point query precision

David Shorthouse dps1 at UALBERTA.CA
Thu Sep 1 10:05:06 PDT 2005

Hello folks,
I am making use of MapServer 4.6 and am pulling point data from sql server
2000. I just recently implemented query mode as a drop-down option on my
cgi-generated map but I find that clicks on the map often do not generate
results, especially after a number of zooms via browse mode. I am suspicious
that mouse precision may be at odds with the query or, heaven forbid, the
mouse click xy reference is not transferring well to the latitude/longitude
in my sql server table. Is there a method to broaden the mouse click
coverage or decrease the click precision in the map file to ensure that
query mode clicks will generate results as they should?
Thanks for any assistance,
David P. Shorthouse
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