Filtering on oracle layers using mapserver 4.6

Robert oude Lohuis oudelohuisr at VERTIS.NL
Thu Sep 1 23:36:00 PDT 2005


thanks for the reply, but we would use native support if could, because it
is faster (and according to you, we should not have a problem).
But alas, we also need administrative data from the database, so we must use
OGR ;-(

I very much like to use the extent filter, but the trouble is dat with every
dataset added to the database, the performance drops. So if there are 10
datasets in the table, and you need only one to display, all ten datasets
are retrieved from the database.
And if you use the query to restrict the dataset, even if zoomed in on a
very small area, the whole dataset is retrieved from the database.

Is this a problem with OGR, is it not capable of merging the two
filter-parts, of is the problem within mapserver ?



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