameters to the configure string after 256 > > characters on the command line. I also tried > making a > > text file and piping it the input, but that didn't > > help either. Anyone have any suggestions? > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > protection around > > > > -- > Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at > Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University > Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 > FAX: 979.847.8578 Pager: 979.228.0173 > Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX > 77843 > ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page From benpub at INQUIRIUM.NET Thu Sep 1 22:43:45 2005 From: benpub at INQUIRIUM.NET (Ben Loh) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 00:43:45 -0500 Subject: Class Names not saved? Message-ID: Hi, I'm putting together a historical map application for high school/college level students and am running into some problems with setting class names. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but here's what's happening: I want to dynamically create classes for a given map (In the full app, I create classes, for the test app, I'm just changing an existing class). So, I read in the map, get the layer, and set the class name to a new name. Everything looks fine until I try to get the class name from the layer again: the class name reverts to the default name defined in the .map file! Is this some kind of referencing problem that I'm overlooking? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! Ben Here's a snippet of my map file: ============================================================ LAYER NAME "PersonSqK" DATA states1790 STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON CLASS NAME "Orig Class Name" EXPRESSION ([PERSONSSQK] <= 305) STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 153 153 153 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER And here's some test code to generate the error: ============================================================ '; } $map = ms_newMapObj( '' ); $allLayers = $map->getAllLayerNames(); foreach($allLayers as $a) { $theLayer = $map->getLayerByName($a); $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 ); dbgout( 'baseClass default name = '.$baseClass->name); // This displays: "Orig Class Name" // Try setting the name to something new $baseClass->name = 'Replaced Name'; dbgout( 'baseClass changed name = '.$baseClass->name); // This displays: "Replaced Name", so far everything is fine. } foreach($allLayers as $a) { $theLayer = $map->getLayerByName($a); $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 ); dbgout( 'baseClass reread name = '.$baseClass->name); // This displays: "Orig Class Name"!!!! Where did the replaced name go? } ?> You can test this on my server: -- b e n l o h . . . i n q u i r i u m . design for learning . mobile 773-220-8889 (primary line) . . voice 773-947-0450 . ben at . fax 773-947-6764 From oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL Thu Sep 1 23:36:00 2005 From: oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL (Robert oude Lohuis) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 01:36:00 -0500 Subject: Filtering on oracle layers using mapserver 4.6 Message-ID: Fernando, thanks for the reply, but we would use native support if could, because it is faster (and according to you, we should not have a problem). But alas, we also need administrative data from the database, so we must use OGR ;-( I very much like to use the extent filter, but the trouble is dat with every dataset added to the database, the performance drops. So if there are 10 datasets in the table, and you need only one to display, all ten datasets are retrieved from the database. And if you use the query to restrict the dataset, even if zoomed in on a very small area, the whole dataset is retrieved from the database. Is this a problem with OGR, is it not capable of merging the two filter-parts, of is the problem within mapserver ? greetz, Robert. From A.Nemmert at ONET.AT Fri Sep 2 00:09:06 2005 From: A.Nemmert at ONET.AT (Nemmert, Andreas) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:09:06 +0200 Subject: zoom rectangle with PHP Message-ID: Hi list I am a student of Geoinformation and have to set up a UMN server for my internship. I have to use PHP. I still have programmed the functions zoom in and zoom out, with zoompoint. But now I want to use zoommrectangle. My question: how do I get the 4 coordinates of the rectangle the user raises? Thank you for your help! Andres -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT Fri Sep 2 01:04:53 2005 From: piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT (Piero Cavalieri) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 03:04:53 -0500 Subject: jbox not use applet Message-ID: You could use bdox for this, which is based on javascript library (x). Code interface for mapserver is similar to jbox Search in google for dbox and Mapserver Piero Andres Taborda ha scritto: >hello list >I want add functions for zoom, panning, box, etc to >my applications. > >how to make for include this functions not using the >applet. > >I need addition source code based only with javascript > > >Thanks very much. > > >__________________________________________________ >Correo Yahoo! >Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! >Reg?strate ya - > From fillymax at TISCALI.IT Fri Sep 2 01:05:11 2005 From: fillymax at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro MAZZELLA) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:05:11 +0200 Subject: Fw: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NEED HELP Message-ID: This is the entire layer portion ... tnkx a. LAYER NAME mesh-portoscuso GROUP area-modelling TYPE Polygon STATUS on DATA mesh-portoscuso HEADER '/var/www/cgi-bin/alex/datacrossing/templates/mesh-su8.html' TEMPLATE '/var/www/cgi-bin/alex/datacrossing/templates/mesh_query8.html' TOLERANCE 1 CLASS NAME 'mesh-portoscuso' STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR -1 -1 -1 END LABEL TYPE truetype FONT a006 SIZE 5 ANTIALIAS TRUE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 END END JOIN TABLE "mese.dbf" TO "SIM_ID" NAME "mese" FROM "sim_id" END LABELITEM "mese_VALORE" END Ciao, Alessandro MAZZELLA ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Randy James" To: "Alessandro MAZZELLA" Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:35 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NEED HELP > Maybe post the entire layer portion of the mapfile to the group. You also > need a > label section for the layer. > > --- Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: > >> I've tryed to put LABELITEM declaration in every part of the map file ... >> but it doesn't run :( >> >> bye, >> >> Alessandro MAZZELLA >> >> ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> From: "Randy James" >> To: "Alessandro MAZZELLA" >> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:04 PM >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NEED HELP >> >> >> > Yes it is but i do not think you can do it in the join tag, its done in >> > the layer >> > section. >> > >> > --- Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: >> > >> >> Hi everybody ;) >> >> >> >> is it possible to get "labelitem" for layer's components from >> >> a >> >> joined >> >> table ? >> >> >> >> es.( >> >> >> >> JOIN >> >> TABLE "simulation.dbf" >> >> TO "SIM_ID" >> >> NAME "simulation" >> >> FROM "SIM_ID" >> >> END >> >> LABELITEM "VALUE" >> >> END >> >> >> >> ) >> >> where "VALUE" is joined table column name ? >> >> >> >> tnks to all >> >> >> >> Alex FillyMax >> >> >> >> ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) >> >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > ____________________________________________________ >> > Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page >> > >> > >> >> > > > > > ____________________________________________________ > Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > > From yvan.calcagni at VOILA.FR Fri Sep 2 02:09:54 2005 From: yvan.calcagni at VOILA.FR (SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Y. Calcagni) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:09:54 -0500 Subject: zoom rectangle with PHP Message-ID: Hi, you don't need to get the 4 coordinates but only the upper left and the lower right ones (or reverse) and then you can recreate by yourself the 4 coords. So you've to use javascript functions to record the first coordinate clicked on the client map (onmousedown event) and the second (onmouseup event) and send it with a form submit. Then you will be able to make a php zoomtoextent(). Hope it will help you. Yvan CALCAGNI From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Sep 2 03:25:09 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:25:09 +0200 Subject: &SLD_BODY not working, &SLD is working Message-ID: Hi list, I have no trouble getting my selection highlighted using a &SLD type of request, eg: http://localhost:8080/stragisweb/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/stragisweb/htdocs/sites/ijmond/map/,bisrapport_vlak,kadperceel&styles=,,&srs=EPSG:28992&width=500&height=500&bbox=100641.32605,496962.94195,100776.59795,497104.145&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&service=WMS&sld=http://localhost:8080/mami/common/gis/selection.sld But I want to use SLD_BODY since I do not want to write sld files all the time from my application, but using the same sld in &SLD_BODY does not highlight the selection, eg: http://localhost:8080/stragisweb/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/stragisweb/htdocs/sites/ijmond/map/,bisrapport_vlak,kadperceel&styles=,,&srs=EPSG:28992&width=500&height=500&bbox=100641.32605,496962.94195,100776.59795,497104.145&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&service=WMS&sld_body=%3CStyledLayerDescriptor%20version=%221.0.0%22%3E%3CNamedLayer%3E%3CName%3Ekadperceel%3C/Name%3E%3CUserStyle%3E%3CFeatureTypeStyle%3E%3CRule%3E%3Cogc:Filter%3E%3Cogc:And%3E%3Cogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3EGEMCOD%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3EIMD00%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3ESECTIE%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3EL%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3ENUMMER%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3E3231%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3C/og! c:And%3E%3C/ogc:Filter%3E%3CLineSymbolizer%3E%3CStroke%3E%3CCssParameter%20name=%22stroke%22%3E#ffff00%3C/CssParameter%3E%3CCssParameter%20name=%22stroke-width%22%3E5%3C/CssParameter%3E%3C/Stroke%3E%3C/LineSymbolizer%3E%3C/Rule%3E%3C/FeatureTypeStyle%3E%3C/UserStyle%3E%3C/NamedLayer%3E%3C/StyledLayerDescriptor%3E I can't get any useful debugging info out of Mapserver to help me solve this problem. Does anybody have an idea what could be going wrong? I do get back an image but the selection does not show. I am using 4.7, CVS version from 2 weeks ago. Best regards, Bart From higon_jos at GVA.ES Fri Sep 2 03:56:28 2005 From: higon_jos at GVA.ES (Jos=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9_Vte_Hig=F3n?=) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 05:56:28 -0500 Subject: GetfatureInfo not found with wms connectiontype Message-ID: Hi! Should be possible to get the output of getfeatureinfo operation in a layer which connectiontype is WMS? I think that not is possible yet. Thanks in advance. From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Sep 2 04:15:44 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:15:44 +0200 Subject: &SLD_BODY not working, &SLD is working In-Reply-To: <18725.> Message-ID: Okay, solved this by doing some debugging. Apparently Internet Explorer does not urlencode the # of the color, changing it manually to %23 solved the issue. Best regards, Bart > Hi list, > > I have no trouble getting my selection highlighted using a &SLD type of > request, eg: > > http://localhost:8080/stragisweb/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/stragisweb/htdocs/sites/ijmond/map/,bisrapport_vlak,kadperceel&styles=,,&srs=EPSG:28992&width=500&height=500&bbox=100641.32605,496962.94195,100776.59795,497104.145&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&service=WMS&sld=http://localhost:8080/mami/common/gis/selection.sld > > But I want to use SLD_BODY since I do not want to write sld files all the > time from my application, but using the same sld in &SLD_BODY does not > highlight the selection, eg: > > http://localhost:8080/stragisweb/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/stragisweb/htdocs/sites/ijmond/map/,bisrapport_vlak,kadperceel&styles=,,&srs=EPSG:28992&width=500&height=500&bbox=100641.32605,496962.94195,100776.59795,497104.145&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&service=WMS&sld_body=%3CStyledLayerDescriptor%20version=%221.0.0%22%3E%3CNamedLayer%3E%3CName%3Ekadperceel%3C/Name%3E%3CUserStyle%3E%3CFeatureTypeStyle%3E%3CRule%3E%3Cogc:Filter%3E%3Cogc:And%3E%3Cogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3EGEMCOD%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3EIMD00%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3ESECTIE%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3EL%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3ENUMMER%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3E3231%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3C/! og! > c:And%3E%3C/ogc:Filter%3E%3CLineSymbolizer%3E%3CStroke%3E%3CCssParameter%20name=%22stroke%22%3E#ffff00%3C/CssParameter%3E%3CCssParameter%20name=%22stroke-width%22%3E5%3C/CssParameter%3E%3C/Stroke%3E%3C/LineSymbolizer%3E%3C/Rule%3E%3C/FeatureTypeStyle%3E%3C/UserStyle%3E%3C/NamedLayer%3E%3C/StyledLayerDescriptor%3E > > I can't get any useful debugging info out of Mapserver to help me solve > this problem. > > Does anybody have an idea what could be going wrong? I do get back an > image but the selection does not show. > > I am using 4.7, CVS version from 2 weeks ago. > > Best regards, > Bart > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Sep 2 04:17:23 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:17:23 +0200 Subject: GetfatureInfo not found with wms connectiontype In-Reply-To: Message-ID: No this is not possible, Mapserver does not cascade GetFeatureInfo requests since the output of a GetFeatureInfo request is very vaguely defined by the OGC, it can almost be anything. Best regards, Bart > Hi! > Should be possible to get the output of getfeatureinfo operation in a > layer which connectiontype is WMS? > I think that not is possible yet. > Thanks in advance. > From haerta at YAHOO.COM Fri Sep 2 06:19:24 2005 From: haerta at YAHOO.COM (Michael H=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E4rtel?=) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 06:19:24 -0700 Subject: No "$objMap->insertLayer" in PHP Mapscript: OK. But where is the workaround? Message-ID: Hello! I use PHP Mapscript 4.6.0 and I know that the function $objMap->insertLayer is not implemented in the PHP Version of MapScript. Since this will be implemented in a future release, I try to solve my problem with ms_newLayerObj(), as Daniel Morissette wrote in Bug 762. But I can't figure out how a function to create a new layer can be a workaround for a function which adds a layer to the map object. The Problem is (And many others seem to be stuck here too) that I have a mapObject with some "dummy layers" predefined in the mapfile. Now I want to change the tileitem and tileindex for that layers during runtime of my PHP Script to fill the dummy layers with some data (GDAL raster files in my case): $objLayer=$objMap->GetLayerByName(); $objLayer->tileitem="location"; $objLayer->tileindex="/gdaltindex.shp"; doesn't work because the layer object lives outside the map object. var_dump(objLayer) dumps the correct layer but a var_dump($objMap->GetLayerByName()) returns the old layer. So can somebody tell me how to create a map object from a mapfile and add a "runtime-layer" to that object with PHP Mapscript? Thanks for any reply, Michael __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail for Mobile Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 2 06:33:24 2005 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:33:24 -0400 Subject: What's new on mapserver 4.6.1? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Luca Manganelli wrote: > Where is the changelog? > I will send a 4.6.1 release announcement in a few minutes to this list that will include the changes since 4.6.0 -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 2 06:36:59 2005 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:36:59 -0400 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Steve Benzo wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to build the latest version of mapserver, > 4.6.1. After successfully running configure, I get the > following fatal error when I try to make mapserver: > > make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target > `mapogr.o > You must be getting more errors/warnings from the mapogr.cpp compilation just before Make stops with the above error message... the explanation of the problem lies in there. Please review those errors or send a copy to the list and we can try to help. Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 2 06:42:36 2005 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:42:36 -0400 Subject: MapServer 4.6.1 released Message-ID: MapServer 4.6.1 has been released. This new release addresses a few issues that were found since version 4.6.0 and contains no new functionality. The list of fixes is included at the end of this message. The source package is available in the MapServer downloads page: and Windows binaries should be available shortly at the usual locations, see: Regards, Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.6.1 (2005-08-26) -------------------------- - Typemaps for C# to enable the imageObj.getBytes() method (bug 1389). - bug 1307: Enable -DUSE_ZLIB via configure for compressed SVG output. - bug 1372: mapresample.c - ensure that multi-band raw results can be resampled. - bug 1418: Fixed sortshp.c to free shapes after processing to avoid major memory leak. - bug 1402: fixed mappool.c so that any thread can release a connection, not just it's allocator. - Bug 1408: Fixed missing space in GML MultiLineString output - Bug 1399: Fixed copy of processing directives within a layer copy. - Bug 1312: Problems with string initialization when building tmp files. It was cuasing a problem for wms client layers. - Bug 1390: Fix svg output for multipolygons. - Bug 1141: Fixed problem with GetLegendGraphic on layers with status=off From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Fri Sep 2 06:48:02 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:48:02 -0400 Subject: Class Names not saved? Message-ID: The following message was sent by Ben Loh on Fri, 2 Sep 2005 00:43:45 -0500. > Hi, > > I'm putting together a historical map application for high > school/college level students and am running into some problems with > setting class names. > > Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but here's what's happening: > I want to dynamically create classes for a given map (In the full > app, I create classes, for the test app, I'm just changing an > existing class). So, I read in the map, get the layer, and set the > class name to a new name. Everything looks fine until I try to get > the class name from the layer again: the class name reverts to the > default name defined in the .map file! Is this some kind of > referencing problem that I'm overlooking? Any help would be much > appreciated. > > Thanks! > > Ben > > > Here's a snippet of my map file: > ============================================================ > LAYER > NAME "PersonSqK" > DATA states1790 > STATUS ON > TYPE POLYGON > > CLASS > NAME "Orig Class Name" > EXPRESSION ([PERSONSSQK] <= 305) > STYLE > COLOR 255 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 153 153 153 > END #STYLE > END #CLASS > > END #LAYER > > > > And here's some test code to generate the error: > ============================================================ > dl(''); > > function dbgout( $text ) { echo $text.'
'; } > > $map = ms_newMapObj( '' ); > > $allLayers = $map->getAllLayerNames(); > foreach($allLayers as $a) { > $theLayer = $map->getLayerByName($a); > > $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 ); > dbgout( 'baseClass default name = '.$baseClass->name); > // This displays: "Orig Class Name" > > // Try setting the name to something new > $baseClass->name = 'Replaced Name'; > dbgout( 'baseClass changed name = '.$baseClass->name); > // This displays: "Replaced Name", so far everything is fine. > > } > > foreach($allLayers as $a) { > $theLayer = $map->getLayerByName($a); > > $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 ); > dbgout( 'baseClass reread name = '.$baseClass->name); > // This displays: "Orig Class Name"!!!! Where did the replaced name go? > } > > ?> Ben, I'm not sure where in your code you change $a to 'Replaced Name' before running the 2nd $map->getLayerByName($a)? If $a is not changed, aren't you asking for $map->getLayerByName("Orig Class Name")? Lowell From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Fri Sep 2 06:53:10 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:53:10 -0400 Subject: No "$objMap->insertLayer" in PHP Mapscript: OK. But where is the workaround? Message-ID: The following message was sent by Michael H=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E4rtel?= on Fri, 2 Sep 2005 06:19:24 -0700. > Hello! > > I use PHP Mapscript 4.6.0 and I know that the function > $objMap->insertLayer is not implemented in the PHP > Version of MapScript. > Since this will be implemented in a future release, I > try to solve my problem with ms_newLayerObj(), as > Daniel Morissette wrote in Bug 762. > But I can't figure out how a function to create a new > layer can be a workaround for a function which adds a > layer to the map object. > The Problem is (And many others seem to be stuck here > too) that I have a mapObject with some "dummy layers" > predefined in the mapfile. Now I want to change the > tileitem and tileindex for that layers during runtime > of my PHP Script to fill the dummy layers with some > data (GDAL raster files in my case): > > $objLayer=$objMap->GetLayerByName(); > $objLayer->tileitem="location"; > $objLayer->tileindex="/gdaltindex.shp"; > > doesn't work because the layer object lives outside > the map object. > > var_dump(objLayer) dumps the correct layer but a > var_dump($objMap->GetLayerByName()) returns > the old layer. > So can somebody tell me how to create a map object > from a mapfile and add a "runtime-layer" to that > object with PHP Mapscript? > > Thanks for any reply, Michael, What do you mean by 'layer object lives outside the map object'? I don't believe it does in your case because you are creating it via the mapObj. Lowell From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Fri Sep 2 07:11:24 2005 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:11:24 -0400 Subject: PHP on IIS method to 'hide' map= in OGC requests? Message-ID: This page has an example of how to put a wrapper around mapserver in order to "hide" the map= part of OGC requests. I am using PHP on a windows server using IIS, and I was wondering if anyone out there has a similar method to do this, but using PHP? Thanks, D. Pagurek -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Daniel Morissette Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 9:43 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer 4.6.1 released MapServer 4.6.1 has been released. This new release addresses a few issues that were found since version 4.6.0 and contains no new functionality. The list of fixes is included at the end of this message. The source package is available in the MapServer downloads page: and Windows binaries should be available shortly at the usual locations, see: Regards, Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.6.1 (2005-08-26) -------------------------- - Typemaps for C# to enable the imageObj.getBytes() method (bug 1389). - bug 1307: Enable -DUSE_ZLIB via configure for compressed SVG output. - bug 1372: mapresample.c - ensure that multi-band raw results can be resampled. - bug 1418: Fixed sortshp.c to free shapes after processing to avoid major memory leak. - bug 1402: fixed mappool.c so that any thread can release a connection, not just it's allocator. - Bug 1408: Fixed missing space in GML MultiLineString output - Bug 1399: Fixed copy of processing directives within a layer copy. - Bug 1312: Problems with string initialization when building tmp files. It was cuasing a problem for wms client layers. - Bug 1390: Fix svg output for multipolygons. - Bug 1141: Fixed problem with GetLegendGraphic on layers with status=off From haerta at YAHOO.COM Fri Sep 2 08:00:11 2005 From: haerta at YAHOO.COM (Michael H=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E4rtel?=) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:00:11 -0700 Subject: No "$objMap->insertLayer" in PHP Mapscript: OK. WORKAROUND NOT NEEDED! In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello Again! Sorry for evoking some confusion with my mail. I haven't noticed that there is a parameter for the map object in the ms_newLayerObj function. by the way the $obj_layer->=value thing doesn't seem to work with PHP properly. (That's why the second output didn't show the changed layer properties I guess. The layer object was refered correctly so my Assumption about the layer object being outside the map object probably was incorrect). I switched to $obj_layer->set( , value) and this works fine now. I guess I don't need to use ms_newLayerObj(MapObj map [, layerObj layer]) in my case. Sorry about my mail, Michael --- Lowell Filak wrote: > The following message was sent by Michael > H=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E4rtel?= > on Fri, 2 Sep 2005 06:19:24 > -0700. > > > Hello! > > > > I use PHP Mapscript 4.6.0 and I know that the > function > > $objMap->insertLayer is not implemented in the PHP > > Version of MapScript. > > Since this will be implemented in a future > release, I > > try to solve my problem with ms_newLayerObj(), as > > Daniel Morissette wrote in Bug 762. > > But I can't figure out how a function to create a > new > > layer can be a workaround for a function which > adds a > > layer to the map object. > > The Problem is (And many others seem to be stuck > here > > too) that I have a mapObject with some "dummy > layers" > > predefined in the mapfile. Now I want to change > the > > tileitem and tileindex for that layers during > runtime > > of my PHP Script to fill the dummy layers with > some > > data (GDAL raster files in my case): > > > > $objLayer=$objMap->GetLayerByName(); > > $objLayer->tileitem="location"; > > $objLayer->tileindex="/gdaltindex.shp"; > > > > doesn't work because the layer object lives > outside > > the map object. > > > > var_dump(objLayer) dumps the correct layer but a > > var_dump($objMap->GetLayerByName()) > returns > > the old layer. > > So can somebody tell me how to create a map object > > from a mapfile and add a "runtime-layer" to that > > object with PHP Mapscript? > > > > Thanks for any reply, > > Michael, > > What do you mean by 'layer object lives outside the > map object'? > I don't believe it does in your case because you are > creating it via the > mapObj. > > Lowell > ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Sep 2 08:31:05 2005 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:31:05 -0500 Subject: Multiple point symbols Message-ID: All, More symbol stuff. Is there a way to make a symbol that is basically a group of points? Along the lines of a grid fill pattern, only at the Symbol level? bobb From woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM Fri Sep 2 08:32:55 2005 From: woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM (William Kyngesburye) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:32:55 -0500 Subject: MapServer 4.6.1 released In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: And I've been putting it off (been sick), but I hope to get Mac OS X binaries out this weekend. Including splitting off an additional php- mapscript for PHP-CGI (for all those concerned about stability). On Sep 2, 2005, at 8:42 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote: > MapServer 4.6.1 has been released. This new release addresses a few > issues that were found since version 4.6.0 and contains no new > functionality. The list of fixes is included at the end of this > message. > > The source package is available in the MapServer downloads page: > > and Windows binaries should be available shortly at the usual > locations, > see: > > ----- William Kyngesburye All generalizations are dangerous, even this one. From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Fri Sep 2 08:53:07 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:53:07 -0400 Subject: zoomRectangle problem... Message-ID: The following message was sent by Paul james on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 09:20:16 -0300. > No one can help-me? > Ps.: The "extent" object is the map?s extent ... > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Paul james > Date: Aug 30, 2005 11:22 AM > Subject: zoomRectangle problem... > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > > Hi... > My zoom box: > rectObj rec = new rectObj(127,156,362,351,0); > My map extent: > rectObj extent = new rectObj(-79.67662,-34.2426, -24.5421, 6.87629, 0); > and I called the zoomrect function: > map.zoomRectangle(rec,map.width,map.height,extent,null); > But I got the error: > *Georeferenced coordinates miny <= maxy* > Any ideas? Paul, What is the '0' for on the rectObj's? lowell From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Fri Sep 2 08:57:52 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:57:52 -0400 Subject: Class Names not saved? Message-ID: The following message was sent by Ben Loh on Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:15:50 -0500. > At 9:48 a -0400 9/2/05, Lowell Filak wrote: > > > > > >> dl(''); > >> > >> function dbgout( $text ) { echo $text.'
'; } > >> > >> $map = ms_newMapObj( '' ); > >> > >> $allLayers = $map->getAllLayerNames(); > >> foreach($allLayers as $a) { > >> $theLayer = $map->getLayerByName($a); > >> > > > $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 ); > >> dbgout( 'baseClass default name = '.$baseClass->name); > >> // This displays: "Orig Class Name" > >> > >> // Try setting the name to something new > > > $baseClass->name = 'Replaced Name'; > >> dbgout( 'baseClass changed name = '.$baseClass->name); > >> // This displays: "Replaced Name", so far everything is fine. > >> > >> } > >> > >> foreach($allLayers as $a) { > >> $theLayer = $map->getLayerByName($a); > >> > >> $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 ); > >> dbgout( 'baseClass reread name = '.$baseClass->name); > >> // This displays: "Orig Class Name"!!!! Where did the replaced > >name go? > >> } > >> > >> ?> > > > >Ben, > > > >I'm not sure where in your code you change $a to 'Replaced Name' before > >running the 2nd $map->getLayerByName($a)? > >If $a is not changed, aren't you asking for $map->getLayerByName("Orig > >Class Name")? > > > >Lowell > > > Hi Lowell, > > Thanks for answering. > > Hmm...maybe I'm missing something about the way that mapscript works. > $a refers to the layer names. So $a is being set in the "foreach..." > calls. I then loop through the layers, setting $theLayer to each > layer in turn. > > I'm setting the name of the classes in the line $baseClass->name = > 'Replaced Name';. The $baseClass is being retrieved from the layer > by the line $baseClass = $theLayer->getClass( 0 );. > > So if I grab a layer, then grab a class, then change the name of the > class, am I working with a reference to the actual class, or am I > somehow working with a copy of the class? Is this the source of my > problem? > > Thanks, Ben, I believe you're working with the layer with the changed name up until the point when the code re-selects the layer based on the old name. But I could be missing something in the code. Lowell From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Fri Sep 2 09:05:58 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:05:58 +0100 Subject: Editing mapfiles Message-ID: Hi list, I've only recently started to work with MapServer, after learning the basics of it and setting it up, I am now ready to start creating maps! very exciting. My question would be what editor should I use and how should I use it to create/edit mapfiles. I'm currently using Vim with mapfile syntax highlighting installed from the user utilities part of the mapserver website. This is working well. But it is hard navigating the whole file. There isn't an overview window which UltraEdit seems to have. I'd have to manually scroll to the area of interest rather than doubling clicking on a side bar listing of layer objects. I'm not explaining this very well, but are you with me? How is everyone else editing mapfiles? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh, my platform is Debian Sarge. Thanks Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR Fri Sep 2 09:16:45 2005 From: lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR (Eduardo Patto Kanegae) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:16:45 -0300 Subject: Editing mapfiles In-Reply-To: Message-ID: If you use SciTE ( ) with its Ruby lexer, it fits very well for MapFile editing. best Eduardo Patto Kanegae On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:05:58 +0100, Xin escreveu: > De: Xin > Data: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:05:58 +0100 > Para: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Assunto: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Editing mapfiles > > > Hi list, > > I've only recently started to work with MapServer, after learning the basics > of it and setting it up, I am now ready to start creating maps! very > exciting. > > My question would be what editor should I use and how should I use it to > create/edit mapfiles. I'm currently using Vim with mapfile syntax > highlighting installed from the user utilities part of the mapserver > website. This is working well. But it is hard navigating the whole file. > > There isn't an overview window which UltraEdit seems to have. I'd have to > manually scroll to the area of interest rather than doubling clicking on a > side bar listing of layer objects. I'm not explaining this very well, but > are you with me? > > How is everyone else editing mapfiles? Any advice would be greatly > appreciated. Oh, my platform is Debian Sarge. > > Thanks > Xin > > From adamkiel at NETINS.NET Fri Sep 2 10:09:01 2005 From: adamkiel at NETINS.NET (Adam Kiel) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:09:01 -0500 Subject: Remote Server Message-ID: Question: Is it possible to setup a MapServer site on a remote server? Specifically Ipowerweb? *** Adam Kiel GIS Specialist NE Iowa RC&D 101 E. Greene Street P.O. Box 916 Postville, Iowa 52162 Phone: 563-864-7112 Fax: 563-864-7113 Email: adamkiel at Website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From duchovni at GMAIL.COM Fri Sep 2 10:27:12 2005 From: duchovni at GMAIL.COM (Davi Duchovni) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:27:12 -0300 Subject: OGR and XML Message-ID: Please I am creating the Virtual Spatial Data but i don?t know how to create the xml file and how to link the map file whith the xml file!!! please, could any one help me?!?!?! follow the file of what i?m doind!!! thanks ODBC:user/pass at DNS teste wkbPoint WGS84 LAYER NAME teste CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "ODBC:user/pass at DNS" DATA "select X,Y from vw_aluno_xy where ID = 107581" STATUS ON TYPE POINT thanks a lot Davi From steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM Fri Sep 2 10:53:26 2005 From: steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM (Steve Benzo) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:53:26 -0700 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I switched to gdal-1.2.6, but still get the same: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `mapogr.o' when making mapserver. The output from configure and make are below: # ./configure --enable-runpath --with-proj=/usr/local/ --with-wmsclient --with-curl=/usr/local/bin --with-php=/usr/local/ --with-gdal=/usr/local/gdal-1.2.6/apps/gdal-config --with-wfs --with-wfsclient --with-pdf=/usr/local/include --with-eppl --with-wcs --with-wms --with-png=/usr/local/libpng -with-zlib=/usr/local/zlib --with-gd=/usr/local/gd2 --with-freetype=/usr/local/freetype --with-libiconv=/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1 --with-ogr=/usr/local/gdal-1.2.6/apps/gdal-config checking for gcc... gcc checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of executables... checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed checking for g++... g++ checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes checking for ranlib... ranlib checking for flex... flex checking for yywrap in -lfl... no checking for yywrap in -ll... yes checking lex output file root... lex.yy checking whether yytext is a pointer... yes checking for bison... bison -y checking if compiler supports -R... yes checking for exp in -lm... yes checking for __gxx_personality_v0 in -lstdc++... yes checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E checking for egrep... egrep checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for strcasecmp... yes checking for strncasecmp... yes checking for strdup... yes checking for strlcat... yes MapServer Version from map.h: '4.6.1' configure: checking where FreeType 2.x is installed... using libfreetype from -L/usr/local/freetype-2.1.4/lib -lfreetype -lz checking for FT_Init_FreeType in -lfreetype... no using libfreetype -L/usr/local/freetype-2.1.4/lib -lfreetype -lz from system libs. configure: checking where Zlib is installed... using libz from -L/usr/local/zlib/lib -lz (-DUSE_ZLIB) configure: checking where PNG is installed... using libpng from -L/usr/local/libpng/lib -lpng configure: checking whether we should include JPEG support... checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... no libjpeg not found. JPEG support not included, possibly needed for GD. configure: checking where libXpm is installed... using libXpm from -L/lib -lXpm -lX11 configure: checking where libiconv is installed... checking for iconv_open in -lc... yes checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes using libiconv from -L/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/lib -liconv libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... yes using libgd 2.0.16 (or higher) from -L/usr/local/gd2/lib -lgd -L/usr/local/freetype-2.1.4/lib -lfreetype -lz -L/usr/local/libpng/lib -lpng -L/usr/local/zlib/lib -lz -L/lib -lXpm -lX11 checking for gdImageGif in -lc... yes checking for gdImagePng in -lc... yes checking for gdImageJpeg in -lc... yes checking for gdImageWBMP in -lc... yes checking for gdImageStringFT in -lc... yes checking for gdImageGifPtr in -lc... yes checking for gdFontGetTiny in -lc... yes using GD ( -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS) from /usr/local/gd2. configure: checking whether we should include PDF support... using libpdf from -L/usr/local/include/lib64 -lpdf. configure: checking whether we should include EPPL7 support... including EPPL7 support. configure: checking whether we should include PROJ.4 support... checking for pj_transform in -lproj... yes using PROJ.4 from /usr/local/. configure: checking whether we should include thread safe support... thread safe support disabled. configure: checking whether we should include ESRI SDE support... ESRI SDE support not requested. configure: checking whether we should include SDE raster support... not including experimental SDE raster support. configure: checking whether we should compile in MPATROL support... MPATROL support not requested. checking if GEOS support requested... no configure: checking whether we should include OGR support... OGR enabled (-DUSE_OGR). checking if GDAL support requested... yes, user supplied gdal-config (/usr/local/gdal-1.2.6/apps/gdal-config) configure: checking whether we should include TIFF support... disabled since gdal is in use checking if PostGIS support requested... no checking if MyGIS support requested... no checking if OracleSpatial support requested... no checking if MING/Flash support requested... no configure: checking whether we should include WMS Server support... OGC WMS compatibility enabled (-DUSE_WMS_SVR). configure: checking whether we should include WFS Server support... OGC WFS Server support enabled (-DUSE_WFS_SVR). configure: checking whether we should include WCS Server support... OGC WCS Server support enabled (-DUSE_WCS_SVR). configure: checking whether we should include WMS Client Connections support... configure: checking whether we should include WFS Client Connections support... configure: checking for curl-config... checking for curl-config... /usr/local/bin/curl-config found libcurl version 7.11.0 OGC WMS Client Connections enabled (-DUSE_WMS_LYR). OGC WFS Client Connections enabled (-DUSE_WFS_LYR). configure: checking whether FastCGI support should be enabled... FastCGI support not enabled. configure: checking HTTPD server (Apache) version... checking for httpd... /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd version is Apache/2.0.49 (2000049). Compiling with -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA. checking compiler warnings... basic configure: checking whether we should enable debug features... configure: checking for PHP/MapScript module options... checking for g++ -shared ... no(3) checking for ld -shared ... no using 'g++ -shared' for dynamic linking checking for location of config.h or php_config.h... /usr/local//include/php//main/php_config.h checking whether we have PHP3 or PHP4... -DPHP4 checking whether we should use PHP's regex... yes found regex_extra.h - trying to build without PHP source PHP/MapScript module configured. checking if --enable-runpath requested... yes ( -R/usr/local/zlib -R/usr/local/libpng/lib) configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating mapscript/php3/Makefile config.status: creating mapscript/java/Makefile # make gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maptemplate.c -o maptemplate.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapbits.c -o mapbits.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maphash.c -o maphash.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapshape.c -o mapshape.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapxbase.c -o mapxbase.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapparser.c -o mapparser.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maplexer.c -o maplexer.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maptree.c -o maptree.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapsearch.c -o mapsearch.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapstring.c -o mapstring.o mapstring.c: In function `trimLeft': mapstring.c:233: warning: subscript has type `char' mapstring.c: In function `msEncodeUrl': mapstring.c:587: warning: subscript has type `char' mapstring.c:598: warning: subscript has type `char' gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapsymbol.c -o mapsymbol.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapfile.c -o mapfile.o mapfile.c: In function `msLoadProjectionString': mapfile.c:1049: warning: subscript has type `char' gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maplegend.c -o maplegend.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maputil.c -o maputil.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapscale.c -o mapscale.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapquery.c -o mapquery.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maplabel.c -o maplabel.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include maperror.c -o maperror.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapprimitive.c -o mapprimitive.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapproject.c -o mapproject.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapraster.c -o mapraster.o gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd2/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local//include -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/port -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/gcore -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/alg -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr -I/private/local/gdal-1.2.6/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I/usr/local/include -I/private/local/libiconv-1.9.1/include -I/usr/local/zlib/include mapsde.c -o mapsde.o make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `mapogr.o' PS, I fixed the problem of home/local/apache2/bin/httpd awk: syntax error near line 1 awk: bailing out near line 1 awk: syntax error near line 1 awk: bailing out near line 1 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd version is Apache/2.0.45 by switching from awk to gawk (I believe it is a solaris for awk line-length issue). --- Daniel Morissette wrote: > Steve Benzo wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I'm trying to build the latest version of > mapserver, > > 4.6.1. After successfully running configure, I get > the > > following fatal error when I try to make > mapserver: > > > > make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target > > `mapogr.o > > > > You must be getting more errors/warnings from the > mapogr.cpp compilation > just before Make stops with the above error > message... the explanation > of the problem lies in there. Please review those > errors or send a copy > to the list and we can try to help. > > Daniel > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette > dmorissette at > DM Solutions Group > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Sep 2 11:03:45 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:03:45 -0400 Subject: Multiple point symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: We made groupd of trees as an image then applied the image as a symbol to a polygon fill. You could do the same for points and by the number of points in the image you could get a density. But I'm not sure if this is what you need. What data type to you want to use to display this with and what do you want the display to look like? -Steve W. Bob Basques wrote: > All, > > More symbol stuff. > > Is there a way to make a symbol that is basically a group of points? > Along the lines of a grid fill pattern, only at the Symbol level? > > bobb > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Sep 2 11:12:56 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:12:56 +0200 Subject: OGR and XML In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: You need this type of LAYER in your MAPFILE: CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "virtual.ovf" DATA "mylayer" # the name of the OGRVrtLayer Always check your ovf file first with the ogrinfo tool. Best regards, Bart On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 19:27:12 +0200, Davi Duchovni wrote: > Please I am creating the Virtual Spatial Data but i don?t know how to > create the xml file and how to link the map file whith the xml file!!! > > please, could any one help me?!?!?! > > follow the file of what i?m doind!!! > > thanks > > > > > ODBC:user/pass at DNS > teste > wkbPoint > WGS84 > > > > > > > LAYER > NAME teste > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "ODBC:user/pass at DNS" > DATA "select X,Y from vw_aluno_xy where ID = 107581" > STATUS ON > TYPE POINT > > > thanks a lot > > Davi > > -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Sep 2 11:16:36 2005 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:16:36 -0500 Subject: Multiple point symbols In-Reply-To: Message-ID: this is going to sound wierd, but I want make a grid pattern of of regularly space grid points. I have points at equal distances that I want to make appear that they are a girdded filled poly area. Does that make any sense? something like a checkerboard pattern but at a pixel level to imitate a transparency. I was just trying to pur two points into a symbol like so: --------------------------- | | | | | O | | | | |------------|------------| | | | | O | | | | | --------------------------- Just two points, The symbol would be 2 pixels by two pixels, or some mutiple of this. Then if I place two of these point side by side they would look like a filled patern (a polygon fill) but still be plotted as points. points 0 0 END points 1 1 END But this doesn't work for a POINT Symbol. It break when there are two POINT vaules for a POINT symbol type. bobb Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >We made groupd of trees as an image then applied the image as a symbol >to a polygon fill. You could do the same for points and by the number of >points in the image you could get a density. But I'm not sure if this is >what you need. > >What data type to you want to use to display this with and what do you >want the display to look like? > >-Steve W. > >Bob Basques wrote: > > >>All, >> >>More symbol stuff. >> >>Is there a way to make a symbol that is basically a group of points? >>Along the lines of a grid fill pattern, only at the Symbol level? >> >>bobb >> >> >> > > > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Sep 2 11:31:09 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:31:09 +0200 Subject: OGR and XML In-Reply-To: < > Message-ID: Hi Tim, I know Frank added this capability very recently for the VRT driver, so it probably depends on which version of GDAL/OGR you use (you need 1.3 probably). This is the bug report: I use WFS on MySQL Virtual Spatial Data, and Mapserver sets a FILTER on the OGR VRT LAYER, and OGR adds that to the WHERE CLAUSE which it sends to the database. You could use the same approach, setting a dynamic FILTER. Hope this helps. Btw I am cc-ing the list as it might be useful for other people as well. Best regards, Bart > Bart, > > Quick question, since you seem to be familiar with OGR. I currently use > OGR to supply a virtual layer, and then filter the layer using an SLD. > The SLD filter is generated 'on the fly' (PHP script output) using > parameters passed from user selections. > Is there a way to generate the SQL for the OGR layer dynamically? This > would eliminate the need to retrieve all the data into the layer, only to > filter most of it. Perhaps a dynamic ovf file, instead of the static > file? > I've been meaning to experiment with this, and your post below to the > list piqued my curiosity again.... > > Thanks, > > Timothy Pascoe > > Environment Canada / Environnement Canada > Canada Centre for Inland Waters / Centre Canadien des Eaux Int?rieures > 867 Lakeshore Road / 867, chemin Lakeshore > Burlington, Ontario / Burlington (Ontario) > L7R 4A6 > > Tel/T?l: (905) 336-6239 > Fax/T?l?c: (905) 336-4699 > E-mail/C. ?lec: tim.pascoe at > Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada > This e-mail represents the opinions and views solely held by its author > and in no manner may be considered as representing those of his/her > employer. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Bart van den Eijnden > Sent: September 2, 2005 2:13 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] OGR and XML > > You need this type of LAYER in your MAPFILE: > > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "virtual.ovf" > DATA "mylayer" # the name of the OGRVrtLayer > > Always check your ovf file first with the ogrinfo tool. > > Best regards, > Bart > > On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 19:27:12 +0200, Davi Duchovni > wrote: > >> Please I am creating the Virtual Spatial Data but i don?t know how to >> create the xml file and how to link the map file whith the xml file!!! >> >> please, could any one help me?!?!?! >> >> follow the file of what i?m doind!!! >> >> thanks >> >> >> >> >> ODBC:user/pass at DNS >> teste >> wkbPoint >> WGS84 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> LAYER >> NAME teste >> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR >> CONNECTION "ODBC:user/pass at DNS" >> DATA "select X,Y from vw_aluno_xy where ID = 107581" >> STATUS ON >> TYPE POINT >> >> >> thanks a lot >> >> Davi >> >> > > > > -- > Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: > > From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 2 11:32:38 2005 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:32:38 -0400 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Steve Benzo wrote: > I switched to gdal-1.2.6, but still get the same: > Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `mapogr.o' > when making mapserver. > > The output from configure and make are below: > ... > make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target > `mapogr.o' > There is nothing obvious in the configure output, and no compiler error in the make output. I see only three possibilities to explain the problem: 1- This could happen if mapogr.cpp is not present in your source directory. Could you please check that it's there. (I verified that it was included in the released source package). 2- Another option could be that the rule for .cpp files is not present in your Makefile (It was there in the release version). 3- Maybe the version of 'make' that your using doesn't like something in the MapServer makefile. Perhaps make sure you're using GNU make and not another flavour. Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Sep 2 11:33:35 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:33:35 +0200 Subject: OGR and XML In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Davi, I assume you are on Windows, download FWTools from: That will give you ogrinfo. Virtual.ovf is the XML file indeed. Just run ogrinfo [path to]/virtual.ovf and see if it can be processed. Best regards, Bart On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 20:22:56 +0200, Davi Duchovni wrote: > ok i?ve done that!!! > > but i don?t know how to test my ovf file with the ogrinfo tool could > you help me?!?! > > what is exactly virutal.ovf????? is the xml file?!?!? > > thanks a lot!! > > On 9/2/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: >> You need this type of LAYER in your MAPFILE: >> >> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR >> CONNECTION "virtual.ovf" >> DATA "mylayer" # the name of the OGRVrtLayer >> >> Always check your ovf file first with the ogrinfo tool. >> >> Best regards, >> Bart >> >> On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 19:27:12 +0200, Davi Duchovni >> wrote: >> >> > Please I am creating the Virtual Spatial Data but i don?t know how to >> > create the xml file and how to link the map file whith the xml file!!! >> > >> > please, could any one help me?!?!?! >> > >> > follow the file of what i?m doind!!! >> > >> > thanks >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > ODBC:user/pass at DNS >> > teste >> > wkbPoint >> > WGS84 >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > LAYER >> > NAME teste >> > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR >> > CONNECTION "ODBC:user/pass at DNS" >> > DATA "select X,Y from vw_aluno_xy where ID = 107581" >> > STATUS ON >> > TYPE POINT >> > >> > >> > thanks a lot >> > >> > Davi >> > >> > >> >> >> >> -- >> Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: >> > > -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Sep 2 11:47:20 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:47:20 -0400 Subject: Multiple point symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: OK, so why not make them images. The problem I see in general with this plan is that as you zoom in on them the number of pixels between your regularly spaced points increases. So you will always be dealing with issues of scaling things and I don't think you will get it to look right. Can you convert your grid points into polygons and do a polygon fill? -Steve Bob Basques wrote: > this is going to sound wierd, but I want make a grid pattern of of > regularly space grid points. > > I have points at equal distances that I want to make appear that they > are a girdded filled poly area. > > Does that make any sense? something like a checkerboard pattern but at > a pixel level to imitate a transparency. > > I was just trying to pur two points into a symbol like so: > > --------------------------- > | | | > | | O | > | | | > |------------|------------| > | | | > | O | | > | | | > --------------------------- > > Just two points, The symbol would be 2 pixels by two pixels, or some > mutiple of this. Then if I place two of these point side by side they > would look like a filled patern (a polygon fill) but still be plotted as > points. > > points 0 0 END > points 1 1 END > > But this doesn't work for a POINT Symbol. It break when there are two > POINT vaules for a POINT symbol type. > > > > bobb > > > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >> We made groupd of trees as an image then applied the image as a symbol >> to a polygon fill. You could do the same for points and by the number >> of points in the image you could get a density. But I'm not sure if >> this is what you need. >> >> What data type to you want to use to display this with and what do you >> want the display to look like? >> >> -Steve W. >> >> Bob Basques wrote: >> >> >>> All, >>> >>> More symbol stuff. >>> >>> Is there a way to make a symbol that is basically a group of points? >>> Along the lines of a grid fill pattern, only at the Symbol level? >>> >>> bobb >>> >>> >> >> >> >> > > From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Sep 2 12:04:34 2005 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:04:34 -0500 Subject: Multiple point symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > OK, so why not make them images. > > The problem I see in general with this plan is that as you zoom in on > them the number of pixels between your regularly spaced points > increases. So you will always be dealing with issues of scaling things > and I don't think you will get it to look right. Actually, they stay constant. they use pixel coordinates to display by. The symbols are always the same size no matter the zoom level. The gridding is applied to the image pixel coordinates, not the MapServer coordinate space. Can you convert your grid points into polygons and do a polygon fill? Would add a lot of complication and excess data to the process, I only need to track the center point right now for example. It really needs to be a symbol, as the grid of points is generated dynamically. bobb From hfl at HOME.NL Fri Sep 2 12:03:49 2005 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 21:03:49 +0200 Subject: read up the mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Okay, This is a rudimentary include for the actual labour pre-preprocessing fase works with awk (on windows with awk95, a 32bit version of awk (long names)) any (recursive) perl code can do the same t'is run by awk95 -f include.awk your_main_map_template.map_stuffed_with_INCLUDE_filenames example mapfile MAP INCLUDE include_files.txt INCLUDE web.txt INCLUDE legend.txt INCLUDE scalebar.txt INCLUDE first.layer INCLUDE second.layer INCLUDE third.layer #INCLUDE not_this.layer END layers 1,2 and 3 could INCLUDE a_common.class *file contents : include.awk* BEGIN { OUTPUT = "" while ((error = getline) == 1) { gsub(/^.*[I]/,"I") if ($1 == "INCLUDE") { print "#"$2 >> OUTPUT system ("awk95 -f include.awk " $2) } else { print $0 >> OUTPUT } } } Regards, Huub -- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.18/89 - Release Date: 9/2/2005 From moran at PLACE-BASE.COM Fri Sep 2 12:43:22 2005 From: moran at PLACE-BASE.COM (Moran Ben-David) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 15:43:22 -0400 Subject: Problem building MapScript (java) Message-ID: Hi all. I am trying to build MapScript for Java from the latest version of MapServer (4.6.1). However, I am getting this error: mapscript_wrap.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _msGMLWriteQuery referenced in function _mapObj_saveQueryAsGML I am not sure what to make of it. Perhaps I am missing some GML support in my mapserver dll (libmap.dll)? If so, I guess one of the optional libraries contains that support? Can anyone tell me which one? I tried compiling mapscript with a minimal version of mapserver (regexp and gd compiled in). I also tried it with proj.4 compiled into mapserver. In both cases, I am got the above error. If I've missed something obvious, please excuse my ignorance. Thanks, Moran From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Sep 2 12:46:06 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 15:46:06 -0400 Subject: Multiple point symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Then I would make the point symbol an image and be done with it. That should work fine for mapserver. -Steve Bob Basques wrote: > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >> OK, so why not make them images. >> >> The problem I see in general with this plan is that as you zoom in on >> them the number of pixels between your regularly spaced points >> increases. So you will always be dealing with issues of scaling things >> and I don't think you will get it to look right. > > > Actually, they stay constant. they use pixel coordinates to display by. > The symbols are always the same size no matter the zoom level. The > gridding is applied to the image pixel coordinates, not the MapServer > coordinate space. > > > > > > Can you convert your grid points into polygons and do a polygon fill? > > Would add a lot of complication and excess data to the process, I only > need to track the center point right now for example. It really needs > to be a symbol, as the grid of points is generated dynamically. > > bobb > > From steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM Fri Sep 2 13:10:43 2005 From: steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM (Steve Benzo) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:10:43 -0700 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Daniel, 1) I verified mapogr.cpp is there in the mapserver source directory 2) How do I check for this? 3) My make is at /usr/ccs/bin/make. I'm running solaris 9. I tried running this using gmake which seems to make the file alright (it makes mapserv). The issue is that it doesn't want to run without setting some ld_library_path parameters (an oracle and a libiconv value). After those are set, it will respond to the mapserv -v command. However, it gives back a 500 error once it's in the cgi-bin directory and run. Thoughts? > > 1- This could happen if mapogr.cpp is not present in > your source > directory. Could you please check that it's there. > (I verified that it > was included in the released source package). > > 2- Another option could be that the rule for .cpp > files is not present > in your Makefile (It was there in the release > version). > > 3- Maybe the version of 'make' that your using > doesn't like something in > the MapServer makefile. Perhaps make sure you're > using GNU make and not > another flavour. > > Daniel > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette > dmorissette at > DM Solutions Group > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 2 13:30:20 2005 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 16:30:20 -0400 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Steve Benzo wrote: > Daniel, > > 1) I verified mapogr.cpp is there in the mapserver > source directory > > 2) How do I check for this? > > 3) My make is at /usr/ccs/bin/make. I'm running > solaris 9. I tried running this using gmake which > seems to make the file alright (it makes mapserv). Okay, so the issue was that you were using the Solaris version of Make, and there is some stuff in the MapServer makefiles that require gmake. This issue is solved. > The > issue is that it doesn't want to run without setting > some ld_library_path parameters (an oracle and a > libiconv value). That's possible if you link with libs that are not in your default lib path settings. > After those are set, it will respond > to the mapserv -v command. However, it gives back a > 500 error once it's in the cgi-bin directory and run. > Did you look in your Apache error_log to look for hints? It may be that your Apache config is also missing the ld_library_path settings, that would explain the problem, and you would see something to that effect in the error_log. Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA Fri Sep 2 13:56:23 2005 From: matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA (Matt Garrish) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 16:56:23 -0400 Subject: Mapserver demo crash Message-ID: As a final note to this thread, I was able to get the demo to work thanks to Perry Nacionales pointing me to the 4.6.0 build available at My problems with the layers in the map file must have been related to the HoBu's Kitchen Sink binary I tried after failing to get the demo to run under the 4.4.1 binary from the page. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]" To: ; Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:43 AM Subject: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash Hi I didn't follow all the conversation but as a windows user, I can tell you that 90% of the problem with mapserver and IIS come from permission problem. Run filemon ( while loading the page and check the result to see if there's any ACCESS DENIED or suspicious FILE NOT FOUND. Hope this helps Nicolas Fortin -----Message d'origine----- De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Matt Garrish Envoy? : 26 ao?t 2005 11:36 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash It only dies in IIS when I run the demo (so far, anyway). I am, for example, able to run the "Hello World" example on the recipes page ( Aside from the parameters that get passed from the index.html page (reproduced below), I've set the following in the file: SHAPEPATH "c:/inetpub/wwwroot/workshop/data" WMS_ONLINERESOURCE "http://localhost/workshop/index.html" I'm going to try running the example on a win2k box and see if it's something specific to XP (I've tried a couple of different XP boxes with the same result). Matt > > From: Ethan Alpert > Date: 2005/08/26 Fri AM 10:48:00 EST > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash > > I'm not a windows user but the most common problem when mapserv runs > fine at the command line but dies running in the webserver space is it > can't find one or more shared library. Check the IIS's equivalent of > LD_SEARCH_PATH. > > -e > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > On Behalf Of Matt Garrish > Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 7:41 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash > > > I'm just getting started with mapserver and was hoping to be able to > play around with the demo ( > I'm reasonably certain that my system (XP Pro SP2) is configured > correctly, because I can run some of the other simple examples I've > found on the Mapserver home page (I downloaded the 4.4.1 binary and > set it up according > to the readme file). When I tried to run the demo (from the index.html > page), however, IIS crashed with a 502 error, so I went to the command > line > and tried the following: > > C:\Inetpub\Scripts>mapserv > "QUERY_STRING=map=c:/inetpub/wwwroot/workshop/itasca. > map&layer=lakespy2&layer=dlgstln2&zoomsize=1&program=http://localhost/cg > i-bin/ma > pserv.exe&root=http://localhost/workshop&map_web_imagepath=c:/inetpub/ww > wroot/tm > p&map_web_imageurl=http://localhost/tmp& > ml" > > As soon as I run the command, however, an error window pops up with > the > following error signature: > > AppName: mapserv.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll > ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00018fea > > which I have to assume is the cause of the 502 error. > > Has anyone run into this problem before? Or know what the cause might > be? Or know if I'm just doing something wrong? (If you don't have XP > or can't reproduce the problem I can post the stack dump.) > > Thanks in advance, > > Matt > From steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM Fri Sep 2 14:05:55 2005 From: steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM (Steve Benzo) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:05:55 -0700 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Daniel, > > That's possible if you link with libs that are not > in your default lib > path settings. > I set the ldlibpath to the libs that mapserver requires before i compile, but it doesn't seem to 'remember' those when it comes time to run mapserver later? Is there a way to hard code those values at compile time? > > Did you look in your Apache error_log to look for > hints? It may be that > your Apache config is also missing the > ld_library_path settings, that > would explain the problem, and you would see > something to that effect in > the error_log. > > Daniel The error log shows the same errors I get when I try to run mapserver without those libs defined: [Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] Premature end of script headers: mapserv_new [Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv_new: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory PS Thanks a lot for your help on this! ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page From ryan_boyles at NCSU.EDU Fri Sep 2 14:38:07 2005 From: ryan_boyles at NCSU.EDU (Ryan Boyles) Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:38:07 -0400 Subject: PHP/Mapscript linux compile problem Message-ID: Hi all - I'm attempting to install PHP/Mapscript onto a RHEL4 distribution with the latest PHP and GD pre-installed. Mapserver compiles fine, but there are errors in PHP/Mapscript compile: php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_pasteImage': php_mapscript.c:6267: warning: implicit declaration of function `php_gd_gdImageColorExact' php_mapscript.c:6271: warning: implicit declaration of function `php_gd_gdImageColorTransparent' php_mapscript.c:6274: warning: implicit declaration of function `php_gd_gdImageCopy' php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_saveImage': Normally I ignore compile logs when there's just an error, but this seems to cause other problems, and the doesn't seem to work properly, either as DSO module in Apache or as CGI. In httpd error_log: PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php4/' - /usr/lib64/php4/ undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php4/' - /usr/lib64/php4/ undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0 I've configured Apache as suggested for other preloaded distros, but after 8 hours worth of digging, I'm stuck. Any guidance? Thanks, Ryan -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ryan_boyles.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 337 bytes Desc: not available URL: From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Fri Sep 2 22:22:01 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 01:22:01 -0400 Subject: Remote Server In-Reply-To: Message-ID: IPower does not let you run processor intensive apps like mapserver on their shared servers. I checked with them about two years ago specifically about mapserver. However, Server Powered ( ) gives you root access for $29/month. A little more expensive, but the cheapest way to get full server access that I have found. Richard C Orth osmoGIS Incorporated 1800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32810 888-514-0195 Adam Kiel wrote: > Question: > > > > Is it possible to setup a MapServer site on a remote server? > Specifically Ipowerweb? > > > > > > > > *** > > Adam Kiel > > GIS Specialist > > NE Iowa RC&D > > 101 E. Greene Street > > P.O. Box 916 > > Postville, Iowa 52162 > > > > Phone: 563-864-7112 > > Fax: 563-864-7113 > > Email: adamkiel at > > Website: > > > > > From gavin.simpson at UCL.AC.UK Sat Sep 3 01:55:50 2005 From: gavin.simpson at UCL.AC.UK (Gavin Simpson) Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 09:55:50 +0100 Subject: PHP/Mapscript linux compile problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 17:38 -0400, Ryan Boyles wrote: > Hi all - > > I'm attempting to install PHP/Mapscript onto a RHEL4 distribution with > the latest PHP and GD pre-installed. > > Mapserver compiles fine, but there are errors in PHP/Mapscript compile: > > php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_pasteImage': > php_mapscript.c:6267: warning: implicit declaration of function > `php_gd_gdImageColorExact' > php_mapscript.c:6271: warning: implicit declaration of function > `php_gd_gdImageColorTransparent' > php_mapscript.c:6274: warning: implicit declaration of function > `php_gd_gdImageCopy' > php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_saveImage': > > > Normally I ignore compile logs when there's just an error, but this > seems to cause other problems, and the doesn't seem to > work properly, either as DSO module in Apache or as CGI. > > In httpd error_log: > PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library > '/usr/lib64/php4/' - /usr/lib64/php4/ > undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0 > PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library > '/usr/lib64/php4/' - /usr/lib64/php4/ > undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0 > > I've configured Apache as suggested for other preloaded distros, but > after 8 hours worth of digging, I'm stuck. > Hi Ryan, Have you installed the php-gd package? This looks similar to an error I had the other day when setting up a Fedora Core 4 box and I was missing php-gd. I'd install that, restart apache and try again. I'm fairly sure that's the problem. If that doesn't work, perhaps my instructions for installing mapserver and php_mapscript on a FC4 box may be useful: All the best, G -- %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522 ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565 ENSIS Ltd. & ECRC [E] UCL Department of Geography [W] 26 Bedford Way [W] London. WC1H 0AP. %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Sun Sep 4 06:45:25 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 14:45:25 +0100 Subject: Editing mapfiles In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks for the suggestion Eduardo. I've got scite installed now and it works pretty well! Any further suggestions on this topic are welcome. Xin On 02/09/05, Eduardo Patto Kanegae wrote: > > If you use SciTE ( ) with its Ruby > lexer, it fits very well for MapFile editing. > > best > > Eduardo Patto Kanegae > > > > > On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:05:58 +0100, Xin escreveu: > > > De: Xin > > Data: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:05:58 +0100 > > Para: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Assunto: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Editing mapfiles > > > > > > Hi list, > > > > I've only recently started to work with MapServer, after learning the > basics > > of it and setting it up, I am now ready to start creating maps! very > > exciting. > > > > My question would be what editor should I use and how should I use it to > > create/edit mapfiles. I'm currently using Vim with mapfile syntax > > highlighting installed from the user utilities part of the mapserver > > website. This is working well. But it is hard navigating the whole file. > > > > There isn't an overview window which UltraEdit seems to have. I'd have > to > > manually scroll to the area of interest rather than doubling clicking on > a > > side bar listing of layer objects. I'm not explaining this very well, > but > > are you with me? > > > > How is everyone else editing mapfiles? Any advice would be greatly > > appreciated. Oh, my platform is Debian Sarge. > > > > Thanks > > Xin > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Sun Sep 4 13:31:59 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:31:59 -0400 Subject: Polygon Buffer Query Message-ID: Is there a way to do this? queryByPoint has the ability to supply a radius but queryByShape does. I thought that setting the layer's TOLERANCE and TOLERANCEUNITS would help, but it doesn't seem to. If this isn't built in functionality, could anyone point me to an algorithm that I can use to manually buffer a polygon before I supply it to queryByShape? Thanks. -Abe From ryan_boyles at NCSU.EDU Sun Sep 4 14:11:50 2005 From: ryan_boyles at NCSU.EDU (Ryan Boyles) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 17:11:50 -0400 Subject: PHP/Mapscript linux compile problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Gavin, Thanks for the advice - I do have php-gd installed (php-gd-4.3.9-3.8) Moreover, I've tried building PHP/Mapscript both against the standard distribution libs as well as my own custom gd build. I see the same problems with either. I appreciate the updated directions you compiled for FC4 - I had orginally referred to Blanton's guidance on the MapServer wiki pages. Unfortunately, they don't solve my problems. I'm afraid I may need a custom build of the latest PHP, which I desperately want to avoid since update for PHP are more frequent and its so much easier to use the update features in Red Hat Enterprise 4. My gd and gd-devel are version gd-2.0.28-4. My php and php-gd are version php-4.3.9-3.8. I know php-5 is standard now, but not yet supported on RHEL. I may wait for the next RHEL update, which will likely have an updated PHP. Any other guidance? Cheers, Ryan Gavin Simpson wrote: > On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 17:38 -0400, Ryan Boyles wrote: > >>Hi all - >> >>I'm attempting to install PHP/Mapscript onto a RHEL4 distribution with >>the latest PHP and GD pre-installed. >> >>Mapserver compiles fine, but there are errors in PHP/Mapscript compile: >> >>php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_pasteImage': >>php_mapscript.c:6267: warning: implicit declaration of function >>`php_gd_gdImageColorExact' >>php_mapscript.c:6271: warning: implicit declaration of function >>`php_gd_gdImageColorTransparent' >>php_mapscript.c:6274: warning: implicit declaration of function >>`php_gd_gdImageCopy' >>php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_saveImage': >> >> >>Normally I ignore compile logs when there's just an error, but this >>seems to cause other problems, and the doesn't seem to >>work properly, either as DSO module in Apache or as CGI. >> >>In httpd error_log: >>PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library >>'/usr/lib64/php4/' - /usr/lib64/php4/ >>undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0 >>PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library >>'/usr/lib64/php4/' - /usr/lib64/php4/ >>undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0 >> >>I've configured Apache as suggested for other preloaded distros, but >>after 8 hours worth of digging, I'm stuck. >> > > > Hi Ryan, > > Have you installed the php-gd package? This looks similar to an error I > had the other day when setting up a Fedora Core 4 box and I was missing > php-gd. > > I'd install that, restart apache and try again. I'm fairly sure that's > the problem. > > If that doesn't work, perhaps my instructions for installing mapserver > and php_mapscript on a FC4 box may be useful: > > > > All the best, > > G -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ryan_boyles.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 377 bytes Desc: not available URL: From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Sun Sep 4 15:01:10 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 15:01:10 -0700 Subject: mapserver + postgis performance problem In-Reply-To: <000001c5afa2$81b06130$> Message-ID: What version of PostGIS/PostgreSQL? If >= 8, run VACUUM ANALYZE If < 8, run SELECT UPDATE_GEOMETRY_STATS() Sounds like the query planner doesn't have enough information to do a good plan combining the spatial and attribute tests. Paul On 2-Sep-05, at 2:41 AM, Speiser Ferenc wrote: > Paul, > > The Mapserver generates a query like below: > > SELECT > ARANY::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d > (the_geom)),'NDR'),gid::te > xt from ( > the original query > ) as foo WHERE the_geom && setSRID('BOX3D(425974.5938 > 31897.4055999999,938226.3125 373398.5514)'::BOX3D, -1 ); > > If I cut the where clause from the end, the difference disappear, and > everything is okay. > But in both of the cases this clause is the same! :( > The indexes on the geometry fields are the same type. > > Any clues? > > Thx, > Feri > > -----Original Message----- > From: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at] > Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:44 PM > To: Speiser Ferenc > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver + postgis performance > problem > > Feri, > There's no way anyone is going to be able to read those SQL lines and > help, they are just too complicated. > Turn on statement logging in PostgreSQL, and see exactly what SQL is > being sent by Mapserver to PostgreSQL for the renders. Then run that > SQL with EXPLAIN ANALYZE to see if there is a query planner problem, > or if you are missing an index somewhere. > Paul > > On 1-Sep-05, at 2:18 AM, Speiser Ferenc wrote: > > >> Hi Everyone! >> >> >> I have a weird performance problem with postgis and mapserver. >> >> I have two similar queries, the involved tables and geometry tables >> has >> the same structure and indexes and they are running over postgreSQL >> for >> 3 seconds. >> >> But the rendering time is much longer for the second query (1 >> minute!). >> The first is okay, it is completed in 3 seconds. >> >> I can't find the problem. Both of the queries give correct resultset >> nearly with the same time over PostreSQL, but during the rendering, >> there is a huge time-difference. >> >> What can cause the difference between the two queries? I inserted the >> data lines from my mapfiles. >> Are there any suggestions? >> >> Thanks in advance, >> >> Feri >> >> 2nd query: >> DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom, gid, KSHKOD, arany/max *100 as >> arany from ( >> select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, >> (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY from >> (select the_geom, telhat98_tstar.gid, >> telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY from TSTAR, >> telhat98_tstar >> where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = >> TSTAR.KSHKOD and TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAB001' and >> YEAR_ID=2001) query >> left join >> (select telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM >> from TSTAR, telhat98_tstar >> where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD and >> TSTAR.PT_ID = >> 'TAAA200' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm >> on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm, >> (select max(arany) from ( >> select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, >> (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY >> from >> (select the_geom, telhat98_tstar.gid, >> telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY from TSTAR, >> telhat98_tstar where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD >> and TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAB001' and YEAR_ID=2001) query >> left join >> (select telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM >> from TSTAR, telhat98_tstar >> where telhat98_tstar.KSHKOD = TSTAR.KSHKOD and >> TSTAR.PT_ID = 'TAAA200' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm >> on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm) max) >> as foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1" >> >> >> 1st query: >> >> DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom, gid, KSHKOD, arany/max *100 as >> arany from ( >> select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, query.KSHKOD, >> (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY from >> (select the_geom, telhat02.gid, telhat02.KSHKOD, >> DATA as ARANY from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 where >> telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and >> NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAC102' and YEAR_ID=2001) query >> left join >> (select telhat02.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM >> from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 >> where telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and >> NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAF100' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm >> on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm, >> (select max(arany) from ( >> select distinct query.the_geom, query.gid, >> query.KSHKOD, >> (query.ARANY/queryNorm.ARANY_NORM)*100 as ARANY >> from >> (select the_geom, telhat02.gid, telhat02.KSHKOD, >> DATA as ARANY from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 where >> telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and >> NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAC102' and YEAR_ID=2001) >> query >> left join >> (select telhat02.KSHKOD, DATA as ARANY_NORM >> from NEPSZAMLALAS, telhat02 >> where telhat02.KSHKOD = NEPSZAMLALAS.KSHKOD and >> NEPSZAMLALAS.PT_ID = 'NAAF100' and YEAR_ID=2001) queryNorm >> on query.KSHKOD = queryNorm.KSHKOD) norm) max) >> as foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1" >> >> > > > From woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM Sun Sep 4 15:04:53 2005 From: woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM (William Kyngesburye) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 17:04:53 -0500 Subject: MapServer 4.6.1 binaries for Mac OS X Message-ID: Finally finished my Mac OS X MapServer update. The main addition is PHP-MapScript is now available for both PHP as Apache module and PHP as CGI (for those who want/need the stability that provides). This includes updating my PHP installer to include both PHPs. As I dealt with illness and procrastination, MapServer 4.6.1 worked its way into this update also. enjoy ----- William Kyngesburye "Time is an illusion - lunchtime doubly so." - Ford Prefect From peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM Sun Sep 4 20:51:40 2005 From: peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM (Peter Kingsbury) Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 23:51:40 -0400 Subject: HostGIS? Message-ID: Hello all, I'm researching moving my mapserver to a Linux-based host, and today I came across HostGIS. I was curious if anyone has had notable success/failure with this package? Best regards, - Peter From christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE Sun Sep 4 23:27:11 2005 From: christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE (Christian Schaffer) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:27:11 +0200 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello Steve, hi list, I experienced a pretty similar issue trying to compile 4.6.0 on Solaris 10 a few weeks ago. Joshua Buysse gave me the relevant hint to avoid the problem: Try to set LD_OPTIONS in your environment, e.g. LD_OPTIONS='-R/opt/csw/lib -L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/postgresql/lib -L/opt/csw/postgresql/lib -R/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/oracle/lib -L/opt/oracle/lib' export LD_OPTIONS In your case, find the and make the LD_OPTIONS point to it. For me, that works perfectly. After recompiling with this option set, calling mapserver via web gives you the desired output. Hope that helps. Regards, Chris Steve Benzo schrieb: >Daniel, > > > >>That's possible if you link with libs that are not >>in your default lib >>path settings. >> >> >> > >I set the ldlibpath to the libs that mapserver >requires before i compile, but it doesn't seem to >'remember' those when it comes time to run mapserver >later? Is there a way to hard code those values at >compile time? > > > >>Did you look in your Apache error_log to look for >>hints? It may be that >>your Apache config is also missing the >>ld_library_path settings, that >>would explain the problem, and you would see >>something to that effect in >>the error_log. >> >>Daniel >> >> > >The error log shows the same errors I get when I try >to run mapserver without those libs defined: > >[Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] >Premature end of script headers: mapserv_new > >[Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] > /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv_new: fatal: > open failed: No such file or >directory > >PS Thanks a lot for your help on this! > > > >____________________________________________________ >Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > > > > > -- ______________________________________________________________ Landeshauptstadt M?nchen Referat f?r Gesundheit und Umwelt Informationsverarbeitung Christian Schaffer Bayerstra?e 28a 80335 M?nchen Tel: 089 - 233 - 4 76 67 Fax: 089 - 233 - 4 76 62 christian.schaffer at ______________________________________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Mon Sep 5 00:59:16 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 09:59:16 +0200 Subject: different types of lines instead of simple vectors In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, I want do make different types of lines for different matters. (e.g. black and white line for railways or a yellow line with orange borders an an orange line in the middle for freeways.) The intention is to make a map like a city-plan with different types of lines and not only simple lines or vectors. Best regarts, Leopold From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Mon Sep 5 01:04:47 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:04:47 +0200 Subject: different types of lines instead of simple vectors Message-ID: Leopold, You can download the symbol set and use the symbols in your MAP file: Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 09/05/05 9:59 am >>> hi list, I want do make different types of lines for different matters. (e.g. black and white line for railways or a yellow line with orange borders an an orange line in the middle for freeways.) The intention is to make a map like a city-plan with different types of lines and not only simple lines or vectors. Best regarts, Leopold From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 02:50:00 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:50:00 +0100 Subject: can not get tileindex working Message-ID: Hi list, I've searched the archives endlessly, and though there's been alot of posts on this I still can't seem to get the hang of it. I'm trying to index my shapefiles, as I've been told this will give it a performance boost. All my data are all in one directory, and they're roughly half a gig in size. It is operating rather slowly at the moment, taking a few seconds to display all the layers. This is how I initially tried to use tile index on my data: ogrtindex *.shp tileindex.shp # to index all my shapefiles in the map file, add below to every layer: TILEINDEX "tileindex.shp,0" # and remove DATA tag This doesn't work! I've since read you have to group different types together into one index file. i.e. all the POINTS in one, LINES in another etc. So you would have say 4 tile index files, each corresponding to each type. Then would I use these filenames, i.e. TILEINDEX "pointindex.shp". Is this the right way, anyway to automated? And what are shptree used for? I tried to use 's shp2tile, but the library it depends on(shapelib) wouldn't compile. One last question. What's qix and should I use it? Thank you inadvance for your help. Regards, Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fillymax at TISCALI.IT Mon Sep 5 02:55:19 2005 From: fillymax at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro MAZZELLA) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 11:55:19 +0200 Subject: COLOR+ DIFFERENT VALUE CLASS Message-ID: Hello everybody .... is it possible to color shape cells refering to value contained in a "joined dbf " ? how ?? tnkx Ciao, Alessandro MAZZELLA ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Mon Sep 5 02:57:01 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 11:57:01 +0200 Subject: can not get tileindex working Message-ID: First of all, assuming you are on windows, ogrtindex should be called in a loop: for %i in (*.shp) do ogrtindex %i mytileindex.shp Qix is a quadtree spatial index format which Mapserver uses for shapefiles, and yes you should use it, as it will make rendering smaller areas from the shapefile a lot faster. Create the indexes with shptree. Hope this helps. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Xin 09/05/05 11:50 am >>> Hi list, I've searched the archives endlessly, and though there's been alot of posts on this I still can't seem to get the hang of it. I'm trying to index my shapefiles, as I've been told this will give it a performance boost. All my data are all in one directory, and they're roughly half a gig in size. It is operating rather slowly at the moment, taking a few seconds to display all the layers. This is how I initially tried to use tile index on my data: ogrtindex *.shp tileindex.shp # to index all my shapefiles in the map file, add below to every layer: TILEINDEX "tileindex.shp,0" # and remove DATA tag This doesn't work! I've since read you have to group different types together into one index file. i.e. all the POINTS in one, LINES in another etc. So you would have say 4 tile index files, each corresponding to each type. Then would I use these filenames, i.e. TILEINDEX "pointindex.shp". Is this the right way, anyway to automated? And what are shptree used for? I tried to use 's shp2tile, but the library it depends on(shapelib) wouldn't compile. One last question. What's qix and should I use it? Thank you inadvance for your help. Regards, Xin From nuryadin at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 04:05:20 2005 From: nuryadin at GMAIL.COM (Ruslan Nuryadin) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 18:05:20 +0700 Subject: HostGIS? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/5/05, Peter Kingsbury wrote: > > Hello all, > > I'm researching moving my mapserver to a Linux-based host, and today I > came across HostGIS. I was curious if anyone has had notable > success/failure with this package? > > > > Best regards, > - Peter > I installed HostGis (v 3.3) on top of my regular Slackware 10.1 installation and everything goes fine so far. You can find out some notes here: -- Ruslan Nuryadin nuryadin at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL Mon Sep 5 05:34:28 2005 From: oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL (Robert oude Lohuis) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 07:34:28 -0500 Subject: Filtering on oracle layers using mapserver 4.6 Message-ID: Hi list, Does anybody have any idea about this problem ? I would very much like to use combined filters with oracle spatial connections through ogr. thanks in advance. On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 01:36:00 -0500, Robert oude Lohuis wrote: >Fernando, > >thanks for the reply, but we would use native support if could, because it >is faster (and according to you, we should not have a problem). >But alas, we also need administrative data from the database, so we must use >OGR ;-( > >I very much like to use the extent filter, but the trouble is dat with every >dataset added to the database, the performance drops. So if there are 10 >datasets in the table, and you need only one to display, all ten datasets >are retrieved from the database. >And if you use the query to restrict the dataset, even if zoomed in on a >very small area, the whole dataset is retrieved from the database. > >Is this a problem with OGR, is it not capable of merging the two >filter-parts, of is the problem within mapserver ? > >greetz, > >Robert. From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Sep 5 05:38:31 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:38:31 -0400 Subject: can not get tileindex working In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Xin, It is a little more complicated than you have tried, I will try to explain it. First, don't worry about shp2tile, most people do not need it and you would need to get the basic mapserver working and the tileindexes working first, before you can assess if you need it. For performance you need to make sure all *.shp files have a *.qix file find /path/to/data -name "*.shp" -exec shptree {} \; These are spatial indexes and not having these on all files is the primary reason for poor performance. Do this first and see how you performance is. Tileindexes are a way of group lots of similar files together into a single layer. This is most useful if you have thousands of shapefiles that represent the roads (or whatever) of a country and each file is in a separate directory say organized by province or region. Then you can create one layer and use the tileindex to collect all the files together and control them in a single layer. Tileindexes have constraints on them as follows: 1) they should generally be of the same shape type (as you mentioned) 2) all the files referenced in an index MUST have the same attribute structure. This means that if the first file added to the index has 4 attribute columns say, for example, (int,string,string,double) with names (GID,NAME,TYPE,AREA), then ALL files added to the index must have the SAME columns in the SAME order. Tileindexes are also used in some cases where you have done all the above, but you have a really HUGE shapefile. HUGE being lots of objects, like 100s of thousands, that a spatially diverse. Then you can use shp2tile to chop the large file into lots of smaller files where the objects are grouped spatially. Then you use a tileindex to bring them all together again into a single layer. If you do this don't forget to create *.qix files for all the new shapefiles. I also recommend that you put all the tiled files into a directory, like roads.shp into roads/ Hope this helps, -Steve W. Xin wrote: > Hi list, > > I've searched the archives endlessly, and though there's been alot of > posts on this I still can't seem to get the hang of it. > > I'm trying to index my shapefiles, as I've been told this will give it a > performance boost. All my data are all in one directory, and they're > roughly half a gig in size. It is operating rather slowly at the > moment, taking a few seconds to display all the layers. > > This is how I initially tried to use tile index on my data: > ogrtindex *.shp tileindex.shp # to index all my shapefiles > in the map file, add below to every layer: > TILEINDEX "tileindex.shp,0" # and remove DATA tag > > This doesn't work! > > I've since read you have to group different types together into one > index file. i.e. all the POINTS in one, LINES in another etc. So you > would have say 4 tile index files, each corresponding to each type. > Then would I use these filenames, i.e. TILEINDEX "pointindex.shp". Is > this the right way, anyway to automated? And what are shptree used for? > > I tried to use 's shp2tile, but the > library it depends on(shapelib) wouldn't compile. > > One last question. What's qix and should I use it? > > Thank you inadvance for your help. > > Regards, > Xin > From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Mon Sep 5 05:38:47 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 14:38:47 +0200 Subject: Filtering on oracle layers using mapserver 4.6 Message-ID: Hi Robert, AFAIK the OGR Oracle Spatial driver does not allow a FILTER to be set. This has to do with that it has no extra logic to build a combined SQL WHERE CLAUSE, ie the one it applies normally by itself, and the one you or a program would specify using a FILTER. You could talk to Frank Warmerdam about having this added to the OGR OCI driver on a contract. I heard he is on holiday right now. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Robert oude Lohuis 09/05/05 2:34 pm >>> Hi list, Does anybody have any idea about this problem ? I would very much like to use combined filters with oracle spatial connections through ogr. thanks in advance. On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 01:36:00 -0500, Robert oude Lohuis wrote: >Fernando, > >thanks for the reply, but we would use native support if could, because it >is faster (and according to you, we should not have a problem). >But alas, we also need administrative data from the database, so we must use >OGR ;-( > >I very much like to use the extent filter, but the trouble is dat with every >dataset added to the database, the performance drops. So if there are 10 >datasets in the table, and you need only one to display, all ten datasets >are retrieved from the database. >And if you use the query to restrict the dataset, even if zoomed in on a >very small area, the whole dataset is retrieved from the database. > >Is this a problem with OGR, is it not capable of merging the two >filter-parts, of is the problem within mapserver ? > >greetz, > >Robert. From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Sep 5 05:40:38 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:40:38 -0400 Subject: different types of lines instead of simple vectors In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) wrote: > hi list, > > I want do make different types of lines for different matters. (e.g. black > and white line for railways or a yellow line with orange borders an an > orange line in the middle for freeways.) > > The intention is to make a map like a city-plan with different types of > lines and not only simple lines or vectors. > > Best regarts, > Leopold > From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 07:39:53 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:39:53 +0100 Subject: can not get tileindex working In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Steve, Thank you so much for your reply! It was very informative and easy to understand. I think I shall stick with idx-ing them for now. I've got a layer for roads which is 100megs! I'll attempt tileindexing of the second kind on this later if need be. Thank you so much again. Xin On 05/09/05, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Hi Xin, > > It is a little more complicated than you have tried, I will try to > explain it. > > First, don't worry about shp2tile, most people do not need it and you > would need to get the basic mapserver working and the tileindexes > working first, before you can assess if you need it. > > For performance you need to make sure all *.shp files have a *.qix file > find /path/to/data -name "*.shp" -exec shptree {} \; > These are spatial indexes and not having these on all files is the > primary reason for poor performance. Do this first and see how you > performance is. > > Tileindexes are a way of group lots of similar files together into a > single layer. This is most useful if you have thousands of shapefiles > that represent the roads (or whatever) of a country and each file is in > a separate directory say organized by province or region. Then you can > create one layer and use the tileindex to collect all the files together > and control them in a single layer. > > Tileindexes have constraints on them as follows: > 1) they should generally be of the same shape type (as you mentioned) > 2) all the files referenced in an index MUST have the same attribute > structure. This means that if the first file added to the index has 4 > attribute columns say, for example, (int,string,string,double) with > names (GID,NAME,TYPE,AREA), then ALL files added to the index must have > the SAME columns in the SAME order. > > Tileindexes are also used in some cases where you have done all the > above, but you have a really HUGE shapefile. HUGE being lots of objects, > like 100s of thousands, that a spatially diverse. Then you can use > shp2tile to chop the large file into lots of smaller files where the > objects are grouped spatially. Then you use a tileindex to bring them > all together again into a single layer. If you do this don't forget to > create *.qix files for all the new shapefiles. I also recommend that you > put all the tiled files into a directory, like roads.shp into roads/ > > Hope this helps, > -Steve W. > > > Xin wrote: > > Hi list, > > > > I've searched the archives endlessly, and though there's been alot of > > posts on this I still can't seem to get the hang of it. > > > > I'm trying to index my shapefiles, as I've been told this will give it a > > performance boost. All my data are all in one directory, and they're > > roughly half a gig in size. It is operating rather slowly at the > > moment, taking a few seconds to display all the layers. > > > > This is how I initially tried to use tile index on my data: > > ogrtindex *.shp tileindex.shp # to index all my shapefiles > > in the map file, add below to every layer: > > TILEINDEX "tileindex.shp,0" # and remove DATA tag > > > > This doesn't work! > > > > I've since read you have to group different types together into one > > index file. i.e. all the POINTS in one, LINES in another etc. So you > > would have say 4 tile index files, each corresponding to each type. > > Then would I use these filenames, i.e. TILEINDEX "pointindex.shp". Is > > this the right way, anyway to automated? And what are shptree used for? > > > > I tried to use < >>'s shp2tile, but the > > library it depends on(shapelib) wouldn't compile. > > > > One last question. What's qix and should I use it? > > > > Thank you inadvance for your help. > > > > Regards, > > Xin > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fklotz at AXYS.NET Mon Sep 5 07:58:16 2005 From: fklotz at AXYS.NET (Farley Klotz) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:58:16 -0600 Subject: HostGIS? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: We use HostGIS, and have it running on 4 servers and 2 test boxes. It does all we need at this point, except that it currently does not include SSL, but we are looking at that. With some minor tweaking I have gotten Chameleon, MapLab, and Ka-map running on it. We use it even for boxes which are not hosting spatial data but for opensource database and webservers. It is very fast and easy to install. I even use it for my default Linux at home. Farley > On 9/5/05, Peter Kingsbury wrote: >> >> Hello all, >> >> I'm researching moving my mapserver to a Linux-based host, and today I >> came across HostGIS. I was curious if anyone has had notable >> success/failure with this package? >> >> >> >> Best regards, >> - Peter >> > > I installed HostGis (v 3.3) on top of my regular Slackware 10.1 > installation > and everything goes fine so far. You can find out some notes here: > > > -- > Ruslan Nuryadin > nuryadin at > -- Farley Klotz Senior Analyst, Geomatics AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. Suite 300, 805 - 8th AVE SW Calgary, AB, T2P 1H7 Main Office: 403-269-5150 Direct Line: 403-750-7664 Fax: 403-269-5245 Web: e-mail: fklotz at *********************************************************************** Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message plus any attachments. *********************************************************************** From duchovni at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 11:09:49 2005 From: duchovni at GMAIL.COM (Davi Duchovni) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:09:49 -0300 Subject: help Message-ID: please, does anyone know whats wrong in this ovf file?!?! Or in this map file??? ?cause it?s not working!!!! ODBC:userID/pass at tnsnames SELECT X,Y FROM vw_aluno_xy WHERE ID = 107581 wkbPoint WGS84 LAYER NAME "teste" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "gua.ovf" # the name and path to the virtual.ovf file, relative to shapepath may work? DATA "virtual" # the name of the OGRVrtLayer STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 6 END DUMP TRUE # allow GML export END thanks everbody!! Davi From pauljame at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 11:40:47 2005 From: pauljame at GMAIL.COM (Paul james) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:40:47 -0300 Subject: dBox Problem... Message-ID: Hi... I?m using this sample : But when I draw a box until the limits, an error hapened in javascript: "'drag' is null ... " Any idea? Thank you -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 12:58:23 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:58:23 -0400 Subject: help In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/5/05, Davi Duchovni wrote: > please, does anyone know whats wrong in this ovf file?!?! > Or in this map file??? > > ?cause it?s not working!!!! > > > > ODBC:userID/pass at tnsnames > SELECT X,Y FROM vw_aluno_xy WHERE ID = 107581 > wkbPoint > WGS84 > > > Davi, This looks fine to me assuming you have appropriate local information in your real SrcDataSource. Does ogrinfo work on this .ovf file? Any error messages? Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 15:34:03 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 18:34:03 -0400 Subject: Multiple Field Search Message-ID: Just for clarification, querying on multiple fields is NOT supported, correct? Unfortunately my current client requires compound queries of this nature, but I forgot MapServer didn't natively do this. I noticed that Chameleon actually queries DBFs external to MapServer's API. I certainly can piggy-back on this method and just test each case in the compound query by hand and keep records that past the entire set of tests. Unfortunately I'm no genius in search technology and my methods will be done linearlly and obviously SLOWLY. Can anyone offer any guidance, resources, or any other help? Thanks. -Abe From ivankautter at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Sep 5 21:31:42 2005 From: ivankautter at HOTMAIL.COM (Ivan Kautter) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:31:42 -0700 Subject: Errors with MrSID gdalplugin for ms4w1.0.1 Message-ID: List serve subscribers, First, please excuse posting this to multiple lists. In attempting to use the MrSID gdalplugin, I am receiving these errors: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named '100K_DRGs'. in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 469 Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawRaster(): Unrecognized or unsupported image format in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 469 Warning: [MapServer Error]: drawEPP(): EPPL7 support is not available. in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 469 Warning: [MapServer Error]: msInsertHashTable: Invalid hash table or key in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 469 ..........same error for multiple lines Warning: [MapServer Error]: msInsertHashTable: Invalid hash table or key in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 469 Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line 474 To specify the environment in which I am attempting to use the plugin , it is being run under ms4w 1.0.1, maplab2.2, phpmapscript4.4, Windows XP home. MrSID files are being accessed from a shapefile that is acting as a tileindex for 45 DRG Topos for state of California. Image Path in the shapefile is defined relative to position of the map file. http.conf has been altered to include these lines: SetEnv GDAL_DATA "/ms4w/gdaldata" #SetEnv GDAL_DATA "/ms4w/tools/ogr-utils" SetEnv GDAL_DRIVER_PATH "/ms4w" Required plugin dll and LizardTech dll are in the correct locations. The second error is confusing in that it says an unsupported format, but my impression was that the plugin was intended to circumvent re-building the gdal dlls to support MrSID, so if the plugin were performing its function such an error should not be possible. Perhaps I am mistaken. It seems there could be any number of problems here, but I am hoping someone has some experience using this plugin that may have some suggestion for me. Thanks for your time and efforts. Ivan Kautter From steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM Mon Sep 5 22:24:43 2005 From: steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM (Steve Benzo) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 22:24:43 -0700 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Christian, Danke, for that, enabling LD_OPTIONS with the /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib solved a lot of the issues, I'm able to make (as opposed to gmake) mapserver with a few options now. There's one final issue I'm confronting. When I enable --with-wmsclient, I get this error: ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable sections collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [] error 1 above that are a bunch of calls for libcrypto.a, libssl.a, and some others i think... Any suggestions? This is on Solaris 9. --- Christian Schaffer wrote: > Hello Steve, > hi list, > > I experienced a pretty similar issue trying to > compile 4.6.0 on Solaris > 10 a few weeks ago. Joshua Buysse gave me the > relevant hint to avoid the > problem: Try to set LD_OPTIONS in your environment, > e.g. > LD_OPTIONS='-R/opt/csw/lib -L/opt/csw/lib > -R/opt/csw/postgresql/lib > -L/opt/csw/postgresql/lib -R/usr/local/lib > -L/usr/local/lib > -R/opt/oracle/lib -L/opt/oracle/lib' > export LD_OPTIONS > > In your case, find the and make the > LD_OPTIONS point to it. > > For me, that works perfectly. After recompiling with > this option set, > calling mapserver via web gives you the desired > output. > > Hope that helps. > > Regards, > Chris > > Steve Benzo schrieb: > > >Daniel, > > > > > > > >>That's possible if you link with libs that are not > >>in your default lib > >>path settings. > >> > >> > >> > > > >I set the ldlibpath to the libs that mapserver > >requires before i compile, but it doesn't seem to > >'remember' those when it comes time to run > mapserver > >later? Is there a way to hard code those values at > >compile time? > > > > > > > >>Did you look in your Apache error_log to look for > >>hints? It may be that > >>your Apache config is also missing the > >>ld_library_path settings, that > >>would explain the problem, and you would see > >>something to that effect in > >>the error_log. > >> > >>Daniel > >> > >> > > > >The error log shows the same errors I get when I > try > >to run mapserver without those libs defined: > > > >[Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] > >Premature end of script headers: mapserv_new > > > >[Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] > > /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv_new: > fatal: > > open failed: No such file or > >directory > > > >PS Thanks a lot for your help on this! > > > > > > > >____________________________________________________ > >Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > ______________________________________________________________ > > Landeshauptstadt M?nchen > > Referat f?r Gesundheit und > Umwelt > Informationsverarbeitung > Christian Schaffer > Bayerstra?e 28a > 80335 M?nchen > > Tel: 089 - 233 - 4 76 67 > Fax: 089 - 233 - 4 76 62 > > > > > christian.schaffer at > ______________________________________________________________ > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Sep 6 00:09:20 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 09:09:20 +0200 Subject: Multiple Field Search Message-ID: Abe, Using the OGC WFS interface of Mapserver you can search on multiple fields. Although there can be some "hassles" with performance for database sources. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Abe Gillespie 09/06/05 12:34 am >>> Just for clarification, querying on multiple fields is NOT supported, correct? Unfortunately my current client requires compound queries of this nature, but I forgot MapServer didn't natively do this. I noticed that Chameleon actually queries DBFs external to MapServer's API. I certainly can piggy-back on this method and just test each case in the compound query by hand and keep records that past the entire set of tests. Unfortunately I'm no genius in search technology and my methods will be done linearlly and obviously SLOWLY. Can anyone offer any guidance, resources, or any other help? Thanks. -Abe From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Tue Sep 6 04:50:06 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 13:50:06 +0200 Subject: EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, I'd like to show a layer (polygones) with the population density in 5 clases (in different colors). I made the map file like in in the attachement is shown. e.g. with this: CLASS # Low Density MAXSCALE 120000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) #if it is a string ('[FIELD]'='value') SYMBOL 1 COLOR 248 147 147 SIZE 1 END CLASS # High Density MAXSCALE 120000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=2) SYMBOL 1 COLOR 249 36 36 SIZE 1 END But I only get this message (when I am using a relativ SHAPEPATH): msDrawMap():Failed to draw layer named `Bev_Density'. or no message and no layer with an absolute SHAPEPATH. Someone has an idea about this? Best regarts Leopold CapabilitiesRequest: rial/ ilities -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Im Auftrag von Michael Schulz Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. August 2005 13:40 An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] 3 little Questions Hi Leopold, Q1: you will need to use a style that uses a vector symbol, e.g. SYMBOL NAME "circle" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 1 1 END END then you can use the SIZE parameter in the mapfile on that symbol. Q2: Are you sre mapserver finds your shapefile in ./data? Did you try to use an absolute path to your data directory? Q3: Not sure, but did you try using a 24-bit output format, e.g. png24 ? Cheers, Michael Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) schrieb: > > Hi list, > > Question 1 (of 3): > maybe a simple question: How in general can I change the width of a > line(vectordata)? > > Maybe not with 'SIZE' because regardless of which SIZE 1 or SIZE 50 or SIZE > 100 there is allways a fine line. > > CLASS > NAME "XC_Rivers" > STYLE > SYMBOL 0 > COLOR 72 0 254 > SIZE 100 > MINSIZE 1 > MAXSIZE 100 > END > END > > --------------------------------------- > Question 2 (of 3): > I'd like to show a layer (polygones) with the population density in 5 clases > (in different colors). > > I made the map file like in in the attachement > is shown. e.g. with this: > > CLASS # Low Density > MAXSCALE 120000 > MINSCALE 500 > EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) #if it is a string ('[FIELD]'='value') > SYMBOL 1 > COLOR 248 147 147 > SIZE 1 > END > > CLASS # High Density > MAXSCALE 120000 > MINSCALE 500 > EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=2) > SYMBOL 1 > COLOR 249 36 36 > SIZE 1 > END > > But I only get this message: > msDrawMap():Failed to draw layer named `Bev_Density'. > > Someone has an idea about this? > -------------------------------------------- > > Question 3 (of 3): > I have a satellite tif for my background. It is in color. But in my client > it is only shown in black and white. > > Do I have to change some command line here? > (map file for satellite picture is also in attachement: > > > --------------------------------------------- > > Thanks a lot for everybody, who is trying to help me here a little bit. > > Best regards, > Leopold > > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Michael Schulz mschulz at in medias res Gesellschaft f?r Informationstechnologie mbH In den Weihermatten 66 Tel +49 (0)761 556959-5 79108 Freiburg Fax +49 (0)761 556959-6 / ----------------------------------------------------------- NEU ++ UMN MapServer Hosting ++ ++ NEU ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Type: application/octet-stream Size: 2775 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mschulz at WEBGIS.DE Tue Sep 6 05:32:20 2005 From: mschulz at WEBGIS.DE (Michael Schulz) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:32:20 +0200 Subject: EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, the error "failed to draw layer..." seems to be more an access problem to the shapefile not a problem of the mapfile configuration. You don't get the error with the absolute path, so maybe your classification is not working, that's why nothing is drawn. Did you try without an expression and does the layer show up then? Perhaps you should omit the min/maxscale settings also, just in case... HTH, Michael Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) schrieb: > > Hi, I'd like to show a layer (polygones) with the population density in 5 > clases > (in different colors). > > I made the map file like in in the attachement > is shown. e.g. with this: > > CLASS # Low Density > MAXSCALE 120000 > MINSCALE 500 > EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) #if it is a string ('[FIELD]'='value') > SYMBOL 1 > COLOR 248 147 147 > SIZE 1 > END > > CLASS # High Density > MAXSCALE 120000 > MINSCALE 500 > EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=2) > SYMBOL 1 > COLOR 249 36 36 > SIZE 1 > END > > But I only get this message (when I am using a relativ SHAPEPATH): > msDrawMap():Failed to draw layer named `Bev_Density'. > or no message and no layer with an absolute SHAPEPATH. > > > Someone has an idea about this? > > Best regarts > Leopold > > > > CapabilitiesRequest: > > rial/ > ilities > > > > > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Im > Auftrag von Michael Schulz > Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. August 2005 13:40 > An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] 3 little Questions > > > Hi Leopold, > > Q1: you will need to use a style that uses a vector symbol, e.g. > > SYMBOL > NAME "circle" > TYPE ellipse > FILLED true > POINTS > 1 1 > END > END > > then you can use the SIZE parameter in the mapfile on that symbol. > > Q2: Are you sre mapserver finds your shapefile in ./data? Did you try to > use an absolute path to your data directory? > > Q3: Not sure, but did you try using a 24-bit output format, e.g. png24 ? > > Cheers, Michael > > > > Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) schrieb: > >>Hi list, >> >>Question 1 (of 3): >>maybe a simple question: How in general can I change the width of a >>line(vectordata)? >> >>Maybe not with 'SIZE' because regardless of which SIZE 1 or SIZE 50 or > > SIZE > >>100 there is allways a fine line. >> >>CLASS >> NAME "XC_Rivers" >> STYLE >> SYMBOL 0 >> COLOR 72 0 254 >> SIZE 100 >> MINSIZE 1 >> MAXSIZE 100 >> END >> END >> >>--------------------------------------- >>Question 2 (of 3): >>I'd like to show a layer (polygones) with the population density in 5 > > clases > >>(in different colors). >> >>I made the map file like in in the > > attachement > >>is shown. e.g. with this: >> >>CLASS # Low Density >> MAXSCALE 120000 >> MINSCALE 500 >> EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) #if it is a string ('[FIELD]'='value') >> SYMBOL 1 >> COLOR 248 147 147 >> SIZE 1 >> END >> >> CLASS # High Density >> MAXSCALE 120000 >> MINSCALE 500 >> EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=2) >> SYMBOL 1 >> COLOR 249 36 36 >> SIZE 1 >> END >> >>But I only get this message: >> msDrawMap():Failed to draw layer named `Bev_Density'. >> >>Someone has an idea about this? >>-------------------------------------------- >> >>Question 3 (of 3): >>I have a satellite tif for my background. It is in color. But in my client >>it is only shown in black and white. >> >>Do I have to change some command line here? >>(map file for satellite picture is also in attachement: >> >> >>--------------------------------------------- >> >>Thanks a lot for everybody, who is trying to help me here a little bit. >> >>Best regards, >>Leopold >> >> >> >> > > > > -- > ----------------------------------------------------------- > Michael Schulz mschulz at > > in medias res Gesellschaft f?r Informationstechnologie mbH > > In den Weihermatten 66 Tel +49 (0)761 556959-5 > 79108 Freiburg Fax +49 (0)761 556959-6 > > / > ----------------------------------------------------------- > NEU ++ UMN MapServer Hosting ++ ++ NEU > ----------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Michael Schulz mschulz at in medias res Gesellschaft f?r Informationstechnologie mbH In den Weihermatten 66 Tel +49 (0)761 556959-5 79108 Freiburg Fax +49 (0)761 556959-6 / ----------------------------------------------------------- NEU ++ UMN MapServer Hosting ++ ++ NEU ----------------------------------------------------------- From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 6 08:33:09 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 11:33:09 -0400 Subject: Fwd: Problem with raster and ortho projection In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/1/05, Diego Savardi wrote: > Hi all, > I'm encountering some problems while trying to draw an entire image of the > world using orthogonal projection. > I use a lat-lon raster image derived from the nasa bluemarble and a > shapefile of the world countries as layers. I'm working with cgi-mapserver > 4.6 and also with java mapscript, and with both I have problems. > There's something wrong with the image boundary, it seems that mapserver > draw the raster only when the extent cross the image border, like it's > trying to maintain square the raster area.. it happens only for the raster, > the shapefile is drawn correctly (except from some points that fall in 0,0). > If I zoom in to fill all the image with the map everything works correctly, > on the other side if I zoom out just to see the entire globe there's no > raster image drawn, only the shapefile works. > > With the bluemarble layer I've tried to use also the processing parameters > LOAD_WHOLE_IMAGE=YES and LOAD_FULL_RES_IMAGE=YES with no results. Diego, I *suspect* that your processing parameters were not set properly somehow when generating the image you attached. They should ensure that the correct output is generated (at some potential cost in performance). I'm not sure what is going on with the vectors zooming to zero. That shouldn't happen if failed reprojections are being properly identified as they should in your case (I think). I would suggest isolating the problem with a simple mapfile and "shp2img". If you can, then pass it on to me and I'll dig in a bit deeper. It is possible that there are problems with setting the processing parameters from mapscript. If that is the case, we can dig into that aspect of the problem. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From erich at MUSEUM.STATE.IL.US Tue Sep 6 09:10:49 2005 From: erich at MUSEUM.STATE.IL.US (Erich Schroeder) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 11:10:49 -0500 Subject: HostGIS? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I'm a satisfied experimenter with HostGIS. I'm running it on two non-production machines now, and I advise you to try it out on a test box. The install was slightly foreign to me (I tend to use redhat/fedora), mostly at the stage of disc partitioning. It gives you no package options, just installs everything. But, "everything" is only what is needed to be a full-featured mapserver server: mapserver, perl/php mapscript, postGIS, MySQL with geo-extension, ka-map , apache with php and mod perl, gdal, proj, ogr, and a bunch of examples using the above. It does not have X, but as it is based on slackware, a knowledgeable person can add whatever she wants. HostGIS is worth trying if just for the examples. You can see the same street map served via shapefile, MySQL, PosGIS, phpmapscript, perlmapscript, and ka-map (I may have forgotten some). Currently I worry a bit about how updating will be handled. I have suggested to the developers that some sort of "slapt-get" or other online updating method would be good and they responded that they will look into it. Erich On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Peter Kingsbury wrote: > Hello all, > > I'm researching moving my mapserver to a Linux-based host, and today I came > across HostGIS. I was curious if anyone has had notable success/failure with > this package? > > > > Best regards, > - Peter > --------------------------------------------------------------------- Erich Schroeder Phone: (217)785-0033 Curator, Learning Center FAX: (217)785-2857 Illinois State Museum GIS Lab email:erich(at) Linux user #18660 --------------------------------------------------------------------- From LESSARDST at DFO-MPO.GC.CA Tue Sep 6 10:59:08 2005 From: LESSARDST at DFO-MPO.GC.CA (Stephane Lessard) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 13:59:08 -0400 Subject: dBox Problem... Message-ID: Paul, I remember I had a couple of errors when I started using DBox... I made some changes to the javascript code, and I am quite sure one of these changes corrected the problem you mention. In the "dBox_mousemove" function, try replacing the following line: var t =; with: var t = this.object; if (!t) return; Where: "this.object" was declared in the constructor, and initialized in the "mousedown" function, as follows: var t =; this.object = t; // Here it points to the correct target What happens is that the Source (or target) of the mousemove event changes when your cursor leaves the map area, so that "target.parentObject" is not the DBox object anymore... Maybe someone has a better workaround though... This one works great with IE, but not with FireFox. Hope this helps! Stephane Lessard _____ De : Paul james [mailto:pauljame at GMAIL.COM] Envoy? : 5 septembre 2005 14:41 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dBox Problem... Hi... I?m using this sample : But when I draw a box until the limits, an error hapened in javascript: "'drag' is null ... " Any idea? Thank you -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ealpert at DIGITALGLOBE.COM Tue Sep 6 11:10:42 2005 From: ealpert at DIGITALGLOBE.COM (Ethan Alpert) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 12:10:42 -0600 Subject: Wfs GetFeature XML changes 4.4 -> 4.6 Message-ID: I apologize if this has been covered recently but I just ran into this. In 4.4 wfs used tags and now uses . What was the reasoning behind this change? Is this a configuration thing like gml_include_item? Or is this just how it is now? -e From djisgitt at SOUNDENERGY.COM Tue Sep 6 12:28:22 2005 From: djisgitt at SOUNDENERGY.COM (Don Isgitt) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:28:22 -0500 Subject: Mapserver and flash maps failure Message-ID: Hello, I am trying, so far unsuccessfully, to use the flash mapserver capability from the Demo for Flash maps ( from the mapserver website. I built from source hopefully everything needed. [djisgitt at dji-ibm cgi-bin]$ ./mapserv -v MapServer version 4.4.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SWF SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Entering http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/djisgitt/fmv/ in mozilla produces all the expected text, and an outline of what should be an image, but no image. mapserver web log shows: Tue Sep 6 10:48:56 2005,11737,,FMV_,0,361450.364390 5025830.253584 363 322.827964 5027865.540078,-1.000000 -1.000000,,normal execution apache error log shows: [Tue Sep 06 10:48:57 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/fmv/tmp/FMV_112602173611737.swf and, true enough, it does not exist. So, my question is why? No permission errors, nor any other errors that I can find. My browser is Flash capable (I ran the demo from the remote site listed in the docs, and all was well.) What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your help. Don p.s. The map file is straight from the demo, so I did not include it here. From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Sep 6 14:02:37 2005 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:02:37 -0700 Subject: SLD Date/Time Filter Message-ID: Hi List, Does mapserver have any support for date/time filters in SLDs? I want to use an SLD to select all features with (date > SomeDate) and (date < AnotherDate). Not sure if it makes a differences, but my data is in postgis. Brock From armin.burger at GMX.NET Tue Sep 6 14:26:29 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 23:26:29 +0200 Subject: Multiple Field Search In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Abe, with Mapscript you can search for multiple fields. It's not very clear in the documentation, but it works. You have to specify an existing field of the layer for 'qitem', for 'qstring' you can define a filter statement that includes more than one field/item, like $qitem = 'FIELD1'; $qstring = "[FIELD1] > 23 AND '[FIELD2]' = 'blabla'" ; $mylayer->queryByAttributes($qitem, $qstring, MS_MULTIPLE); I think case-insensitive queries just work using regular expresions. Armin Abe Gillespie wrote: > Just for clarification, querying on multiple fields is NOT supported, > correct? Unfortunately my current client requires compound queries of > this nature, but I forgot MapServer didn't natively do this. I > noticed that Chameleon actually queries DBFs external to MapServer's > API. I certainly can piggy-back on this method and just test each > case in the compound query by hand and keep records that past the > entire set of tests. Unfortunately I'm no genius in search technology > and my methods will be done linearlly and obviously SLOWLY. > > Can anyone offer any guidance, resources, or any other help? > > Thanks. > -Abe > > From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 6 14:44:45 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 17:44:45 -0400 Subject: Multiple Field Search In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ok, that sounds like good news. Now if I did go to regular expressions to gain case insensitivity, do I lose the ability to query on multiple fields? Thanks. -Abe On 9/6/05, Armin Burger wrote: > Abe, > > with Mapscript you can search for multiple fields. It's not very clear > in the documentation, but it works. > > You have to specify an existing field of the layer for 'qitem', for > 'qstring' you can define a filter statement that includes more than one > field/item, like > > $qitem = 'FIELD1'; > $qstring = "[FIELD1] > 23 AND '[FIELD2]' = 'blabla'" ; > $mylayer->queryByAttributes($qitem, $qstring, MS_MULTIPLE); > > I think case-insensitive queries just work using regular expresions. > > Armin > > Abe Gillespie wrote: > > Just for clarification, querying on multiple fields is NOT supported, > > correct? Unfortunately my current client requires compound queries of > > this nature, but I forgot MapServer didn't natively do this. I > > noticed that Chameleon actually queries DBFs external to MapServer's > > API. I certainly can piggy-back on this method and just test each > > case in the compound query by hand and keep records that past the > > entire set of tests. Unfortunately I'm no genius in search technology > > and my methods will be done linearlly and obviously SLOWLY. > > > > Can anyone offer any guidance, resources, or any other help? > > > > Thanks. > > -Abe > > > > > From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Sep 6 14:51:19 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 17:51:19 -0400 Subject: Multiple Field Search In-Reply-To: Message-ID: No I think you can do the following $qstring = "[FIELD1] > 23 AND [FIELD2] =~ /^(bla)+/" ; But give it a try. This is not documented well. -Steve W. Abe Gillespie wrote: > Ok, that sounds like good news. Now if I did go to regular > expressions to gain case insensitivity, do I lose the ability to query > on multiple fields? > > Thanks. > -Abe > > On 9/6/05, Armin Burger wrote: > >>Abe, >> >>with Mapscript you can search for multiple fields. It's not very clear >>in the documentation, but it works. >> >>You have to specify an existing field of the layer for 'qitem', for >>'qstring' you can define a filter statement that includes more than one >>field/item, like >> >>$qitem = 'FIELD1'; >>$qstring = "[FIELD1] > 23 AND '[FIELD2]' = 'blabla'" ; >>$mylayer->queryByAttributes($qitem, $qstring, MS_MULTIPLE); >> >>I think case-insensitive queries just work using regular expresions. >> >>Armin >> >>Abe Gillespie wrote: >> >>>Just for clarification, querying on multiple fields is NOT supported, >>>correct? Unfortunately my current client requires compound queries of >>>this nature, but I forgot MapServer didn't natively do this. I >>>noticed that Chameleon actually queries DBFs external to MapServer's >>>API. I certainly can piggy-back on this method and just test each >>>case in the compound query by hand and keep records that past the >>>entire set of tests. Unfortunately I'm no genius in search technology >>>and my methods will be done linearlly and obviously SLOWLY. >>> >>>Can anyone offer any guidance, resources, or any other help? >>> >>>Thanks. >>>-Abe >>> >>> >> > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Tue Sep 6 14:59:02 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 17:59:02 -0400 Subject: SLD Date/Time Filter Message-ID: > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Brock Anderson > Sent: Tuesday, 06 September, 2005 17:03 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD Date/Time Filter > > > Hi List, > > Does mapserver have any support for date/time filters in SLDs? > > I want to use an SLD to select all features with (date > > SomeDate) and > (date < AnotherDate). > You can use the WMS "time" argument to pass to a GetMap request, along with the SLD (see on how to setup temporal support for a dataset). ..Tom > Not sure if it makes a differences, but my data is in postgis. > > Brock > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Tue Sep 6 15:00:12 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 18:00:12 -0400 Subject: Wfs GetFeature XML changes 4.4 -> 4.6 Message-ID: > > I apologize if this has been covered recently but I just ran > into this. > > In 4.4 wfs used tags and now uses > . What was the reasoning behind this change? > Steve did some updates to support GML 3 Level 0 format, which involved some refactoring of the XML content model. Use "outputFormat=GML3" in your GetFeature request to enable GML3L0. GML2 is the default if no outputFormat is specified. ..Tom > Is this a configuration thing like gml_include_item? Or is > this just how it is now? > > -e > From armin.burger at GMX.NET Tue Sep 6 15:07:38 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 00:07:38 +0200 Subject: Multiple Field Search In-Reply-To: Message-ID: You can combine regular expressions and normal filter definitions. I think one also has to put parentheses around the filter expression (that I forgot in my example): $qstring = "([FIELD1] > 23 AND '[FIELD2]' = 'bla')" ; and for case insensitive queries $qstring = "([FIELD1] > 23 AND '[FIELD2]' =~ /(B|b)(L|l)(A|a)/)"; I haven't found another possibility for case insensitive queries. I don't know if you can use PHP or PERL regex if PHP is compiled with regex=php instead of regex=system. Armin Abe Gillespie wrote: > Ok, that sounds like good news. Now if I did go to regular > expressions to gain case insensitivity, do I lose the ability to query > on multiple fields? > > Thanks. > -Abe > > On 9/6/05, Armin Burger wrote: > >>Abe, >> >>with Mapscript you can search for multiple fields. It's not very clear >>in the documentation, but it works. >> >>You have to specify an existing field of the layer for 'qitem', for >>'qstring' you can define a filter statement that includes more than one >>field/item, like >> >>$qitem = 'FIELD1'; >>$qstring = "[FIELD1] > 23 AND '[FIELD2]' = 'blabla'" ; >>$mylayer->queryByAttributes($qitem, $qstring, MS_MULTIPLE); >> >>I think case-insensitive queries just work using regular expresions. >> >>Armin >> >>Abe Gillespie wrote: >> >>>Just for clarification, querying on multiple fields is NOT supported, >>>correct? Unfortunately my current client requires compound queries of >>>this nature, but I forgot MapServer didn't natively do this. I >>>noticed that Chameleon actually queries DBFs external to MapServer's >>>API. I certainly can piggy-back on this method and just test each >>>case in the compound query by hand and keep records that past the >>>entire set of tests. Unfortunately I'm no genius in search technology >>>and my methods will be done linearlly and obviously SLOWLY. >>> >>>Can anyone offer any guidance, resources, or any other help? >>> >>>Thanks. >>>-Abe >>> >>> >> > > From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Sep 6 16:21:08 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 19:21:08 -0400 Subject: Books reviewed by Message-ID: Hi, Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping Hacks". Way to go guys! -Steve W. From richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 6 16:24:06 2005 From: richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM (Richard Greenwood) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 17:24:06 -0600 Subject: projection error when mode=itemquery Message-ID: I think I've got a bug here, but I'll throw it out to the list before I file a bug report. I have a map with a state plane (U.S. Foot) projection defined. It includes a UTM (meters) raster layer. All displays well until mode=itemquery or itemnquery, or queryfile=... In these modes the UTM raster layer occupies only a small portion of the rendered map (see attached image). I have tested in two different state plane zones with two different raster UTM image sets, with mapserver versions 4.2, 4.6 and 4.7. Any ideas? Thanks, Rich -- Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: tc11260489651104.png Type: image/png Size: 11640 bytes Desc: not available URL: From pgiencke at GLC.ORG Tue Sep 6 16:43:31 2005 From: pgiencke at GLC.ORG (Peter Giencke) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 19:43:31 -0400 Subject: WMS - Reprojecting and losing transparency? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, Am I right to assume that under in the following circumstance, a 'reprojected' wms layer will lose its transparency? I did some digging and couldn't find a straight answer... Below is a parred down version of the mapfile I'm using; it becomes untransparent after the projection to UTM. Hopefully I'm wrong and there's a way to do this.... -pete ################################## MAP IMAGETYPE PNG24 #IMAGETYPE DOESN'T SEEM TO MATTER HERE EXTENT 1074253.10 4816300.87 1617397.14 5238582.46 UNITS meters PROJECTION ##########UTM 17N "init=epsg:26916" END END LAYER NAME jpl3 METADATA "wms_title" "jpl2" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE RASTER TRANSPARENCY 40 STATUS default CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION " etMap&layers=global_mosaic&styles=&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/png" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" ##########GEOGRAPHIC END END END From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 6 19:17:36 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 22:17:36 -0400 Subject: WMS - Reprojecting and losing transparency? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/6/05, Peter Giencke wrote: > Hi, > > Am I right to assume that under in the following circumstance, a > 'reprojected' wms layer will lose its transparency? I did some digging and > couldn't find a straight answer... > > Below is a parred down version of the mapfile I'm using; it becomes > untransparent after the projection to UTM. Hopefully I'm wrong and there's a > way to do this.... Peter, I gather the problem you are running into is that the TRANSPARENT 40 keyword for the layer is being ignored, right? Does this really work if there is no reprojection? Looking at the code, it seems that msDrawMap() completely skips msDrawLayer(), and calls msDrawWMSLayerLow() directly for WMS layers. This means all the msDrawLayer() code for handling layer level transparency is ignored. I would suggest you submit a bug for the WMS client layer implementators to address (Assefa and Daniel). PS. You have two ENDs at the end of your first PROJECTION block. It took me quite a it of work to figure out why the mapfile didn't seem to render anything! Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From maclenna at VISI.COM Tue Sep 6 20:00:52 2005 From: maclenna at VISI.COM (Mark MacLennan) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 22:00:52 -0500 Subject: Books reviewed by In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: At 07:21 PM 9/6/2005 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is >a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping >Hacks". >Way to go guys! I would point out that another book "Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS Development" by Bill Kropla (with an Foreward by Stephen Lime, who along with Howard Butler are listed as the technical reviewers) has just been published - I received my copy last week. It looks to be a very good tutorial and guide to MapServer in a (tangible) book form. (do note the corrections to this first edition ...) [The publisher Apress is currently offering a $10/book discount on their books - currently lists this book at 39% off not including this discount] Wow, finally some really decent and affordable GIS books are available in print :-) - Mark From pgiencke at GLC.ORG Tue Sep 6 20:26:01 2005 From: pgiencke at GLC.ORG (Pete Giencke) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 23:26:01 -0400 Subject: WMS - Reprojecting and losing transparency? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank, Thanks for confirming my suspicions; I'll dispatch a bug report right away... It looks like the only option until that gets resolved is to use static, projected rasters (boring!). -pete PS Sorry about the two ENDS, i hastily ripped that code from my actual mapfile. Quoting Frank Warmerdam : > On 9/6/05, Peter Giencke wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Am I right to assume that under in the following circumstance, a > > 'reprojected' wms layer will lose its transparency? I did some digging and > > couldn't find a straight answer... > > > > Below is a parred down version of the mapfile I'm using; it becomes > > untransparent after the projection to UTM. Hopefully I'm wrong and there's > a > > way to do this.... > > Peter, > > I gather the problem you are running into is that the TRANSPARENT 40 > keyword for the layer is being ignored, right? Does this really work if > there is no reprojection? Looking at the code, it seems that > msDrawMap() completely skips msDrawLayer(), and calls > msDrawWMSLayerLow() directly for WMS layers. This means all the > msDrawLayer() code for handling layer level transparency is ignored. > > I would suggest you submit a bug for the WMS client layer implementators > to address (Assefa and Daniel). > > PS. You have two ENDs at the end of your first PROJECTION block. > It took me quite a it of work to figure out why the mapfile didn't > seem to render anything! > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > From adam at JAMRADAR.COM Tue Sep 6 20:16:47 2005 From: adam at JAMRADAR.COM (Adam) Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 22:16:47 -0500 Subject: Books reviewed by Message-ID: Yes, this book is the best one yet. Very good!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark MacLennan" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:00 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > At 07:21 PM 9/6/2005 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is > >a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping > >Hacks". > >Way to go guys! > > I would point out that another book "Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS > Development" by Bill Kropla (with an Foreward by Stephen Lime, who along > with Howard Butler are listed as the technical reviewers) has just been > published - I received my copy last week. It looks to be a very good > tutorial and guide to MapServer in a (tangible) book form. > > > (do note the corrections to this first edition ...) > > [The publisher Apress is currently offering a $10/book discount on > their books - currently lists this book at 39% off > not including this discount] > > Wow, finally some really decent and affordable GIS books are available in > print :-) > > - Mark From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Wed Sep 7 03:37:06 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 12:37:06 +0200 Subject: Mapunits in template Message-ID: Hi, I'm using mapserver as plain CGI and was wondering if there's a way to use the "units" parameter of a map in the template file? I need this to perform client side distance measurements. Thanks, Berend -- ____________________________ Berend Veldkamp - ARIS ____________________________ From jan.espenlaub at GMX.DE Wed Sep 7 05:47:33 2005 From: jan.espenlaub at GMX.DE (Jan Espenlaub) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 07:47:33 -0500 Subject: ORACLE and WFS Message-ID: Dear all I am trying to set up mapserver as WFS server. Using shapes as datasource works fine. But when I try to connect to a OracleSpatial based layer I get any results. The getFeature Request returns only the bounding box. There are no further error messages. If I use the same OracleSpatial-Layers directly in a mapfile (in fact the very same map- file), not as WFS, they are displayed correctly. Any Ideas? THANKS Jan From artur.skalski at ACXIOM.COM Wed Sep 7 06:14:14 2005 From: artur.skalski at ACXIOM.COM (Artur Skalski) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 08:14:14 -0500 Subject: Mapserver & PostGIS Message-ID: Hi All I'm using mapserver 4.4 with php mapscritp. Not so long ago I was asking You for an advice regarding service infrastructure, and all advanteges and disadvantages of diferent configurations so thanks again for all tips I got from you. I've decided to separate web server from data server and to put my vector data into postgis. And my question is what kind of changes will i have to make when getting everything to work on postgis, do i need to change only mapfile, to set apropriate connections in mapfile into each layer and all the rest like php code and html code may stay the same or will the changes have to go deeper? What kind of thing should i be aware carefull with when going into postGIS? Thank for Your advice Best Regards Artur From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Wed Sep 7 06:14:32 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 09:14:32 -0400 Subject: Polygon Buffer Query Message-ID: The following message was sent by Abe Gillespie on Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:31:59 -0400. > Is there a way to do this? queryByPoint has the ability to supply a > radius but queryByShape does. I thought that setting the layer's > TOLERANCE and TOLERANCEUNITS would help, but it doesn't seem to. If > this isn't built in functionality, could anyone point me to an > algorithm that I can use to manually buffer a polygon before I supply > it to queryByShape? Abe, You will need to compile mapserver with GEOS support and use the '$shape->buffer()' on the existing shape to buffer it and then use the new shape ($bshape) to do the query. One thing I noticed in using it - turn on the error reporting before using shapeObj->buffer as there are a slew of things that can cause it not to work: my $geoserr = new mapscript::errorObj(); my $bshape = $shape->buffer($bdistance); print "ERROR: $geoserr->{message}\n"; $bshape->setBounds(); HTH Lowell From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 07:02:40 2005 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 09:02:40 -0500 Subject: where to get Germany Map Data In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thomas, You might have some luck here. Jerl On 9/1/05, Thomas Sebastian wrote: > > Hello list, > i'm pretty new in working with gis. > i installed the FGS-Package from and it > is working pretty > good. > but now i need the maps of my city ( leipzig/germany ). > My question: does anybody have a hind to get Leipzig/Germay maps for > FGS ? > > Thanx and regards > > Thomas > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Wed Sep 7 08:03:46 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 08:03:46 -0700 Subject: Mapserver & PostGIS In-Reply-To: Message-ID: - change CONNECTIONTYPE and DATA to reference your PostGIS tables - ensure your PostGIS tables have spatial indexes - ensure your PostGIS DATA statements include both USING UNIQUE and USING SRID - ensure your UNIQUE columns are indexed (using the primary key is the simplest way) - if you have any FILTER statements, change them to use SQL syntax instead of mapserver syntax - if you have any EXPRESSIONS or other references to attribute values or names, change them to use lower-case attribute names That's it. P On Sep 7, 2005, at 6:14 AM, Artur Skalski wrote: > Hi All > > I'm using mapserver 4.4 with php mapscritp. Not so long ago I was > asking You > for an advice regarding service infrastructure, and all advanteges and > disadvantages of diferent configurations so thanks again for all > tips I got > from you. > I've decided to separate web server from data server and to put my > vector > data into postgis. And my question is what kind of changes will i > have to > make when getting everything to work on postgis, do i need to > change only > mapfile, to set apropriate connections in mapfile into each layer > and all > the rest like php code and html code may stay the same or will the > changes > have to go deeper? What kind of thing should i be aware carefull > with when > going into postGIS? > > Thank for Your advice > > Best Regards > > Artur > From e.alberti at KATAMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 08:09:57 2005 From: e.alberti at KATAMAIL.COM (Enrico Alberti) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 17:09:57 +0200 Subject: where to get ITALY Map Data Message-ID: My question: does anybody have a hind to get Italy maps for FGS ? Thanks ENRICO From diego.savardi at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 09:10:03 2005 From: diego.savardi at GMAIL.COM (Diego Savardi) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 18:10:03 +0200 Subject: Fwd: Problem with raster and ortho projection In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, thanks for your help. I've follow your advice and I have tried with 'shp2img' and a simpler mapfile, using the country shapefile that comes with ArcView. The result is still that some points of the shapes falls in (0, 0). Here in attachment the are the mapfile and the image generated. Here is the log: baobab:/data/bluemarble/map# shp2img -v MapServer version 4.6.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS=THREADS INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG baobab:/data/bluemarble/map# shp2img -m -o shporto.jpg [Wed Sep 7 17:44:03 2005].670840 msProjectRect(): some points failed to reproject, doing internal sampling. [Wed Sep 7 17:44:03 2005].859659 msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (Country), 0.203s [Wed Sep 7 17:44:03 2005].859888 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s [Wed Sep 7 17:44:03 2005].860015 msDrawMap() total time: 0.207s I don't know if the problem could be in the projection settings, I've seen some other over Internet and mine seems corrects to me, but I could be wrong.. This is the mapfile: MAP NAME world_ EXTENT -6500000 -6500000 6500000 6500000 SIZE 600 600 SYMBOLSET '../web/symbols/symbols.sym' SHAPEPATH 'data' FONTSET '../web/fonts/fonts.list' DEBUG on UNITS meters IMAGETYPE jpeg IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 OUTPUTFORMAT NAME jpeg DRIVER "GD/JPEG" FORMATOPTION "QUALITY=75" MIMETYPE "image/jpeg" IMAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "jpg" END WEB TEMPLATE '../web/template.html' IMAGEPATH '../web/tmp/' IMAGEURL '/gis/bluemarble/tmp/' END PROJECTION "proj=ortho" "lat_0=0.0" "lon_0=0.0" "x_0=0.0" "y_0=0.0" END # LAYERS --------------------------------------------- LAYER DATA "country" NAME "Country" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 255 0 SIZE 2 SYMBOL 1 END END END # LAYERS END ------------------------------- END # MAP END ------------------------------- And the image is here: With the raster the problem is the same also with shp2img. I've seen the processing parameters inside the code, but it seems there are still problems defining which points have to be drawn. baobab:/data/bluemarble/map# shp2img -m -o tifforto.jpg [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].753468 msDrawRasterLayerLow(earth_2400): entering. [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].756026 msTransformMapToSource(): pj_transform() failed. Out of bounds? Loading whole image. [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].756204 msResampleGDALToMap in effect: cellsize = 0.150000 [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].789060 msDrawGDAL(earth_2400): using RAW_WINDOW=0 0 2400 1200 [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].789376 msDrawGDAL(): red,green,blue,alpha bands = 1,2,3,0 [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].978416 msSimpleRasterResampler: 228000 failed to transform, 132000 actually set. [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].981821 msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (earth_2400), 0.228s [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].982038 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s [Wed Sep 7 18:00:19 2005].982158 msDrawMap() total time: 0.233s Differences from the previous mapfile: .... EXTENT -6000000.0 -6000000.0 6000000.0 6000000.0 .... LAYER # BLUEMERBLE NAME earth_2400 DATA 'earth_2400.tif' PROCESSING "LOAD_WHOLE_IMAGE=YES" PROCESSING "LOAD_FULL_RES_IMAGE=YES" DEBUG on PROCESSING "DITHER=YES" STATUS default TYPE raster PROJECTION #"init=epsg:4326" "proj=latlong" END END And the image: Thanks for your help.. Diego On 9/6/05, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 9/1/05, Diego Savardi wrote: > > Hi all, > > I'm encountering some problems while trying to draw an entire image of the > > world using orthogonal projection. > > I use a lat-lon raster image derived from the nasa bluemarble and a > > shapefile of the world countries as layers. I'm working with cgi-mapserver > > 4.6 and also with java mapscript, and with both I have problems. > > There's something wrong with the image boundary, it seems that mapserver > > draw the raster only when the extent cross the image border, like it's > > trying to maintain square the raster area.. it happens only for the raster, > > the shapefile is drawn correctly (except from some points that fall in 0,0). > > If I zoom in to fill all the image with the map everything works correctly, > > on the other side if I zoom out just to see the entire globe there's no > > raster image drawn, only the shapefile works. > > > > With the bluemarble layer I've tried to use also the processing parameters > > LOAD_WHOLE_IMAGE=YES and LOAD_FULL_RES_IMAGE=YES with no results. > > Diego, > > I *suspect* that your processing parameters were not set properly somehow > when generating the image you attached. They should ensure that the > correct output is generated (at some potential cost in performance). > > I'm not sure what is going on with the vectors zooming to zero. That > shouldn't happen if failed reprojections are being properly identified > as they should in your case (I think). > > I would suggest isolating the problem with a simple mapfile and > "shp2img". If you can, then pass it on to me and I'll dig in a bit > deeper. It is possible that there are problems with setting the > processing parameters from mapscript. If that is the case, we can > dig into that aspect of the problem. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 09:37:30 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 12:37:30 -0400 Subject: Polygon Buffer Query In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: How would one go about adding the units argument? Thanks. -Abe On 9/7/05, Lowell Filak wrote: > The following message was sent by Abe Gillespie > on Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:31:59 -0400. > > > Is there a way to do this? queryByPoint has the ability to supply a > > radius but queryByShape does. I thought that setting the layer's > > TOLERANCE and TOLERANCEUNITS would help, but it doesn't seem to. If > > this isn't built in functionality, could anyone point me to an > > algorithm that I can use to manually buffer a polygon before I supply > > it to queryByShape? > > Abe, > > You will need to compile mapserver with GEOS support and use the > '$shape->buffer()' on the existing shape to buffer it and then use the > new shape ($bshape) to do the query. > One thing I noticed in using it - turn on the error reporting before > using shapeObj->buffer as there are a slew of things that can cause it > not to work: > > my $geoserr = new mapscript::errorObj(); > my $bshape = $shape->buffer($bdistance); > print "ERROR: $geoserr->{message}\n"; > $bshape->setBounds(); > > HTH > > Lowell > From tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM Wed Sep 7 10:01:35 2005 From: tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM (Travis Kirstine GIS Tech) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:01:35 -0400 Subject: WRAP justification Message-ID: Is there a way to have text center justified when using a WRAP? Travis Kirstine First Base Solutions Limited 140 Renfrew Dr, Suite 100 Markham ON L3R 6B3 Phone 905.477.3600 Fax 905.477.3882 From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Wed Sep 7 10:35:46 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:35:46 -0400 Subject: EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Have you tried the EXPRESSION as a string? <>('[Bev_class]'='1') Richard C Orth Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) wrote: >Hi, I'd like to show a layer (polygones) with the population density in 5 >clases >(in different colors). > >I made the map file like in in the attachement >is shown. e.g. with this: > > CLASS # Low Density > MAXSCALE 120000 > MINSCALE 500 > EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) #if it is a string ('[FIELD]'='value') > SYMBOL 1 > COLOR 248 147 147 > SIZE 1 > END > > CLASS # High Density > MAXSCALE 120000 > MINSCALE 500 > EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=2) > SYMBOL 1 > COLOR 249 36 36 > SIZE 1 > END > >But I only get this message (when I am using a relativ SHAPEPATH): > msDrawMap():Failed to draw layer named `Bev_Density'. >or no message and no layer with an absolute SHAPEPATH. > > >Someone has an idea about this? > >Best regarts >Leopold > > > >CapabilitiesRequest: > >rial/ >ilities > > > > >-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- >Von: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Im >Auftrag von Michael Schulz >Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. August 2005 13:40 >An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] 3 little Questions > > >Hi Leopold, > >Q1: you will need to use a style that uses a vector symbol, e.g. > >SYMBOL > NAME "circle" > TYPE ellipse > FILLED true > POINTS > 1 1 > END >END > >then you can use the SIZE parameter in the mapfile on that symbol. > >Q2: Are you sre mapserver finds your shapefile in ./data? Did you try to >use an absolute path to your data directory? > >Q3: Not sure, but did you try using a 24-bit output format, e.g. png24 ? > >Cheers, Michael > > > >Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) schrieb: > > >>Hi list, >> >>Question 1 (of 3): >>maybe a simple question: How in general can I change the width of a >>line(vectordata)? >> >>Maybe not with 'SIZE' because regardless of which SIZE 1 or SIZE 50 or >> >> >SIZE > > >>100 there is allways a fine line. >> >>CLASS >> NAME "XC_Rivers" >> STYLE >> SYMBOL 0 >> COLOR 72 0 254 >> SIZE 100 >> MINSIZE 1 >> MAXSIZE 100 >> END >> END >> >>--------------------------------------- >>Question 2 (of 3): >>I'd like to show a layer (polygones) with the population density in 5 >> >> >clases > > >>(in different colors). >> >>I made the map file like in in the >> >> >attachement > > >>is shown. e.g. with this: >> >>CLASS # Low Density >> MAXSCALE 120000 >> MINSCALE 500 >> EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=1) #if it is a string ('[FIELD]'='value') >> SYMBOL 1 >> COLOR 248 147 147 >> SIZE 1 >> END >> >> CLASS # High Density >> MAXSCALE 120000 >> MINSCALE 500 >> EXPRESSION ([Bev_class]=2) >> SYMBOL 1 >> COLOR 249 36 36 >> SIZE 1 >> END >> >>But I only get this message: >> msDrawMap():Failed to draw layer named `Bev_Density'. >> >>Someone has an idea about this? >>-------------------------------------------- >> >>Question 3 (of 3): >>I have a satellite tif for my background. It is in color. But in my client >>it is only shown in black and white. >> >>Do I have to change some command line here? >>(map file for satellite picture is also in attachement: >> >> >>--------------------------------------------- >> >>Thanks a lot for everybody, who is trying to help me here a little bit. >> >>Best regards, >>Leopold >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >-- >----------------------------------------------------------- >Michael Schulz mschulz at > >in medias res Gesellschaft f?r Informationstechnologie mbH > >In den Weihermatten 66 Tel +49 (0)761 556959-5 >79108 Freiburg Fax +49 (0)761 556959-6 > > / >----------------------------------------------------------- >NEU ++ UMN MapServer Hosting ++ ++ NEU >----------------------------------------------------------- > > From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Wed Sep 7 10:31:48 2005 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:31:48 -0400 Subject: Prob with MS 4.7 and postgis DATA statement 'using unique' Message-ID: >On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 12:25:57PM -0400, Debbie Pagurek wrote: > >>I seem to have a problem using UNIQUE indexes in my MapServer Data >>statements. >> >>This doesn't work: >>DATA "geom from (select geom, oid,gid, pearseda from pda42304) as foo >>using unique gid using SRID=42304" > > >Did you try swapping "using unique gid" and "using SRID=42304" ? >(the mapserver connector is pretty dumb) > >--strk; >_______________________________________________ >postgis-users mailing list >postgis-users at > > Sorry for cross posting folks, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having trouble using windows binary 4.7 and postgis when your data statement include "using unique"? When I tried with the 4.6 windows binary, it worked fine. Argh. Should I post a bug on this? Debbie Pagurek From bill at POCONOGIS.COM Wed Sep 7 11:04:19 2005 From: bill at POCONOGIS.COM (Bill Chappell) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:04:19 -0400 Subject: $_Post error Message-ID: Hi, I'm new to PHP and struggling with the examples in Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver" book, I'm not sure what is going on but I've tried the example as per then book and also from my own data and I'm getting the same error. The script does generate a png image that looks correct but errors when it gets to the $_POST command. Any clues? minx; $miny = $ext->miny; $maxx = $ext->maxx; $maxy = $ext->maxy; if ($point->x && $point->y){ $x = $point->x; $y = $point->y; $dpp_x = ($maxx-$minx)/$width; $dpp_y = ($maxy-$miny)/$height; $x = $minx + $dpp_x*$x; $y = $maxy - $dpp_y*$y; } $pt[0] = $x; $pt[1] = $y; return $pt; } //------------------------------------------ // Default values $script_name = "pocono.php"; // path defaults #$map_path = "/pocono/"; $map_file = ""; $img_path = "/tmp/"; // Navigation defaults $zoomsize=2; $pan="CHECKED"; $zoomout=""; $zoomin=""; // Displayed layer defaults #$majrds = "CHECKED"; $majrds = "CHECKED"; $lakes = "CHECKED"; $munibndy = "CHECKED"; $roads = "CHECKED"; $wshed = "CHECKED"; // Default click point $clickx = 320; $clicky = 240; $clkpoint = ms_newPointObj(); $old_extent = ms_newRectObj(); // Default extent $extent = array(2600000, 300000, 2680000, 350000); $max_extent = ms_newRectObj(); $max_extent->setextent(2600000, 300000, 2680000, 350000); // Retrieve mapfile and create a map from it #$map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.$map_file); $map = ms_newMapObj($map_file); // If we've been invoked by the form, use form variables // else drop through and create first map // I believe the error is here but I don't know what to do about it? if (( $_POST['img_x'] and $_POST['img_y'] ) or $_POST['refresh']) { Generates a : Notice: Undefined index: img_x in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\Pocono\pocono.php on line 76 Notice: Undefined index: refresh in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\Pocono\pocono.php on line 76 Bill Chappell 570-402-5064 Bill at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Wed Sep 7 12:26:00 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:26:00 -0500 Subject: Polygon Buffer Query Message-ID: QueryByShape does respect tolerance values of the layers being queried. So, if 2 features don't intersect then a distance is computed between them and compared against the tolerance. This has the same basic effect as physically buffering the query shape (which you can do as pointed out by Lowell). I'll check the source to make sure this is the case though... Steve >>> Abe Gillespie 09/04/05 3:31 PM >>> Is there a way to do this? queryByPoint has the ability to supply a radius but queryByShape does. I thought that setting the layer's TOLERANCE and TOLERANCEUNITS would help, but it doesn't seem to. If this isn't built in functionality, could anyone point me to an algorithm that I can use to manually buffer a polygon before I supply it to queryByShape? Thanks. -Abe From tylermitchell at SHAW.CA Wed Sep 7 12:36:25 2005 From: tylermitchell at SHAW.CA (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 12:36:25 -0700 Subject: Books reviewed by Message-ID: Thanks Stephen - it sure is a great review with some good spice in it. Tyler ----- Original Message ----- From: Stephen Woodbridge Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:21 pm Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > Hi, > > Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and > there is > a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and > "Mapping > Hacks". > > Way to go guys! > > -Steve W. > From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 16:06:38 2005 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 18:06:38 -0500 Subject: Two Keymaps?? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Paul, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I was waiting to hear whether we could afford (time-wise) to make this a priority for the project at this point. Unfortunately, we are up against some deadlines and I won't be able to get to this for a while. However, it is definitely a worthwhile endeavor and I hope to get back to it eventually. I will let you know when I do. Thanks much for the help! Jennifer Zeisloft UW Sea Grant On 8/30/05, Paul Spencer wrote: > > Jennifer, > > you can't do this with stock MapServer as the mapfile structure will not > permit it. > > With some mapscript intervention, you can replace the image in the > reference object. I would probably approach it differently in > Chameleon, but a simple solution would be to have metadata at the map > object that contains sufficient information to replace the reference map > image. > > I think you will need to know the following: > > 1. image > 2. extents of the image > 3. extents/scale to start using the image > > One of the problems that I percieve with this approach is that the > purpose of having a second keymap would be to provide more detail when > you zoom in. If you have one (or possibly many) pregenerated images > then it will be possible for the user to zoom to an area that doesn't > make sense for the keymap you have generated. > > You could make it extent-sensitive and divide up the 'zoomed in' keymaps : > > +----+----+ > | | | > +----+----+ > | | | > +----+----+ > > but then it would be possible to zoom in at the center of this and get > poor results. > > An alternate approach would be to use a second map file to define how to > draw a keymap image and have it render keymap images on the fly > depending on scale. This would be my preferred approach. You would set > scale thresholds for producing new keymaps and when they change, they > would always start at the center of where the user is currently viewing. > > In Chameleon, I would add this as attributes of the keymap widgets to > abstract it away from the mapfile structure, perhaps using subtags: > > > > > > > > > The widget would then have to track scale changes as the user zooms and > pans, refreshing the keymap image each time the user moves outside the > current extents of the keymap or changes scale across a threshold. > > If you decide to attempt this, lemme know and I may have some time to > help out as I think this would be a great improvement. > > Cheers > > Paul > > Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > > Hello All- > > > > I am playing with including two keymaps in my application (one that is > > more useful when zoomed in, and one when zoomed out). They would be > > displayed simultaneously. I am having some trouble doing this, though > > it doesn't seem like it should be too tough. > > > > I am also using Chameleon (the Keymap DHTML widget). However, I think > > my first task towards accomplishing this would be on the MapServer end. > > When I place a second Reference object in the mapfile, I receive the > > error that there is a dupilcate item: > > > > > > *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: getString(): Duplicate item (IMAGE):(line > > 49) in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on > > line *215* > > > > *Warning*: Failed to open map file > > C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\lscmp\htdocs/../map/ in > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line > *215* > > > > *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in > > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* > > on line *115 > > > > > > * > > Might there be a simple solution? Or would I need to rewrite a bunch of > > code somewhere (if so, where?)? I would really appreciate any hints you > > can pass along. Thanks in advance for your help! > > > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > UW Sea Grant > > -- > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > |Paul Spencer pspencer at | > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > |Applications & Software Development | > |DM Solutions Group Inc| > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Wed Sep 7 16:09:22 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 19:09:22 -0400 Subject: MySQL access and joins Message-ID: Hi, Using MapServer (compiled --with-mygis) I have a shapefile and a MySQL table which I'd like to join on a certain field. I was pointed to the following page: Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table? I believe --with-mygis will work on a non-sppatial DB Having said this, what is the state of affairs with mygis and MapServer? Can I use --with-mygis to connect to MySQL tables with point x/y columns? We have done so using the unixODBC and OGR's virtual spatial data option, but I wonder if the mapmygis.c functionality would perform better? If anyone has examples of connecting a MySQL table as a x/y field, that would be great. Thanks ..Tom From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Wed Sep 7 16:13:53 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 19:13:53 -0400 Subject: OGR virtual spatial data Message-ID: Hi, I have a MySQL table which I'm connecting to via OGR's virtual spatial data option and unixODBC. The table has ~ 2 million records with x and y columns. I have setup an .ovf and mapfile accordingly. When I run shp2img, CPU usage spikes up to 100% and then a core dump results. I am running shp2img with an extent which will result in far less records. Any idea what's going on here? Are all the records being fetched BEFORE the spatial filtering by shp2img? Thanks ..Tom ========================= Tom Kralidis Senior Systems Scientist Environment Canada Tel: +01-905-336-4409 From matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA Wed Sep 7 16:20:05 2005 From: matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA (Matt Garrish) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 19:20:05 -0400 Subject: Books reviewed by Message-ID: I would have to agree with that sentiment. As someone completely new to this field and struggling to pull together all the necessary concepts (not just of mapserver but of GIS in general), this book was invaluable. The prose is also lucid and easy to follow, a feature often lacking in technical books. Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:16 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > Yes, this book is the best one yet. Very good!!! > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Mark MacLennan" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:00 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > > > >> At 07:21 PM 9/6/2005 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >> >Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is >> >a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping >> >Hacks". >> >Way to go guys! >> >> I would point out that another book "Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS >> Development" by Bill Kropla (with an Foreward by Stephen Lime, who along >> with Howard Butler are listed as the technical reviewers) has just been >> published - I received my copy last week. It looks to be a very good >> tutorial and guide to MapServer in a (tangible) book form. >> >> >> (do note the corrections to this first edition ...) >> >> [The publisher Apress is currently offering a $10/book discount on >> their books - currently lists this book at 39% off >> not including this discount] >> >> Wow, finally some really decent and affordable GIS books are available in >> print :-) >> >> - Mark > From matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA Wed Sep 7 16:29:21 2005 From: matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA (Matt Garrish) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 19:29:21 -0400 Subject: Books reviewed by Message-ID: ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Garrish" To: Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 7:20 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Adam" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:16 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > > > >> Yes, this book is the best one yet. Very good!!! >> ----- Original Message ----- >> From: "Mark MacLennan" >> To: >> Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:00 PM >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by >> >> >> >>> At 07:21 PM 9/6/2005 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >>> >Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is >>> >a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping >>> >Hacks". >>> >Way to go guys! >>> >I would have to agree with that sentiment. As someone completely new to >this field and struggling to pull together all the necessary concepts (not >just of mapserver but of GIS in general), this book was invaluable. The >prose is also lucid and easy to follow, a feature often lacking in >technical books. > Sorry, I hate top-posting and noticed the full context of the message I replied to appears to be pointing to Beginning Mapserver (which I'm not as big a fan of, unfortunately). My response, to clarify, was in reference to Web Mapping Illustrated. Matt From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Wed Sep 7 18:04:15 2005 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 20:04:15 -0500 Subject: Books reviewed by Message-ID: I have added a link to the book Beginning MapServer... to the New Users Page: David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Matt Garrish Sent: Wed 9/7/2005 6:20 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Cc: Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by I would have to agree with that sentiment. As someone completely new to this field and struggling to pull together all the necessary concepts (not just of mapserver but of GIS in general), this book was invaluable. The prose is also lucid and easy to follow, a feature often lacking in technical books. Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:16 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > Yes, this book is the best one yet. Very good!!! > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Mark MacLennan" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:00 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Books reviewed by > > > >> At 07:21 PM 9/6/2005 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >> >Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is >> >a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping >> >Hacks". >> >Way to go guys! >> >> I would point out that another book "Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS >> Development" by Bill Kropla (with an Foreward by Stephen Lime, who along >> with Howard Butler are listed as the technical reviewers) has just been >> published - I received my copy last week. It looks to be a very good >> tutorial and guide to MapServer in a (tangible) book form. >> >> >> (do note the corrections to this first edition ...) >> >> [The publisher Apress is currently offering a $10/book discount on >> their books - currently lists this book at 39% off >> not including this discount] >> >> Wow, finally some really decent and affordable GIS books are available in >> print :-) >> >> - Mark > From thip at AIT.AC.TH Wed Sep 7 18:52:07 2005 From: thip at AIT.AC.TH (Thip) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 08:52:07 +0700 Subject: postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux Message-ID: Dear all, Does anyone know which website that I can download package of mapserver with postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux? I use FGS but it is not included postgressql. Thanks, Thip From lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR Wed Sep 7 19:02:40 2005 From: lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR (Eduardo Patto Kanegae) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 23:02:40 -0300 Subject: MapServer/etc on Solaris 10 Message-ID: Hi folks, I've seen some reviews at internet about the new SUN Solaris 10(which is download free) - some written by Sun and others were tech reviews and I confess I found Solaris 10 quite interesting despite never read about it before. Has anyone tried this new sun system with MapServer and other freegis stuff?(gdal/ogr, grass, postgis, etc...etc...) Or even a prior version? What to say about Solaris 10 X Linux? is it really faster than Linux or is that true only when used over Sun hardware? free gis packs(suchs as mapserver, gdal, grass, gmt...) can be compiled without troubles? Or does it depend directly how much ANSI C/C++ the program to be built is? A bad side I can imagine is about technical support. Of course it would very easier to find Linux help on communities than Solaris or OpenSolaris communities - just a question of user base . but at this moment I'm not worried about this and just trying to qualify reliability and power between Solaris and Linux over x86 plataform. best regards. Eduardo Patto Kanegae From fluyoz at HOTMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 19:13:48 2005 From: fluyoz at HOTMAIL.COM (Fernando Javier Luyo Zegarra) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 21:13:48 -0500 Subject: Problems to visualize data from oracle Message-ID: Hello I have problems to generate the maps correctly. use oracle 10g. and Mapserver the 4,4 the syntaxes of the Mapfile is: MAP IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE PNG INTERLACE ON NAME "NANITO" EXTENT 0 0 20 20 SIZE 400 500 SHAPEPATH "data" STATUS ON UNITS meters TEMPLATEPATTERN "printable.html|loader.html" FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list" WEB LOG "log/map.log" METADATA "wms_title" "PRUEBA MapSBN" "wms_onlineresource" "\Archivos de programa\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\tutorial\webmapsbn\" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326" END # metadata TEMPLATE "c:\Archivos de programa\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\tutorial\webmapsbn\printable.html" EMPTY "" # path relative to the webserver document root #MINSCALE 1000 #MAXSCALE 1550000 IMAGEPATH "c:\Archivos de programa\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\tutorial\webmapsbn\tmp\" # full path to image tmp dir, so cgi can find it IMAGEURL "" # url location of image tmp dir, so web browser can find it END # fin de web # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # this layer problems not to visualize NAME "shape" DATA EJEM_region TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT #PROJECTION # "init=epsg:26912" #END # fin projection CLASS COLOR 284 250 232 OUTLINECOLOR 35 13 32 END # fin class END # fin layer LAYER # CAPA DE ORACLE NAME "CAPA_ORACLE" DATA 'SELECT GEOM FROM EJEMGIS' TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "SCOTT/password at ORCL_192.168.1.199" DUMP TRUE STATUS on TEMPLATE "Sinabip_qry.html" CLASS OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 0 128 128 END # fin class END # fin layer END # end of map file/object I wait for its recommendations Fernando Luyo -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: IMSTP.gif Type: image/gif Size: 8987 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: BackGrnd.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 1431 bytes Desc: not available URL: From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 7 21:07:41 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 21:07:41 -0700 Subject: postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux In-Reply-To: <000c01c5b417$eb674bb0$> Message-ID: Thip, On 9/7/05, Thip wrote: > > Does anyone know which website that I can download package of mapserver > with > postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux? > I use FGS but it is not included postgressql. If you're using FGS, you can install the FGS postgresql package. For postgis (the spatial data extension to postgresql) you'll also need geos. These three commands should do it if fgs is running properly: fgs install postgresql-server:8.0.3 fgs install geos-lib:1.0.0 fgs install postgis-lib:1.0.2 Check the fgs website for more docs and a list of all the avialable packages. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thip at AIT.AC.TH Wed Sep 7 21:24:10 2005 From: thip at AIT.AC.TH (Thip) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:24:10 +0700 Subject: postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux Message-ID: Dear Matt, I will check it out. Thanks a lot. :) Thip ----- Original Message ----- From: Matthew Perry To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 11:07 AM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux Thip, On 9/7/05, Thip wrote: Does anyone know which website that I can download package of mapserver with postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux? I use FGS but it is not included postgressql. If you're using FGS, you can install the FGS postgresql package. For postgis (the spatial data extension to postgresql) you'll also need geos. These three commands should do it if fgs is running properly: fgs install postgresql-server:8.0.3 fgs install geos-lib:1.0.0 fgs install postgis-lib:1.0.2 Check the fgs website for more docs and a list of all the avialable packages. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bill at BINKO.NET Wed Sep 7 22:33:33 2005 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 01:33:33 -0400 Subject: [postgis-users] Problem with 'using unique' in Mapserver DATA statement In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I reported this recently: it's Bug #1443 in the Mapserver bugzilla database. Per Frank's suggestion, I have backed out the mappostgis.c version to a July version. However, there is a workaround. The change that was put in place (that introduced the bug) is a default that sets the UNIQUE parameter to oid if it's not set. So, you can change your DATA statement to this and get around it: DATA "geom from (select geom, gid as oid, pearseda from pda42304) as foo using SRID=42304" That will alias gid to 'oid' and the default will make it work. Yes: this is a huge hack, and it's a bug (hence my report). However, it might get you working. Bill On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Debbie Pagurek wrote: > strk at wrote: > > >On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 12:25:57PM -0400, Debbie Pagurek wrote: > > > > > >>I seem to have a problem using UNIQUE indexes in my MapServer Data > >>statements. > >> > >>This doesn't work: > >>DATA "geom from (select geom, oid,gid, pearseda from pda42304) as foo > >>using unique gid using SRID=42304" > >> > >> > > > >Did you try swapping "using unique gid" and "using SRID=42304" ? > >(the mapserver connector is pretty dumb) > > > >--strk; > >_______________________________________________ > >postgis-users mailing list > >postgis-users at > > > > > > > > > I just realized that it's the version of MapServer I'm using. I'm using > the windows binary version 4.7. When I tried with the 4.6 windows > binary, it worked fine. Argh. > > I'll let the mapserver people know. > > Debbie Pagurek > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > _______________________________________________ > postgis-users mailing list > postgis-users at > > > From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Wed Sep 7 22:59:17 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 07:59:17 +0200 Subject: Problems to visualize data from oracle Message-ID: Don't use SELECT in your DATA statement. Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Fernando Javier Luyo Zegarra 09/08/05 4:13 am >>> Hello I have problems to generate the maps correctly. use oracle 10g. and Mapserver the 4,4 the syntaxes of the Mapfile is: MAP IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE PNG INTERLACE ON NAME "NANITO" EXTENT 0 0 20 20 SIZE 400 500 SHAPEPATH "data" STATUS ON UNITS meters TEMPLATEPATTERN "printable.html|loader.html" FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list" WEB LOG "log/map.log" METADATA "wms_title" "PRUEBA MapSBN" "wms_onlineresource" "\Archivos de programa\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\tutorial\webmapsbn\" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326" END # metadata TEMPLATE "c:\Archivos de programa\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\tutorial\webmapsbn\printable.html" EMPTY "" # path relative to the webserver document root #MINSCALE 1000 #MAXSCALE 1550000 IMAGEPATH "c:\Archivos de programa\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\tutorial\webmapsbn\tmp\" # full path to image tmp dir, so cgi can find it IMAGEURL "" # url location of image tmp dir, so web browser can find it END # fin de web # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # this layer problems not to visualize NAME "shape" DATA EJEM_region TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT #PROJECTION # "init=epsg:26912" #END # fin projection CLASS COLOR 284 250 232 OUTLINECOLOR 35 13 32 END # fin class END # fin layer LAYER # CAPA DE ORACLE NAME "CAPA_ORACLE" DATA 'SELECT GEOM FROM EJEMGIS' TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "SCOTT/password at ORCL_192.168.1.199" DUMP TRUE STATUS on TEMPLATE "Sinabip_qry.html" CLASS OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 0 128 128 END # fin class END # fin layer END # end of map file/object I wait for its recommendations Fernando Luyo From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Wed Sep 7 23:03:00 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 08:03:00 +0200 Subject: OGR virtual spatial data Message-ID: Tom, this depends on your GDAL version. A few months ago Frank did an enhancement for us which added the X and Y columns to the WHERE clause. Before that, yes, all records were fetched. Also, depending on your ovf file syntax, the driver might get a list of all the tables in the database. I don't know if your schema has many tables in there? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" 09/08/05 1:13 am >>> Hi, I have a MySQL table which I'm connecting to via OGR's virtual spatial data option and unixODBC. The table has ~ 2 million records with x and y columns. I have setup an .ovf and mapfile accordingly. When I run shp2img, CPU usage spikes up to 100% and then a core dump results. I am running shp2img with an extent which will result in far less records. Any idea what's going on here? Are all the records being fetched BEFORE the spatial filtering by shp2img? Thanks ..Tom ========================= Tom Kralidis Senior Systems Scientist Environment Canada Tel: +01-905-336-4409 From stepan.kafka at CENTRUM.CZ Wed Sep 7 23:42:53 2005 From: stepan.kafka at CENTRUM.CZ (Stepan Kafka) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 08:42:53 +0200 Subject: WCS multibands geotiff Message-ID: Hi all, I wonder if it is possible to get more than 4 bands geotiffs from WCS. I need to server all bands from Landsat images. Thank you Stepan Kafka From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Thu Sep 8 00:23:47 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:23:47 +0200 Subject: Mapunits in template In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: listuser HH wrote: > Berend Veldkamp wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I'm using mapserver as plain CGI and was wondering if there's a way to >> use the "units" parameter of a map in the template file? I need this >> to perform client side distance measurements. >> >> Thanks, Berend >> > Hi, > > I don't know if and how you can do that with a template. But what I > would do is to use JavaScript. You should be able to make a small script > where you calculate the measurement form the extent in map coordinates > in reagard to the display coordinates. This only a quick thought but I > think it should work. > > Best Regards, > Norbert > Norbert, I think I didn't make myself clear enough... I already have a (JavaScript) function to measure distance in meters, feet, degrees, etc. The problem is that I don't know in advance which units I should use. At this moment I've hard-coded the correct units in my template file, but I'd like the application to be general, so if I change the mapfile, or the data, I shouldn't have to change anything else. Berend -- ____________________________ Berend Veldkamp - ARIS ____________________________ From axelm-mapserver at NONA.NET Wed Sep 7 23:43:18 2005 From: axelm-mapserver at NONA.NET (Alexander Mayrhofer) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 08:43:18 +0200 Subject: mixed geometries in MapServer / PostGIS Message-ID: Hi, i'm currently planning a mapserver application which involves several types of geometries (point, line, multiline, poly, multipoly features) to be held in a postgis database. This database would allow users to upload, manage and classify features. Those different types of features would be distributed among several layers (features would probably even be moved between layers with updates to the database), and the number of layers is not fixed as users would be allowed to create new layers by themselves. So, what i'm thinking about to do now is either: - Hold each and every feature in a single table featuring a generic "geometry" column, and use queries to seperate feature types and layers (using eg. a "layername" column). Question related to this: Does Mapserver cope with mixed geometry tables, or do i need to "pre-filter" the results in the queries? [ok, could try that out ;) ] - Hold features of the same geometry type in the same table (a "point", "line", "multiline" table etc.) and use queries to seperate layers. - Hold each and every layer in a new table, and dynamically create tables as they are needed. I tend to prefer the second solution - that would involve a static set of tables. On the other hand, filtering by a spatial index _plus_ a column may be inefficient postgis-wise if huge numbers of layers are involved in a single table (postgres might decide to ignore the spatial index and go for the layertype column index only - shriek!) I'd greatly appreciate any insight from fellow list members on this topic. Thanks, Alex Mayrhofer From thip at AIT.AC.TH Thu Sep 8 01:21:54 2005 From: thip at AIT.AC.TH (SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Joe H. Smith) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:21:54 +0700 Subject: postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Dear Matt, FGS installation for mapserver is working fine. Now, I am trying to install postgresql-server:8.0.3 but when come to "fgs start pgsql" I cannot. If I login with user and use "fgs start pgsql" Error come with "command not found" with user From sbeorchia at GI-LEMANS.COM Thu Sep 8 02:05:58 2005 From: sbeorchia at GI-LEMANS.COM (Sylvain Beorchia) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:05:58 +0200 Subject: DGN text rotation Message-ID: hi list, i am using mapserver and ogr (dgnlig) to display microstation dgn file. display of dgn file is ok except the text rotation. all text have a 0? rotation. here is a piece of my map file : LAYER NAME dgn TYPE ANNOTATION STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "test.dgn" STYLEITEM "AUTO" CLASS END END i've used ogrinfo to check that dgnlib give the correct angle, it 's ok is it possible to display dgn text with the correct rotation ? if then can u give me a map file example ? as u can see in the layer definition , i use "STYLEITEM AUTO", could it be the problem ? Thanls From johan.e.hallgren at WMDATA.SE Thu Sep 8 03:42:46 2005 From: johan.e.hallgren at WMDATA.SE (Johan Hallgren) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 05:42:46 -0500 Subject: Problems using MapServer (4.6) in dotnet/c# environement with MapScript/SWIG Message-ID: I have created a windows service that is listening on a port for incoming requests and from these maps are created. It all works fine on my own pc but on the server there are problems. The server has two processors that probably cause the problem (that?s the only significant difference I can see related to my pc). On the server, plane maps works well but as soon I add inline features to the map (at runtime with mapscript) problems arise. It?s not immediately but after 50 to 200 maps it could happen. I also tried to reload the mapObj from the sourcefile when I have problems but as soon I have an error in the process the error will stay there. Before I reload the mapObj I am calling Dispose on all references to the mapObj with no difference. My guess is: ? The problem has to do with the multi-processor environment. ? The mapObj will not be completely Dispose when I call the method. ? The problem seams to occur even with low loading on the server. ? The problem has to do with the inline features created at runtime. Has anyone suggestions on this? /Johan From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 8 04:40:43 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 07:40:43 -0400 Subject: OGR virtual spatial data Message-ID: Thanks Bart. I'll upgrade to the GDAL 1.3.0 and test again. As far as the ovf file syntax: ODBC:u/p at foo somelayer wkbPoint WGS84 So I'm assuming newer versions of GDAL will pass the spatial filter (from WMS, mapserv CGI, shp2img -e etc.) and apply them to the WHERE clause to emulate a bbox filter? ..Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bart van > den Eijnden > Sent: Thursday, 08 September, 2005 02:03 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] OGR virtual spatial data > > > Tom, > > this depends on your GDAL version. A few months ago Frank did > an enhancement for us which added the X and Y columns to the > WHERE clause. Before that, yes, all records were fetched. > > Also, depending on your ovf file syntax, the driver might get > a list of all the tables in the database. I don't know if > your schema has many tables in there? > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" > 09/08/05 1:13 am > >>> >>> > Hi, > > I have a MySQL table which I'm connecting to via OGR's > virtual spatial data option and unixODBC. The table has ~ 2 > million records with x and y columns. I have setup an .ovf > and mapfile accordingly. > > When I run shp2img, CPU usage spikes up to 100% and then a > core dump results. I am running shp2img with an extent which > will result in far less records. > > Any idea what's going on here? Are all the records being > fetched BEFORE the spatial filtering by shp2img? > > Thanks > > ..Tom > > ========================= > Tom Kralidis > Senior Systems Scientist > Environment Canada > Tel: +01-905-336-4409 > > From anthes at IVE-MBH.DE Thu Sep 8 04:08:06 2005 From: anthes at IVE-MBH.DE (Ralph Anthes) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:08:06 +0200 Subject: WRAP justification In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Travis Kirstine GIS Tech schrieb: >Is there a way to have text center justified when using a WRAP? > > > At this context I have a question to wrap and Mapscript. Because: $label->set("wrap"," "); won't work. Do I do something wrong? Regards Ralph Anthes From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 8 04:47:27 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:47:27 +0200 Subject: OGR virtual spatial data Message-ID: Hi Tom, yes you're correct, GDAL 1.3.0 will pass the X and Y values as a WHERE clause to the database. Make sure you do create indexes on them in the database. The ovf syntax you use will try to read out all tables from your database. I never got the ODBC driver not to read out all tables and just use the table specified (Frank does have an option in there which should work). I personally like to compile GDAL against the MySQL client and use the following syntax in the ovf file (see attachment). This won't scan the database for tables. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" 09/08/05 1:40 pm >>> Thanks Bart. I'll upgrade to the GDAL 1.3.0 and test again. As far as the ovf file syntax: ODBC:u/p at foo somelayer wkbPoint WGS84 So I'm assuming newer versions of GDAL will pass the spatial filter (from WMS, mapserv CGI, shp2img -e etc.) and apply them to the WHERE clause to emulate a bbox filter? ..Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bart van > den Eijnden > Sent: Thursday, 08 September, 2005 02:03 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] OGR virtual spatial data > > > Tom, > > this depends on your GDAL version. A few months ago Frank did > an enhancement for us which added the X and Y columns to the > WHERE clause. Before that, yes, all records were fetched. > > Also, depending on your ovf file syntax, the driver might get > a list of all the tables in the database. I don't know if > your schema has many tables in there? > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" > 09/08/05 1:13 am > >>> >>> > Hi, > > I have a MySQL table which I'm connecting to via OGR's > virtual spatial data option and unixODBC. The table has ~ 2 > million records with x and y columns. I have setup an .ovf > and mapfile accordingly. > > When I run shp2img, CPU usage spikes up to 100% and then a > core dump results. I am running shp2img with an extent which > will result in far less records. > > Any idea what's going on here? Are all the records being > fetched BEFORE the spatial filtering by shp2img? > > Thanks > > ..Tom > > ========================= > Tom Kralidis > Senior Systems Scientist > Environment Canada > Tel: +01-905-336-4409 > > -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: bedrijven_mysqlclient.ovf Type: application/octet-stream Size: 413 bytes Desc: not available URL: From fillymax at TISCALI.IT Thu Sep 8 05:47:57 2005 From: fillymax at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro MAZZELLA) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 14:47:57 +0200 Subject: NEED IMPORTANT HELP !!!! Message-ID: Hi, I'd like to show a layer (polygons) with the pb concentration in 9 value-classes (in different colors) but these values are stored not in shape's dbf ... how to do it ? tnkx -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From plists at PROMETHEUS.ORG.YU Thu Sep 8 06:00:25 2005 From: plists at PROMETHEUS.ORG.YU (Attila Csipa) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:00:25 +0200 Subject: MySQL access and joins In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Thursday 08 September 2005 01:09, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table? I believe --with-mygis > will work on a non-sppatial DB Yes, but this will work ONLY for template based queries (this is not a mygis limitiation per se, MapServer has separate code for the template (or mapscript) queries, and join functionality you might wish to use in a .MAP file). > Having said this, what is the state of affairs with mygis and MapServer? > Can I use --with-mygis to connect to MySQL tables with point x/y No, unless the tables are SFSQL compliant, but even in that case using unencoded geometries is SLOW since mapserver has to fetch all geometries and interpret them. From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 8 06:14:11 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:14:11 -0400 Subject: NEED IMPORTANT HELP !!!! In-Reply-To: <006701c5b473$8a5c2320$e5f292c0@mirtino> Message-ID: Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: > Hi, I'd like to show a layer (polygons) with the pb concentration in 9 > value-classes (in different colors) but these values are stored not in > shape's dbf ... > > how to do it ? > > tnkx Where are the values stored and how are the linked to the polygons? From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 8 06:22:38 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:22:38 -0400 Subject: NEED IMPORTANT HELP !!!! In-Reply-To: <00bd01c5b477$b5593f00$e5f292c0@mirtino> Message-ID: You can not do a join when rendering maps to make thematic maps using shape files. You can do it with PostGIS if you load your polygons and statistica data into tables there. This is the best way to do it. -Steve Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: > Dear Stephen, > > values are stored in a DBF4 Database which is JOINED on map > file : > > "LAYER > NAME mesh-portoscuso > GROUP mesh-portoscuso > TYPE Polygon > STATUS on > DATA mesh-portoscuso > > JOIN > TABLE "statistica.dbf" > TO "SIM_ID" > NAME "statistica" > FROM "SIM_ID" > END > > CLASS #classe 9 > EXPRESSION ( [statistica_12-MESI] < 0.090) > NAME 'mesh-portoscuso9' > STYLE > COLOR 128 0 255 > ANTIALIAS TRUE > END > END > > ...ETC..." > > tnkx for your helping me !!! > > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Woodbridge" > > To: "Alessandro MAZZELLA" > Cc: > Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 3:14 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NEED IMPORTANT HELP !!!! > > >> Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: >> >>> Hi, I'd like to show a layer (polygons) with the pb concentration in >>> 9 value-classes (in different colors) but these values are stored not >>> in shape's dbf ... >>> how to do it ? >>> tnkx >> >> >> Where are the values stored and how are the linked to the polygons? > > > From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Thu Sep 8 06:41:26 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 14:41:26 +0100 Subject: getFeature Message-ID: hello, I am using MapServer 4.6 for windows. I am using the GetFeature capabilities but the results obtained do not have information. For instance, for the next request http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ SERVICE=wfs& VERSION=1.0.0& REQUEST=getFeature& TYPENAME=cities i obtain the next result, with no information - <#> - <#> * missing* but, if I use a BBOX like in the next request http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ SERVICE=wfs& VERSION=1.0.0& REQUEST=getFeature& TYPENAME=cities& BBOX=-8.418000,41.539600,-8.418000,41.539600 I obtain a result with the information of the city in the given point. Can you help me in this problem? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 8 06:45:24 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:45:24 +0200 Subject: getFeature Message-ID: What is the value of the EXTENT of your MAP object? If you don't specify BBOX, Mapserver WFS uses that EXTENT in the query. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Miguel Gon?alves 09/08/05 3:41 pm >>> hello, I am using MapServer 4.6 for windows. I am using the GetFeature capabilities but the results obtained do not have information. For instance, for the next request http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ SERVICE=wfs& VERSION=1.0.0& REQUEST=getFeature& TYPENAME=cities i obtain the next result, with no information - <#> - <#> * missing* but, if I use a BBOX like in the next request http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ SERVICE=wfs& VERSION=1.0.0& REQUEST=getFeature& TYPENAME=cities& BBOX=-8.418000,41.539600,-8.418000,41.539600 I obtain a result with the information of the city in the given point. Can you help me in this problem? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 07:18:19 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 10:18:19 -0400 Subject: OGR virtual spatial data In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/7/05, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > Hi, > > I have a MySQL table which I'm connecting to via OGR's virtual spatial > data option and unixODBC. The table has ~ 2 million records with x and > y columns. I have setup an .ovf and mapfile accordingly. > > When I run shp2img, CPU usage spikes up to 100% and then a core dump > results. I am running shp2img with an extent which will result in far > less records. Tom, As Bart notes, new versions of GDAL should handle the spatial queries much more efficiently for ODBC via VRT (assuming the database can handle the query efficiently). I am concerned about the crash though. There was a cleanup issue with an older version of the OGR VRT driver that might be causing it. If the problem persists with GDAL 1.3.0 let me know and we can try to dig into it. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 07:29:04 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 10:29:04 -0400 Subject: mixed geometries in MapServer / PostGIS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/8/05, Alexander Mayrhofer wrote: > - Hold each and every feature in a single table featuring a generic > "geometry" column, and use queries to seperate feature types and layers > (using eg. a "layername" column). Question related to this: Does Mapserver > cope with mixed geometry tables, or do i need to "pre-filter" the results in > the queries? [ok, could try that out ;) ] Alexander, MapServer layer types determine the type of geometry they want. The mappostgis.c code seems to try and force features to the type required for the layer. So, for instance, if the layer type is LINE, mappostgis will force all polygons into linestrings (the edges). But point features are not translatable. The OGR provider similarly tries to force geometry to the expected type. I'm not too sure what happens to the features that don't translate though (ie. point features used in a line layer). > I tend to prefer the second solution - that would involve a static set of > tables. On the other hand, filtering by a spatial index _plus_ a column may > be inefficient postgis-wise if huge numbers of layers are involved in a > single table (postgres might decide to ignore the spatial index and go for > the layertype column index only - shriek!) I would be very concerned about efficient query if you will end up dealing with large data volumes. I'm not sure what is the best approach though. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 07:30:49 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 10:30:49 -0400 Subject: WCS multibands geotiff In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/8/05, Stepan Kafka wrote: > Hi all, > I wonder if it is possible to get more than 4 bands geotiffs from WCS. I need to server all bands from Landsat images. Stepan, Yes, this *should* work. Have you run into problems trying it? Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Thu Sep 8 07:44:10 2005 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:44:10 -0500 Subject: Mapunits in template Message-ID: Berend: To paraphrase your question: You want to be able to express the mapfile's UNITS parameter in the body of the HTML page emitted by the CGI, so you can pick up its value with client-side Javascript. You have probably found that there is no [units] tag, or any variation thereof, that you can use in your templates for this purpose. But here's a (less than optimal) workaround: Put your units in the METADATA section of the mapfile's WEB block, e.g. WEB ... METADATA ... "units" "meters" END # of METADATA END # of WEB Of course, now you have UNITS mentioned twice in your mapfile, with all the perils and pitfalls that can bring. But it is a workaround, because you can now refer to the METADATA "units" parameter in your template file as [web_units], e.g.:
... ...
With the above definitions, your Javascript can get the "units" string with a simple expression, e.g: var map_units = document.mapform.units.value; Hope this helps, -SM -- On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:23:47 +0200, Berend Veldkamp wrote: >listuser HH wrote: >> Berend Veldkamp wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I'm using mapserver as plain CGI and was wondering if there's a way to >>> use the "units" parameter of a map in the template file? I need this >>> to perform client side distance measurements. >>> >>> Thanks, Berend >>> >> Hi, >> >> I don't know if and how you can do that with a template. But what I >> would do is to use JavaScript. You should be able to make a small script >> where you calculate the measurement form the extent in map coordinates >> in reagard to the display coordinates. This only a quick thought but I >> think it should work. >> >> Best Regards, >> Norbert >> > > >Norbert, > >I think I didn't make myself clear enough... I already have a >(JavaScript) function to measure distance in meters, feet, degrees, etc. > >The problem is that I don't know in advance which units I should use. At >this moment I've hard-coded the correct units in my template file, but >I'd like the application to be general, so if I change the mapfile, or >the data, I shouldn't have to change anything else. > >Berend > > > >-- >____________________________ > >Berend Veldkamp - ARIS > >____________________________ From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Thu Sep 8 08:09:33 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:09:33 +0100 Subject: Filter capabilities (DWidth) Message-ID: Hello, I am using the filter interface of MapServer. In the following request I want to get as results the cities in a range from the point -8.418000,41.539600. -8.418000,41.5396001 -8.418000,41.539600 0.9 The problem is that I have no idea how big the range is, i.e., in the fragment 0.9 I do not know in which units the distance is being mesured. Can you help me? Best regards. Miguel From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 8 08:16:04 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:16:04 -0400 Subject: Filter capabilities (DWidth) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi there, the units in your case is set to m (so it is meter). The other supported unit strings are : m = MS_METERS; km = MS_KILOMETERS mi = MS_MILES; in = MS_INCHES deg = MS_DD px = MS_PIXELS Later, Miguel Gon?alves wrote: > Hello, > > I am using the filter interface of MapServer. > In the following request I want to get as results the cities in a range > from the point -8.418000,41.539600. > > -8.418000,41.539600 units='m'>1 > > > > -8.418000,41.539600 > > 0.9 > > > > The problem is that I have no idea how big the range is, i.e., > in the fragment 0.9 I do not know in > which units the distance is being mesured. > Can you help me? > Best regards. > > > Miguel > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Thu Sep 8 08:45:36 2005 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 10:45:36 -0500 Subject: $_Post error Message-ID: On Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:04:19 -0400, Bill Chappell wrote: >Hi, I'm new to PHP and struggling with the examples in Bill Kropla's >"Beginning Mapserver" book, I'm not sure what is going on but I've tried the >example as per then book and also from my own data and I'm getting the same >error. The script does generate a png image that looks correct but errors >when it gets to the $_POST command. > >Any clues? Yes, see below. > >// I believe the error is here but I don't know what to do about it? > >if (( $_POST['img_x'] and $_POST['img_y'] ) > > or $_POST['refresh']) { > >Generates a : > >Notice: Undefined index: img_x in >C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\Pocono\pocono.php on line 76 > >Notice: Undefined index: refresh in >C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\Pocono\pocono.php on line 76 First of all, "Notice" messages from PHP are not really errors, they're just "notices" of possibly incorrect or questionable coding. In this case, it looks like the code intends to check whether the keys 'img_x' and 'img_y' or 'refresh' are set in the $_POST superglobal array. While I wouldn't recommend it as general practice, you can tell PHP to suppress "Notice" messages in your script with the error_reporting() function. Put the following line near the top of your script: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); A better solution is to modify the code so that PHP is happy. Try this logically equivalent replacement for the above 'if' statement: if ( ( (isset($_POST['img_x']) and $_POST['img_x']) and (isset($_POST['img_y']) and $_POST['img_y']) ) or (isset($_POST['refresh']) and $_POST['refresh']) ) { Or try the following, which may be closer to what the original author intended: if ( ( isset($_POST['img_x']) and isset($_POST['img_y']) ) or isset($_POST['refresh']) ) { Hope this helps, -SM -- From ale.pas at TISCALI.IT Thu Sep 8 09:54:07 2005 From: ale.pas at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 18:54:07 +0200 Subject: Raster projection shift Message-ID: Hello, I have a problem with a raster file ETM+, it is a GeoTIFF format, there is a shift (about 50m) with my shapefiles (ported to postgis), please see the attached image. postgis srid is 26591 gdalinfo says: -------8<------------------------------------ gdalinfo ETMPLUS.tif Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Size is 17868, 15764 Coordinate System is: PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235629972, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",9], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","32632"]] Origin = (449380.875000,5051290.125000) Pixel Size = (14.25000000,-14.25000000) Metadata: TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=72 TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=72 TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 449380.875, 5051290.125) Lower Left ( 449380.875, 4826653.125) Upper Right ( 703999.875, 5051290.125) Lower Right ( 703999.875, 4826653.125) Center ( 576690.375, 4938971.625) Band 1 Block=17868x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray -------8<------------------------------------ Extract from the mapfile: -------8<------------------------------------ ################################################################ # Raster layer ################################################################ LAYER NAME "etmplus" GROUP "Sfondo" DATA "ETMPLUS.tif" TYPE RASTER OFFSITE 0 0 0 STATUS OFF METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:32632" "wms_name" "etmplus" "wms_group" "Sfondo" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" "typelabel" "etmplus" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:32632" END END ################################################################# # Start of layer - [Comuni] ################################################################# LAYER NAME "comuni" GROUP Cartografia STATUS ON DEBUG ON DATA "the_geom from comuni" CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=--- dbname=--- host=localhost password=---" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS DUMP TRUE METADATA "wms_title" "Comuni" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26591" "wfs_title" "Comuni" END TOLERANCE 3 LABELITEM "nome" CLASS TEMPLATE 'ttt' NAME "Comune" SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 3 OUTLINECOLOR 200 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "fritqat" SIZE 10 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 BACKGROUNDSHADOWCOLOR 112 112 112 MINSIZE 4 MAXSIZE 256 POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 ANGLE AUTO BUFFER 0 MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS TRUE PARTIALS FALSE FORCE FALSE END # End of Label END # End of Class END # End of Layer comuni -------8<------------------------------------ I really don't know where to find a solution. Thanks for any help. Alessandro Pasotti -- itOpen - "Open Solutions for the Net Age" w3: ICQ: 245871392 Linux User# 167502 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: mapserv-shift.png Type: image/png Size: 13622 bytes Desc: not available URL: From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 10:08:26 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:08:26 -0400 Subject: Raster projection shift In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/8/05, Alessandro Pasotti wrote: > Hello, > > I have a problem with a raster file ETM+, it is a GeoTIFF format, there is a > shift (about 50m) with my shapefiles (ported to postgis), please see the > attached image. > > postgis srid is 26591 Alessandro, PROJ.4 does not "know" what datum shift to use for the Monte Mario datum underlying EPSG:26591. You will need to research appropriate towgs84 value to use and apply them in the epsg lookup file. This offset is almost certain related to datum shifting (or a lack thereof). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From journey at OANBD.COM Thu Sep 8 11:00:12 2005 From: journey at OANBD.COM (Joe Jerome) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:00:12 -0500 Subject: PHP/Mapscript linux compile problem Message-ID: Ryan, I have a somewhat modified install of FC4, but I had a similar problem after updating my Apache & PHP rpms. I found my solution was to edit my php.ini file, adding 'extension_dir="/usr/lib/php/modules"' to the Paths and Directories section. enable_dl=on, and I have '' in the Dynamic Extensions section. The extension is automatically loaded and PHP functions as a DSO HTH Joe Jerome From armin.burger at GMX.NET Thu Sep 8 11:13:49 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 20:13:49 +0200 Subject: Raster projection shift In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Alessandro, you could try the parameter +towgs84=-225,-65,9,0,0,0,0 for the projection definition of the Gauss-Boaga/Monte Mario data to force a datum shift (taken from, "Datum : (210) ROME 1940") and see if the data match better then. Armin Alessandro Pasotti wrote: > Hello, > > I have a problem with a raster file ETM+, it is a GeoTIFF format, there is a > shift (about 50m) with my shapefiles (ported to postgis), please see the > attached image. > > postgis srid is 26591 > > gdalinfo says: > > -------8<------------------------------------ > > gdalinfo ETMPLUS.tif > Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF > Size is 17868, 15764 > Coordinate System is: > PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N", > GEOGCS["WGS 84", > DATUM["WGS_1984", > SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235629972, > AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], > AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], > PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], > UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], > AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], > PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], > PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], > PARAMETER["central_meridian",9], > PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], > PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], > PARAMETER["false_northing",0], > UNIT["metre",1, > AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], > AUTHORITY["EPSG","32632"]] > Origin = (449380.875000,5051290.125000) > Pixel Size = (14.25000000,-14.25000000) > Metadata: > TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=72 > TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=72 > TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch) > Corner Coordinates: > Upper Left ( 449380.875, 5051290.125) > Lower Left ( 449380.875, 4826653.125) > Upper Right ( 703999.875, 5051290.125) > Lower Right ( 703999.875, 4826653.125) > Center ( 576690.375, 4938971.625) > Band 1 Block=17868x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray > > -------8<------------------------------------ > > Extract from the mapfile: > > -------8<------------------------------------ > ################################################################ > # Raster layer > ################################################################ > LAYER > NAME "etmplus" > GROUP "Sfondo" > DATA "ETMPLUS.tif" > > TYPE RASTER > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > STATUS OFF > > METADATA > "wms_srs" "EPSG:32632" > "wms_name" "etmplus" > "wms_group" "Sfondo" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > "typelabel" "etmplus" > END > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:32632" > END > END > ################################################################# > # Start of layer - [Comuni] > ################################################################# > LAYER > NAME "comuni" > GROUP Cartografia > STATUS ON > DEBUG ON > > DATA "the_geom from comuni" > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > CONNECTION "user=--- dbname=--- host=localhost password=---" > TYPE POLYGON > UNITS METERS > DUMP TRUE > METADATA > "wms_title" "Comuni" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:26591" > "wfs_title" "Comuni" > END > TOLERANCE 3 > LABELITEM "nome" > CLASS > TEMPLATE 'ttt' > NAME "Comune" > SYMBOL "circle" > SIZE 3 > OUTLINECOLOR 200 0 0 > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "fritqat" > SIZE 10 > BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 > BACKGROUNDSHADOWCOLOR 112 112 112 > MINSIZE 4 > MAXSIZE 256 > POSITION AUTO > OFFSET 0 0 > ANGLE AUTO > BUFFER 0 > MINDISTANCE -1 > MINFEATURESIZE -1 > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 > ANTIALIAS TRUE > PARTIALS FALSE > FORCE FALSE > END > # End of Label > END > # End of Class > END > # End of Layer comuni > -------8<------------------------------------ > > I really don't know where to find a solution. > > Thanks for any help. > > Alessandro Pasotti > -- > itOpen - "Open Solutions for the Net Age" > w3: > ICQ: 245871392 > Linux User# 167502 > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 8 12:02:07 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:02:07 -0400 Subject: MySQL access and joins Message-ID: > > > Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table? I believe > > --with-mygis will work on a non-sppatial DB > > Yes, but this will work ONLY for template based queries (this > is not a mygis > limitiation per se, MapServer has separate code for the template (or > mapscript) queries, and join functionality you might wish to > use in a .MAP > file). > Thanks for the info. What do you mean by template based queries? My overall goal is to generate a map (with shp2img) whose mapfile defines a layer which has a join btw a shapefile and MySQL table, and CLASS items based on expressions in columns in the MySQL table. Thanks for any advice and / or recommendation. ..Tom From duchovni at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 12:20:55 2005 From: duchovni at GMAIL.COM (Davi Duchovni) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:20:55 -0300 Subject: styles Message-ID: Please, how do I create diferents styles in one layer without using SLD??? So then in the URL I can call each styles.... like that &layers=brasil&style=simples or &layers=brasil&style=azul_amarelo thanks Davi From nate at SEASTAR.JPL.NASA.GOV Thu Sep 8 12:49:13 2005 From: nate at SEASTAR.JPL.NASA.GOV (Nate Reed) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:49:13 -0700 Subject: wms clients Message-ID: I'm looking for a good open source web-based client to use with a web map service that is implemented in MapServer. My requirements: - Graphical widgets for zoom/pan/layer selection - Need to be able to add custom selections (time, discrete region, etc.) - Animated time series - Nice-to-have: continuous zoom and pan - Access a map service in PHP MapScript or via WMS. - Supports query by point for closest numerical values I would prefer a JavaScript-based client but am curious: what's the most approrpriate client for the job? I have looked at Community MapBuilder and ka-Map and they both look very nice, but I don't know if they can easily be modified or adapted for my needs. Also, I don't know if these are production-ready clients. Any input is appreciated. Thanks, Nate -- Nate Reed Physical Oceanography DAAC Jet Propulsion Lab / Raytheon ITSS (626)744-5528 nate at From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Thu Sep 8 12:50:45 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:50:45 -0400 Subject: WRAP justification In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This is how you wrap in Map file WRAP '*' TEXT ([PPIN]*[STREET_NUM] [STREET_NAM]) - kumar -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ralph Anthes Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 7:08 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WRAP justification Travis Kirstine GIS Tech schrieb: >Is there a way to have text center justified when using a WRAP? > > > At this context I have a question to wrap and Mapscript. Because: $label->set("wrap"," "); won't work. Do I do something wrong? Regards Ralph Anthes From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 13:01:58 2005 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:01:58 -0500 Subject: SLD PIXMAP Error With How-To Example Message-ID: Hello All- I am starting to play with SLD and am attempting to use an external graphic to symbolize a point. I first tried it with my own external graphic, but got the error message: *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has no image data. in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php * on line *215* *Warning*: Failed to open map file /ms4w/tmp/sess_4320970788d61/1126209374- in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php*on line *215* *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in * C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* on line *150* I then tried it with the sld_symbols_external.xml file from the SLD How-To document (I changed the layer name, of course) and received the same error. I also tried using PNG instead of GIF - same error. Can anyone offer a hint? Thanks in advance for your help! Jennifer Zeisloft UW Sea Grant -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 8 13:07:11 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:07:11 -0400 Subject: MySQL access and joins In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: >>>Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table? I believe >>>--with-mygis will work on a non-sppatial DB >> >>Yes, but this will work ONLY for template based queries (this >>is not a mygis >>limitiation per se, MapServer has separate code for the template (or >>mapscript) queries, and join functionality you might wish to >>use in a .MAP >>file). >> > > > Thanks for the info. What do you mean by template based queries? My > overall goal is to generate a map (with shp2img) whose mapfile defines a > layer which has a join btw a shapefile and MySQL table, and CLASS items > based on expressions in columns in the MySQL table. > > Thanks for any advice and / or recommendation. Hi Tom, If you are trying to do thematic mapping with the JOIN it will not work unless you put your geometry and your join attributes into PostGIS. I recently gave up hope that it might be added to mapserver and moved some data into PostGIS and boy am I happy I did. There is a little bit of a learning curve, but it was not nearly as bad as I thought in might be and I am totally sold on postgres/postGIS and mapserver. Check out -Steve W. From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 8 13:33:35 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:33:35 -0400 Subject: SLD PIXMAP Error With How-To Example In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Not sure what the initial error is but you could check the map file and see if the inline symbols created reference an existing png or gif file. I would also be nice if you could provide a quick was (+ all realted files) to reproduce this bug. At this point I am not sure how to reproduce it. Later, Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > Hello All- > > I am starting to play with SLD and am attempting to use an external > graphic to symbolize a point. I first tried it with my own external > graphic, but got the error message: > > *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has no > image data. in > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line *215* > > *Warning*: Failed to open map file > /ms4w/tmp/sess_4320970788d61/ in > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line *215* > > *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* > on line *150* > > > I then tried it with the sld_symbols_external.xml file from the SLD > How-To document (I changed the layer name, of course) and received the > same error. I also tried using PNG instead of GIF - same error. Can > anyone offer a hint? Thanks in advance for your help! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > UW Sea Grant -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 8 14:02:33 2005 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 17:02:33 -0400 Subject: MapServer 4.6.1 released Message-ID: I don't see the windows binaries for 4.6.1 on the maptools download site - will these be available soon? Thanks, D. Pagurek -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Daniel Morissette Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 9:43 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer 4.6.1 released MapServer 4.6.1 has been released. This new release addresses a few issues that were found since version 4.6.0 and contains no new functionality. The list of fixes is included at the end of this message. The source package is available in the MapServer downloads page: and Windows binaries should be available shortly at the usual locations, see: Regards, Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.6.1 (2005-08-26) -------------------------- - Typemaps for C# to enable the imageObj.getBytes() method (bug 1389). - bug 1307: Enable -DUSE_ZLIB via configure for compressed SVG output. - bug 1372: mapresample.c - ensure that multi-band raw results can be resampled. - bug 1418: Fixed sortshp.c to free shapes after processing to avoid major memory leak. - bug 1402: fixed mappool.c so that any thread can release a connection, not just it's allocator. - Bug 1408: Fixed missing space in GML MultiLineString output - Bug 1399: Fixed copy of processing directives within a layer copy. - Bug 1312: Problems with string initialization when building tmp files. It was cuasing a problem for wms client layers. - Bug 1390: Fix svg output for multipolygons. - Bug 1141: Fixed problem with GetLegendGraphic on layers with status=off From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 8 14:07:02 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 17:07:02 -0400 Subject: MapServer 4.6.1 released In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: It is currently builing ... I will update the site afterward. Later, Pagurek,Debbie [NCR] wrote: > I don't see the windows binaries for 4.6.1 on the maptools download site > - will these be available soon? > > Thanks, > D. Pagurek > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Daniel Morissette > Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 9:43 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer 4.6.1 released > > > MapServer 4.6.1 has been released. This new release addresses a few > issues that were found since version 4.6.0 and contains no new > functionality. The list of fixes is included at the end of this message. > > The source package is available in the MapServer downloads page: > > and Windows binaries should be available shortly at the usual locations, > see: > > > Regards, > > Daniel > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette dmorissette at > DM Solutions Group > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > Version 4.6.1 (2005-08-26) > -------------------------- > > - Typemaps for C# to enable the imageObj.getBytes() method (bug 1389). > > - bug 1307: Enable -DUSE_ZLIB via configure for compressed SVG output. > > - bug 1372: mapresample.c - ensure that multi-band raw results can be > resampled. > > - bug 1418: Fixed sortshp.c to free shapes after processing to avoid > major > memory leak. > > - bug 1402: fixed mappool.c so that any thread can release a connection, > not just it's allocator. > > - Bug 1408: Fixed missing space in GML MultiLineString output > > - Bug 1399: Fixed copy of processing directives within a layer copy. > > - Bug 1312: Problems with string initialization when building tmp > files. It was cuasing a problem for wms client layers. > > - Bug 1390: Fix svg output for multipolygons. > > - Bug 1141: Fixed problem with GetLegendGraphic on layers with > status=off > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From gyetman at CIESIN.COLUMBIA.EDU Thu Sep 8 14:10:49 2005 From: gyetman at CIESIN.COLUMBIA.EDU (Gregory Yetman) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 17:10:49 -0400 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object Message-ID: Hi, I'm new to both mapserver and the list, hopefully this question isn't too 'newbie'. I have a map file that works fine: MAP IMAGETYPE JPEG EXTENT -180 -90 180 0 SIZE 320 320 SHAPEPATH "data" PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END LAYER # sample jpeg LDEO layer NAME relief STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER TileIndex 'i_512/i_512.shp' TileItem "Location" PROJECTION "proj=merc" "ellps=WGS84" END END # Raster layer ends here END # end of map file However, if I change STATUS from DEFAULT to ON the layer does not appear, the image produced is empty. According to the manual (definition below), ON is what should be used in 'normal use'. So is something wrong with my map file or is there an issue with the use of STATUS? Thanks, Greg STATUS [on|off|default] Sets the current status of the layer. Often modified by MapServer itself. Default turns the layer on permanently. Some notes regarding the STATUS values: * In CGI mode, layers with STATUS DEFAULT cannot be turned off using normal mechanisms. It is recommended to set layers to STATUS DEFAULT while debugging a problem, but set them back to ON/OFF in normal use. * For WMS, layers in the server mapfile with STATUS DEFAULT are always sent to the client. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Yetman Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Columbia University URL: e-mail: gyetman (at) tel: (845) 365-8982 -------------------------------------------------------------------- From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Thu Sep 8 14:26:57 2005 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:26:57 -0500 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object Message-ID: To have a layer visible when STATUS is set to ON, you also need to pass the name of the layer in the URL e.g. '&layer=relief' David. David Fawcett Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance david.fawcett at 651.215.0200 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Gregory Yetman Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 4:11 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] STATUS in LAYER object Hi, I'm new to both mapserver and the list, hopefully this question isn't too 'newbie'. I have a map file that works fine: MAP IMAGETYPE JPEG EXTENT -180 -90 180 0 SIZE 320 320 SHAPEPATH "data" PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END LAYER # sample jpeg LDEO layer NAME relief STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER TileIndex 'i_512/i_512.shp' TileItem "Location" PROJECTION "proj=merc" "ellps=WGS84" END END # Raster layer ends here END # end of map file However, if I change STATUS from DEFAULT to ON the layer does not appear, the image produced is empty. According to the manual (definition below), ON is what should be used in 'normal use'. So is something wrong with my map file or is there an issue with the use of STATUS? Thanks, Greg STATUS [on|off|default] Sets the current status of the layer. Often modified by MapServer itself. Default turns the layer on permanently. Some notes regarding the STATUS values: * In CGI mode, layers with STATUS DEFAULT cannot be turned off using normal mechanisms. It is recommended to set layers to STATUS DEFAULT while debugging a problem, but set them back to ON/OFF in normal use. * For WMS, layers in the server mapfile with STATUS DEFAULT are always sent to the client. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Yetman Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Columbia University URL: e-mail: gyetman (at) tel: (845) 365-8982 -------------------------------------------------------------------- From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 8 14:32:47 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 14:32:47 -0700 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Gregory In my map file i have a layer defined like this. # 6 layer Lakes layer data "water-poly" name "basemap" group "basemap" status on type polygon TRANSPARENCY 90 MINSCALE 50000 # 1 class #none class name 'lakes' color 0 214 255 outlinecolor 128 252 255 end end Than in my Template.html i have a checkbox to turn the layer off and on. 250 water Hope this helps Randy --- Gregory Yetman wrote: > Hi, > > I'm new to both mapserver and the list, hopefully this question isn't > too 'newbie'. > > I have a map file that works fine: > > MAP > IMAGETYPE JPEG > EXTENT -180 -90 180 0 > SIZE 320 320 > SHAPEPATH "data" > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > LAYER # sample jpeg LDEO layer > NAME relief > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE RASTER > TileIndex 'i_512/i_512.shp' > TileItem "Location" > > PROJECTION > "proj=merc" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > END # Raster layer ends here > END # end of map file > > However, if I change STATUS from DEFAULT to ON the layer does not > appear, the image produced is empty. According to the manual (definition > below), ON is what should be used in 'normal use'. So is something wrong > with my map file or is there an issue with the use of STATUS? > > Thanks, > > Greg > > STATUS [on|off|default] > > Sets the current status of the layer. Often modified by MapServer > itself. Default turns the layer on permanently. > > Some notes regarding the STATUS values: > > * > > In CGI mode, layers with STATUS DEFAULT cannot be turned off > using normal mechanisms. It is recommended to set layers to > STATUS DEFAULT while debugging a problem, but set them back to > ON/OFF in normal use. > > * > > For WMS, layers in the server mapfile with STATUS DEFAULT are > always sent to the client. > > > -- > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gregory Yetman > Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) > Columbia University > URL: > e-mail: gyetman (at) > tel: (845) 365-8982 > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 8 14:44:47 2005 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:44:47 -0500 Subject: SLD PIXMAP Error With How-To Example In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi- I have created a temporary directory with all of the associated files: the context file, the sld file, the temp map file, the temp image file, and the wms map file. I don't know that you'll need all of those, but I'm not really sure where the problem is. Other (non-external) SLDs can be applied without a problem. The application I am working on is located at The context I was using to test the external graphic SLD is the Bluff Stability context. The layer I was using is the Bluff Profiles layer. The SLD I was trying to open is at I can't think of any other information to offer: I simply go to the application, open the bluff stability context, select the bluff profile layer (though I am not sure this is necessary), click the Open SLD tool button, and browse to the SLD file. Then the error occurs. Thanks for your help! Jennifer Zeisloft On 9/8/05, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote: > > Not sure what the initial error is but you could check the map file > and see if the inline symbols created reference an > existing png or gif file. > > I would also be nice if you could provide a quick was (+ all realted > files) to reproduce this bug. At this point I am not sure how to > reproduce it. > > Later, > > Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > > Hello All- > > > > I am starting to play with SLD and am attempting to use an external > > graphic to symbolize a point. I first tried it with my own external > > graphic, but got the error message: > > > > *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has no > > image data. in > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line > *215* > > > > *Warning*: Failed to open map file > > /ms4w/tmp/sess_4320970788d61/ in > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line > *215* > > > > *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in > > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* > > on line *150* > > > > > > I then tried it with the sld_symbols_external.xml file from the SLD > > How-To document (I changed the layer name, of course) and received the > > same error. I also tried using PNG instead of GIF - same error. Can > > anyone offer a hint? Thanks in advance for your help! > > > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > UW Sea Grant > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > Assefa Yewondwossen > Software Analyst > > Email: assefa at > > > Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) > Fax: (613) 565-0925 > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU Thu Sep 8 15:41:31 2005 From: gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU (Gerry Creager) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 17:41:31 -0500 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Following on the heels of this note, might we consider a change to the STATUS flag in layers, changing 'ON' to something else, such as 'SELECTABLE'? Gerry Gregory Yetman wrote: > Hi, > > I'm new to both mapserver and the list, hopefully this question isn't > too 'newbie'. > > I have a map file that works fine: > > MAP > IMAGETYPE JPEG > EXTENT -180 -90 180 0 > SIZE 320 320 > SHAPEPATH "data" > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > LAYER # sample jpeg LDEO layer > NAME relief > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE RASTER > TileIndex 'i_512/i_512.shp' > TileItem "Location" > > PROJECTION > "proj=merc" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > END # Raster layer ends here > END # end of map file > > However, if I change STATUS from DEFAULT to ON the layer does not > appear, the image produced is empty. According to the manual (definition > below), ON is what should be used in 'normal use'. So is something wrong > with my map file or is there an issue with the use of STATUS? > > Thanks, > > Greg > > STATUS [on|off|default] > > Sets the current status of the layer. Often modified by MapServer > itself. Default turns the layer on permanently. > > Some notes regarding the STATUS values: > > * > > In CGI mode, layers with STATUS DEFAULT cannot be turned off > using normal mechanisms. It is recommended to set layers to > STATUS DEFAULT while debugging a problem, but set them back to > ON/OFF in normal use. > > * > > For WMS, layers in the server mapfile with STATUS DEFAULT are > always sent to the client. > > > -- > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gregory Yetman > Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) > Columbia University > URL: > e-mail: gyetman (at) > tel: (845) 365-8982 > -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.847.8578 Pager: 979.228.0173 Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843 From plists at PROMETHEUS.ORG.YU Thu Sep 8 15:34:15 2005 From: plists at PROMETHEUS.ORG.YU (Attila Csipa) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 00:34:15 +0200 Subject: MySQL access and joins In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Thursday 08 September 2005 21:02, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > > > Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table? I believe > > > --with-mygis will work on a non-sppatial DB > > > > Yes, but this will work ONLY for template based queries (this > > Thanks for the info. What do you mean by template based queries? My > overall goal is to generate a map (with shp2img) whose mapfile defines a > layer which has a join btw a shapefile and MySQL table, and CLASS items > based on expressions in columns in the MySQL table. A query defines the 'what', not the 'how'. So basically you CAN do 'find me the shapefile points that have a mysql field value of X', but NOT DIRECTLY 'paint shapefile points with mysql field value X green' - which seems is what you want to do with it. From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 8 16:01:56 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 19:01:56 -0400 Subject: styles Message-ID: You can't. MapServer pure WMS (without using SLD) only supports one style (default). ..Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Davi Duchovni > Sent: Thursday, 08 September, 2005 15:21 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] styles > > > Please, > > how do I create diferents styles in one layer without using SLD??? > > So then in the URL I can call each styles.... > > like that > > &layers=brasil&style=simples > > or > > &layers=brasil&style=azul_amarelo > > thanks > > Davi > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 8 16:21:33 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 19:21:33 -0400 Subject: MySQL access and joins Message-ID: > -----Original Message----- > From: Attila Csipa [mailto:plists at] > Sent: Thursday, 08 September, 2005 18:34 > To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] > Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MySQL access and joins > > > On Thursday 08 September 2005 21:02, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > > > > Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table? I believe > > > > --with-mygis will work on a non-sppatial DB > > > > > > Yes, but this will work ONLY for template based queries (this > > > > Thanks for the info. What do you mean by template based > queries? My > > overall goal is to generate a map (with shp2img) whose > mapfile defines > > a layer which has a join btw a shapefile and MySQL table, and CLASS > > items based on expressions in columns in the MySQL table. > > A query defines the 'what', not the 'how'. So basically you > CAN do 'find me > the shapefile points that have a mysql field value of X', but > NOT DIRECTLY > 'paint shapefile points with mysql field value X green' - > which seems is what > you want to do with it. > So this is to say that mapserv CGI can't handle this, but using something like mapscript can? Is this what you mean by template queries? Thanks ..Tom From adam at JAMRADAR.COM Thu Sep 8 23:32:01 2005 From: adam at JAMRADAR.COM (Adam) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 01:32:01 -0500 Subject: Free European Street Maps?? Message-ID: Anyone know where get free European street maps analogous to US's Tiger Line files? From ale.pas at TISCALI.IT Thu Sep 8 23:56:54 2005 From: ale.pas at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:56:54 +0200 Subject: Raster projection shift In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Il 20:13, gioved? 08 settembre 2005, Armin Burger ha scritto: > Alessandro, > > you could try the parameter +towgs84=-225,-65,9,0,0,0,0 for the > projection definition of the Gauss-Boaga/Monte Mario data to force a > datum shift (taken from >, "Datum > > : (210) ROME 1940") and see if the data match better then. Thank very much to Armin and Frank for the help, this solved the problem: PROJECTION "init=epsg:32632" "+towgs84=+225,+55,9,0,0,0,0" END I had to try several values, and now they perfectly match. I love mapserver!!! -- Alessandro Pasotti ICQ# 245871392 Linux User #167502 From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Thu Sep 8 23:59:30 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:59:30 +0200 Subject: Mapunits in template In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Yes, that is probably the closest I can get. I've made an enhancement request here: Berend Steven Monai wrote: > Berend: > > To paraphrase your question: You want to be able to express the mapfile's > UNITS parameter in the body of the HTML page emitted by the CGI, so you can > pick up its value with client-side Javascript. You have probably found that > there is no [units] tag, or any variation thereof, that you can use in your > templates for this purpose. But here's a (less than optimal) workaround: > Put your units in the METADATA section of the mapfile's WEB block, e.g. > > WEB > ... > METADATA > ... > "units" "meters" > END # of METADATA > END # of WEB > > Of course, now you have UNITS mentioned twice in your mapfile, with all the > perils and pitfalls that can bring. But it is a workaround, because you can > now refer to the METADATA "units" parameter in your template file as > [web_units], e.g.: > >
> ... > > ... >
> > With the above definitions, your Javascript can get the "units" string with > a simple expression, e.g: > > var map_units = document.mapform.units.value; > > Hope this helps, > -SM > -- > > -- ____________________________ Berend Veldkamp - ARIS ____________________________ From sbeorchia at GI-LEMANS.COM Fri Sep 9 00:35:37 2005 From: sbeorchia at GI-LEMANS.COM (Sylvain Beorchia) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:35:37 +0200 Subject: DGN text rotation Message-ID: Hi list, We found the solution. You just need to add an entry "default arial.ttf" in the font.txt file and copy the arial.ttf file in the font directory of your application...and it works...great!! Sylvain Beorchia. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sylvain Beorchia" To: Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 11:05 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] DGN text rotation hi list, i am using mapserver and ogr (dgnlig) to display microstation dgn file. display of dgn file is ok except the text rotation. all text have a 0? rotation. here is a piece of my map file : LAYER NAME dgn TYPE ANNOTATION STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "test.dgn" STYLEITEM "AUTO" CLASS END END i've used ogrinfo to check that dgnlib give the correct angle, it 's ok is it possible to display dgn text with the correct rotation ? if then can u give me a map file example ? as u can see in the layer definition , i use "STYLEITEM AUTO", could it be the problem ? Thanls From georg_sedlmeir at YAHOO.DE Fri Sep 9 00:31:30 2005 From: georg_sedlmeir at YAHOO.DE (Georg Sedlmeir) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:31:30 +0200 Subject: Zoom Error Message-ID: Hello, I recently took my first steps into using mapserver, compiling mapserver from source and putting up a first demo application. Everything went o.k. so far and the desired output image ist displayed, but once I click on the the map to zoom in, I get: loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set. Thanks for any help. Georg Sedlmeir ___________________________________________________________ Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Jetzt mit 1GB Speicher kostenlos - Hier anmelden: From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Fri Sep 9 02:14:07 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 11:14:07 +0200 Subject: DGN text rotation Message-ID: Thanks for reporting this back Sylvain. It fixed my problem as well for TAB files. It seems to be documented here: Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Sylvain Beorchia 09/09/05 9:35 AM >>> Hi list, We found the solution. You just need to add an entry "default arial.ttf" in the font.txt file and copy the arial.ttf file in the font directory of your application...and it works...great!! Sylvain Beorchia. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sylvain Beorchia" To: Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 11:05 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] DGN text rotation hi list, i am using mapserver and ogr (dgnlig) to display microstation dgn file. display of dgn file is ok except the text rotation. all text have a 0? rotation. here is a piece of my map file : LAYER NAME dgn TYPE ANNOTATION STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "test.dgn" STYLEITEM "AUTO" CLASS END END i've used ogrinfo to check that dgnlib give the correct angle, it 's ok is it possible to display dgn text with the correct rotation ? if then can u give me a map file example ? as u can see in the layer definition , i use "STYLEITEM AUTO", could it be the problem ? Thanls From christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE Fri Sep 9 02:48:52 2005 From: christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE (Christian Schaffer) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 11:48:52 +0200 Subject: Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Steve, sorry for not answering earlier. My system?s running Solaris 10. I also used the --with-wmsclient option to configure, but I actually used gmake to build my mapserver binary, which worked very well then. The error, you?re mentioning seems to be in context with php_mapscript. I found the following, which might be helpful: Regards, Chris Steve Benzo schrieb: >Christian, > >Danke, for that, enabling LD_OPTIONS with the /usr/lib >and /usr/local/lib solved a lot of the issues, I'm >able to make (as opposed to gmake) mapserver with a >few options now. > >There's one final issue I'm confronting. When I enable >--with-wmsclient, I get this error: > >ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but >non-writable sections >collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >make[1]: *** [] error 1 > >above that are a bunch of calls for libcrypto.a, >libssl.a, and some others i think... > >Any suggestions? This is on Solaris 9. > >--- Christian Schaffer > wrote: > > > >>Hello Steve, >>hi list, >> >>I experienced a pretty similar issue trying to >>compile 4.6.0 on Solaris >>10 a few weeks ago. Joshua Buysse gave me the >>relevant hint to avoid the >>problem: Try to set LD_OPTIONS in your environment, >>e.g. >>LD_OPTIONS='-R/opt/csw/lib -L/opt/csw/lib >>-R/opt/csw/postgresql/lib >>-L/opt/csw/postgresql/lib -R/usr/local/lib >>-L/usr/local/lib >>-R/opt/oracle/lib -L/opt/oracle/lib' >>export LD_OPTIONS >> >>In your case, find the and make the >>LD_OPTIONS point to it. >> >>For me, that works perfectly. After recompiling with >>this option set, >>calling mapserver via web gives you the desired >>output. >> >>Hope that helps. >> >>Regards, >>Chris >> >>Steve Benzo schrieb: >> >> >> >>>Daniel, >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>>That's possible if you link with libs that are not >>>>in your default lib >>>>path settings. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>I set the ldlibpath to the libs that mapserver >>>requires before i compile, but it doesn't seem to >>>'remember' those when it comes time to run >>> >>> >>mapserver >> >> >>>later? Is there a way to hard code those values at >>>compile time? >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>>Did you look in your Apache error_log to look for >>>>hints? It may be that >>>>your Apache config is also missing the >>>>ld_library_path settings, that >>>>would explain the problem, and you would see >>>>something to that effect in >>>>the error_log. >>>> >>>>Daniel >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>The error log shows the same errors I get when I >>> >>> >>try >> >> >>>to run mapserver without those libs defined: >>> >>>[Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] >>>Premature end of script headers: mapserv_new >>> >>>[Fri Sep 02 16:53:03 2005] [error] [client xxx] >>> /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv_new: >>> >>> >>fatal: >> >> >>> open failed: No such file or >>>directory >>> >>>PS Thanks a lot for your help on this! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>____________________________________________________ >> >> >>>Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>-- >> >> >> >______________________________________________________________ > > >> Landeshauptstadt M?nchen >> >> Referat f?r Gesundheit und >>Umwelt >> Informationsverarbeitung >>Christian Schaffer >> Bayerstra?e 28a >> 80335 M?nchen >> >> Tel: 089 - 233 - 4 76 67 >> Fax: 089 - 233 - 4 76 62 >> >> >> >> >>christian.schaffer at >> >> >> >______________________________________________________________ > > >> >> > > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > > > -- ______________________________________________________________ Landeshauptstadt M?nchen Referat f?r Gesundheit und Umwelt Informationsverarbeitung Christian Schaffer Bayerstra?e 28a 80335 M?nchen Tel: 089 - 233 - 4 76 67 Fax: 089 - 233 - 4 76 62 christian.schaffer at ______________________________________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From donal_regan10 at YAHOO.CO.UK Fri Sep 9 02:53:08 2005 From: donal_regan10 at YAHOO.CO.UK (Donal Regan) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:53:08 +0100 Subject: specify elements returned from a WFS Message-ID: Is there way of specifying which elements you want returned from a WFS. For example, after I do a describeFeatureType request I see that the feature has 10 elements e.g id, name, area, perimeter, x_coord,y_coord, owner etc. Is there way to write a getFeature request so that only name, x_coord and y_coord are returned? Thanks, Donal ___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Fri Sep 9 03:12:27 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:12:27 +0200 Subject: specify elements returned from a WFS Message-ID: Yes, using gml_include_items METADATA on your LAYER eg: METADATA .. gml_include_items 'item1,item2,item3' .. END See: Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Donal Regan 09/09/05 11:53 AM >>> Is there way of specifying which elements you want returned from a WFS. For example, after I do a describeFeatureType request I see that the feature has 10 elements e.g id, name, area, perimeter, x_coord,y_coord, owner etc. Is there way to write a getFeature request so that only name, x_coord and y_coord are returned? Thanks, Donal ___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. From gyetman at CIESIN.COLUMBIA.EDU Fri Sep 9 06:05:46 2005 From: gyetman at CIESIN.COLUMBIA.EDU (Gregory Yetman) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:05:46 -0400 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, Thanks to David Fawcett pointed out my problem -- that I needed to pass the layer name in as part of the URL. Rather than changing the flag, I think that perhaps the documentation just needs some additional info. It's not obvious from the definition of STATUS when you should use ON vs. DEFAULT. Greg Gerry Creager wrote: > Following on the heels of this note, might we consider a change to the > STATUS flag in layers, changing 'ON' to something else, such as > 'SELECTABLE'? > > Gerry > > Gregory Yetman wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I'm new to both mapserver and the list, hopefully this question isn't >> too 'newbie'. >> >> I have a map file that works fine: >> >> MAP >> IMAGETYPE JPEG >> EXTENT -180 -90 180 0 >> SIZE 320 320 >> SHAPEPATH "data" >> PROJECTION >> "proj=latlong" >> "ellps=WGS84" >> END >> >> LAYER # sample jpeg LDEO layer >> NAME relief >> STATUS DEFAULT >> TYPE RASTER >> TileIndex 'i_512/i_512.shp' >> TileItem "Location" >> >> PROJECTION >> "proj=merc" >> "ellps=WGS84" >> END >> END # Raster layer ends here >> END # end of map file >> >> However, if I change STATUS from DEFAULT to ON the layer does not >> appear, the image produced is empty. According to the manual (definition >> below), ON is what should be used in 'normal use'. So is something wrong >> with my map file or is there an issue with the use of STATUS? >> >> Thanks, >> >> Greg >> >> STATUS [on|off|default] >> >> Sets the current status of the layer. Often modified by MapServer >> itself. Default turns the layer on permanently. >> >> Some notes regarding the STATUS values: >> >> * >> >> In CGI mode, layers with STATUS DEFAULT cannot be turned off >> using normal mechanisms. It is recommended to set layers to >> STATUS DEFAULT while debugging a problem, but set them back to >> ON/OFF in normal use. >> >> * >> >> For WMS, layers in the server mapfile with STATUS DEFAULT are >> always sent to the client. >> >> >> -- >> -------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Gregory Yetman >> Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) >> Columbia University >> URL: >> e-mail: gyetman (at) >> tel: (845) 365-8982 >> -------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Yetman Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Columbia University URL: e-mail: gyetman (at) tel: (845) 365-8982 -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Fri Sep 9 06:21:14 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:21:14 -0400 Subject: OGR virtual spatial data Message-ID: > > On 9/7/05, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I have a MySQL table which I'm connecting to via OGR's > virtual spatial > > data option and unixODBC. The table has ~ 2 million records with x > > and y columns. I have setup an .ovf and mapfile accordingly. > > > > When I run shp2img, CPU usage spikes up to 100% and then a > core dump > > results. I am running shp2img with an extent which will > result in far > > less records. > > Tom, > > As Bart notes, new versions of GDAL should handle the spatial > queries much more efficiently for ODBC via VRT (assuming the > database can handle the query efficiently). > > I am concerned about the crash though. There was a cleanup > issue with an older version of the OGR VRT driver that might > be causing it. If the problem persists with GDAL 1.3.0 let > me know and we can try to dig into it. > When upgrading to 1.3.0, there were no crash or cleanup issues (I used VRT with a MySQL connection). Thanks ..Tom From jeff2005 at SVS.GSFC.NASA.GOV Fri Sep 9 06:35:00 2005 From: jeff2005 at SVS.GSFC.NASA.GOV (Jeff de La Beaujardiere) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:35:00 -0400 Subject: MapFile TRANSPARENCY parameter and WMS GetMap TRANSPARENT argument In-Reply-To: Message-ID: The Layer object in a mapfile can have a TRANSPARENCY value to control overall opacity without having to modify the alpha channel in the source image (GeoTIFF raster in my case). This is very helpful. Am I correct that there is no way to tie this to the WMS GetMap argument TRANSPARENT={TRUE|FALSE} such that a user request for TRUE (the default) would use the opacity percentage specified by TRANSPARENCY whereas a request for FALSE would act as if 100% opacity had been specified or simply ignore the TRANSPARENCY value in the mapfile? -Jeff DLB From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 9 06:46:17 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:46:17 -0400 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Gregory Yetman wrote: > > Rather than changing the flag, I think that perhaps the documentation > just needs some additional info. It's not obvious from the definition of > STATUS when you should use ON vs. DEFAULT. > Please feel free to help contribute to the documentation, and add what you think is missing. allows you to add comments to the docs (for example you could add a note in the LAYER section of the mapfile reference)...or I also see that an FAQ exists for your same issue (feel free to add to it). There are some versioning differences with the old site's docs and this one, but hopefully that will be resolved soon. thanks! jeff -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From h.wilsdorf at GMX.DE Fri Sep 9 06:45:12 2005 From: h.wilsdorf at GMX.DE (Henrik Wilsdorf) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:45:12 -0500 Subject: postgis query / template ignored Message-ID: Hi, I'm using MapServer version 4.6.0 CGI with Postgis /Postgres80 on Win2000. The image of the geometry works fine. But I've got trouble with getting results in query mode. When I query a polygon from postgis, then i got a page with content "Content-type: text/html", and my template specified in the CLASS section of mapfile is completely ignored. Only the header template is working. Even when I misspell the template name, this is not reported. With the same geometrie as a layer from shape data, the template runs fine from the same mapfile. When I query a point from postgis, the template file is also ignored, but I got an additional error: "Content-type: text/html msPOSTGISLayerGetShape(): Query error. Error executing POSTGIS SQL statement (in FETCH ALL): DECLARE mycursor2 BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT objnr::text,folie::text,objart::text,artinfo::text,objkartyp::text,label::te xt,winkel::text,mver::text,objgeom::text,bemerkung::text,asbinary (force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR') from alkobj_t_pkt WHERE objnr = 0 -ERROR: cannot cast type boolean to text More Help: " The same results are with mapserver 4.4 and 4.2 on IIS and apache. Is there a general problem with query postgis layers??? or is there a special trick for postgis? Thank you for help - Henrik. From hobu at IASTATE.EDU Fri Sep 9 07:19:06 2005 From: hobu at IASTATE.EDU (Howard Butler) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:19:06 -0500 Subject: Katrina NOAA imagery WMS Message-ID: All, A whole bunch of open source GIS'ers (led by Norman Vine and John Graham) have been working with the San Diego State University to put a gigantic WMS of just about every bit of Katrina imagery together that we can find. See Howard From listario at GMAIL.COM Fri Sep 9 08:39:11 2005 From: listario at GMAIL.COM (J. Parapar) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 17:39:11 +0200 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello all. Regarding this ?what is the difference between STATUS ON and STATUS OFF? In a CGI request both STATUS seem to have a similar effect, I can activate the "OFF" layer with the layer paramater in the request. ?Is the diffence only in WMS/WFS petitions? Thanks Jorge 2005/9/9, Jeff McKenna : > Gregory Yetman wrote: > > > > Rather than changing the flag, I think that perhaps the documentation > > just needs some additional info. It's not obvious from the definition of > > STATUS when you should use ON vs. DEFAULT. > > > > Please feel free to help contribute to the documentation, and add what > you think is missing. allows you to add comments > to the docs (for example you could add a note in the LAYER section of > the mapfile reference)...or I also see that an FAQ exists for your same > issue (feel free to > add to it). > > There are some versioning differences with the old site's docs and this > one, but hopefully that will be resolved soon. > > thanks! > > > jeff > > > > -- > Jeff McKenna > DM Solutions Group Inc. > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Sep 9 13:14:46 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 15:14:46 -0500 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object Message-ID: With the CGI application all layers are turned off (except those that are DEFAULT) automatically. Then you must explicitly request layers via the "layer" or "layers" parameters. Outside of the CGI the value for STATUS is respected (e.g. shp2img)... Steve >>> "J. Parapar" 09/09/05 10:39 AM >>> Hello all. Regarding this ?what is the difference between STATUS ON and STATUS OFF? In a CGI request both STATUS seem to have a similar effect, I can activate the "OFF" layer with the layer paramater in the request. ?Is the diffence only in WMS/WFS petitions? Thanks Jorge 2005/9/9, Jeff McKenna : > Gregory Yetman wrote: > > > > Rather than changing the flag, I think that perhaps the documentation > > just needs some additional info. It's not obvious from the definition of > > STATUS when you should use ON vs. DEFAULT. > > > > Please feel free to help contribute to the documentation, and add what > you think is missing. allows you to add comments > to the docs (for example you could add a note in the LAYER section of > the mapfile reference)...or I also see that an FAQ exists for your same > issue (feel free to > add to it). > > There are some versioning differences with the old site's docs and this > one, but hopefully that will be resolved soon. > > thanks! > > > jeff > > > > -- > Jeff McKenna > DM Solutions Group Inc. > > From jared at IDTSERVICES.COM Fri Sep 9 13:20:10 2005 From: jared at IDTSERVICES.COM (Jared Plunkett) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:20:10 -0700 Subject: Truetype symbols won't show up when antialiased Message-ID: I am having a serious headache. Whenever I try to use truetype symbols with antialias turned on in the symbol file, All I get is a square that is the bounding box for that character filled in with the color I have specified. If I turn off Antialiasing, then the character shows up, but the quality really sucks. Here is an my MapServer information: MapServer version 4.4.2 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Any help would be greatly appreciated. This has been bugging me for quite some time. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nate at SEASTAR.JPL.NASA.GOV Fri Sep 9 18:51:46 2005 From: nate at SEASTAR.JPL.NASA.GOV (Nate Reed) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 18:51:46 -0700 Subject: make a layer "queryable" Message-ID: Can someone point me to some documentation for how to make a MapServer layer "queryable" (this was the term used in Chameleon's documentation)? I am setting up a WMS server and want to use Chameleon or some other WMS-capable client to deliver maps and to provide querying functionality. I assume supporting query involves using another OGC protocol (WCS)? Thanks -- Nate Reed Physical Oceanography DAAC Jet Propulsion Lab / Raytheon ITSS (626)744-5528 nate at From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Fri Sep 9 19:08:29 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 22:08:29 -0400 Subject: MapFile TRANSPARENCY parameter and WMS GetMap TRANSPARENT argument In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/9/05, Jeff de La Beaujardiere wrote: > The Layer object in a mapfile can have a TRANSPARENCY value to control > overall opacity without having to modify the alpha channel in the source > image (GeoTIFF raster in my case). This is very helpful. > > Am I correct that there is no way to tie this to the WMS GetMap argument > TRANSPARENT={TRUE|FALSE} such that a user request for TRUE (the default) > would use the opacity percentage specified by TRANSPARENCY whereas a > request for FALSE would act as if 100% opacity had been specified or > simply ignore the TRANSPARENCY value in the mapfile? Jeff, I *think* that the WMS TRANSPARENCY flag is used by MapServer to control whether the resulting image makes the background color transparent or not. It does not (to the best of my knowledge) interact with layer-level transparency at all. Nor do I think that would be appropriate, though I haven't considered it deeply. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Sep 9 21:10:09 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 23:10:09 -0500 Subject: make a layer "queryable" Message-ID: A layer is queryable if it has a template defined for query presentation. A line like: TEMPLATE 'dummy' will suffice. You also must set a line like: DUMP TRUE for WMS feature queries to work. Doesn't have anything to do with WCS. The WMS how-to on the main MapServer site contains example mapfile snippets... Steve >>> Nate Reed 09/09/05 8:51 PM >>> Can someone point me to some documentation for how to make a MapServer layer "queryable" (this was the term used in Chameleon's documentation)? I am setting up a WMS server and want to use Chameleon or some other WMS-capable client to deliver maps and to provide querying functionality. I assume supporting query involves using another OGC protocol (WCS)? Thanks -- Nate Reed Physical Oceanography DAAC Jet Propulsion Lab / Raytheon ITSS (626)744-5528 nate at From bill at BINKO.NET Fri Sep 9 23:24:14 2005 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 02:24:14 -0400 Subject: Katrina NOAA imagery WMS In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > All, > > A whole bunch of open source GIS'ers (led by Norman Vine and John > Graham) have been working with the San Diego State University to put > a gigantic WMS of just about every bit of Katrina imagery together > that we can find. > > See Howard, Saw your link on IRC and followed it. Very interesting and wonderful of you guys to donate your time. I notice that you have a WorldWind interface available, and thought I'd help out by providing a Google Earth redirector for it. This is based on and I have had excellent luck with it. I cannot test this evening my Windows box went to bed with my wife. However, it should be 99% of what you need: just put this on your site and enable PHP for the directory it lives in. You might want to tweak the layers and such for the WMS portion. Also, Google Earth seems not to like interlaced images (of any format). You will know better than I how to tweak the WMS query string below, but I have found this very very useful. On a Windows box, both FireFox and IE will launch GoogleEarth with this file which will ask if you want to add the Folder. If you do, it will add an option to your "Places" list. I hope this helps, and let me know if there's anything else I can do. Bill ---CUT--- \n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "Katrina Images\n"; $kml .= "Katrina WMS Live Feed\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeOf($wms); $i++ ) { $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "".$name[$i]."\n"; $kml .= "0.5\n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "".$coords[3]."\n"; $kml .= "".$coords[1]."\n"; $kml .= "".$coords[2]."\n"; $kml .= "".$coords[0]."\n"; $kml .= "0\n"; $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "\n"; } $kml .= "\n"; $kml .= "\n"; echo $kml; ?> From elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM Sat Sep 10 08:21:05 2005 From: elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM (Mohamed Elshayal) Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 18:21:05 +0300 Subject: FIRST ARABIAN GIS SOFTWARE=?iso-8859-1?Q?=A9?= beta 1.16 available free dow nload iin Message-ID: Dear Sir, My Software is available for free at download page in my site FIRST ARABIAN GIS SOFTWARE? ELSHAYAL SMART? HTTP://WWW.SMARTWEBONLINE.COM Mohamed Elsayed Elshayal El-Shayal Smart Web On Line? 8 Taha Houssin St. Zamalek - Cairo Egypt elshayal at elshayal at Abstract Elshayal Smart? package is an almost First Arabian GIS software? which completely developed by Arabian developers team and independent of any commercial software package 1. The software is a GIS standalone applications that Read Shape file and its atribute table and present them in layers and give the user the full GIS tools such as ( zoom in , zoom out , pan , full extend , selection , measure distance ) and view these layers as 2D & 3D 2. The software allows the user to creat a Network and measure the Shortest Path between 2 points in any LINE layer. 3. It also have Query builder module which allow the user to search throu the attribute table of any layer. 4. GPS Module read from the GPS Deveice and can covert the Lat & Long to 23 projection coordinates system such as (Airy , Australian National , Bessel 1841 , Bessel 1841 (Nambia) , Clarke 1866 , Clarke 1880 , Everest , Fischer 1960 , Fischer 1968 , Fischer 1968 , Fischer 1968 , Fischer 1968 , Hough , International , Krassovsky , Modified Airy , Modified Everest , Modified Fischer 1960 , South American 1969 , WGS 60 , WGS 66 , WGS-72 , WGS-84 ) 5. Selection Module Allow the user to select from the map or the table Elshayal Smart? has other versions which work on Internet Server or smart devices like PDAs, and pocket PCs. Versions and Platforms: 1. "El-Shayal Smart GIS Editor?" for browsing maps on the desktop and laptop computers ( windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003) 2. "El-Shayal Smart GIS Net?" for browsing maps on the Internet Server (windows server 2000, 2003) 3. "El-Shayal Smart GIS Mobile?" for browsing maps on the PDA & Pocket PC (windows CE .Net) Current Features View shape maps, 2D & 3D, add layers, delete layers, swap layers, layers properties, zoom in, zoom out, pan, identify, Selection, Data base table, Query builder, Create network, Shortest path, Printing, Save as image , Save map and chatting, and GPS, convert between 23 projection coordinates system Expected Features 1. Editing and Creating New Maps. 2. Read other map formast such as DXF Format and Tiger Line Format -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 12 01:54:59 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:54:59 +0100 Subject: Free European Street Maps?? In-Reply-To: <001001c5b508$32e436b0$0200a8c0@PANASONIULSWMR> Message-ID: I'd also be interested in this information On 09/09/05, Adam wrote: > > Anyone know where get free European street maps analogous to US's Tiger > Line > files? > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From schuyler at NOCAT.NET Mon Sep 12 02:49:13 2005 From: schuyler at NOCAT.NET (Schuyler Erle) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 02:49:13 -0700 Subject: Free European Street Maps?? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: To the best of my knowledge, there is no such information available, outside of Denmark. Governments across Europe mostly take a foolhardy "cost-recovery" stance towards this data collection, ignoring the possible economic and social benefits that could accrue from having it freely available. If you want this data, perhaps you should sign the Free Geodata manifesto? SDE * On 12-Sep-2005 at 1:57AM PDT, Xin said: > I'd also be interested in this information > > On 09/09/05, Adam wrote: > > > > Anyone know where get free European street maps analogous to US's Tiger > > Line > > files? > > From lluisgm at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 12 03:05:18 2005 From: lluisgm at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs_Garcia_i_Mestres?=) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:05:18 +0200 Subject: svg in ms4w Message-ID: Hi list, I've tried to get my mapserver application with svg outputformat but I getting the following message: loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause references driver svg, but this driver isn't configured. I'm using * **MS4W version 1.0.1*but I'm not sure if it has svg support, anyone knows it? -- Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, lluisgm at lluisgm at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at POGGENSEE.NET Mon Sep 12 03:47:07 2005 From: info at POGGENSEE.NET (Martin Poggensee) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 05:47:07 -0500 Subject: Annotations with PostGIS Message-ID: Does anybody know, how to show an annotation-layer with data from Postgis ??? To show LINES or MULTILINES is quite simple, but I have problems with texts. From listario at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 12 04:42:52 2005 From: listario at GMAIL.COM (J. Parapar) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 13:42:52 +0200 Subject: STATUS in LAYER object In-Reply-To: Message-ID: OK, thanks Steve Jorge 2005/9/9, Steve Lime : > With the CGI application all layers are turned off (except those that are > DEFAULT) automatically. Then you must explicitly request layers via > the "layer" or "layers" parameters. Outside of the CGI the value for > STATUS is respected (e.g. shp2img)... > > Steve > > >>> "J. Parapar" 09/09/05 10:39 AM >>> > Hello all. > > Regarding this ?what is the difference between STATUS ON and STATUS > OFF? In a CGI request both STATUS seem to have a similar effect, I can > activate the "OFF" layer with the layer paramater in the request. ?Is > the diffence only in WMS/WFS petitions? > > Thanks > Jorge > > 2005/9/9, Jeff McKenna : > > Gregory Yetman wrote: > > > > > > Rather than changing the flag, I think that perhaps the documentation > > > just needs some additional info. It's not obvious from the definition of > > > STATUS when you should use ON vs. DEFAULT. > > > > > > > Please feel free to help contribute to the documentation, and add what > > you think is missing. allows you to add comments > > to the docs (for example you could add a note in the LAYER section of > > the mapfile reference)...or I also see that an FAQ exists for your same > > issue (feel free to > > add to it). > > > > There are some versioning differences with the old site's docs and this > > one, but hopefully that will be resolved soon. > > > > thanks! > > > > > > jeff > > > > > > > > -- > > Jeff McKenna > > DM Solutions Group Inc. > > > > > > From giersch at OSGROUP.DE Mon Sep 12 06:18:39 2005 From: giersch at OSGROUP.DE (Jens-Peter Giersch) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:18:39 -0500 Subject: msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String ([...]\map.html) failed expression test. Message-ID: Hi, mapserver list, I am new to this list and I am working on a small GIS project. I am using VBGIS by Jay Burnett. My application runs fine so far except for this error message: msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String ([...]\GIS.html) failed expression test. So I do not get a map drawn. The above mentioned map.html contains only the following lines: image_file=[img] image_ext=[mapext] image_xy=[center] Do you know the possible error source? Where do I find more information about this method msEvalRegex() which I could probably find useful to solve my problem? Sincerly Jens-Peter From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Mon Sep 12 06:35:06 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:35:06 -0400 Subject: svg in ms4w In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: SVG support was added in MapServer version 4.5, and the mapserv in MS4W v1.0.1 is 4.4. The latest MS4W has OUTPUT=SVG support and mapserv 4.6.0, so you will have to upgrade. PS. There is a separate mailing list for MS4W issues ( jeff Llu?s Garcia i Mestres wrote: > Hi list, > > I've tried to get my mapserver application with svg outputformat but I > getting the following message: > > loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause > references driver svg, but this driver isn't configured. > > I'm using / //MS4W version 1.0.1/ > but I'm not sure if it > has svg support, anyone knows it? > > -- > Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From giersch at OSGROUP.DE Mon Sep 12 06:39:49 2005 From: giersch at OSGROUP.DE (Jens-Peter Giersch) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:39:49 -0500 Subject: msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String ([...]\map.html) failed expression test. Message-ID: There is a slight error in my posting that is not the source of the error: I wrote [...]\GIS.html for once, and the next time I mentioned map.html. I mentioned the map.html as the template file where the GIS ist drawn into. It has the file name GIS.html. Sincerly Jens-Peter From holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE Mon Sep 12 07:30:00 2005 From: holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE (Stephan Holl) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 16:30:00 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE]: English GDF Hannover GRASS GIS tutorial, Version 1.2 released Message-ID: Dear FOSS GIS users, [sorry for crossposting] GDF Hannover is proud to present the English translation of the well-known German GRASS GIS Tutorial version 1.2. The book covers an introduction to the Free Geographic Information System GRASS 6.0. It extends the available literature about GRASS 6 by aspects of installation and practical usage and offers up to date material for the use of the latest GRASS developments at the time of writing. The document focuses on the new vector functionalities, network analysis, database management systems (DBMS) and the new graphical user interface (GUI). A section about the interaction with Quantum GIS as graphical user interface is also included. It is released under GNU/FDL and available from: Best regards Your GDF Hannover -- GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing Hannover Office - Mengendamm 16d - D-30177 Hannover Internet: - Email: holl at Phone : ++49-(0)511.39088507 - Fax: ++49-(0)511.39088508 From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Mon Sep 12 07:54:04 2005 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:54:04 -0500 Subject: Zoom Error Message-ID: Georg: The common idiom, when working with the MapServer CGI, is to have a hidden "map" input in the form, e.g.
... ...
Have a look at the MapServer Tutorial, available through the MapServer website, for several complete examples of what your CGI template file should contain. Also at the MapServer website is the template reference, which catalogs and explains the CGI template tags ([map], [mode], [mapext], [zoom], etc., etc.). Hope this helps, -SM -- On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:31:30 +0200, Georg Sedlmeir wrote: >Hello, >I recently took my first steps into using mapserver, compiling mapserver >from source and putting up a first demo application. Everything went >o.k. so far and the desired output image ist displayed, but once I click >on the the map to zoom in, I get: > >loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set. > >Thanks for any help. > >Georg Sedlmeir > > > > > > > > >___________________________________________________________ >Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Jetzt mit 1GB Speicher kostenlos - Hier anmelden: From ajfrank at ALICE.IT Mon Sep 12 08:26:37 2005 From: ajfrank at ALICE.IT (Gianfranco Brescia) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:26:37 -0500 Subject: Coordinate of a point Message-ID: Hi to all. How can I find the coordinate of a point stored in postgres? What postgis SQL command do I have to use? Thanks From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Sep 12 08:32:14 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:32:14 -0400 Subject: Hurricane Katrina NOAA Images Message-ID: From hobu at IASTATE.EDU Mon Sep 12 08:37:25 2005 From: hobu at IASTATE.EDU (Howard Butler) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:37:25 -0500 Subject: Hurricane Katrina NOAA Images In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Also, Howard At 10:32 AM 9/12/2005, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > From lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR Mon Sep 12 08:45:02 2005 From: lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR (Eduardo Patto Kanegae) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:45:02 -0300 Subject: [off-topic] how to "sell" GIS idea? Message-ID: Hi folks, Recently one customer asked me a hard favor: to sell GIS ideas to the president's company! For me , this is very hard to do, because "presidents" normally knows *business* language, not GIS-language or IT-languages . What we are trying to do basically is to *sell* the creation of a new department inside the company. The company is the forestry division of a pulp-n-paper brazilian insdustry. the main goal of this new proposed department is to create, test and prototype GIS solutions for the forestry day to day operations. ( and of course, my contribution here is help them to do it only using FOSS solutions... or as much as possible :-). so, HOW to do it will not be the problem. My real problem is: "how to SELL GIS benefits, but NOT using technical terms?" does anybody recommend any links or bibliography? best regards. -- Eduardo Patto Kanegae From albrecht at FIELAX.DE Mon Sep 12 08:48:12 2005 From: albrecht at FIELAX.DE (Sebastian Albrecht) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:48:12 +0000 Subject: Coordinate of a point In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hello Gianfranco, >How can I find the coordinate of a point stored in postgres? >What postgis SQL command do I have to use? > > You could use the X() and Y() functions to get the latitude and longitude values of your point. If you have a point column "geom" in a table "data" the SQL string would be: SELECT X(geom), Y(geom) FROM data; Regards, Sebastian From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Sep 12 08:51:27 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:51:27 -0400 Subject: [off-topic] how to "sell" GIS idea? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Eduardo, Executives want to know feature and benefits at a high level. That are the benefits: increased capacity - do more with less better planning and time to market with products - where do you need to make roads to move logs - over what kind of terrain better inventory assessment and analysis of forests and uses better awareness of environmental conditions and issues lower costs - better deployment of resources improved products - better assessment of tree inventory in the field means less waste Think in terms of what are the business advantages and benefits. Make a list of the benefits then in a separate section list the features of your system and how it will assist them in there objective benefits. -Steve W. Eduardo Patto Kanegae wrote: > Hi folks, > > Recently one customer asked me a hard favor: to sell GIS ideas to the > president's company! > > For me , this is very hard to do, because "presidents" normally knows > *business* language, not GIS-language > or IT-languages . > > What we are trying to do basically is to *sell* the creation of a new > department inside the company. The company > is the forestry division of a pulp-n-paper brazilian insdustry. > > the main goal of this new proposed department is > to create, test and prototype GIS solutions for the forestry day to day > operations. ( and of course, > my contribution here is help them to do it only using FOSS solutions... > or as much as possible :-). > so, HOW to do it will not be the problem. > > My real problem is: "how to SELL GIS benefits, but NOT using technical > terms?" > > does anybody recommend any links or bibliography? > > best regards. > From elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM Mon Sep 12 08:55:45 2005 From: elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM (Mohamed Elshayal) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:55:45 +0300 Subject: FIRST ARABIAN GIS SOFTWARE(c) beta 1.16 available free download iin Message-ID: Try the following link : I'm interested ----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Kingsbury" To: Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 5:57 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FIRST ARABIAN GIS SOFTWARE(c) beta 1.16 available free dow nload iin > Your site doesn't work under Firefox. I'm not interested. > > > On 9/10/05, Mohamed Elshayal wrote: >> >> >> Dear Sir, >> >> My Software is available for free at download page in my site >> >> >> >> >> >> >> FIRST ARABIAN GIS SOFTWARE(c) >> >> ELSHAYAL SMART(c) >> >> HTTP://WWW.SMARTWEBONLINE.COM >> >> >> >> Mohamed Elsayed Elshayal >> >> >> >> El-Shayal Smart Web On Line(c) >> >> 8 Taha Houssin St. >> >> Zamalek ? Cairo >> >> Egypt >> >> elshayal at >> elshayal at >> >> >> >> >> >> Abstract >> >> Elshayal Smart(c) package is an almost First Arabian GIS software(c) >> which >> completely developed by Arabian developers team and independent of any >> commercial software package >> >> >> >> 1. The software is a GIS standalone applications that Read Shape >> file >> and its atribute table and present them in layers and give the user the >> full >> GIS tools such as ( zoom in , zoom out , pan , full extend , selection , >> measure distance ) and view these layers as 2D & 3D >> >> 2. The software allows the user to creat a Network and measure >> the >> Shortest Path between 2 points in any LINE layer. >> >> 3. It also have Query builder module which allow the user to search >> throu the attribute table of any layer. >> >> 4. GPS Module read from the GPS Deveice and can covert the Lat & >> Long >> to 23 projection coordinates system such as (Airy , Australian National , >> Bessel 1841 , Bessel 1841 (Nambia) , Clarke 1866 , Clarke 1880 , Everest >> , >> Fischer 1960 , Fischer 1968 , Fischer 1968 , Fischer 1968 , Fischer 1968 >> , >> Hough , International , Krassovsky , Modified Airy , Modified Everest , >> Modified Fischer 1960 , South American 1969 , WGS 60 , WGS 66 , WGS-72 , >> WGS-84 ) >> >> 5. Selection Module Allow the user to select from the map or the >> table >> >> >> >> Elshayal Smart(c) has other versions which work on Internet Server or >> smart >> devices like PDAs, and pocket PCs. >> >> >> >> Versions and Platforms: >> >> 1. "El-Shayal Smart GIS Editor(c)" for browsing maps on the >> desktop and >> laptop computers ( windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003) >> >> 2. "El-Shayal Smart GIS Net(c)" for browsing maps on the Internet >> Server (windows server 2000, 2003) >> >> 3. "El-Shayal Smart GIS Mobile(c)" for browsing maps on the PDA & >> Pocket PC (windows CE .Net) >> >> >> >> Current Features >> >> View shape maps, 2D & 3D, add layers, delete layers, swap layers, layers >> properties, zoom in, zoom out, pan, identify, Selection, Data base table, >> Query builder, Create network, Shortest path, Printing, Save as image , >> Save >> map and chatting, and GPS, convert between 23 projection coordinates >> system >> >> >> >> Expected Features >> >> 1. Editing and Creating New Maps. >> >> 2. Read other map formast such as DXF Format and Tiger Line Format >> >> > From juanantonio.fernandez at UCA.ES Mon Sep 12 09:32:26 2005 From: juanantonio.fernandez at UCA.ES (Juan Antonio Fernandez Prada) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:32:26 -0500 Subject: Problems with queryByAttributes... Message-ID: Hi List! I'm trying to do a query by attributes with php, but I've got several problems. I've got some shapes, and I make a query with this code: $oMap =ms_newMapObj("../data/" ); $mySearchLayer = $oMap->getLayerByName("FCC_P0"); $result =$mySearchLayer->queryByAttributes("FID","104",MS_SINGLE); $myresultImg = $oMap->drawQuery($result); In my shape, the field FID is the key field, but it produces the following error: "Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDBFGetItemIndex(): Item 'FID' not found". I tried to do the same with all the field of the table of the shape, but the error is the same. After a week trying it, now I haven't got any idea abaut do it. Could anybody help me? Thanks and regards to all. Juan Antonio Fern?ndez Prada. Laboratorio de Astronom?a, Geodesia y Cartograf?a. Universidad de C?diz. e-mail: juanantonio.fernandez at From tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG Mon Sep 12 10:50:23 2005 From: tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG (Tim Schaub) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:50:23 -0700 Subject: shp2img fails with layer REQUIRES Message-ID: Hello- I'm trying to use the REQUIRES layer attribute and having no luck. Everything works as expected when I have a mapfile with 1 REQUIRES attribute. Adding a second layer with REQUIRES doesn't work. I'm guessing that this is what is about. If not, here are the details of my problem: Using MapServer version 4.5 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF O UTPUT=SWF SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIEN T SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT=JPEG INPUT=P OSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG and the mapfile pasted here ( , shp2img works if I comment out one of the REQUIRES lines and fails silently if I leave both uncommented. Thanks for any hints, Tim -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Mon Sep 12 11:38:42 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 14:38:42 -0400 Subject: Problems with queryByAttributes... Message-ID: The following message was sent by Juan Antonio Fernandez Prada on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:32:26 -0500. > Hi List! > > I'm trying to do a query by attributes with php, but I've got several > problems. I've got some shapes, and I make a query with this code: > > $oMap =ms_newMapObj("../data/" ); > $mySearchLayer = $oMap->getLayerByName("FCC_P0"); > $result =$mySearchLayer->queryByAttributes("FID","104",MS_SINGLE); > $myresultImg = $oMap->drawQuery($result); > > In my shape, the field FID is the key field, but it produces the following > error: "Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDBFGetItemIndex(): Item 'FID' not > found". > > I tried to do the same with all the field of the table of the shape, but > the error is the same. After a week trying it, now I haven't got any idea > abaut do it. Could anybody help me? Juan, Is the case of the field name correct, ie. FID vs. fid? Can you do something like 'dbfdump -info .dbf' to see what the field names look like? Lowell From aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Sep 12 13:29:41 2005 From: aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET (Adam Quiney) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:29:41 -0500 Subject: Mapscript CGI/WMS Server call discrepancies Message-ID: Hello, I've noticed a discrepancy between calls I'm making to our mapserver instance using WMS server calls and mapscript CGI calls. The two calls I'm making are below: WMS Server call: http://turtle/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/data/Refractions/BMGS/CWB/Web/WMS/,398241,1190659,401758 Mapscript CGI call: http://turtle/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/data/Refractions/BMGS/CWB/Web/WMS/ In both cases, I am requesting the same bounding box, and the same layer. However, the CGI call includes a fork at the bottom of the right-most segment, and is missing a portion of the segment at the top, when compared to the WMS server call. Due to the nature of the application I am designing, different layers need to be combined using each of these techniques, and this will not work correctly with this discrepancy. I've looked through the mapscript cgi reference, but have not found anything that might suggest this kind of behaviour. Has anyone else had experience with this, or an idea why this might be occurring? Cheers, -- Adam Quiney Refractions Research Inc. From ealpert at DIGITALGLOBE.COM Mon Sep 12 13:48:23 2005 From: ealpert at DIGITALGLOBE.COM (Ethan Alpert) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 14:48:23 -0600 Subject: Anyway to default the directory for symbol images? Message-ID: Seems like the IMAGE tag of symbols must be an absolute path or you must put the images in the same directory as the mapfile. Is there anyway around this? I'm not seeing anything in the docs. Ideally I'd like to set a path either in my symbolset file or my mapfile. -e From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 12 14:00:35 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:00:35 -0400 Subject: Mapscript CGI/WMS Server call discrepancies In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/12/05, Adam Quiney wrote: > Hello, > > I've noticed a discrepancy between calls I'm making to our mapserver > instance using WMS server calls and mapscript CGI calls. > > The two calls I'm making are below: > > WMS Server call: > > http://turtle/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/data/Refractions/BMGS/CWB/Web/WMS/,398241,1190659,401758 > > Mapscript CGI call: > > http://turtle/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/data/Refractions/BMGS/CWB/Web/WMS/ > > In both cases, I am requesting the same bounding box, and the same layer. > However, the CGI call includes a fork at the bottom of the right-most > segment, and is missing a portion of the segment at the top, when compared > to the WMS server call. Adam, WMS requests will by default return non-square pixels if requested while "old style" cgi requests will grow the bbox in one direction or the other if needed in order to ensure square pixels. You don't select explicit sizes in the requests above so I don't know if there is an aspect ratio issue or not, but it seems like the most likely cause. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Sep 12 14:45:06 2005 From: aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET (Adam Quiney) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 14:45:06 -0700 Subject: Mapscript CGI/WMS Server call discrepancies In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bill at BINKO.NET Mon Sep 12 15:25:05 2005 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:25:05 -0400 Subject: [off-topic] how to "sell" GIS idea? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: For a bit more GIS-specific answer, I have used the following explanation to convince a director here of the value of GIS. He is fairly non-technical, so it did take a few attempts, but now it's great to see him regurgitate it :) Most managers understand the value of a relational database, even if they don't know how they work. They understand that you can link information in this table with information in that table if they have a common ID and that you can create summaries by State/Province, or by Product Group. Within that context, explain that GIS adds the ability to link information based on location. GIS gives you the ability to summarize based on new concepts like "near this office" or "within 3 miles of a Redwood stand". The easiest GIS app to explain (for me) has been PostGIS: they understand what a database is, and they are willing to accept the concept of "a description of the location or shape is stored as a field." You add the basic operators like "intersects" "within" and "distance" and you'll see an amazing response. Every time I've explained this to a business person, I've stayed with it until they said something like, "Hey! That means I could....[find all of the homes on circular lakes that are good for waterskiing or some such nonsense]". They rapidly figure out ways to use the concept once you present the benefits. Open Source (in this case) is a fairly easy sell. The closed-source solutions are very pricey, and if you stick to a web-based presentation layer, there is no need to distribute your modifications outside your organization. That means there's no issues with GPL problems that some companies have. Of course, you should tell them that you plan to push back fixes and improvements that you find, but usually, proprietary information in GIS is in the data, not the code. I hope this helps Bill > > Eduardo Patto Kanegae wrote: > > Hi folks, > > > > Recently one customer asked me a hard favor: to sell GIS ideas to the > > president's company! > > > > For me , this is very hard to do, because "presidents" normally knows > > *business* language, not GIS-language > > or IT-languages . > > > > What we are trying to do basically is to *sell* the creation of a new > > department inside the company. The company > > is the forestry division of a pulp-n-paper brazilian insdustry. > > > > the main goal of this new proposed department is > > to create, test and prototype GIS solutions for the forestry day to day > > operations. ( and of course, > > my contribution here is help them to do it only using FOSS solutions... > > or as much as possible :-). > > so, HOW to do it will not be the problem. > > > > My real problem is: "how to SELL GIS benefits, but NOT using technical > > terms?" > > > > does anybody recommend any links or bibliography? > > > > best regards. > > > > From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Mon Sep 12 15:52:17 2005 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 16:52:17 -0600 Subject: mapserver 4.6.1 and validating XML Message-ID: WFS Gurus, I thought I would try mapserver as a WFS server. The XML it (v4.6.1) spits out when doing REQUEST=getcapabilities generates parse errors in the Cadcorp SIS Map Browser (and the XML validator, CookTop). Specifically: and are flagged as invalid elements. I haven't used the new "outputFormat=GML3" option, so I assume it should be generating GML2. Are these parse errors normal? Is there some switch in the map file I need to throw? The XML details: : : Thanks, Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary,Alberta From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 12 15:51:04 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:51:04 -0400 Subject: Mapscript CGI/WMS Server call discrepancies In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/12/05, Adam Quiney wrote: > Hi Frank, > > Thanks for your reply. Is there anyway to request that the "old school" > mapscript request return an image using non-square pixels, in the same > manner that is carried out when requesting via the WMS request, rather than > have it grow the image in one direction? > > Ideally I would ensure that the client is always requesting an image size > and bounding box that met the same aspect ratio, but the framework within > which I am working makes this very difficult to accomplish.. Adam, I believe you can add the line: CONFIG "MS_NONSQUARE" "YES" in the map section to enable non-square pixel support in traditional mapserver. You likely need proper coordinate system support on all the layers though, as this will force processing through the reprojection interface (don't ask why!). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Mon Sep 12 17:22:50 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 20:22:50 -0400 Subject: mapserver 4.6.1 and validating XML Message-ID: > > WFS Gurus, > > I thought I would try mapserver as a WFS server. The XML > it (v4.6.1) spits out when doing REQUEST=getcapabilities > generates parse errors in the Cadcorp SIS Map Browser (and > the XML validator, CookTop). Specifically: > and are flagged as invalid elements. I haven't used > the new "outputFormat=GML3" option, so I assume it should be > generating GML2. > > Are these parse errors normal? Is there some switch in the > map file I need to throw? > > The XML details: > : > > > > > > : > > > > > Funny you mention this. I put a call in to the WFS editor today asking just this. What I'm guessing will be needed is a MapServer-specific XML Schema with definition of custom WFS formats, then have these ref'd in the Capabilities XML. At any rate, stay tuned. I'll post a bug for this shortly. ..Tom From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Mon Sep 12 18:37:53 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 21:37:53 -0400 Subject: [off-topic] how to "sell" GIS idea? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Use the proprietary software's GIS news and articles to help make your sale. Use the stories of the success of GIS, just don't state the specific software used during your pitch Some potential sources for information: I'm sure there are many others; check industry and forestry newsletters. Just remember to use anything you find as examples, such as "doubled production of farmed pulp timber in five years". DON'T cite any specific software. Good luck! Richard C Orth Eduardo Patto Kanegae wrote: > Hi folks, > > Recently one customer asked me a hard favor: to sell GIS ideas to the > president's company! > > For me , this is very hard to do, because "presidents" normally knows > *business* language, not GIS-language > or IT-languages . > > What we are trying to do basically is to *sell* the creation of a new > department inside the company. The company > is the forestry division of a pulp-n-paper brazilian insdustry. > > the main goal of this new proposed department is > to create, test and prototype GIS solutions for the forestry day to > day operations. ( and of course, > my contribution here is help them to do it only using FOSS > solutions... or as much as possible :-). > so, HOW to do it will not be the problem. > > My real problem is: "how to SELL GIS benefits, but NOT using technical > terms?" > > does anybody recommend any links or bibliography? > > best regards. > From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Mon Sep 12 19:01:54 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 22:01:54 -0400 Subject: Error while trying to use txt virtual layer Message-ID: I am having problems using the virtual layer feature. Specifically the error says it can't find the data file (or unsupported). I am running on a IIS5 server (ok, WinXPsp2). I have configured the ODBC with a System DNS, and OGRinfo is able to find it. I have tried placing the file in different locations (and changing the ODBC pointer), such as with my other data, with the map file, and in a folder with no other files or folders. I have tried specifying the path in the SrcLayer, which actually makes it fail faster. So, any ideas what I am doing wrong ? thanks -- Richard C Orth osmoGIS Incorporated Below you will find the error message returned by mapserv, the specific map code, my mapserver version info and the OGRinfo output. msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'user-locations'. msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection ` ODBC:trial_data 'locations.txt' wkbPoint '. File not found or unsupported format. MAP code: layer connection " ODBC:trial_data 'locations.txt' wkbPoint " connectiontype OGR data user-locations metadata "wms_srs" "2236" "wms_title" "user-locations" end name user-locations type point status default units feet class style color 0 0 0 maxsize 100 minsize 1 size 10 symbol 3 end end projection "init=epsg:2236" end end MapServer version 4.0.2 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SWF SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE OGRInfo listing: INFO: Open of `odbc:trial_data' using driver `ODBC' successful. Layer name: locations.txt Geometry: Unknown (any) Feature Count: 2 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) location: String (255.0) value: Integer (10.0) n: Integer (10.0) e: Integer (10.0) OGRFeature(locations.txt):0 location (String) = office value (Integer) = 6 n (Integer) = 527160 e (Integer) = 1562897 OGRFeature(locations.txt):1 location (String) = home value (Integer) = 79 n (Integer) = 571650 e (Integer) = 1571048 end of message From donal_regan10 at YAHOO.CO.UK Mon Sep 12 19:50:43 2005 From: donal_regan10 at YAHOO.CO.UK (Donal Regan) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 03:50:43 +0100 Subject: specify elements returned from a WFS In-Reply-To: Message-ID: That looks good, but I was wondering if it is possible to do something like : /cgi-bin/mapserv?/&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=getFeature&typename=poi&items=name,id,x_coord,y_coord Thanks, Donal --- Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Yes, > > using gml_include_items METADATA on your LAYER eg: > METADATA > .. > gml_include_items 'item1,item2,item3' > .. > END > > See: > > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > >>> Donal Regan 09/09/05 > 11:53 AM >>> > Is there way of specifying which elements you want > returned from a WFS. > > For example, after I do a describeFeatureType > request > I see that the feature has 10 elements e.g id, > name, > area, perimeter, x_coord,y_coord, owner etc. > > Is there way to write a getFeature request so that > only name, x_coord and y_coord are returned? > > Thanks, > > Donal > > > > ___________________________________________________________ > > To help you stay safe and secure online, we've > developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. > > > ___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 12 20:52:06 2005 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 20:52:06 -0700 Subject: SLD PIXMAP Error With How-To Example In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello- I have an update for this problem with using external graphics for SLD requests. I attempted to use the SLD file at with the ms4w-Chameleon OGC sample application (which contains the proper layer - WorldGen- for the SLD) and received the same error messages that I've been receiving with my own application: *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has no image data. in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php * on line *215* *Warning*: Failed to open map file /ms4w/tmp/sess_43264a06bd7bc/1126582974- in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php*on line *215* *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in * C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* on line *150* Could this be a bug?? Could there be a problem with the way ms4w is set up on our server (although we did nothing different this time...)? Is there a copy of this same sample application available through the MapServer website so that I could test the same application on a different server (if so, I haven't been able to find it)? This is a problem I just haven't made any headway on and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Jennifer Zeisloft UW Sea Grant On 9/8/05, Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > > Hi- > > I have created a temporary directory with all of the associated files: the > context file, the sld file, the temp map file, the temp image file, and the > wms map file. > > > I don't know that you'll need all of those, but I'm not really sure where > the problem is. Other (non-external) SLDs can be applied without a problem. > > The application I am working on is located at > The context I was using to > test the external graphic SLD is the Bluff Stability context. The layer I > was using is the Bluff Profiles layer. The SLD I was trying to open is at > > > I can't think of any other information to offer: I simply go to the > application, open the bluff stability context, select the bluff profile > layer (though I am not sure this is necessary), click the Open SLD tool > button, and browse to the SLD file. Then the error occurs. > > Thanks for your help! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > On 9/8/05, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote: > > > > Not sure what the initial error is but you could check the map file > > and see if the inline symbols created reference an > > existing png or gif file. > > > > I would also be nice if you could provide a quick was (+ all realted > > files) to reproduce this bug. At this point I am not sure how to > > reproduce it. > > > > Later, > > > > Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > > > Hello All- > > > > > > I am starting to play with SLD and am attempting to use an external > > > graphic to symbolize a point. I first tried it with my own external > > > graphic, but got the error message: > > > > > > *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has > > no > > > image data. in > > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line > > *215* > > > > > > *Warning*: Failed to open map file > > > /ms4w/tmp/sess_4320970788d61/ in > > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line > > *215* > > > > > > *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in > > > > > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* > > > on line *150* > > > > > > > > > I then tried it with the sld_symbols_external.xml file from the SLD > > > How-To document (I changed the layer name, of course) and received the > > > same error. I also tried using PNG instead of GIF - same error. Can > > > anyone offer a hint? Thanks in advance for your help! > > > > > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > > UW Sea Grant > > > > -- > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > Assefa Yewondwossen > > Software Analyst > > > > Email: assefa at > > > > > > Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) > > Fax: (613) 565-0925 > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Sep 13 00:26:39 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:26:39 +0200 Subject: specify elements returned from a WFS Message-ID: No unfortunately not. There is something in the Filter syntax for this (called propertyname instead of items), but Mapserver does not support that part. See also: Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Donal Regan 13-9-2005 4:50 >>> That looks good, but I was wondering if it is possible to do something like : /cgi-bin/mapserv?/&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=getFeature&typename=poi&items=name,id,x_coord,y_coord Thanks, Donal --- Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Yes, > > using gml_include_items METADATA on your LAYER eg: > METADATA > .. > gml_include_items 'item1,item2,item3' > .. > END > > See: > > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > >>> Donal Regan 09/09/05 > 11:53 AM >>> > Is there way of specifying which elements you want > returned from a WFS. > > For example, after I do a describeFeatureType > request > I see that the feature has 10 elements e.g id, > name, > area, perimeter, x_coord,y_coord, owner etc. > > Is there way to write a getFeature request so that > only name, x_coord and y_coord are returned? > > Thanks, > > Donal > > > > ___________________________________________________________ > > To help you stay safe and secure online, we've > developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. > > > ___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. From manninside at YAHOO.COM Tue Sep 13 00:50:44 2005 From: manninside at YAHOO.COM (Mandar sarlashkar) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 00:50:44 -0700 Subject: PIXMAP Symbol display problem Message-ID: Dear all ! I am trying to display different symbols for different types of locations, represented by point features... such as Schools, Police Stations, Clinics ....etc All the symbols that I am planning to use are in PNG format... and the symblos.sym file code looks like below Symbol Name 'square' Type VECTOR Filled TRUE Points 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 END END SYMBOL NAME 'police' TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\SS\police.png' END END SYMBOL NAME "ayudhya" TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\ss\ayudhya.png' END END SYMBOL NAME "bangkok" TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\ss\bangkok.png' END END SYMBOL NAME "clinic" TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\ss\clinic.png' END END : : But I could display only the first PIXMAP symbol in the file... if I try to use other symbols by specifying its name I get following error... msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol "office" in class 0, style 0 of layer community. msAddImageSymbol(): Unable to access file. Error opening image file C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/als/office. But if I use its number eg the symbol clinic is at 5th position... then in the MAP file the SYMBOL parameter of CLASS object will have value 5 No error is thrown but it will not display any symbol as well... Can Anybody HELP me please... Thanks in Advance... Bye for now Mann __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hfl at HOME.NL Tue Sep 13 02:28:55 2005 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:28:55 +0200 Subject: WFS and Oracle Message-ID: Hi I've been building mapserver with a properly installed vc6sp6 since a week or two -oracle92 -libcurl 7.10.7 7.13.2 7.14.0 -gdal 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.3.0 (with / without oraclesupport) -mapserver 4.4.1 4.6 and CVS (wfs server/client support) In different combinations There was not a mapserver that did not crash on a WFS request for Oracle. Would Howard Butler want to run his oracle92 build again with the newest releases and see if it works for me? Regards, Huub From flavio at TYDAC.CH Tue Sep 13 02:52:53 2005 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:52:53 +0200 Subject: PIXMAP Symbol display problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi remove all the double END after the PIXMAP symbols (just one END, only for the PIXMAP). Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ ? ? ?Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############? ? ? ? ? ? ?mailto:flavio at ############ ? ? ? ? TYDAC AG - #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ?Geographic Information Solutions #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ? Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ ? Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Mandar sarlashkar To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 00:50:44 -0700 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PIXMAP Symbol display problem > Dear all ! > > I am trying to display different symbols for different types of > locations, represented by point features... such as Schools, Police > Stations, Clinics ....etc > > All the symbols that I am planning to use are in PNG format... and > the symblos.sym file code looks like below > > Symbol > Name 'square' > Type VECTOR > Filled TRUE > Points > 0 1 > 0 0 > 1 0 > 1 1 > 0 1 > END > END > > SYMBOL > NAME 'police' > TYPE PIXMAP > IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache > Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\SS\police.png' > END > END > > SYMBOL > NAME "ayudhya" > TYPE PIXMAP > IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache > Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\ss\ayudhya.png' > END > END > > SYMBOL > NAME "bangkok" > TYPE PIXMAP > IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache > Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\ss\bangkok.png' > END > END > > SYMBOL > NAME "clinic" > TYPE PIXMAP > IMAGE 'C:\Program Files\Apache > Group\Apache2\htdocs\als\ss\clinic.png' > END > END > : > : > > But I could display only the first PIXMAP symbol in the file... if I > try to use other symbols by specifying its name I get following > error... > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol "office" > in class 0, style 0 of layer community. > msAddImageSymbol(): Unable to access file. Error opening image file > C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/als/office. > > But if I use its number eg the symbol clinic is at 5th position... > then in the MAP file the SYMBOL parameter of CLASS object will have > value 5 > No error is thrown but it will not display any symbol as well... > > Can Anybody HELP me please... > > Thanks in Advance... > > Bye for now > Mann > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Sep 13 04:26:44 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 13:26:44 +0200 Subject: FILTER working on PostGIS layers? Message-ID: Hi list, I am running into an issue using Mapscript 4.7 from a few weeks back. PostGIS layers work fine for map display and query, but as soon as I try to highlight a feature using FILTERITEM and FILTER I get the following error (so it seems the filteritem is not used when building the WHERE clause, the column exists in the database and has the right case): [13-Sep-2005 13:06:43] PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT identbv::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from bouwvergunning.aanvraag WHERE (20050049) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(114024.650480941 503134.482620259,115117.267932596 503806.862590517)'::BOX3D,find_srid('','bouwvergunning.aanvraag','the_geom') ))'

Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: argument of AND must be type boolean, not type integer ........ This is my LAYER definition: LAYER NAME "bimas" METADATA wms_title "Bouwvergunningen" END STATUS OFF DEBUG ON FILTERITEM "identbv" FILTER "20050049" TYPE POINT CONNECTION "user=stragisweb password=synstragisweb dbname=wormerland host=" CONNECTIONTYPE postgis DATA "the_geom from bouwvergunning.aanvraag USING UNIQUE identbv" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END MINSCALE 0 MAXSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME bouwlocaties STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 12 SYMBOL "Bouwlocaties" END END TEMPLATE "blank.html" END Thanks in advance. Is this fixed in CVS? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Tue Sep 13 04:59:35 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 13:59:35 +0200 Subject: line-size in pendency of metadata In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, I want to make the size of a line in pendency of metadata in the column 'Belfzgiv1'. So can I write it like this? (with SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' ) or e.g. SIZE 'Belfzgiv1/100' STATUS DEFAULT CLASSITEM 'Belfzgiv1' CLASS NAME "streets under 7614 KFZ/day" EXPRESSION "<7614" COLOR 255 227 231 SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' END Or does anyone have an other idea? Best regards, Leopold From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Sep 13 05:13:23 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:13:23 +0200 Subject: line-size in pendency of metadata Message-ID: Leopold, SIZEITEM [attribute] Item name in attribute table to use for size lookups. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 13-9-2005 13:59:35 >>> hi list, I want to make the size of a line in pendency of metadata in the column 'Belfzgiv1'. So can I write it like this? (with SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' ) or e.g. SIZE 'Belfzgiv1/100' STATUS DEFAULT CLASSITEM 'Belfzgiv1' CLASS NAME "streets under 7614 KFZ/day" EXPRESSION "<7614" COLOR 255 227 231 SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' END Or does anyone have an other idea? Best regards, Leopold From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Sep 13 06:45:53 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 15:45:53 +0200 Subject: FILTER working on PostGIS layers? Message-ID: Follow-up on this. It seems that layer->filter.string only contains the FILTER value and not the whole expression to be used in the where clause. sprintf(query_string_0_6, "DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT %s from %s WHERE (%s) and (%s && setSRID( %s,%s) )", columns_wanted, data_source, layer->filter.string, geom_column, box3d, user_srid); Does this sound familiar to anyone? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Bart van den Eijnden 13-9-2005 13:26:44 >>> Hi list, I am running into an issue using Mapscript 4.7 from a few weeks back. PostGIS layers work fine for map display and query, but as soon as I try to highlight a feature using FILTERITEM and FILTER I get the following error (so it seems the filteritem is not used when building the WHERE clause, the column exists in the database and has the right case): [13-Sep-2005 13:06:43] PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT identbv::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from bouwvergunning.aanvraag WHERE (20050049) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(114024.650480941 503134.482620259,115117.267932596 503806.862590517)'::BOX3D,find_srid('','bouwvergunning.aanvraag','the_geom') ))'

Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: argument of AND must be type boolean, not type integer ........ This is my LAYER definition: LAYER NAME "bimas" METADATA wms_title "Bouwvergunningen" END STATUS OFF DEBUG ON FILTERITEM "identbv" FILTER "20050049" TYPE POINT CONNECTION "user=stragisweb password=synstragisweb dbname=wormerland host=" CONNECTIONTYPE postgis DATA "the_geom from bouwvergunning.aanvraag USING UNIQUE identbv" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END MINSCALE 0 MAXSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME bouwlocaties STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 12 SYMBOL "Bouwlocaties" END END TEMPLATE "blank.html" END Thanks in advance. Is this fixed in CVS? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Tue Sep 13 10:16:30 2005 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:16:30 -0600 Subject: WFS and Oracle In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Huub, I saw a little problem with your layer definition, using the layer definition that you sent in previously e-mail (08/24/2005) you defined the FILTER and FILTERITEM parameter. The Mapfile reference tells that the FILTERITEM parameter is only for shapefiles/OGR. The FILTER parameter can be defined for Oracle Spatial, I already saw a problem with FILTER parameter and WFS requests (Oracle Spatial), but I didn't find the core of the problem yet. Using you layer definition that you sent before you can solve this problem when you need to redefine your DATA parameter, as: "GEOMETRIE FROM (SELECT GEOMETRIE, ID FROM KBK.KBK_gebouw WHERE ID = 623898) USING UNIQUE ID SRID 90112" or "GEOMETRIE FROM (SELECT GEOMETRIE, ID FROM KBK.KBK_gebouw WHERE ID = 623898) USING UNIQUE ID SRID 90112 NONE" Just to test and confirm the problem, can you sent the WFS request that generate the error? Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Huub Fleuren wrote: >Hi > >I've been building mapserver with a properly installed vc6sp6 since a week or two > >-oracle92 >-libcurl 7.10.7 7.13.2 7.14.0 >-gdal 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.3.0 (with / without oraclesupport) >-mapserver 4.4.1 4.6 and CVS (wfs server/client support) > > >In different combinations > >There was not a mapserver that did not crash on a WFS request for Oracle. > >Would Howard Butler want to run his oracle92 build again with the newest releases and see if it works for me? > >Regards, Huub > > > From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Sep 13 07:24:51 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 07:24:51 -0700 Subject: FILTER working on PostGIS layers? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: If you drop your FILTERITEM and use just FILTER "identbv = 20050049" that will work... On 13-Sep-05, at 6:45 AM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Follow-up on this. > > It seems that layer->filter.string only contains the FILTER value > and not the whole expression to be used in the where clause. > > sprintf(query_string_0_6, "DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR > SELECT %s from %s WHERE (%s) and (%s && setSRID( %s,%s) )", > columns_wanted, data_source, layer->filter.string, geom_column, > box3d, user_srid); > > Does this sound familiar to anyone? > > Best regards, > Bart > > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>>> Bart van den Eijnden 13-9-2005 >>>> 13:26:44 >>> >>>> > Hi list, > > I am running into an issue using Mapscript 4.7 from a few weeks back. > > PostGIS layers work fine for map display and query, but as soon as > I try to highlight a feature using FILTERITEM and FILTER I get the > following error (so it seems the filteritem is not used when > building the WHERE clause, the column exists in the database and > has the right case): > > [13-Sep-2005 13:06:43] PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: > prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual > query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT > identbv::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d > (the_geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from bouwvergunning.aanvraag WHERE > (20050049) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(114024.650480941 > 503134.482620259,115117.267932596 > 503806.862590517)'::BOX3D,find_srid > ('','bouwvergunning.aanvraag','the_geom') ))'

> > Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: argument of AND must be > type boolean, not type integer ........ > > This is my LAYER definition: > > LAYER > NAME "bimas" > METADATA > wms_title "Bouwvergunningen" > END > STATUS OFF > DEBUG ON > FILTERITEM "identbv" > FILTER "20050049" > TYPE POINT > CONNECTION "user=stragisweb password=synstragisweb > dbname=wormerland host=" > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > DATA "the_geom from bouwvergunning.aanvraag USING UNIQUE identbv" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > MINSCALE 0 > MAXSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME bouwlocaties > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > SIZE 12 > SYMBOL "Bouwlocaties" > END > END > TEMPLATE "blank.html" > END > > Thanks in advance. Is this fixed in CVS? > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Sep 13 07:28:05 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 16:28:05 +0200 Subject: FILTER working on PostGIS layers? Message-ID: Thanks Paul, this is exactly what Fernando mentioned in his previous e-mail about Mapserver WFS. It does make building applications more difficult ..... having different strategies for local and db datastores ..... but anyway there is a way. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Paul Ramsey 13-9-2005 16:24:51 >>> If you drop your FILTERITEM and use just FILTER "identbv = 20050049" that will work... On 13-Sep-05, at 6:45 AM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Follow-up on this. > > It seems that layer->filter.string only contains the FILTER value > and not the whole expression to be used in the where clause. > > sprintf(query_string_0_6, "DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR > SELECT %s from %s WHERE (%s) and (%s && setSRID( %s,%s) )", > columns_wanted, data_source, layer->filter.string, geom_column, > box3d, user_srid); > > Does this sound familiar to anyone? > > Best regards, > Bart > > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>>> Bart van den Eijnden 13-9-2005 >>>> 13:26:44 >>> >>>> > Hi list, > > I am running into an issue using Mapscript 4.7 from a few weeks back. > > PostGIS layers work fine for map display and query, but as soon as > I try to highlight a feature using FILTERITEM and FILTER I get the > following error (so it seems the filteritem is not used when > building the WHERE clause, the column exists in the database and > has the right case): > > [13-Sep-2005 13:06:43] PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: > prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual > query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT > identbv::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d > (the_geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from bouwvergunning.aanvraag WHERE > (20050049) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(114024.650480941 > 503134.482620259,115117.267932596 > 503806.862590517)'::BOX3D,find_srid > ('','bouwvergunning.aanvraag','the_geom') ))'

> > Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: argument of AND must be > type boolean, not type integer ........ > > This is my LAYER definition: > > LAYER > NAME "bimas" > METADATA > wms_title "Bouwvergunningen" > END > STATUS OFF > DEBUG ON > FILTERITEM "identbv" > FILTER "20050049" > TYPE POINT > CONNECTION "user=stragisweb password=synstragisweb > dbname=wormerland host=" > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > DATA "the_geom from bouwvergunning.aanvraag USING UNIQUE identbv" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > MINSCALE 0 > MAXSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME bouwlocaties > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > SIZE 12 > SYMBOL "Bouwlocaties" > END > END > TEMPLATE "blank.html" > END > > Thanks in advance. Is this fixed in CVS? > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > From mrevelle at INTEGRITY-APPS.COM Tue Sep 13 07:38:00 2005 From: mrevelle at INTEGRITY-APPS.COM (Matt Revelle) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:38:00 -0500 Subject: RPF (CADRG) Support Message-ID: Hi, Is there any support in MapServer, or a related project, for managing RPF (CADRG) files from a TOC file? The purpose is to have a class that can provide coverage information for available RPF maps as well as return an image chip of map data given a geographic bounding box. I've just started working on a class to do this and wanted to make sure I wasn't duplicating effort. Thanks for the help, Matt From Hilbert.Davelaar at WUR.NL Tue Sep 13 08:09:16 2005 From: Hilbert.Davelaar at WUR.NL (Davelaar, Hilbert) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:09:16 +0200 Subject: Use a join for visualizing external information in mapfile Message-ID: Hi list, I want to visualize information stored in a DBF in my mapfile. The shapefile I am using has a code for each polygon which corresponds to a row in that DBF-file. Now I know how to physically join both so a column is added to the shapefile which a use in a expression to visualize the information. But a better solution for my situation that the information stays in the DBF-file, because this is the file thats updated all the time. I looked at the join-object, but that raises the question whether it is possible to define a join in my mapfile, and then use this join to visualize information from an external DBF-file? So if have a polygon with code A1, and in the DBF is a code A1 together with a string 'Blue'. Is it possible then to say in the mapfile that 'Blue' has to be visualized with the color blue using an expression? And another thats defined as 'Green'. So when the external DBF-file is updated, and perhaps the color for code A1 changes to 'Green' then the visualization is also immediately updated using the link defined by the join? Kind regards, Hilbert Davelaar From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Sep 13 08:27:37 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:27:37 -0400 Subject: SLD PIXMAP Error With How-To Example In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Jennifer, I did reproduce the bug earlier last week but was not sure how to adress it. There are a couple of issues related to mapserver as well as to chameleon. Here is what essentially happens : - You open a context and apply an SLD with an external graphic - a temprary file representing your symbol is created in the tmp directorry (using the setting of the imagepath defined in the map file) - a reference to this symbol is written inside the map file as an inline symbol - chamelon saves a temporary map file - chamelon reloads the map file for drawing Here is what the temprorary map file looks like in reagrds to this : ... SYMBOL NAME "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/11262924543876-1.gif" TYPE PIXMAP TRANSPARENT 0 END LAYER .... NAME "Bluff_Profile" ... METATADA .... "wms_sld_body" "auto" .... END CLASS METADATA END STYLE ANGLE 360 COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 10 SYMBOL "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/11262924543876-1.gif" END END The first problem is a mapserver issue descibed in bug (1467) . This issue is easily fixable, the symbol reference in the map file needs to have the image element saved. So It would become something like this : SYMBOL NAME "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/11262924543876-1.gif" TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/11262924543876-1.gif" TRANSPARENT 0 END Correcting this eliminates the error that you will get, But It would not the solve your problem entirly. So here is the 2nd issue : - since chemelon uses temprary map file, the way things work when an sld is applied (I am not sure exactly when this is set) is that there is a metadata "wms_sld_body" "auto" which is set on the layer. That indicates that the next time a redraw is done on this layer, mapserver will build an SLD on the fly based on the classes found in the layer and send this sld with the getmap request. The problem here is how to build the the URL for the external graphic in the sld (built on the fly). The logic as describe in the sld docs is to use a metadata called WMS_SLD_SYMBOL_URL and concatenates the name of the symbol. When this logic does not work (because either the metadata is not set or the concatenation does not provide a valid URL), the symbol is not applied. I really do not know at this point how to adress so that things can work most of the time. I hope my explantion make sense. I have keep both issues decribed in bug 1467. Later, Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > Hello- > > I have an update for this problem with using external graphics for SLD > requests. > > I attempted to use the SLD file at > > > with the ms4w-Chameleon OGC sample application (which contains the > proper layer - WorldGen- for the SLD) and received the same error > messages that I've been receiving with my own application: > > *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has no > image data. in > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line *215* > > *Warning*: Failed to open map file > /ms4w/tmp/sess_43264a06bd7bc/ in > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* on line *215* > > *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* > on line *150* > > > Could this be a bug?? Could there be a problem with the way ms4w is set > up on our server (although we did nothing different this time...)? Is > there a copy of this same sample application available through the > MapServer website so that I could test the same application on a > different server (if so, I haven't been able to find it)? This is a > problem I just haven't made any headway on and any suggestions would be > greatly appreciated! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > UW Sea Grant > > > On 9/8/05, *Jennifer Zeisloft* > wrote: > > Hi- > > I have created a temporary directory with all of the associated > files: the context file, the sld file, the temp map file, the temp > image file, and the wms map file. > > > I don't know that you'll need all of those, but I'm not really sure > where the problem is. Other (non-external) SLDs can be applied > without a problem. > > The application I am working on is located at > The context I was > using to test the external graphic SLD is the Bluff Stability > context. The layer I was using is the Bluff Profiles layer. The > SLD I was trying to open is at > > . > > I can't think of any other information to offer: I simply go to the > application, open the bluff stability context, select the bluff > profile layer (though I am not sure this is necessary), click the > Open SLD tool button, and browse to the SLD file. Then the error > occurs. > > Thanks for your help! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > > On 9/8/05, *Yewondwossen Assefa* < assefa at > > wrote: > > Not sure what the initial error is but you could check the map file > and see if the inline symbols created > reference an > existing png or gif file. > > I would also be nice if you could provide a quick was (+ all > realted > files) to reproduce this bug. At this point I am not sure how to > reproduce it. > > Later, > > Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: >> Hello All- >> >> I am starting to play with SLD and am attempting to use an > external >> graphic to symbolize a point. I first tried it with my own > external >> graphic, but got the error message: >> >> *Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type > PIXMAP has no >> image data. in >> *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* > on line *215* >> >> *Warning*: Failed to open map file >> /ms4w/tmp/sess_4320970788d61/ in >> *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php* > on line *215* >> >> *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in >> > *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* >> on line *150* >> >> >> I then tried it with the sld_symbols_external.xml file from > the SLD >> How-To document (I changed the layer name, of course) and > received the >> same error. I also tried using PNG instead of GIF - same > error. Can >> anyone offer a hint? Thanks in advance for your help! >> >> Jennifer Zeisloft >> UW Sea Grant > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > Assefa Yewondwossen > Software Analyst > > Email: assefa at > > > Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) > Fax: (613) 565-0925 > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Sep 13 08:34:24 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:34:24 -0400 Subject: Use a join for visualizing external information in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Hilbert, You can not do thematic mapping as you have described using shapefiles and DBF files. You can do just this if you load the polygons and DBF records into PostGIS. It works very well. The JOIN object described in the mapfile reference only works on queries. -Steve W. Davelaar, Hilbert wrote: > Hi list, > > I want to visualize information stored in a DBF in my mapfile. The > shapefile I am using has a code for each polygon which corresponds to > a row in that DBF-file. Now I know how to physically join both so a > column is added to the shapefile which a use in a expression to > visualize the information. > > But a better solution for my situation that the information stays in > the DBF-file, because this is the file thats updated all the time. I > looked at the join-object, but that raises the question whether it is > possible to define a join in my mapfile, and then use this join to > visualize information from an external DBF-file? > > So if have a polygon with code A1, and in the DBF is a code A1 > together with a string 'Blue'. Is it possible then to say in the > mapfile that 'Blue' has to be visualized with the color blue using an > expression? And another thats defined as 'Green'. So when the > external DBF-file is updated, and perhaps the color for code A1 > changes to 'Green' then the visualization is also immediately updated > using the link defined by the join? > > Kind regards, Hilbert Davelaar From gireddy at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 13 09:11:24 2005 From: gireddy at GMAIL.COM (Shashi Gireddy) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:11:24 -0500 Subject: query by attributes / queryByShape / queryByPoint Message-ID: Hi everybody, I am trying to do query on my maps, I am neither getting erros nor my query results, I tried queryByShape, queryByRectangle, queryByPoint and then queryByAttribute..... none of them worked, here is my code for query by attribute: if($_REQUEST['qry']) { $layerObj = $map->getLayer(0); echo $layerObj->name; $layerObj->open(); /* $shp1=ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); if($shp1=$layerObj->getShape(1,4)) echo $shp1->index; else echo "sorry"; */ $layerObj->queryByAttributes('pop_1990','[pop_1990]' > 1000, MS_MULTIPLE); $layerObj->getItems(); echo $layerObj->getNumResults(); $layerObj->close(); } the output tht i get is: counties0 that means $layerObj is perfect and its name is counties 0 means it did return 0 results..... which is wrong. It gave the same answer when i tried query by Shape here is the code.. $layerObj->open(); $shapeObj = $layerObj->getShape(-1, 10); $st = $layerObj->queryByShape($shapeObj); $map->prepareQuery(); if($st == MS_SUCCESS){ $shapefound = $map->queryByIndex(1, -1, 10, MS_FALSE); $imageObj = $map->drawQuery(); echo $shapefound."FOUND"; } //$image_urlx=$image->saveWebImage(MS_PNG,1,1,0); $image_urly=$imageObj->saveWebImage(MS_JPG,1,1,0); $layerObj->close(); echo "
".$image_url; echo "
".$image_url1; help appreciated.. Thanks alot in advance. Thank you, shashi. From tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG Tue Sep 13 09:26:01 2005 From: tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG (Tim Schaub) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:26:01 -0700 Subject: query by attributes / queryByShape / queryByPoint Message-ID: Shashi- > I am trying to do query on my maps, I am neither getting > erros nor my query results, I tried queryByShape, > queryByRectangle, queryByPoint and then queryByAttribute..... > none of them worked, In your mapfile, do you have a TEMPLATE set for each layer that you want to query? Something like TEMPLATE "no template" will work. Tim From sergiodlopez at YAHOO.COM Tue Sep 13 09:53:20 2005 From: sergiodlopez at YAHOO.COM (Sergio Lopez) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:53:20 -0500 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? Message-ID: Hello: I?m a Windows user who wants to move to the Linux world. I want to install linux in a box in order to use it in mapserver applications development, but I know there?s a lot of versions of Linux around (Debian, Fedora, SUSE, etc) By checking this list I?ve seen most popular flavors would be Debian and Fedora, but I want to know from your experience which one do you recommend to use as server for Mapserver applications. By the way, I already have SUSE 9.2 installation CDs, so this would be my first choice, but I want to hear from you before to proceed. Thanks in advance. From Jonathan.R.Young at UK.IBM.COM Tue Sep 13 10:13:36 2005 From: Jonathan.R.Young at UK.IBM.COM (Jonathan R Young) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 18:13:36 +0100 Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE In-Reply-To: Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Size: 5229 bytes Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature URL: From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Tue Sep 13 13:19:02 2005 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:19:02 -0600 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Sergio, Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3. Slackware 9 and 10. For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release if you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3 without problems, very stable and secure. I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I prefer to compile everything by myself (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the best releases: SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can be used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sergio Lopez wrote: >Hello: >I?m a Windows user who wants to move to the Linux world. I want to install >linux in a box in order to use it in mapserver applications development, >but I know there?s a lot of versions of Linux around (Debian, Fedora, >SUSE, etc) >By checking this list I?ve seen most popular flavors would be Debian and >Fedora, but I want to know from your experience which one do you recommend >to use as server for Mapserver applications. >By the way, I already have SUSE 9.2 installation CDs, so this would be my >first choice, but I want to hear from you before to proceed. >Thanks in advance. > > > From guillaume.sueur at GEOSIGNAL.FR Tue Sep 13 10:27:55 2005 From: guillaume.sueur at GEOSIGNAL.FR (Guillaume Sueur) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 19:27:55 +0200 Subject: pb in compiling MapServer 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <013d01c5b7b2$74b8d8a0$30790a51@SaaSaa> Message-ID: Hi, I'm trying to compile MapServer 4.6.1 on Fedora Core 4 and I've got this issue : gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_POSTGIS -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include shp2img.o -L. -lmap -L/usr/local/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lpdf -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq -L/usr/lib -lcurl -L/usr/kerberos/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lresolv -ldl -lz -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lkrb5support -lcom_err -lresolv -lidn -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lpthread -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ -o shp2img /usr/local/lib/ warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlsym' /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlclose' /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlopen' /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlerror' collect2: ld a retourn? 1 code d'?tat d'ex?cution Do you have any idea where it can comes from ? I have done many compilations of previous mapserver versions without having this problem. Thanks --------------------------- Guillaume SUEUR GEOSIGNAL - Groupe BVA 25bis Avenue Marcel Dassault 31505 TOULOUSE CEDEX 5 ---------------------------- From mrevelle at INTEGRITY-APPS.COM Tue Sep 13 10:28:34 2005 From: mrevelle at INTEGRITY-APPS.COM (Matt Revelle) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 13:28:34 -0400 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: For desktop Linux, I'd second Fernando's recommendation of SUSE (also check out openSUSE,, this is SUSE's "Fedora Core"). Other recommendations are Red Hat/Fedora Core and Ubuntu/Kubuntu. Cheers, Matt On 9/13/05 16:19, "Fernando Simon" wrote: > Hi Sergio, > Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We > already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3. > Slackware 9 and 10. > For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle > Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of > the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release if > you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3 without > problems, very stable and secure. > I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I > prefer to compile everything by myself > (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the best releases: > SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can be > used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe. > Thanks. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Fernando Simon > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > Sergio Lopez wrote: > >> Hello: >> I?m a Windows user who wants to move to the Linux world. I want to install >> linux in a box in order to use it in mapserver applications development, >> but I know there?s a lot of versions of Linux around (Debian, Fedora, >> SUSE, etc) >> By checking this list I?ve seen most popular flavors would be Debian and >> Fedora, but I want to know from your experience which one do you recommend >> to use as server for Mapserver applications. >> By the way, I already have SUSE 9.2 installation CDs, so this would be my >> first choice, but I want to hear from you before to proceed. >> Thanks in advance. >> >> >> From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Sep 13 11:04:39 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:04:39 -0400 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: i recommend checking out the FGS installer ( and its supported linux flavours, in case you are looking for an easy MapServer install on linux. jeff Sergio Lopez wrote: > Hello: > I?m a Windows user who wants to move to the Linux world. I want to install > linux in a box in order to use it in mapserver applications development, > but I know there?s a lot of versions of Linux around (Debian, Fedora, > SUSE, etc) > By checking this list I?ve seen most popular flavors would be Debian and > Fedora, but I want to know from your experience which one do you recommend > to use as server for Mapserver applications. > By the way, I already have SUSE 9.2 installation CDs, so this would be my > first choice, but I want to hear from you before to proceed. > Thanks in advance. > > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM Tue Sep 13 11:09:35 2005 From: elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM (Mohamed Elshayal) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:09:35 +0300 Subject: your evaluation on my GIS software beta 1.16 Message-ID: Hi Peter, and all List I hope you downloaded the My GIS Software from I'm interested to know your evaluation on my GIS software Awaiting for your reply Mohamed Elshayal elshayal at elshayal at 8 Taha Houssin St. Zamalek Cairo-Egypt 002 012 211 3080 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM Tue Sep 13 11:43:15 2005 From: stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM (Gregor Mosheh) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:43:15 -0700 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I'm a bit biased, perhaps, but I think HostGIS Linux is the best. It's a Linux distro with MapServer and all the fixin's already installed and running. Great for beginners, or for anybody who doesn't want to spend 7 hours installing all those dependencies. -- Gregor Mosheh System Administrator and Head Programmer HostGIS, GIS Hosting Solutions for the Global Community __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From hfl at HOME.NL Tue Sep 13 14:10:09 2005 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 23:10:09 +0200 Subject: WFS and Oracle In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Fernando, just now tested the following compile libcurl 7.13.2 oracle 10g / gdal 1.3 (with oracle 10g/xerces 2.4) (on a different server) http://host/cgi-bin/testbin/mapserv.exe? (the layer bommen contains 10 points) same problem, mapserver crashes on wfs/oracle (not on wfs / shape), getcapabilities works (very slow), describefeaturetype works LAYER STATUS ON DEBUG OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "usr/pwd at db" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" NAME "bommen" DATA "geom ( select geom, id from bommen ) using unique id srid 90112" TYPE POINT DUMP TRUE METADATA "Wms_Srs" "Epsg:28992" "Wms_Name" "bommen" "Wms_Title" "bommen" END CLASS NAME "Bommen" STYLE SYMBOL 'bommen' SIZE 20 COLOR 120 120 120 END END END Fernando Simon wrote: > Hi Huub, > I saw a little problem with your layer definition, using the layer > definition that you sent in previously e-mail (08/24/2005) you defined > the FILTER and FILTERITEM parameter. > The Mapfile reference tells that the FILTERITEM parameter is only > for shapefiles/OGR. The FILTER parameter can be defined for Oracle > Spatial, I already saw a problem with FILTER parameter and WFS > requests (Oracle Spatial), but I didn't find the core of the problem yet. > Using you layer definition that you sent before you can solve this > problem when you need to redefine your DATA parameter, as: > "GEOMETRIE FROM (SELECT GEOMETRIE, ID FROM KBK.KBK_gebouw WHERE > ID = 623898) USING UNIQUE ID SRID 90112" or > "GEOMETRIE FROM (SELECT GEOMETRIE, ID FROM KBK.KBK_gebouw WHERE > ID = 623898) USING UNIQUE ID SRID 90112 NONE" > Just to test and confirm the problem, can you sent the WFS request > that generate the error? > Thanks. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Fernando Simon > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Huub Fleuren wrote: > >> Hi >> >> I've been building mapserver with a properly installed vc6sp6 since a >> week or two >> >> -oracle92 >> -libcurl 7.10.7 7.13.2 7.14.0 >> -gdal 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.3.0 (with / without oraclesupport) >> -mapserver 4.4.1 4.6 and CVS (wfs server/client support) >> >> >> In different combinations >> >> There was not a mapserver that did not crash on a WFS request for >> Oracle. >> >> Would Howard Butler want to run his oracle92 build again with the >> newest releases and see if it works for me? >> >> Regards, Huub >> >> >> > > > From mike.and.kerry at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 13 14:32:54 2005 From: mike.and.kerry at GMAIL.COM (Mike Davis) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 13:32:54 -0800 Subject: RPF (CADRG) Support In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I think GDAL has support for CADRG files through NITF support. Check the details here: -Mike On 9/13/05, Matt Revelle wrote: > > Hi, > > Is there any support in MapServer, or a related project, for managing RPF > (CADRG) files from a TOC > file? The purpose is to have a class that can provide coverage information > for available RPF maps as > well as return an image chip of map data given a geographic bounding box. > I've just started working > on a class to do this and wanted to make sure I wasn't duplicating effort. > > Thanks for the help, > Matt > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mrevelle at INTEGRITY-APPS.COM Tue Sep 13 17:33:24 2005 From: mrevelle at INTEGRITY-APPS.COM (Matt Revelle) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 20:33:24 -0400 Subject: RPF (CADRG) Support Message-ID: Hi Mike, I'm actually using OSSIM to load in the raster data, but GDAL would work as well. The code I'm writing is focused on creating a chip of map imagery given a request for a particular geographic area. Ex: rpfManager.setMapSources(list_of_TOC_files) mapImage = rpfManager.getImageChip(ulLatLon, lrLatLon) I'm just wondering if MapServer or one of the related projects has a similar RPF manager. Take care, Matt -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Mike Davis Sent: Tue 9/13/2005 5:32 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] RPF (CADRG) Support I think GDAL has support for CADRG files through NITF support. Check the details here: -Mike On 9/13/05, Matt Revelle wrote: > > Hi, > > Is there any support in MapServer, or a related project, for managing RPF > (CADRG) files from a TOC > file? The purpose is to have a class that can provide coverage information > for available RPF maps as > well as return an image chip of map data given a geographic bounding box. > I've just started working > on a class to do this and wanted to make sure I wasn't duplicating effort. > > Thanks for the help, > Matt > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 13 17:55:01 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 20:55:01 -0400 Subject: RPF (CADRG) Support In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/13/05, Matt Revelle wrote: > > > Hi Mike, > I'm actually using OSSIM to load in the raster data, but GDAL would work as > well. > > The code I'm writing is focused on creating a chip of map imagery given a > request for a particular geographic area. > > Ex: > rpfManager.setMapSources(list_of_TOC_files) > mapImage = rpfManager.getImageChip(ulLatLon, lrLatLon) > > I'm just wondering if MapServer or one of the related projects has a > similar RPF manager. Matt, GDAL does have support for individual NITF files but does not directly support RPF TOC files to organize them into bigger datasets. The OGDI library can be used through GDAL to use a whole RPF coverage as a single raster dataset but that can be a bit tricky. One of these days I would love to build a mechanism so that an OSSIM image processing chain can be used as a GDAL input. I think that exists already to some degree in the OSSIM/GDAL plugin but I don't think it is setup in a form that is easy to use. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Sep 13 18:09:41 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:09:41 -0400 Subject: Perl Mapscript Problem Message-ID: Hi All, I had dynamic symbol manipulation working on MS 4.01 but can not get it to work on 4.4.1 or 4.6.1. In the following code snippets every think works with the default symbol that is defined in symbolset file, but the code does not let me change the imagepath on the fly. Also, I can not get the label on the umarker layer to show unless I specify LABELCACHE FALSE and umarker layer is the last in the mapfile. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. -Steve W. From the mapscript: my $lay = $mapObj->getLayerByName('umarker'); if ($lay) { $lay->{status} = 1; my $class = $lay->getClass(0); my $pnt = new mapscript::pointObj(); my @marks = split(/;/, $mark); foreach my $x (@marks) { my ($y, $x, $txt, $sym) = split(/[\s,]/, $x); if ($sym && -r "$symbol_path/$sym") { my $style = $class->getStyle(0); $style->{symbolname} = "$symbol_path/$sym"; } $pnt->{x} = $x; $pnt->{y} = $y; $pnt->draw($mapObj, $lay, $imgObj, 0, $txt); } } Or alternately from mapscript: my $lay = $mapObj->getLayerByName('umarker'); if ($lay) { $lay->{status} = 1; my $pnt = new mapscript::pointObj(); my @marks = split(/;/, $mark); my $symbolset = $mapObj->{symbolset}; my $symbol = $symbolset->getSymbolByName('marker'); foreach my $x (@marks) { my ($y, $x, $txt, $sym) = split(/[\s,]/, $x); if ($sym && -r "$symbol_path/$sym") { $symbol->{imagepath} = "$symbol_path/$sym"; } $pnt->{x} = $x; $pnt->{y} = $y; $pnt->draw($mapObj, $lay, $imgObj, 0, $txt); } } From the mapfile: LAYER NAME "umarker" STATUS ON TYPE POINT LABELCACHE FALSE TEMPLATE "ttt.html" CLASS NAME "User Marker" #TEXT "HERE" SYMBOL "marker" COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial-bold" SIZE 8 POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 BUFFER 4 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 230 230 230 FORCE TRUE END END END From the symbol.sym symbolset file: Symbol Name 'marker' Type PIXMAP Image 'markers/purppin.png' Transparent 1 END From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 13 19:48:41 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:48:41 -0400 Subject: pb in compiling MapServer 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/13/05, Guillaume Sueur wrote: > Hi, > I'm trying to compile MapServer 4.6.1 on Fedora Core 4 and I've got this > issue : > gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT -DUSE_PROJ > -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR > -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT > -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_OGR > -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_POSTGIS -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_ZLIB > -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include > -I/usr/local/pgsql/include shp2img.o -L. -lmap -L/usr/local/lib > -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lpdf -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz > -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq > -L/usr/lib -lcurl -L/usr/kerberos/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi_krb5 > -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lresolv -ldl -lz -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 > -lk5crypto -lkrb5support -lcom_err -lresolv -lidn -lssl -lcrypto -lz > -lpthread -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ -o shp2img > /usr/local/lib/ warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked > applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc > version used for linking > /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlsym' > /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlclose' > /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlopen' > /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__dlerror' > collect2: ld a retourn? 1 code d'?tat d'ex?cution Guillaume, I'm not sure why this is happening, but you can manually edit Makefile and add "-ldl" at the end of the SUP_LIBS macro declaration to fix it up. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Sep 13 20:37:58 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 20:37:58 -0700 Subject: FILTER working on PostGIS layers? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Frankly, I did not even know there was a FILTERITEM until just now. It just implies another conditional in mappostgis.c to check for FILTERITEM and write the SQL automatically using the contents of FILTER instead of just using FILTER verbatim. Too many ways to do the same thing! P On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:28 AM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Thanks Paul, this is exactly what Fernando mentioned in his > previous e-mail about Mapserver WFS. > > It does make building applications more difficult ..... having > different strategies for local and db datastores ..... but anyway > there is a way. > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>>> Paul Ramsey 13-9-2005 16:24:51 >>> >>>> > If you drop your FILTERITEM and use just FILTER "identbv = 20050049" > that will work... > > On 13-Sep-05, at 6:45 AM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > > >> Follow-up on this. >> >> It seems that layer->filter.string only contains the FILTER value >> and not the whole expression to be used in the where clause. >> >> sprintf(query_string_0_6, "DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR >> SELECT %s from %s WHERE (%s) and (%s && setSRID( %s,%s) )", >> columns_wanted, data_source, layer->filter.string, geom_column, >> box3d, user_srid); >> >> Does this sound familiar to anyone? >> >> Best regards, >> Bart >> >> >> Bart van den Eijnden >> Syncera IT Solutions >> Postbus 270 >> 2600 AG DELFT >> >> 015-7512436 >> email: BEN at >> >> >> >>>>> Bart van den Eijnden 13-9-2005 >>>>> 13:26:44 >>> >>>>> >>>>> >> Hi list, >> >> I am running into an issue using Mapscript 4.7 from a few weeks back. >> >> PostGIS layers work fine for map display and query, but as soon as >> I try to highlight a feature using FILTERITEM and FILTER I get the >> following error (so it seems the filteritem is not used when >> building the WHERE clause, the column exists in the database and >> has the right case): >> >> [13-Sep-2005 13:06:43] PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: >> prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual >> query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT >> identbv::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d >> (the_geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from bouwvergunning.aanvraag WHERE >> (20050049) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(114024.650480941 >> 503134.482620259,115117.267932596 >> 503806.862590517)'::BOX3D,find_srid >> ('','bouwvergunning.aanvraag','the_geom') ))'

>> >> Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: argument of AND must be >> type boolean, not type integer ........ >> >> This is my LAYER definition: >> >> LAYER >> NAME "bimas" >> METADATA >> wms_title "Bouwvergunningen" >> END >> STATUS OFF >> DEBUG ON >> FILTERITEM "identbv" >> FILTER "20050049" >> TYPE POINT >> CONNECTION "user=stragisweb password=synstragisweb >> dbname=wormerland host=" >> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis >> DATA "the_geom from bouwvergunning.aanvraag USING UNIQUE identbv" >> PROJECTION >> "init=epsg:28992" >> END >> MINSCALE 0 >> MAXSCALE 10000 >> CLASS >> NAME bouwlocaties >> STYLE >> COLOR 255 0 0 >> SIZE 12 >> SYMBOL "Bouwlocaties" >> END >> END >> TEMPLATE "blank.html" >> END >> >> Thanks in advance. Is this fixed in CVS? >> >> Best regards, >> Bart >> >> Bart van den Eijnden >> Syncera IT Solutions >> Postbus 270 >> 2600 AG DELFT >> >> 015-7512436 >> email: BEN at >> >> > > From nicolas at MAICH.GR Tue Sep 13 23:20:56 2005 From: nicolas at MAICH.GR (Nikos) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:20:56 +0300 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Fernando Simon wrote: > Hi Sergio, > Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We > already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3. > Slackware 9 and 10. > For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle > Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of > the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release > if you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3 > without problems, very stable and secure. > I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I > prefer to compile everything by myself > (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the best releases: > SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can > be used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe. I'll second that for Slackware...IMHO, it is the most "complete/correct" distro when it comes to library compatibilities, version etc... regards, nikos > Thanks. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Fernando Simon > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Wed Sep 14 00:12:21 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:12:21 +0200 Subject: legend and zoom In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, two questions: A. I have a map file with 3 layers for 3 zoom-grades (more details). (only one is shown at one time) But all three layers are shown in legend (same style). How can I make it shown only once in legend? B. I have a satellite-picture too. The headline is shown in the legend too. How can I turn the legend entry of for this? Best regards, Leopold --------------------------------- an example mapfile: MAP NAME "mmp_wms" STATUS ON EXTENT 71473.4670152 40074.0096694 1251326.533 923294.99034 SIZE 800 600 SHAPEPATH "./data" SYMBOLSET "./etc/symbols.sym" FONTSET "./etc/fonts.txt" IMAGETYPE PNG IMAGECOLOR 255 255 226 UNITS METERS WEB MINSCALE 2e+006 MAXSCALE 5e+007 IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" "wms_title" "Centrope WMS admin" "wms_abstract" "Administrative Einheiten Centrope Region" END END QUERYMAP STATUS ON SIZE -1 -1 COLOR 255 0 0 STYLE HILITE END PROJECTION "init=epsg:31287" END LEGEND STATUS ON IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 POSITION UL KEYSIZE 18 12 KEYSPACING 5 5 TEMPLATE "C:/ms4w/apps/maplab-2.2/htdocs/mapbrowser/legend_template.html" LABEL TYPE BITMAP FONT "fritqat-italic" SIZE MEDIUM OFFSET 0 0 BUFFER 0 MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 COLOR 0 0 89 PARTIALS TRUE FORCE FALSE END END SCALEBAR STATUS ON COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 0 0 0 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 UNITS KILOMETERS INTERVALS 5 SIZE 300 5 STYLE 0 POSITION LL LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE SMALL OFFSET 0 0 BUFFER 0 MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 COLOR 0 0 0 PARTIALS TRUE FORCE FALSE END END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "png" MIMETYPE "image/png" DRIVER "GD/PNG" EXTENSION "png" IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT FALSE END LAYER NAME "CE_National_Borders" STATUS ON DATA "CE_CE_ADMIN_GENRL_NATIONALBORDER_XXXX" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 100000000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "CE_National_Borders" "DESCRIPTION" "Natura_2000_Gebiete" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END CLASS NAME "CE_National_Borders" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 236 185 77 OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 251 148 112 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 100 END END END LAYER NAME "CE_Nuts3_Borders" STATUS ON DATA "CE_N3_ADMIN_GENRL_NUTS3BORDERS_XXXX" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 5000000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "CE_Nuts3_Borders" "DESCRIPTION" "CE_Nuts3_Borders" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END CLASS NAME "CE_Nuts3_Borders" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 236 185 77 OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 100 END END END LAYER NAME "CE_Gemeindegrenzen" STATUS ON DATA "CE_L2_ADMIN_GENRL_COMMUNALITIES_XXXX" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 500000 METADATA "wms_title" "CE_Gemeindegrenzen" "DESCRIPTION" "Verwaltungseinheiten" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END CLASS NAME "CE_Gemeindegrenzen" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 236 185 77 OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 100 END END END END From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Wed Sep 14 00:43:55 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:43:55 +0200 Subject: Compile with Oracle support Message-ID: Hello list, I have some problems compiling MapServer (4.6.1 on Linux) with support for Oracle. I have installed Oracle Instant Client 10g in the directory suggested by Oracle: /usr/lib/oracle/10g/client. The header files are located in /usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/sdk/include. Here's what I did: export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/sdk/include ./configure --with-proj --without-pdf --with-gd=/usr --with-freetype --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-php=../php-4.3.11 --with-postgis --with-geos --with-wfs --with-wfsclient --with-wcs --with-wms --with-wmsclient --with-oraclespatial=/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client make After some time I get this error: gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_ORACLESPATIAL -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_GEOS -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_POSTGIS -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/rdbms/demo -I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/rdbms/public -I/usr/local/include maporaclespatial.c -o maporaclespatial.o maporaclespatial.c:129:17: oci.h: No such file or directory It seems that the CPPFLAGS environment variable is not used at all, and instead two subdirectories (rdbms/demo and rdbms/public) of ORACLE_HOME are used. Both directories are non-existant. Besides moving the Oracle installation, is there anything else I can do? Thanks, Berend -- ____________________________ Berend Veldkamp - ARIS ____________________________ From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Wed Sep 14 01:15:36 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 10:15:36 +0200 Subject: line-size in pendency of metadata 2 Message-ID: ? SIZEITEM is at the STYLE level not at the CLASS level. So: CLASS NAME "Stra?e unter 7614 KFZ/Tag" EXPRESSION "<7614" STYLE COLOR 255 227 231 SIZEITEM 'Belfzgiv1' SYMBOL "circle" END END I don't think arithmetic operations are allowed, try preprocessing your data. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 14-9-2005 8:59 >>> like this? STATUS DEFAULT CLASSITEM 'Belfzgiv1' CLASS NAME "Stra?e unter 7614 KFZ/Tag" EXPRESSION "<7614" COLOR 255 227 231 SIZEITEM '(Belfzgiv1/1000)' END Are arithmetic operations like >, <, (xy/1000), and, or,... allowed? Leop. -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- Von: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL] Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. September 2005 14:13 An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] line-size in pendency of metadata Leopold, SIZEITEM [attribute] Item name in attribute table to use for size lookups. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 13-9-2005 13:59:35 >>> hi list, I want to make the size of a line in pendency of metadata in the column 'Belfzgiv1'. So can I write it like this? (with SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' ) or e.g. SIZE 'Belfzgiv1/100' STATUS DEFAULT CLASSITEM 'Belfzgiv1' CLASS NAME "streets under 7614 KFZ/day" EXPRESSION "<7614" COLOR 255 227 231 SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' END Or does anyone have an other idea? Best regards, Leopold From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 01:26:28 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:26:28 +0100 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Since no one else is advocating Debian here, I thought I would. I've tried lots of distros in the past, mostly Red Had, Fedora SuSe and Mandrake. All of them have unsatisfactory packaging programs, I just didn't find rpm to be very good. With Debian if I need to install any program all I have to do is type 'apt-get install program', and hey presto it's done. Beautiful. No manually downloading other programs it depends on, that's all done for you. Nothing to worry about at all. And it is very stable. Debian is a little bit tricky for the beginner, but its definitely worth learning. Xin On 14/09/05, Nikos wrote: > > Fernando Simon wrote: > > > Hi Sergio, > > Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We > > already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3. > > Slackware 9 and 10. > > For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle > > Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of > > the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release > > if you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3 > > without problems, very stable and secure. > > I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I > > prefer to compile everything by myself > > (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the best releases: > > SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can > > be used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe. > > I'll second that for Slackware...IMHO, it is the most "complete/correct" > distro when it comes to library compatibilities, version etc... > > regards, > > nikos > > > Thanks. > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Fernando Simon > > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil > > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 01:35:51 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 04:35:51 -0400 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: And I'll put my vote in for Ubuntu. All the wonders of Debian but NOT tricky for the beginner. I run Debian on my server and Ubuntu on my lappy. Ubuntu's sooooo nice. Well, looks like we have yet another flavor war starting. :) On 9/14/05, Xin wrote: > Since no one else is advocating Debian here, I thought I would. > > I've tried lots of distros in the past, mostly Red Had, Fedora SuSe and > Mandrake. All of them have unsatisfactory packaging programs, I just didn't > find rpm to be very good. With Debian if I need to install any program all > I have to do is type 'apt-get install program', and hey presto it's done. > Beautiful. No manually downloading other programs it depends on, that's all > done for you. Nothing to worry about at all. And it is very stable. > > Debian is a little bit tricky for the beginner, but its definitely worth > learning. > > Xin > > > On 14/09/05, Nikos wrote: > > Fernando Simon wrote: > > > > > Hi Sergio, > > > Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We > > > already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3. > > > Slackware 9 and 10. > > > For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle > > > Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of > > > the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release > > > if you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3 > > > without problems, very stable and secure. > > > I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I > > > prefer to compile everything by myself > > > (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the > best releases: > > > SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can > > > be used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe. > > > > I'll second that for Slackware...IMHO, it is the most "complete/correct" > > distro when it comes to library compatibilities, version etc... > > > > regards, > > > > nikos > > > > > Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > Fernando Simon > > > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > > > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil > > > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > From juanantonio.fernandez at UCA.ES Wed Sep 14 01:40:03 2005 From: juanantonio.fernandez at UCA.ES (Juan Antonio Fernandez Prada) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 03:40:03 -0500 Subject: queryByAttributes and SDE Message-ID: Hello, list. I'm trying to make a QueryByAttributes with PHP. With the following code, it works fine. The problem is that I've got my shapes in the same folder of my Map file. But I need to do the same with shapes in a SDE server. When I make the necessary changes in the map file to do this, it doesn't work. It shows this error message: "[MapServer Error]: msSDELayerNextShape (): SE_stream_fetch(): Underlying DBMS error. (-51)". After a lot of tries, I haven't got any idea about do it. Can anybody help me? or does anybody do anything like this? Help me please. Thanks a lot and best regards. Juan Antonio Fern?ndez Prada. Laboratorio de Astronom?a, Geodesia y Cartograf?a. Universidad de C?diz. e-mail: juanantonio.fernandez at $oMap =ms_newMapObj("../data/" $oLayer = $oMap->getLayerbyName("FCC_P0"); if ($oLayer->queryByAttrites('C_SIT','/'00.180'/',MS_SINGLE)==MS_SUCCESS) { $image = $oMap->drawQuery(); $image_url=$image->saveWebImage(); echo "
"; } From lindagervasi at HOTMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 01:40:59 2005 From: lindagervasi at HOTMAIL.COM (Linda Gervasi) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 08:40:59 +0000 Subject: double label Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Wed Sep 14 02:48:25 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 11:48:25 +0200 Subject: Tr: Mapserver and oracle instantclient In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello Ludovic, Thanks, this helped a lot. I manually edited Makefile to include: ORACLESPATIAL_LIB=-L/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client -lclntsh ORACLESPATIAL_INC=-I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/sdk/include And mapscript/php3/Makefile: MS_INC = -I/usr/src/mapserver-4.6.1 -I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/sdk/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include MS_LIBS = $(RUNPATHS) -L/usr/src/mapserver-4.6.1 -lmap -L/usr/lib -lcurl -L/usr/kerberos/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lresolv -ldl -lz -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lresolv -L/usr/kerberos/lib -lidn -lssl -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lresolv -ldl -lz -lz -L/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client -lclntsh -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/local/lib -lgeos -lproj -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ $(MS_STATIC) Now both the mapserv executable and compile fine. I still need to test, so I might be back soon. Thanks for now. Berend ludovic gnemmi wrote: > I hope it can help you. > > > --- ludovic gnemmi a ?crit : > > >>Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 17:42:33 +0200 (CEST) >>De: ludovic gnemmi >>Objet: Mapserver and oracle instantclient >>?: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >> >>Maybe it can help someone who >>doesn't want install the standard Oracle Client to >>have oraclespatial support. Here is the steps i >>follow >>to compile mapserver and php_mapscript on Linux >>system >>to have oraclespatial support with oracle >>instantclient 10g. >> >>*Download and install oracle instantclient and >>instantclient-devel packages. >> >>*Adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the instantclient lib >>directory. >> >>*Configure Mapserver with oraclespatial support. >> >>*Manually edit Makefiles before compiling to adjust >>ORACLESPATIAL_INC and ORACLESPATIAL_LIB paths: >>-adjust ORACLESPATIAL_INC to the oci.h file >>installation directory. >>-adjust the -L portion of ORACLESPATIAL_LIB to the >> file installation directory. >> >>looks like this in my Makefile: >> > > ORACLESPATIAL_LIB=-L/usr/lib/oracle/ > >>-lclntsh >>ORACLESPATIAL_INC=-I/etc/oracle/include >> >>*Compile and install >>Mapserver and php_mapscript. >> >>*Configure tnsnames.ora >> >>*Declare oracle variables in httpd.conf: >>SetEnv TNS_ADMIN "path/to/tnsnames.ora" >>SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "path to the directory >>containing" >> >>I did a lot of things but i think these steps are >>the >>main things. >> >>I'm on Linux Debian with Apache 1.4, php5 (cgi) with >>mapserver 4.6.beta3 >> >>Ludovic >> -- ____________________________ Berend Veldkamp - ARIS ____________________________ From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Wed Sep 14 02:54:54 2005 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 11:54:54 +0200 Subject: angleitem for point symbols Message-ID: Hi All, I've found in a reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). This is a good new because a rotation management for point symbols is strongly recommended in a map renderer. I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer with this attribute, but I get a parse error. Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? This is my layer definition: LAYER NAME "Segnali" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz" DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali a, ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" STATUS DEFAULT ANGLEITEM "orientation" CLASS NAME 'segnale' SYMBOL 'triangle' COLOR 0 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" END END Best regards Francesco -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From juanantonio.fernandez at UCA.ES Wed Sep 14 04:28:35 2005 From: juanantonio.fernandez at UCA.ES (Juan Antonio Fernandez Prada) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 06:28:35 -0500 Subject: query by attributes / queryByShape / queryByPoint Message-ID: Hi, Shashi. Have you tried to change $layerObj->queryByAttributes('pop_1990','[pop_1990]' > 1000, MS_MULTIPLE); for $layerObj->queryByAttributes('pop_1990','[pop_1990]' > '1000', MS_MULTIPLE);? I think that it'll work. Regards, Juan. Juan Antonio Fern?ndez Prada. Laboratorio de Astronomia, Geodesia y Cartograf?a. Universidad de C?diz. e-mail: juanantonio.fernandez at From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Wed Sep 14 05:22:30 2005 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:22:30 -0300 Subject: Compile with Oracle support In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Berend, To compile Mapserver with Oracle Spatial support you need the Oracle Call Interfaces (OCI) library installed in the system. You can install it from the client cd or server cd. The flag --with-oraclespatial need to appoint for ORACLE_HOME. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Berend Veldkamp wrote: > Hello list, > > I have some problems compiling MapServer (4.6.1 on Linux) with support > for Oracle. I have installed Oracle Instant Client 10g in the > directory suggested by Oracle: /usr/lib/oracle/10g/client. The header > files are located in /usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/sdk/include. > > Here's what I did: > > export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/sdk/include > > ./configure --with-proj --without-pdf --with-gd=/usr --with-freetype > --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-php=../php-4.3.11 --with-postgis > --with-geos --with-wfs --with-wfsclient --with-wcs --with-wms > --with-wmsclient --with-oraclespatial=/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client > > make > > After some time I get this error: > gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT > -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_SVR > -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_WCS_SVR -DUSE_ORACLESPATIAL -DUSE_GD_GIF > -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT > -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL > -DUSE_GEOS -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_POSTGIS -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include > -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include > -I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/rdbms/demo > -I/usr/lib/oracle/10g/client/rdbms/public -I/usr/local/include > maporaclespatial.c -o maporaclespatial.o > maporaclespatial.c:129:17: oci.h: No such file or directory > > It seems that the CPPFLAGS environment variable is not used at all, > and instead two subdirectories (rdbms/demo and rdbms/public) of > ORACLE_HOME are used. Both directories are non-existant. > > Besides moving the Oracle installation, is there anything else I can do? > > Thanks, Berend > > From hfl at HOME.NL Wed Sep 14 05:48:05 2005 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:48:05 +0200 Subject: WFS and Oracle In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I made a mistake DATA "geom select geom, id from bommen ) using unique id srid 90112" should be DATA "geom from ( select geom, id from bommen ) using unique id srid 90112" This syntax works in 10g for wfs ! Next monday 9.2 wil be tested. :-) Huub From hrz at GEODATA.SOTON.AC.UK Wed Sep 14 06:15:44 2005 From: hrz at GEODATA.SOTON.AC.UK (Homme Zwaagstra) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:15:44 +0100 Subject: which "flavor" of linux is best for MS? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I thought I'd mention Gentoo ( As a Linux newbie it's probably not the distribution you want to start off with, but I find it great for application development; it's a source based distribution with a highly configurable package manager (portage) which lets you tweak packages to your heart's content. If a package doesn't exist for Gentoo then it's not too difficult to create a shell script based file (an ebuild) describing how portage should install the package. I find a big benefit of having portage do your ./configure && make install is that when you uninstall/upgrade/rebuild you won't find any old files lying around on your system confusing things! There are plenty of interesting and useful ebuilds related to the GIS field making their way into the official package tree. Mapserver itself isn't officially there yet but I use a modified ebuild from . I'm currently running the latest versions of the complex web of dependencies that mapserver (4.6.1) relies on. Thanks to portage changing a configure-time option in one of these dependencies is a simple matter (e.g. enabling GEOS support in GDAL). It works for me; perhaps it could work for you. Anyway, another distribution and choice to consider in the heterogenous world that is GNU/Linux! Enjoy your deliberations, Homme Zwaagstra. On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 11:53:20AM -0500, Sergio Lopez wrote: > Hello: > I?m a Windows user who wants to move to the Linux world. I want to install > linux in a box in order to use it in mapserver applications development, > but I know there?s a lot of versions of Linux around (Debian, Fedora, > SUSE, etc) > By checking this list I?ve seen most popular flavors would be Debian and > Fedora, but I want to know from your experience which one do you recommend > to use as server for Mapserver applications. > By the way, I already have SUSE 9.2 installation CDs, so this would be my > first choice, but I want to hear from you before to proceed. > Thanks in advance. From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 14 06:09:43 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:09:43 -0400 Subject: angleitem for point symbols In-Reply-To: <005a01c5b912$5b95eff0$2d01a8c0@newsviluppo> Message-ID: yes, but ANGLEITEM should be specified in a STYLE object ( jeff Francesco Sozzi wrote: > Hi All, > > I've found in a > reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). This > is a good new because a rotation management for point symbols is > strongly recommended in a map renderer. > > I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer with > this attribute, but I get a parse error. > > Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? > > This is my layer definition: > > LAYER > NAME "Segnali" > TYPE POINT > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz " > DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali a, > ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" > STATUS DEFAULT > ANGLEITEM "orientation" > > CLASS > NAME 'segnale' > SYMBOL 'triangle' > COLOR 0 255 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 > TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" > END > END > > Best regards > > Francesco -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Wed Sep 14 06:16:37 2005 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 15:16:37 +0200 Subject: angleitem for point symbols Message-ID: Hi Jeff, I've also made a test with this definition: LAYER NAME "Segnali" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz" DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali a, ic_view_segnali_geo g WHERE a.gid=g.gid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" STATUS DEFAULT CLASS NAME 'segnale' STYLE SYMBOL 'triangle' ANGLEITEM "orientation" SIZE 10 COLOR 255 0 0 END TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" END END In this case I have not a parse error, but all triangles are not rotated. It seems that this attribute is ignored. Regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McKenna" To: "Francesco Sozzi" Cc: Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:09 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] angleitem for point symbols > yes, but ANGLEITEM should be specified in a STYLE object > ( > > jeff > > > > > Francesco Sozzi wrote: >> Hi All, >> I've found in a >> reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). This is >> a good new because a rotation management for point symbols is strongly >> recommended in a map renderer. >> I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer with >> this attribute, but I get a parse error. >> Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? >> This is my layer definition: >> LAYER >> NAME "Segnali" >> TYPE POINT >> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz " >> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali a, >> ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" >> STATUS DEFAULT >> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >> CLASS >> NAME 'segnale' >> SYMBOL 'triangle' >> COLOR 0 255 0 >> OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 >> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >> END >> END >> Best regards >> Francesco > > > -- > Jeff McKenna > DM Solutions Group Inc. > > > From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Wed Sep 14 06:25:46 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:25:46 -0400 Subject: line-size in pendency of metadata 2 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Bart is correct that arithmetic ops are not allowed but relational ops are. You can do comparisions like: EXPRESSION ([Belfzgiv1] < 7614) -Steve W. Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > ? SIZEITEM is at the STYLE level not at the CLASS level. > > So: > > CLASS > NAME "Stra?e unter 7614 KFZ/Tag" > EXPRESSION "<7614" > STYLE > COLOR 255 227 231 > SIZEITEM 'Belfzgiv1' > SYMBOL "circle" > END > END > > I don't think arithmetic operations are allowed, try preprocessing your data. > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>>>"Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 14-9-2005 8:59 >>> > > > like this? > > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASSITEM 'Belfzgiv1' > > CLASS > NAME "Stra?e unter 7614 KFZ/Tag" > EXPRESSION "<7614" > COLOR 255 227 231 > SIZEITEM '(Belfzgiv1/1000)' > END > > Are arithmetic operations like >, <, (xy/1000), and, or,... allowed? > Leop. > > > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > Von: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL] > Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. September 2005 14:13 > An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT > Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] line-size in pendency of metadata > > > Leopold, > > SIZEITEM [attribute] > > Item name in attribute table to use for size lookups. > > > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>>>"Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" > > 13-9-2005 13:59:35 >>> > hi list, > > I want to make the size of a line in pendency of metadata in the column > 'Belfzgiv1'. > > So can I write it like this? (with SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' ) or e.g. SIZE > 'Belfzgiv1/100' > > > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASSITEM 'Belfzgiv1' > > CLASS > NAME "streets under 7614 KFZ/day" > EXPRESSION "<7614" > COLOR 255 227 231 > SIZE 'Belfzgiv1' > END > > Or does anyone have an other idea? > > Best regards, > Leopold > From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 14 06:43:56 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:43:56 -0400 Subject: angleitem for point symbols In-Reply-To: <00b501c5b92e$8967c2c0$2d01a8c0@newsviluppo> Message-ID: Sorry Francesco, I just tested again and it doesn't work for me either. I remember adding it to the documentation, for this bug I just now got ANGLEITEM to work with a hatched symbol again, but for a regular point symbol it does not work. I should update the doc to say that it is only for hatched symbols...maybe someone else has info on this? jeff Francesco Sozzi wrote: > Hi Jeff, > > I've also made a test with this definition: > > LAYER > NAME "Segnali" > TYPE POINT > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz" > DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali a, > ic_view_segnali_geo g WHERE a.gid=g.gid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" > STATUS DEFAULT > > CLASS > NAME 'segnale' > STYLE > SYMBOL 'triangle' > ANGLEITEM "orientation" > SIZE 10 > COLOR 255 0 0 > END > TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" > END > END > > In this case I have not a parse error, but all triangles are not > rotated. It seems that this attribute is ignored. > > Regards > > Francesco > > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McKenna" > To: "Francesco Sozzi" > Cc: > Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:09 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] angleitem for point symbols > > >> yes, but ANGLEITEM should be specified in a STYLE object >> ( >> >> jeff >> >> >> >> >> Francesco Sozzi wrote: >> >>> Hi All, >>> I've found in a >>> reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). >>> This is a good new because a rotation management for point symbols is >>> strongly recommended in a map renderer. >>> I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer >>> with this attribute, but I get a parse error. >>> Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? >>> This is my layer definition: >>> LAYER >>> NAME "Segnali" >>> TYPE POINT >>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >>> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz " >>> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali >>> a, ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" >>> STATUS DEFAULT >>> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >>> CLASS >>> NAME 'segnale' >>> SYMBOL 'triangle' >>> COLOR 0 255 0 >>> OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 >>> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >>> END >>> END >>> Best regards >>> Francesco >> >> -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Wed Sep 14 07:16:41 2005 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:16:41 +0200 Subject: angleitem for point symbols Message-ID: Hi Jeff, Thanks for answer. I add only a brief note to mail-list to say that rotating symbol is absolutely mandatory for several subjects. For instance a "T" valve (symbol is a "T") if not rotated along the pipe is not readable in many cases. Or street vertical signal if not rotated makes the map much more difficult to read. For my experience (about 10 years in Italy and Switzerland), many users does not want gis engine without rotation capabilities. Mapserver is a very good product, but without point rotation it is unfortunatelly too much limited for many subjects. Best regards Francesco Sozzi ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McKenna" To: "Francesco Sozzi" Cc: Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:43 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] angleitem for point symbols > Sorry Francesco, I just tested again and it doesn't work for me either. I > remember adding it to the documentation, for this bug > I just now got > ANGLEITEM to work with a hatched symbol again, but for a regular point > symbol it does not work. I should update the doc to say that it is only > for hatched symbols...maybe someone else has info on this? > > > jeff > > > > > > Francesco Sozzi wrote: >> Hi Jeff, >> >> I've also made a test with this definition: >> >> LAYER >> NAME "Segnali" >> TYPE POINT >> >> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz" >> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali a, >> ic_view_segnali_geo g WHERE a.gid=g.gid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" >> STATUS DEFAULT >> >> CLASS >> NAME 'segnale' >> STYLE >> SYMBOL 'triangle' >> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >> SIZE 10 >> COLOR 255 0 0 >> END >> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >> END >> END >> >> In this case I have not a parse error, but all triangles are not rotated. >> It seems that this attribute is ignored. >> >> Regards >> >> Francesco >> >> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McKenna" >> >> To: "Francesco Sozzi" >> Cc: >> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:09 PM >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] angleitem for point symbols >> >> >>> yes, but ANGLEITEM should be specified in a STYLE object >>> ( >>> >>> jeff >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Francesco Sozzi wrote: >>> >>>> Hi All, >>>> I've found in a >>>> reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). This >>>> is a good new because a rotation management for point symbols is >>>> strongly recommended in a map renderer. >>>> I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer with >>>> this attribute, but I get a parse error. >>>> Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? >>>> This is my layer definition: >>>> LAYER >>>> NAME "Segnali" >>>> TYPE POINT >>>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >>>> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz " >>>> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali >>>> a, ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" >>>> STATUS DEFAULT >>>> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >>>> CLASS >>>> NAME 'segnale' >>>> SYMBOL 'triangle' >>>> COLOR 0 255 0 >>>> OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 >>>> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >>>> END >>>> END >>>> Best regards >>>> Francesco >>> >>> > > -- > Jeff McKenna > DM Solutions Group Inc. > > > From lluisgm at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 08:09:15 2005 From: lluisgm at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs_Garcia_i_Mestres?=) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 17:09:15 +0200 Subject: GTiff outputformat Message-ID: Hi list, I'm playing with the outputformat in the ms4w package. Pdf export is working well but with the gtiff I'm getting problems. All the gtiff that I'm getting in my own application and in the tmp directory are not possible to display. Just with the tatukgis viewer or in the browsers using a quick time pluging. Is not possible to see the image in a common web browser? My idea is to get the image, save it and then exporting to another gis application. My mapfile lines are: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME GTiff DRIVER "GDAL/GTiff" MIMETYPE "image/tiff" IMAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "tiff" END Thanks in advance -- Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, lluisgm at lluisgm at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Wed Sep 14 08:16:51 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:16:51 +0100 Subject: DWidth request Message-ID: Hello, I am using MapServer 4.6 for windows. I am performing the following DWidth request to the layer cities of my map object. http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ Geometry -8.418000,41.539600 1000 I also perform another request for the layer mjroads. I would like to perform both requests at the same time but, when I do "TYPENAME=cities,mjroads" I am only obtaining the results referent to the cities layer. Is it illegal to use two layers in this type of requests? Can anybody help me? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel PS- If it helps, here is my map object: MAP EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" WEB METADATA WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" END END ############## LAYER cities LAYER NAME cities DATA cities TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "cities layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ############## LAYER mjroads LAYER NAME mjroads DATA mjroads TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ##############LAYER country LAYER NAME countries DATA countries TYPE polygon DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "country layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END END From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Wed Sep 14 08:27:09 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:27:09 +0100 Subject: Units problem Message-ID: Hello list, I am using mapserver 4.6 for windows I am using the following DWidth request http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ Geometry -8.418000,41.539600 1000 and I am having some problems with the units. I specified units='m' but, in the results that I obtain, the distance between the geographical features is in degrees (I checked with ArcMap). Can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel P.S. If it helps, here is my map object MAP EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" WEB METADATA WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" END END ############## LAYER cities LAYER NAME cities DATA cities TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "cities layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ############## LAYER mjroads LAYER NAME mjroads DATA mjroads TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ##############LAYER country LAYER NAME countries DATA countries TYPE polygon DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "country layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END END From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 08:34:01 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:34:01 +0100 Subject: display layers' with status ON only Message-ID: Hi, I find this whole thing really confusing. For each layer there's the status attribute, either ON, OFF or DEFAULT. DEFAULT is on all the time, OFF should be off, ON should be on. But when I use mapserver on my mapfile without the layer= or layers=, only defaults come up. I'd really want the ONs to come up to. I tried layers=all, but this turned everything on. Is there simple way of specifying all layers where layer status=ON to be displayed? In CGI parameters. Something in the vein of layers=all. I'm doing this to simply my code, which at the moment has many layer=layer1& etc. Cheers, Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 08:42:03 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 11:42:03 -0400 Subject: GTiff outputformat In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/14/05, Llu?s Garcia i Mestres wrote: > Hi list, > > I'm playing with the outputformat in the ms4w package. Pdf export is working > well but with the gtiff I'm getting problems. All the gtiff that I'm getting > in my own application and in the tmp directory are not possible to display. > Just with the tatukgis viewer or in the browsers using a quick time pluging. > Is not possible to see the image in a common web browser? My idea is to get > the image, save it and then exporting to another gis application. Lluis, Are the produced GeoTIFF files readable with GDAL? (ie. gdalinfo). If so, but not readable by other applications the reason is likely that GDAL produces TIFF files with the bands separated (planar config separate) instead of pixel interleaved (planar config contiguous). Try adding: FORMATOPTION "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" in your OUTPUTFORMAT declaration. This should make the result compatible with less capable TIFF viewers. If that is not the problem, I would suggest providing an example of a file that is unreadable and I could review it to see what might be the problem. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From lluisgm at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 09:39:47 2005 From: lluisgm at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs_Garcia_i_Mestres?=) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:39:47 +0200 Subject: GTiff outputformat In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, My gtiff file is readable by gdalinfo, and is still working in mozilla and ie throught the quicktime pluging but not with other programs even with interleave=pixel line . If I export to autocad, I'm getting the image with very low quality, almost none. I don't understand why geotiff image are not readable even for the windows explorer. Should I need a plugin for windows? I attach my geotiff file. Thanks 2005/9/14, Frank Warmerdam : > > On 9/14/05, Llu?s Garcia i Mestres wrote: > > Hi list, > > > > I'm playing with the outputformat in the ms4w package. Pdf export is > working > > well but with the gtiff I'm getting problems. All the gtiff that I'm > getting > > in my own application and in the tmp directory are not possible to > display. > > Just with the tatukgis viewer or in the browsers using a quick time > pluging. > > Is not possible to see the image in a common web browser? My idea is to > get > > the image, save it and then exporting to another gis application. > > Lluis, > > Are the produced GeoTIFF files readable with GDAL? (ie. gdalinfo). > > If so, but not readable by other applications the reason is likely > that GDAL produces TIFF files with the bands separated > (planar config separate) instead of pixel interleaved (planar > config contiguous). Try adding: > > FORMATOPTION "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" > > in your OUTPUTFORMAT declaration. This should make the > result compatible with less capable TIFF viewers. > > If that is not the problem, I would suggest providing an example > of a file that is unreadable and I could review it to see what might > be the problem. > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -- Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, lluisgm at lluisgm at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 112671532355800.tiff Type: image/tiff Size: 600854 bytes Desc: not available URL: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 14 09:57:35 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:57:35 -0400 Subject: Units problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi There, Normally the unit should be parsed from the filter and set as the value of the toleranceunits and your distance should be used to update the tolerance of the layer. The only thing that might be missing (assuming that all filter encoding is parsed properly) is that you should set the units of your map file to degrees (at the map level set UNITS "dd"). If that does not solve your issue please sned me a simple map file/data/and the filter encoding and I will test it here. Later, Miguel Gon?alves wrote: > Hello list, > > I am using mapserver 4.6 for windows > I am using the following DWidth request > > http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ > > > > Geometry > > -8.418000,41.539600 > > 1000 > > > > > and I am having some problems with the units. > I specified units='m' but, in the results that I obtain, the distance > between the geographical features is in degrees (I checked with ArcMap). > Can you help me to solve this problem? > Thanks. > Best regards. > > Miguel > > P.S. If it helps, here is my map object > > MAP > EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 > SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" > > WEB > METADATA > WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" > WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" > END > END > ############## LAYER cities > LAYER > NAME cities > DATA cities > TYPE line > DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS > METADATA > WFS_TITLE "cities layer" > GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" > END > END > > ############## LAYER mjroads > LAYER > NAME mjroads > DATA mjroads > TYPE line > DUMP TRUE > TOLERANCEUNITS METERS > METADATA > WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" > GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" > END > END > > ##############LAYER country > LAYER > NAME countries > DATA countries > TYPE polygon > DUMP TRUE > TOLERANCEUNITS METERS > METADATA > WFS_TITLE "country layer" > GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" > END > END > > END > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 10:41:48 2005 From: fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 13:41:48 -0400 Subject: GTiff outputformat In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/14/05, Llu?s Garcia i Mestres wrote: > > > Hi Frank, > > My gtiff file is readable by gdalinfo, and is still working in mozilla and > ie throught the quicktime pluging but not with other programs even with > interleave=pixel line . If I export to autocad, I'm getting the image with > very low quality, almost none. > > I don't understand why geotiff image are not readable even for the windows > explorer. Should I need a plugin for windows? Lluis, I have reviewed the file you sent, and confirmed that it is still planar configuration separate. If I do: gdal_translate -co INTERLEAVE=PIXEL in.tif out.tif It becomes previewable in windows explorer. Please review that you spelled everything correctly in your outputformat declaration, that it is actually getting used and so forth. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From rgrant at NRCAN.GC.CA Wed Sep 14 14:26:18 2005 From: rgrant at NRCAN.GC.CA (Grant, Ryan) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 17:26:18 -0400 Subject: Swf attribute output from OGC plus GML? Message-ID: Hey there, I have a map file that uses an OGR connection to a GML file. It displays fine using jpeg and single SWF output formats. However once I switch to the multiple layer SWF format, I get nothing being displayed. Also, I was hoping to use the swf "Dump Attributes", but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly map my gml to the "Result_Fields" and "SwfDumpAttributes" portions of my mapfile. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Ryan Grant A snippet from my GML looks like this: -59.033300,-34.100000 -59.033300,-34.100000 -59.033300,-34.100000 ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES ZARATE PROC PLANT PAST PRODUCER -34.1000 -59.0333 COOP DE TRABAJO, ZARATE/MET EST. MET.SA S S From christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA Wed Sep 14 14:59:25 2005 From: christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA (Christopher R. Thorne) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 17:59:25 -0400 Subject: DBF to Shape OGR JOIN, PHP crashes Message-ID: Hello list, I am trying to solve an OGR Connection to JOIN a shape file to a DBF problem. I cannot figure out weather it is my layer definition or something else. I HAVE been able to get a join work with a different data set, but it seems there are some problems with the layer(data) I wish to display. Every time I try the Join. My CPU goes to %100 do to PHP.exe failing to close. I have to reboot my windows machine. Other than size of data set (meaning bigger) I cannot see any difference with my layer definition. The following layer works: LAYER STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/taxlots2/MN_BBL.shp" CLASS STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 END END END These Joins do not: CONNECTIONTYPE OGR DATA "SELECT test2.FARGAP FROM MN_BBL LEFT JOIN 'D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/dbf_joins/test2.dbf'.test2 ON MN_BBL.BBL=test2.BBL" CONNECTION "D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/taxlots2/MN_BBL.shp" CLASSITEM "test2.FARGAP" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR DATA "SELECT test2.FARGAP FROM MN_BBL LEFT JOIN 'D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/dbf_joins/test2.dbf'.test2 ON MN_BBL.BBL=test2.BBL" CONNECTION "D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/taxlots2" CLASSITEM "test2.FARGAP" Are there limitation to the OGR join that I am not aware off? Chris -- Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist - christhorne at Tel:(613)523-6593, Ottawa ON Canada ----------------------------- From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Wed Sep 14 15:05:18 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:05:18 -0400 Subject: DBF to Shape OGR JOIN, PHP crashes In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/14/05, Christopher R. Thorne wrote: > Hello list, > I am trying to solve an OGR Connection to JOIN a shape file to a DBF > problem. I cannot figure out weather it is my layer definition or > something else. > > I HAVE been able to get a join work with a different data set, but it > seems there are some problems with the layer(data) I wish to display. > Every time I try the Join. My CPU goes to %100 do to PHP.exe failing to > close. I have to reboot my windows machine. > > Other than size of data set (meaning bigger) I cannot see any difference > with my layer definition. Chris, Does the .dbf file have an OGR style index on the the BBL field? If not, the join will be exceedingly slow for any non-trivial dataset. Have you tried the join from the ogrinfo commandline to isolate it from MapServer related issues? If you think you have proper attribute indexes, and if things are still slow you can package up an example I can test with ogrinfo and I will look at it. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Wed Sep 14 15:19:37 2005 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 15:19:37 -0700 Subject: Compiling mapserver with SLD support Message-ID: Hi List, I haven't been able to find instructions for compiling mapserver with SLD support. Does such a document exist? I am suspicious that the mapserver I recently compiled doesn't have SLD support. After I make getMap requests I expect to see an entry in the apache access log where mapserver has requested the SLD file, but there's nothing. Mapserver and the SLD file are both hosted from the same apache. I configured mapserver like this: ./configure --with-proj=/usr/ --with-postgis=yes --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/ --with-wmsclient checking for gcc... gcc checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of executables... checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed checking for g++... g++ checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes checking for ranlib... ranlib checking for flex... flex checking for yywrap in -lfl... yes checking lex output file root... lex.yy checking whether yytext is a pointer... yes checking for bison... bison -y checking if compiler supports -R... no checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes checking for exp in -lm... yes checking for __gxx_personality_v0 in -lstdc++... yes checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E checking for egrep... grep -E checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for strcasecmp... yes checking for strncasecmp... yes checking for strdup... yes checking for strlcat... no MapServer Version from map.h: '4.6.0' configure: checking where FreeType 2.x is installed... checking for FT_Init_FreeType in -lfreetype... yes using libfreetype -lfreetype from system libs. configure: checking where Zlib is installed... checking for zlibVersion in -lz... yes using libz from system libs. configure: checking where PNG is installed... checking for png_init_io in -lpng... yes using libpng from system libs. configure: checking whether we should include JPEG support... checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... yes using libjpeg from system libs. configure: checking where libXpm is installed... checking for XpmFreeXpmImage in -lXpm... no XPM (libXpm) library cannot be found, possibly needed for GD configure: checking where libiconv is installed... checking for iconv_open in -lc... yes checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no using libiconv from system libs. libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... yes using libgd 2.0.16 (or higher) from system libs (-L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz ). checking for gdImageCreate in -lgd... yes checking for gdImageGif in -lgd... yes checking for gdImagePng in -lgd... yes checking for gdImageJpeg in -lgd... yes checking for gdImageWBMP in -lgd... yes checking for gdImageStringFT in -lgd... yes checking for gdImageGifPtr in -lgd... yes checking for gdFontGetTiny in -lgd... yes using GD ( -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS) from system libs. configure: checking whether we should include PDF support... checking for PDF_setlinewidth in -lpdf... no checking for PDF_setrgbcolor in -lpdf... no checking for PDF_moveto in -lpdf... no checking for PDF_curveto in -lpdf... no checking for PDF_show_xy in -lpdf... no libpdf not found... PDF support not included. configure: checking whether we should include EPPL7 support... including EPPL7 support. configure: checking whether we should include PROJ.4 support... checking for pj_transform in -lproj... yes using PROJ.4 from /usr/. configure: checking whether we should include thread safe support... thread safe support disabled. configure: checking whether we should include ESRI SDE support... ESRI SDE support not requested. configure: checking whether we should include SDE raster support... not including experimental SDE raster support. configure: checking whether we should compile in MPATROL support... MPATROL support not requested. checking if GEOS support requested... no configure: checking whether we should include OGR support... OGR enabled (-DUSE_OGR). checking if GDAL support requested... yes, user supplied gdal-config (/usr/local/bin/gdal-config) checking checking ms JPEG output... no we, have GDAL available. configure: checking whether we should include TIFF support... disabled since gdal is in use checking if PostGIS support requested... yes checking for pg_config... /usr/bin/pg_config yes, user supplied pg_config checking if MyGIS support requested... no checking if OracleSpatial support requested... no checking if MING/Flash support requested... no configure: checking whether we should include WMS Server support... OGC WMS compatibility enabled (-DUSE_WMS_SVR). configure: checking whether we should include WFS Server support... OGC WFS Server support not requested. configure: checking whether we should include WCS Server support... OGC WCS Server support not requested. configure: checking whether we should include WMS Client Connections support... configure: checking whether we should include WFS Client Connections support... configure: checking for curl-config... checking for curl-config... /usr/bin/curl-config found libcurl version 7.13.1 OGC WMS Client Connections enabled (-DUSE_WMS_LYR). configure: checking whether FastCGI support should be enabled... FastCGI support not enabled. configure: checking HTTPD server (Apache) version... checking for httpd... /usr/sbin/httpd /usr/sbin/httpd version is Apache/2.0.54 (2000054). Compiling with -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA. checking compiler warnings... basic configure: checking whether we should enable debug features... configure: checking for PHP/MapScript module options... PHP/MapScript module not configured. checking if --enable-runpath requested... no configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating mapscript/java/Makefile MapServer version 4.6.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Any thoughts why SLD appears not be working? Brock From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 11:17:45 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:17:45 -0400 Subject: Clean MapServer Files Message-ID: Hi everyone, I have written a small .Net scheduled program to clean up after MapServer on Windows since I'm not familiar with programming in batch. I feel like this is way too bloated for such a simple little task though. What I need to do is cleanup all image files that are a specified age (say a week) and all text files that are a little older (say a year ... these are some custom user settings). If there's no one that can help me write this little batch file out-right, could someone point me to a definitive place for batch programming. Something that covers sending arguments to the batch file, looping through files, stating files, and deleting files. ... previous attempts to find an online guide were pretty fruitless and hence why I wrote the .Net program. Thanks for the help. -Abe From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 14 19:09:31 2005 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:09:31 -0500 Subject: SLD and Raster ColorMap Message-ID: Hello all, I've been experimenting with SLD and have been having trouble getting ColorMap to work with raster imagery. My first troubles were in the context of a chameleon interface, where only the opacity parameter would be passed to the raster layer. So, I took the maps out of chameleon, but am getting no response whatsoever (neither opacity or color mapping changes). Below are my two GetMap requests (one with and one without SLD) and the URL for the SLD file. I would be very grateful if someone could tell me whether this is something I'm doing wrong, a bug, or whatever. I'm attempting to put together a brief help page for visitors to our site about SLD, among other things, and I'm not sure what to tell them about raster SLDs yet (since I can't get it to work myself). Original Map Request,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles= Map Request with SLD,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles=&sld= SLD URL I really appreciate any hints you can offer! Thanks. Jennifer Zeisloft UW Sea Grant -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bings at GEOG.TAMU.EDU Wed Sep 14 19:56:40 2005 From: bings at GEOG.TAMU.EDU (Bing Shi) Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:56:40 -0500 Subject: unsubscribe Message-ID: please take me off the list, thanks! Bing -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bill at BINKO.NET Wed Sep 14 21:51:59 2005 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 00:51:59 -0400 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? Message-ID: Hi everyone, I am in the market for a server, and am trying to choose a CPU platform. I have seen recently a number of issues coming up with various GIS applications (qgis/GDAL/Mapserver/PostGIS) all pointing to spurious segfaults when running on AMD 64 platforms. Also, I've heard rumblings from friends that getting any of the linux distros on AMD 64 is somewhat troublesome. I will be doing fairly intensive mapping applications, involving Mapserver, Mapscript, GDAL (For aerials), and lots of PostGIS dynamic queries against a pretty hefty database. Since I don't want to pay a Dell/HP premium, I have looked at the 1U barebones systems on newegg, and basically, there are three options: 1) Dual Opteron 64 - dual core is optional 2) Pentium (4 or D) - Hyperthreading and/or Dual Core is optional 3) Dual Xeon EM64T From elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM Wed Sep 14 22:11:17 2005 From: elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM (Mohamed Elshayal) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:11:17 +0300 Subject: your evaluation on my GIS software beta 1.16 Message-ID: Dear Mr. Piero, Thank you for your reply Ok, I am going to add raster in the next beta version Thank you Mohamed Elshayal ----- Original Message ----- From: "Piero Cavalieri" To: Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:55 AM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] your evaluation on my GIS software beta 1.16 > Don't have time to work with GIS, at this time. > However at first look, it seems to have clear and simple interface (good) > and with powerfull > tools (shortest path, 3D ecc.). Seems to lack support for raster (only shp > in the drop down list). This is very important and maybe it's better you > develop this before going on with other features. > > Best Regards > Piero > > Mohamed Elshayal ha scritto: > >> Hi Peter, and all List >> I hope you downloaded the My GIS Software from >> >> I'm interested to know your evaluation on my GIS software >> Awaiting for your reply >> Mohamed Elshayal >> >> elshayal at >> elshayal at >> 8 Taha Houssin St. >> Zamalek >> Cairo-Egypt >> 002 012 211 3080 > > > > -- > Il contenuto di questo messaggio e' confidenziale e la lettura non > autorizzata dello stesso viola i diritti di privacy del mittente e del > destinatario. > > Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per errore siete pregati di > rimuoverlo dal Vostro sistema. > > From shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM Wed Sep 14 22:32:07 2005 From: shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM (Shawn Wallbridge) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 00:32:07 -0500 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Sun just released some nice 1U Opteron boxes and they look to be _VERY_ competitively priced, they start at $795. They run Solaris, Linux or Windows. At work we have 120 Dual Opteron 246 machines. They are using the Tyan S2891 board in a Chenbro RM214 case. They have been running at 100% CPU utilization for three months solid without a single problem. We benchmarked the Xeon EMT64 as well and the Opteron was faster and ran a _LOT_ cooler (and used less power). Of course none of this is GIS/Mapserver related, so that doesn't help with that part of your question. shawn On 14-Sep-05, at 11:51 PM, Bill Binko wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I am in the market for a server, and am trying to choose a CPU > platform. > I have seen recently a number of issues coming up with various GIS > applications (qgis/GDAL/Mapserver/PostGIS) all pointing to spurious > segfaults when running on AMD 64 platforms. Also, I've heard > rumblings > from friends that getting any of the linux distros on AMD 64 is > somewhat > troublesome. > > I will be doing fairly intensive mapping applications, involving > Mapserver, Mapscript, GDAL (For aerials), and lots of PostGIS dynamic > queries against a pretty hefty database. > > Since I don't want to pay a Dell/HP premium, I have looked at the 1U > barebones systems on newegg, and basically, there are three options: > > 1) Dual Opteron 64 - dual core is optional > 2) Pentium (4 or D) - Hyperthreading and/or Dual Core is optional > 3) Dual Xeon EM64T > > From what I can tell, these all have different sweet spots, and all > will > perform high enough for my needs. What I DON'T want is to be fighting > fires due to problematic 64bit issues. > > Can I get some input on what others out there are using for their > server > needs? Does anyone have a running list of Opteron issues in the GIS > arena? > > Any help would be appreciated. I have a Nov. 10 drop-dead date to > have > these up and running so I'm not exactly dying, but I'd really > appreciate > the input up front. > > Thanks! > > Bill > From WalrechtG at VERTIS.NL Thu Sep 15 00:32:22 2005 From: WalrechtG at VERTIS.NL (Gerjan Walrecht) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:32:22 +0200 Subject: dynamic colors in mapfile Message-ID: Hello List, Currently we are developing an Mapserver web application which demands that users can change the colors of the generated map (after refreshing the map of course). We therefore wanted to use variables in the mapfile: ... COLOR '%color1%' ... But unfortunately this is impossible, or are we overlooking something? If not, I would like to make a RFC for this, but I haven't figured out how to do this, is there a procedure/documents to make a Request for change (RFC)? Thanks in advance! Gerjan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Thu Sep 15 00:40:32 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:40:32 +0200 Subject: dynamic colors in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Why not use the WMS SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface of Mapserver for that? Best regards, Bart > Hello List, > > > > Currently we are developing an Mapserver web application which demands > that > users can change the colors of the generated map (after refreshing the map > of course). We therefore wanted to use variables in the mapfile: > > > > ... > > COLOR '%color1%' > > ... > > > > But unfortunately this is impossible, or are we overlooking something? If > not, I would like to make a RFC for this, but I haven't figured out how to > do this, is there a procedure/documents to make a Request for change > (RFC)? > > > > Thanks in advance! > > Gerjan > > > > From WalrechtG at VERTIS.NL Thu Sep 15 01:21:22 2005 From: WalrechtG at VERTIS.NL (Gerjan Walrecht) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:21:22 +0200 Subject: FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dynamic colors in mapfile Message-ID: Bart, To be honest we hadn't looked at this before, looks useful, but at the moment we do not want to use an extra XML file only to pass a parameter. (Where do were put the file, etc). Would you also happen to know how to file a RFC? Gerjan -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: bartvde at [mailto:bartvde at] Verzonden: donderdag 15 september 2005 9:41 Aan: Gerjan Walrecht CC: mapserver-users at Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dynamic colors in mapfile Why not use the WMS SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface of Mapserver for that? Best regards, Bart > Hello List, > > > > Currently we are developing an Mapserver web application which demands > that > users can change the colors of the generated map (after refreshing the map > of course). We therefore wanted to use variables in the mapfile: > > > > ... > > COLOR '%color1%' > > ... > > > > But unfortunately this is impossible, or are we overlooking something? If > not, I would like to make a RFC for this, but I haven't figured out how to > do this, is there a procedure/documents to make a Request for change > (RFC)? > > > > Thanks in advance! > > Gerjan > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lluisgm at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 15 01:30:37 2005 From: lluisgm at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs_Garcia_i_Mestres?=) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:30:37 +0200 Subject: GTiff outputformat In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, Using the gdal_translate I'm getting an error about the gdall12 library. I've tried the same operation with the FWtools package and I'm getting a valid tiff, so the problem is the ms4w_1.2.1 package and it's why I'm not seeing the maps in my mapserver application. The spelling in my mapfile was correct, now I need to solve this error in the gdal library in order to get geotiff images in my mapserver application. Thanks for all 2005/9/14, Frank Warmerdam : > > On 9/14/05, Llu?s Garcia i Mestres wrote: > > > > > > Hi Frank, > > > > My gtiff file is readable by gdalinfo, and is still working in mozilla > and > > ie throught the quicktime pluging but not with other programs even with > > interleave=pixel line . If I export to autocad, I'm getting the image > with > > very low quality, almost none. > > > > I don't understand why geotiff image are not readable even for the > windows > > explorer. Should I need a plugin for windows? > > Lluis, > > I have reviewed the file you sent, and confirmed that it is still planar > configuration separate. If I do: > > gdal_translate -co INTERLEAVE=PIXEL in.tif out.tif > > It becomes previewable in windows explorer. > > Please review that you spelled everything correctly in your > outputformat declaration, that it is actually getting used and so forth. > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -- Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, lluisgm at lluisgm at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Thu Sep 15 02:01:30 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:01:30 +0100 Subject: Units problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Yewondwossen, I tried what you said but stills not worling. Can I send the data files and the map object to your personal mail? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel Yewondwossen Assefa wrote: > Hi There, > > Normally the unit should be parsed from the filter and set as the > value of the toleranceunits and your distance should be used to update > the tolerance of the layer. > > The only thing that might be missing (assuming that all filter > encoding is parsed properly) is that you should set the units of your > map file to degrees (at the map level set UNITS "dd"). If that does > not solve your issue please sned me a simple map file/data/and the > filter encoding and I will test it here. > > Later, > > > Miguel Gon?alves wrote: > >> Hello list, >> >> I am using mapserver 4.6 for windows >> I am using the following DWidth request >> >> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ >> >> >> >> Geometry >> >> -8.418000,41.539600 >> >> 1000 >> >> >> >> >> and I am having some problems with the units. >> I specified units='m' but, in the results that I obtain, the distance >> between the geographical features is in degrees (I checked with ArcMap). >> Can you help me to solve this problem? >> Thanks. >> Best regards. >> >> Miguel >> >> P.S. If it helps, here is my map object >> >> MAP >> EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 >> SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" >> >> WEB >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" >> WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" >> END >> END >> ############## LAYER cities >> LAYER >> NAME cities >> DATA cities >> TYPE line >> DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS >> METERS >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "cities layer" >> GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" >> END >> END >> >> ############## LAYER mjroads >> LAYER >> NAME mjroads >> DATA mjroads >> TYPE line >> DUMP TRUE >> TOLERANCEUNITS METERS >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" >> GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" >> END >> END >> >> ##############LAYER country >> LAYER >> NAME countries >> DATA countries >> TYPE polygon >> DUMP TRUE >> TOLERANCEUNITS METERS >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "country layer" >> GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" >> END >> END >> >> END >> > From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Thu Sep 15 02:02:41 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:02:41 +0100 Subject: Filter interface problem Message-ID: Hello, I am using MapServer 4.6 for windows. I am performing the following DWidth request to the layer cities of my map object. http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ Geometry -8.418000,41.539600 1000 I also perform another request for the layer mjroads. I would like to perform both requests at the same time but, when I do "TYPENAME=cities,mjroads" I am only obtaining the results referent to the cities layer. Is it illegal to use two layers in this type of requests? Can anybody help me? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel PS- If it helps, here is my map object: MAP EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" WEB METADATA WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" END END ############## LAYER cities LAYER NAME cities DATA cities TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "cities layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ############## LAYER mjroads LAYER NAME mjroads DATA mjroads TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ##############LAYER country LAYER NAME countries DATA countries TYPE polygon DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "country layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END END From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 15 02:08:03 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 02:08:03 -0700 Subject: FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dynamic colors in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Gerjan, A simple alternative to SLD would be to append the following to your map request : &map_road_Roads_color=255+255+0 where "road" is the LAYER NAME, "Roads" is the CLASS NAME, and 255+255+0 are the RGB values respectively. just for reference, the mapfile entry would look like: LAYER NAME road TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA road.shp CLASS NAME "Roads" SYMBOL 0 COLOR 220 0 0 END END # Layer Of course this does not have the power of SLD but it gets the job done. matt On 9/15/05, Gerjan Walrecht wrote: > > Bart, > > To be honest we hadn't looked at this before, looks useful, but at the > moment we do not want to use an extra XML file only to pass a parameter. > (Where do were put the file, etc). Would you also happen to know how to file > a RFC? > > Gerjan > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: bartvde at [mailto:bartvde at ] > Verzonden: donderdag 15 september 2005 9:41 > Aan: Gerjan Walrecht > CC: mapserver-users at > Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dynamic colors in mapfile > > Why not use the WMS SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface of Mapserver > for that? > > > > Best regards, > Bart > > > Hello List, > > > > > > > > Currently we are developing an Mapserver web application which demands > > that > > users can change the colors of the generated map (after refreshing the > map > > of course). We therefore wanted to use variables in the mapfile: > > > > > > > > ... > > > > COLOR '%color1%' > > > > ... > > > > > > > > But unfortunately this is impossible, or are we overlooking something? > If > > not, I would like to make a RFC for this, but I haven't figured out how > to > > do this, is there a procedure/documents to make a Request for change > > (RFC)? > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > Gerjan > > > > > > > > > > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From m.cave-ayland at WEBBASED.CO.UK Thu Sep 15 02:11:21 2005 From: m.cave-ayland at WEBBASED.CO.UK (Mark Cave-Ayland) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:11:21 +0100 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: A Message-ID: > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bill Binko > Sent: 15 September 2005 05:52 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] 64bit/Dual Core Issues and > Recommendations? (cut) > Can I get some input on what others out there are using for their server > needs? Does anyone have a running list of Opteron issues in the GIS > arena? > > Any help would be appreciated. I have a Nov. 10 drop-dead date to have > these up and running so I'm not exactly dying, but I'd really appreciate > the input up front. > > Thanks! > > Bill Hi Bill, We are currently using dual-CPU Opteron 248 boxes with 12GB RAM as our main production PostGIS database servers running x86_64 Fedora Core 4 without any problems. Performance is outstanding. During initial testing several months ago, some 64-bit issues were found with PostGIS. However, we were able to provide remote SSH access to Refractions who quickly sorted out the remaining issues (thanks guys!). So I'm happy to say that PostGIS 1.0 series plays happily with 64-bit processors. If you do consider running a 64-bit platform, I would recommend that you post to the relevant lists to enquire as to the current level of 64-bit support, and plan for at least a couple of weeks of testing your application in case you need to report bugs to the relevant people. I also concur with Shawn that the power consumption of the Opterons is considerably less than the Xeon servers (standing behind the Xeons is like standing next to a hairdryer) which is an important factor in one of our data centres where the number of servers per rack is not limited by the total U space, but by total power consumption. Kind regards, Mark. ------------------------ WebBased Ltd South West Technology Centre Tamar Science Park Plymouth PL6 8BT T: +44 (0)1752 791021 F: +44 (0)1752 791023 W: From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 15 02:15:01 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:15:01 +0200 Subject: Filter interface problem Message-ID: It is not illegal, but you need to provide the filter then 2 times, see the WFS spec for details. A filter specification describes a set of features to operate upon. The filter is defined as specified in the Filter Encoding Specification [3]. If the FILTER parameter is used, one filter must be specified for each feature type listed in the TYPENAME parameter. Individual filters encoded in the FILTER parameter are enclosed in parentheses "(" and ")". I use this in HTTP POST mode and it works fine. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Miguel Gon?alves 09/15/05 11:02 AM >>> Hello, I am using MapServer 4.6 for windows. I am performing the following DWidth request to the layer cities of my map object. http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ Geometry -8.418000,41.539600 1000 I also perform another request for the layer mjroads. I would like to perform both requests at the same time but, when I do "TYPENAME=cities,mjroads" I am only obtaining the results referent to the cities layer. Is it illegal to use two layers in this type of requests? Can anybody help me? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel PS- If it helps, here is my map object: MAP EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" WEB METADATA WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" END END ############## LAYER cities LAYER NAME cities DATA cities TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "cities layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ############## LAYER mjroads LAYER NAME mjroads DATA mjroads TYPE line DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END ##############LAYER country LAYER NAME countries DATA countries TYPE polygon DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS METERS METADATA WFS_TITLE "country layer" GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" END END END From lluisgm at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 15 02:19:53 2005 From: lluisgm at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs_Garcia_i_Mestres?=) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:19:53 +0200 Subject: svg in ms4w In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Jeff, I upgrade my ms4w, and now the svg is working fine. Trying others functionalities of the package, I was trying to get a geotiff image but I'm getting an error with the gdal12.dll. The output gtiff is not readable in mapserver and even in windows. Using the formatoption INTERLEAVE=PIXEL I'm getting the same error, but if I do this format option using the FWtools gdal_translate tool I'm getting a correct image. At this point I think there are a bug in the ms4w_1.2.1 to output gtiff images, is it registred? 2005/9/12, Jeff McKenna : > > SVG support was added in MapServer version 4.5, and the mapserv in MS4W > v1.0.1 is 4.4. The latest MS4W has OUTPUT=SVG support and mapserv > 4.6.0, so you will have to upgrade. > > PS. There is a separate mailing list for MS4W issues > ( > > > jeff > > > > > Llu?s Garcia i Mestres wrote: > > Hi list, > > > > I've tried to get my mapserver application with svg outputformat but I > > getting the following message: > > > > loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause > > references driver svg, but this driver isn't configured. > > > > I'm using / //MS4W version 1.0.1/ > > but I'm not sure if it > > has svg support, anyone knows it? > > > > -- > > Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, > > > -- > Jeff McKenna > DM Solutions Group Inc. > > > -- Llu?s Garcia i Mestres, lluisgm at lluisgm at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA Thu Sep 15 05:18:08 2005 From: christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA (Christopher R. Thorne) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:18:08 -0400 Subject: DBF to Shape OGR JOIN, PHP crashes In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: What do you mean an "OGR style index"? This maybe my problem. ;) Chris Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 9/14/05, Christopher R. Thorne wrote: > >>Hello list, >>I am trying to solve an OGR Connection to JOIN a shape file to a DBF >>problem. I cannot figure out weather it is my layer definition or >>something else. >> >>I HAVE been able to get a join work with a different data set, but it >>seems there are some problems with the layer(data) I wish to display. >>Every time I try the Join. My CPU goes to %100 do to PHP.exe failing to >>close. I have to reboot my windows machine. >> >>Other than size of data set (meaning bigger) I cannot see any difference >>with my layer definition. > > > Chris, > > Does the .dbf file have an OGR style index on the the BBL field? If > not, the join will be exceedingly slow for any non-trivial dataset. > Have you tried the join from the ogrinfo commandline to isolate it from > MapServer related issues? If you think you have proper attribute > indexes, and if things are still slow you can package up an example > I can test with ogrinfo and I will look at it. > > Best regards, -- Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist - christhorne at Tel:(613)523-6593, Ottawa ON Canada ----------------------------- From steve.hall at MERCATORGEOSYSTEMS.CO.UK Thu Sep 15 01:39:46 2005 From: steve.hall at MERCATORGEOSYSTEMS.CO.UK (Steve Hall) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:39:46 +0100 Subject: Color range & mapscript Message-ID: Hi all, I remember reading something a while ago about "color ramps" and the mapping of thematic data. I've found this info in Bugzilla : But was wondering if anything further had happened with it? I'm using the code as it is in 4.6.0, which is working OK, but it'd be really nice to be able to change the COLORRANGE & DATARANGE settings via PHP/MapScript, but I can't see anyway to do it. I'm happy to upgrade to 4.6.1 or "dev" if need be, and don't mind if it's "experimental" as this is just for a prototype / proof of concept project. Many thanks, Steve Hall -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 15 06:35:21 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:35:21 -0400 Subject: Compiling mapserver with SLD support In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: If you build mapserver with OGR support, you should normally have an sld support enabled. Only flag in the source code is USE_OGR. Brock Anderson wrote: > Hi List, > > I haven't been able to find instructions for compiling mapserver with > SLD support. Does such a document exist? > > I am suspicious that the mapserver I recently compiled doesn't have SLD > support. After I make getMap requests I expect to see an entry in the > apache access log where mapserver has requested the SLD file, but > there's nothing. Mapserver and the SLD file are both hosted from the > same apache. > > I configured mapserver like this: > > ./configure --with-proj=/usr/ --with-postgis=yes > --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config > --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/ > --with-wmsclient > > checking for gcc... gcc > checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out > checking whether the C compiler works... yes > checking whether we are cross compiling... no > checking for suffix of executables... > checking for suffix of object files... o > checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes > checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes > checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed > checking for g++... g++ > checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes > checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes > checking for ranlib... ranlib > checking for flex... flex > checking for yywrap in -lfl... yes > checking lex output file root... lex.yy > checking whether yytext is a pointer... yes > checking for bison... bison -y > checking if compiler supports -R... no > checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes > checking for exp in -lm... yes > checking for __gxx_personality_v0 in -lstdc++... yes > checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E > checking for egrep... grep -E > checking for ANSI C header files... yes > checking for strcasecmp... yes > checking for strncasecmp... yes > checking for strdup... yes > checking for strlcat... no > MapServer Version from map.h: '4.6.0' > configure: checking where FreeType 2.x is installed... > checking for FT_Init_FreeType in -lfreetype... yes > using libfreetype -lfreetype from system libs. > configure: checking where Zlib is installed... > checking for zlibVersion in -lz... yes > using libz from system libs. > configure: checking where PNG is installed... > checking for png_init_io in -lpng... yes > using libpng from system libs. > configure: checking whether we should include JPEG support... > checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... yes > using libjpeg from system libs. > configure: checking where libXpm is installed... > checking for XpmFreeXpmImage in -lXpm... no > XPM (libXpm) library cannot be found, possibly needed for GD > configure: checking where libiconv is installed... > checking for iconv_open in -lc... yes > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no > using libiconv from system libs. > libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) > configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... yes > using libgd 2.0.16 (or higher) from system libs (-L/usr/lib -lgd > -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz ). > checking for gdImageCreate in -lgd... yes > checking for gdImageGif in -lgd... yes > checking for gdImagePng in -lgd... yes > checking for gdImageJpeg in -lgd... yes > checking for gdImageWBMP in -lgd... yes > checking for gdImageStringFT in -lgd... yes > checking for gdImageGifPtr in -lgd... yes > checking for gdFontGetTiny in -lgd... yes > using GD ( -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP > -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS) from system > libs. > configure: checking whether we should include PDF support... > checking for PDF_setlinewidth in -lpdf... no > checking for PDF_setrgbcolor in -lpdf... no > checking for PDF_moveto in -lpdf... no > checking for PDF_curveto in -lpdf... no > checking for PDF_show_xy in -lpdf... no > libpdf not found... PDF support not included. > configure: checking whether we should include EPPL7 support... > including EPPL7 support. > configure: checking whether we should include PROJ.4 support... > checking for pj_transform in -lproj... yes > using PROJ.4 from /usr/. > configure: checking whether we should include thread safe support... > thread safe support disabled. > configure: checking whether we should include ESRI SDE support... > ESRI SDE support not requested. > configure: checking whether we should include SDE raster support... > not including experimental SDE raster support. > configure: checking whether we should compile in MPATROL support... > MPATROL support not requested. > checking if GEOS support requested... no > configure: checking whether we should include OGR support... > OGR enabled (-DUSE_OGR). > checking if GDAL support requested... yes, user supplied gdal-config > (/usr/local/bin/gdal-config) > checking checking ms JPEG output... no we, have GDAL available. > configure: checking whether we should include TIFF support... > disabled since gdal is in use > checking if PostGIS support requested... yes > checking for pg_config... /usr/bin/pg_config > yes, user supplied pg_config > checking if MyGIS support requested... no > checking if OracleSpatial support requested... no > checking if MING/Flash support requested... no > configure: checking whether we should include WMS Server support... > OGC WMS compatibility enabled (-DUSE_WMS_SVR). > configure: checking whether we should include WFS Server support... > OGC WFS Server support not requested. > configure: checking whether we should include WCS Server support... > OGC WCS Server support not requested. > configure: checking whether we should include WMS Client Connections > support... > configure: checking whether we should include WFS Client Connections > support... > configure: checking for curl-config... > checking for curl-config... /usr/bin/curl-config > found libcurl version 7.13.1 > OGC WMS Client Connections enabled (-DUSE_WMS_LYR). > configure: checking whether FastCGI support should be enabled... > FastCGI support not enabled. > configure: checking HTTPD server (Apache) version... > checking for httpd... /usr/sbin/httpd > /usr/sbin/httpd version is Apache/2.0.54 (2000054). > Compiling with -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA. > checking compiler warnings... basic > configure: checking whether we should enable debug features... > configure: checking for PHP/MapScript module options... > PHP/MapScript module not configured. > checking if --enable-runpath requested... no > configure: creating ./config.status > config.status: creating Makefile > config.status: creating mapscript/java/Makefile > > MapServer version 4.6.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP > OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER > SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL > INPUT=SHAPEFILE > > Any thoughts why SLD appears not be working? > > Brock > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 15 06:52:28 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:52:28 -0400 Subject: DBF to Shape OGR JOIN, PHP crashes In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/15/05, Christopher R. Thorne wrote: > > What do you mean an "OGR style index"? This maybe my problem. ;) Chris, The OGR Shapefile driver supports using indexes to accelerate simple attribute lookups (for unique ids). To create the corresponding index do something like: ogrinfo abc.shp -sql "create index on abc using abc_id" This is mentioned briefly near the bottom of the OGR SQL page at: Note that the indexes need to be dropped and rebuilt if you change the file. They aren't maintained on the fly. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA Thu Sep 15 07:25:29 2005 From: christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA (Christopher R. Thorne) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:25:29 -0400 Subject: DBF to Shape OGR JOIN, PHP crashes In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks Frank, I have a few more questions: 1) Do I have to OGR index the shapefile (dbf) with the same id index as well? I already have given it a qix. 2) If I wanted to shp tileindex my shape file because the layer could be as large as 100 mb. where I would shp2tile the shape and index by using tile4ms. How would that work with an CONNECTIONTYPE OGR? AM I, even permitted to use TILEINDEX? If no, are there other options? 3) Can I OGR index a group of shape files (with the same attributes) and join that group with a DBF group (with the same attributes)? Thanks Chris Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 9/15/05, Christopher R. Thorne wrote: > >>What do you mean an "OGR style index"? This maybe my problem. ;) > > > Chris, > > The OGR Shapefile driver supports using indexes to accelerate > simple attribute lookups (for unique ids). To create the corresponding > index do something like: > > ogrinfo abc.shp -sql "create index on abc using abc_id" > > This is mentioned briefly near the bottom of the OGR SQL page at: > > > > Note that the indexes need to be dropped and rebuilt if you change > the file. They aren't maintained on the fly. > > Best regards, -- Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist - christhorne at Tel:(613)523-6593, Ottawa ON Canada ----------------------------- From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 15 07:24:01 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:24:01 -0400 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/15/05, Bill Binko wrote: > I will be doing fairly intensive mapping applications, involving > Mapserver, Mapscript, GDAL (For aerials), and lots of PostGIS dynamic > queries against a pretty hefty database. > > Since I don't want to pay a Dell/HP premium, I have looked at the 1U > barebones systems on newegg, and basically, there are three options: > > 1) Dual Opteron 64 - dual core is optional > 2) Pentium (4 or D) - Hyperthreading and/or Dual Core is optional > 3) Dual Xeon EM64T > > From what I can tell, these all have different sweet spots, and all will > perform high enough for my needs. What I DON'T want is to be fighting > fires due to problematic 64bit issues. Bill, I don't have direct experience unfortunately, but I have heard a few complaints about 64bit AMD support as well for GDAL. If I were you and looking for a "safe" bet I would stick with a 32bit solution. If anyone out there has an Opteron system running linux that they would like to provide me with a testing account on, I would be interested in building and testing some components (ie GDAL, MapServer). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 15 07:28:17 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:28:17 -0400 Subject: DBF to Shape OGR JOIN, PHP crashes In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/15/05, Christopher R. Thorne wrote: > Thanks Frank, > I have a few more questions: > > 1) Do I have to OGR index the shapefile (dbf) with the same id index as > well? I already have given it a qix. Christopher, You need to index the column in the dbf file that you are joining so that records can be looked up efficiently. This is an attribute index and unrelated to the .qix file which is a spatial index. > 2) If I wanted to shp tileindex my shape file because the layer could be > as large as 100 mb. where I would shp2tile the shape and index by using > tile4ms. How would that work with an CONNECTIONTYPE OGR? AM I, even > permitted to use TILEINDEX? If no, are there other options? I don't see how you could treat your dataset as a single layer for OGR join purposes if you have split it into many tiles. > 3) Can I OGR index a group of shape files (with the same attributes) and > join that group with a DBF group (with the same attributes)? It is the file you are joining onto your base layers that must be indexed. So if you are joining a secondary dbf file that is what would need the index on the column used in the join. But I am still not sure how you plan to join *to* a layer which is split over many shapefile tiles. At best you would likely need alot of mapscript magic to make that work though I haven't considered the issue carefully. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From R.van.Oosterhoudt at GEON.NL Thu Sep 15 07:48:51 2005 From: R.van.Oosterhoudt at GEON.NL (R. van Oosterhoudt) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 16:48:51 +0200 Subject: One-to-many-join Problem. Bug? Message-ID: Hi List I'm am trying to build a layer using - tiled shapefiles (using TILEINDEX and TILEITEM) - a one-to-many join. Unfortunately this does not work. I get an error message when quering: "Content-type: text/html msDBFJoinConnect(): Join error. Item PLANIDID not found in layer TestJoin." However I am absolutely sure the column "PLANIDID" does exist in all the shapefiles (yes in uppercase). If I replace the tiled shapefiles for a single shapefile, all is fine. If I replace the one-to-many for a one-to-one join (including adapting the query template), all is fine too. It seems to me that mapserver tries to read the tileindex itself to establish a join. Is this a bug, or did I mis something? Remy van Oosterhoudt GEON bv email: R.van.Oosterhoudt at internet: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sgillies at FRII.COM Thu Sep 15 08:02:28 2005 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:02:28 -0600 Subject: Perl Mapscript Problem In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > Hi All, > > I had dynamic symbol manipulation working on MS 4.01 but can not get it > to work on 4.4.1 or 4.6.1. In the following code snippets every think > works with the default symbol that is defined in symbolset file, but > the > code does not let me change the imagepath on the fly. > > Also, I can not get the label on the umarker layer to show unless I > specify LABELCACHE FALSE and umarker layer is the last in the > mapfile. > > Any ideas or help would be appreciated. > > -Steve W. > Steve, Perhaps mutating the imagepath has no effect due to caching of symbol images. About the labelcache, I would guess that the label is losing the battle against other in the map. This is how I do dynamic symbols # create a new symbol new_symbol = mapscript.symbolObj('symbol_a', '/path/to/symbol_a.png') # add a *copy* of the symbol to the map symbolset and get the index new_symbol_index = map.symbolset.appendSymbol(new_symbol) See and or the same docs on the new mapserver site. The symbolObj also has a method to set symbol imagery directly. See Sean -- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA Thu Sep 15 08:15:50 2005 From: christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA (Christopher R. Thorne) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:15:50 -0400 Subject: OGR DBF JOINS, Numeric Values now String Message-ID: Hello again, I got a OGR Join to work between a Shapefile and DBF. The DBF has much fewer records than what is found in the shapefile. The problem that I am having is that the CLASSITEM I wish to classify on the JOINED attribute which in the dbf is a numeric value with two decimal points. eg. 0.00 All Shapefile features that DO NOT have a successful JOIN contain a value 'blank'. ie. EXPRESSION "" This of course is not valid for numeric item 'blank' should be 0.00 Which leads into my next observation numerical values that are joined seem to be considered string values vs. numerical. For example 1) DOES NOT WORK EXPRESSION "10" DOES WORK EXPRESSION "10.00" does 1) DOES NOT WORK EXPRESSION ([test2.FARGAP] eq 20.00) 2) DOES WORK EXPRESSION ('[test2.FARGAP]' eq '20.00') Is this a limitation of a DBF OGR JOIN ie. importing all values as string, or is there something wrong with my DBF (ie. not created properly, defective), or am I missing something in my JOIN CONNECTION? CONNECTIONTYPE OGR DATA "SELECT test2.FARGAP FROM MN_BBL LEFT JOIN 'D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/dbf_joins/test2.dbf'.test2 ON MN_BBL.BBL=test2.BBL" CONNECTION "D:/maps/data/archived/nyc/nyc/dbf_joins/MN_BBL.shp" CLASSITEM "test2.FARGAP" Thanks again, Chris -- Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist - christhorne at Tel:(613)523-6593, Ottawa ON Canada ----------------------------- From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 15 08:26:37 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:26:37 -0400 Subject: OGR DBF JOINS, Numeric Values now String In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/15/05, Christopher R. Thorne wrote: > Hello again, > I got a OGR Join to work between a Shapefile and DBF. The DBF has much > fewer records than what is found in the shapefile. The problem that I am > having is that the CLASSITEM I wish to classify on the JOINED attribute > which in the dbf is a numeric value with two decimal points. eg. 0.00 > > All Shapefile features that DO NOT have a successful JOIN contain a > value 'blank'. ie. EXPRESSION "" This of course is not valid for numeric > item 'blank' should be 0.00 > > Which leads into my next observation numerical values that are joined > seem to be considered string values vs. numerical. Chris, In MapServer all attribute values are strings. In OGR joins any join that fails results in all the joined fields being NULL in the merged feature. In MapServer's OGR binding NULL fields are treated as "" whether they are numeric or string. I am a bit fuzzy on how MapServer expressions work in some cases and won't try to address that. If you think the OGR join is making numeric fields become strings after the join I would suggest you check it with "ogrinfo". If it shows fields that were reported as numeric in the .dbf file being reported as string in the joined file then I would appreciate your filing a bug on the problem. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 15 08:27:44 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:27:44 -0400 Subject: Perl Mapscript Problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Sean Gillies wrote: > On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >> Hi All, >> >> I had dynamic symbol manipulation working on MS 4.01 but can not get it >> to work on 4.4.1 or 4.6.1. In the following code snippets every think >> works with the default symbol that is defined in symbolset file, but the >> code does not let me change the imagepath on the fly. >> >> Also, I can not get the label on the umarker layer to show unless I >> specify LABELCACHE FALSE and umarker layer is the last in the >> mapfile. >> >> Any ideas or help would be appreciated. >> >> -Steve W. >> > > Steve, > > Perhaps mutating the imagepath has no effect due to caching of symbol > images. About the labelcache, I would guess that the label is losing the > battle against other in the map. Sean, Thank you for your response. You are probably correct on the labelcache issue now that I think about it. While it is the last layer and should take priority in the cache, it is being drawn after all the other labels in the cache are drawn so the only way to get it on top is to not use the cache as it is too late in the process. > This is how I do dynamic symbols > > # create a new symbol > new_symbol = mapscript.symbolObj('symbol_a', '/path/to/symbol_a.png') > > # add a *copy* of the symbol to the map symbolset and get the index > new_symbol_index = map.symbolset.appendSymbol(new_symbol) > > See and > or the same docs on > the new mapserver site. > > The symbolObj also has a method to set symbol imagery directly. See > I will look at this, but my concern is that we generate a large number of symbols (actually numbered dots on the map) and I'm concerned we will exceed the hardcoded limit on symbols in map.h I think that the mapscript API needs to fix the cached image if the image file is changed. This is a bug. What good is it to change the symbol name if it does not change the symbol also? Would you concur on this? Thank you for your suggestions, I will see if I can get them to work. -Steve From sgillies at FRII.COM Thu Sep 15 09:14:17 2005 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:14:17 -0600 Subject: Perl Mapscript Problem In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Sep 15, 2005, at 9:27 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > Sean Gillies wrote: >> On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >> >>> Hi All, >>> >>> I had dynamic symbol manipulation working on MS 4.01 but can not get >>> it >>> to work on 4.4.1 or 4.6.1. In the following code snippets every think >>> works with the default symbol that is defined in symbolset file, but >>> the >>> code does not let me change the imagepath on the fly. >>> >>> Also, I can not get the label on the umarker layer to show unless I >>> specify LABELCACHE FALSE and umarker layer is the last in the >>> mapfile. >>> >>> Any ideas or help would be appreciated. >>> >>> -Steve W. >>> >> >> Steve, >> >> Perhaps mutating the imagepath has no effect due to caching of symbol >> images. About the labelcache, I would guess that the label is losing >> the >> battle against other in the map. > > Sean, > > Thank you for your response. You are probably correct on the labelcache > issue now that I think about it. While it is the last layer and should > take priority in the cache, it is being drawn after all the other > labels > in the cache are drawn so the only way to get it on top is to not use > the cache as it is too late in the process. > >> This is how I do dynamic symbols >> >> # create a new symbol >> new_symbol = mapscript.symbolObj('symbol_a', >> '/path/to/symbol_a.png') >> >> # add a *copy* of the symbol to the map symbolset and get the >> index >> new_symbol_index = map.symbolset.appendSymbol(new_symbol) >> >> See and >> or the same docs >> on >> the new mapserver site. >> >> The symbolObj also has a method to set symbol imagery directly. See >> > > I will look at this, but my concern is that we generate a large number > of symbols (actually numbered dots on the map) and I'm concerned we > will > exceed the hardcoded limit on symbols in map.h > Numbered dots? I have an application that requires numbered symbols: highway shields with the highway number. I'm simply using an annotation type layer with an unnumbered shield image as a symbol and then using the class label to render the highway number over the top. Works perfectly. I don't know if this method is something you can use, but it would be faster as well as simpler. > I think that the mapscript API needs to fix the cached image if the > image file is changed. This is a bug. What good is it to change the > symbol name if it does not change the symbol also? Would you concur on > this? > Remember that mapscript is basically a mapfile as an object tree. In theory, you can freely modify attributes of the objects, like a symbol's imagepath. In practice, much of MapServer's code is still based on the assumption that a mapfile is read only once at the very beginning and afterwards remains immutable during execution. A similar issue is arising in a discussion about layer feature source plugins. Many people, it turns out, have been mutating layer.connectiontype in their scripts. IMO, the right solution might be to implement a method for symbolObj that loads imagery from disk and updates the cache, and to make symbolObj.imagepath immutable. Explicit is better. > Thank you for your suggestions, I will see if I can get them to work. > > -Steve > You're welcome, Steve. I hope my highway shield suggestion is useful. That would be the most efficient, and worth some data preprocessing. Sean -- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 15 10:23:16 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:23:16 -0400 Subject: SLD and Raster ColorMap In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Jennifer, I do no see something obviously wrong with the sld. Here are some tips to try : * from what I know raster classification only works with 8 and 16 bits rasters. Is your file 8/16 buts ? * if yes, please create manually in your map file some classes with the values that you have specified in the sld ( [pixel] >= 25 AND [pixel] < 50 with color ffffff, [pixel] >= 50 AND [pixel] < 75 with color b22222 ...) and just do a getmap. Is it classified as expected ? Later Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > Hello all, > > I've been experimenting with SLD and have been having trouble getting > ColorMap to work with raster imagery. My first troubles were in the > context of a chameleon interface, where only the opacity parameter would > be passed to the raster layer. > > So, I took the maps out of chameleon, but am getting no response > whatsoever (neither opacity or color mapping changes). Below are my two > GetMap requests (one with and one without SLD) and the URL for the SLD > file. I would be very grateful if someone could tell me whether this is > something I'm doing wrong, a bug, or whatever. I'm attempting to put > together a brief help page for visitors to our site about SLD, among > other things, and I'm not sure what to tell them about raster SLDs yet > (since I can't get it to work myself). > > > Original Map Request >,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles= > > > Map Request with SLD >,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles=&sld= > > > SLD URL > > > I really appreciate any hints you can offer! > > Thanks. > > Jennifer Zeisloft > UW Sea Grant -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From lois at UTH.GR Thu Sep 15 10:02:43 2005 From: lois at UTH.GR (Athanasios Lois) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 20:02:43 +0300 Subject: shp2img works fine but mapserv does not. Message-ID: hi there, I have a situation where shp2img works with a postgis connection and mapserv does not. Postgis support was properly compiled into shp2img and the same for mapserv. When a web page is calling mapserver with postgis connection does not show anything, instead it works fine with shp files. Program shp2img works fine for the same map file and produces the appropriate image file map file is ----------------- MAP NAME APPLE STATUS ON EXTENT -87.9781 41.8109 -87.603 42.117 SIZE 300 300 IMAGETYPE GIF LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME "CBVMS" CONNECTION "user=test password=123456 dbname=gis host=" DATA "geometry from cbvms_nodes" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CLASS COLOR 0 0 255 END END END Map server options -------------------- [root at loisoffice cbvms]# ./mapserv -v MapServer version 4.6.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=FREETYPE INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=SHAPEFILE is there any help for the above situation ? Thanks in advance. T. Lois From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 15 10:43:38 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:43:38 -0400 Subject: shp2img works fine but mapserv does not. In-Reply-To: <1126803763.20550.16.camel@ProdCluster0> Message-ID: On 9/15/05, Athanasios Lois wrote: > hi there, > > I have a situation where shp2img works with a postgis connection and > mapserv does not. Postgis support was properly compiled into > shp2img and the same for mapserv. > > When a web page is calling mapserver with postgis connection does not show anything, instead it works fine with shp files. > > Program shp2img works fine for the same map file and produces the appropriate image file T. Lois, If you are in a position to rebuild your mapserver I would suggest you do so, adding the "--enable-debug" switch. This will include support for debugging output. Then add "DEBUG TRUE" on the layer in question and rerun mapserv. You may get some useful debugging output in your Apache error_log file this way. Another useful debugging step is to invoke mapserv at the commandline with your query to see if it works there. eg. mapserv QUERY_STRING="..." The QUERY_STRING value should be everything in the request url after the question mark. If it works for mapserv at the commandline and not via apache, then the problem is likely related to permissions or environment between your account and how things run under apache. PS. My first guess was that it related to layer status, but I see you already have that set to default, so there should be no question of the layer displaying under mapserv. You might also want to ensure that a scale dependency check isn't causing that layer to be skipped in mapserv. Good luck, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 15 11:47:17 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 14:47:17 -0400 Subject: Swf attribute output from OGC plus GML? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ryan, I have converted a layer used in gmap (park.shp) into a gml file using ogr. I tried outputing multiple swf using both shape and gml file and had no particular issue. As for setting the SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES, it should not be diffrent from the way you set it for a shape file for example. In my test case I have something like : .... 38346293248.000 1357483.000 2 40 Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve R?serve de parc national de I'?le-d'Ellesmere 1986 61 39500.000 ... and a "SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES" "NAME_E,AREA_KMSQ" You can also post the gml/map file (or part of it) and I can give it a try. Later, Grant, Ryan wrote: > Hey there, > I have a map file that uses an OGR connection to a GML file. It displays > fine using jpeg and single SWF output formats. However once I switch to the > multiple layer SWF format, I get nothing being displayed. > > Also, I was hoping to use the swf "Dump Attributes", but I'm not sure > exactly how to correctly map my gml to the "Result_Fields" and > "SwfDumpAttributes" portions of my mapfile. > > Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! > > Ryan Grant > > > > A snippet from my GML looks like this: > > > > > > -59.033300,-34.100000 > -59.033300,-34.100000 > > > > > > -59.033300,-34.100000 > > > ARGENTINA > BUENOS AIRES > ZARATE > PROC PLANT > PAST PRODUCER > -34.1000 > -59.0333 > > COOP DE TRABAJO, ZARATE/MET EST. > MET.SA > S S > > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From boice at RUNSKIP.COM Thu Sep 15 11:39:17 2005 From: boice at RUNSKIP.COM (boice tomlin) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:39:17 -0500 Subject: displaying styles Message-ID: Hello, I need help displaying a layer with a style. I can display the layer with a solid fill color. But when I try to display it with a hatch style it doesn't show up. Any advice is much appreciated. Here is my symbol definition and the layer in question. SYMBOL NAME 'hatch_style' TYPE HATCH END LAYER NAME "county_layer" DATA county_NatAtlas_US STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON TRANSPARENCY 100 CLASS NAME "complete_hatch" STYLE SYMBOL 'hatch_style' COLOR 255 0 0 ANGLE 45 SIZE 6 WIDTH 3 END END END $lyr = $this->map->getLayerByName("county_layer"); $lyr->set('classitem','FIPS'); $cla = $lyr->getclass('0'); $cla->setExpression($county_id); //////////////////////////// Run Skip boice tomlin boice at 503-528-6204 From matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA Thu Sep 15 12:45:40 2005 From: matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA (Matt Garrish) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 15:45:40 -0400 Subject: tiff files not displaying Message-ID: If anyone could enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong I would really appreciate it. I'm just trying to get a tiff file to display (Windows XP, IIS 5), but all I get returned is a blank image. The mapserver configuration info is as follows: MapServer version 4.7 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS=FASTCGI SUPPORTS=THREADS INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG My map file is set up like so: MAP EXTENT -141 42 -52 83 UNITS DD SHAPEPATH "data" SIZE 300 300 IMAGETYPE png LAYER NAME RDATA STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER DATA "1KM_RAD.TIF" END END And I have a wld file in the data directory with the same name as the tif containing the following info: 1000 0.00000 0.00000 -1000 -2750000.131 3000000.244 Do I need to recompile Mapserver with tiff support? Is my problem somewhere else? Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Matt From matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA Thu Sep 15 12:58:30 2005 From: matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA (Matt Garrish) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 15:58:30 -0400 Subject: tiff files not displaying Message-ID: > > From: Matt Garrish > Date: 2005/09/15 Thu PM 03:45:40 EST > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] tiff files not displaying > > If anyone could enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong I would really appreciate it. I'm just trying to get a tiff file to display (Windows XP, IIS 5), but all I get returned is a blank image. The mapserver configuration info is as follows: > > MapServer version 4.7 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP > OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER > SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT > SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS=FASTCGI SUPPORTS=THREADS INPUT=POSTGIS > INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG > > My map file is set up like so: > > MAP > > EXTENT -141 42 -52 83 > UNITS DD > D'oh! My bad. I just changed the above lines to: EXTENT -2750500.131 -2999499.756 2749499.869 3000500.244 UNITS METERS And the image appeared. Is there any way to mix two types of images, (one in decimal degrees and one in metres?), or do I have to convert one or the other? If I do have to convert (bearing in mind I am complete newbie), would gdalwarp be the right tool? And can it be done when the tif file does not contain coordinate system info? Thanks again for any help, Matt From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 15 12:58:35 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 15:58:35 -0400 Subject: tiff files not displaying In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/15/05, Matt Garrish wrote: > > EXTENT -141 42 -52 83 > UNITS DD > > SHAPEPATH "data" > SIZE 300 300 > IMAGETYPE png > > LAYER > NAME RDATA > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE RASTER > DATA "1KM_RAD.TIF" > END > END > > And I have a wld file in the data directory with the same name as the tif containing the following info: > > 1000 > 0.00000 > 0.00000 > -1000 > -2750000.131 > 3000000.244 Matt, The issue is that your TIFF file coordinates are in some projected coordinate system, but your map extents are in decimal degrees. If you want MapServer to reproject the raster to fit in your map you will need to provide proper projection information for the map, and the layer. I see you have SUPPORTS=PROJ and INPUT=GDAL so you should have all the required options built into your mapserv binary. Alternatively you could just set map extents that match the extents of your raster if you don't particularly care about the map coordinate system. You can use gdalinfo on the TIFF file to sett the extents (or try and compute them from the TFW file). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Thu Sep 15 13:02:05 2005 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 16:02:05 -0400 Subject: tiff files not displaying Message-ID: Matt - The EXTENT and UNITS you're requesting in your MAP file are evidently in a completely different coordinate system than your TIFF file is (at least, according to that world file). And I just saw your second message, so you've figured that out . Yes, you can mix input data of different projections, and you can produce an output image in yet another projection. That's not too hard, but it's not something you can do halfway - you need to be sure you understand all your input data first. And if you're intending to take perfectly good projected raster data and use MapServer to rubber-sheet stretch it into some useless "geographic" lat/lon output image, I'd be happy to help but you'll get a lecture along with the help ! - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Matt Garrish Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:46 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] tiff files not displaying If anyone could enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong I would really appreciate it. I'm just trying to get a tiff file to display (Windows XP, IIS 5), but all I get returned is a blank image. The mapserver configuration info is as follows: MapServer version 4.7 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS=FASTCGI SUPPORTS=THREADS INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG My map file is set up like so: MAP EXTENT -141 42 -52 83 UNITS DD SHAPEPATH "data" SIZE 300 300 IMAGETYPE png LAYER NAME RDATA STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER DATA "1KM_RAD.TIF" END END And I have a wld file in the data directory with the same name as the tif containing the following info: 1000 0.00000 0.00000 -1000 -2750000.131 3000000.244 Do I need to recompile Mapserver with tiff support? Is my problem somewhere else? Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Matt From nick.vrbos at IMMOFRONT.COM Thu Sep 15 14:52:58 2005 From: nick.vrbos at IMMOFRONT.COM (Nick Vrbos) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 17:52:58 -0400 Subject: How do I produce a map from Shape file? Message-ID: Hello, I am new to MapServer. What I am looking for is basic code to get a map going within a browser. I have the win32 MapServer 4.6.1 version running. My web app will be running .asp. Can MapServer work with this? I would like to know how to generate a map from .shp files and their corresponding .dbf files. Is there not an interface to create the basic layout of maps for MapServer? Can someone help me on this and post a simple map generation code snippet for a .shp file? Thanks. Nick Vrbos 309B-219 Dufferin Street Toronto, Ont. M6K 1Y9 TEL: 416.538.0111 FAX: 416.987.0680 nick.vrbos at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Immo_logo_emailsig.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2196 bytes Desc: not available URL: From elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM Thu Sep 15 15:05:52 2005 From: elshayal at SMARTWEBONLINE.COM (Mohamed Elshayal) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 01:05:52 +0300 Subject: your evaluation on my GIS software beta 1.16 Message-ID: Dear Sir, kindly, Please evaluate my GIS software beta 1.16 in English or Thank you in advance Mohamed Elshayal ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:15 AM Subject: Ricevuta di ritorno (visualizzata) - Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] your evaluation on my GIS software beta 1.16 > Questa ? la Ricevuta di ritorno del messaggio inviato a > piero.cavalieri at > > Nota: questa Ricevuta di ritorno attesta solamente che il messaggio ? > stato visualizzato nel computer del destinatario. Non c'? pertanto alcuna > garanzia che il destinatario abbia letto o compreso il suo contenuto. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > X-Account-Key: account1 > X-UIDL: 1126759551.30054.dns2,S=2759 > Return-Path: > Delivered-To: piero.cavalieri at > Received: (qmail 30052 invoked from network); 15 Sep 2005 04:45:50 -0000 > Received: from unknown (HELO ( > by with SMTP; 15 Sep 2005 > 04:45:50 -0000 > Received: from SaaSaa [] by with ESMTP > (SMTPD32-8.15) id A2B13CBE0132; Thu, 15 Sep 2005 00:12:17 -0500 > Message-ID: <010d01c5b9b3$eae1ac70$26790a51 at SaaSaa> > Reply-To: > From: > To: > Cc: "Piero Cavalieri" > References: <015e01c5b88e$5017efe0$22790a51 at SaaSaa> > <4327D78A.5020502 at> > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] your evaluation on my GIS software beta > 1.16 > Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:11:17 +0300 > Organization: Elshayal Smart Web On Line Software > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type: text/plain; > format=flowed; > charset="iso-8859-1"; > reply-type=response > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > X-Priority: 3 > X-MSMail-Priority: Normal > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180 > Disposition-Notification-To: > X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 > From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 15 15:07:01 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 15:07:01 -0700 Subject: How do I produce a map from Shape file? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Heres a link from the mapserver site. Randy --- Nick Vrbos wrote: > Hello, > > I am new to MapServer. What I am looking for is basic code to get a map > going within a browser. > I have the win32 MapServer 4.6.1 version running. My web app will be > running .asp. Can > MapServer work with this? > > I would like to know how to generate a map from .shp files and their > corresponding .dbf files. > Is there not an interface to create the basic layout of maps for MapServer? > > Can someone help me on this and post a simple map generation code > snippet for a .shp file? > > Thanks. > > Nick Vrbos > > > 309B-219 Dufferin Street > Toronto, Ont. M6K 1Y9 > TEL: 416.538.0111 > FAX: 416.987.0680 > nick.vrbos at > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 15 19:48:48 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 22:48:48 -0400 Subject: Perl Mapscript Problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Sean Gillies wrote: > On Sep 15, 2005, at 9:27 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >> Sean Gillies wrote: >> >>> On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >>> >>>> Hi All, >>>> >>>> I had dynamic symbol manipulation working on MS 4.01 but can not get it >>>> to work on 4.4.1 or 4.6.1. In the following code snippets every think >>>> works with the default symbol that is defined in symbolset file, but >>>> the >>>> code does not let me change the imagepath on the fly. >>>> >>>> Also, I can not get the label on the umarker layer to show unless I >>>> specify LABELCACHE FALSE and umarker layer is the last in the >>>> mapfile. >>>> >>>> Any ideas or help would be appreciated. >>>> >>>> -Steve W. >>>> >>> >>> Steve, >>> >>> Perhaps mutating the imagepath has no effect due to caching of symbol >>> images. About the labelcache, I would guess that the label is losing the >>> battle against other in the map. >> >> >> Sean, >> >> Thank you for your response. You are probably correct on the labelcache >> issue now that I think about it. While it is the last layer and should >> take priority in the cache, it is being drawn after all the other labels >> in the cache are drawn so the only way to get it on top is to not use >> the cache as it is too late in the process. >> >>> This is how I do dynamic symbols >>> >>> # create a new symbol >>> new_symbol = mapscript.symbolObj('symbol_a', >>> '/path/to/symbol_a.png') >>> >>> # add a *copy* of the symbol to the map symbolset and get the index >>> new_symbol_index = map.symbolset.appendSymbol(new_symbol) >>> >>> See and >>> or the same docs on >>> the new mapserver site. >>> >>> The symbolObj also has a method to set symbol imagery directly. See >>> >> >> >> I will look at this, but my concern is that we generate a large number >> of symbols (actually numbered dots on the map) and I'm concerned we will >> exceed the hardcoded limit on symbols in map.h >> > > Numbered dots? I have an application that requires numbered symbols: > highway shields with the highway number. I'm simply using an annotation > type layer with an unnumbered shield image as a symbol and then using > the class label to render the highway number over the top. Works > perfectly. I don't know if this method is something you can use, but it > would be faster as well as simpler. > >> I think that the mapscript API needs to fix the cached image if the >> image file is changed. This is a bug. What good is it to change the >> symbol name if it does not change the symbol also? Would you concur on >> this? >> > > Remember that mapscript is basically a mapfile as an object tree. In > theory, you can freely modify attributes of the objects, like a symbol's > imagepath. In practice, much of MapServer's code is still based on the > assumption that a mapfile is read only once at the very beginning and > afterwards remains immutable during execution. A similar issue is > arising in a discussion about layer feature source plugins. Many people, > it turns out, have been mutating layer.connectiontype in their scripts. > > IMO, the right solution might be to implement a method for symbolObj > that loads imagery from disk and updates the cache, and to make > symbolObj.imagepath immutable. Explicit is better. I would be happy with solution. This is a major regression from 4.01 that I am just now finding because I am trying to migrate a client up to a more recent release. This is also a problem on 4.4. I have added a bug to cover this issue. >> Thank you for your suggestions, I will see if I can get them to work. >> >> -Steve >> > > You're welcome, Steve. I hope my highway shield suggestion is useful. > That would be the most efficient, and worth some data preprocessing. Well yes, all the new code does it this way for the numbered dots, but we still have the need to allow user defined symbols to be dynamically added. Thanks, -Steve > Sean > > -- > Sean Gillies > sgillies at frii dot com > > > From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 15 21:12:12 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 00:12:12 -0400 Subject: Perl Mapscript Problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > Hi All, > > I had dynamic symbol manipulation working on MS 4.01 but can not get it > to work on 4.4.1 or 4.6.1. In the following code snippets every think > works with the default symbol that is defined in symbolset file, but the > code does not let me change the imagepath on the fly. > > Also, I can not get the label on the umarker layer to show unless I > specify LABELCACHE FALSE and umarker layer is the last in the > mapfile. > > Any ideas or help would be appreciated. > > -Steve W. > > > From the mapscript: > > my $lay = $mapObj->getLayerByName('umarker'); > if ($lay) { > $lay->{status} = 1; > my $class = $lay->getClass(0); > my $pnt = new mapscript::pointObj(); > my @marks = split(/;/, $mark); > foreach my $x (@marks) { > my ($y, $x, $txt, $sym) = split(/[\s,]/, $x); > if ($sym && -r "$symbol_path/$sym") { > my $style = $class->getStyle(0); > $style->{symbolname} = "$symbol_path/$sym"; > } > $pnt->{x} = $x; > $pnt->{y} = $y; > $pnt->draw($mapObj, $lay, $imgObj, 0, $txt); > } > } > > Or alternately from mapscript: > > my $lay = $mapObj->getLayerByName('umarker'); > if ($lay) { > $lay->{status} = 1; > my $pnt = new mapscript::pointObj(); > my @marks = split(/;/, $mark); > my $symbolset = $mapObj->{symbolset}; > my $symbol = $symbolset->getSymbolByName('marker'); > foreach my $x (@marks) { > my ($y, $x, $txt, $sym) = split(/[\s,]/, $x); > if ($sym && -r "$symbol_path/$sym") { > $symbol->{imagepath} = "$symbol_path/$sym"; > } > $pnt->{x} = $x; > $pnt->{y} = $y; > $pnt->draw($mapObj, $lay, $imgObj, 0, $txt); > } > } > > > > From the mapfile: > > LAYER > NAME "umarker" > STATUS ON > TYPE POINT > LABELCACHE FALSE > TEMPLATE "ttt.html" > CLASS > NAME "User Marker" > #TEXT "HERE" > SYMBOL "marker" > COLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial-bold" > SIZE 8 > POSITION AUTO > OFFSET 0 0 > BUFFER 4 > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 230 230 230 > FORCE TRUE > END > END > END > > From the symbol.sym symbolset file: > > Symbol > Name 'marker' > Type PIXMAP > Image 'markers/purppin.png' > Transparent 1 > END > Here is yet another variation that does not work: # draw markers on the image my $lay = $mapObj->getLayerByName('umarker'); if ($lay) { $lay->{status} = 1; my $class = $lay->getClass(0); my $pnt = new mapscript::pointObj(); my @marks = split(/;/, param('mark') || $mark); my $symbolset = $mapObj->{symbolset}; my $symbol = $symbolset->getSymbolByName('marker'); foreach my $x (@marks) { my ($y, $x, $txt, $sym) = split(/[\s,]/, $x); if ($sym && -r "$symbol_path/$sym") { my $tmp_sym = new mapscript::symbolObj('tmp_sym', "$symbol_path/$sym"); my $tmp_img = $tmp_sym->getImage($mapscript::MS_PNG); $symbol->setImage($tmp_img); } $pnt->{x} = $x; $pnt->{y} = $y; $pnt->draw($mapObj, $lay, $imgObj, 0, $txt); } } } I also explicitly added a STYLE block to the mapfile like: LAYER NAME "umarker" STATUS ON TYPE POINT LABELCACHE FALSE TEMPLATE "ttt.html" CLASS NAME "User Marker" STYLE SYMBOL "marker" COLOR 0 0 0 END #TEXT "HERE" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial-bold" SIZE 8 POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 BUFFER 4 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 230 230 230 FORCE TRUE END END END From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 15 21:57:58 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:57:58 -0700 Subject: tiff files not displaying In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Matt, On 9/15/05, Matt Garrish wrote: > > Is there any way to mix two types of images, (one in decimal degrees and > one in metres?), or do I have to convert one or the other? If I do have to > convert (bearing in mind I am complete newbie), would gdalwarp be the right > tool? And can it be done when the tif file does not contain coordinate > system info? > You can convert them up front using gdalwarp but you have to know the original projection. Even if the tiff's projection is not internally defined, you can set it using the -s_srs option. The -t_srs option is the output projection. Having all the datasets in the same coordinate space as your mapfile output will be the fastest option, esp for large datasets. Alternatively you can mix and match coordiante systems by defining a) a PROJECTION object for your MAP which determines the output projection and b) a PROJECTION object for each LAYER with a projection other than the output projection. If you have huge datasets, reprojecting on the fly like this will slow you down a bit but you can keep/maintain each dataset in it's native coordinate system. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Fri Sep 16 02:29:39 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:29:39 +0100 Subject: Units problem Message-ID: Hi Yewondwossen, I already sent you the files for your personal mail. Tell me if you have problems receiving it. Best regards. Miguel Miguel Gon?alves wrote: > Hi Yewondwossen, > > I tried what you said but stills not worling. > Can I send the data files and the map object to your personal mail? Yes, please send it to me. Later, Thanks. Best regards. Miguel Yewondwossen Assefa wrote: > Hi There, > > Normally the unit should be parsed from the filter and set as the > value of the toleranceunits and your distance should be used to update > the tolerance of the layer. > > The only thing that might be missing (assuming that all filter > encoding is parsed properly) is that you should set the units of your > map file to degrees (at the map level set UNITS "dd"). If that does > not solve your issue please sned me a simple map file/data/and the > filter encoding and I will test it here. > > Later, > > > Miguel Gon?alves wrote: > >> Hello list, >> >> I am using mapserver 4.6 for windows >> I am using the following DWidth request >> >> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=cities&MAP=../MAPS/tutorial/ >> >> >> >> Geometry >> >> -8.418000,41.539600 >> >> 1000 >> >> >> >> >> and I am having some problems with the units. >> I specified units='m' but, in the results that I obtain, the distance >> between the geographical features is in degrees (I checked with ArcMap). >> Can you help me to solve this problem? >> Thanks. >> Best regards. >> >> Miguel >> >> P.S. If it helps, here is my map object >> >> MAP >> EXTENT -36.133725 5.7104918367 66.0633 71.1839 >> SHAPEPATH "europe_1_data" >> >> WEB >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "Mapa da Europa" >> WFS_SRS "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?" >> END >> END >> ############## LAYER cities >> LAYER >> NAME cities >> DATA cities >> TYPE line >> DUMP TRUE TOLERANCEUNITS >> METERS >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "cities layer" >> GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" >> END >> END >> >> ############## LAYER mjroads >> LAYER >> NAME mjroads >> DATA mjroads >> TYPE line >> DUMP TRUE >> TOLERANCEUNITS METERS >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "mjroads layer" >> GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" >> END >> END >> >> ##############LAYER country >> LAYER >> NAME countries >> DATA countries >> TYPE polygon >> DUMP TRUE >> TOLERANCEUNITS METERS >> METADATA >> WFS_TITLE "country layer" >> GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all" >> END >> END >> >> END >> > From ajfrank at ALICE.IT Fri Sep 16 04:57:28 2005 From: ajfrank at ALICE.IT (Gianfranco Brescia) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 06:57:28 -0500 Subject: Dynamical symbol Message-ID: Hi to all, I need to draw a dynamic circle (position and radius variables) on my map. Can I do that with php mapscript? How? Tanks for answers! Ciao Gianfranco. From barbara at REALLYGOODFREELANCEWRITER.COM Fri Sep 16 05:11:58 2005 From: barbara at REALLYGOODFREELANCEWRITER.COM (Barbara Payne) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:11:58 -0400 Subject: Total beginner here... Message-ID: Am stuck on one of the first things I'm trying to do -- to access sample map data prior to learning how to use OpenEV. Script for looking at the data seems to operate fine--but it's not finding the data I've downloaded (twice, into different places, event though the book says it doesn't matter where I extract it). Is there someone in the U.S. who has a few minutes to talk with me to get past this issue? I'll be glad to call you or I'll give you my cell number off-list. Thanks. "Find your True Voice...and grow your business" TM ____________________________________________ Barbara Payne Co-author with Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen and others - " Create the business breakthrough you want -- Secrets and Strategies from the World's Greatest Mentors ~ endorsed by Ken Blanchard and Dr. Stephen Covey Business website: Subscribe to our marketing tips newlsetter! Publications: Samples of newsletter: GetMoreCustomers Professional blog: Blog for Business Bioscience news: BioMedNews.Org Cleveland blog: Barbara Payne's Capitalist Cleveland blog 928 SOM Center Rd. Suite 103 . Cleveland, OH 44143 . ph 440.646.0041 Chicago, IL voice mail/fax 312.416.7965 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: writerlogo-verysmk.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1601 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: tagline-voice.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1704 bytes Desc: not available URL: From genuchten at YAHOO.COM Fri Sep 16 05:26:23 2005 From: genuchten at YAHOO.COM (Paul) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 05:26:23 -0700 Subject: remark on virtualspatialdata-wiki (windows server) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: i had some problems working out the virtualspatialdata-wiki on my windows 2000 server which i'd like to share with you. when i first tested my virtual ogr file using ogrinfo, i recieved messages that the file gcs.csv could not be opened, containing the projection information. The reason was that i hadn't run setenv.bat. Later when i tried to view the virtualdatalayer in mapserver i got the same messages. Apparently mapserver/apache/ogr also didn't know where to look for the projection-files. After introducing the parameter gdal_data in apache config the layer was displayed properly. SetEnv gdal_data "/ms4w/tools/ogr-utils/data" maybe somebody has a different sollution? Good luck everybody, working on similar issues, --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 16 06:07:54 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:07:54 -0400 Subject: Dynamical symbol In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi There, One possible way of doing it is to create (or use already defined) layer in your map file which is of type circle. Then you should be able to add a shape object on the fly to this layer. You shape object should be a line type with 2 points which corresponds to the MBR of the circle. There might be other ways too. Later Gianfranco Brescia wrote: > Hi to all, > I need to draw a dynamic circle (position and radius variables) on my map. > Can I do that with php mapscript? > How? > Tanks for answers! > Ciao > Gianfranco. > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 16 06:11:17 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:11:17 -0400 Subject: remark on virtualspatialdata-wiki (windows server) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Paul, Newer versions of MS4W have this problem fixed, all of the gdal reference files are included in /ms4w/gdaldata/ and the environment variable is set in apache. Sorry about that. jeff Paul wrote: > i had some problems working out the virtualspatialdata-wiki on my > windows 2000 server which i'd like to share with you. when i first > tested my virtual ogr file using ogrinfo, i recieved messages that the > file gcs.csv could not be opened, containing the projection information. > The reason was that i hadn't run setenv.bat. > > Later when i tried to view the virtualdatalayer in mapserver i got the > same messages. Apparently mapserver/apache/ogr also didn't know where to > look for the projection-files. After introducing the parameter gdal_data > in apache config the layer was displayed properly. > > SetEnv gdal_data "/ms4w/tools/ogr-utils/data" > > maybe somebody has a different sollution? > > Good luck everybody, working on similar issues, -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From adam.hill at GMAIL.COM Fri Sep 16 09:02:21 2005 From: adam.hill at GMAIL.COM (Adam Hill) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 11:02:21 -0500 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On the harware side of things, if you pick the right motherboard you get to move from single core Opterons to dual-core Opterons with just a BIOS upgrade, even with dual processor, single core systems. adam.. From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Fri Sep 16 23:04:29 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 23:04:29 -0700 Subject: Total beginner here... In-Reply-To: <051d01c5bab7$d6e99160$6401a8c0@Desktop> Message-ID: Barbara, On 9/16/05, Barbara Payne wrote: > > Am stuck on one of the first things I'm trying to do -- to access sample > map data prior to learning how to use OpenEV. > Script for looking at the data seems to operate fine--but it's not > finding the data I've downloaded (twice, into different places, event though > the book says it doesn't matter where I extract it). > Is there someone in the U.S. who has a few minutes to talk with me to get > past this issue? I'll be glad to call you or I'll give you my cell number > off-list. > If I understand you correctly, you're trying to download data and view it in OpenEV? Perhaps the OpenEV mailing list would have a better answer. If you are using Mapserver to view the data, we'll need more specifics to be able to help you. For example, what script are you using? What dataset are you trying to view? What specific steps did you take and what exactly went wrong? The better you explain your problem, the better we'll be able to help you solve it. Also, while myself and others are happy to offer consulting services for a fee, you are might be off keeping your questions in a public mailing list forum so that 1) you can draw on the knowledge of the entire community and 2) the solutions to the problems will be archived so that others will have the answers if they encounter the same questions. Hope to hear from you, -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN Fri Sep 16 23:37:14 2005 From: as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN (Aniruddha S. Khadkikar) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:07:14 +0530 Subject: Linking error while compiling Mapserver Message-ID: Dear All, I am getting a linking error while compiling either gdal or mapserver. I am working with visual c++ 6 standard edition. I have gone though the entire as well as checked the configuration for nmake.opt but am unable to understand where the problem lies. The error comes at the end phase of compiling at which it gives the message: cannot find "C:\Program.obj". Can anyone please guide me on how to go about this? As you guessed right I am not familiar with c++ and am just using the directions in the user guide for building mapserver binaries with oracle, php mapscript, proj4, pdf, jpeg and gdal support for our use. In case if anyone has compiled such binaries for Oracle 9.2, could you please share them with me. This will allow me to start working straight away and worry about compiling later. Though I would like very much to know where exactly I am goofing :) Thanks Aniruddha -- ANIRUDDHA S. KHADKIKAR Ph.D. ..................................................... Digital Information Resource Centre National Chemical Laboratory Dr. Homi Bhabha Road Pune 411008, INDIA ..................................................... Phone : 91 020 25893457 (Off) Fax : 91 020 25893973 Email : as.khadkikar at Web : ..................................................... ***************************************************************** This email is virus free by TrendMicro Inter Scan Security Suite. ***************************************************************** From barbara at REALLYGOODFREELANCEWRITER.COM Sat Sep 17 05:15:54 2005 From: barbara at REALLYGOODFREELANCEWRITER.COM (Barbara Payne) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 08:15:54 -0400 Subject: Total beginner here... Message-ID: Thank you to the author of the book for responding to my cry for help! Have now created my first primitive map. The book,by the way, is Web Mapping by Tyler Mitchell and published by O'Reilly. You guys are probably all experts, but it's very exciting for a non-programmer like me to think I could really learn to map data. Thanks, Tyler. More questions undoubtedly on the way. -----Original Message----- From: Barbara Payne [mailto:barbara at] Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 7:12 AM To: 'MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU' Subject: Total beginner here... Am stuck on one of the first things I'm trying to do -- to access sample map data prior to learning how to use OpenEV. Script for looking at the data seems to operate fine--but it's not finding the data I've downloaded (twice, into different places, event though the book says it doesn't matter where I extract it). Is there someone in the U.S. who has a few minutes to talk with me to get past this issue? I'll be glad to call you or I'll give you my cell number off-list. Thanks. "Find your True Voice...and grow your business" TM ____________________________________________ Barbara Payne Co-author with Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen and others - " Create the business breakthrough you want -- Secrets and Strategies from the World's Greatest Mentors ~ endorsed by Ken Blanchard and Dr. Stephen Covey Business website: Subscribe to our marketing tips newlsetter! Publications: Samples of newsletter: GetMoreCustomers Professional blog: Blog for Business Bioscience news: BioMedNews.Org Cleveland blog: Barbara Payne's Capitalist Cleveland blog 928 SOM Center Rd. Suite 103 . Cleveland, OH 44143 . ph 440.646.0041 Chicago, IL voice mail/fax 312.416.7965 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: writerlogo-verysmk.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1601 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: tagline-voice.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1704 bytes Desc: not available URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Sep 17 06:49:14 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 09:49:14 -0400 Subject: Linking error while compiling Mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/17/05, Aniruddha S. Khadkikar wrote: > Dear All, > I am getting a linking error while compiling either gdal or mapserver. I > am working with visual c++ 6 standard edition. I have gone though the > entire as well as checked the configuration for nmake.opt > but am unable to understand where the problem lies. > The error comes at the end phase of compiling at which it gives the > message: cannot find "C:\Program.obj". Aniruddha, I would guess that you have a problem quote a path with a space in it. Are you building stuff under "C:\Program Files"? I would strongly advice you to put everything you can into a directory for which the path above it has no space. If you don't want to do that, then you may need to fiddle in the various makefiles with adding quoting around paths. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Sat Sep 17 08:02:18 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:02:18 +0200 Subject: WCS startup problems Message-ID: Hi list, I am trying to get a basic WCS request running using the Mapserver WCS use cases HOWTO but am only getting corrupt tiff or corrupt ECW files out of Mapserver. Does anybody see what I am doing wrong? I am using the latest fwtools binaries. The request I am trying is: C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>mapserv "QUERY_STRING=map=/ms4w/bart/ bbox=100000,300000,200000,400000&crs=EPSG:28992&resx=75&resy=75&format=GEOTIFF" > out.tif Gdalinfo says on the output files: ECW file: C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>gdalinfo out.ecw ERROR 1: File is invalid or corrupt GDALOpen failed - 1 File is invalid or corrupt Tiff file: C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>gdalinfo out.tif ERROR 4: `out.tif' not recognised as a supported file format. GDALOpen failed - 4 `out.tif' not recognised as a supported file format. Open GDAL Datasets: 1 N DriverIsNULL 512x512x0 1 N DriverIsNULL 512x512x0 This is my layer definition: LAYER METADATA "wcs_description" "my fake provinces" "wcs_name" "provincies" "wcs_label" "provinces" "ows_srs" "EPSG:28992" "ows_extent" "10000 305000 280000 619000" "wcs_resolution" "75 75" "wcs_bandcount" "3" "wcs_formats" "ECW,GEOTIFF" END NAME "Provincies" STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END TYPE POLYGON DUMP TRUE TEMPLATE "blank.html" CLASS NAME "class1" STYLE MAXSIZE 100 MINSIZE 1 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 1 SYMBOL 0 END END END Thanks in advance. Best regards, Bart From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Sat Sep 17 08:06:46 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:06:46 +0200 Subject: WCS startup problems In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I think I see the problem, is it correct to say that (Mapserver) WCS cannot be used to rasterize vector data? It can only be used when the source layer is raster? I was assuming it could also be used for rasterizing vector layers using the symbology defined in Mapserver. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Hi list, > > I am trying to get a basic WCS request running using the Mapserver WCS > use cases HOWTO but am only getting corrupt tiff or corrupt ECW files > out of Mapserver. Does anybody see what I am doing wrong? I am using > the latest fwtools binaries. > > The request I am trying is: > > C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>mapserv > "QUERY_STRING=map=/ms4w/bart/ > > bbox=100000,300000,200000,400000&crs=EPSG:28992&resx=75&resy=75&format=GEOTIFF" > > out.tif > > Gdalinfo says on the output files: > > ECW file: > C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>gdalinfo out.ecw > ERROR 1: File is invalid or corrupt > GDALOpen failed - 1 > File is invalid or corrupt > > Tiff file: > C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>gdalinfo out.tif > ERROR 4: `out.tif' not recognised as a supported file format. > > GDALOpen failed - 4 > `out.tif' not recognised as a supported file format. > > Open GDAL Datasets: > 1 N DriverIsNULL 512x512x0 > 1 N DriverIsNULL 512x512x0 > > This is my layer definition: > > LAYER > METADATA > "wcs_description" "my fake provinces" > "wcs_name" "provincies" > "wcs_label" "provinces" > "ows_srs" "EPSG:28992" > "ows_extent" "10000 305000 280000 619000" > "wcs_resolution" "75 75" > "wcs_bandcount" "3" > "wcs_formats" "ECW,GEOTIFF" > END > NAME "Provincies" > STATUS ON > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > TYPE POLYGON > DUMP TRUE > TEMPLATE "blank.html" > CLASS > NAME "class1" > STYLE > MAXSIZE 100 > MINSIZE 1 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > SIZE 1 > SYMBOL 0 > END > END > END > > Thanks in advance. > > Best regards, > Bart > > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Sep 17 08:14:03 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 11:14:03 -0400 Subject: WCS startup problems In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/17/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Hi list, > > I am trying to get a basic WCS request running using the Mapserver WCS > use cases HOWTO but am only getting corrupt tiff or corrupt ECW files > out of Mapserver. Does anybody see what I am doing wrong? I am using the > latest fwtools binaries. > > The request I am trying is: > > C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>mapserv > "QUERY_STRING=map=/ms4w/bart/ > bbox=100000,300000,200000,400000&crs=EPSG:28992&resx=75&resy=75&format=GEOTIFF" > > out.tif Bart, You are not removing the "Content-type: image/tiff\n\n" from the beginning of he return result. Whenever I test at the commandlie this way I manually edit this out of the result with emacs. Any editor that won't weird-out or "fix" binary files should do. It is a hassle. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Sep 17 08:31:40 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 11:31:40 -0400 Subject: WCS startup problems In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/17/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > I think I see the problem, is it correct to say that (Mapserver) WCS > cannot be used to rasterize vector data? It can only be used when the > source layer is raster? Bart, That is correct. Currently at the key point in the getcoverage implementation is calls msDrawRasterLayerLow() rather than a generic draw layer function. I imagine there are other parts of the WCS support which assume raster files as well. It might be possible to update things to support rendering from vectors or other layer sources, but it would mean that all the coverage resolution and such information would need to come from metadata objects. Generally I still think of WCS as a mechanism for describing and returning raster datasets without altering the raw pixel values. But, in theory at least, coverages can be broader than just rasters. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Sat Sep 17 08:33:01 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:33:01 +0200 Subject: WCS startup problems In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, that's a good one, I did not think of that. Now I get a tiff file which gdalinfo can read, but if I open it up in OpenEV I don't see anything (black screen). Can the WCS be used to rasterize vector data or not? C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>gdalinfo "c:\Documents and Settings\bart\Desktop\mapserv.tif" Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Size is 1333, 1333 Coordinate System is: PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New", GEOGCS["Amersfoort", DATUM["Amersfoort", SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128000009, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7004"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6289"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4289"]], PROJECTION["Oblique_Stereographic"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",52.15616055555555], PARAMETER["central_meridian",5.387638888888889], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999079], PARAMETER["false_easting",155000], PARAMETER["false_northing",463000], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","28992"]] Origin = (100000.000000,400000.000000) Pixel Size = (75.01875469,-75.01875469) Metadata: AREA_OR_POINT=Area Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 100000.000, 400000.000) ( 4d35'38.02"E, 51d35'13.69"N) Lower Left ( 100000.000, 300000.000) ( 4d36'33.22"E, 50d41'17.42"N) Upper Right ( 200000.000, 400000.000) ( 6d 2'13.48"E, 51d35'16.89"N) Lower Right ( 200000.000, 300000.000) ( 6d 1'28.30"E, 50d41'20.54"N) Center ( 150000.000, 350000.000) ( 5d18'58.26"E, 51d 8'25.06"N) Band 1 Block=1333x6 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red Band 2 Block=1333x6 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green Band 3 Block=1333x6 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue Best regards, Bart Frank Warmerdam wrote: >On 9/17/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > > >>Hi list, >> >>I am trying to get a basic WCS request running using the Mapserver WCS >>use cases HOWTO but am only getting corrupt tiff or corrupt ECW files >>out of Mapserver. Does anybody see what I am doing wrong? I am using the >>latest fwtools binaries. >> >>The request I am trying is: >> >>C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>mapserv >>"QUERY_STRING=map=/ms4w/bart/ >>bbox=100000,300000,200000,400000&crs=EPSG:28992&resx=75&resy=75&format=GEOTIFF" >> > out.tif >> >> > >Bart, > >You are not removing the "Content-type: image/tiff\n\n" from the >beginning of he return result. Whenever I test at the commandlie this >way I manually edit this out of the result with emacs. Any editor that >won't weird-out or "fix" binary files should do. It is a hassle. > >Best regards, > > > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Sat Sep 17 08:36:15 2005 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:36:15 +0200 Subject: WCS startup problems In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Okay, our e-mails just crossed, so my last e-mail can be ignored. Anyway, seems like I am trying out a for now invalid use case. Thanks for the quick and useful replies Frank. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Hi Frank, > > that's a good one, I did not think of that. > > Now I get a tiff file which gdalinfo can read, but if I open it up in > OpenEV I don't see anything (black screen). > > Can the WCS be used to rasterize vector data or not? > > C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>gdalinfo "c:\Documents and > Settings\bart\Desktop\mapserv.tif" > Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF > Size is 1333, 1333 > Coordinate System is: > PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New", > GEOGCS["Amersfoort", > DATUM["Amersfoort", > SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128000009, > AUTHORITY["EPSG","7004"]], > AUTHORITY["EPSG","6289"]], > PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], > UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], > AUTHORITY["EPSG","4289"]], > PROJECTION["Oblique_Stereographic"], > PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",52.15616055555555], > PARAMETER["central_meridian",5.387638888888889], > PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999079], > PARAMETER["false_easting",155000], > PARAMETER["false_northing",463000], > UNIT["metre",1, > AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], > AUTHORITY["EPSG","28992"]] > Origin = (100000.000000,400000.000000) > Pixel Size = (75.01875469,-75.01875469) > Metadata: > AREA_OR_POINT=Area > Corner Coordinates: > Upper Left ( 100000.000, 400000.000) ( 4d35'38.02"E, 51d35'13.69"N) > Lower Left ( 100000.000, 300000.000) ( 4d36'33.22"E, 50d41'17.42"N) > Upper Right ( 200000.000, 400000.000) ( 6d 2'13.48"E, 51d35'16.89"N) > Lower Right ( 200000.000, 300000.000) ( 6d 1'28.30"E, 50d41'20.54"N) > Center ( 150000.000, 350000.000) ( 5d18'58.26"E, 51d 8'25.06"N) > Band 1 Block=1333x6 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red > Band 2 Block=1333x6 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green > Band 3 Block=1333x6 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue > > Best regards, > Bart > > Frank Warmerdam wrote: > >> On 9/17/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: >> >> >>> Hi list, >>> >>> I am trying to get a basic WCS request running using the Mapserver WCS >>> use cases HOWTO but am only getting corrupt tiff or corrupt ECW files >>> out of Mapserver. Does anybody see what I am doing wrong? I am using >>> the >>> latest fwtools binaries. >>> >>> The request I am trying is: >>> >>> C:\Program Files\FWTools0.9.9>mapserv >>> "QUERY_STRING=map=/ms4w/bart/ >>> >>> bbox=100000,300000,200000,400000&crs=EPSG:28992&resx=75&resy=75&format=GEOTIFF" >>> >>> > out.tif >>> >> >> >> Bart, >> >> You are not removing the "Content-type: image/tiff\n\n" from the >> beginning of he return result. Whenever I test at the commandlie this >> way I manually edit this out of the result with emacs. Any editor that >> won't weird-out or "fix" binary files should do. It is a hassle. >> Best regards, >> >> >> > > From boice at RUNSKIP.COM Sat Sep 17 11:00:34 2005 From: boice at RUNSKIP.COM (boice tomlin) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 13:00:34 -0500 Subject: displaying symbols with php mapscript Message-ID: Can anyone point me to a good reference for creating a style and a symbol from phpmapscript. I am trying to display a county or city with a hatch pattern based on an expression. The documentation on the mapserver site gives no or little example uses. I can selectively fill the background color of any county or city using an expression. But my attempts at setting the style to use a hatch symbol are not working. thanks much, boice //////////////////////////// Run Skip boice tomlin boice at 503-528-6204 From shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM Sat Sep 17 19:24:49 2005 From: shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM (Shawn Wallbridge) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 21:24:49 -0500 Subject: Mapserver and threading Message-ID: I am contemplating the machine I want to run Mapserver on and I am trying to decide between a a couple of machines. Has anyone run Mapserver on a 4+ CPU machine? Does it thread very well? PostGIS will be running on a different machine (Quad Processor Sun e450 with 4GB of Ram, lots of SCSI disks running Solaris 10). shawn From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Sep 17 20:00:00 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 23:00:00 -0400 Subject: Mapserver and threading In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/17/05, Shawn Wallbridge wrote: > I am contemplating the machine I want to run Mapserver on and I am > trying to decide between a a couple of machines. > > Has anyone run Mapserver on a 4+ CPU machine? Does it thread very well? > > PostGIS will be running on a different machine (Quad Processor Sun > e450 with 4GB of Ram, lots of SCSI disks running Solaris 10). Shawn, The common way of running MapServer is as a cgi (either mapserv itself, or a mapscript cgi). In this form, each cgi request will run on a single CPU but several requests can be effectively serviced at a time. It is also possible to run MapServer in a multi-threaded way. I would have to say that this is not so widely used, and consequently somewhat risky. So, if you are running as a cgi, then you will be able to support more requests on a multi-cpu system than on a single cpu system assuming you find things are cpu bound. Of course, in many cases things are really input/output or memory bound in which case the multi-cpus will give relatively little benefit. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From boice at RUNSKIP.COM Sat Sep 17 20:19:07 2005 From: boice at RUNSKIP.COM (boice tomlin) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 22:19:07 -0500 Subject: expressions Message-ID: Hello, I need help with expressions. From PHP mapscript I am trying to turn on all counties that that are in a set of counties that I supply. For example, from all of the counties in the US I want to turn on only the ones with these fips numbers, (17139, 17157, 17167) This list could change and include 5-100 fips numbers or more. What would this query look like? Is there a better way to do it? Should I be considering a join. I have the ability to dynamically create a dbf file with the counties I need to have on the map. I could then join with that file I suppose. Thank You Much, boice //////////////////////////// Run Skip boice tomlin boice at 503-528-6204 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM Sat Sep 17 21:17:45 2005 From: shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM (Shawn Wallbridge) Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 23:17:45 -0500 Subject: Mapserver and threading In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 17-Sep-05, at 10:00 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 9/17/05, Shawn Wallbridge wrote: > >> I am contemplating the machine I want to run Mapserver on and I am >> trying to decide between a a couple of machines. >> >> Has anyone run Mapserver on a 4+ CPU machine? Does it thread very >> well? >> >> PostGIS will be running on a different machine (Quad Processor Sun >> e450 with 4GB of Ram, lots of SCSI disks running Solaris 10). >> > > Shawn, > > The common way of running MapServer is as a cgi (either mapserv > itself, or a mapscript cgi). In this form, each cgi request will > run on > a single CPU but several requests can be effectively serviced at a > time. > > It is also possible to run MapServer in a multi-threaded way. I > would have to say that this is not so widely used, and consequently > somewhat risky. > > So, if you are running as a cgi, then you will be able to support more > requests on a multi-cpu system than on a single cpu system assuming > you find things are cpu bound. Of course, in many cases things are > really input/output or memory bound in which case the multi-cpus will > give relatively little benefit. > > Best regards, Thanks, I guess I wasn't thinking, because I _should_ have known that ;-) So the 14 Processor Sun E4000 it is ;-) shawn From as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN Sun Sep 18 04:15:15 2005 From: as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN (Aniruddha S. Khadkikar) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 16:45:15 +0530 Subject: Some more errors Message-ID: Dear All, I got through the earlier errors by providing absolute paths in quotes. Now I am straddled with one more error. SOS! I also resolved the regex problem by using PHP Mapscript option. mapogcsld.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _msOWSLookupMetadata mapogcsld.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _msOWSGetSchemasLocation libmap.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals It seems I am closer to actually building the binaries...Let us hope I succeed...ofcourse with your help. This also highlights that the documentation on building binaries may not be sufficiently dealt with for the windows platform. If I succeed, be sure that I shall upload my entire experience...well documented. Regards Aniruddha. -- ANIRUDDHA S. KHADKIKAR Ph.D. ..................................................... Digital Information Resource Centre National Chemical Laboratory Dr. Homi Bhabha Road Pune 411008, INDIA ..................................................... Phone : 91 020 25893457 (Off) Fax : 91 020 25893973 Email : as.khadkikar at Web : ..................................................... ***************************************************************** This email is virus free by TrendMicro Inter Scan Security Suite. ***************************************************************** From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sun Sep 18 08:17:43 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 11:17:43 -0400 Subject: Some more errors In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/18/05, Aniruddha S. Khadkikar wrote: > Dear All, > I got through the earlier errors by providing absolute paths in quotes. > Now I am straddled with one more error. SOS! > I also resolved the regex problem by using PHP Mapscript option. > > mapogcsld.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol > _msOWSLookupMetadata > mapogcsld.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol > _msOWSGetSchemasLocation > libmap.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals > > It seems I am closer to actually building the binaries...Let us hope I > succeed...ofcourse with your help. This also highlights that the > documentation on building binaries may not be sufficiently dealt with > for the windows platform. If I succeed, be sure that I shall upload my > entire experience...well documented. Aniruddha, It seems that the OGC SLD stuff in 4.6.x only depends on enabling OGR while providing the msOWSLookupMetadata function only occurs if WMS/WFS or WCS server is enabled. I would suggest enabling WMS server support. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Sun Sep 18 12:51:53 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 12:51:53 -0700 Subject: Mapserver and threading In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Shawn, You might want to play with the FCGI options in Mapserver a bit, if you are using PostGIS as a backend (or any database, really) since there is a small (in the PostGIS case) or large (in the Oracle) connection penalty for each CGI instantiation, and FCGI spreads that out over multiple map requests. Yours, Paul On 17-Sep-05, at 9:17 PM, Shawn Wallbridge wrote: > On 17-Sep-05, at 10:00 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > >> On 9/17/05, Shawn Wallbridge wrote: >> >> >>> I am contemplating the machine I want to run Mapserver on and I am >>> trying to decide between a a couple of machines. >>> >>> Has anyone run Mapserver on a 4+ CPU machine? Does it thread very >>> well? >>> >>> PostGIS will be running on a different machine (Quad Processor Sun >>> e450 with 4GB of Ram, lots of SCSI disks running Solaris 10). >>> >>> >> >> Shawn, >> >> The common way of running MapServer is as a cgi (either mapserv >> itself, or a mapscript cgi). In this form, each cgi request will >> run on >> a single CPU but several requests can be effectively serviced at a >> time. >> >> It is also possible to run MapServer in a multi-threaded way. I >> would have to say that this is not so widely used, and consequently >> somewhat risky. >> >> So, if you are running as a cgi, then you will be able to support >> more >> requests on a multi-cpu system than on a single cpu system assuming >> you find things are cpu bound. Of course, in many cases things are >> really input/output or memory bound in which case the multi-cpus will >> give relatively little benefit. >> >> Best regards, >> > > Thanks, I guess I wasn't thinking, because I _should_ have known > that ;-) > > So the 14 Processor Sun E4000 it is ;-) > > shawn > From uchoa at OPENGEO.COM.BR Sun Sep 18 10:25:38 2005 From: uchoa at OPENGEO.COM.BR (Helton Nogueira Uchoa) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:25:38 +0000 Subject: Version 0.1 of Open 3D GIS released Message-ID: Hi, Now there is a good solution to integrate the MapServer with a 3D world! Visit the official site: []s Uchoa -- Helton Uch?a - uchoa at Consultor - Geoprocessamento/Software Livre OpenGeo Consultoria - Tel/Fax: (21) 2518-6233 - ICQ 8741329 Conhe?a a comunidade GEO Livre ( - Para cursos especializados, visite Treinamento em MapServer, JUMP, GRASS, GeoServer, QGIS, etc -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: uchoa.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 173 bytes Desc: not available URL: From bill at BINKO.NET Sun Sep 18 19:18:22 2005 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 22:18:22 -0400 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: > Bill, > > I don't have direct experience unfortunately, but I have heard a > few complaints about 64bit AMD support as well for GDAL. If I > were you and looking for a "safe" bet I would stick with a 32bit > solution. > > If anyone out there has an Opteron system running linux that > they would like to provide me with a testing account on, I would > be interested in building and testing some components (ie > GDAL, MapServer). I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback on this. I must say it's mixed :-( I am in an interesting situation, however: while my hardware needs will (hopefuly) grow to be considerable, my initial risk (in terms of real $$) is fairly low. Even an occasional down time would be acceptable until about January, when I expect to ramp up usage. Therefore, I'm considering the following strategy. I think it will provide the highest potential reward, while leaving me a fall-back position without looking too much investment. I plan on going ahead with a dual 64-bit Opteron system. I haven't decided on dual-core or not. I also have considered starting with a single dual-core CPU and adding another near the end of my test cycle. That might save me cash if I decide I have to scrap this and go to a more conventional system -- I am leaning toward just getting two CPUs up front. From shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM Sun Sep 18 19:53:10 2005 From: shawn at SYNACK-HOSTING.COM (Shawn Wallbridge) Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 21:53:10 -0500 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 18-Sep-05, at 9:18 PM, Bill Binko wrote: > I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback on this. I must say it's > mixed :-( > > I am in an interesting situation, however: while my hardware needs > will > (hopefuly) grow to be considerable, my initial risk (in terms of > real $$) > is fairly low. Even an occasional down time would be acceptable until > about January, when I expect to ramp up usage. > > Therefore, I'm considering the following strategy. I think it will > provide the highest potential reward, while leaving me a fall-back > position without looking too much investment. > > I plan on going ahead with a dual 64-bit Opteron system. I haven't > decided on dual-core or not. I also have considered starting with a > single dual-core CPU and adding another near the end of my test cycle. > That might save me cash if I decide I have to scrap this and go to > a more > conventional system -- I am leaning toward just getting two CPUs up > front. I would say that is an excellent strategy. I would stick with single core for now, just on a price/performance basis. As long as your motherboard supports dual cores, you have a potential upgrade path that is 'relatively' painless if you need it. Right now the costs of Dual Core processors is about 3-4x the price of single cores (from the places I have looked). > > From everything I have heard, I can run 32-bit Linux on these > without any > problems from any of the core open source GIS apps. (Please > correct me if > I'm wrong on that impression). > > I will start with a 64-bit Linux, and rebuild my core apps 64-bit. > That > would give me from my purchase date (probably about 2 weeks out) > through > my development (until Nov 10) and through my testing cycles > (through Jan > 1) to find and fix as many 64-bit issues as I can. If I find it's > unstable for my purposes, I will fall back to 32-bit Linux and 32-bit > apps. > > Assuming I take this route, I would be happy to provide SSH access > to all > of the core developers of the systems I'm using (GDAL, Mapserver, > PostGIS, > etc.) if they would like to test on that platform (hint, hint, Frank). > > I am making the assumption that all of the core apps are 80-90% > working on > 64-bit systems. I'm willing to be guinea pig and bug-hunter for the > remaining 10-20% given the situation I'm in and the potential > benefit of > running 64-bit (and much faster from the annecdotal feedback I've > gotten). > > Again, thanks for the input, > > Bill I wish I had an Opteron I could give the developers access to right now. While my hardware will all be 64bit, it will be UltraSPARC and MIPS based ;-) But they are welcome to access to those. Worst case, you should have no problems running 32bit apps on it. We are running straight 32bit on our 120 Dual Opteron's without any problems. shawn From A.Nemmert at ONET.AT Mon Sep 19 00:27:05 2005 From: A.Nemmert at ONET.AT (Nemmert, Andreas) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:27:05 +0200 Subject: Get image coordinates Message-ID: Hello list, I have a problem to get the coordinates of my image. I have a function that returns me the coordinates of my image, but this only works on the internet explorer. When I test my site in the mozilla firefox the functions do not work. Can anyone give me a hint or a piece of code to get the image coordinates in mozilla firefox? Another question I have is: How can I draw a rectangle when I, for example, make a zoombyrectangle? Thank you for your help! Andreas Nemmert -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Mon Sep 19 00:27:33 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:27:33 +0200 Subject: WMS on an other server In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, I have installed ms4w and mapbender on my testserver on Port 8081. That?s running fine. Now I want to transfer this on an other server on Port 80. But there is already an normal (windows) server running. So the WMS should be the second server. 1. Is this possible to run a windows server and a WMS on the same maschine and on port 80? 2. What settings shall be conducted for this? I see a problem that a query on IP:80 could not be assignet to the right server... Best regarts, Leopold From albrecht at FIELAX.DE Mon Sep 19 00:59:28 2005 From: albrecht at FIELAX.DE (Sebastian Albrecht) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:59:28 +0000 Subject: WMS on an other server In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Leopold, > I see a problem that a query on IP:80 could not be assignet to the right > server... That is true. You cannot bind two applications to one port. What you can do is: - Setup your WMS in the document root directory (htdocs) of the existing port-80 webserver so it is accessible from the web - Better solution: Setup your WMS in a directory outside the existing webserver's document root and add an ALIAS ([1]) to the config file of this web server to include that directory. This should be the better way because the existing web site will not be touched. In both cases you will have to setup the mapserv binary and PHP in the web server environment. Regards, Sebastian [1] If your web server is an Apache the ALIAS can look like this: Alias /your_wms/ "c:\whatever\my_wms\" AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews Order allow,deny Allow from all If your web server is an IIS you should be able to do the same thing by clickclickclick in the configuration panels of your IIS. From hfl at HOME.NL Mon Sep 19 01:36:57 2005 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:36:57 +0200 Subject: WFS and Oracle Message-ID: Hello, If you use Mapserver 4.6 and later for wfs requests on Oracle Spatal layers do not use the 'normal' synstax of DATA "GEOMETRIE FROM GEBOUW USING UNIQUE ID SRID 90112" This helps Mapserver very much to crash Instead use the other syntax that works for joins as the datasource DATA "GEOMETRIE FROM (SELECT GEOMETRIE, ID FROM GEBOUW ) USING UNIQUE ID SRID 90112" This has been tested on database versions 10g and 9.2 I suppose the suggestion to compile on windows with MSVC service pack 4 5 or 6 holds, i didn't go back on that. Regards, Huub From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Mon Sep 19 02:43:45 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 11:43:45 +0200 Subject: WMS on an other server [2] In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi list, if I copy the ms4w and the mapbender folder on an other server with a running IIS or Apache I will not start the Apache in ms4w. How can I integrate Mapserver-CGI and Mapscript and PHP? Best regarts, Leopold ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hallo Leopold, > 1. Ich lege ein eigenes WMS-Verzeichnis an und inkludiere dies - wie du > beschrieben hast - in den bestehenden Server. Jepp. > 2. in den WMS Ordner kopiere ich einfach den ms4w und den mapbender Ordner. > (richtig?) Joa. > 3. den Appache im ms4w starte ich nicht. (richtig?) Hmm. > 4. Dann kann ich den WMS auch ?ber den Port 80 erreichen (den normalen > server auch?) Ja. > 5. Muss ich sonst noch Ver?nderungen vornehmen, damit der WMS l?uft? Also ich muss zugeben, dass ich den MS4W noch nicht benutzt habe, da ich vornehmlich unter Linux arbeite. Da du aber bereits einen Webserver hast, solltest du den anderen nicht starten. Ich bin mir nur nicht sicher, wie du das Mapserver-CGI und vor allem Mapscript und PHP miteinbinden kannst. Gru?, Sebastian -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: Sebastian Albrecht [mailto:albrecht at] Gesendet: Montag, 19. September 2005 09:59 An: Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS on an other server Hi Leopold, > I see a problem that a query on IP:80 could not be assignet to the right > server... That is true. You cannot bind two applications to one port. What you can do is: - Setup your WMS in the document root directory (htdocs) of the existing port-80 webserver so it is accessible from the web - Better solution: Setup your WMS in a directory outside the existing webserver's document root and add an ALIAS ([1]) to the config file of this web server to include that directory. This should be the better way because the existing web site will not be touched. In both cases you will have to setup the mapserv binary and PHP in the web server environment. Regards, Sebastian [1] If your web server is an Apache the ALIAS can look like this: Alias /your_wms/ "c:\whatever\my_wms\" AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews Order allow,deny Allow from all If your web server is an IIS you should be able to do the same thing by clickclickclick in the configuration panels of your IIS. From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Mon Sep 19 04:15:20 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:15:20 +0200 Subject: CLASSITEM-Objekt In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, I have a layer with polygones and a classitem-object that's working fine. I want to make the same with an other layer with lines and when I put in the classitem-object it doesn't works anymore. Someone has an idea about that? Best regards, Leopold --------------------------------------- the working poligone Layer: LAYER NAME "Bev_Density" STATUS ON DATA "test_bevdichte3" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "Bev_Density" "DESCRIPTION" "Bevoelkerungsdichte" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END STATUS DEFAULT CLASSITEM 'Bev_class' CLASS NAME "sehr niedrige Bev?lkerungsdichte" EXPRESSION "1" COLOR 255 227 231 OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 SIZE 2 END ... ---------------------------------------------------------- the same with a line layer - not working (without the classitem object it works) LAYER NAME "BMVIT_wms_strasse_2010" STATUS ON DATA "strasse_2010_lambert475" TYPE LINE CLASSITEM "BELFZGIV1" UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 5000000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "BMVIT_wms_strasse_2010" "DESCRIPTION" "BMVIT Verkehrsprognose strasse_2010" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END STATUS DEFAULT CLASSITEM 'fzgiv' CLASS NAME "0 bis 3000 KFZ/Tag" EXPRESSION "1" COLOR 254 225 225 SIZE 2 END From mschulz at WEBGIS.DE Mon Sep 19 05:02:04 2005 From: mschulz at WEBGIS.DE (Michael Schulz) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:02:04 +0200 Subject: CLASSITEM-Objekt In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Leopold, seems you have two classitems defined for the line layer: CLASSITEM "BELFZGIV1" and CLASSITEM 'fzgiv'. Maybe that's all. Cheers, Michael Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) schrieb: > hi list, > > I have a layer with polygones and a classitem-object that's working fine. > > I want to make the same with an other layer with lines and when I put in the > classitem-object it doesn't works anymore. > > Someone has an idea about that? > > Best regards, > Leopold > > > --------------------------------------- > the working poligone Layer: > > LAYER > NAME "Bev_Density" > STATUS ON > DATA "test_bevdichte3" > TYPE POLYGON > UNITS METERS > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > TOLERANCE 0 > TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS > METADATA > "wms_title" "Bev_Density" > "DESCRIPTION" "Bevoelkerungsdichte" > "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" > END > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASSITEM 'Bev_class' > > CLASS > NAME "sehr niedrige Bev?lkerungsdichte" > EXPRESSION "1" > COLOR 255 227 231 > OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 > SIZE 2 > END > ... > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > the same with a line layer - not working (without the classitem object it > works) > > LAYER > NAME "BMVIT_wms_strasse_2010" > STATUS ON > DATA "strasse_2010_lambert475" > TYPE LINE > CLASSITEM "BELFZGIV1" > UNITS METERS > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > MINSCALE 1 > MAXSCALE 5000000 > TOLERANCE 0 > TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS > METADATA > "wms_title" "BMVIT_wms_strasse_2010" > "DESCRIPTION" "BMVIT Verkehrsprognose strasse_2010" > "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" > END > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASSITEM 'fzgiv' > > CLASS > NAME "0 bis 3000 KFZ/Tag" > EXPRESSION "1" > COLOR 254 225 225 > SIZE 2 > END > -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Michael Schulz mschulz at in medias res Gesellschaft f?r Informationstechnologie mbH In den Weihermatten 66 Tel +49 (0)761 556959-5 79108 Freiburg Fax +49 (0)761 556959-6 / ----------------------------------------------------------- NEU ++ UMN MapServer Hosting ++ ++ NEU ----------------------------------------------------------- From gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU Mon Sep 19 05:30:37 2005 From: gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU (Gerry Creager N5JXS) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:30:37 -0500 Subject: 64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Bill, et al, Bill Binko wrote: >>Bill, >> >>I don't have direct experience unfortunately, but I have heard a >>few complaints about 64bit AMD support as well for GDAL. If I >>were you and looking for a "safe" bet I would stick with a 32bit >>solution. With only a little learning curve, 64-bit Opteron isn't too bad. >>If anyone out there has an Opteron system running linux that >>they would like to provide me with a testing account on, I would >>be interested in building and testing some components (ie >>GDAL, MapServer). Didn't see who posted this (things have been hectic lately) but I can likely provide an opteron system account. Contact me offlist to accomplish this. > I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback on this. I must say it's > mixed :-( I'd not be too mixed. I've been pleased enough with the Opteron to have essentially migrated my HPC cluster in that direction (having said that, we just ordered 16 nodes of Pentium D to test the architecture!) as well as my graphics systems, fileservers, and data acquisition systems. > I am in an interesting situation, however: while my hardware needs will > (hopefuly) grow to be considerable, my initial risk (in terms of real $$) > is fairly low. Even an occasional down time would be acceptable until > about January, when I expect to ramp up usage. > > Therefore, I'm considering the following strategy. I think it will > provide the highest potential reward, while leaving me a fall-back > position without looking too much investment. > > I plan on going ahead with a dual 64-bit Opteron system. I haven't > decided on dual-core or not. I also have considered starting with a > single dual-core CPU and adding another near the end of my test cycle. > That might save me cash if I decide I have to scrap this and go to a more > conventional system -- I am leaning toward just getting two CPUs up front. The conservative approach would be to start with 2 single-core chips and migrate to dual core, but I don't think your approach will be too bad, either! > From everything I have heard, I can run 32-bit Linux on these without any > problems from any of the core open source GIS apps. (Please correct me if > I'm wrong on that impression). Correct. We've done that while we were working the kinks out of a single-core, single CPU system... Motherboard issues mostly, as our compute cluster was merrily running 64-bit linux the whole time on a different motherboard set and "just doin' it". > I will start with a 64-bit Linux, and rebuild my core apps 64-bit. That > would give me from my purchase date (probably about 2 weeks out) through > my development (until Nov 10) and through my testing cycles (through Jan > 1) to find and fix as many 64-bit issues as I can. If I find it's > unstable for my purposes, I will fall back to 32-bit Linux and 32-bit > apps. Learning curve for 64-bit compiles. kinda steep but not too high. you should do fine. > Assuming I take this route, I would be happy to provide SSH access to all > of the core developers of the systems I'm using (GDAL, Mapserver, PostGIS, > etc.) if they would like to test on that platform (hint, hint, Frank). Why didn't *I* think of that? I can likely privide a system where we can do the same, either an Opteron or an Athelon-64, which is performing about the same as an Opteron in a graphics-intensive environment. > I am making the assumption that all of the core apps are 80-90% working on > 64-bit systems. I'm willing to be guinea pig and bug-hunter for the > remaining 10-20% given the situation I'm in and the potential benefit of > running 64-bit (and much faster from the annecdotal feedback I've gotten). Haven't done most of the GDAL/Proj-intensive stuff. Mapserver compiles. PostGIS just works. Most of our focus was on Unidata's Gempak s/w, and now, IDL, for some meteorological apps. MapServer, for us, still runs on a one-lung Celeron system! > Again, thanks for the input, Sorry I didn't respond earlier! gerry -- Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.847.8578 Page: 979.228.0173 Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843 From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Sep 19 10:12:50 2005 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:12:50 -0700 Subject: angleitem for point symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I am also interested in rotating point symbols, especially vector symbols. Is there currently an effort to add support for point symbol rotation? I see this bug: hasn't been updated in over a year. As I understand it, it's currently impossible to rotate point symbols via both STYLE -> ANGLE , and STYLE -> ANGLEITEM. Is that correct? Brock Jeff McKenna wrote: > Sorry Francesco, I just tested again and it doesn't work for me > either. I remember adding it to the documentation, for this bug > I just now got > ANGLEITEM to work with a hatched symbol again, but for a regular point > symbol it does not work. I should update the doc to say that it is > only for hatched symbols...maybe someone else has info on this? > > > jeff > > > > > > Francesco Sozzi wrote: > >> Hi Jeff, >> >> I've also made a test with this definition: >> >> LAYER >> NAME "Segnali" >> TYPE POINT >> >> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz" >> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali >> a, ic_view_segnali_geo g WHERE a.gid=g.gid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" >> STATUS DEFAULT >> >> CLASS >> NAME 'segnale' >> STYLE >> SYMBOL 'triangle' >> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >> SIZE 10 >> COLOR 255 0 0 >> END >> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >> END >> END >> >> In this case I have not a parse error, but all triangles are not >> rotated. It seems that this attribute is ignored. >> >> Regards >> >> Francesco >> >> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McKenna" >> >> To: "Francesco Sozzi" >> Cc: >> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:09 PM >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] angleitem for point symbols >> >> >>> yes, but ANGLEITEM should be specified in a STYLE object >>> ( >>> >>> jeff >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Francesco Sozzi wrote: >>> >>>> Hi All, >>>> I've found in a >>>> reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). >>>> This is a good new because a rotation management for point symbols >>>> is strongly recommended in a map renderer. >>>> I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer >>>> with this attribute, but I get a parse error. >>>> Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? >>>> This is my layer definition: >>>> LAYER >>>> NAME "Segnali" >>>> TYPE POINT >>>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >>>> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz " >>>> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM >>>> ic_segnali a, ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid >>>> NONE" >>>> STATUS DEFAULT >>>> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >>>> CLASS >>>> NAME 'segnale' >>>> SYMBOL 'triangle' >>>> COLOR 0 255 0 >>>> OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 >>>> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >>>> END >>>> END >>>> Best regards >>>> Francesco >>> >>> >>> > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Mon Sep 19 11:55:56 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:55:56 -0400 Subject: Special characters in mapfile Message-ID: Hi, We have a situation where we would like to include the micro sign special character as part of a CLASS NAME in a mapfile. I initially thought that this could have be written as escaped HTML entities, like µ or µ, but neither of those worked in the mapfile. Any suggestions would be appreciated. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: Houle,Marcel [Montreal] Sent: Monday, 19 September, 2005 14:40 To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Subject: Question Hi Tom, Do you know how to include special characters in a CLASS object within a mapfile ? I have many maps in mapinfo polygons format that I want to include in a WMS service. Each map shows concentrations of contaminants in sediments. The concentrations are in differents units, among them is microgram/gram. The abreviation for this is ?g/g Now, in the mapfile, I use this code to represent each thematic class in the polygons file : CLASS NAME "Hg 0.075-0.140 ?g/g" EXPRESSION ([Upper]=0.140056) COLOR 0 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255 END The '?' symbol in the NAME parameter does not appear in the resulting legend (it is replaced by something else). Is there a way to use special characters like '?' in the NAME parameter of a CLASS object ? See GetMap result attached Thank Marcel Houle Charg? de projets en g?omatique Centre Saint-Laurent Environnement Canada 105, rue McGill, 7e ?tage Montr?al, Qu?bec H2Y 2E7 514.496.2672 marcel.houle at Visitez notre site Web : From Craig.Feuerherdt at DSE.VIC.GOV.AU Mon Sep 19 16:25:56 2005 From: Craig.Feuerherdt at DSE.VIC.GOV.AU (Craig Feuerherdt) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:25:56 +1000 Subject: SET MAPSERVER-USERS DIGEST Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Sep 19 16:59:04 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:59:04 -0700 Subject: Special characters in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Unpleasant solution: Make it a 'u' or something with your normal text editor. Then, open your map file in hexedit, and change that 'u' to the higher ASCII value that corresponds to the 'micro' sign (presumably 181, or b5 in hex, if that is what the HTML entities table says). Paul On 19-Sep-05, at 11:55 AM, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > Hi, > > We have a situation where we would like to include the micro sign > special character as part of a CLASS NAME in a mapfile. > > I initially thought that this could have be written as escaped HTML > entities, like µ or µ, but neither of those worked in > the mapfile. > > Any suggestions would be appreciated. > > ..Tom > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Houle,Marcel [Montreal] > Sent: Monday, 19 September, 2005 14:40 > To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] > Subject: Question > > > Hi Tom, > > Do you know how to include special characters in a CLASS object > within a mapfile ? > > I have many maps in mapinfo polygons format that I want to include > in a WMS service. > > Each map shows concentrations of contaminants in sediments. > > The concentrations are in differents units, among them is microgram/ > gram. The abreviation for this is ?g/g > > Now, in the mapfile, I use this code to represent each thematic > class in the polygons file : > > CLASS > NAME "Hg 0.075-0.140 ?g/g" > EXPRESSION ([Upper]=0.140056) > COLOR 0 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255 > END > > The '?' symbol in the NAME parameter does not appear in the > resulting legend (it is replaced by something else). Is there a way > to use special characters like '?' in the NAME parameter of a > CLASS object ? > > See GetMap result attached > > Thank > > > > Marcel Houle > Charg? de projets en g?omatique > Centre Saint-Laurent > Environnement Canada > 105, rue McGill, 7e ?tage > Montr?al, Qu?bec H2Y 2E7 > 514.496.2672 > marcel.houle at > > Visitez notre site Web : > > From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Mon Sep 19 23:16:34 2005 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:16:34 +0800 Subject: Special characters in mapfile Message-ID: Tom, Can't you just enter it using its ASCII value? On windows, hold down ALT, and press "230". I have tested it, and the class name comes out correctly with the micro sign. Not sure if you can do it the same way on Linux, though..... For ascii codes, see: Regards, Jacob ? -----Original Message----- ? From: UMN MapServer Users List ? [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of ? Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] ? Sent: 20 September 2005 02:56 ? To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU ? Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Special characters in mapfile ? ? Hi, ? ? We have a situation where we would like to include the micro ? sign special character as part of a CLASS NAME in a mapfile. ? ? I initially thought that this could have be written as ? escaped HTML entities, like µ or µ, but neither of ? those worked in the mapfile. ? ? Any suggestions would be appreciated. ? ? ..Tom ? ? ? -----Original Message----- ? From: Houle,Marcel [Montreal] ? Sent: Monday, 19 September, 2005 14:40 ? To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] ? Subject: Question ? ? ? Hi Tom, ? ? Do you know how to include special characters in a CLASS ? object within a mapfile ? ? ? I have many maps in mapinfo polygons format that I want to ? include in a WMS service. ? ? Each map shows concentrations of contaminants in sediments. ? ? The concentrations are in differents units, among them is ? microgram/gram. The abreviation for this is ?g/g ? ? Now, in the mapfile, I use this code to represent each ? thematic class in the polygons file : ? ? CLASS ? NAME "Hg 0.075-0.140 ?g/g" ? EXPRESSION ([Upper]=0.140056) ? COLOR 0 255 255 ? OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255 ? END ? ? The '?' symbol in the NAME parameter does not appear in the ? resulting legend (it is replaced by something else). Is there ? a way to use special characters like '?' in the NAME ? parameter of a CLASS object ? ? ? See GetMap result attached ? ? Thank ? ? ? ? Marcel Houle ? Charg? de projets en g?omatique ? Centre Saint-Laurent ? Environnement Canada ? 105, rue McGill, 7e ?tage ? Montr?al, Qu?bec H2Y 2E7 ? 514.496.2672 ? marcel.houle at ? ? Visitez notre site Web : ? ? From christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE Mon Sep 19 23:55:33 2005 From: christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE (Christian Schaffer) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:55:33 +0200 Subject: php_mapscript; php_sprintf Message-ID: Hi list, I have a little problem running php_mapscript. My mapserver binary works as desired, so I?m positive about my compilation. But when calling phpinfo_mapscript.phtml, my apache throws the following error message: /opt/csw/apache2/sbin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ symbol php_sprintf: referenced symbol not found Don?t know, if this is important: I?m on Solaris 10 on AMD64. I?d appreciate any hint to solve this issue. Thanks in advance and best regards, Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From johan.e.hallgren at WMDATA.SE Tue Sep 20 00:03:38 2005 From: johan.e.hallgren at WMDATA.SE (Johan Hallgren) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 02:03:38 -0500 Subject: Problems using MapServer (4.6) in dotnet/c# environement with MapScript/SWIG Message-ID: I have to answer the question my self. The only way I could find to create a safe solution, was to create single treaded processes (I tried tree simultaneous processes). Still I get problems with my dynamic inline features, it's not consequent but it happens and with this dynamic process approach they can be killed and restarted. Anyhow, the solution is safe, it works and it's wery good performance. This is from my latest performance test. Same data,s ame server same everything: with MapServer in my environment (c#...) 1600 maps start 07:47:32 stop 07:49:41 129 sec 0,081 sec/map with ArcIMS 1600 maps start 07:51:39 stop 07:58:02 383 sec 0,239 sec/map /Johan From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Tue Sep 20 00:21:09 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 02:21:09 -0500 Subject: Special characters in mapfile Message-ID: On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:55:56 -0400, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: >Hi, > >We have a situation where we would like to include the micro sign special character as part of a CLASS NAME in a mapfile. > >I initially thought that this could have be written as escaped HTML entities, like µ or µ, but neither of those worked in the mapfile. > >Any suggestions would be appreciated. > >..Tom > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Houle,Marcel [Montreal] >Sent: Monday, 19 September, 2005 14:40 >To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] >Subject: Question > > >Hi Tom, > >Do you know how to include special characters in a CLASS object within a mapfile ? > >I have many maps in mapinfo polygons format that I want to include in a WMS service. > >Each map shows concentrations of contaminants in sediments. > >The concentrations are in differents units, among them is microgram/gram. The abreviation for this is ?g/g > >Now, in the mapfile, I use this code to represent each thematic class in the polygons file : > > CLASS > NAME "Hg 0.075-0.140 ?g/g" > EXPRESSION ([Upper]=0.140056) > COLOR 0 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255 > END > >The '?' symbol in the NAME parameter does not appear in the resulting legend (it is replaced by something else). Is there a way to use special characters like '?' in the NAME parameter of a CLASS object ? > >See GetMap result attached > >Thank > > > >Marcel Houle >Charg? de projets en g?omatique >Centre Saint-Laurent >Environnement Canada >105, rue McGill, 7e ?tage >Montr?al, Qu?bec H2Y 2E7 >514.496.2672 >marcel.houle at > >Visitez notre site Web : > Both µ and &micro; should work. Which font are you using? It should contain that particular glyph. Berend From mikesaunt at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 20 01:28:07 2005 From: mikesaunt at GMAIL.COM (Mike Saunt) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:28:07 +0100 Subject: Problems using MapServer (4.6) in dotnet/c# environement with MapScript/SWIG In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Johan I have investigated using MapScript in the c# environment in the past and had concerns with the memory usage etc. Saying that I am not the most experienced SWIG user! Is there any chance you could let me know more information (or point me to) how you built the stable environment? Much apppreciated Mike On 20/09/05, Johan Hallgren wrote: > > I have to answer the question my self. > > The only way I could find to create a safe solution, was to create single > treaded processes (I tried tree simultaneous processes). Still I get > problems with my dynamic inline features, it's not consequent but it > happens and with this dynamic process approach they can be killed and > restarted. > > Anyhow, the solution is safe, it works and it's wery good performance. > > This is from my latest performance test. Same data,s ame server same > everything: > > with MapServer in my environment (c#...) > 1600 maps > start 07:47:32 > stop 07:49:41 > 129 sec > 0,081 sec/map > > with ArcIMS > 1600 maps > start 07:51:39 > stop 07:58:02 > 383 sec > 0,239 sec/map > > /Johan > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From A.Nemmert at ONET.AT Tue Sep 20 05:08:28 2005 From: A.Nemmert at ONET.AT (Nemmert, Andreas) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:08:28 +0200 Subject: click on refernce map Message-ID: Hello list, I want that when I click on the reference map, I will be zoomed to the clicked point in the map. How can I transform the pixel coordinates from the reference map into the proper coordinates of the map? Can you give me a hint or a piece of code and help me how to implement this with php? Thank you for your help!! With best regards, Andreas -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Tue Sep 20 08:25:26 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:25:26 -0400 Subject: Special characters in mapfile Message-ID: > > > Both µ and &micro; should work. Which font are you > using? It should contain that particular glyph. > > Berend > No dice. Here's a CLASS and symbol def: CLASS NAME "My Class µ" COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL 'mysym' SIZE 25 END END SYMBOL NAME 'mysym' TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE 'code.gif' END From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Tue Sep 20 10:24:01 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:24:01 -0400 Subject: Special characters in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: You don't give the parameters for the legend object in your description. Add a label object to your legend definition (as shown below) and a fontset ( .fon) to the map root. This should clear up your problem. legend status on label type truetype font sanserif size 6 end end Richard C Orth Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: >Hi, > >We have a situation where we would like to include the micro sign special character as part of a CLASS NAME in a mapfile. > >I initially thought that this could have be written as escaped HTML entities, like µ or µ, but neither of those worked in the mapfile. > >Any suggestions would be appreciated. > >..Tom > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Houle,Marcel [Montreal] >Sent: Monday, 19 September, 2005 14:40 >To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] >Subject: Question > > >Hi Tom, > >Do you know how to include special characters in a CLASS object within a mapfile ? > >I have many maps in mapinfo polygons format that I want to include in a WMS service. > >Each map shows concentrations of contaminants in sediments. > >The concentrations are in differents units, among them is microgram/gram. The abreviation for this is ?g/g > >Now, in the mapfile, I use this code to represent each thematic class in the polygons file : > > CLASS > NAME "Hg 0.075-0.140 ?g/g" > EXPRESSION ([Upper]=0.140056) > COLOR 0 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255 > END > >The '?' symbol in the NAME parameter does not appear in the resulting legend (it is replaced by something else). Is there a way to use special characters like '?' in the NAME parameter of a CLASS object ? > >See GetMap result attached > >Thank > > > >Marcel Houle >Charg? de projets en g?omatique >Centre Saint-Laurent >Environnement Canada >105, rue McGill, 7e ?tage >Montr?al, Qu?bec H2Y 2E7 >514.496.2672 >marcel.houle at > >Visitez notre site Web : > > > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Sep 20 12:20:39 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:20:39 -0500 Subject: angleitem for point symbols Message-ID: Yes, you are correct on rotating point symbols. Support for ANGLEITEM isn't what is important, it's the support for ANGLEs. At this moment only circle symbols (for drawing pies) and the special HATCH symbol. I hope this changes soon- like before 4.8 beta... Steve >>> Brock Anderson 09/19/05 12:12 PM >>> I am also interested in rotating point symbols, especially vector symbols. Is there currently an effort to add support for point symbol rotation? I see this bug: hasn't been updated in over a year. As I understand it, it's currently impossible to rotate point symbols via both STYLE -> ANGLE , and STYLE -> ANGLEITEM. Is that correct? Brock Jeff McKenna wrote: > Sorry Francesco, I just tested again and it doesn't work for me > either. I remember adding it to the documentation, for this bug > I just now got > ANGLEITEM to work with a hatched symbol again, but for a regular point > symbol it does not work. I should update the doc to say that it is > only for hatched symbols...maybe someone else has info on this? > > > jeff > > > > > > Francesco Sozzi wrote: > >> Hi Jeff, >> >> I've also made a test with this definition: >> >> LAYER >> NAME "Segnali" >> TYPE POINT >> >> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz" >> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM ic_segnali >> a, ic_view_segnali_geo g WHERE a.gid=g.gid) USING UNIQUE fid NONE" >> STATUS DEFAULT >> >> CLASS >> NAME 'segnale' >> STYLE >> SYMBOL 'triangle' >> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >> SIZE 10 >> COLOR 255 0 0 >> END >> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >> END >> END >> >> In this case I have not a parse error, but all triangles are not >> rotated. It seems that this attribute is ignored. >> >> Regards >> >> Francesco >> >> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McKenna" >> >> To: "Francesco Sozzi" >> Cc: >> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:09 PM >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] angleitem for point symbols >> >> >>> yes, but ANGLEITEM should be specified in a STYLE object >>> ( >>> >>> jeff >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Francesco Sozzi wrote: >>> >>>> Hi All, >>>> I've found in a >>>> reference to ANGLEITEM for points (see 2005-08-05 14:45 sdlime). >>>> This is a good new because a rotation management for point symbols >>>> is strongly recommended in a map renderer. >>>> I've just compiled mapserver 4.6.1 and I tried to create a layer >>>> with this attribute, but I get a parse error. >>>> Anybody knows if this attribute i supported? >>>> This is my layer definition: >>>> LAYER >>>> NAME "Segnali" >>>> TYPE POINT >>>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >>>> CONNECTION "ti_segnali/avs at franz " >>>> DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT a.fid, g.orientation, a.geom FROM >>>> ic_segnali a, ic_segnali_geo g WHERE a.fid=g.fid) USING UNIQUE fid >>>> NONE" >>>> STATUS DEFAULT >>>> ANGLEITEM "orientation" >>>> CLASS >>>> NAME 'segnale' >>>> SYMBOL 'triangle' >>>> COLOR 0 255 0 >>>> OUTLINECOLOR 183 183 183 >>>> TEMPLATE "templates/default.html" >>>> END >>>> END >>>> Best regards >>>> Francesco >>> >>> >>> > From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 20 13:16:12 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:16:12 -0500 Subject: Problems using MapServer (4.6) in dotnet/c# environement with MapScript/SWIG Message-ID: Johan, Could you describe the way of the usage that caused the problem? Tamas Szekeres On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 02:03:38 -0500, Johan Hallgren wrote: >I have to answer the question my self. > >The only way I could find to create a safe solution, was to create single >treaded processes (I tried tree simultaneous processes). Still I get >problems with my dynamic inline features, it's not consequent but it >happens and with this dynamic process approach they can be killed and >restarted. > >Anyhow, the solution is safe, it works and it's wery good performance. > >This is from my latest performance test. Same data,s ame server same >everything: > >with MapServer in my environment (c#...) >1600 maps >start 07:47:32 >stop 07:49:41 > 129 sec > 0,081 sec/map > >with ArcIMS >1600 maps >start 07:51:39 >stop 07:58:02 > 383 sec > 0,239 sec/map > >/Johan From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Tue Sep 20 14:20:05 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:20:05 -0400 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi all, I am trying to get the centroid of the parcels using postgis to get the centroid of each parcel. I have pasted the layer definition below. LAYER NAME "Calhoun_Parcel_centroid" GROUP "Calhoun County Data" STATUS OFF DATA "the_geom FROM (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from cal_parcel) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=26929" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "user=parcel password=dbpass dbname=AnnistonDB host=localhost port=5432" UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS LABELCACHE ON LABELITEM "PPIN" LABELMAXSCALE 6000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS TEMPLATE "ttt_query" METADATA "layer_title" "Selected Parcel" END CLASS NAME "Selected Parcel" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "fritqat" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 4 MAXSIZE 256 POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 ANGLE AUTO BUFFER 0 MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 ANTIALIAS TRUE PARTIALS TRUE FORCE FALSE END STYLE SYMBOL 3 COLOR 200 0 200 SIZE 10 END END END I am getting this warning if I try to use this layer Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 'Calhoun_Parcel_centroid'. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\Anniston11\Develop2.php on line 82 Warning: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),gid::text from (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from cal_parcel) AS foo WHERE the_geom && setSRID('BOX3D(626801.874849 1124507.96601,683350.291609 1166919.27858)'::BOX3D, -1 )' Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: column reference "the_geom" is ambiguous ' More Help: Error with POSTGIS data variable. You specified ''. Standard ways of specifiying are : (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' (2) 'geometry_column from () as foo using unique using SRID=' Make sure you put in the 'using unique ' and 'using SRID=#' clauses in. I found that I was losing the SRID information when I tried to use the centroid function in postgis. I have pasted my output below. I was wondering if anyone can help me fix this error. Any input would be appreciated. AnnistonDB=# select the_geom from cal_parcel where ppin = '123'; the_geom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------SRID=26929;MULTIPOLYGON(((5921 29.329345788..))) (1 row) AnnistonDB=# select centroid(the_geom) from cal_parcel where ppin = '123'; centroid -------------------------------------------------- SRID=-1;POINT(592030.853820728 1186660.20937603) (1 row) AnnistonDB=# select postgis_full_version(); postgis_full_version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- POSTGIS="0.9.1" GEOS="2.1.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" USE_STATS DBPROC="0.0.1" RELPROC="0.0.1" Thanks - kumar -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From robe.dnd at CITYOFBOSTON.GOV Tue Sep 20 14:27:45 2005 From: robe.dnd at CITYOFBOSTON.GOV (Obe, Regina DND\MIS) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:27:45 -0400 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function Message-ID: I think the problem may be your * at the end because that would add in your regular the_geom so you would end up having 2 the_geom fields. try getting rid of * and explicitly listing the fields you need. -----Original Message----- From: Kumar [mailto:kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:20 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver-postgis centroid function Hi all, I am trying to get the centroid of the parcels using postgis to get the centroid of each parcel. I have pasted the layer definition below. LAYER NAME "Calhoun_Parcel_centroid" GROUP "Calhoun County Data" STATUS OFF DATA "the_geom FROM (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from cal_parcel) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=26929" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "user=parcel password=dbpass dbname=AnnistonDB host=localhost port=5432" UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS LABELCACHE ON LABELITEM "PPIN" LABELMAXSCALE 6000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS TEMPLATE "ttt_query" METADATA "layer_title" "Selected Parcel" END CLASS NAME "Selected Parcel" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "fritqat" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 4 MAXSIZE 256 POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 ANGLE AUTO BUFFER 0 MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 ANTIALIAS TRUE PARTIALS TRUE FORCE FALSE END STYLE SYMBOL 3 COLOR 200 0 200 SIZE 10 END END END I am getting this warning if I try to use this layer Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 'Calhoun_Parcel_centroid'. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\Anniston11\Develop2.php on line 82 Warning: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),gid::text from (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from cal_parcel) AS foo WHERE the_geom && setSRID('BOX3D(626801.874849 1124507.96601,683350.291609 1166919.27858)'::BOX3D, -1 )' Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: column reference "the_geom" is ambiguous ' More Help: Error with POSTGIS data variable. You specified ''. Standard ways of specifiying are : (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' (2) 'geometry_column from () as foo using unique using SRID=' Make sure you put in the 'using unique ' and 'using SRID=#' clauses in. I found that I was losing the SRID information when I tried to use the centroid function in postgis. I have pasted my output below. I was wondering if anyone can help me fix this error. Any input would be appreciated. AnnistonDB=# select the_geom from cal_parcel where ppin = '123'; the_geom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------SRID=26929;MULTIPOLYGON(((5921 29.329345788......))) (1 row) AnnistonDB=# select centroid(the_geom) from cal_parcel where ppin = '123'; centroid -------------------------------------------------- SRID=-1;POINT(592030.853820728 1186660.20937603) (1 row) AnnistonDB=# select postgis_full_version(); postgis_full_version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- POSTGIS="0.9.1" GEOS="2.1.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" USE_STATS DBPROC="0.0.1" RELPROC="0.0.1" Thanks - kumar -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From robe.dnd at CITYOFBOSTON.GOV Tue Sep 20 14:29:52 2005 From: robe.dnd at CITYOFBOSTON.GOV (Obe, Regina DND\MIS) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:29:52 -0400 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function Message-ID: The other option is use a different alias for the_geom e.g. DATA "the_centroid FROM (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_centroid,* from cal_parcel) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=26929" -----Original Message----- From: Kumar [mailto:kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:20 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver-postgis centroid function Hi all, I am trying to get the centroid of the parcels using postgis to get the centroid of each parcel. I have pasted the layer definition below. LAYER NAME "Calhoun_Parcel_centroid" GROUP "Calhoun County Data" STATUS OFF DATA "the_geom FROM (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from cal_parcel) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=26929" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "user=parcel password=dbpass dbname=AnnistonDB host=localhost port=5432" UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS LABELCACHE ON LABELITEM "PPIN" LABELMAXSCALE 6000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS TEMPLATE "ttt_query" METADATA "layer_title" "Selected Parcel" END CLASS NAME "Selected Parcel" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "fritqat" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 4 MAXSIZE 256 POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 ANGLE AUTO BUFFER 0 MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 ANTIALIAS TRUE PARTIALS TRUE FORCE FALSE END STYLE SYMBOL 3 COLOR 200 0 200 SIZE 10 END END END I am getting this warning if I try to use this layer Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 'Calhoun_Parcel_centroid'. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\Anniston11\Develop2.php on line 82 Warning: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),gid::text from (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from cal_parcel) AS foo WHERE the_geom && setSRID('BOX3D(626801.874849 1124507.96601,683350.291609 1166919.27858)'::BOX3D, -1 )' Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: column reference "the_geom" is ambiguous ' More Help: Error with POSTGIS data variable. You specified ''. Standard ways of specifiying are : (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' (2) 'geometry_column from () as foo using unique using SRID=' Make sure you put in the 'using unique ' and 'using SRID=#' clauses in. I found that I was losing the SRID information when I tried to use the centroid function in postgis. I have pasted my output below. I was wondering if anyone can help me fix this error. Any input would be appreciated. AnnistonDB=# select the_geom from cal_parcel where ppin = '123'; the_geom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------SRID=26929;MULTIPOLYGON(((5921 29.329345788......))) (1 row) AnnistonDB=# select centroid(the_geom) from cal_parcel where ppin = '123'; centroid -------------------------------------------------- SRID=-1;POINT(592030.853820728 1186660.20937603) (1 row) AnnistonDB=# select postgis_full_version(); postgis_full_version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- POSTGIS="0.9.1" GEOS="2.1.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" USE_STATS DBPROC="0.0.1" RELPROC="0.0.1" Thanks - kumar -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 20 14:33:24 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:33:24 -0700 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Kumar, On 9/20/05, Kumar wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am trying to get the centroid of the parcels using postgis to get the > centroid of each parcel. I have pasted the layer definition below. > > DATA "the_geom FROM (select centroid(the_geom) AS the_geom,* from > cal_parcel) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=26929" > Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: column reference "the_geom" is > ambiguous ' > Your subquery is returning two columns with the name "the_geom". There's really not much need to include all the columns in the DATA string so you might try to remove the ,* and see if that works. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 20 14:44:55 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:44:55 -0700 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: David. On 9/20/05, David TECHER wrote: > > I don't think so! > Since Kumar wants to use a LABELITEM on 'PPIN' > As a consequence, he should use '*'because PPIN > should be a field in his table. Well * is what's causing the problems (redundant the_geom columns). How about replacing * with PPIN instead. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Sep 20 16:31:27 2005 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:31:27 -0700 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Matt is right, you should retrieve precisely as many columns as you need, no more. A unique id, something to do labeling with, perhaps, something to calculate classes with, perhaps, and the geometry itself. That's it. Paul On Sep 20, 2005, at 2:44 PM, Matthew Perry wrote: > David. > > On 9/20/05, David TECHER wrote: I don't > think so! > Since Kumar wants to use a LABELITEM on 'PPIN' > As a consequence, he should use '*'because PPIN > should be a field in his table. > > Well * is what's causing the problems (redundant the_geom columns). > How about replacing * with PPIN instead. > > -- > Matt Perry > perrygeo at > From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Tue Sep 20 18:53:02 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 21:53:02 -0400 Subject: mapserver-postgis centroid function In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I got the mapfile working with DATA "shape FROM (select centroid(the_geom) AS shape,gid,PPIN from cal_parcel) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1 I am still wondering why would you loose the SRID information in this process of calculating the centroid. Thanks for all your help. - kumar -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Paul Ramsey Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 7:31 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver-postgis centroid function Matt is right, you should retrieve precisely as many columns as you need, no more. A unique id, something to do labeling with, perhaps, something to calculate classes with, perhaps, and the geometry itself. That's it. Paul On Sep 20, 2005, at 2:44 PM, Matthew Perry wrote: > David. > > On 9/20/05, David TECHER wrote: I don't > think so! > Since Kumar wants to use a LABELITEM on 'PPIN' > As a consequence, he should use '*'because PPIN > should be a field in his table. > > Well * is what's causing the problems (redundant the_geom columns). > How about replacing * with PPIN instead. > > -- > Matt Perry > perrygeo at > From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Tue Sep 20 19:58:08 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 22:58:08 -0400 Subject: Point on top of label Message-ID: Hi all, I have 2 layers, one is a polygon layer and the other is a centroid of the polygon. When I draw the polygon layer and label it, it overlaps the centroid symbol and blocks it. Is there a way in mapfile, that I can specify the centroid layer to be drawn on top of the label. Or make it detect the layer and move the label accordingly??. Any input would is appreciated. Thanks, - kumar -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From gsw at GLOBEXPLORER.COM Tue Sep 20 20:29:34 2005 From: gsw at GLOBEXPLORER.COM (Gregory S. Williamson) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:29:34 -0700 Subject: Point on top of label Message-ID: I know this is obvious and you've tried it, but perhaps reversing the ordcer of the layers ? Mapfiles are build from start to end ... HTH, Greg Williamson DBA GlobeXplorer LLC -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Kumar Sent: Tue 9/20/2005 7:58 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Point on top of label Hi all, I have 2 layers, one is a polygon layer and the other is a centroid of the polygon. When I draw the polygon layer and label it, it overlaps the centroid symbol and blocks it. Is there a way in mapfile, that I can specify the centroid layer to be drawn on top of the label. Or make it detect the layer and move the label accordingly??. Any input would is appreciated. Thanks, - kumar !DSPAM:4330ca4220057282815005! From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Tue Sep 20 21:39:07 2005 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Jacob Delfos) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:39:07 +0800 Subject: ECW works on one machine, not on other Message-ID: Hi List, I'm moving a mapserver site from one machine to another, and even though I'm using the same mapserver and gdal files, and a similar setup, I get fatal crashes as soon as there is an ECW in the view. Without ECW it's fine. This occurs in php_mapscript, but also in shp2img. It happens in version 4.4.2 and 4.6.1 (from mapserver homepage), which seem to use the same GDAL. I don't have multiple conflicting versions of DLL's in my system path. The pc on which it all works fine is Windows XP SP2. The ones on which it crashes are Windows XP SP1 and Windows 2000 SP4. There must be dependencies for ECW support which differ between different OS. What could those be? I have tried copying msvcrt.dll and gdi.dll, but to no avail. Strangely enough, when viewed with explorer, the map image (with ECW) does show up after the PHP fatal crash. The dependency walker doesn't report errors. Could this have to do with the other ECW issues mentioned on the GDAL list? Regards, Jacob JACOB DELFOS SPATIAL INFORMATION ANALYST Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd 629 Newcastle Street, Leederville, WA 6007 PO Box 81, Leederville, WA 6902 Western Australia ABN 20 093 846 925 Tel + 61 8 9281 6185 Fax + 61 8 9281 6297 jacob.delfos at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.gayte at VEREMES.COM Tue Sep 20 23:48:42 2005 From: olivier.gayte at VEREMES.COM (Olivier Gayte) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 01:48:42 -0500 Subject: ECW works on one machine, not on other Message-ID: We had a similar problem yesterday, not with ECW but with OVF (handle by gdal in both case). We just replace the gdal12.dll file from the "good" machine to the "bad" machine and now all work fine. The 2 dll have the same version number and size but the date is different and they come from a different distribution. Regards Olivier On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:39:07 +0800, Jacob Delfos wrote: >Hi List, > >I'm moving a mapserver site from one machine to another, and even though I'm using the same mapserver and gdal files, and a similar setup, I get fatal crashes as soon as there is an ECW in the view. Without ECW it's fine. This occurs in php_mapscript, but also in shp2img. It happens in version 4.4.2 and 4.6.1 (from mapserver homepage), which seem to use the same GDAL. I don't have multiple conflicting versions of DLL's in my system path. > >The pc on which it all works fine is Windows XP SP2. The ones on which it crashes are Windows XP SP1 and Windows 2000 SP4. There must be dependencies for ECW support which differ between different OS. What could those be? I have tried copying msvcrt.dll and gdi.dll, but to no avail. Strangely enough, when viewed with explorer, the map image (with ECW) does show up after the PHP fatal crash. > >The dependency walker doesn't report errors. Could this have to do with the other ECW issues mentioned on the GDAL list? > >Regards, > >Jacob > > >JACOB DELFOS >SPATIAL INFORMATION ANALYST >Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd >629 Newcastle Street, Leederville, WA 6007 >PO Box 81, Leederville, WA 6902 >Western Australia >ABN 20 093 846 925 > >Tel + 61 8 9281 6185 >Fax + 61 8 9281 6297 >jacob.delfos at > > From dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE Tue Sep 20 23:53:51 2005 From: dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE (Leonhard Dietze) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:53:51 +0200 Subject: Performance cgi vs php mapscript Message-ID: Hello List, first of all: Thanks for all the helpful emails that I find each day in the mailing-lists to solve various problems using UMN. Unfortunately there is something where I haven't yet found any answer-thread to: regarding the performance between mapserver running as cgi and using phpMapscript-Module. Is it much slower to use (php)Mapscript? Or is the difference not too bad? Does somebody has any experiences with that? Or did any comparisons/benchmarks/performance testing? I only found similar questions to this topic: Thanks a lot for any replys on this posting. Leonhard Institute i3mainz University of Applied Sciences Mainz Holzstra?e 36 D - 55116 Mainz (Germany) From info at POGGENSEE.NET Wed Sep 21 01:04:42 2005 From: info at POGGENSEE.NET (Martin Poggensee) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 03:04:42 -0500 Subject: Layer, Type CIRCLE Message-ID: I am using a postgis database. How can I show circles ??? I need to know how to store them in the database and what the mapfile should look like. From info at E-GEODATA.GR Wed Sep 21 02:38:34 2005 From: info at E-GEODATA.GR (Geodata Analysis) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:38:34 +0300 Subject: msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK Message-ID: Hi List, I'm using mapserver 4.6, postgis 1.0.3-1, ms4w and php/mapscript. I have a postgis layer with gid as primary key. The layer is drawn correctly and i can acces its shapes via $shp = $layer->getShape(-1, 1). After that i create a new layer. The new layer is the same with the one described, except that its data come from : $layer->set("data", "the_geom from (SELECT * FROM 'mylayerhere' WHERE gid IN(1,2,3) as foo using unique gid using srid='mysridhere'" The layer is draw correctly. The problem is that when i try to access its feature via $shp = $layer->getShape(-1, 1) , i get a boolean value (false)in $shp. It seems like the layer has no features although they are drawn correctly! I also get the following error from apache error log : msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $imsPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $i Has anyone experienced a similar problem ? Does anyone have any idea why this is happening ? Thanks in advance -- Stathis Stergou GIS Programmer GeoDATA Analysis Greece __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 21 02:52:13 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:52:13 +0100 Subject: MapServer CGI and parameter values Message-ID: Hi, I'm looking to use MapServer cgi exclusively without touching MapScript, as this will be easier to work with. I need to read parameters values, such as zoomdir, ext, layers etc. from the previous call to mapserver. Am I right say the only way of doing this is reading the html page output from mapserver? i.e. to get the img link, read what [img] has been replaced with. Or is there another way. Thanks for your help, Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT Wed Sep 21 03:02:21 2005 From: cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT (Paolo Cavallini) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:02:21 +0200 Subject: routing Message-ID: Hi all. We need to develop a simple routing map, based on MapInfo files (but we can esily switch to PostGIS if needed). Is there a MapServer tool for this? I have find something useful at, but this does not seem to be free software (and we have to stick to GFOSS). Any hint would be appreciated. All the best. pc -- Paolo Cavallini cavallini at cavallini at Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953 From fillymax at TISCALI.IT Wed Sep 21 02:43:24 2005 From: fillymax at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro MAZZELLA) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:43:24 +0200 Subject: LEGEND QUESTION !!! Message-ID: Hi all, is it possible to exclude from legend some active and displayed layer's name ? tnkx a. ------------------------ Ciao, Alessandro MAZZELLA ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE Wed Sep 21 03:13:04 2005 From: christian.schaffer at MUENCHEN.DE (Christian Schaffer) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:13:04 +0200 Subject: php_mapscript; php_sprintf In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Dave, dear list, thanks for the reply. I called ldd against my mapserv binary as well as against the and set the apache environment to include the directories ldd gave back. Unfortunately no success - I still get the same error message. I didn?t find much about php_sprintf issues in other lists or in google, so if there?s any other hint, I?d really appreciate it. Since there have been some articles concerning the Opteron topic on the list lately, I?d like to answer Dave?s question on the list, too: In fact, it?s a Sun Fire V20z, which is a 1U box with up to two Opterons. It?s by definition not one of the new Sun Galaxy boxes, but as far as I could see, they are not too different. We?re running a bunch of intranet web services on a HP DL585 (which is a 4U box with up to four Opterons) for more than a year now. The Sun box is employed for development and testing purposes, mainly. Personally, I?m more than satisfied with the performance of both of them as well as with their reliability. For details, feel free to contact me off list. I?d be glad to share what I?ve learned so far. Thanks again for helping on my php_sprintf issue ;-) Chris David W. Banks schrieb: >>Don?t know, if this is important: I?m on Solaris 10 on AMD64. >> >> > >One of the newish sun opteron boxes? How's that working out? > >I'm just guessing but you're apache environment probably needs to have >LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to include some extra directories. If you run ldd >on your mapserver binary you'll be able to see where stuff is coming from >and adjust your apache ENV to fix things. > >Good luck, >-Dave > >On Monday 19 September 2005 11:55 pm, you wrote: > > >>Hi list, >> >>I have a little problem running php_mapscript. My mapserver binary works >>as desired, so I?m positive about my compilation. >>But when calling phpinfo_mapscript.phtml, my apache throws the following >>error message: >> /opt/csw/apache2/sbin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file >>/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ symbol php_sprintf: >>referenced symbol not found >> >>Don?t know, if this is important: I?m on Solaris 10 on AMD64. >> >>I?d appreciate any hint to solve this issue. >> >>Thanks in advance and best regards, >>Chris >> >> > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From volverinn at LIBERO.IT Wed Sep 21 03:09:48 2005 From: volverinn at LIBERO.IT ( Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:09:48 +0200 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Hello all people. I'm new user mapserver. I'm creating application for museum to Rovigo in Italy, but i've some problem to understund on the mapserver's future. I would create, in my project, a routine to calculate shortest route between 2 cities, supposing tha i succed this and the result is a query of information of the db(e.g Mysql). This query has the principal category to referencing object that is e.g.: 2000 Rome .... etc. 2000 is contact (the join) to shape file tha will draw. Therefore this query associate only object that i will draw it. How can i do this join so that mapserver visualize only information on the query? Thanks all. Alessio from italy. From adams at TERRESTRIS.DE Wed Sep 21 03:29:51 2005 From: adams at TERRESTRIS.DE (Till Adams) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:29:51 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paolo Cavallini wrote: > Hi all. > We need to develop a simple routing map, based on MapInfo files (but we can > esily switch to PostGIS if needed). Is there a MapServer tool for this? > I have find something useful at, but this does not seem > to be free software (and we have to stick to GFOSS). > Any hint would be appreciated. > All the best. > pc Paolo, there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other attributes, because you are in the database. It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle. Till -- Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen aus Bonn, Till Adams ****************************************** * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * * * ****************************************** ------------------------------------------ Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 info at * From nbarker at RSINC.COM Wed Sep 21 03:40:48 2005 From: nbarker at RSINC.COM (Norman Barker) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:40:48 +0100 Subject: routing Message-ID: -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Till Adams Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 11:30 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] routing Paolo Cavallini wrote: > Hi all. > We need to develop a simple routing map, based on MapInfo files (but we can > esily switch to PostGIS if needed). Is there a MapServer tool for this? > I have find something useful at, but this does not seem > to be free software (and we have to stick to GFOSS). > Any hint would be appreciated. > All the best. > pc Paolo, there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other attributes, because you are in the database. It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle. Till -- Hi Till, pgdijkstra sounds very interesting, however googling for it doesn't give very much info, apologies for my ignorance, but can you send a couple of links please. Many thanks, Norman From georg_sedlmeir at YAHOO.DE Wed Sep 21 03:42:22 2005 From: georg_sedlmeir at YAHOO.DE (Georg Sedlmeir) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:42:22 +0200 Subject: unsubscribe Message-ID: ___________________________________________________________ Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Jetzt mit 1GB Speicher kostenlos - Hier anmelden: From nhv at CAPE.COM Wed Sep 21 04:01:30 2005 From: nhv at CAPE.COM (Norman Vine) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 07:01:30 -0400 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > > there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from > camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for > calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other > attributes, because you are in the database. > > > > pgdijkstra sounds very interesting, however googling for it doesn't give very much info HTH From adams at TERRESTRIS.DE Wed Sep 21 03:56:37 2005 From: adams at TERRESTRIS.DE (Till Adams) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:56:37 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Norman: ;-) -- Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen aus Bonn, Till Adams ****************************************** * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * * * ****************************************** ------------------------------------------ Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 info at * From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Wed Sep 21 06:04:53 2005 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:04:53 +0200 Subject: Remote WMS layer Message-ID: Hi all, can someone please help me getting this remote WMS layer to work? I can't get a PNG from Mapserver including this layer. I can generate an image from the WMS below by using a browser:,6453045.5,1016900.75,7922059.5&width=500&height=500&SRS=EPSG:32633&VERSION=1.1.0 LAYER NAME "hydro_data" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:32633" "wms_name" "Verneforslag" "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" "wms_format" "image/png" "wms_force_separate_request" "1" END END I'm running FWTools-linux-0.9.9 Thanks Best Regards Joern From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 21 06:27:49 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:27:49 -0400 Subject: Remote WMS layer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi There, I did a quick test (mapserver 4.6.1 on windows) and the following request gives back a png image : Here is the test map : MAP EXTENT -52493.34 6453045.5 1016900.75 7922059.5 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SIZE 500 500 STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:32633" END WEB IMAGEPATH "d:/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" END LAYER NAME "hydro_data" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:32633" "wms_name" "Verneforslag" "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" "wms_format" "image/png" "wms_force_separate_request" "1" END END END Later, J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > Hi all, > > can someone please help me getting this remote WMS layer to work? > I can't get a PNG from Mapserver including this layer. > I can generate an image from the WMS below by using a browser: >,6453045.5,1016900.75,7922059.5&width=500&height=500&SRS=EPSG:32633&VERSION=1.1.0 > > LAYER > NAME "hydro_data" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > DEBUG ON > CONNECTION "" > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > METADATA > "wms_srs" "EPSG:32633" > "wms_name" "Verneforslag" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" > "wms_format" "image/png" > "wms_force_separate_request" "1" > END > END > > I'm running FWTools-linux-0.9.9 > > Thanks > > Best Regards > Joern > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Wed Sep 21 06:49:28 2005 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:49:28 +0200 Subject: Remote WMS layer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you very much, it works! I guess I'm having some kind of combination problem. It's not working when adding this layer to you map-file. LAYER NAME coast TYPE LINE STATUS default DATA coast CLASS COLOR 10 10 10 END METADATA WMS_TITLE "Coast" WMS_SRS "EPSG:9810" END END I remember that the WMS Client howto mentioned to be very aware of projections when combining WMS layer and other layers. I think this shapefile layer have data in polar stereographic (EPSG:9810?) projection. Any clues? Best Regards Joern From gribas at CPQD.COM.BR Wed Sep 21 05:17:36 2005 From: gribas at CPQD.COM.BR (Gustavo Henrique Sberze Ribas) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:17:36 -0300 Subject: Layer, Type CIRCLE Message-ID: > I am using a postgis database. How can I show circles ??? I > need to know how to store them in the database and what the > mapfile should look like. You can use the buffer() function to create circles in PostGIS: buffer(
,). Ex: select buffer('POINT(0 0)',100); // circle as a POLYGON select exteriorRing(buffer('POINT(0 0)',100)); // circle as a LINESTRING You can store then as Polygons or Linestrings. -- Gustavo From berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL Wed Sep 21 06:53:48 2005 From: berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL (Berend Veldkamp) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:53:48 +0200 Subject: Special characters in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Yes, the bitmap font only contains the basic characters. Nothing fancy. Berend Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > Figure this out. Used TRUETYPE instead of BITMAP and all is fine. > > Thanks > > ..Tom > > -- ____________________________ Berend Veldkamp - ARIS ____________________________ From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 21 06:59:19 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:59:19 -0400 Subject: Remote WMS layer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: If EPSG:9810 is a supported projection in your case (I do not have it in my espg projection file), It should not make a diffrence when combining wms layers and local. All of them are reproject to the projection defined at the map file level. BTW : you need to add a projection object on your layer. I don't think that the wms_srs would be used for projection. Add something like : PROJECTION "init=epsg:9810" END Later, J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > Thank you very much, > > it works! > > I guess I'm having some kind of combination problem. It's not working when > adding this layer to you map-file. > > LAYER > NAME coast > TYPE LINE > STATUS default > DATA coast > > CLASS > COLOR 10 10 10 > END > METADATA > WMS_TITLE "Coast" > WMS_SRS "EPSG:9810" > END > END > > > I remember that the WMS Client howto mentioned to be very aware of projections > when combining WMS layer and other layers. I think this shapefile layer have > data in polar stereographic (EPSG:9810?) projection. > > Any clues? > > Best Regards > Joern > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From gunter.becker at CSOGIS.DE Wed Sep 21 07:14:26 2005 From: gunter.becker at CSOGIS.DE (Gunter Becker) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:14:26 -0500 Subject: WMS GetMap and MODE attribute Message-ID: Hi, with standard QueryString-Attribute "mode=browse" MapServer stores the images in the "imgepath" I defined in my map file. Is this also possible when using an OGC WMS GetMap-Request or is this always like "mode=map". Thanks, Gunter From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Wed Sep 21 08:14:39 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:14:39 -0400 Subject: LEGEND QUESTION !!! In-Reply-To: <001201c5be90$fd9ead90$2812949c@mirtino> Message-ID: Sure, just don't give the CLASS a NAME in the map file. Richard C Orth Alessandro MAZZELLA wrote: > Hi all, > > is it possible to exclude from legend some active and > displayed layer's name ? > > tnkx a. > > ------------------------ > > Ciao, > > Alessandro MAZZELLA > > ---->> Cagliari ( Lat. -N- 39?13'24"96, Lon. -E- 09?7'5"16 ) From pauljame at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 21 10:00:53 2005 From: pauljame at GMAIL.COM (Paul james) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:00:53 -0300 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Till, I?m trying to install pgdijkstra on Windows XP... How can I do that? ps.: I already have postgree 8.0/postgis and boost graph instaled... Thankz On 9/21/05, Till Adams wrote: > > Paolo Cavallini wrote: > > Hi all. > > We need to develop a simple routing map, based on MapInfo files (but we > can > > esily switch to PostGIS if needed). Is there a MapServer tool for this? > > I have find something useful at, but this does not > seem > > to be free software (and we have to stick to GFOSS). > > Any hint would be appreciated. > > All the best. > > pc > > > Paolo, > > there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from > camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for > calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other > attributes, because you are in the database. > > It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once > done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle. > > Till > > -- > > Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen aus Bonn, > > Till Adams > > ****************************************** > * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * > * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * > * * > ****************************************** > > ------------------------------------------ > > Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams > terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR > Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn > Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 > info at * > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ken5 at LIBERO.IT Wed Sep 21 09:51:01 2005 From: ken5 at LIBERO.IT (Carlo Calvino) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:51:01 -0500 Subject: MapServer and ArcSDE raster support Message-ID: Hello everybody, I would like to realize a geodatabase with ArcEditor, ArcSDE and Oracle. I wonder if MapServer can connect to raster data from ArcSDE. I read that ArcSDE vectors are well supported, but i was not able to understand if there are any problems with raster data. Thanks in advance. From cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT Wed Sep 21 10:03:25 2005 From: cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT (Paolo Cavallini) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 19:03:25 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks to all who responded. Quite reassuring to see that the solution I had in mind are those you suggested. I never used the pg module; is it possible to define only one start and end point, or can I select multiple points? I have cursorily read the README, but could not find it. As Stephan pointed out, I would be inclined towards GRASS, but the database approach seems more compact. Anybody has tried both methods, and can arguments about respective merits? Again, many thanks. pc At 12:40, mercoled? 21 settembre 2005, Norman Barker has probably written: > -----Original Message----- > Paolo, > > there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from > camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for > calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other > attributes, because you are in the database. > > It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once > done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle. > > Till -- Paolo Cavallini cavallini at cavallini at Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953 From mk at DBXGEOMATICS.COM Wed Sep 21 11:30:05 2005 From: mk at DBXGEOMATICS.COM (Mat) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:30:05 -0500 Subject: shapeObj.values in C# Message-ID: Hi everyone, this is my first email to the list so a quick hello to everyone out there. My problem is this : how can I get access to the values member of the shapeObj class... In php, you can access it easily with $leShape->values["NAME"] however, I haven't quite figure out what to do with the SWIGTYPE_p_p_char data type that shapeObj.values returns, or more how to access any actual value from it. Anyone has an idea? Thanks Mat From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Wed Sep 21 14:51:50 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:51:50 -0400 Subject: Point on top of label In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I already tried that. Not working. - kumar -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Gregory S. Williamson Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:30 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Point on top of label I know this is obvious and you've tried it, but perhaps reversing the ordcer of the layers ? Mapfiles are build from start to end ... HTH, Greg Williamson DBA GlobeXplorer LLC -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Kumar Sent: Tue 9/20/2005 7:58 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Point on top of label Hi all, I have 2 layers, one is a polygon layer and the other is a centroid of the polygon. When I draw the polygon layer and label it, it overlaps the centroid symbol and blocks it. Is there a way in mapfile, that I can specify the centroid layer to be drawn on top of the label. Or make it detect the layer and move the label accordingly??. Any input would is appreciated. Thanks, - kumar !DSPAM:4330ca4220057282815005! From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 21 15:54:54 2005 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:54:54 -0700 Subject: Point on top of label In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Kumar, On 9/21/05, Kumar wrote: > > I have 2 layers, one is a polygon layer and the other is a centroid of the > polygon. When I draw the polygon layer and label it, it overlaps the > centroid symbol and blocks it. Is there a way in mapfile, that I can > specify > the centroid layer to be drawn on top of the label. Or make it detect the > layer and move the label accordingly??. The default behavior is to cache all the labels and draw them on top after all layers are rendered. You can use LABELCACHE OFF to draw the labels with the layer so that any layers after it are drawn on top: from the docs: ------------------- LABELCACHE [on|off] Specifies whether labels should be drawn as the features for this layer are drawn, or whether they should be cached and drawn after all layers have been drawn. Default is on. Label overlap removal, auto placement etc... are only available when the label cache is active. Of course that last line about no overlap removal might make the results kind of messy but it's worth a shot. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Wed Sep 21 17:57:03 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:57:03 -0400 Subject: Point on top of label In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Got it working. Thanks for the help. - kumar _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Matthew Perry Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 6:55 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Point on top of label Kumar, On 9/21/05, Kumar wrote: I have 2 layers, one is a polygon layer and the other is a centroid of the polygon. When I draw the polygon layer and label it, it overlaps the centroid symbol and blocks it. Is there a way in mapfile, that I can specify the centroid layer to be drawn on top of the label. Or make it detect the layer and move the label accordingly??. The default behavior is to cache all the labels and draw them on top after all layers are rendered. You can use LABELCACHE OFF to draw the labels with the layer so that any layers after it are drawn on top: from the docs: ------------------- LABELCACHE [on|off] Specifies whether labels should be drawn as the features for this layer are drawn, or whether they should be cached and drawn after all layers have been drawn. Default is on. Label overlap removal, auto placement etc... are only available when the label cache is active. Of course that last line about no overlap removal might make the results kind of messy but it's worth a shot. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Wed Sep 21 21:16:39 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 00:16:39 -0400 Subject: GIF labeling Message-ID: Hi all, Is it possible to label using gif's?. For example I want to label the interstate with the interstate shield symbol with the number inbetween. Is there any way to do this??. Thanks, - kumar -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From washer at TRLP.COM Wed Sep 21 22:56:16 2005 From: washer at TRLP.COM (James Washer) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:56:16 -0700 Subject: map projection question from a newbie Message-ID: I'm a newbie to mapping in general, so please have mercy if I'm asking stupid questions. I have a shapefile that was given to me in Nevada State Plane, and I used shpproj to reproject as follows: shpproj stateplane_shapefile geographic_shapefile -i="init=nad83:2703 units=us-ft" -o=geographic The map looks perfect when I view it in xastir (ham radio APRS mapping program) but looks about 30% too wide when viewed with mapserver. Here's the map file... Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? thanks for reading this far. - jim MAP IMAGETYPE PNG #EXTENT -119.961409 38.535114 -119.310436 39.113979 EXTENT -120.0 38.535114 -119.25 39.113979 SIZE 600 600 SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/share/xastir/maps/Douglas/Parcels" #SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/gis/Douglas/Parcels" IMAGECOLOR 200 200 200 WEB TEMPLATE doug2-1.html IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/gis/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/gis/tmp/" END LEGEND STATUS EMBED POSITION LR #TRANSPARENT TRUE END UNITS DD PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END SCALEBAR STATUS EMBED UNITS MILES INTERVALS 3 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME Parcels DATA dc_pcls1 STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM TAG #CLASS #NAME "TAG" #EXPRESSION CLASS NAME "Douglas County Parcels" STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END LABEL SIZE LARGE MINFEATURESIZE 200 END END END END From adams at TERRESTRIS.DE Thu Sep 22 00:31:03 2005 From: adams at TERRESTRIS.DE (Till Adams) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:31:03 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paolo Cavallini wrote: > Thanks to all who responded. Quite reassuring to see that the solution I had > in mind are those you suggested. > I never used the pg module; is it possible to define only one start and end > point, or can I select multiple points? > I have cursorily read the README, but could not find it. > As Stephan pointed out, I would be inclined towards GRASS, but the database > approach seems more compact. Anybody has tried both methods, and can > arguments about respective merits? > Again, many thanks. > pc > > At 12:40, mercoled? 21 settembre 2005, Norman Barker has probably written: > >>-----Original Message----- >>Paolo, >> >>there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from >>camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for >>calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other >>attributes, because you are in the database. >> >>It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once >>done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle. >> >>Till > > Dear Paolo, no, I just trried the postgre method, but holl at did this with GRASS - ask him ;-) -- Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen aus Bonn, Till Adams ****************************************** * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * * * ****************************************** ------------------------------------------ Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 info at * From adams at TERRESTRIS.DE Thu Sep 22 00:31:51 2005 From: adams at TERRESTRIS.DE (Till Adams) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:31:51 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul james wrote: > > Hi Till, I?m trying to install pgdijkstra on Windows XP... > How can I do that? > > ps.: I already have postgree 8.0/postgis and boost graph instaled... > > Thankz > > Paul, I never even tried this on Windows.... sorry ;-) Till -- Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen aus Bonn, Till Adams ****************************************** * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * * * ****************************************** ------------------------------------------ Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 info at * From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Thu Sep 22 00:46:41 2005 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:46:41 +0200 Subject: Remote WMS layer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks, adding PROJECTION (couldn't find EPSG code) and the hydro_data layer last in the map file did the trick LAYER NAME coast TYPE LINE STATUS default DATA coast CLASS COLOR 10 10 10 END METADATA WMS_TITLE "Coast" END PROJECTION "proj=stere" "lat_0=90" "lon_0=0" "lat_ts=60" END END LAYER NAME "hydro_data" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:32633" "wms_name" "Vernet omrade,Vernet enkeltobjekt" "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" "wms_format" "image/png" "wms_force_separate_request" "1" END END On Wednesday 21 September 2005 15:59, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote: > If EPSG:9810 is a supported projection in your case (I do not have it in > my espg projection file), It should not make a diffrence when combining > wms layers and local. All of them are reproject to the projection > defined at the map file level. > > BTW : you need to add a projection object on your layer. I don't > think that the wms_srs would be used for projection. Add something like : > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:9810" > END > > Later, > > J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > > Thank you very much, > > > > it works! > > > > I guess I'm having some kind of combination problem. It's not working > > when adding this layer to you map-file. > > > > LAYER > > NAME coast > > TYPE LINE > > STATUS default > > DATA coast > > > > CLASS > > COLOR 10 10 10 > > END > > METADATA > > WMS_TITLE "Coast" > > WMS_SRS "EPSG:9810" > > END > > END > > > > > > I remember that the WMS Client howto mentioned to be very aware of > > projections when combining WMS layer and other layers. I think this > > shapefile layer have data in polar stereographic (EPSG:9810?) projection. > > > > Any clues? > > > > Best Regards > > Joern From thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 22 01:12:41 2005 From: thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM (thomas bonfort) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:12:41 +0200 Subject: SIZEITEM question/proposal Message-ID: hi list, I wonder if the sizeitem element could be used to perform simple calculation on table values, rather than being limited to preprocessed values. this could be used to display population values (e.g. [population]/1000), or any other relatively trivial calculation on table attributes. I'm new to mapserver, but would be happy to contribute to implementation if this seems to be a good idea. cheers, tb From holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE Thu Sep 22 02:00:12 2005 From: holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE (Stephan Holl) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:00:12 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello Paolo, Till, On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 19:03:25 +0200 Paolo Cavallini wrote: > Thanks to all who responded. Quite reassuring to see that the > solution I had in mind are those you suggested. > I never used the pg module; is it possible to define only one start > and end point, or can I select multiple points? > I have cursorily read the README, but could not find it. > As Stephan pointed out, I would be inclined towards GRASS, but the > database approach seems more compact. Anybody has tried both methods, > and can arguments about respective merits? I have not set up the proposed pgis-solution, but the GRASS-version. It has some requirements to make it work. AFAIK it is currently only doable on GNU/Linux machines with the latest gdal/ogr-code. Once you have that set up you can use the GRASS-network-algorithms even on data stored in pgis (using v.extrenal). The needed topology (which is actually a pseudo-topolgy) is stored inside GRASS. If you need further information about the GRASS-part, contact me. Best regards Stephan -- GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing Hannover Office - Mengendamm 16d - D-30177 Hannover Internet: - Email: holl at Phone : ++49-(0)511.39088507 - Fax: ++49-(0)511.39088508 From a.nemmert at ONET.AT Thu Sep 22 04:18:52 2005 From: a.nemmert at ONET.AT (Andreas Nemmert) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 06:18:52 -0500 Subject: Rubber Band Message-ID: Hello list, When I start my map server application with firefox and I zoom by rectangle a nice Rubber Band is drawn but when I try to open my application with Internet Explorer it does not work at all. Can you give me hints, what I should make to get it work also on the IE? Or can you send mi a piece of code, so that it would be a bit clearer for me to understand how the Rubber Band works Thank you! With the best regards! Andreas From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Sep 22 05:09:10 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:09:10 -0400 Subject: map projection question from a newbie In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi James, You are doing nothing wrong. Mapserver takes the coordinate in the file and treats them as X/Y and generates the images based on this. If you plot geographic long/lat as X/Y you get an elongated image. xastir must be compensating for the fact that it is geographic data and applying a hidden projection of some type. Mapserver does not do this. if you want it projected you have to EXPLICITLY tell it to perform a projection. In the mapfile, you can define the OUTPUT projection in the MAP object and the projection that the data is in in the LAYER object, or you can leave all the PROJECT ... END blocks out if they are all the same and it will just plot the data as X/Y. -Steve W. James Washer wrote: > I'm a newbie to mapping in general, so please have mercy if I'm asking stupid questions. > > I have a shapefile that was given to me in Nevada State Plane, and I used shpproj to reproject as follows: > shpproj stateplane_shapefile geographic_shapefile -i="init=nad83:2703 units=us-ft" -o=geographic > > The map looks perfect when I view it in xastir (ham radio APRS mapping program) but looks about 30% too wide when viewed with mapserver. > > Here's the map file... Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? > > thanks for reading this far. > > - jim > > MAP > IMAGETYPE PNG > #EXTENT -119.961409 38.535114 -119.310436 39.113979 > EXTENT -120.0 38.535114 -119.25 39.113979 > > SIZE 600 600 > SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/share/xastir/maps/Douglas/Parcels" > #SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/gis/Douglas/Parcels" > IMAGECOLOR 200 200 200 > > WEB > TEMPLATE doug2-1.html > IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/gis/tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/gis/tmp/" > END > > LEGEND > STATUS EMBED > POSITION LR > #TRANSPARENT TRUE > END > > UNITS DD > > > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > > > SCALEBAR > STATUS EMBED > UNITS MILES > INTERVALS 3 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > END > > LAYER # States polygon layer begins here > NAME Parcels > DATA dc_pcls1 > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE POLYGON > LABELITEM TAG > #CLASS > #NAME "TAG" > #EXPRESSION > > CLASS > NAME "Douglas County Parcels" > STYLE > COLOR 232 232 232 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > LABEL > SIZE LARGE > MINFEATURESIZE 200 > END > END > END > > END > From gerald.romme at UTORONTO.CA Thu Sep 22 05:18:58 2005 From: gerald.romme at UTORONTO.CA (Gerald Romme) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:18:58 -0400 Subject: unsubsribe Message-ID: -- Gerald Romme GIS Analyst Data, Map, and Government Information Services 5th Floor, Robarts Library 130 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A5 ph(416)978-5346 fax(416)946-0522 From fredlucca at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 22 05:58:59 2005 From: fredlucca at GMAIL.COM (Frederico Lucca) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:58:59 -0300 Subject: Coloring lines on click Message-ID: Hello list, I'm trying to change the color of some lines. When the user clicks, I make querybypoint over a streets layer and find the shape. My streets layer have 2 classes, I want to change the color from first class to second class. Or only change the color, with mapscript. I tried everything without success. I'm using java mapscript, but any tip is welcome. Thanks in advance. Fred -- "Everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon" -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From frans at GEODAN.NL Thu Sep 22 06:11:50 2005 From: frans at GEODAN.NL (Frans Knibbe) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:11:50 +0200 Subject: A question of scale Message-ID: Hello, Currently I am setting minimum and maximum scales for layers and classes in the map file. This works leads me to the question how scale is defined in mapserver. I could not find it in the documentation. Does anyone know what is meant by scale in the context of the MINSCALE and MAXSCALE keywords? And wouldn't it be better to use scalehints (as defined by the OGC) in stead of scale? That would also make the settings less confusing because MINSCALE is used for maximum scale and vice versa. Regards, Frans From ajfrank at ALICE.IT Thu Sep 22 06:19:03 2005 From: ajfrank at ALICE.IT (Gianfranco Brescia) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:19:03 -0500 Subject: PHP mapscipt: clone() Message-ID: Hi to all! how do I have to use clone()? Is my script correct? .... $selezionati = $this->selezionati; $layer = $this->map->getLayerByName('polli'); $classeselezionati = $layer->getclass(1); foreach ($selezionati as $v) { $classi[$i] = ms_newClassObj($layer); $classi[$i] = $classeselezionati->clone(); $classi[$i] -> setexpression($v); $i = $i+1; } ... Mapfile: .... CLASSITEM "codice_all" CLASS NAME "centrobuffer" STYLE SYMBOL bollo SIZE 5 COLOR 255 0 0 END EXPRESSION '0' END CLASS NAME "selezionati" STYLE SYMBOL bollo SIZE 4 COLOR 0 255 0 END EXPRESSION '0' END CLASS NAME "noselezionati" STYLE SYMBOL bollo SIZE 3 COLOR 150 150 250 END EXPRESSION /./ END ..... Thank you! Ciao. From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 22 06:29:18 2005 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:29:18 -0500 Subject: Rubber Band In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Please tell us what code you are using to do the rubber band box drawing. There are many clients out there that are used for this type of interactivity (dbox, chameleon, cartoweb ...) On 9/22/05, Andreas Nemmert wrote: > > Hello list, > > When I start my map server application with firefox and I zoom by > rectangle > a nice Rubber Band is drawn but when I try to open my application with > Internet Explorer it does not work at all. > Can you give me hints, what I should make to get it work also on the IE? > Or can you send mi a piece of code, so that it would be a bit clearer for > me to understand how the Rubber Band works? > > Thank you! > With the best regards! > Andreas > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From washer at TRLP.COM Thu Sep 22 06:58:42 2005 From: washer at TRLP.COM (James Washer) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 06:58:42 -0700 Subject: map projection question from a newbie In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: So, are you saying that mapserver will show a degree of latitude and a degree on longitude on the screen the SAME NUMBER of pixels wide no matter what the latitude (unless there is some overiding projection directive)? On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:09:10 -0400 Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > Hi James, > > You are doing nothing wrong. Mapserver takes the coordinate in the file > and treats them as X/Y and generates the images based on this. If you > plot geographic long/lat as X/Y you get an elongated image. xastir must > be compensating for the fact that it is geographic data and applying a > hidden projection of some type. > > Mapserver does not do this. if you want it projected you have to > EXPLICITLY tell it to perform a projection. > > In the mapfile, you can define the OUTPUT projection in the MAP object > and the projection that the data is in in the LAYER object, or you can > leave all the PROJECT ... END blocks out if they are all the same and it > will just plot the data as X/Y. > > -Steve W. > > James Washer wrote: > > I'm a newbie to mapping in general, so please have mercy if I'm asking stupid questions. > > > > I have a shapefile that was given to me in Nevada State Plane, and I used shpproj to reproject as follows: > > shpproj stateplane_shapefile geographic_shapefile -i="init=nad83:2703 units=us-ft" -o=geographic > > > > The map looks perfect when I view it in xastir (ham radio APRS mapping program) but looks about 30% too wide when viewed with mapserver. > > > > Here's the map file... Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? > > > > thanks for reading this far. > > > > - jim > > > > MAP > > IMAGETYPE PNG > > #EXTENT -119.961409 38.535114 -119.310436 39.113979 > > EXTENT -120.0 38.535114 -119.25 39.113979 > > > > SIZE 600 600 > > SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/share/xastir/maps/Douglas/Parcels" > > #SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/gis/Douglas/Parcels" > > IMAGECOLOR 200 200 200 > > > > WEB > > TEMPLATE doug2-1.html > > IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/gis/tmp/" > > IMAGEURL "/gis/tmp/" > > END > > > > LEGEND > > STATUS EMBED > > POSITION LR > > #TRANSPARENT TRUE > > END > > > > UNITS DD > > > > > > PROJECTION > > "proj=latlong" > > "ellps=WGS84" > > END > > > > > > > > SCALEBAR > > STATUS EMBED > > UNITS MILES > > INTERVALS 3 > > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > > END > > > > LAYER # States polygon layer begins here > > NAME Parcels > > DATA dc_pcls1 > > STATUS DEFAULT > > TYPE POLYGON > > LABELITEM TAG > > #CLASS > > #NAME "TAG" > > #EXPRESSION > > > > CLASS > > NAME "Douglas County Parcels" > > STYLE > > COLOR 232 232 232 > > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > > END > > LABEL > > SIZE LARGE > > MINFEATURESIZE 200 > > END > > END > > END > > > > END > > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 22 07:13:31 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:13:31 -0400 Subject: map projection question from a newbie In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/22/05, James Washer wrote: > So, are you saying that mapserver will show a degree of latitude and a degree on longitude on the screen the SAME NUMBER of pixels wide no matter what the latitude (unless there is some overiding projection directive)? James, Exactly. But it isn't hard to setup a reasonable projection, even the original stateplane zone coordinate system if that is what you would prefer to see (for minimal shape distortion). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From vberre at GI-PARIS.COM Thu Sep 22 06:44:04 2005 From: vberre at GI-PARIS.COM (Virginie BERRE) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:44:04 +0200 Subject: Create ONE layer with some jpeg files Message-ID: Hi all ! I would like some help because I don't understand exactly the document raster-howto Rasters and Tile Indexing I have 32 jpeg image files with 32 jgw files and I want to create a unique layer in mapserver. Could you please give me a mapfile example? Thanks! Best regards, Virginie Berre / Ing?nieur ?tude et d?veloppement G?n?rale d'Infographie ZA Les Erables - B?timent 4 66, route de Sartrouville - F-78230 - LE PECQ T?l : (33) (0) - Fax : (33) (0) mailto:vberre at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT Thu Sep 22 07:48:48 2005 From: mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Miguel_Gon=E7alves?=) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:48:48 +0100 Subject: distance between a point and a geographical feature Message-ID: Hello, I am using MapServer 4.6 with shapefiles. I want to know if exists a way of calculating the distance between a given point and a geographical feature of my map. In my case, I have the lines layer "roads" in my map object. Havin a point (x,y) I want to know the distance to a particular road. Is there a way of doing it with MapServer? Thanks. Best regards. Miguel From kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM Thu Sep 22 07:49:27 2005 From: kumar at NEWFIELDS.COM (Kumar) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:49:27 -0400 Subject: GIF labeling In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: That would just give me the symbol with the shield without line symbol. I need the symbol as a line and the label with shield. I was wondering if labels can be overlapped using GIF image and label. - kumar -----Original Message----- From: work at [mailto:work at] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:20 AM To: 'Kumar' Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GIF labeling In your map file, first define a symbol with the path to your image like this: SYMBOL NAME "School" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "school.gif" FILLED false END Then reference that symbol in your layer: LAYER NAME Schools TYPE Point STATUS Off DATA 'ShapeFiles/Washington/schools/schools' LABELITEM 'Name' CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "School" END END END Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc. > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Kumar > Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:17 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GIF labeling > > Hi all, > > Is it possible to label using gif's?. For example I want to label the > interstate with the interstate shield symbol with the number inbetween. Is > there any way to do this??. > > > > Thanks, > > - kumar > > -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Clipboard01.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 4911 bytes Desc: not available URL: From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 22 07:54:13 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:54:13 +0200 Subject: A question of scale Message-ID: Frans, there are so many explanations from Ed McNierney on this issue in the Mapserver archive. Among others: And OGC already left the ScaleHints at WMS 1.3 ...... and replaced it with MinScaleDenominator and MaxScaleDenominator which is basically what Mapserver has. See also: Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Frans Knibbe 22-9-2005 15:11:50 >>> Hello, Currently I am setting minimum and maximum scales for layers and classes in the map file. This works leads me to the question how scale is defined in mapserver. I could not find it in the documentation. Does anyone know what is meant by scale in the context of the MINSCALE and MAXSCALE keywords? And wouldn't it be better to use scalehints (as defined by the OGC) in stead of scale? That would also make the settings less confusing because MINSCALE is used for maximum scale and vice versa. Regards, Frans From frans at GEODAN.NL Thu Sep 22 08:42:53 2005 From: frans at GEODAN.NL (Frans Knibbe) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:42:53 +0200 Subject: A question of scale In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks Bart, this offers a clear explanation of the matter. I did search the archive but the word 'scale' is very common, I'm afraid. In fact there is already some information on this matter in the MapFile Reference: RESOLUTION [int] Sets the pixels per inch for output, only affects scale computations and nothing else, default is 72 Nonetheless, I think it would be a good idea to rename 'MINSCALE' and 'MAXSCALE' to 'MINSCALDENOMINATOR' and 'MAXSCALEDENOMINATOR'. Or let those keywords be synonyms for backward compatibility. Not only would the 'min' and 'max' bits be less confusing, it would also be clear the scale definition as found in the WMS 1.3 specification is used by MapServer. Regards, Frans Bart van den Eijnden wrote: >Frans, > >there are so many explanations from Ed McNierney on this issue in the Mapserver archive. Among others: > > > > > >And OGC already left the ScaleHints at WMS 1.3 ...... and replaced it with MinScaleDenominator and MaxScaleDenominator which is basically what Mapserver has. See also: > > > >Best regards, >Bart > >Bart van den Eijnden >Syncera IT Solutions >Postbus 270 >2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 >email: BEN at > > > >>>>Frans Knibbe 22-9-2005 15:11:50 >>> >>>> >>>> >Hello, > >Currently I am setting minimum and maximum scales for layers and classes >in the map file. This works leads me to the question how scale is >defined in mapserver. I could not find it in the documentation. Does >anyone know what is meant by scale in the context of the MINSCALE and >MAXSCALE keywords? > >And wouldn't it be better to use scalehints (as defined by the OGC) in >stead of scale? That would also make the settings less confusing because >MINSCALE is used for maximum scale and vice versa. > >Regards, > >Frans > > > > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Sep 22 09:41:10 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:41:10 -0500 Subject: GIF labeling Message-ID: Sure they can. Use an annotation layer. Here's a snippet from our rec compass mapfile, specifically the county highway shields: LAYER NAME road_counln3_anno MAXSCALE 200000 STATUS DEFAULT DATA 'data/gen/state/mn/road_counln3' TYPE ANNOTATION LABELITEM 'road_num' CLASS COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL '/usr/local/mapserver/symbols/ctyhwy.png' LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 PARTIALS FALSE END END END You cannot draw the line, the shield and the number at the same time though. Steve >>> Kumar 09/22/05 9:49 AM >>> That would just give me the symbol with the shield without line symbol. I need the symbol as a line and the label with shield. I was wondering if labels can be overlapped using GIF image and label. - kumar -----Original Message----- From: work at [mailto:work at] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:20 AM To: 'Kumar' Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GIF labeling In your map file, first define a symbol with the path to your image like this: SYMBOL NAME "School" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "school.gif" FILLED false END Then reference that symbol in your layer: LAYER NAME Schools TYPE Point STATUS Off DATA 'ShapeFiles/Washington/schools/schools' LABELITEM 'Name' CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "School" END END END Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc. > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Kumar > Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:17 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GIF labeling > > Hi all, > > Is it possible to label using gif's?. For example I want to label the > interstate with the interstate shield symbol with the number inbetween. Is > there any way to do this??. > > > > Thanks, > > - kumar > > From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Thu Sep 22 11:02:24 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:02:24 -0400 Subject: Create ONE layer with some jpeg files Message-ID: The following message was sent by Virginie BERRE on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:44:04 +0200. > Hi all ! > > > > > I would like some help because I don't understand exactly the document > raster-howto Rasters and Tile Indexing > > > I have 32 jpeg image files with 32 jgw files and I want to create a > unique > layer in mapserver. > > Could you please give me a mapfile example? > > > > Thanks! > > > > Best regards, > > > > Virginie Berre / Ing?nieur ?tude et d?veloppement > > G?n?rale d'Infographie > > ZA Les Erables - B?timent 4 > > 66, route de Sartrouville - F-78230 - LE PECQ > > T?l : (33) (0) - Fax : (33) (0) > > mailto:vberre at > > > Virginie, You will need to create the tileindex first (which I think is covered in the howto (gdaltindex)). Following is a working mapfile and a dump of the tileindex dbf file items. This is all covered pretty well in the howto however so the solution to any problems you're having may lie elsewhere. Lowell # # Start of map file # # 5-11-2005 Original. NAME ORTHOS STATUS ON SIZE 600 600 SYMBOLSET "symbols/mche.sym" EXTENT 2083398.868201 475510.1425693 2230753.539609 594453.3396094 UNITS FEET SHAPEPATH "." IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET "./font.set" # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME orthos TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT TILEINDEX "maps/coverages/ten2000p" TILEITEM "location" END END # Map File dbfdump -info maps/coverages/ten2000p.dbf Filename: maps/coverages/ten2000p.dbf Version: 0x03 (ver. 3) Num of records: 1856 Header length: 129 Record length: 152 Last change: 2005/7/5 Num fields: 3 Field info: Num Name Type Len Decimal 1. TEN2000_ID N 8 0 2. LOCATION C 127 0 3. NAME C 16 0 From mike.underwood at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 22 18:12:45 2005 From: mike.underwood at GMAIL.COM (Michael Underwood) Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:12:45 -0600 Subject: Symbol rotation via attribute lookup Message-ID: Hello, I'm using PHP/MapScript 4.6 and trying to create a layer of points from a PostGIS database using an arrow pointing in the direction of the 'heading' field in the data table. No matter what I try though, I get a map with all of the arrows pointing straight up (i.e. unrotated). My definitions include a TrueType symbol using a character of an arrow pointing up (I've also tried drawing an arrow as a Vector symbol with the same results): SYMBOL NAME 'trackarrow' TYPE TRUETYPE FONT 'adings' FILLED false ANTIALIAS false CHARACTER 'a' END A layer with the following data source: DATA "vessel_coordinate from (select * from archive_v where vessel_id=12) as foo using unique myoid using SRID=-1" A class to size, colour and (in theory) rotate the symbol: CLASS SYMBOL 'trackarrow' SIZE 12 STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 ANGLEITEM 'heading' END END I know that the ANGLEITEM line is being read by MapServer because if I change the name in quotes I get an error that the field doesn't exist, and if I try putting the field name in square brackets I get parsing errors, but setup like this I simply get all of the arrows size twelve, coloured black, but pointing up. The table contains thousands of records with values in the heading field ranging from 0 to 359. Any insight into why the arrows won't rotate and how to make them do so would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at E-GEODATA.GR Thu Sep 22 23:09:20 2005 From: info at E-GEODATA.GR (Geodata Analysis) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:09:20 +0300 Subject: getShape() and PostGIS Layers Message-ID: Hi list, I had some problems accessing features from a dynamic postgis layer. After some research i discovered that php/mapscript function $layer->getShape(tileindex, shapeindex); does not have the expected behaviour, at least the one I was expecting :-) . This is not about the issue that shapeindex must begin from 1. Here is my map file : MAP NAME "country" STATUS ON EXTENT 744723.842 4108421.689 757400.350 4121357.515 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "../data" SYMBOLSET "../etc/symbols.sym" FONTSET "../etc/fonts.txt" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 UNITS METERS TRANSPARENT FALSE DEBUG ON WEB METADATA "wms_title" "country" "wms_onlineresource" "\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapscript\htdocs\" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4121" "wfs_title" "country" "wfs_onlineresource" "" "wfs_srs" "EPSG:4121" END IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4121" END END Here's my script : if (!extension_loaded( "mapscript" )) dl ("php_mapscript_46.dll" ); $map = ms_newMapObj(""); $layer = ms_newLayerObj($map); $layer->set("debug", MS_ON); $layer->set("name", "postgis_cities_layer"); $layer->set("connectiontype", MS_POSTGIS); $layer->set("connection", "user=postgres password=qwe123 dbname=leros host=localhost port=5432"); $layer->set("status", MS_ON); $layer->set("type", MS_POLYGON); $layer->set("sizeunits", MS_METERS); $layer->set("toleranceunits", MS_METERS); $layer->set("tolerance", 300); $layer->set("template", "blank.html"); $layer->set("data", "the_geom from (SELECT * FROM cities WHERE gid IN(5,6)) as foo using unique gid using srid=4121)"); $layer->open(); $shp_1 = $layer->getShape(-1, 1); $shp_2 = $layer->getShape(-1, 5); $layer->close(); echo "
    echo "
"; $c = ms_newClassObj($layer); $s = ms_newStyleObj($c); $s->color->setRGB(255, 0, 0); $img = $map->draw(); $url = $img->saveWebImage(); echo ""; The image is drawn perfectly. print_r($shp_1) outputs nothing! print_r($shp_2) outputs a shape! In other words shapeindex in function $layer->getShape(tileindex, shapeindex) corresponds to gid column in the postgis table cities. Is this the expected behaviour ? Is there a way to do a loop and get all the shapes from a layer using straightforward code? -- Stathis Stergou GIS Programmer GeoDATA Analysis Greece __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Thu Sep 22 23:48:24 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 02:48:24 -0400 Subject: Symbol rotation via attribute lookup In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Two things to try 1. Place a LABEL to display the value of 'heading'. 2. Check the attributes of the 'heading' field in PostGIS, is it a string, integer, float, double, etc... ANGLEITEM may need to be a non-string to work. Hope this helps. Richard C Orth Michael Underwood wrote: > Hello, > I'm using PHP/MapScript 4.6 and trying to create a layer of points > from a PostGIS database using an arrow pointing in the direction of > the 'heading' field in the data table. No matter what I try though, I > get a map with all of the arrows pointing straight up (i.e. > unrotated). My definitions include a TrueType symbol using a > character of an arrow pointing up (I've also tried drawing an arrow as > a Vector symbol with the same results): > > SYMBOL > NAME 'trackarrow' > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT 'adings' > FILLED false > ANTIALIAS false > CHARACTER 'a' > END > > A layer with the following data source: > > DATA "vessel_coordinate from (select * from archive_v where > vessel_id=12) as foo using unique myoid using SRID=-1" > > A class to size, colour and (in theory) rotate the symbol: > > CLASS > SYMBOL 'trackarrow' > SIZE 12 > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 0 > ANGLEITEM 'heading' > END > END > > I know that the ANGLEITEM line is being read by MapServer because if I > change the name in quotes I get an error that the field doesn't exist, > and if I try putting the field name in square brackets I get parsing > errors, but setup like this I simply get all of the arrows size > twelve, coloured black, but pointing up. The table contains thousands > of records with values in the heading field ranging from 0 to 359. > > Any insight into why the arrows won't rotate and how to make them do > so would be greatly appreciated. > Thanks, > Mike From mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE Fri Sep 23 00:55:14 2005 From: mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE (Nicol Hermann) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:55:14 +0200 Subject: Imagemaps with point layers Message-ID: Hi List, I have a problem with imagemaps and point layers. As expected i got an area tag for each record of my underlying layer. The strange thing is that each '%s' wildcard in my FORMATOPTIONS is replaced with the layer name instead of the field value of item specified in the classitem tag (layer section). ... Attached you find the outformat and layer definition of my mapfile. Do i miss something or is this a bug? If i change the whole thing to a polygon layer '%s' is replaced with the values of the classitem field. BTW: I use the latest stable release 4.6.1 on an Debian Sarge release. OUTPUTFORMAT NAME imagemap MIMETYPE "text/html" DRIVER imagemap FORMATOPTION "SYMBOLHREF=alert('%s');" END LAYER NAME city STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT DATA staedte CLASSITEM "CITY_NAME" CLASS NAME Staedte STYLE COLOR 128 128 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL 0 END END END Thanks for every hint! Nicol From mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM Fri Sep 23 05:55:26 2005 From: mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM (SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 07:55:26 -0500 Subject: Displacement from coordinates Message-ID: Hi, I created my own map and I inserted my coodinates. First of all I translated my GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates and then to pixels to insert it in a data base to place several symbols in my my. Al symbols have a displacement. As you can see in (click link to see de map) small yellow rectangles are in the correct position but blue symbols are the displaced ones. UTM coordinates are completely correct, I placed it manually over the map but when mapserver place them they are incorrect. Someone could indicate me why appears this displacement? Thank you. Nuri From xkarel at MAIL.RU Fri Sep 23 07:09:25 2005 From: xkarel at MAIL.RU (=?koi8-r?Q?=F3=FB=E1?=) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:09:25 +0400 Subject: distance between a point and a geographical feature Message-ID: Miguel Gonçalves wrote: > Hello, > > I am using MapServer 4.6 with shapefiles. > I want to know if exists a way of calculating the distance between a > given point and a geographical feature of my map. > In my case, I have the lines layer "roads" in my map object. > Havin a point (x,y) I want to know the distance to a particular road. > Is there a way of doing it with MapServer? > Thanks. > Best regards. > > > Miguel Hi Miguel! Maybe you need this function: double distanceToShape(shapeObj shape) Calculates the minimum distance between a point and a shape from Pointobj Karel From xkarel at MAIL.RU Fri Sep 23 07:21:33 2005 From: xkarel at MAIL.RU (=?koi8-r?Q?=F3=FB=E1?=) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:21:33 +0400 Subject: Fw: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] distance between a point and a geographical feature Message-ID: Link to documentation: Karel From carlo.calvino at EMAIL.IT Fri Sep 23 08:09:27 2005 From: carlo.calvino at EMAIL.IT (Carlo Calvino) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:09:27 -0500 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? Message-ID: Hello everybody, anyone knows if ErMapper's Image Web Server is of any help with MapServer? Has UMN Image Web Server alone the same capabilities of ErMapper? Some people use these two applications together: I wonder why. From andreas.mueller at M-U-U.DE Fri Sep 23 08:09:30 2005 From: andreas.mueller at M-U-U.DE (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Andreas_M=FCller?=) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 17:09:30 +0200 Subject: Raster file problem revisited Message-ID: Hi, we have been setting up a mapserver/phpMapScript application (v 4.4.2), which works fine in our own environment (debian sarge). Now after having someone else installing it on another server (SuSE something) there is a problem. While Mapserver displays raster files if it is addressed via http-requests (ogc-wms as well as ms API work), phpMapscript requests (mapObj->draw) lead to server crashes (I know this has been discussed several times before, but maybe I just don't understand the solution!). On the other hand, e.g. prepareImage() and others work fine. From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Sep 23 08:58:53 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:58:53 -0400 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/23/05, Carlo Calvino wrote: > Hello everybody, > anyone knows if ErMapper's Image Web Server is of any help with MapServer? > Has UMN Image Web Server alone the same capabilities of ErMapper? > Some people use these two applications together: I wonder why. Carlo, I'm no expert on IWS, but I'll try to give my impressions. First UMN MapServer does not have the same capabilities as IWS. IWS maintains up open connection from the client to the server to continuous update an image view as the user roams around and zooms. This give a significantly more interactive experience than can ever be achieved with MapServer in a traditional http request environment. You can think of ka-Map/Google maps as an attempt to provide something vaguely similar, but IWS (potentially) can make this seamless. I would add that IWS delivers content with ECW compression which is significantly better than JPEG for instance. MapServer could deliver individual images in ECW format, but it really depends on having a client that supports ECW. IWS achieves that by requiring a custom client app or plugin. On the other hand, MapServer certainly can quite practically and efficiently serve from massive image databases. My understanding is that IWS just serves image data from a big pre-rendered image file on disk. For that reason, it is not suitable for complex, and dynamic rendering which is well addressed by MapServer. I'm not too sure how they could be effectively used together. It would be nice if the IWS client could also pull a layer from WMS (perhaps it does?) Then mapserver could serve dynamic content overlayed on imagery from IWS. So, from my point of view MapServer is a generic mapserver for dynamic and static content to a generic web browser. IWS is a custom imagery delivery solution requiring a custom client side plugin, but can provide a degree of interactivity and performance that would otherwise be essentially impossible to achieve. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From desmeulesa at DFO-MPO.GC.CA Fri Sep 23 11:52:25 2005 From: desmeulesa at DFO-MPO.GC.CA (Desmeules Alain) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:52:25 -0400 Subject: BSB FILES Message-ID: Hello ! I try to add a wms service with BSB files. I search an example... Is the BSB files version 4 support ? Thanks -- __________________________________________________________ Alain Desmeules Observatoire du Saint-Laurent / St. Lawrence Observatory WWW : Courriel / Email : desmeulesa at T?l?phone / Telephone : (418)775-0788 From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Sep 23 12:22:02 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:22:02 -0400 Subject: BSB FILES In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/23/05, Desmeules Alain wrote: > Hello ! > I try to add a wms service with BSB files. I search an example... Is > the BSB files version 4 support ? Alain, Encrypted BSB 4 files are not supported by GDAL. Unencrypted ones *might* work, though I don't know if I have encountered such a thing yet. BSB 1, 2 and 3 files are supported. Feel free to send me a sample file if you are having problems. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Sep 23 12:58:21 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:58:21 -0500 Subject: Displacement from coordinates Message-ID: I doubt it's a mapserver problem, most likely a problem the conversion some place, or in the georeferencing of the map. Steve >>> SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri 09/23/05 7:55 AM >>> Hi, I created my own map and I inserted my coodinates. First of all I translated my GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates and then to pixels to insert it in a data base to place several symbols in my my. Al symbols have a displacement. As you can see in (click link to see de map) small yellow rectangles are in the correct position but blue symbols are the displaced ones. UTM coordinates are completely correct, I placed it manually over the map but when mapserver place them they are incorrect. Someone could indicate me why appears this displacement? Thank you. Nuri From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Sep 23 13:25:37 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:25:37 -0500 Subject: Symbol rotation via attribute lookup Message-ID: A style ANGLEITEM only works with a couple symbol types hatch and circles (for drawing arcs). More complete symbol rotation support is on the way. However, truetype labels can be rotated... The workaround would be do something like this with a point or annotation layer: LABELANGLEITEM 'heading' CLASS LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE SIZE 12 COLOR 0 0 0 FONT 'adings' END TEXT 'a' END With a point layer you might have to draw a single pixel (that is, add COLOR 0 0 0 to the class object). Steve >>> Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated 09/23/05 1:48 AM >>> Two things to try 1. Place a LABEL to display the value of 'heading'. 2. Check the attributes of the 'heading' field in PostGIS, is it a string, integer, float, double, etc... ANGLEITEM may need to be a non-string to work. Hope this helps. Richard C Orth Michael Underwood wrote: > Hello, > I'm using PHP/MapScript 4.6 and trying to create a layer of points > from a PostGIS database using an arrow pointing in the direction of > the 'heading' field in the data table. No matter what I try though, I > get a map with all of the arrows pointing straight up (i.e. > unrotated). My definitions include a TrueType symbol using a > character of an arrow pointing up (I've also tried drawing an arrow as > a Vector symbol with the same results): > > SYMBOL > NAME 'trackarrow' > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT 'adings' > FILLED false > ANTIALIAS false > CHARACTER 'a' > END > > A layer with the following data source: > > DATA "vessel_coordinate from (select * from archive_v where > vessel_id=12) as foo using unique myoid using SRID=-1" > > A class to size, colour and (in theory) rotate the symbol: > > CLASS > SYMBOL 'trackarrow' > SIZE 12 > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 0 > ANGLEITEM 'heading' > END > END > > I know that the ANGLEITEM line is being read by MapServer because if I > change the name in quotes I get an error that the field doesn't exist, > and if I try putting the field name in square brackets I get parsing > errors, but setup like this I simply get all of the arrows size > twelve, coloured black, but pointing up. The table contains thousands > of records with values in the heading field ranging from 0 to 359. > > Any insight into why the arrows won't rotate and how to make them do > so would be greatly appreciated. > Thanks, > Mike From SClark at COUNTY.LETHBRIDGE.AB.CA Fri Sep 23 13:49:20 2005 From: SClark at COUNTY.LETHBRIDGE.AB.CA (Stephen Clark) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:49:20 -0600 Subject: Problem with display of raster backdrop -- ECW files with overlap Message-ID: Hi, I am working on a mapserver application to display ECW orthophotos for Southern Alberta where the orthophotos have overlap. I have created a tiled index layer for these orthos and am having problems during the draw cycle when the orthos are turned on. I have attached the layer file from mapserver: LAYER NAME ecw_2003_tile TILEINDEX "e:/data/ecw_2003_index.shp" TILEITEM "location" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON TRANSPARENCY 60 CLASS NAME "COLA 2003 Orthophotos" END METADATA WMS_TITLE "COLA 2003 Orthophotos" WMS_ABSTRACT "N/A" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26912" END END I have been able to draw the ortho layer when "zoomed in" to only one ortho sheet that is visible but not when an ortho overlaps with another ortho. I am using MS4W and have tested this config with MS44 and MS46 with both app crashing. Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this problem. Regards, Stephen Clark GIS Coordinator County of Lethbridge #100, 905 - 4th Ave South, Lethbridge, Alberta,T1J 4E4 Main: (403)328-5525 Direct: (403)380-1578 Fax: (403)328-5602 email: sclark at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ms_error.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 14159 bytes Desc: ms_error.jpg URL: From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Fri Sep 23 16:38:54 2005 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 19:38:54 -0400 Subject: Displacement from coordinates Message-ID: Nuri - I agree with Steve - how exactly did you convert your GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates? What datum did you use, and what datum does the rest of the map use? If you can give us a sample of the "GPS coordinates" and the UTM output, we can check the conversion. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Steve Lime Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:58 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates I doubt it's a mapserver problem, most likely a problem the conversion some place, or in the georeferencing of the map. Steve >>> SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri 09/23/05 7:55 >>> AM >>> Hi, I created my own map and I inserted my coodinates. First of all I translated my GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates and then to pixels to insert it in a data base to place several symbols in my my. Al symbols have a displacement. As you can see in (click link to see de map) small yellow rectangles are in the correct position but blue symbols are the displaced ones. UTM coordinates are completely correct, I placed it manually over the map but when mapserver place them they are incorrect. Someone could indicate me why appears this displacement? Thank you. Nuri From chris at NARX.NET Fri Sep 23 19:15:48 2005 From: chris at NARX.NET (Chris Tweedie) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 10:15:48 +0800 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank is correct in this aspect. ERMapper has a product in their range called RightWebMap which is a web based javascript viewer capable of combining streaming ECW with your traditional wms / arcims output. See for further information. Take a look, it might be what you are after. Chris. Quoting Frank Warmerdam : > On 9/23/05, Carlo Calvino wrote: > > Hello everybody, > > anyone knows if ErMapper's Image Web Server is of any help with MapServer? > > Has UMN Image Web Server alone the same capabilities of ErMapper? > > Some people use these two applications together: I wonder why. > > Carlo, > > I'm no expert on IWS, but I'll try to give my impressions. > > First UMN MapServer does not have the same capabilities as IWS. > IWS maintains up open connection from the client to the server to > continuous update an image view as the user roams around and zooms. > This give a significantly more interactive experience than can ever be > achieved with MapServer in a traditional http request environment. You > can think of ka-Map/Google maps as an attempt to provide something > vaguely similar, but IWS (potentially) can make this seamless. > > I would add that IWS delivers content with ECW compression which > is significantly better than JPEG for instance. MapServer could deliver > individual images in ECW format, but it really depends on having a > client that supports ECW. IWS achieves that by requiring a custom client > app or plugin. > > On the other hand, MapServer certainly can quite practically and > efficiently serve from massive image databases. > > My understanding is that IWS just serves image data from a big pre-rendered > image file on disk. For that reason, it is not suitable for complex, > and dynamic > rendering which is well addressed by MapServer. > > I'm not too sure how they could be effectively used together. It would be > nice if the IWS client could also pull a layer from WMS (perhaps it does?) > Then mapserver could serve dynamic content overlayed on imagery > from IWS. > > So, from my point of view MapServer is a generic mapserver for dynamic > and static content to a generic web browser. > > IWS is a custom imagery delivery solution requiring a custom client side > plugin, but can provide a degree of interactivity and performance that > would otherwise be essentially impossible to achieve. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. From thomas at FREESERV.DE Sat Sep 24 04:15:48 2005 From: thomas at FREESERV.DE (Thomas Sebastian) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 13:15:48 +0200 Subject: WMS Data from other server possible ? Message-ID: Hello List , i got a little problem ( cause i'm a noob with gis ). I want to use wms data from an other server with my ( working ) mapserver. Here is the link to the wms data: When i use the GetCapabilities link i get an xml-file with a lot of data. I tried to build an map file like shown on the uml-doc page, but it didn't work. How does such a map file have to look like ? Thanks, Thomas From armin.burger at GMX.NET Sat Sep 24 05:48:09 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 14:48:09 +0200 Subject: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML Message-ID: Hi everybody, MapScript offers the nice functionality to add WMS layers via a Map Context XML file. I would like to convert the XML received from a GetCapabilites request into a Map Context XML document and load this Map Context XML file as layers into the map object. I think XSL transformation could be a good solution to do this conversion. Has anybody already worked on an XSLT template to convert the GetCapabilites XML into a Map Context XML document? Armin From armin.burger at GMX.NET Sat Sep 24 06:01:19 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 15:01:19 +0200 Subject: WMS Data from other server possible ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thomas, here is an example using a Landsat mosaic from the NASA WMS that worked for me: LAYER NAME "jpl_wms_global_mosaic" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END METADATA "wms_name" "global_mosaic_base" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END END the capabilities request was Armin Thomas Sebastian wrote: > Hello List , > i got a little problem ( cause i'm a noob with gis ). > > I want to use wms data from an other server with my ( working ) > mapserver. > > Here is the link to the wms data: > > > > When i use the GetCapabilities link i get an xml-file with a lot of data. > I tried to build an map file like shown on the uml-doc page, > but it didn't work. > > How does such a map file have to look like ? > > Thanks, Thomas > > From volverinn at LIBERO.IT Sat Sep 24 06:49:04 2005 From: volverinn at LIBERO.IT ( Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 15:49:04 +0200 Subject: help!! Message-ID: Hi all, I've serius problem with install PHP/mapscript. How to install this? How to install PHP/mapscript? Thank you Bye. From armin.burger at GMX.NET Sat Sep 24 07:01:52 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 16:01:52 +0200 Subject: help!! In-Reply-To: Message-ID: volverinn at wrote: > Hi all, > > I've serius problem with install PHP/mapscript. > How to install this? How to install PHP/mapscript? > > Thank you > > Bye. > > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Sat Sep 24 09:23:02 2005 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:23:02 -0400 Subject: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML Message-ID: The mapbuilder project ( has a WFS Capabilities to WMC xsl in lib/tool/xsl/Caps2Context.xsl. There's one over at You can probably modify it for WMS, and hopefully contribute it to the project! Cheers ..Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Armin Burger > Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2005 08:48 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS, convert GetCapabilites > XML to Map Context XML > > > Hi everybody, > > MapScript offers the nice functionality to add WMS layers via a Map > Context XML file. > > I would like to convert the XML received from a > GetCapabilites request > into a Map Context XML document and load this Map Context XML file as > layers into the map object. I think XSL transformation could > be a good > solution to do this conversion. Has anybody already worked on an XSLT > template to convert the GetCapabilites XML into a Map Context > XML document? > > Armin > From matt0177 at GMAIL.COM Sat Sep 24 10:08:18 2005 From: matt0177 at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Edmondson) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 10:08:18 -0700 Subject: Connection to a msSQL server Message-ID: I'm running Mapserver 4.6 with Chameleon and to this point only utilizing local shapefiles. I'm now going to be required to pull data from a msSQL table with lat and long points stored. I have a couple of quick questions. 1: How do I write the connection string to a msSQL db. 2: What format does the geo data need to be in the table. Currently, the lat/long is in decimal degrees in 2 different columns, is that appropriate, if not, what format does it need to be in. Thanks, Matt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Sep 24 10:23:49 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 13:23:49 -0400 Subject: Connection to a msSQL server In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/24/05, Matthew Edmondson wrote: > I'm running Mapserver 4.6 with Chameleon and to this point only utilizing > local shapefiles. I'm now going to be required to pull data from a msSQL > table with lat and long points stored. I have a couple of quick questions. > > 1: How do I write the connection string to a msSQL db. Matt, You would use CONNECTIONTYPE OGR and a CONNECTION string like "ODBC:MyDSN" where MyDSN is the DSN you setup for the Microsoft SQL Server dataset in question. You might want to skim the OGR ODBC driver page at: > 2: What format does the geo data need to be in the table. Currently, the > lat/long is in decimal degrees in 2 different columns, is that appropriate, > if not, what format does it need to be in. That should be fine, but there is still the issue of identifying the columns to be used as spatial columns. For this you will need to setup an OGR Virtual File (often extension .ovf). These are documented at: There is also a detailed wiki topic on the use of virtual files to access data from ODBC connections such as yours. I don't recall the url but you could dig around for it if the above isn't enough info. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From matt0177 at GMAIL.COM Sat Sep 24 10:33:16 2005 From: matt0177 at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Edmondson) Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 10:33:16 -0700 Subject: Connection to a msSQL server In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you very much for the quick reply, I will check those links right now. Thanks, Matt On 9/24/05, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > On 9/24/05, Matthew Edmondson wrote: > > I'm running Mapserver 4.6 with Chameleon and to this point only > utilizing > > local shapefiles. I'm now going to be required to pull data from a msSQL > > table with lat and long points stored. I have a couple of quick > questions. > > > > 1: How do I write the connection string to a msSQL db. > > Matt, > > You would use CONNECTIONTYPE OGR and a CONNECTION string like > "ODBC:MyDSN" where MyDSN is the DSN you setup for the Microsoft > SQL Server dataset in question. You might want to skim the OGR ODBC > driver page at: > > > > > 2: What format does the geo data need to be in the table. Currently, the > > lat/long is in decimal degrees in 2 different columns, is that > appropriate, > > if not, what format does it need to be in. > > That should be fine, but there is still the issue of identifying the > columns > to be used as spatial columns. For this you will need to setup an > OGR Virtual File (often extension .ovf). These are documented at: > > > > There is also a detailed wiki topic on the use of virtual files to access > data > from ODBC connections such as yours. I don't recall the url but you could > dig around for it if the above isn't enough info. > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From armin.burger at GMX.NET Sun Sep 25 12:14:23 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:14:23 +0200 Subject: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Tom, thanks for the link. The Caps2Context.xsl is in fact for WMS. There seem to be just some small discrepancies between the output of the template and what the MapScript loadMapContext() function requires, but this needs just slight modification of the XSL. Armin Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > The mapbuilder project ( has a WFS > Capabilities to WMC xsl in lib/tool/xsl/Caps2Context.xsl. > > There's one over at > > You can probably modify it for WMS, and hopefully contribute it to the > project! > > Cheers > > ..Tom > > >>-----Original Message----- >>From: UMN MapServer Users List >>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Armin Burger >>Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2005 08:48 >>To: MAPSERVER-USERS at >>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS, convert GetCapabilites >>XML to Map Context XML >> >> >>Hi everybody, >> >>MapScript offers the nice functionality to add WMS layers via a Map >>Context XML file. >> >>I would like to convert the XML received from a >>GetCapabilites request >>into a Map Context XML document and load this Map Context XML file as >>layers into the map object. I think XSL transformation could >>be a good >>solution to do this conversion. Has anybody already worked on an XSLT >>template to convert the GetCapabilites XML into a Map Context >>XML document? >> >>Armin >> > > > From alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM Sun Sep 25 13:20:51 2005 From: alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM (Alan Hale) Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:20:51 +0100 Subject: File permissions set randomly on Apache In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes not. I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem described. Any help very welcome. Alan Hale Bryo Software Solutions Aberystwyth Wales -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: 23/09/2005 From pram123 at GMAIL.COM Sun Sep 25 15:14:24 2005 From: pram123 at GMAIL.COM (Prashanth Ram) Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:14:24 -0400 Subject: File permissions set randomly on Apache In-Reply-To: <000001c5c20e$a0525c50$0201a8c0@bryo> Message-ID: Alan: Who/what are the file permissions set as? Also, what OS/apache version? -Prashanth -- Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript Hosting, PHP Hosting PostgreSQL w/PostGIS extension enabled Hosting On 9/25/05, Alan Hale wrote: > > New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial > development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) > host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on > the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, > apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes > not. > > I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem > described. Any help very welcome. > > Alan Hale > Bryo Software Solutions > Aberystwyth Wales > > -- > No virus found in this outgoing message. > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: > 23/09/2005 > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM Sun Sep 25 23:04:29 2005 From: alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM (Alan Hale) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:04:29 +0100 Subject: File permissions set randomly on Apache In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Red Hat Linux Enterprise and Apache 2. Permissions set as either rw------- (600), rw-r--r-- (644) or rw-rw-rw- (666). Out of last 28 images 20 were rw-------, 7 rw-r--r-- and rw-rw-rw-. Many thanks Alan Alan Hale Bryo Software Solutions Aberystwyth Wales -----Original Message----- From: Prashanth Ram [mailto:pram123 at] Alan: Who/what are the file permissions set as? Also, what OS/apache version? -Prashanth -- Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript Hosting, PHP Hosting PostgreSQL w/PostGIS extension enabled Hosting On 9/25/05, Alan Hale wrote: New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes not. I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem described. Any help very welcome. Alan Hale Bryo Software Solutions Aberystwyth Wales -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.116/111 - Release Date: 23/09/2005 -- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: 23/09/2005 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: 23/09/2005 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stepan.kafka at CENTRUM.CZ Mon Sep 26 00:31:05 2005 From: stepan.kafka at CENTRUM.CZ (Stepan Kafka) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:31:05 +0200 Subject: WCS multibands geotiff Message-ID: Hi all, just for information... I have discussed with Frank Warmerdam out of the list and these are the results: It is able to get multispectral images with Mapserver WCS but We must take care for some parameters: - the IMAGEMODE must be set to BYTE in the OUTPUTFORMAT object - the ows_extent, wcs_resolution and wcs_bandcount metadata must be set in layer metadata for tiled raster layers ( the ows_extent and wcs_resolution are not needed for single raster layer.) - for tiled raster layers all filenames in tile layer must be valid (point to existing raster files) (there was my problem :) ) Thank you, Frank Stepan ______________________________________________________________ > Od: stepan.kafka at CENTRUM.CZ > Komu: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > CC: > Datum: 08.09.2005 08:44 > P?edm?t: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WCS multibands geotiff > > Hi all, > I wonder if it is possible to get more than 4 bands geotiffs from WCS. I > need to server all bands from Landsat images. > > Thank you > > Stepan Kafka > From jakob.nisell at MA.SLU.SE Mon Sep 26 01:25:25 2005 From: jakob.nisell at MA.SLU.SE (jakob) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:25:25 +0200 Subject: No subject Message-ID: I just intalled ms4w and managed to open the example map service from another machine by typing http://jngis_port/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?MAP=/ms4w/apps/gmap/htdocs/ in the adressfield of webbrowser where jngis_port is the machine with my mapserver. Howewer when I tried to open the service in Gaia ( the carbon project) or in gives me an error message. Gaia works from localhost but not the geoportal. Gaia from my other machine gives me the names of the layers but not the image. both my machines are inside the same firewall. Does any one have a hint what I should do ? Thanks Jakob Nisell _____________________________________________________________ Jakob Nisell E-mail:jakob.nisell at Inst. f?r Milj?nalys tel 018-673123 Box 7050 fax 018-673156 S-750 07 Uppsala homepage: From mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Sep 26 02:28:23 2005 From: mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM (N M) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:28:23 +0000 Subject: Displacement from coordinates In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, To convert coordinates I use for example: (a geodesic calculator) An example of GPS coordinates and results are: 42? 14' 54.568" - 4677448.415 2? 56' 20.526" - 494971.3073 42? 14' 58.548" - 4677573.222 2? 57' 37.05" - 496724.1829 The correct containers are the little yellow squares and displaced are de blue ones: The coordinates are form the first two containers in top rigth side of the map. I think you are right because I tried to place manually the containers and coordinates are displaced, so, how could I convert correctly GPS coordinates to UTM? Thank you. Nuri >From: Ed McNierney >Reply-To: Ed McNierney >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates >Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 19:38:54 -0400 > >Nuri - > >I agree with Steve - how exactly did you convert your GPS coordinates to >UTM coordinates? What datum did you use, and what datum does the rest >of the map use? > >If you can give us a sample of the "GPS coordinates" and the UTM output, >we can check the conversion. > > - Ed > >Ed McNierney >President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >ed at > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Steve Lime >Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:58 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates > >I doubt it's a mapserver problem, most likely a problem the conversion >some place, or in the georeferencing of the map. > >Steve > > >>> SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri 09/23/05 7:55 > > >>> AM >>> >Hi, > >I created my own map and I inserted my coodinates. First of all I >translated my GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates and then to pixels to >insert it in a data base to place several symbols in my my. > >Al symbols have a displacement. As you can see in > (click link to see de map) small yellow >rectangles are in the correct position but blue symbols are the >displaced ones. > >UTM coordinates are completely correct, I placed it manually over the >map but when mapserver place them they are incorrect. > >Someone could indicate me why appears this displacement? > >Thank you. > >Nuri _________________________________________________________________ M?viles, DVD, c?maras digitales, coleccionismo... Con unas ofertas que ni te imaginas. From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Mon Sep 26 03:08:57 2005 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 12:08:57 +0200 Subject: problems with some Oracle polygons Message-ID: Hi Fernando, How are you?... In some cases I have polygon defined with a code "5" instead of "1005". In this case mapserver does not recognize the polygon format and it displayes an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawShape(): Only polygon shapes can be drawn using a POLYGON layer definition. in... Here you are a sample polygon definition that gives me problems: SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 13, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393.311, 96290.2075, 717393.843, 96286.1065, 717300.032, 96279.4307, 717301.79, 96281.1715, 717303.764, 96282.6628, 717305.79, 96283.6852, 717307.995, 96284.2265, 717309.425, 96284.41, 717352.296, 96287.4608, 717387.403, 96289.9591, 717393.311, 96290.2075)) Any suggestions?... Best regards Francesco -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Mon Sep 26 03:34:43 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 12:34:43 +0200 Subject: ArcIMS requests In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, I want to load a request from an ArcIMS. Do I have to adapt the requests somehow for this? e.g.: mia& or: Name=wgs& Best regards Leopold From WalrechtG at VERTIS.NL Mon Sep 26 04:49:13 2005 From: WalrechtG at VERTIS.NL (Gerjan Walrecht) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 13:49:13 +0200 Subject: problems with some Oracle polygons Message-ID: Francesco, From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Mon Sep 26 05:05:12 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 14:05:12 +0200 Subject: SYMBOLSCALE In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi list, I want to make a signature for motorways with "SYMBOLSCALE 500000". The signature is a big red line, beyond it a thinner yellow lone und above a very thin red line. with "SYMBOLSCALE 500000" it seems that there is only the first line scaled and the other two lines are very big above it. Best regards Leopold --------------------------- the Layer: LAYER NAME "CE_Motorways" STATUS ON DATA "CE_CE_INFRA_ROADS_MOTORWAYS_XXXX" TYPE LINE UNITS METERS TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "Autobahnen" "DESCRIPTION" "Autobahnen" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END SIZEUNITS PIXELS SYMBOLSCALE 500000 CLASS NAME "Autobahnen" MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 9000000 STYLE SYMBOL "line" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 6 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 END STYLE SYMBOL "line" SIZE 4 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 5 COLOR 255 255 64 END STYLE SYMBOL "line" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 1 END END END From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Mon Sep 26 05:21:23 2005 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:21:23 -0300 Subject: problems with some Oracle polygons In-Reply-To: <009301c5c282$4f5f7480$2d01a8c0@newsviluppo> Message-ID: Hi Francesco, I'm fine, your wecolme for your e-mail. This error appear when you use a type definition for your layer that don't match for what Mapserver read from the source, for the problem that relate probably Oracle Spatial driver reconize as a line segment. Using the geometry definition that you sent I saw a problem, for compound polygons (SDO_ETYPE 1005) this definition it's wrong, the first triplet indicates a SDO_GTYPE as 5, and this don't exist for default Oracle Spatial parameter. I checked it in user guide (9i and 10g) and this SDO_TYPE don't appear in the table for SDO_ELEM_INFO. But exist a little information about this value for SDO_TYPE in the SDO_ELEM_INFO chapter in the user guide, this section below I take from user guide (10g): "... Note: The use of 5 as an SDO_ETYPE value for polygon ring elements in a single geometry is discouraged. You should specify 5 only if you do not know if the compound polygon is exterior or interior, and you should then upgrade the table or layer to the current format using the SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT procedure, described in Chapter 17. ..." In this case I recommend that you test the SDO_MIGRATE function as user guide suggested. Here I did a little test with your data and after apply the SDO_MIGRATE your geometry was draw correctly, you can check in this link: After MIGRATE : Before MIGRATE (as line): Befor MIGRATE: After the MIGRATE function: SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1005, 3, 1, 2, 1, 9, 2, 2, 17, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393,311, 96290,2075, 717387,403, 96289,9591, 7 17352,296, 96287,4608, 717309,425, 96284,41, 717307,995, 96284,2265, 717305,79, 96283,6852, 717303,764, 96282,6628, 717301,79, 96281,1715, 717300,032, 96279,430 7, 717393,843, 96286,1065, 717393,311, 96290,2075)) To execute the SDO_MIGRATE I did: SQL> execute sdo_migrate.to_current('cola_markets', 'shape'); Best regards. Thanks again ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . Francesco Sozzi wrote: > Hi Fernando, > > How are you?... > > In some cases I have polygon defined with a code "5" instead of > "1005". In this case mapserver does not recognize the polygon format > and it displayes an error: > *Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawShape(): Only polygon shapes can be > drawn using a POLYGON layer definition. in...* > > Here you are a sample polygon definition that gives me problems: > SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, > 5, 2, 2, 13, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393.311, 96290.2075, > 717393.843, 96286.1065, 717300.032, 96279.4307, 717301.79, 96281.1715, > 717303.764, 96282.6628, 717305.79, 96283.6852, 717307.995, 96284.2265, > 717309.425, 96284.41, 717352.296, 96287.4608, 717387.403, 96289.9591, > 717393.311, 96290.2075)) > > Any suggestions?... > > Best regards > > Francesco > > From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Mon Sep 26 05:33:05 2005 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 14:33:05 +0200 Subject: problems with some Oracle polygons Message-ID: Hi Gerjan, Thanks for answer. I use Oracle 9i and the validation command does not give me any error. About elem_info, I think that it right: it says that the polygon should have three list of segments: - from coord at position 1 a list of line segments - from coord at position 5 a list af arc segments - from coord at position 13 a list of line segments I think that the problem is on the first triplet into elem_info. If I specify "1,1005,3" instead of "1, 5, 3" mapserver works fine. The problem is that I can't control that: I read data written by another system and I have many records with this problem. Best regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From: Gerjan Walrecht To: 'Francesco Sozzi' ; 'UMN MapServer Users List' Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 1:49 PM Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] problems with some Oracle polygons Francesco, From a quick look at your geometry I think that the problem is that it is not valid (but I might be wrong). Have you validated the geometry with the validation procedure from Oracle? The sdo_geometry of 2003 suggests a single polygon, but you Eleminfo does not. Try updating your sdo_geometry type to 2007 (multipolygon). Hope this helps, Gerjan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] Namens Francesco Sozzi Verzonden: maandag 26 september 2005 12:09 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] problems with some Oracle polygons Hi Fernando, How are you?... In some cases I have polygon defined with a code "5" instead of "1005". In this case mapserver does not recognize the polygon format and it displayes an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawShape(): Only polygon shapes can be drawn using a POLYGON layer definition. in... Here you are a sample polygon definition that gives me problems: SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 13, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393.311, 96290.2075, 717393.843, 96286.1065, 717300.032, 96279.4307, 717301.79, 96281.1715, 717303.764, 96282.6628, 717305.79, 96283.6852, 717307.995, 96284.2265, 717309.425, 96284.41, 717352.296, 96287.4608, 717387.403, 96289.9591, 717393.311, 96290.2075)) Any suggestions?... Best regards Francesco -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Mon Sep 26 05:39:05 2005 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 14:39:05 +0200 Subject: problems with some Oracle polygons Message-ID: Hi Fernando, Thanks for help. I agree with you about sdo_etype. I've just tested sdo_migrate as you suggested and it works fine. Best regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fernando Simon" To: Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 2:21 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] problems with some Oracle polygons > Hi Francesco, > I'm fine, your wecolme for your e-mail. > This error appear when you use a type definition for your layer that > don't match for what Mapserver read from the source, for the problem that > relate probably Oracle Spatial driver reconize as a line segment. Using > the geometry definition that you sent I saw a problem, for compound > polygons (SDO_ETYPE 1005) this definition it's wrong, the first triplet > indicates a SDO_GTYPE as 5, and this don't exist for default Oracle > Spatial parameter. I checked it in user guide (9i and 10g) and this > SDO_TYPE don't appear in the table for SDO_ELEM_INFO. > But exist a little information about this value for SDO_TYPE in the > SDO_ELEM_INFO chapter in the user guide, this section below I take from > user guide (10g): > "... > Note: The use of 5 as an SDO_ETYPE value for polygon ring > elements in a single geometry is discouraged. You should specify 5 only if > you do not know if the compound polygon is exterior or > interior, and you should then upgrade the table or layer to the current > format using the SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT procedure, described in Chapter > 17. > ..." > In this case I recommend that you test the SDO_MIGRATE function as user > guide suggested. Here I did a little test with your data and after apply > the SDO_MIGRATE your geometry was draw correctly, you can check in this > link: > After MIGRATE : > > Before MIGRATE (as line): > > Befor MIGRATE: > > After the MIGRATE function: > SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1005, 3, 1, 2, > 1, 9, 2, 2, 17, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393,311, 96290,2075, > 717387,403, 96289,9591, 7 > 17352,296, 96287,4608, 717309,425, 96284,41, 717307,995, 96284,2265, > 717305,79, 96283,6852, 717303,764, 96282,6628, 717301,79, 96281,1715, > 717300,032, 96279,430 7, 717393,843, 96286,1065, 717393,311, 96290,2075)) > To execute the SDO_MIGRATE I did: > SQL> execute sdo_migrate.to_current('cola_markets', 'shape'); > > Best regards. > Thanks again > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Fernando Simon > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil > - UNIVALI/CTTMAR > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . > > > > Francesco Sozzi wrote: > >> Hi Fernando, >> How are you?... >> In some cases I have polygon defined with a code "5" instead of "1005". >> In this case mapserver does not recognize the polygon format and it >> displayes an error: >> *Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawShape(): Only polygon shapes can be >> drawn using a POLYGON layer definition. in...* >> Here you are a sample polygon definition that gives me problems: >> SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 5, >> 2, 2, 13, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393.311, 96290.2075, 717393.843, >> 96286.1065, 717300.032, 96279.4307, 717301.79, 96281.1715, 717303.764, >> 96282.6628, 717305.79, 96283.6852, 717307.995, 96284.2265, 717309.425, >> 96284.41, 717352.296, 96287.4608, 717387.403, 96289.9591, 717393.311, >> 96290.2075)) >> Any suggestions?... >> Best regards >> Francesco >> > From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Mon Sep 26 06:09:22 2005 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:09:22 -0400 Subject: Displacement from coordinates Message-ID: Nuri - I used the US National Geodetic Survey's online calculator at and got different results for your first pair: Northing: 4677368.307 Easting: 494970.715 Zone: 31 The only datum choices are "NAD83" and "NAD27", and I got those results by choosing NAD83. However, I also got exactly the same results using YOUR calculator and selecting the WGS84 datum. Are you selecting the correct datum? I selected WGS84 at the top, entered the first pair of coordinates, and got the answer above, not your answer below. Are you using the calculator correctly? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: N M [mailto:mapserver at] Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 5:28 AM To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates Hi, To convert coordinates I use for example: (a geodesic calculator) An example of GPS coordinates and results are: 42? 14' 54.568" - 4677448.415 2? 56' 20.526" - 494971.3073 42? 14' 58.548" - 4677573.222 2? 57' 37.05" - 496724.1829 The correct containers are the little yellow squares and displaced are de blue ones: The coordinates are form the first two containers in top rigth side of the map. I think you are right because I tried to place manually the containers and coordinates are displaced, so, how could I convert correctly GPS coordinates to UTM? Thank you. Nuri >From: Ed McNierney >Reply-To: Ed McNierney >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates >Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 19:38:54 -0400 > >Nuri - > >I agree with Steve - how exactly did you convert your GPS coordinates >to UTM coordinates? What datum did you use, and what datum does the >rest of the map use? > >If you can give us a sample of the "GPS coordinates" and the UTM >output, we can check the conversion. > > - Ed > >Ed McNierney >President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >ed at > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] >On Behalf Of Steve Lime >Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:58 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates > >I doubt it's a mapserver problem, most likely a problem the conversion >some place, or in the georeferencing of the map. > >Steve > > >>> SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri 09/23/05 > >>> 7:55 > > >>> AM >>> >Hi, > >I created my own map and I inserted my coodinates. First of all I >translated my GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates and then to pixels to >insert it in a data base to place several symbols in my my. > >Al symbols have a displacement. As you can see in > (click link to see de map) small yellow >rectangles are in the correct position but blue symbols are the >displaced ones. > >UTM coordinates are completely correct, I placed it manually over the >map but when mapserver place them they are incorrect. > >Someone could indicate me why appears this displacement? > >Thank you. > >Nuri _________________________________________________________________ M?viles, DVD, c?maras digitales, coleccionismo... Con unas ofertas que ni te imaginas. From sgavathe at YAHOO.CO.IN Mon Sep 26 08:58:48 2005 From: sgavathe at YAHOO.CO.IN (shailesh gavavthe) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 08:58:48 -0700 Subject: MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 (#2005-277) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi All , I am a developing mapserver 4.60 with PHP. My mapfiles has some polygon layers, Aerial Photos and Line layes. One of Polygon layer which is Parcel Information covers the size of entire aerial Photos. I want the Polygon layer (Hollow) and so that it can rest on the top of Aerial Photo. I am also developing web application. Could any one let me know, How will i be able to get the Polygon Unfilled(Hollow) and resting on top of aerial Photo.. here is my Map File and the Order of the Layers is the one below.. LAYER # All RASTER Layers TIFFIMAGE begin here ########################### TYPE RASTER #MINSCALE 2000 MAXSCALE 20000 #750000 STATUS OFF NAME "EDWARDS-NorthEast" DATA "Aerial Photo\edwards_ne_ILS1.tif" PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 255 255 255 END # layer ends here --------------- LAYER # All VECTOR Layers begins here NAME Parcel METADATA #"DESCRIPTION" "parcel_polygon" "DESCRIPTION" "Unplatted Parcel" "RESULT_FIELDS" "PID ParcelName CalAcreage" END # end of Metadata---------------- DATA "Unplatted Parcel\parcel_polygon.shp" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON #MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "PID" LABELMAXSCALE 16000 TOLERANCE 3 TRANSPARENCY 1000 CLASS NAME 'Parcel' TEMPLATE "templates/Parcel.html" STYLE #COLOR 255 255 255 SYMBOL 0 COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL # start of label COLOR 0 0 0 #SHADOWCOLOR 255 255 0 #SHADOWSIZE 0 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS TRUE ANGLE AUTO POSITION LC PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 0 END # end of label////////////// END END # layer ends here --------------- If i uncomment the OutlinecColor and comment Color , the selected layers becomes polyine. And when i put Both of them uncommented, the shapefiles is filled polygon. After that in the web application, the selcted layers is highlighted with filled polygon, But the aerial Photo becomes invisible, because Layer is Polygon and Filled. I would really appreciate, if some one could have a solution on it. Thanks in Advance.. SHAIL Home PG : http:/ MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest system wrote: MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 (#2005-277) Table of contents: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML File permissions set randomly on Apache (2) WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML Re: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML (09/25) From: Armin Burger File permissions set randomly on Apache File permissions set randomly on Apache (09/25) From: Alan Hale Re: File permissions set randomly on Apache (09/25) From: Prashanth Ram --------------------------------- Browse the MAPSERVER-USERS online archives. Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:14:23 +0200 From: Armin Burger Subject: Re: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML Tom, thanks for the link. The Caps2Context.xsl is in fact for WMS. There seem to be just some small discrepancies between the output of the template and what the MapScript loadMapContext() function requires, but this needs just slight modification of the XSL. Armin Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > The mapbuilder project ( has a WFS > Capabilities to WMC xsl in lib/tool/xsl/Caps2Context.xsl. > > There's one over at > > You can probably modify it for WMS, and hopefully contribute it to the > project! > > Cheers > > ..Tom > > >>-----Original Message----- >>From: UMN MapServer Users List >>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Armin Burger >>Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2005 08:48 >>To: MAPSERVER-USERS at >>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS, convert GetCapabilites >>XML to Map Context XML >> >> >>Hi everybody, >> >>MapScript offers the nice functionality to add WMS layers via a Map >>Context XML file. >> >>I would like to convert the XML received from a >>GetCapabilites request >>into a Map Context XML document and load this Map Context XML file as >>layers into the map object. I think XSL transformation could >>be a good >>solution to do this conversion. Has anybody already worked on an XSLT >>template to convert the GetCapabilites XML into a Map Context >>XML document? >> >>Armin >> > > > Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:20:51 +0100 From: Alan Hale Subject: File permissions set randomly on Apache New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes not. I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem described. Any help very welcome. Alan Hale Bryo Software Solutions Aberystwyth Wales -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: 23/09/2005 Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:14:24 -0400 From: Prashanth Ram Subject: Re: File permissions set randomly on Apache Alan: Who/what are the file permissions set as? Also, what OS/apache version? -Prashanth -- Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript Hosting, PHP Hosting PostgreSQL w/PostGIS extension enabled Hosting On 9/25/05, Alan Hale wrote:New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes not. I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem described. Any help very welcome. Alan Hale Bryo Software Solutions Aberystwyth Wales -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: 23/09/2005 Shailesh gavathe 516 ,St Johns Street, Apt # 102,ypsilanti, MI-48197. Ph : 734-482-0832 URL : --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sgavathe at YAHOO.CO.IN Mon Sep 26 09:01:01 2005 From: sgavathe at YAHOO.CO.IN (shailesh gavavthe) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:01:01 -0700 Subject: Mapserver Query Polygon Unfilled .. Message-ID: Hi All , I am a developing mapserver 4.60 with PHP. My mapfiles has some polygon layers, Aerial Photos and Line layes. One of Polygon layer which is Parcel Information covers the size of entire aerial Photos. I want the Polygon layer (Hollow) and so that it can rest on the top of Aerial Photo. I am also developing web application. Could any one let me know, How will i be able to get the Polygon Unfilled(Hollow) and resting on top of aerial Photo.. here is my Map File and the Order of the Layers is the one below.. LAYER # All RASTER Layers TIFFIMAGE begin here ########################### TYPE RASTER #MINSCALE 2000 MAXSCALE 20000 #750000 STATUS OFF NAME "EDWARDS-NorthEast" DATA "Aerial Photo\edwards_ne_ILS1.tif" PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 255 255 255 END # layer ends here --------------- LAYER # All VECTOR Layers begins here NAME Parcel METADATA #"DESCRIPTION" "parcel_polygon" "DESCRIPTION" "Unplatted Parcel" "RESULT_FIELDS" "PID ParcelName CalAcreage" END # end of Metadata---------------- DATA "Unplatted Parcel\parcel_polygon.shp" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON #MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "PID" LABELMAXSCALE 16000 TOLERANCE 3 TRANSPARENCY 1000 CLASS NAME 'Parcel' TEMPLATE "templates/Parcel.html" STYLE #COLOR 255 255 255 SYMBOL 0 COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL # start of label COLOR 0 0 0 #SHADOWCOLOR 255 255 0 #SHADOWSIZE 0 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS TRUE ANGLE AUTO POSITION LC PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 0 END # end of label////////////// END END # layer ends here --------------- If i uncomment the OutlinecColor and comment Color , the selected layers becomes polyine. And when i put Both of them uncommented, the shapefiles is filled polygon. After that in the web application, the selcted layers is highlighted with filled polygon, But the aerial Photo becomes invisible, because Layer is Polygon and Filled. I would really appreciate, if some one could have a solution on it. Thanks in Advance.. SHAIL Home PG : http:/ Shailesh gavathe 516 ,St Johns Street, Apt # 102,ypsilanti, MI-48197. Ph : 734-482-0832 URL : --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From SClark at COUNTY.LETHBRIDGE.AB.CA Mon Sep 26 09:00:08 2005 From: SClark at COUNTY.LETHBRIDGE.AB.CA (Stephen Clark) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:00:08 -0600 Subject: Mapserver Query Polygon Unfilled .. Message-ID: Use your OUTLINECOLOR variable only. Put a comment before the COLOR variables. e.g. for green OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 Stephen -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of shailesh gavavthe Sent: September 26, 2005 10:01 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Re : Mapserver Query Polygon Unfilled .. Hi All , I am a developing mapserver 4.60 with PHP. My mapfiles has some polygon layers, Aerial Photos and Line layes. One of Polygon layer which is Parcel Information covers the size of entire aerial Photos. I want the Polygon layer (Hollow) and so that it can rest on the top of Aerial Photo. I am also developing web application. Could any one let me know, How will i be able to get the Polygon Unfilled(Hollow) and resting on top of aerial Photo.. here is my Map File and the Order of the Layers is the one below.. LAYER # All RASTER Layers TIFFIMAGE begin here ########################### TYPE RASTER #MINSCALE 2000 MAXSCALE 20000 #750000 STATUS OFF NAME "EDWARDS-NorthEast" DATA "Aerial Photo\edwards_ne_ILS1.tif" PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 255 255 255 END # layer ends here --------------- LAYER # All VECTOR Layers begins here NAME Parcel METADATA #"DESCRIPTION" "parcel_polygon" "DESCRIPTION" "Unplatted Parcel" "RESULT_FIELDS" "PID ParcelName CalAcreage" END # end of Metadata---------------- DATA "Unplatted Parcel\parcel_polygon.shp" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON #MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "PID" LABELMAXSCALE 16000 TOLERANCE 3 TRANSPARENCY 1000 CLASS NAME 'Parcel' TEMPLATE "templates/Parcel.html" STYLE #COLOR 255 255 255 SYMBOL 0 COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL # start of label COLOR 0 0 0 #SHADOWCOLOR 255 255 0 #SHADOWSIZE 0 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS TRUE ANGLE AUTO POSITION LC PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 0 END # end of label////////////// END END # layer ends here --------------- If i uncomment the OutlinecColor and comment Color , the selected layers becomes polyine. And when i put Both of them uncommented, the shapefiles is filled polygon. After that in the web application, the selcted layers is highlighted with filled polygon, But the aerial Photo becomes invisible, because Layer is Polygon and Filled. I would really appreciate, if some one could have a solution on it. Thanks in Advance.. SHAIL Home PG : http:/ Shailesh gavathe 516 ,St Johns Street, Apt # 102,ypsilanti, MI-48197. Ph : 734-482-0832 URL : ________________________________ Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 26 09:08:29 2005 From: thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM (thomas bonfort) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 18:08:29 +0200 Subject: MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 (#2005-277) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: hi, I don't quite understand, what you mean when you say that the layer becomes a polyline, isn't that exactly what you're looking for ? if you want an empty polygon , you do exactly as you said, defining the "outlinecolor" and not "color". cheers, tb On 9/26/05, shailesh gavavthe wrote: > > Hi All , > I am a developing mapserver 4.60 with PHP. > My mapfiles has some polygon layers, Aerial Photos and Line layes. > One of Polygon layer which is Parcel Information covers the size of > entire aerial Photos. > I want the Polygon layer (Hollow) and so that it can rest on the top of > Aerial Photo. > I am also developing web application. > Could any one let me know, How will i be able to get the Polygon > Unfilled(Hollow) and resting on top of aerial Photo.. > here is my Map File and the Order of the Layers is the one below.. > LAYER # All RASTER Layers TIFFIMAGE begin here > ########################### > TYPE RASTER > #MINSCALE 2000 > MAXSCALE 20000 #750000 > STATUS OFF > NAME "EDWARDS-NorthEast" > DATA "Aerial Photo\edwards_ne_ILS1.tif" > PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" > OFFSITE 255 255 255 > END # layer ends here --------------- > LAYER # All VECTOR Layers begins here > NAME Parcel > METADATA > #"DESCRIPTION" "parcel_polygon" > "DESCRIPTION" "Unplatted Parcel" > "RESULT_FIELDS" "PID ParcelName CalAcreage" > END # end of Metadata---------------- > DATA "Unplatted Parcel\parcel_polygon.shp" > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE POLYGON > #MAXSCALE 10000 > LABELITEM "PID" > LABELMAXSCALE 16000 > TOLERANCE 3 > TRANSPARENCY 1000 > CLASS > NAME 'Parcel' > TEMPLATE "templates/Parcel.html" > STYLE > #COLOR 255 255 255 > SYMBOL 0 > COLOR -1 -1 -1 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > END > LABEL # start of label > COLOR 0 0 0 > #SHADOWCOLOR 255 255 0 > #SHADOWSIZE 0 0 > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT arial-bold > SIZE 8 > ANTIALIAS TRUE > ANGLE AUTO > POSITION LC > PARTIALS FALSE > MINDISTANCE 300 > BUFFER 0 > END # end of label////////////// > END > END # layer ends here --------------- > If i uncomment the OutlinecColor and comment Color , the selected layers > becomes polyine. > And when i put Both of them uncommented, the shapefiles is filled > polygon. > After that in the web application, the selcted layers is highlighted with > filled polygon, *But the aerial Photo becomes invisible, because Layer is > Polygon and Filled.* > > ** > > *I would really appreciate, if some one could have a solution on it.* > > ** > > *Thanks in Advance..* > > ** > > *SHAIL* > > ** > > *Home PG : http:/* > > > *MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest system * wrote: > > [image: Skip repetitive navigational links] [image: > L-Soft - Home of the LISTSERV mailing list manager] [image: > LISTSERV(R) 14.3] MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 > (#2005-277) > > Table of contents: > > - WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML > - File permissions set randomly on Apache(2) > > > 1. WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML > - Re: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML(09/25) > *From:* Armin Burger > 2. File permissions set randomly on Apache > - File permissions set randomly on Apache (09/25) > *From:* Alan Hale > - Re: File permissions set randomly on Apache (09/25) > *From:* Prashanth Ram > > ------------------------------ > [image: Powered by LISTSERV(R)] Browse > the MAPSERVER-USERS online archives. Date: > Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:14:23 +0200 > From: Armin Burger > Subject: Re: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML > > Tom, > > thanks for the link. The Caps2Context.xsl is in fact for WMS. There seem > to be just some small discrepancies between the output of the template > and what the MapScript loadMapContext() function requires, but this > needs just slight modification of the XSL. > > Armin > > > Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: > > The mapbuilder project ( has a WFS > > Capabilities to WMC xsl in lib/tool/xsl/Caps2Context.xsl. > > > > There's one over at > > > > You can probably modify it for WMS, and hopefully contribute it to the > > project! > > > > Cheers > > > > ..Tom > > > > > >>-----Original Message----- > >>From: UMN MapServer Users List > >>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Armin Burger > >>Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2005 08:48 > >>To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > >>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS, convert GetCapabilites > >>XML to Map Context XML > >> > >> > >>Hi everybody, > >> > >>MapScript offers the nice functionality to add WMS layers via a Map > >>Context XML file. > >> > >>I would like to convert the XML received from a > >>GetCapabilites request > >>into a Map Context XML document and load this Map Context XML file as > >>layers into the map object. I think XSL transformation could > >>be a good > >>solution to do this conversion. Has anybody already worked on an XSLT > >>template to convert the GetCapabilites XML into a Map Context > >>XML document? > >> > >>Armin > >> > > > > > > > Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:20:51 +0100 > From: Alan Hale > Subject: File permissions set randomly on Apache > > New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial > development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) > host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on > the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, > apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes > not. > > I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem > described. Any help very welcome. > > Alan Hale > Bryo Software Solutions > Aberystwyth Wales > > -- > No virus found in this outgoing message. > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: > 23/09/2005 > > Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:14:24 -0400 > From: Prashanth Ram > Subject: Re: File permissions set randomly on Apache > > Alan: > Who/what are the file permissions set as? Also, what OS/apache version? > > -Prashanth > > > -- > > Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript Hosting, PHP Hosting > PostgreSQL w/PostGIS extension enabled Hosting > > > On 9/25/05, Alan Hale wrote: > > > > New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial > > development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual) > > host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on > > the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, > > apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes > > not. > > > > I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem > > described. Any help very welcome. > > > > Alan Hale > > Bryo Software Solutions > > Aberystwyth Wales > > > > -- > > No virus found in this outgoing message. > > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. > > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 - Release Date: > > 23/09/2005 > > > > > > > > > Shailesh gavathe > 516 ,St Johns Street, > Apt # 102,ypsilanti, > MI-48197. > Ph : 734-482-0832 > URL : > > ------------------------------ > Yahoo! for Good > Click here to donate to the > Hurricane Katrina relief effort. > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From daniel.faivre at CAMPTOCAMP.COM Mon Sep 26 09:32:42 2005 From: daniel.faivre at CAMPTOCAMP.COM (Daniel) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 18:32:42 +0200 Subject: routing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: When we decided to add a routing extension to Postgresql, we tried several libraries, including dglib. The boost library was found more efficient, and more flexible. DGLib is used by Grass Daniel FAIVRE Paolo Cavallini wrote: >Thanks to all who responded. Quite reassuring to see that the solution I had >in mind are those you suggested. >I never used the pg module; is it possible to define only one start and end >point, or can I select multiple points? >I have cursorily read the README, but could not find it. >As Stephan pointed out, I would be inclined towards GRASS, but the database >approach seems more compact. Anybody has tried both methods, and can >arguments about respective merits? >Again, many thanks. >pc > >At 12:40, mercoled? 21 settembre 2005, Norman Barker has probably written: > > >>-----Original Message----- >>Paolo, >> >>there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from >>camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for >>calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other >>attributes, because you are in the database. >> >>It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once >>done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle. >> >>Till >> >> > > > -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: daniel.faivre.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 323 bytes Desc: not available URL: From Bruce.Tonkin at GOV.BC.CA Mon Sep 26 10:08:08 2005 From: Bruce.Tonkin at GOV.BC.CA (Tonkin, Bruce SRM:EX) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:08:08 -0700 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? Message-ID: Hi Carlo, We use both Mapserver and Image Web Server, but do not integrate them. Using the WMS protocol, we integrate the images served from both services into our applications. Things to be cautions of when using Image Web Server include the fact that IWS will not project your data. It will only serve data in one projection. On the other hand, IWS is lightning fast. The following url's may help you down the road. My Sample application using MapServer and IWS. (Turn on May Layer, British Columbia, TRIM Orthmosaic(1.5Tb Image) and refresh) The IWS Service Capabilities Document: s Image /bcalbers/bc_bc_xb1m_bcalb_1995_2003.ecw is used in the application above. Thanks, ____________________________________________________________ Bruce Tonkin Information Management Branch Corporate Services Division 3rd Floor, 395 Waterfront Crescent, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 9M3 Mail: PO Box 9364, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9M3 Phone: (250) 356-0108 Fax: (250) 387-1085 -----Original Message----- From: Carlo Calvino [mailto:carlo.calvino at EMAIL.IT] Sent: September 23, 2005 8:09 AM Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? Hello everybody, anyone knows if ErMapper's Image Web Server is of any help with MapServer? Has UMN Image Web Server alone the same capabilities of ErMapper? Some people use these two applications together: I wonder why. From jdport at VERITIME.COM Mon Sep 26 13:44:54 2005 From: jdport at VERITIME.COM (Jeff Portwine) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:44:54 -0400 Subject: OT: marketability for map-programmers? Message-ID: I know this question isn't specifically about mapserver, but I figured if anybody could answer this question you guys could. I've been working with mapserver for 6 months or so now. I started with no GIS knowledge whatsoever, but was assigned this project in my job and over time I've learned a lot about mapserver and mapping in general. I very much enjoyed working on this project because it was so different from anything else I've ever done and would like to pursue finding a job where I could do more of this type of work and hopefully continue to learn more about it. I was just curious what kind of a market is out there for this type of programming/application development and how I might be able to find out if any companies in my area are looking for people to do this kind of work? Thanks! -Jeff From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Mon Sep 26 14:38:19 2005 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 17:38:19 -0400 Subject: OT: marketability for map-programmers? In-Reply-To: <00c701c5c2db$38245a20$5ff2fbd0@solo> Message-ID: Go to and do a search on "ArcIMS". You'll find plenty. I'm sure jobs are starting to surface there with "MapServer" as a keyword. Of course we want to promote MapServer so hopefully you can find a company that backs OSS. Maybe you can get your foot into an ESRI based operation and slowly start weaning them off of ESRI and onto OSS. Good luck! -Abe On 9/26/05, Jeff Portwine wrote: > I know this question isn't specifically about mapserver, but I figured if > anybody could answer this question you guys could. I've been working with > mapserver for 6 months or so now. I started with no GIS knowledge > whatsoever, but was assigned this project in my job and over time I've > learned a lot about mapserver and mapping in general. I very much enjoyed > working on this project because it was so different from anything else I've > ever done and would like to pursue finding a job where I could do more of > this type of work and hopefully continue to learn more about it. I was > just curious what kind of a market is out there for this type of > programming/application development and how I might be able to find out if > any companies in my area are looking for people to do this kind of work? > > Thanks! > -Jeff > From oliver_ishmael at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Sep 26 16:53:08 2005 From: oliver_ishmael at HOTMAIL.COM (Oliver Ishmael) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 18:53:08 -0500 Subject: Mapfile Extent Message-ID: Dear all, I'm still a bit of a noob to all this, but have the following problem: I am trying modify the Gmap demo to form a template i can work with. Currently it views a .tif (USA) and i would like it to view a .tif (UK) with additional associated layers. How do i work out the extents of my new layer (UK .tif)? ..and ensure that i do not just see a dot at the centre of the screen which requires me to multi-zoom before it is visible and informative? (min manx-scale - how do i know??) Any help and suggestions greatly appreciated Olly From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Sep 26 18:27:23 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 21:27:23 -0400 Subject: Mapfile Extent In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/26/05, Oliver Ishmael wrote: > Dear all, > > I'm still a bit of a noob to all this, but have the following problem: > > I am trying modify the Gmap demo to form a template i can work with. > Currently it views a .tif (USA) and i would like it to view a .tif (UK) with > additional associated layers. > > How do i work out the extents of my new layer (UK .tif)? Oliver, If you have a TIFF file there are various external-to-mapserver utilities you can use to get the extents. I would suggest gdalinfo if you already have that or can easily get it (ie. s part of FWTools at > ..and ensure that i do not just see a dot at the centre of the screen which > requires me to multi-zoom before it is visible and informative? > (min manx-scale - how do i know??) If you set the default extents to the extents for your image you should be fine. I usually start by setting MINSCALE to 0 and MAXSCALE to 10000000. You can always assign more reasonable limits later once you have the basics working. Good luck, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR Mon Sep 26 19:09:52 2005 From: lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR (Eduardo Patto Kanegae) Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 23:09:52 -0300 Subject: OT: marketability for map-programmers? In-Reply-To: <00c701c5c2db$38245a20$5ff2fbd0@solo> Message-ID: I asked something a bit like this at : best. Eduardo Patto Kanegae On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:44:54 -0400, Jeff Portwine escreveu: > De: Jeff Portwine > Data: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:44:54 -0400 > Para: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Assunto: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] OT: marketability for map-programmers? > > I know this question isn't specifically about mapserver, but I figured if > anybody could answer this question you guys could. I've been working with > mapserver for 6 months or so now. I started with no GIS knowledge > whatsoever, but was assigned this project in my job and over time I've > learned a lot about mapserver and mapping in general. I very much enjoyed > working on this project because it was so different from anything else I've > ever done and would like to pursue finding a job where I could do more of > this type of work and hopefully continue to learn more about it. I was > just curious what kind of a market is out there for this type of > programming/application development and how I might be able to find out if > any companies in my area are looking for people to do this kind of work? > > Thanks! > -Jeff > > > From jakob.nisell at MA.SLU.SE Mon Sep 26 23:37:40 2005 From: jakob.nisell at MA.SLU.SE (jakob) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 08:37:40 +0200 Subject: deliver to geoportal or Gaia Message-ID: Hi ! I just intalled ms4w and managed to open the example map service from another machine by typing http://jngis_port/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?MAP=/ms4w/apps/gmap/htdocs/ in the adressfield of webb browser where jngis_port is the machine with my mapserver. Howewer when I tried to open the service in Gaia ( the carbon project) or in gives me an error message. Gaia works from localhost but not the geoportal. Gaia from my other machine gives me the names of the layers but not the image. both my machines are inside the same firewall. Does any one have a hint what I should do ? Thanks Jakob Nisell _____________________________________________________________ Jakob Nisell E-mail:jakob.nisell at Inst. f?r Milj?nalys tel 018-673123 Box 7050 fax 018-673156 S-750 07 Uppsala homepage: From thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 00:03:50 2005 From: thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM (thomas bonfort) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:03:50 +0200 Subject: Mapfile Extent In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: if you are using the gmap demo as you say, you can also see the extent in the url as minx,miny,maxx and maxy. zoom in until you find a comfortable view, and report these extent values in your mapfile cheers, tb On 9/27/05, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 9/26/05, Oliver Ishmael wrote: > > Dear all, > > > > I'm still a bit of a noob to all this, but have the following problem: > > > > I am trying modify the Gmap demo to form a template i can work with. > > Currently it views a .tif (USA) and i would like it to view a .tif (UK) with > > additional associated layers. > > > > How do i work out the extents of my new layer (UK .tif)? > > Oliver, > > If you have a TIFF file there are various external-to-mapserver > utilities you can use to get the extents. I would suggest gdalinfo > if you already have that or can easily get it (ie. s part of FWTools > at > > > ..and ensure that i do not just see a dot at the centre of the screen which > > requires me to multi-zoom before it is visible and informative? > > (min manx-scale - how do i know??) > > If you set the default extents to the extents for your image you > should be fine. I usually start by setting MINSCALE to 0 and > MAXSCALE to 10000000. You can always assign more reasonable > limits later once you have the basics working. > > Good luck, > -- > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > From fanenji63 at LIBERO.IT Tue Sep 27 01:13:11 2005 From: fanenji63 at LIBERO.IT (Stefano Parodi) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 03:13:11 -0500 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? Message-ID: We use IWS and UMN MapServer together. Here you can view an example:\Inetpub\Eco-internet\mapfiles\vincoli\VincoliContextCatalogo.xml We use the ecw plug-in to display the raster data served by IWS, while the vector data is from a WMS served by MapServer. The ecw plug-in has the abiliy to query remote gis server that can serve data in gif/png/jpeg format, so it's easy to integrate it in a OCG/WMS architecture. The advantage of the plug-in is the high grade of interactivity, like Frank said, similar to google maps. The next version of IWS seem different and apprently more similar to google maps, using tiling images and without the use of a plug-in (it's all done in javascript) here an example: As you can see it seem a google maps clone. best regards, Stefano. From daniele.rizzo at SPACESPA.IT Tue Sep 27 01:24:55 2005 From: daniele.rizzo at SPACESPA.IT (Daniele Rizzo) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:24:55 +0200 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Good! A message appears on my browser-web on linux (Firefox): "Mi spiace e' necessario utilizzare Windows con Internet Explorer" Stefano Parodi wrote: > We use IWS and UMN MapServer together. > Here you can view an example: >\Inetpub\Eco-internet\mapfiles\vincoli\VincoliContextCatalogo.xml > > We use the ecw plug-in to display the raster data served by IWS, while the > vector data is from a WMS served by MapServer. > The ecw plug-in has the abiliy to query remote gis server that can serve > data in gif/png/jpeg format, so it's easy to integrate it in a OCG/WMS > architecture. > > The advantage of the plug-in is the high grade of interactivity, like Frank > said, similar to google maps. > The next version of IWS seem different and apprently more similar to google > maps, using tiling images and without the use of a plug-in (it's all done in > javascript) here an example: > > As you can see it seem a google maps clone. > > best regards, > > Stefano. > > From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Tue Sep 27 02:15:58 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 11:15:58 +0200 Subject: again SYMBOLSCALE In-Reply-To: Message-ID: maybe someone can give me a hint? I think its only a little mistake... Leopold _______________________________________________________________ hi list, I want to make a signature for motorways with "SYMBOLSCALE 500000". The signature is a big red line, beyond it a thinner yellow lone und above a very thin red line. with "SYMBOLSCALE 500000" it seems that there is only the first line scaled and the other two lines are very big above it. Best regards Leopold --------------------------- the Layer: LAYER NAME "CE_Motorways" STATUS ON DATA "CE_CE_INFRA_ROADS_MOTORWAYS_XXXX" TYPE LINE UNITS METERS TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "Autobahnen" "DESCRIPTION" "Autobahnen" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END SIZEUNITS PIXELS SYMBOLSCALE 500000 CLASS NAME "Autobahnen" MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 9000000 STYLE SYMBOL "line" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 6 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 END STYLE SYMBOL "line" SIZE 4 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 5 COLOR 255 255 64 END STYLE SYMBOL "line" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 1 END END END From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 27 02:39:53 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 04:39:53 -0500 Subject: How to create a legend icon that not clipped using mapscript Message-ID: Hi list, Is it possible to create a legend icon that not falls out of the image area using mapscript? With classObj.createLegend it is not possible to give separate image size and keysize (and starting point) so some of the images (eg. thick lines) are clipped. For using classObj.drawLegend the imageObj must be created from scratch and the background color cannot be set, so the legends appear with black background. Setting up imageObj as transparent could help for some images but the others are drawn as a black rectangle. Could anyone give a solution? Thanks, Tamas Szekeres From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 27 02:48:33 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 04:48:33 -0500 Subject: Problems using MapServer (4.6) in dotnet/c# environement with MapScript/SWIG Message-ID: The symptom described in may also be a problem. Tamas Szekeres On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 05:42:46 -0500, Johan Hallgren wrote: >I have created a windows service that is listening on a port for incoming >requests and from these maps are created. It all works fine on my own pc >but on the server there are problems. The server has two processors that >probably cause the problem (that?s the only significant difference I can >see related to my pc). On the server, plane maps works well but as soon I >add inline features to the map (at runtime with mapscript) problems arise. >It?s not immediately but after 50 to 200 maps it could happen. I also >tried to reload the mapObj from the sourcefile when I have problems but as >soon I have an error in the process the error will stay there. Before I >reload the mapObj I am calling Dispose on all references to the mapObj >with no difference. > >My guess is: >? The problem has to do with the multi-processor environment. >? The mapObj will not be completely Dispose when I call the method. >? The problem seams to occur even with low loading on the server. >? The problem has to do with the inline features created at runtime. > >Has anyone suggestions on this? > >/Johan From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Tue Sep 27 05:14:06 2005 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell Filak) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 08:14:06 -0400 Subject: How to create a legend icon that not clipped using mapscript Message-ID: The following message was sent by Tamas Szekeres on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 04:39:53 -0500. > Hi list, > > Is it possible to create a legend icon that not falls out of the image > area using mapscript? > With classObj.createLegend it is not possible to give separate image size > and keysize (and starting point) so some of the images (eg. thick lines) > are clipped. > For using classObj.drawLegend the imageObj must be created from scratch > and the background color cannot be set, so the legends appear with black > background. Setting up imageObj as transparent could help for some images > but the others are drawn as a black rectangle. > > Could anyone give a solution? Tamas, There is much more flexibility if you use html templates for the legend which can be used in mapscript via map->processLegendTemplate. Lowell From mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 05:47:05 2005 From: mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM (N M) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 12:47:05 +0000 Subject: Displacement from coordinates In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ed, I didn't used WGS84 first but I recalculate all my points again with this datum. Now displacement of points is greater than before they are more left and more down than before. I think that original map from Institut Cartografic de Catalunya have the wrong UTM coordinates. I'll will try to obtain coordinates from the correct containers that appear in the map. Do you know where can I obtain another map to compare coordinates? Thank you. Nuri >From: "Ed McNierney" >To: "N M" , >Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates >Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:09:22 -0400 > >Nuri - > >I used the US National Geodetic Survey's online calculator at > and got different results for >your first pair: > >Northing: 4677368.307 >Easting: 494970.715 >Zone: 31 > >The only datum choices are "NAD83" and "NAD27", and I got those results by >choosing NAD83. > >However, I also got exactly the same results using YOUR calculator and >selecting the WGS84 datum. Are you selecting the correct datum? I >selected WGS84 at the top, entered the first pair of coordinates, and got >the answer above, not your answer below. > >Are you using the calculator correctly? > > - Ed > >Ed McNierney >President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >ed at > >-----Original Message----- >From: N M [mailto:mapserver at] >Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 5:28 AM >To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates > >Hi, > >To convert coordinates I use for example: > > (a geodesic calculator) > >An example of GPS coordinates and results are: > >42? 14' 54.568" - 4677448.415 >2? 56' 20.526" - 494971.3073 > >42? 14' 58.548" - 4677573.222 >2? 57' 37.05" - 496724.1829 > >The correct containers are the little yellow squares and displaced are de >blue ones: > > > >The coordinates are form the first two containers in top rigth side of the >map. I think you are right because I tried to place manually the containers >and coordinates are displaced, so, how could I convert correctly GPS >coordinates to UTM? > >Thank you. > >Nuri > > >From: Ed McNierney > >Reply-To: Ed McNierney > >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates > >Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 19:38:54 -0400 > > > >Nuri - > > > >I agree with Steve - how exactly did you convert your GPS coordinates > >to UTM coordinates? What datum did you use, and what datum does the > >rest of the map use? > > > >If you can give us a sample of the "GPS coordinates" and the UTM > >output, we can check the conversion. > > > > - Ed > > > >Ed McNierney > >President and Chief Mapmaker > > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > >Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > >Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > >ed at > > > >-----Original Message----- > >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > >On Behalf Of Steve Lime > >Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:58 PM > >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Displacement from coordinates > > > >I doubt it's a mapserver problem, most likely a problem the conversion > >some place, or in the georeferencing of the map. > > > >Steve > > > > >>> SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri 09/23/05 > > >>> 7:55 > > > > >>> AM >>> > >Hi, > > > >I created my own map and I inserted my coodinates. First of all I > >translated my GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates and then to pixels to > >insert it in a data base to place several symbols in my my. > > > >Al symbols have a displacement. As you can see in > > (click link to see de map) small yellow > >rectangles are in the correct position but blue symbols are the > >displaced ones. > > > >UTM coordinates are completely correct, I placed it manually over the > >map but when mapserver place them they are incorrect. > > > >Someone could indicate me why appears this displacement? > > > >Thank you. > > > >Nuri > >_________________________________________________________________ >M?viles, DVD, c?maras digitales, coleccionismo... Con unas ofertas que ni >te imaginas. > _________________________________________________________________ Un amor, una aventura, compa??a para un viaje. Reg?strate gratis en MSN Amor & Amistad. From hrz at GEODATA.SOTON.AC.UK Tue Sep 27 05:49:53 2005 From: hrz at GEODATA.SOTON.AC.UK (Homme Zwaagstra) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 13:49:53 +0100 Subject: patch Message-ID: Hello, I could not get the shapefile generalisation script ( to work without the attached patch. I'm no perl expert, but the changes are simple and involve the mapscript library. I'm using mapserver 4.6.1. Kind regards, Homme Zwaagstra. -------------- next part -------------- --- +++ @@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ $outcount = 0; # open the input shapefile -$inSHP = new shapefileObj($infile, -1) or die "Unable to open shapefile $infile."; +$inSHP = new mapscript::shapefileObj($infile, -1) or die "Unable to open shapefile $infile."; die "Cannot thin point/multipoint shapefiles." unless ($inSHP->{type} == 5 or $inSHP->{type} == 3); # create the output shapefile system("rm $outfile.*"); -$outSHP = new shapefileObj($outfile, $inSHP->{type}) or die "Unable to create shapefile '$outfile'. ", $mapscript::ms_error->{message}; +$outSHP = new mapscript::shapefileObj($outfile, $inSHP->{type}) or die "Unable to create shapefile '$outfile'. ", $mapscript::ms_error->{message}; system("cp $infile.dbf $outfile.dbf"); -$inshape = new shapeObj(-1); # something to hold shapes +$inshape = new mapscript::shapeObj(-1); # something to hold shapes for($i=0; $i<$inSHP->{numshapes}; $i++) { $inSHP->get($i, $inshape); - $outshape = new shapeObj(-1); + $outshape = new mapscript::shapeObj(-1); for($j=0; $j<$inshape->{numlines}; $j++) { $inpart = $inshape->get($j); - $outpart = new lineObj(); + $outpart = new mapscript::lineObj(); @stack = (); @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ for (($aIndex+1) .. ($fIndex-1)) { $point = $inpart->get($_); - $dist = $point->distanceToLine($anchor, $fPoint); + $dist = $point->distanceToSegment($anchor, $fPoint); if($dist >= $max) { $max = $dist; From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Tue Sep 27 06:36:59 2005 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 15:36:59 +0200 Subject: Combine layers Message-ID: Hi, if I try to combine these two layers, I always get one layer out of scale, any clue(s) why? It seems to have something with projections to do. Best Regards Joern # -OUTPUT PROJ PROJECTION "init=epsg:32633" END LAYER NAME "met" TYPE RASTER #STATUS DEFAULT #DEBUG ON CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_name" "DNMI-NEurope_1:apcp3hr,DNMI-NEurope_1:GRD,DNMI-NEurope_2:prmsl" "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" "wms_format" "image/png" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:32633" END END LAYER NAME "noaa_map" TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT #DEBUG ON CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_name" "Countries" "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" "wms_format" "image/png" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END From ale.pas at TISCALI.IT Tue Sep 27 08:15:31 2005 From: ale.pas at TISCALI.IT (Alessandro Pasotti) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:15:31 +0200 Subject: Online petition: Open Access to State-collected Geospatial Data Message-ID: I've not seen it on this list already: -- Alessandro Pasotti ICQ# 245871392 Linux User #167502 From bhudspeth at EDAC.UNM.EDU Tue Sep 27 08:07:37 2005 From: bhudspeth at EDAC.UNM.EDU (William Hudspeth) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:07:37 -0600 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript Message-ID: Hello, I am trying to insert a legend image into a dynamically generated PDF file. Using the mapObj.drawLegend() method, I can easily accomplish this, but can't do much about the appearance of the legend. I would like to have more control over the font properties, etc., and have tried using the mapObj.legend.label settings, but haven't figured out how to export out an independent image. I would appreciate any suggestions on how I might generate a legend image over which I have some more control with regard to fonts. Thanks, Bill From sgillies at FRII.COM Tue Sep 27 09:07:35 2005 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:07:35 -0600 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Sep 27, 2005, at 9:07 AM, William Hudspeth wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to insert a legend image into a dynamically generated PDF > file. Using the mapObj.drawLegend() method, I can easily accomplish > this, but can't do much about the appearance of the legend. I would > like > to have more control over the font properties, etc., and have tried > using the mapObj.legend.label settings, but haven't figured out how to > export out an independent image. I would appreciate any suggestions on > how I might generate a legend image over which I have some more control > with regard to fonts. > > Thanks, Bill > > Bill, Consider using classObj.drawLegendIcon() to create an image only and then do the text labeling with ReportLab or whatever. cheers, Sean -- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From dylan at IICI.NO-IP.ORG Tue Sep 27 10:28:57 2005 From: dylan at IICI.NO-IP.ORG (Dylan Beaudette) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:28:57 -0700 Subject: Displacement from coordinates In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Sep 26, 2005, at 2:28 AM, N M wrote: > Hi, > > To convert coordinates I use for example: > > (a geodesic calculator) > > An example of GPS coordinates and results are: > > 42? 14' 54.568" - 4677448.415 > 2? 56' 20.526" - 494971.3073 > > 42? 14' 58.548" - 4677573.222 > 2? 57' 37.05" - 496724.1829 > > The correct containers are the little yellow squares and displaced are > de blue ones: > > > > The coordinates are form the first two containers in top rigth side of > the map. I think you are right because I tried to place manually the > containers and coordinates are displaced, so, how could I convert > correctly GPS coordinates to UTM? > try using the PROJ library and associated commands: here is the main website: and here are some examples: cheers, -- Dylan Beaudette Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group University of California at Davis 530.754.7341 From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Tue Sep 27 10:30:46 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 13:30:46 -0400 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript In-Reply-To: <1127833657.3720.4.camel@localhost.localdomain> Message-ID: Have you tried adding a label object to the legend object in the map file? You can control fonts and some placement issues in there. Richard C Orth William Hudspeth wrote: >Hello, > >I am trying to insert a legend image into a dynamically generated PDF >file. Using the mapObj.drawLegend() method, I can easily accomplish >this, but can't do much about the appearance of the legend. I would like >to have more control over the font properties, etc., and have tried >using the mapObj.legend.label settings, but haven't figured out how to >export out an independent image. I would appreciate any suggestions on >how I might generate a legend image over which I have some more control >with regard to fonts. > >Thanks, Bill > > > From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 10:40:09 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 18:40:09 +0100 Subject: Mapstorer In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Raphael, Did you find any tutorials in the end? I've been trying to get MapStorer to function properly all afternoon! Some bits are working, but import, preview and some others are not. I'd really like to get these working. If I can't get MapStorer to play ball, does anyone know of good web-based mapfile editor? Your expertise is much appreciated. Regards, Xin On 29/08/05, Raphael Teixeira wrote: > > Hello All, > > Is there anybody using mapstorer ( > Any tutorial > already made? > > Thanks > -- > Raphael da Silva Teixeira > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Sep 27 14:32:44 2005 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:32:44 -0500 Subject: patch Message-ID: Thanks Homme: I wrote that script with version 3.6 I believe so it was due for an update. Now just to find a home for it since the Wiki is no longer... Steve >>> Homme Zwaagstra 09/27/05 7:49 AM >>> Hello, I could not get the shapefile generalisation script ( to work without the attached patch. I'm no perl expert, but the changes are simple and involve the mapscript library. I'm using mapserver 4.6.1. Kind regards, Homme Zwaagstra. From dianajimena at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 14:46:36 2005 From: dianajimena at GMAIL.COM (Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:46:36 -0500 Subject: Problem with query by attributes Message-ID: Hi! I written because I have problems to see the examples in url =, this is the page that contain the examples of query by attributes, but the message that appears is ?Objeto no encontrado! El enlace requerido no ha sido localizado en este servidor. El enlace en la p?gina referente parece tener algun error o ha expirado. Por favor comunique al autor de la p?gina el error. Por favor contacte con el webmaster en caso de que usted crea que existe un error en el servidor. Error 404 Tue Sep 27 16:20:20 2005 Apache/2.0.49 (Linux/SuSE) I hope that you can help me, I need this urgent. Thanks, Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 27 15:05:13 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:05:13 -0500 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript Message-ID: On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:07:35 -0600, Sean Gillies wrote: >On Sep 27, 2005, at 9:07 AM, William Hudspeth wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> I am trying to insert a legend image into a dynamically generated PDF >> file. Using the mapObj.drawLegend() method, I can easily accomplish >> this, but can't do much about the appearance of the legend. I would >> like >> to have more control over the font properties, etc., and have tried >> using the mapObj.legend.label settings, but haven't figured out how to >> export out an independent image. I would appreciate any suggestions on >> how I might generate a legend image over which I have some more control >> with regard to fonts. >> >> Thanks, Bill >> >> > >Bill, > >Consider using classObj.drawLegendIcon() to create an image only and >then do the text labeling with ReportLab or whatever. > >cheers, >Sean > >-- >Sean Gillies >sgillies at frii dot com > Sean, How can I create an empty imageObj with a certain background color in order to pass to classObj.drawLegendIcon() as a parameter? Tamas Szekeres From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 27 15:09:41 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:09:41 -0500 Subject: msDrawLegend does't aware of layerdrawingorder Message-ID: Hi list, After changing the layer drawing order programatically using mapscript, the map is drawn properly but the legend image reflects the old layer drawing order. Is this a bug or a feature? Tamas Szekeres From sgillies at FRII.COM Tue Sep 27 15:16:23 2005 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:16:23 -0600 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Sep 27, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Tamas Szekeres wrote: > On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:07:35 -0600, Sean Gillies > wrote: > >> >> Bill, >> >> Consider using classObj.drawLegendIcon() to create an image only and >> then do the text labeling with ReportLab or whatever. >> >> cheers, >> Sean >> >> -- >> Sean Gillies >> sgillies at frii dot com >> > > > Sean, > > How can I create an empty imageObj with a certain background color in > order to pass to classObj.drawLegendIcon() as a parameter? > > > Tamas Szekeres > > Tamas, My earlier suggestion was slightly off. classObj.createLegendIcon() will create an icon for the class, using the map's legend.imagecolor as the background color. Sean From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 27 15:32:46 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:32:46 -0500 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript Message-ID: On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:16:23 -0600, Sean Gillies wrote: >On Sep 27, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Tamas Szekeres wrote: > >> On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:07:35 -0600, Sean Gillies >> wrote: >> >>> >>> Bill, >>> >>> Consider using classObj.drawLegendIcon() to create an image only and >>> then do the text labeling with ReportLab or whatever. >>> >>> cheers, >>> Sean >>> >>> -- >>> Sean Gillies >>> sgillies at frii dot com >>> >> >> >> Sean, >> >> How can I create an empty imageObj with a certain background color in >> order to pass to classObj.drawLegendIcon() as a parameter? >> >> >> Tamas Szekeres >> >> > >Tamas, > >My earlier suggestion was slightly off. classObj.createLegendIcon() >will create an icon for the class, using the map's legend.imagecolor as >the background color. > >Sean Sean, It would be desirable to set the legend key image size smaller than the legend image, otherwise some of the images will be clipped (eg thick lines). classObj.createLegendIcon() does not support this separation. Tamas Szekeres From dianajimena at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 15:40:00 2005 From: dianajimena at GMAIL.COM (Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:40:00 -0500 Subject: Itemquery Message-ID: Hi!! Does someone have an example about how to use itemquery, I'm started with this, and I don't know how to do queries (itemquery or itemnquery). Thanks by your help Saludos, Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Tue Sep 27 15:44:55 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:44:55 -0500 Subject: Generating Legend Image with Python Mapscript Message-ID: On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:32:46 -0500, Tamas Szekeres wrote: >On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:16:23 -0600, Sean Gillies wrote: > >>On Sep 27, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Tamas Szekeres wrote: >> >>> On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:07:35 -0600, Sean Gillies >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Bill, >>>> >>>> Consider using classObj.drawLegendIcon() to create an image only and >>>> then do the text labeling with ReportLab or whatever. >>>> >>>> cheers, >>>> Sean >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Sean Gillies >>>> sgillies at frii dot com >>>> >>> >>> >>> Sean, >>> >>> How can I create an empty imageObj with a certain background color in >>> order to pass to classObj.drawLegendIcon() as a parameter? >>> >>> >>> Tamas Szekeres >>> >>> >> >>Tamas, >> >>My earlier suggestion was slightly off. classObj.createLegendIcon() >>will create an icon for the class, using the map's legend.imagecolor as >>the background color. >> >>Sean > > >Sean, > >It would be desirable to set the legend key image size smaller than the >legend image, otherwise some of the images will be clipped (eg thick >lines). classObj.createLegendIcon() does not support this separation. > > >Tamas Szekeres This problem could be solved by creating the an imageObj with an empty classObj using classObj.createLegendIcon(), and calling drawLegendIcon of the layer's class with this previously created image and smaller size. But it seems to be a hack. Tamas Szekeres From holmand24 at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 16:02:10 2005 From: holmand24 at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Holmand_Dar=EDo_Villalba_Barajas?=) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 18:02:10 -0500 Subject: helpme with ItemnQuery Message-ID: HELLO! I need, an example to do a consultation with the itemnquery, scarcely I begin with the mapserver. Thank you From peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM Tue Sep 27 17:54:20 2005 From: peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM (Peter Kingsbury) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 20:54:20 -0400 Subject: PostgreSQL+MapServer Message-ID: Hello all, I plan on doing some work with map data stored in PostgreSQL tables, and I would like to gather some info on achieving this... websites, documentation, that sort of thing. I've been googl'ing for a while, but perhaps there are some sites out there that you folks perceive as particularly useful; are there any of particular note? Best regards, - Peter From aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Sep 27 18:08:08 2005 From: aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET (Adam Quiney) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 18:08:08 -0700 Subject: PostgreSQL+MapServer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Peter, If you haven't already come across it, the mapserver documentation is a great place to start: If you're new to PostgreSQL and PostGIS (the extension to PostgreSQL that you will need to install in order to store and run operations on GIS data), the documentation available on these sites is also well written and helpful: Postgres - PostGIS - Good luck! --Adam Peter Kingsbury wrote: > Hello all, > > I plan on doing some work with map data stored in PostgreSQL tables, > and I would like to gather some info on achieving this... websites, > documentation, that sort of thing. > > I've been googl'ing for a while, but perhaps there are some sites out > there that you folks perceive as particularly useful; are there any of > particular note? > > Best regards, > - Peter From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Sep 27 19:08:41 2005 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 22:08:41 -0400 Subject: PostgreSQL+MapServer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Peter, Here is one of the best workshop tutorials on PostGIS and mapserver Paul Ramsey did an outstanding job presenting this at MUM3 and I use it as a regular reference. -Steve W. Peter Kingsbury wrote: > Hello all, > > I plan on doing some work with map data stored in PostgreSQL tables, and > I would like to gather some info on achieving this... websites, > documentation, that sort of thing. > > I've been googl'ing for a while, but perhaps there are some sites out > there that you folks perceive as particularly useful; are there any of > particular note? > > Best regards, > - Peter > From olivieri.leo at TISCALI.IT Tue Sep 27 23:54:46 2005 From: olivieri.leo at TISCALI.IT (Leonardo Globo) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:54:46 +0200 Subject: queryByAttributes Message-ID: hi, I use phpmapscript I wanted to have some information on the queryByAttributes function. Does The syntax for the query change if the field of the shapefiles is type string or type numerical? Where can I find some examples? Thanks in advance Leo __________________________________________________________________ TISCALI ADSL Solo con Tiscali Adsl navighi senza limiti e telefoni senza canone Telecom a partire da 19,95 Euro/mese. Attivala subito, I PRIMI DUE MESI SONO GRATIS! CLICCA QUI: From jens.thiele at ALPSTEIN.DE Tue Sep 27 23:42:23 2005 From: jens.thiele at ALPSTEIN.DE (Jens Thiele) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:42:23 +0200 Subject: Line anti-aliasing (line width<1) and truetype font outlines Message-ID: Hi, we are currently evaluating mapserver (debian gnu/linux package version: 4.4.1-2). Is there a direct way to get line anti-aliasing and line widths smaller than one pixel? At the moment we render the map at a higher resolution and afterwards scale it down. (super sampling) The problem with the super sampling aproach now is that font outlines vanish. Is there a way to incrase the outline size? (a workaround perhaps would be to use the output of mapserver as input again and render the labels in a second pass). Feel free to point me at the relevant portions of the source code / docs. Thanks Jens From kristjan at TARKVARASTUUDIO.EE Wed Sep 28 01:01:23 2005 From: kristjan at TARKVARASTUUDIO.EE (kristjan) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:01:23 +0300 Subject: displaying complex DGN file Message-ID: Hello I have DGN - file with towns electrical cables information and I want to show it on the town map. The problem is that this DGN file has many layers and it includes lines text and symbols - so that it is not wery good option to show it with Mapserver integrating it to the map file layer by layer. Does someone have some good practice to solve this problem? Kristjan From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Wed Sep 28 01:06:18 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:06:18 +0200 Subject: displaying complex DGN file Message-ID: Hi, You could try the OGR STYLEITEM AUTO option. But you need to split up your data probably in polygons, lines and points since Mapserver has this distinction at the LAYER level. See: Don't forget to add an empty CLASS END to your LAYER. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> kristjan 09/28/05 10:01 AM >>> Hello I have DGN - file with towns electrical cables information and I want to show it on the town map. The problem is that this DGN file has many layers and it includes lines text and symbols - so that it is not wery good option to show it with Mapserver integrating it to the map file layer by layer. Does someone have some good practice to solve this problem? Kristjan From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Wed Sep 28 01:30:55 2005 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 03:30:55 -0500 Subject: displaying complex DGN file Message-ID: Hi, I have posted a patch that utilizes the filtering of the features by geometry type, however I have no information about the adaptation in any of the upcoming releases. For more information see: Best Regards, Tamas Szekeres On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:06:18 +0200, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: >Hi, > >You could try the OGR STYLEITEM AUTO option. But you need to split up your data probably in polygons, lines and points since Mapserver has this distinction at the LAYER level. > >See: > > >Don't forget to add an empty CLASS END to your LAYER. > >Best regards, >Bart > >Bart van den Eijnden >Syncera IT Solutions >Postbus 270 >2600 AG DELFT > > 015-7512436 >email: BEN at >>>> kristjan 09/28/05 10:01 AM >>> >Hello > >I have DGN - file with towns electrical cables information and I want to >show it on the town map. >The problem is that this DGN file has many layers and it includes lines >text and symbols - so that it is not wery >good option to show it with Mapserver integrating it to the map file >layer by layer. >Does someone have some good practice to solve this problem? > >Kristjan From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 28 01:41:46 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:41:46 +0100 Subject: Itemquery In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, Test suite used to have a great example on itemquery, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Here's my understanding of what you need to do. Have QUERYMAP defined in your mapfile: QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END Pass qlayer parameter with layer wanting to query. i.e. or &qlayer=mylayer Set qitem to attribute of qlayer wanting to query, and then set qstring to value wanting to match. i.e. &qlayer=mylayer&qitem=name&qstring=MatchName You can optionally leave out qitem, and use qstring like this: qstring=('[name]' = 'MatchName'). Hope this helps. Xin On 27/09/05, Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano wrote: > > Hi!! > > Does someone have an example about how to use itemquery, I'm started > with this, and I don't know how to do queries (itemquery or > itemnquery). > > Thanks by your help > > Saludos, Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Wed Sep 28 02:43:14 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:43:14 +0200 Subject: TRANSPARENCY In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi list, I want to give a layer TRANSPARENCY. when I set TRANSPARENCY 85 ist more dark then TRANSPARENCY 25, but you still can't see the other layers behind it. Best regards Leopold From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Wed Sep 28 02:46:57 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:46:57 +0200 Subject: TRANSPARENCY Message-ID: Which output format are you using Leopold? Does that support transparency? Can you POST the OUTPUTFORMAT definition from your MAP file? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 09/28/05 11:43 AM >>> Hi list, I want to give a layer TRANSPARENCY. when I set TRANSPARENCY 85 ist more dark then TRANSPARENCY 25, but you still can't see the other layers behind it. Best regards Leopold From leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Wed Sep 28 03:53:23 2005 From: leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT (Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:53:23 +0200 Subject: AW: TRANSPARENCY In-Reply-To: Message-ID: hi Bart, here is the Outputfomat and Layer: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "png" MIMETYPE "image/png" DRIVER "GD/PNG" EXTENSION "png" IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT FALSE END LAYER NAME "CE_extract_centrope_region" STATUS ON DATA "CE_CE_ADMIN_GENRL_OUTSIDECENTROPE_XXXX" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 100000000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "CE_extract_centrope_region" "DESCRIPTION" "Extract Centrope Region" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END TRANSPARENCY 25 CLASS NAME "CE_extract_centrope_region" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 230 230 230 OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 251 148 112 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 100 END END END -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- Von: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. September 2005 11:47 An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] TRANSPARENCY Which output format are you using Leopold? Does that support transparency? Can you POST the OUTPUTFORMAT definition from your MAP file? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 09/28/05 11:43 AM >>> Hi list, I want to give a layer TRANSPARENCY. when I set TRANSPARENCY 85 ist more dark then TRANSPARENCY 25, but you still can't see the other layers behind it. Best regards Leopold From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Wed Sep 28 04:02:56 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:02:56 +0200 Subject: AW: TRANSPARENCY Message-ID: Hi Leopold, can you try IMAGEMODE RGBA instead of IMAGEMODE PC256? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 09/28/05 12:53 PM >>> hi Bart, here is the Outputfomat and Layer: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "png" MIMETYPE "image/png" DRIVER "GD/PNG" EXTENSION "png" IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT FALSE END LAYER NAME "CE_extract_centrope_region" STATUS ON DATA "CE_CE_ADMIN_GENRL_OUTSIDECENTROPE_XXXX" TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 100000000 TOLERANCE 0 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS METADATA "wms_title" "CE_extract_centrope_region" "DESCRIPTION" "Extract Centrope Region" "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467" END TRANSPARENCY 25 CLASS NAME "CE_extract_centrope_region" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 230 230 230 OUTLINECOLOR 101 79 79 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 251 148 112 SIZE 1 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 100 END END END -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- Von: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. September 2005 11:47 An: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] TRANSPARENCY Which output format are you using Leopold? Does that support transparency? Can you POST the OUTPUTFORMAT definition from your MAP file? Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)" 09/28/05 11:43 AM >>> Hi list, I want to give a layer TRANSPARENCY. when I set TRANSPARENCY 85 ist more dark then TRANSPARENCY 25, but you still can't see the other layers behind it. Best regards Leopold From teb at MALLIT.FR.UMN.EDU Wed Sep 28 07:41:08 2005 From: teb at MALLIT.FR.UMN.EDU (Thomas E Burk) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:41:08 -0500 Subject: patch Message-ID: >X-Umn-Remote-Mta: [N] [] #+HF+LO+NM+TR >X-Umn-Remote-Mta: [N] [] #+NE+NR+HV+UF+CP+CU (P,-) >X-Umn-Report-As-Spam: >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-Disposition: inline >Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:32:44 -0500 >From: Steve Lime >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] patch >X-To: hrz at GEODATA.SOTON.AC.UK >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit >X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id j8RLWRdg013930 > >Thanks Homme: I wrote that script with version 3.6 I believe so it was due for an update. Now just to find a home >for it since the Wiki is no longer... > We have no intention of there being a wiki into the future. We're getting close to moving most things to the new website. Everyone needs to pitch in. Here, e.g., see for where changes to should show up. Join in the fun! Tom >Steve > >>>> Homme Zwaagstra 09/27/05 7:49 AM >>> >Hello, > >I could not get the shapefile generalisation script >( to work without >the attached patch. I'm no perl expert, but the changes are simple and >involve the mapscript library. I'm using mapserver 4.6.1. > >Kind regards, > >Homme Zwaagstra. > > From holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE Wed Sep 28 08:05:36 2005 From: holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE (Stephan Holl) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 17:05:36 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE]: New GRASS 6 Translation Repository Message-ID: Dear FOSS GIS users, [sorry for crossposting] GDF Hannover provides a new Translation Repository for the GRASS 6 Tutorial! As you may know, we publish tutorials on GRASS GIS under terms of the GNU FDL (GNU Free Document License) for years. Translations into Czech by Jachym Cepicky and English by Kerstin Holl are available to the user community since a few months. Within the last weeks we were asked by many GRASS users from all over the world, that they would like to translate the current tutorial into Spanish and Italian. For this reason we now established a new Translation Repository[1] based on subversion. We hope this is a further step to increase the popularity of GRASS GIS. If you feel like supporting this portal, we would be pleased to integrate you or your money to the portal. Further languages could be added as well. We are running a mailinglist on which further information will be posted to. If you are interested in contributing to the project please subscribe[2] to this list to be up-to-date. best wishes, GDF Hannover [1] [2] -- GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing Hannover Office - Mengendamm 16d - D-30177 Hannover Internet: - Email: holl at Phone : ++49-(0)511.39088507 - Fax: ++49-(0)511.39088508 From sscott at GWI.NET Wed Sep 28 08:19:46 2005 From: sscott at GWI.NET (Shannon Scott) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:19:46 -0400 Subject: TILEINDEX EXPRESSION = Seg Fault Message-ID: Hello, Recently we reorganized some data for map performance, and started using the TILEINDEX Layer parameter. I have noticed an issue with the EXPRESSION parameter when used with TILEINDEX. Here is the output from gdb ( debug enabled ): Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread -1218562784 (LWP 4589)] 0x08065822 in msEvalExpression (expression=0x99f5b08, itemindex=0, items=0x0, numitems=161833360) at maputil.c:106 106 tmpstr = gsub(tmpstr, expression->items[i], items[expression->indexes[i]]); I'm not sure the best way to proceed from here. I have noticed when I switch the map file back to using a shapefile with the DATA Layer parameter, the problem goes away. Any help or pointers are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Take Care. Shannon Linux RedHat ES Mapserver 4.6.1 Apache CGI LAYER NAME cities1 TILEINDEX cities TYPE POINT STATUS default MAXSCALE 500000 GROUP "cities" CLASS NAME "Villages" EXPRESSION ('[CNTYSEAT]' != 'Y' AND '[CAPITAL]' != 'Y') STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 3 color 255 255 255 END END # CLASS PROJECTION "proj=latlong" END END # cities1 LAYER LAYER NAME County1 TILEINDEX cities TYPE POINT STATUS default MAXSCALE 1000000 GROUP "cities" CLASS NAME "Counties" EXPRESSION ('[CNTYSEAT]' = 'Y' AND '[CAPITAL]' != 'Y') STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 7 COLOR 0 0 0 END END # CLASS PROJECTION "proj=latlong" END END # County1 LAYER LAYER NAME Capitals1 TILEINDEX cities TYPE POINT STATUS default MAXSCALE 20000000 GROUP "cities" CLASS NAME "Capitals" EXPRESSION ('[CAPITAL]' = 'Y') SYMBOL pntcapital SIZE 13 COLOR 168 0 132 END # CLASS PROJECTION "proj=latlong" END END # Capitals1 LAYER -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From holmand24 at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 28 09:25:21 2005 From: holmand24 at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Holmand_Dar=EDo_Villalba_Barajas?=) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:25:21 -0500 Subject: Problem with ItemnQuery Message-ID: I am trying to do a consultation to a layer by means of parameters, but mistakes go out for me as this one: msQueryByAttributes(): Query error. No query expression defined. , and not that can be. Please someone who already has done it, and could help. From work at XWB.COM Wed Sep 28 09:47:59 2005 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:47:59 -0700 Subject: Grids vs. Graticules Message-ID: I am new to Mapserver, deep in the learning curve. I have a question that I hope someone can answer. If I add a Grid layer to the map file the map draws the grid with no problem. However, I need the grid to be displayed as graticules, that is, distorted as lines of latitude and longitude are distorted depending on the projection. Instead the grid lines are all true vertical, horizontal. Is this possible? Here is the Grid Layer in my mapfile: ###################################### # GRID # LAYER NAME "Grid" TYPE LINE STATUS DEFAULT CLASS NAME "Graticule" COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL COLOR 255 0 0 FONT "arial" TYPE truetype SIZE 8 POSITION auto PARTIALS false BUFFER 5 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 END END GRID LABELFORMAT DDMM MAXARCS 10 MINARCS 2 MAXINTERVAL 20 MININTERVAL 10 MAXSUBDIVIDE 40 MINSUBDIVIDE 2 END END Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc. 1127 Broadway Plaza, Suite 204 Tacoma, WA 98402 O 253.272.1730 M 253.948.2525 STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Prepared Response, Inc. immediately at (206) 223-5544 and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Wed Sep 28 10:05:29 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:05:29 -0700 Subject: Grids vs. Graticules In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Chip You need the projection defined in your grid layer, if it is a different projection than the projection of the map file. Randy --- Chip Taylor wrote: > I am new to Mapserver, deep in the learning curve. I have a question that > I hope someone can answer. If I add a Grid layer to the map file the map > draws the grid with no problem. However, I need the grid to be displayed as > graticules, that is, distorted as lines of latitude and longitude are > distorted depending on the projection. Instead the grid lines are all true > vertical, horizontal. Is this possible? > > Here is the Grid Layer in my mapfile: > > ###################################### > # GRID > # > LAYER > NAME "Grid" > TYPE LINE > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASS > NAME "Graticule" > COLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > COLOR 255 0 0 > FONT "arial" > TYPE truetype > SIZE 8 > POSITION auto > PARTIALS false > BUFFER 5 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 > END > END > > GRID > LABELFORMAT DDMM > MAXARCS 10 > MINARCS 2 > MAXINTERVAL 20 > MININTERVAL 10 > MAXSUBDIVIDE 40 > MINSUBDIVIDE 2 > END > END > > Chip Taylor > Prepared Response, Inc > > Chip Taylor > Prepared Response, Inc. > 1127 Broadway Plaza, Suite 204 > Tacoma, WA 98402 > O 253.272.1730 > M 253.948.2525 > STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY > The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to > this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may > contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended > recipient, please notify Prepared Response, Inc. immediately at (206) > 223-5544 and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. > > > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From matt0177 at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 28 10:43:01 2005 From: matt0177 at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Edmondson) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:43:01 -0700 Subject: Getting ready to do a red hat install Message-ID: I've been working on a mapserver/chameleon app for approx. 2 months now. I've been working using a ms4w image on a win xp box. Now I'm getting ready to deploy it on a server running red hat linux. Are there sites/docs out there with a good general overview of everything ill need and tips on the compiling. With so many parts to my ms4w image (gdal,ogr,proj4 etc.) I'm sure that I'll forgot a few things and run into a few problems, so anything I could read before hand would be a great benefit. Thanks, Matt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 28 10:51:35 2005 From: pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Paul Spencer) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:51:35 -0400 Subject: [Chameleon] Getting ready to do a red hat install In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Matt, you could try fgs ( It is also possible (once you have fgs installed) to copy your ms4w/ apps and ms4w/httpd.d folders to your linux box and add an include in the apache config to include all the httpd config files from ms4w. Then to make ms4w apps work out of the box, you only need to create an /ms4w/tmp and /ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp folder. Cheers Paul On 28-Sep-05, at 1:43 PM, Matthew Edmondson wrote: > I've been working on a mapserver/chameleon app for approx. 2 months > now. I've been working using a ms4w image on a win xp box. Now I'm > getting ready to deploy it on a server running red hat linux. Are > there sites/docs out there with a good general overview of > everything ill need and tips on the compiling. > > With so many parts to my ms4w image (gdal,ogr,proj4 etc.) I'm sure > that I'll forgot a few things and run into a few problems, so > anything I could read before hand would be a great benefit. > > Thanks, > > Matt > _______________________________________________ > Chameleon mailing list > Chameleon at > > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Paul Spencer pspencer at | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Applications & Software Development | |DM Solutions Group Inc| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ From matt0177 at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 28 11:14:20 2005 From: matt0177 at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Edmondson) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:14:20 -0700 Subject: [Chameleon] Getting ready to do a red hat install In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I would love to, but server admin wants to use his apache and php installs. Would it be easier to download the fgs, and re-point everything to use the install of apache and php, or would that be more trouble then its worth. The server is quad processor, with 32 gigs of ram and could very well be hit hard with usage, so I want to make sure everything is as stable as possible. Thanks, Matt On 9/28/05, Paul Spencer wrote: > > Matt, > > you could try fgs ( > > It is also possible (once you have fgs installed) to copy your ms4w/ > apps and ms4w/httpd.d folders to your linux box and add an include in > the apache config to include all the httpd config files from ms4w. > > Then to make ms4w apps work out of the box, you only need to create > an /ms4w/tmp and /ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp folder. > > Cheers > > Paul > > On 28-Sep-05, at 1:43 PM, Matthew Edmondson wrote: > > > I've been working on a mapserver/chameleon app for approx. 2 months > > now. I've been working using a ms4w image on a win xp box. Now I'm > > getting ready to deploy it on a server running red hat linux. Are > > there sites/docs out there with a good general overview of > > everything ill need and tips on the compiling. > > > > With so many parts to my ms4w image (gdal,ogr,proj4 etc.) I'm sure > > that I'll forgot a few things and run into a few problems, so > > anything I could read before hand would be a great benefit. > > > > Thanks, > > > > Matt > > _______________________________________________ > > Chameleon mailing list > > Chameleon at > > > > > > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > |Paul Spencer pspencer at | > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > |Applications & Software Development | > |DM Solutions Group Inc| > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Sep 28 11:22:18 2005 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:22:18 -0400 Subject: [Chameleon] Getting ready to do a red hat install In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Matthew Edmondson wrote: > I would love to, but server admin wants to use his apache and php > installs. Would it be easier to download the fgs, and re-point > everything to use the install of apache and php, or would that be more > trouble then its worth. > > The server is quad processor, with 32 gigs of ram and could very well be > hit hard with usage, so I want to make sure everything is as stable as > possible. > The simplest alternative is to install FGS with its Apache running on port 8080, and then proxy to it from the main Apache server. All you need in this case is to add two lines to your main Apache server's config: ProxyPass /myapps/ ProxyPassReverse /myapps/ The example above assumes that all your FGS apps are going to be published under, but you can change the URL path to anything you like. We use this kind of setup to a lot and it is very stable and much easier to maintain than doing custom builds from scratch. Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Wed Sep 28 11:54:00 2005 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:54:00 -0500 Subject: Problem with ItemnQuery Message-ID: I recommend posting the relevant part of your map file and your query URL or query form to the list so we can diagnose your problem based on your actual application. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Holmand Dar?o Villalba Barajas Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:25 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem with ItemnQuery I am trying to do a consultation to a layer by means of parameters, but mistakes go out for me as this one: msQueryByAttributes(): Query error. No query expression defined. , and not that can be. Please someone who already has done it, and could help. From tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG Wed Sep 28 09:31:53 2005 From: tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG (Tim Schaub) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:31:53 -0700 Subject: TRANSPARENCY Message-ID: > I want to give a layer TRANSPARENCY. > > when I set TRANSPARENCY 85 ist more dark then TRANSPARENCY > 25, but you still can't see the other layers behind it. > TRANSPARENCY is more like opacity. TRANSPARENCY 1 is almost completely transparent. TRANSPARENCY 100 is completely opaque. TRANSPARENCY 0 is like not specifying TRANSPARENCY at all (completely opaque). Funky, huh? Tim From tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG Wed Sep 28 08:01:54 2005 From: tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG (Tim Schaub) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:01:54 -0700 Subject: queryByAttributes Message-ID: Hi Leo- > Does The syntax for the query change if the field of the > shapefiles is type string or type numerical? For queryByAttributes(), your qstring can be a string even if your qitem field is numeric. Keep in mind that your query layer has to have a TEMPLATE value (even the value "no template" will work). Also, the query only looks for shapes within the current extent of the map. If you want to query from all shapes, use setExtent() to set your map extent to the extent of your query layer. > Where can I find some examples? I pasted a quick (untested) example here: Hope that helps, Tim Schaub From holmand24 at GMAIL.COM Wed Sep 28 13:47:46 2005 From: holmand24 at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Holmand_Dar=EDo_Villalba_Barajas?=) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:47:46 -0500 Subject: The itemnquery does not work Message-ID: I am doing a consultation for attributes with the itemnquery, but the following mistake goes out for me: msQueryByAttributes(): Query error. No query expression defined. This is what I do: LAYER # name of layer NAME "Ciudades" GROUP "MAPAS_VECTORIALES" # always returned with interface STATUS ON # actual data pointer DATA "data/ciudades" # what type of data is this? TYPE POINT FILTERITEM "CIUDAD" FILTER "%nombre%" TOLERANCE 5 #LABELITEM "CIUDAD" # data is queryable # query templates for HTML-based queries HEADER "templates/ciudades_query_header.html" TEMPLATE "templates/ciudades_query_body.html" # how will this data look? someone can say to me that it(he,she) is bad. I use mapserver 4.x Thank you. From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Wed Sep 28 13:59:22 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:59:22 -0700 Subject: The itemnquery does not work In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Been a while since i set up a query but it looks like you are missing the qitem, and qstring collects string to pass to query --- Holmand Dar?o Villalba Barajas wrote: > I am doing a consultation for attributes with the itemnquery, but the > following mistake goes out for me: > > msQueryByAttributes(): Query error. No query expression defined. > > This is what I do: > > > > > > > > > LAYER > # name of layer > NAME "Ciudades" > GROUP "MAPAS_VECTORIALES" > # always returned with interface > STATUS ON > # actual data pointer > DATA "data/ciudades" > # what type of data is this? > TYPE POINT > FILTERITEM "CIUDAD" > FILTER "%nombre%" > TOLERANCE 5 > #LABELITEM "CIUDAD" > # data is queryable > # query templates for HTML-based queries > HEADER "templates/ciudades_query_header.html" > TEMPLATE "templates/ciudades_query_body.html" > # how will this data look? > > someone can say to me that it(he,she) is bad. > I use mapserver 4.x > > Thank you. > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From work at XWB.COM Wed Sep 28 15:26:52 2005 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:26:52 -0700 Subject: GIF labeling In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I am now attempting to do something similar to Kumar with one difference. Instead of the shield with the number overlayed I need to have the shield on the Interstate line in one position and the name of the interstate in another position something like: =====||========= Interstate 90 =======||====== Where the || is the shield symbol. The annotation text is in a field called "NAME" and the Feature name is in a field called "FEATURE". I have the following code in my map file (that works but not like I want it to - the text overlays the symbol): ****************** start of code ********************* #--------------------------------------------- # Interstate layer # LAYER NAME "interstate1" GROUP "roads" DATA "roadtrl020" STATUS on TYPE line LABELCACHE on LABELITEM "NAME" CLASSITEM "FEATURE" #MINSCALE 7500001 CLASS NAME "Interstate Hwy" EXPRESSION /Limited Access*/ STYLE SYMBOL "BigLine" SIZE 1 COLOR 241 151 91 END LABEL TYPE truetype FONT "arial" SIZE 8 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 COLOR 0 0 0 MINDISTANCE 200 POSITION auto ANGLE auto MINFEATURESIZE 50 END END END #--------------------------------------------- # Shield layer # LAYER NAME "InterstateShield" Group "roads" STATUS on DATA "roadtrl020" TYPE ANNOTATION CLASSITEM "NAME" #LABELITEM 'NAME' CLASS EXPRESSION /Interstate*/ COLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL 'shield.gif' SIZE 15 LABEL END END END *************** end of code ******************* I have been able to fake it by setting the label color to 255 255 255 (same color as the background, the size to 0, and an offst of 100 100 to get the label out of the way. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks for your help. Chip Taylor Prepares Response, Inc > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Steve Lime > Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:41 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GIF labeling > > Sure they can. Use an annotation layer. Here's a snippet from > our rec compass mapfile, specifically the county highway shields: > > LAYER > NAME road_counln3_anno > MAXSCALE 200000 > STATUS DEFAULT > DATA 'data/gen/state/mn/road_counln3' > TYPE ANNOTATION > LABELITEM 'road_num' > CLASS > COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color > SYMBOL '/usr/local/mapserver/symbols/ctyhwy.png' > LABEL > MINFEATURESIZE 50 > MINDISTANCE 150 > SIZE TINY > COLOR 0 0 0 > PARTIALS FALSE > END > END > END > > You cannot draw the line, the shield and the number at the > same time though. > > Steve > > >>> Kumar 09/22/05 9:49 AM >>> > That would just give me the symbol with the shield without > line symbol. I need the symbol as a line and the label with shield. > > I was wondering if labels can be overlapped using GIF image and label. > > - kumar > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > > On Behalf Of Kumar > > Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:17 PM > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GIF labeling > > > > Hi all, > > > > Is it possible to label using gif's?. For example I want to > label the > > interstate with the interstate shield symbol with the number > > inbetween. Is there any way to do this??. > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > - kumar > > > > > > From fabio.zottele at ING.UNITN.IT Wed Sep 28 23:25:22 2005 From: fabio.zottele at ING.UNITN.IT (Fabio Zottele) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:25:22 +0200 Subject: Php4 vs PHP5 Message-ID: Hi! I am using Apache2-prefork (Debian package) and php4 -DSO(Dabian package) on a Debian testing. I want to install mapserver4.6.1 from source code. I know I must re-compile php as a CGI, but I would also migrate from php4.4 to php5. I read some old issues about and php5 in mailing list. Is still impossible to compile php_mapscript against php5 or the php5 support is still in developement stage? Thank you in advance. Fabio Zottele From davidtecher at YAHOO.FR Thu Sep 29 02:17:20 2005 From: davidtecher at YAHOO.FR (david techer) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:17:20 +0400 Subject: Php4 vs PHP5 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Fabio I'm on a Debian like you. I've built both mapscript 4.6.1 and php 5.0.5 from sources For my tasks at my job, there is no problem using both. I've installed php as CGI Here is my PHP configure line: ./configure --enable-fastcgi --with-config-file=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php.ini \ --with-gd=/usr --with-pdflib=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr \ --with-freetype-dir=/usr --with-zlib=/usr --with-pgsql \ --with-regex=system --enable-dbase --enable-dbx \ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --enable-versioning --with-mysql \ --with-ming For MapServer: ./configure --without-tiff --with-jpeg=/usr --with-png=/usr --with-threads --with-proj \ --with-postgis --with-pdf --with-mapscript --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ --with-gd=/usr --with-freetype=/usr --with-ogr --with-wmsclient --with-wfs --with-wfsclient \ --with-php=/home/david/src/PHP/php-5.0.5 --with-geos --with-ming For a better use and a first try, I think it's not worth using 'Flash Support' (--with-ming) and 'PDFLIB Support' (-with-pdflib) if U don't want to have it However, here is what I did to have it Info: - PDFLIB version is 5.0.3. It is not yet supported (but I need it for my job) New versions from 6... are available so U can use it. Download it then ./configure && make && make install - Ming has been built from CVS. In ming/util/read.h, replace 'static int gIndent;' by ' 'static int gIndent;' in order to compil it then make make install Remove everything from your-php-sources/ext/ming/ Copy everything from your-ming-sources/php_ext/ to your-php-sources/ext/ming/ Return to your php-sources directory cd your-php-sources/ buildconf --force Then ./configure .... .... --with-ming --with-pdflib=/usr/local Regards --david; ------------------------------------------------- Jean David TECHER 01MAP 35 All?e d'Irlande 34080 Montpellier France T?l: 04 67 45 60 27 e-mail: davidtecher(at)yahoo(dot)fr sites: ------------------------------------------------- Fabio Zottele a ?crit : > Hi! I am using Apache2-prefork (Debian package) and php4 -DSO(Dabian > package) on a Debian testing. I want to install mapserver4.6.1 from > source code. I know I must re-compile php as a CGI, but I would also > migrate from php4.4 to php5. > I read some old issues about and php5 in mailing list. > Is still impossible to compile php_mapscript against php5 or the php5 > support is still in developement stage? > Thank you in advance. > Fabio Zottele > ___________________________________________________________________________ Appel audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger T?l?chargez cette version sur From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 03:14:43 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:14:43 +0100 Subject: web-based mapfile editor Message-ID: Hi, Hope everyone's doing well. I've made a few posts to this list before and haven't had any replies, it's worrying me a little bit. I hope someone would reply this time! So I've been experimenting with web-based mapfile editors recently, and have found only two: MapEdit from MapLab, and Mapstorer. MapEdit seems fairly functional, but a little sluggish. I liked Mapstorer's interface a lot, but couldn't get it to work very well. Plus there's the fact it can't import mapfiles! Does *anyone* know any web-based mapfile editors? I'd like to hear any suggestions. I've done a search on the archives and found very little. Cheers, Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From manfred.zerndl at BVV.BAYERN.DE Thu Sep 29 03:42:56 2005 From: manfred.zerndl at BVV.BAYERN.DE (Manfred Zerndl) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:42:56 +0200 Subject: TILEINDEX and overviews (gdaladdo) ? Message-ID: Does mapserver not take advantage of overviews calculated with "gdaladdo" when the files are accessed with TILEINDEX? I have 77300 TIFF-Files. Each of them has 2500x2500 Pixels and each is equivalent to one square kilometer (Ground-resolution is 0.4 meters per pixel (1000 meters / 2500 pixels)). (by the way, creating a Tile-Index with gdaltindex failed, becuase of the amount of comand-line parameters. So I generated a tileindex-Shapefile for my own, calculated each bondingbox and used the tools "shpadd" and "dbfadd".) For each of the 77300 TIFF-Files I generate overviews with the tool "gdaladdo" (for example: gdaladdo -r average file77300.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 128) Then I add the layer in the mapfile as following: LAYER NAME "DOP" TILEINDEX "dop/dop.shp" TILEITEM "LOCATION" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON END When I try with mapserver to view 200 meters with an image size of 500 Pixel, the response is reasonably fast, because mapserver do not have to scale the image (the ground-resolution is 0.4 m/px). But when I try to view 10 km or 20 km (kilometers) with an imagesize of 500 pixel, mapserver take a very long time to answer (up to 1 Minutes). Does mapserver not take advantage of the precalculated overviews in the tiff-files generated with "gdaladdo" when the files are accessed with TILEINDEX? I have compiled mapserver on linux with --with-gdal and --without-tiff !! $ mapserv -v MapServer version 4.6.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS=FASTCGI SUPPORTS=GEOS INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Regards, Manfred ----- --- Each of my TIFF-Files looks like this: $ gdalinfo file77300.tif Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Size is 2500, 2500 Coordinate System is `' Origin = (4467999.800000,5321000.200000) Pixel Size = (0.40000000,-0.40000000) Metadata: TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=125 TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=125 TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=3 (pixels/cm) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 4467999.800, 5321000.200) Lower Left ( 4467999.800, 5320000.200) Upper Right ( 4468999.800, 5321000.200) Lower Right ( 4468999.800, 5320000.200) Center ( 4468499.800, 5320500.200) Band 1 Block=2500x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red Overviews: 1250x1250, 625x625, 313x313, 157x157, 79x79, 40x40, 20x20 Band 2 Block=2500x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green Overviews: 1250x1250, 625x625, 313x313, 157x157, 79x79, 40x40, 20x20 Band 3 Block=2500x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue Overviews: 1250x1250, 625x625, 313x313, 157x157, 79x79, 40x40, 20x20 The tool "tiffinfo" generates this: TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e685a Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0) Image Width: 2500 Image Length: 2500 Resolution: 125, 125 pixels/cm Bits/Sample: 8 Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs Samples/Pixel: 3 Rows/Strip: 1 Planar Configuration: single image plane TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e6920 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 1250 Image Length: 1250 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e732e Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 625 Image Length: 625 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e7634 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 313 Image Length: 313 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e77ba Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 157 Image Length: 157 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e78c8 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 79 Image Length: 79 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e798e Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 40 Image Length: 40 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e7a54 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 20 Image Length: 20 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes ----- ----- From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Thu Sep 29 04:01:53 2005 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:01:53 +0200 Subject: web-based mapfile editor Message-ID: I think the ones you've found are the ones available, so unfortunately there isn't a better option right now. Most people edit MAP files by hand. There are a few desktop options for the ESRI product line which have MAP file export options, i.e. gix (Arcview 3) and Amein! (ArcGIS). Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Xin 29-9-2005 12:14 >>> Hi, Hope everyone's doing well. I've made a few posts to this list before and haven't had any replies, it's worrying me a little bit. I hope someone would reply this time! So I've been experimenting with web-based mapfile editors recently, and have found only two: MapEdit from MapLab, and Mapstorer. MapEdit seems fairly functional, but a little sluggish. I liked Mapstorer's interface a lot, but couldn't get it to work very well. Plus there's the fact it can't import mapfiles! Does *anyone* know any web-based mapfile editors? I'd like to hear any suggestions. I've done a search on the archives and found very little. Cheers, Xin From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 04:05:32 2005 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:05:32 +0100 Subject: web-based mapfile editor In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks Bart, appreciate the reply. I'll probably work with MapEdit in that case. On 29/09/05, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > > I think the ones you've found are the ones available, so unfortunately > there isn't a better option right now. Most people edit MAP files by hand. > > There are a few desktop options for the ESRI product line which have MAP > file export options, i.e. gix (Arcview 3) and Amein! (ArcGIS). > > Best regards, > Bart > > Bart van den Eijnden > Syncera IT Solutions > Postbus 270 > 2600 AG DELFT > > .: 015-7512436 > email: BEN at > > >>> Xin 29-9-2005 12:14 >>> > Hi, > > Hope everyone's doing well. I've made a few posts to this list before and > haven't had any replies, it's worrying me a little bit. I hope someone > would > reply this time! > > So I've been experimenting with web-based mapfile editors recently, and > have > found only two: MapEdit from MapLab, and Mapstorer. MapEdit seems fairly > functional, but a little sluggish. I liked Mapstorer's interface a lot, > but > couldn't get it to work very well. Plus there's the fact it can't import > mapfiles! > > Does *anyone* know any web-based mapfile editors? I'd like to hear any > suggestions. I've done a search on the archives and found very little. > > Cheers, > Xin > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fclaudel at CSIR.CO.ZA Thu Sep 29 04:38:50 2005 From: fclaudel at CSIR.CO.ZA (Frederic Claudel) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:38:50 +0200 Subject: TILEINDEX and overviews (gdaladdo) ? Message-ID: Hi Manfred, I think it's normal, and that viewing a footprint of 20km*20km will need to access around 400 files, then mosaic the overviews, which cannot be lightning speed. I experienced the same slowdown when trying to open more than a dozen of file with overviews. My solution is to create already mosaicked overviews, which I add as new layers into my mapfile. A minscale/maxscale helps choosing the correct layer. Tell me if you need more details (maybe that approach is not what you're lokkin for) cheers, Frederic Claudel >>> Manfred Zerndl 29/09/2005 12:42 >>> Does mapserver not take advantage of overviews calculated with "gdaladdo" when the files are accessed with TILEINDEX? I have 77300 TIFF-Files. Each of them has 2500x2500 Pixels and each is equivalent to one square kilometer (Ground-resolution is 0.4 meters per pixel (1000 meters / 2500 pixels)). (by the way, creating a Tile-Index with gdaltindex failed, becuase of the amount of comand-line parameters. So I generated a tileindex-Shapefile for my own, calculated each bondingbox and used the tools "shpadd" and "dbfadd".) For each of the 77300 TIFF-Files I generate overviews with the tool "gdaladdo" (for example: gdaladdo -r average file77300.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 128) Then I add the layer in the mapfile as following: LAYER NAME "DOP" TILEINDEX "dop/dop.shp" TILEITEM "LOCATION" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON END When I try with mapserver to view 200 meters with an image size of 500 Pixel, the response is reasonably fast, because mapserver do not have to scale the image (the ground-resolution is 0.4 m/px). But when I try to view 10 km or 20 km (kilometers) with an imagesize of 500 pixel, mapserver take a very long time to answer (up to 1 Minutes). Does mapserver not take advantage of the precalculated overviews in the tiff-files generated with "gdaladdo" when the files are accessed with TILEINDEX? I have compiled mapserver on linux with --with-gdal and --without-tiff !! $ mapserv -v MapServer version 4.6.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER SUPPORTS=FASTCGI SUPPORTS=GEOS INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Regards, Manfred ----- --- Each of my TIFF-Files looks like this: $ gdalinfo file77300.tif Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Size is 2500, 2500 Coordinate System is `' Origin = (4467999.800000,5321000.200000) Pixel Size = (0.40000000,-0.40000000) Metadata: TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=125 TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=125 TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=3 (pixels/cm) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 4467999.800, 5321000.200) Lower Left ( 4467999.800, 5320000.200) Upper Right ( 4468999.800, 5321000.200) Lower Right ( 4468999.800, 5320000.200) Center ( 4468499.800, 5320500.200) Band 1 Block=2500x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red Overviews: 1250x1250, 625x625, 313x313, 157x157, 79x79, 40x40, 20x20 Band 2 Block=2500x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green Overviews: 1250x1250, 625x625, 313x313, 157x157, 79x79, 40x40, 20x20 Band 3 Block=2500x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue Overviews: 1250x1250, 625x625, 313x313, 157x157, 79x79, 40x40, 20x20 The tool "tiffinfo" generates this: TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e685a Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0) Image Width: 2500 Image Length: 2500 Resolution: 125, 125 pixels/cm Bits/Sample: 8 Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs Samples/Pixel: 3 Rows/Strip: 1 Planar Configuration: single image plane TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e6920 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 1250 Image Length: 1250 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e732e Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 625 Image Length: 625 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e7634 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 313 Image Length: 313 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e77ba Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 157 Image Length: 157 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e78c8 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 79 Image Length: 79 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e798e Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 40 Image Length: 40 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes TIFF Directory at offset 0x11e7a54 Subfile Type: reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1) Image Width: 20 Image Length: 20 Tile Width: 128 Tile Length: 128 Bits/Sample: 8 Sample Format: unsigned integer Compression Scheme: None Photometric Interpretation: RGB color Samples/Pixel: 3 Planar Configuration: separate image planes ----- ----- -- This message is subject to the CSIR's copyright, terms and conditions and e-mail legal notice. Views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the CSIR. CSIR E-mail Legal Notice CSIR Copyright, Terms and Conditions For electronic copies of the CSIR Copyright, Terms and Conditions and the CSIR Legal Notice send a blank message with REQUEST LEGAL in the subject line to HelpDesk at This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean. MailScanner thanks Transtec Computers for their support. From luca76 at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 05:08:06 2005 From: luca76 at GMAIL.COM (Luca Manganelli) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:08:06 +0200 Subject: How to define a layer color based on a field value? Message-ID: Hi, I have a shapefile containing a field representing RGB color in mapserver format (like 255 130 43). Is there a way to define the dinamic (field based) color in the .map file? From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Thu Sep 29 05:19:08 2005 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:19:08 +0200 Subject: Combine layers In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: No clues? Best Regards Joern On Tuesday 27 September 2005 15:36, J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > Hi, > > if I try to combine these two layers, I always get one layer out of scale, > any clue(s) why? > > It seems to have something with projections to do. > > Best Regards > Joern > > > # -OUTPUT PROJ > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:32633" > END > > LAYER > NAME "met" > TYPE RASTER > #STATUS DEFAULT > #DEBUG ON > CONNECTION "" > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > METADATA > "wms_name" > "DNMI-NEurope_1:apcp3hr,DNMI-NEurope_1:GRD,DNMI-NEurope_2:prmsl" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" > "wms_format" "image/png" > END > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:32633" > END > END > > > LAYER > NAME "noaa_map" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS DEFAULT > #DEBUG ON > CONNECTION "" > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > METADATA > "wms_name" "Countries" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" > "wms_format" "image/png" > END > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > END From oliver_ishmael at HOTMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 05:52:42 2005 From: oliver_ishmael at HOTMAIL.COM (Oliver Ishmael) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:52:42 +0100 Subject: Mapserver Extents Message-ID: Dear all, Unfortunately, i'm still having the same problems with the extents. I used gdalinfo as directed to get the extents of my data layer (thanks for that!), however, when i enter these into my mapfile, the layer is still not visible. Is there some kind a general guide for extents - i'm at a loss :( Is the extent dependent upon any of the following: Min Max-scale; Scale units; or EPSG projection codes; is there anyway to convert between coordinates and Decimal Degrees (and what general structure do these conform to...i have some cordinates which are 6 figures and other mapfiles use 3 figure numbers for the extents). Any help appreciated! Cheers Olly _________________________________________________________________ Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free newsletters! From toomas.aas at RAAD.TARTU.EE Thu Sep 29 05:24:12 2005 From: toomas.aas at RAAD.TARTU.EE (Toomas Aas) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:24:12 +0300 Subject: PHP/Mapscript 4.6.1 DSO causes Apache to segfault. Message-ID: Hello! I'm currently running the following software versions on FreeBSD 5.3 MapServer 4.2.5 PHP 4.3.10 PROJ 4.4.9 GDAL 1.2.1 GD 2.0.33 FreeType2 2.1.7 MapServer and PHP/Mapscript were configured with the following command: ./configure \ --with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config \ --with-gd=/usr/local \ --with-eppl \ --with-proj=/usr/local \ --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ --with-php=/usr/local/include/php I have two instances of PHP on this machine - PHP CGI which is used for Mapscript and mod_php which is used for everything else. PHP CGI is configured with system regex and mod_php is configured with PHP's own regex. Everything seems to be working fine. I downloaded Mapserver 4.6.1 and ran exactly the same configure command, followed by gmake. Adding the resulting to PHP extensions causes Apache to segfault immediately on load. I tried to read through the documentation and browse the list archives, but I can't seem to figure out what I should do differently to produce a working The mapserv CGI, btw, works OK. -- Toomas Aas -------------------------------------------------------- |arvutiv?rgu peaspetsialist | head specialist on computer networks| |Tartu Linnakantselei | Tartu City Office | ----------------------------------------------------- +372 736 1274 From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Thu Sep 29 06:23:54 2005 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:23:54 -0500 Subject: The itemnquery does not work Message-ID: Holmand, It looks like you were using the old syntax for queries, with filter. Randy is right, you need to use qlayer, qitem and qstring. Looking at your form variables, try: You should remove FILTER and FILTERITEM from your layer definition. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Randy James Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:59 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] The itemnquery does not work Been a while since i set up a query but it looks like you are missing the qitem, and qstring collects string to pass to query --- Holmand Dar?o Villalba Barajas wrote: > I am doing a consultation for attributes with the itemnquery, but the > following mistake goes out for me: > > msQueryByAttributes(): Query error. No query expression defined. > > This is what I do: > > > > > > > > > LAYER > # name of layer > NAME "Ciudades" > GROUP "MAPAS_VECTORIALES" > # always returned with interface > STATUS ON > # actual data pointer > DATA "data/ciudades" > # what type of data is this? > TYPE POINT > FILTERITEM "CIUDAD" > FILTER "%nombre%" > TOLERANCE 5 > #LABELITEM "CIUDAD" > # data is queryable > # query templates for HTML-based queries > HEADER "templates/ciudades_query_header.html" > TEMPLATE "templates/ciudades_query_body.html" > # how will this data look? > > someone can say to me that it(he,she) is bad. > I use mapserver 4.x > > Thank you. > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 29 06:38:53 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:38:53 -0400 Subject: Mapserver Extents In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/29/05, Oliver Ishmael wrote: > Dear all, > > Unfortunately, i'm still having the same problems with the extents. I used > gdalinfo as directed to get the extents of my data layer (thanks for that!), > however, when i enter these into my mapfile, the layer is still not visible. > > Is there some kind a general guide for extents - i'm at a loss :( Olly, It is quite possible that extents are not your problem now. I would suggest you post a minimum sized mapfile that demonstrates your problem for people to comment on. > Is the extent dependent upon any of the following: Min Max-scale; Scale > units; or EPSG projection codes; Min and max scales can make a layer not appear. Projections can have a big effect. If you are entering map extents then they should be in the map projection, not the layer projection (if they differ). > is there anyway to convert between coordinates and Decimal Degrees (and what > general structure do these conform to...i have some cordinates which are 6 > figures and other mapfiles use 3 figure numbers for the extents). Are you wanting to convert between projected coordinates and lat/long decimal degrees? MapServer can do this internally as needed when things are declared properly in the mapfile. If you need to do it at the command line you can use the proj or cs2cs programs that come with PROJ.4. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Thu Sep 29 06:39:00 2005 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:39:00 -0500 Subject: Mapserver Extents Message-ID: Olly, The EXTENT is defined in the UNITS of the output projection, (the projection block that you define in the MAP object of your mapfile). It sounds like you may have data layers that are in different projections. MapServer can display all of them together if you define the projections properly in your map file. To do this, define a projection in your MAP object, this is the projection that you want our output map to be in. Then, place a projection block in each layer, this should contain the definition for the projection that the data layer is currently in. I am not sure what you mean by three and six figures. I would suggest trying to implement projections in your mapfile and if that doesn't work, post relevant pieces of your mapfile to the list so we can look at the specifics of your problem. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Oliver Ishmael Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:53 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver Extents Dear all, Unfortunately, i'm still having the same problems with the extents. I used gdalinfo as directed to get the extents of my data layer (thanks for that!), however, when i enter these into my mapfile, the layer is still not visible. Is there some kind a general guide for extents - i'm at a loss :( Is the extent dependent upon any of the following: Min Max-scale; Scale units; or EPSG projection codes; is there anyway to convert between coordinates and Decimal Degrees (and what general structure do these conform to...i have some cordinates which are 6 figures and other mapfiles use 3 figure numbers for the extents). Any help appreciated! Cheers Olly _________________________________________________________________ Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free newsletters! From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Thu Sep 29 06:44:48 2005 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:44:48 -0500 Subject: Help with demo please Message-ID: Hi Here is where I am at after reading all the posts with criteria of DEMO and IIS. 1.) I am running windows server 2003 with IIS. Permission for cgi-bin is read/execute scripts and executables tmp is read/write 2.) my directory structure is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\workshop 3.) my index.html is as follows
4. I am usig 5. C:\>mapserv QUERY_STRING="layer=lakespy2&layer=dlgstln2&zoomsize=2&map=%2Finetpu kshop&map_web_imagepath=%2Finetpub%2Fwwwroot%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_imageurl=%2Ftmp%2F &map_web_template=itasca_basic.html" > temp.html msDrawMap(): Layer 1 (ctybdpy2), 0.311s msDrawMap(): Layer 4 (lakespy2), 0.270s msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (dlgstln2), 0.161s msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s msDrawMap() total time: 0.752s 6. The results of running the demo in IE Basic Application - Page not found Adds second scale bar - Page not found Add pan control - Page not found Add frames - page not found - "this is the query page" along bottom and top adds dhtml rubber band box - red box for map, legend missing what do I try next? Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 29 07:00:17 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:00:17 -0400 Subject: TILEINDEX and overviews (gdaladdo) ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/29/05, Manfred Zerndl wrote: > > Does mapserver not take advantage of overviews calculated with > "gdaladdo" when > the files are accessed with TILEINDEX? > > I have 77300 TIFF-Files. Each of them has 2500x2500 Pixels and each is > equivalent to one square kilometer > (Ground-resolution is 0.4 meters per pixel (1000 meters / 2500 pixels)). > > (by the way, creating a Tile-Index with gdaltindex failed, becuase of > the amount of comand-line parameters. > So I generated a tileindex-Shapefile for my own, calculated each > bondingbox and used the tools "shpadd" and "dbfadd".) Manfred, The gdaltindex program can also be used to add files to an existing index, so it is also possible to write a little script to invoke it once for each tiff file. Of course your solution is fine too. The tileindex files are deliberately simple so that they can be generated in a variety of ways. > Does mapserver not take advantage of the precalculated overviews in the > tiff-files generated with "gdaladdo" > when the files are accessed with TILEINDEX? Frederic's analysis was exactly right. The problem is that accessing many TIFF files invoves quite a bit of overhead and this is what is killing you. My suggestion would be to generate enough overview levels in the TIFF files to handle up to roughly the point at which a map view is going to show 9 files. Above that you should consider having a single overview file. So a 500x500 view on a 3x3 set of 2500x2500 files would need 15:1 decimation. So I would generate the 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x overviews and then look at generating a merged overview layer at the 32x resolution. So this merged overview layer would have a resolution of 12.8/pixel. Such a merged file for your whole region would be roughly 1.4GB according to my calculations. A managable size for a TIFF file. Then make sure you add overviews on that. The key thing to keep in mind is that these sorts of overview layers are only really necessary when it helps avoid accessing alot of files for one map view. I would add it would be helpful to merge your tiles into bigger files. For instance, if you merged 8x8 sets of your tiles into single TIFF files then you could add three more levels of overview in the base files and reduce the required resolution of your overview layer correspondingly. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From holmand24 at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 07:51:33 2005 From: holmand24 at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Holmand_Dar=EDo_Villalba_Barajas?=) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:51:33 -0500 Subject: Problems on having showed a consultation in the map with itemnquery. Message-ID: When I do a consultation on a layer with the itemnquery not me the mustra in the image, only it(he,she) shows me the consultation in text. Since I can solve this? Help me Thank you. From work at XWB.COM Thu Sep 29 08:46:24 2005 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:46:24 -0700 Subject: Railroad symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Help! Does anyone have a symbol definition that looks vaguely like a railroad? Thanks in advance. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Thu Sep 29 08:59:25 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:59:25 -0400 Subject: Help with demo please In-Reply-To: Message-ID: WS2003 has more protection. Its not good enough to make a folder executable, the mapserver program needs to be "registered" with the OS. Richard C Orth Gary Watry wrote: >Hi > >Here is where I am at after reading all the posts with criteria of DEMO and IIS. > >1.) I am running windows server 2003 with IIS. > >Permission for >cgi-bin is read/execute scripts and executables >tmp is read/write > >2.) my directory structure is >c:\inetpub\wwwroot\workshop > >3.) my index.html is as follows > > > onSubmit="submit_form()"> > > > > > > > > > > value="/inetpub/wwwroot/workshop/tmp/"> > > >4. I am usig > >5. >C:\>mapserv QUERY_STRING="layer=lakespy2&layer=dlgstln2&zoomsize=2&map=%2Finetpu > >kshop&map_web_imagepath=%2Finetpub%2Fwwwroot%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_imageurl=%2Ftmp%2F >&map_web_template=itasca_basic.html" > temp.html > >msDrawMap(): Layer 1 (ctybdpy2), 0.311s >msDrawMap(): Layer 4 (lakespy2), 0.270s >msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (dlgstln2), 0.161s >msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s >msDrawMap() total time: 0.752s > >6. The results of running the demo in IE >Basic Application - Page not found >Adds second scale bar - Page not found >Add pan control - Page not found >Add frames - page not found - "this is the query page" along bottom and top >adds dhtml rubber band box - red box for map, legend missing > >what do I try next? > >Gary L. Watry >GIS Coordinator >Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies >FSU / COAPS >Johnson Building, RM 215 >2035 East Paul Dirac Drive >Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 > >E-Mail: watry at > > > From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 29 09:17:04 2005 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:17:04 -0400 Subject: Railroad symbols In-Reply-To: Message-ID: this is a good resource for that: jeff Chip Taylor wrote: > > Help! Does anyone have a symbol definition that looks vaguely like a > railroad? Thanks in advance. > > Chip Taylor > Prepared Response, Inc > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From ajfrank at ALICE.IT Thu Sep 29 09:32:52 2005 From: ajfrank at ALICE.IT (Gianfranco Brescia) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:32:52 -0500 Subject: Problem with ms_newShapeFileObj Message-ID: I can not create a new point into my shape, can somebody help me? This my code: ... if ($dbval["CODICE_ALL"] && $dbval["COGNOME"] && $dbval["NUM_ALBO"]) { $shpPath = "../webgis/dati/lombardia/polli/polli"; $dbName = "../webgis/dati/lombardia/polli/polli.dbf"; $poiClick = ms_newPointObj(); $poiClick->setXY($xgeo, $ygeo); if ( !$dbf = dbase_open($dbName, 2) ) { echo "Impossibile aprire $dbName\n"; exit; } $nr = dbase_numrecords($dbf); // numero record del database $nr = $nr +1; // numero nuovo recordo $nf = dbase_numfields($dbf); // Numero campi database $shpFile = ms_newShapefileObj($shpPath, -2); $shpObj = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $lineObj = ms_newLineObj(); $bSuc = $lineObj->add($poiClick); $bSuc = $shpObj->add($lineObj); $bSuc = $shpFile->addShape($shpObj); $nShapes = $shpFile->numshapes; dbase_add_record($dbf, array($nr, $dbval["CODICE_ALL"],$dbval["COGNOME"], $dbval["NUM_ALBO"], $dbval["DATA"], $dbval["EST"], $dbval["NORD"])); $poiClick->free(); $lineObj->free(); $shpObj->free(); $shpFile->free(); dbase_close($dbf); ... When I try to draw the map the error is: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 'polli'. in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/tpk/incphp/map.php on line 354 Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDBFGetItemIndex(): Invalid record number 24943. in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/tpk/incphp/map.php on line 354 Fatal error: Call to a member function saveWebImage() on a non-object in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/tpk/incphp/map.php on line 376 Thank, ciao. From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 29 09:37:32 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:37:32 -0700 Subject: The itemnquery does not work In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Holmand I am guessing that you could try working with the input type(HTML programming) or use on of the other languages available such as PHP. The programers on the list most likly can give you examples. collects string to pass to query --- Holmand Dar?o Villalba Barajas wrote: > Hi Randy, I Have a question: > If I want to spend(pass) several parameters to my consultation from a > list or from a file .txt, since I might do it? > Thank you. > > 2005/9/28, Randy James : > > Been a while since i set up a query but it looks like you are missing the > qitem, > > and qstring > > > > > > > > > > collects string to pass > to > > query > > > > --- Holmand Dar?o Villalba Barajas wrote: > > > > > I am doing a consultation for attributes with the itemnquery, but the > > > following mistake goes out for me: > > > > > > msQueryByAttributes(): Query error. No query expression defined. > > > > > > This is what I do: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > LAYER > > > # name of layer > > > NAME "Ciudades" > > > GROUP "MAPAS_VECTORIALES" > > > # always returned with interface > > > STATUS ON > > > # actual data pointer > > > DATA "data/ciudades" > > > # what type of data is this? > > > TYPE POINT > > > FILTERITEM "CIUDAD" > > > FILTER "%nombre%" > > > TOLERANCE 5 > > > #LABELITEM "CIUDAD" > > > # data is queryable > > > # query templates for HTML-based queries > > > HEADER "templates/ciudades_query_header.html" > > > TEMPLATE "templates/ciudades_query_body.html" > > > # how will this data look? > > > > > > someone can say to me that it(he,she) is bad. > > > I use mapserver 4.x > > > > > > Thank you. > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________ > > Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 > > > > > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From washer at TRLP.COM Thu Sep 29 10:05:11 2005 From: washer at TRLP.COM (James Washer) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:05:11 -0700 Subject: How to define a layer color based on a field value? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Along those lines, is it possible to "assign a variable" based on the content of a field in the .dbf file? I was hoping to control text rotation based on values read from the shapefile. - jim On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:08:06 +0200 Luca Manganelli wrote: > Hi, > > I have a shapefile containing a field representing RGB color in > mapserver format (like 255 130 43). > > Is there a way to define the dinamic (field based) color in the .map file? From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 29 10:10:53 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:10:53 -0700 Subject: How to define a layer color based on a field value? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi James Use the lableangleitem in your layer. LABELANGLEITEM "database field" Randy --- James Washer wrote: > Along those lines, is it possible to "assign a variable" based on the content > of a field in the .dbf file? > > I was hoping to control text rotation based on values read from the shapefile. > > - jim > > On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:08:06 +0200 > Luca Manganelli wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I have a shapefile containing a field representing RGB color in > > mapserver format (like 255 130 43). > > > > Is there a way to define the dinamic (field based) color in the .map file? > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From matt0177 at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 11:01:02 2005 From: matt0177 at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Edmondson) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:01:02 -0700 Subject: WFS localhost error Message-ID: I'm running a mapserver/chameleon ms4w install. When submitting the following http request, I get back my XML properly parsed out. but the following layer request causes my map to not display. LAYER NAME wfs_deaths TYPE POINT STATUS off CONNECTIONTYPE WFS CONNECTION " " class style symbol 'circle' size 5 color 250 250 0 outlinecolor 150 150 0 end end METADATA #"wfs_typename" "bunnies2004_point" "wfs_service" "WFS" "wfs_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wfs_version" "1.0.0" "wfs_request_method" "GET" END END I've checked it verses the samples on the mapserver site, and in the web mapping book, and cannot find what is causing the error, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Matt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Thu Sep 29 11:07:41 2005 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:07:41 -0500 Subject: Demo Making Progress Message-ID: If I run Firefox as a web browers I get HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found. Internet Information Services (IIS) If I run IE as the browers I get msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ What did I do and now what Gary Watry From armin.burger at GMX.NET Thu Sep 29 11:54:42 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:54:42 +0200 Subject: groups and WMS In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Dear all, I have a question about the behaviour of groups in a WMS. When I define 2 layers belonging to the same group, I see both layers nested under the same group layer in the capabilities file. But I can only access the group as a WMS layer from a client. When I want to access the single layers belonging to that group I get an exception. That is in principal ok, but client programs might allow to select the single nested layers and the map will not be displayed because of the exception. Also the reason for grouping layers is quite often to have layers with different accuracy/resolution that should be swapped depending on the scale. So this should happen behind the scenes without the client noticing it. So my question is, why are the layers belonging to the same group displayed at all in the WMS capabilities if they cannot be used as single ones? Would it not make sense to just return the group as a WMS layer instead? Armin From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Thu Sep 29 12:13:56 2005 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:13:56 -0500 Subject: Help with demo please II Message-ID: When I run a File Monitor Program on the Win2003 Server, I get the following using IE: 0.00030982 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All 0.00007375 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 0.00007236 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 0.00009163 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error and the Page shows msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ Using Firefox, The file monitor shows 0.00028551 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All 0.00006956 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 0.00008968 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 0.00009498 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 0.00035479 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\favicon.ico NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: All and the Page shows msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ any Suggests? From SClark at COUNTY.LETHBRIDGE.AB.CA Thu Sep 29 12:23:34 2005 From: SClark at COUNTY.LETHBRIDGE.AB.CA (Stephen Clark) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:23:34 -0600 Subject: FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem with display of raster backdrop -- ECW files with overlap Message-ID: Frank, When you have some time could you investigate this problem. Generally speaking if I create a tile using GDALTINDEX for a group of ECW Raster images that overlap, I cannot draw the raster tile index. However If I convert the ECW files to Geotiff and then create a tile Using GDALTINDEX using your FWTOOLS then I am able to draw the raster layer. Also, Is there anyone else that has seen this problem. Thanks Stephen -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Stephen Clark Sent: September 23, 2005 2:49 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem with display of raster backdrop -- ECW files with overlap Hi, I am working on a mapserver application to display ECW orthophotos for Southern Alberta where the orthophotos have overlap. I have created a tiled index layer for these orthos and am having problems during the draw cycle when the orthos are turned on. I have attached the layer file from mapserver: LAYER NAME ecw_2003_tile TILEINDEX "e:/data/ecw_2003_index.shp" TILEITEM "location" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON TRANSPARENCY 60 CLASS NAME "COLA 2003 Orthophotos" END METADATA WMS_TITLE "COLA 2003 Orthophotos" WMS_ABSTRACT "N/A" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26912" END END I have been able to draw the ortho layer when "zoomed in" to only one ortho sheet that is visible but not when an ortho overlaps with another ortho. I am using MS4W and have tested this config with MS44 and MS46 with both app crashing. Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this problem. Regards, Stephen Clark GIS Coordinator County of Lethbridge #100, 905 - 4th Ave South, Lethbridge, Alberta,T1J 4E4 Main: (403)328-5525 Direct: (403)380-1578 Fax: (403)328-5602 email: sclark at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ms_error.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 14159 bytes Desc: ms_error.jpg URL: From rjames57 at YAHOO.COM Thu Sep 29 12:49:13 2005 From: rjames57 at YAHOO.COM (Randy James) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:49:13 -0700 Subject: Help with demo please II In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I do not know about the other errors but this one i know a bit about: > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ Windows uses \ for its directorys and you have / which is a unix thing. Check your your paths... Randy --- Gary Watry wrote: > When I run a File Monitor Program on the Win2003 Server, I get the following > using IE: > > 0.00030982 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open > Access: All > > 0.00007375 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00007236 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00009163 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ > > Using Firefox, The file monitor shows > > 0.00028551 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open > Access: All > > 0.00006956 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00008968 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00009498 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00035479 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\favicon.ico NOT > FOUND Options: Open Access: All > > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ > > any Suggests? > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 29 12:55:56 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:55:56 -0400 Subject: FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem with display of raster backdrop -- ECW files with overlap In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 9/29/05, Stephen Clark wrote: > Frank, > > When you have some time could you investigate this problem. > > Generally speaking if I create a tile using GDALTINDEX for a group of > ECW > Raster images that overlap, I cannot draw the raster tile index. > > However If I convert the ECW files to Geotiff and then create a tile > Using GDALTINDEX using your FWTOOLS then I am able to draw the raster > layer. > > Also, Is there anyone else that has seen this problem. Stephen, I have fixed a signicant but in GDAL with the ECW driver that would occur at the point ECW (or jp2) files are closed. It seems possible that this is the problem that is afflicting you. If so, updating to the latest gdal code from CVS would help. However, it is hard to know if that is the issues. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Thu Sep 29 12:59:02 2005 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:59:02 -0400 Subject: PHP Wrapper to hide mapfile location Message-ID: Hi all, A developer at my office has written the following PHP wrapper to hide the location of mapfiles. I have seen .asp scripts to do this but no PHP scripts have been brought to attention until now so I thought I would present this to the community for feedback. I have tested this briefly. Any comments anyone? D. Pagurek $value) { $finalString.= "&$key=".urlencode($value); } return $finalString; } if($_GET) { $strRequest = $_GET; } else { $strRequest = $_POST; } $strURL = "http://theserver/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\map\tes".buildQueryString($strRequest); ini_set('user_agent','MSIE 4\.0b2;'); // fake a browser request. $handle = fopen($strURL, "r"); $contents = ''; if($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $contents .= fread($handle, 8192); } fclose($handle); } echo $contents; ?> From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Sep 29 13:02:29 2005 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:02:29 -0400 Subject: groups and WMS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Armin, In Mapserver if you have 2 wms layers that are in the same group you should be able to do a GetMap request using he group name but also on the individual layers. You should not get an exception for trying to fetch an individual layer belonging to a group. Later, Armin Burger wrote: > Dear all, > > I have a question about the behaviour of groups in a WMS. When I define > 2 layers belonging to the same group, I see both layers nested under the > same group layer in the capabilities file. > > But I can only access the group as a WMS layer from a client. When I > want to access the single layers belonging to that group I get an > exception. That is in principal ok, but client programs might allow to > select the single nested layers and the map will not be displayed > because of the exception. Also the reason for grouping layers is quite > often to have layers with different accuracy/resolution that should be > swapped depending on the scale. So this should happen behind the scenes > without the client noticing it. > > So my question is, why are the layers belonging to the same group > displayed at all in the WMS capabilities if they cannot be used as > single ones? Would it not make sense to just return the group as a WMS > layer instead? > > Armin > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From sgillies at FRII.COM Thu Sep 29 13:07:08 2005 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:07:08 -0600 Subject: groups and WMS In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Sep 29, 2005, at 12:54 PM, Armin Burger wrote: > Dear all, > > I have a question about the behaviour of groups in a WMS. When I define > 2 layers belonging to the same group, I see both layers nested under > the > same group layer in the capabilities file. > > But I can only access the group as a WMS layer from a client. When I > want to access the single layers belonging to that group I get an > exception. That is in principal ok, but client programs might allow to > select the single nested layers and the map will not be displayed > because of the exception. Also the reason for grouping layers is quite > often to have layers with different accuracy/resolution that should be > swapped depending on the scale. So this should happen behind the scenes > without the client noticing it. > > So my question is, why are the layers belonging to the same group > displayed at all in the WMS capabilities if they cannot be used as > single ones? Would it not make sense to just return the group as a WMS > layer instead? > > Armin > > Armin, I've been thinking about this too. In your case, I think it is a WMS client bug: you should be able to access any Layer no matter how deep it is nested. Sean -- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Thu Sep 29 13:15:07 2005 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:15:07 -0400 Subject: Help with demo please II In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Okay it works in IE but not in Firefox, I will check netscape tomorrow but here is my Index.html. MapServer Itasca Application

MapServer Itasca Test Application

This demonstration application will take you through various levels of complexity. Starting with a basic application that allows a user to pan/zoom and change layers we add:

  • dynamically configured scalebars
  • javascript-based panning
  • query results to a frame
  • and finally, a DHTML rubber-band zoom/query capabilty
The base data is the old-reliable Itasca dataset that we know and love...

I get a HTTP 404 error when I use Firefox, how do I make this site Universal for all browsers? ______________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Randy James Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:49 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Help with demo please II I do not know about the other errors but this one i know a bit about: > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ Windows uses \ for its directorys and you have / which is a unix thing. Check your your paths... Randy --- Gary Watry wrote: > When I run a File Monitor Program on the Win2003 Server, I get the following > using IE: > > 0.00030982 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open > Access: All > > 0.00007375 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00007236 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00009163 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ > > Using Firefox, The file monitor shows > > 0.00028551 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open > Access: All > > 0.00006956 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00008968 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00009498 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00035479 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\favicon.ico NOT > FOUND Options: Open Access: All > > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ > > any Suggests? > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Thu Sep 29 13:00:04 2005 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:00:04 -0400 Subject: Help with demo please II In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I reversed my path from / to \ and made the path to my absolute instead of relative and it works for the first map Let me press on ______________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Randy James Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:49 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Help with demo please II I do not know about the other errors but this one i know a bit about: > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ Windows uses \ for its directorys and you have / which is a unix thing. Check your your paths... Randy --- Gary Watry wrote: > When I run a File Monitor Program on the Win2003 Server, I get the following > using IE: > > 0.00030982 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open > Access: All > > 0.00007375 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00007236 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00009163 mapserv.exe:3684 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ > > Using Firefox, The file monitor shows > > 0.00028551 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Manifest NOT FOUND Options: Open > Access: All > > 0.00006956 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00008968 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00009498 mapserv.exe:3984 FASTIO_QUERY_OPEN > C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe.Local\ NOT FOUND Attributes: Error > > 0.00035479 w3wp.exe:2412 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\favicon.ico NOT > FOUND Options: Open Access: All > > and the Page shows > msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/workshop/ > > any Suggests? > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 From rco at OSMOGIS.COM Thu Sep 29 14:17:56 2005 From: rco at OSMOGIS.COM (Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:17:56 -0400 Subject: Help with demo please In-Reply-To: <001701c5c513$5e3ddc10$> Message-ID: If the server is setup properly you should get this message: "No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set." when you enter "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe" into the browser. Richard C Orth Gary Watry wrote: >I also added PHP and Mapserv.exe as Web Service Extensions within IIS, added >the required files and set their status to "allowed". Is this what you are >referring to? > >______________________________________________________________ >Gary L. Watry > >GIS Coordinator >Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies >FSU / COAPS >Johnson Building, RM 215 >2035 East Paul Dirac Drive >Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 > >E-Mail: watry at > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Richard Orth - osmoGIS Incorporated >Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:59 AM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Help with demo please > >WS2003 has more protection. Its not good enough to make a folder >executable, the mapserver program needs to be "registered" with the OS. > >Richard C Orth > >Gary Watry wrote: > > > >>Hi >> >>Here is where I am at after reading all the posts with criteria of DEMO and >> >> >IIS. > > >>1.) I am running windows server 2003 with IIS. >> >>Permission for >>cgi-bin is read/execute scripts and executables >>tmp is read/write >> >>2.) my directory structure is >>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\workshop >> >>3.) my index.html is as follows >> >> >>

>onSubmit="submit_form()"> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >value="/inetpub/wwwroot/workshop/tmp/"> >> >> >>4. I am usig >> >>5. >>C:\>mapserv >> >> >QUERY_STRING="layer=lakespy2&layer=dlgstln2&zoomsize=2&map=%2Finetpu > > >> >> >> >2Fwor > > >>kshop&map_web_imagepath=%2Finetpub%2Fwwwroot%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_imageurl=%2Ft >> >> >mp%2F > > >>&map_web_template=itasca_basic.html" > temp.html >> >>msDrawMap(): Layer 1 (ctybdpy2), 0.311s >>msDrawMap(): Layer 4 (lakespy2), 0.270s >>msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (dlgstln2), 0.161s >>msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s >>msDrawMap() total time: 0.752s >> >>6. The results of running the demo in IE >>Basic Application - Page not found >>Adds second scale bar - Page not found >>Add pan control - Page not found >>Add frames - page not found - "this is the query page" along bottom and top >>adds dhtml rubber band box - red box for map, legend missing >> >>what do I try next? >> >>Gary L. Watry >>GIS Coordinator >>Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies >>FSU / COAPS >>Johnson Building, RM 215 >>2035 East Paul Dirac Drive >>Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 >> >>E-Mail: watry at >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > From transversemercator at HOTMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 14:30:00 2005 From: transversemercator at HOTMAIL.COM (Shanti P.) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:30:00 -0500 Subject: Mapserver/PostgreSQL/PostGIS Upgrades on Linux system Message-ID: We are currently running: MapServer 4.2.5, PostgreSQL 7.4.3, PostGIS 0.8.2, PHP/MapScript 4.3.7 and Apache 1.3 on Linux Red Hat 2.6.5. We need to permorm upgrades on all applications -- does anyone have recommendations as far as order of upgrades, or links to sites outlining upgrade procedures in more detail? We've looked at Refractions, PostgreSQL sites etc. and have ideas for individual upgrades but if anyone has any specific suggestions or problems to look out for we'd appreciate it. From dianajimena at GMAIL.COM Thu Sep 29 14:32:31 2005 From: dianajimena at GMAIL.COM (Diana Jimena Pacheco Solano) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:32:31 -0500 Subject: How works mapext? Message-ID: Hi! Someone can explain me how works the tag mapext. What parameters are pass to template and how to? Which are its variables? I hope to you understand me!! Thanks Diana Jimena PD: excuse me by my english. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM Thu Sep 29 15:27:29 2005 From: bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM (Fischer, Brian) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:27:29 -0500 Subject: Railroad symbols Message-ID: Chip, Someone had posted this awhile back and it works nicely. Credit goes to whoever posted it, I can't remember. You will have to define the Tahoma font in your font file and make sure it is installed on your computer. Hope this helps. #symbol file SYMBOL NAME 'railway' TYPE TRUETYPE FONT 'Tahoma' CHARACTER '|' GAP 10 END #mapfile LAYER NAME rail DATA railroad STATUS OFF TYPE line MAXSCALE 140000 CLASS NAME "Railroad" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 1 OVERLAYSYMBOL 'railway' OVERLAYCOLOR 0 0 0 OVERLAYSIZE 6 END END # railroads Brian Fischer Houston Engineering, Inc. Maple Grove, MN (763) 493-4522 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Chip Taylor Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:46 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Railroad symbols Help! Does anyone have a symbol definition that looks vaguely like a railroad? Thanks in advance. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From davidtecher at YAHOO.FR Thu Sep 29 16:39:23 2005 From: davidtecher at YAHOO.FR (david techer) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 03:39:23 +0400 Subject: Mapserver/PostgreSQL/PostGIS Upgrades on Linux system In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Shanti All I can do is to give you few changes/infos between commands for PostGIS > 0.X.X.. I try give few information for PostGIS+Geos+Proj+PostgreSQL but I think you know it already ;-) If I tell a mistake here, thanks to make/give a better info ;-) First thing to knwo is that postgis geo data are not storing in WKB format but in WKB format for PostGIS >= 1.0.0. So please see information from PostGIS Web Site at you have upgraded your data in order to see these in your pgtool like pgadmin3, you will have to use a fonction like AsEWKT(the_geom) to see WKT format... POSTGIS: For PostGIS < 1.0.X, I've had to open postgis-0.X.X/Makefile and I did USE_GEOS=1 and USE_PROJ=1 Nowadays you have to use ./configure with a few option..that's the second difference! Then for upgrading from 0.8.2 to 1.0.X I don't want to do a mistake. So it's better for you sending a e-mail to postgis-mailing-list to know if there will be a problem or not. Because I don't know how huge are your data..I don't want to be responsible for an error ...Thanks! POSTGRESQL: Since july, PostgreSQL has been frozen for beta test for 8.1...Personnaly, I test it on my personal computer but for a stable work (if it is your case) it's better for you using 8.0.3 MAPSERVER and PHP: MapServer 4.6.1 and PHP 5.0.5 worked for me! (I'm on a Debian...)...PHP built as a CGI as usual! example for PostGIS 1.0.4 + PROJ 4.4.9 and GEOS 2.1.4: # # Create a directory for sources to download # export PATHSOURCES=${HOME}/${USERNAME}/sources mkdir -p ${PATHSOURCES} # cd sources # # PROJ will be as you know wil be install in /usr/local # So ensusre that /usr/local/bin is in your ${PATH} # Actually yes! # wget tar xvzf proj-4.4.9.tar.gz cd proj-4.4.9 ./configure && make && make install # # GEOS will be as you know wil be install in /usr/local # cd .. wget tar xvjf geos-2.1.4.tar.bz2 cd geos-2.1.4 ./configure && make && make install # # Be careful to have /usr/local/lib in your file /etc/ld/so/conf # cat /etc/ | grep ^'/usr/local' # # Or else # echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ ldconfig # # Test if proj is installed by doing # proj # # that will send you somethin like # Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004 ... ... # # Test if geos is installed by doing # geos-config --version # # # that will send you something like # 2.1.4 #======================================= # POSTGRESQL # # If U install PostgreSQL on a new machine # # delete dependes/install postgresql if it has been isntalled by rpm rpm -qa postgresql rpm -e postgresql rpm -e --nodeps postgresql # # Download PostgreSQL sources from # and install if # cd ${PATHSOURCES} wget tar xvzf postgresql-8.0.3.tar.gz cd postgresql-8.0.3 configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-multibyte --with-CXX --enable-nls [...others options...] # # Notice:I install postgresql in /usr/local in order not to have my PATH ;-) by adding /usr/local/pgsql # Then as usual make && make install make make install #================================================================== # POSTGIS # cd ${PATHSOURCES} wget tar xvzf postgis-1.0.4.tar.gz cd postgis-1.0.4 configure --enable-autoconf --with-geos=`which geos-config` --with-proj=`which proj` \ --with-pgsql-src=${PATHSOURCES}/postgresql-8.0.3 make make install =================================================================== MAPSERVER and PHP Install curl, gdal, pdflib and so on as u are used to doing it Personaly I used old version: - curl 7.10.5 - gd 2.0.15-1 - gdal 1.2.0 I think on Red Hat there are already rpm availablefor these! Regards. --david; ------------------------------------------------- Jean David TECHER 01MAP 35 All?e d'Irlande 34080 Montpellier France T?l: 04 67 45 60 27 e-mail: davidtecher(at)yahoo(dot)fr sites: ------------------------------------------------- Shanti P. a ?crit : >We are currently running: MapServer 4.2.5, PostgreSQL 7.4.3, PostGIS >0.8.2, PHP/MapScript 4.3.7 and Apache 1.3 on Linux Red Hat 2.6.5. We need >to permorm upgrades on all applications -- does anyone have >recommendations as far as order of upgrades, or links to sites outlining >upgrade procedures in more detail? We've looked at Refractions, PostgreSQL >sites etc. and have ideas for individual upgrades but if anyone has any >specific suggestions or problems to look out for we'd appreciate it. > > > ___________________________________________________________________________ Appel audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger T?l?chargez cette version sur From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Sep 29 21:33:57 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 00:33:57 -0400 Subject: Free Canadian Roadmap Data Message-ID: Folks, A set of national roadmap data has been made available for free here in Canada. It is roughly of similar quality to TIGER/Line in the USA. I made this data available in Shapefile format as a torrent at: I see after digging a bit that there was already roadmap data available at, and I am not clear on how this new data release relates to that. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From fanenji63 at LIBERO.IT Fri Sep 30 00:39:10 2005 From: fanenji63 at LIBERO.IT (Stefano Parodi) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 02:39:10 -0500 Subject: Is ErMapper's IWS helpful with MapServer? Message-ID: Unfortunatly the ecw plug-in is not compatible with Firefox. I'm waiting for the release of the next version that is fully compatible with firefox. From higon_jos at GVA.ES Fri Sep 30 03:53:58 2005 From: higon_jos at GVA.ES (Jos=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9_Vte_Hig=F3n?=) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 05:53:58 -0500 Subject: Problem with TILEINDEX in windows Message-ID: Hi, I have compiled mapserver 4.6.1 in windows xp with gdal 1.3.0 and mrsid support. Mapserver runs ok with shapefiles, with raster which datasource is a mrsid file but it crashes (premature end of script headers) when the layer is configured with a tileindex: LAYER NAME "ortozambia34" STATUS ON TILEINDEX "zambia34.shp" TILEITEM "Location" TYPE RASTER METADATA "wms_name" "ortozambia34" "wms_title" "Ortofoto zambia huso 34" "wms_extent" "121060.875 -1660338.750 878932.875 -1104403.500" "wms_srs" "EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:4326" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:32634" END END Any clue? Thaks in advance. From manfred.zerndl at BVV.BAYERN.DE Fri Sep 30 04:58:03 2005 From: manfred.zerndl at BVV.BAYERN.DE (Manfred Zerndl) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 13:58:03 +0200 Subject: rows per strip in TIFF rasterfiles Message-ID: With the TIFF-dataformat you can set "rows per strip" (rps) to a user-defined value. (1) What is better, setting "rps" to a small value, maybe 1 or a big value ? Or is irrelevant for the performance? When I have a TIFF-File with 20 000 x 20 000 Pixels, I think mapserver should be faster when the tiff-files have a small rps-value. (2) Do I need special generated TIFF files, so that mapserver is able to load a small section from a big TIFF-File? Regards, Manfred From higon_jos at GVA.ES Fri Sep 30 05:44:45 2005 From: higon_jos at GVA.ES (Jos=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9_Vte_Hig=F3n?=) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:44:45 -0500 Subject: Problem with TILEINDEX in windows Message-ID: Hi, I have found the error, it's a problem with a conflict with two versions of gdal. Bye. From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Sep 30 06:33:42 2005 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:33:42 -0400 Subject: rows per strip in TIFF rasterfiles In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 9/30/05, Manfred Zerndl wrote: > > With the TIFF-dataformat you can set "rows per strip" (rps) to a > user-defined value. > (1) What is better, setting "rps" to a small value, maybe 1 or a big > value ? Or is irrelevant for the performance? > > When I have a TIFF-File with 20 000 x 20 000 Pixels, I think mapserver > should be faster > when the tiff-files have a small rps-value. Manfred, If you set the "rows per strip" to 1, then MapServer can extract overviews reasonably efficiently by only pulling out the scanlines it needs. So, for wide files that is my suggestion. > (2) Do I need special generated TIFF files, so that mapserver > is able to load a small section from a big TIFF-File? A better approach than stripping is to use tiling within the TIFF file. Commands like the following will convert your GeoTIFF file to tiled organization and build overviews. This is pretty much optimal for fast mapserver rendering at different resolutions. gdal_translate -co TILED=YES in.tif out.tif gdaladdo out.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From walter at FAUNALIA.COM Fri Sep 30 07:30:03 2005 From: walter at FAUNALIA.COM (Walter Lorenzetti) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:30:03 +0200 Subject: Map-file syntax for QuantaPlus, Kate, and Kwrite editors! Message-ID: Hi, i write xml file for implement quanta, kwrite and kate editors syntax! With this file you can look your map file more easy! ? Try it and send me a comment! By Walter How to: Take the file 'map.xml' at this url ?and put it in one of this direcotry: usr/share/apps/katepart/syntax or in the [home users] ~/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax Here you can a small 'how-to' for kate sintax: -- Walter Lorenzetti walter at Via di Tofori 123 - 55010 Camigliano (LU), Italy Tel: (+39)347-6597931 -- Walter Lorenzetti walter at ? ? Via di Tofori 123 - 55010 Camigliano (LU), Italy ? Tel: (+39)347-6597931 From mpetach at NEWFIELDS.COM Fri Sep 30 07:41:43 2005 From: mpetach at NEWFIELDS.COM (Marty Petach) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 08:41:43 -0600 Subject: Railroad symbols Message-ID: Here is a way to make railroad symbols without using any special characters for the cross-tie part. # Tick mark for railroad ties... SYMBOL NAME "railroadtie" TYPE CARTOLINE LINECAP BUTT POINTS 1 1 END STYLE 1 20 END END # Basic line symbol for track centerline SYMBOL NAME "line" TYPE ELLIPSE FILLED TRUE POINTS 1 1 END END LAYER NAME "Railroad" STATUS ON DATA "railroads" TYPE LINE CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "line" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 1 END OVERLAYSYMBOL "railroadtie" OVERLAYCOLOR 0 0 0 OVERLAYSIZE 5 END END Marty Petach NewFields Boulder, LLC 4720 Walnut St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 Phone (303)-442-0267 Fax (303)-442-3679 mpetach at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pmoen at STATE.ND.US Fri Sep 30 08:05:00 2005 From: pmoen at STATE.ND.US (Paul Moen) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:05:00 -0500 Subject: Clone an imageObj in Mapscript. Message-ID: Does anyone know how to clone an imgObject in Mapscript? I need to make a copy of an imgObj to use with pasteImage, so the original image remains unchanged. Is this possible? Thank you in advance, Paul T. Moen pmoen at ND State Water Commission From dmcilhagga at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Sep 30 09:12:00 2005 From: dmcilhagga at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Dave McIlhagga) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:12:00 -0400 Subject: Free Canadian Roadmap Data In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > Folks, > > A set of national roadmap data has been made available for free > here in Canada. It is roughly of similar quality to TIGER/Line in the USA. ... > > I see after digging a bit that there was already roadmap data available > at, and I am not clear on how this new data release > relates to that. Note GeoBase contains no address / street name information so this is a very big step forward in terms of getting generally useful free geographic data in Canada. My understanding is that there is a general effort to bring the geobase road data and the stats can road data together heading towards the 2011 Census. Dave -- Dave McIlhagga President, DM Solutions Group EMail : dmcilhagga at Phone : 613-565-5056 x15 Fax : 613-565-0925 From armin.burger at GMX.NET Fri Sep 30 09:26:20 2005 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:26:20 +0200 Subject: groups and WMS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: You're right. I cannot reproduce that exception any more so it might have been related to a mis-configuration of the server or the client test request. But still I think that the MapServer GROUP definition should not be broadcasted via WMS getCapabilities as set of different layers by default. So one can use internally any logic one intends to. For me scale-depending layers of different accuracy/resolution grouped together with GROUP seem important. But a client should just see one layer. The mechanism of grouping and nesting layers should be performed via separate tags, like currently already the WMS_LAYER_GROUP, but also with possibilities that this group is selectable. Armin Yewondwossen Assefa wrote: > Armin, > > In Mapserver if you have 2 wms layers that are in the same group you > should be able to do a GetMap request using he group name but also on > the individual layers. You should not get an exception for trying to > fetch an individual layer belonging to a group. > > Later, > > Armin Burger wrote: > >> Dear all, >> >> I have a question about the behaviour of groups in a WMS. When I >> define 2 layers belonging to the same group, I see both layers nested >> under the same group layer in the capabilities file. >> >> But I can only access the group as a WMS layer from a client. When I >> want to access the single layers belonging to that group I get an >> exception. That is in principal ok, but client programs might allow to >> select the single nested layers and the map will not be displayed >> because of the exception. Also the reason for grouping layers is quite >> often to have layers with different accuracy/resolution that should be >> swapped depending on the scale. So this should happen behind the >> scenes without the client noticing it. >> >> So my question is, why are the layers belonging to the same group >> displayed at all in the WMS capabilities if they cannot be used as >> single ones? Would it not make sense to just return the group as a WMS >> layer instead? >> >> Armin >> > From jdenovan at GEOREFERENCEONLINE.COM Fri Sep 30 11:03:40 2005 From: jdenovan at GEOREFERENCEONLINE.COM (Janice Denovan) Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 13:03:40 -0500 Subject: Free Canadian Roadmap Data Message-ID: Thanks Frank. With GeoTorrent and MapDex and other? resources in place I don't know what I am going to do with all my free time! -Janice PS: At 10am PST on a Friday, it took 17.5 minutes to download 242.5 MB of Canadian Roadmap Data (971 pieces) from geotorrent.