Gregor Mosheh
stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 1 08:09:57 PDT 2005
> Hi everybody,
> does exist a document, (in the web), about hardware
> specification for mapserver?
Mapserver itself is just a CGI program, and takes up
very little RAM. It'll run on any reasonably modern
hardware: Some of our test boxes were PII Celerons
with 64 MB of RAM running HostGIS Linux.
Naturally, there are other considerations for your own
needs. Although a low-end PII Celeron will run it, a
high-speed P4 will of course be faster. If you're
running Windows (let alone Mapserver), then a machine
with 64 MB of RAM is torture. If you want a database,
then that's a whole separate animal where all the RAM
you can afford is worthwhile.
In short: The minimum is basically most garage-sale
PCs made in recent history. Your own impatience
dictates getting something as fast as you can afford.
Now, a note on RAM. I had asked about this a few
months ago and thought I'd mention it. MapServer
itself, and Apache with the PHP/MapScript pre-loaded,
still take up very little RAM. My question was
whether, given this low RAM consumption, there would
be a difference between 128 MB of RAM and 1 GB of RAM
(assuming I were not running a database). The answer
was that modern OSs will use all of your spare RAM
aggressively caching files from the disk. Thus, the
extra RAM will make a significant difference, because
the OS can load the shapefile (or whatever) loaded
from RAM cache instead of spinning the hard disk.
Gregor Mosheh
System Administrator and Head Programmer
HostGIS, GIS Hosting Solutions for the Global Community
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