Editing mapfiles

Xin crazygecko at GMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 2 09:05:58 PDT 2005

Hi list,

I've only recently started to work with MapServer, after learning the basics 
of it and setting it up, I am now ready to start creating maps! very 

My question would be what editor should I use and how should I use it to 
create/edit mapfiles. I'm currently using Vim with mapfile syntax 
highlighting installed from the user utilities part of the mapserver 
website. This is working well. But it is hard navigating the whole file.

There isn't an overview window which UltraEdit seems to have. I'd have to 
manually scroll to the area of interest rather than doubling clicking on a 
side bar listing of layer objects. I'm not explaining this very well, but 
are you with me?

How is everyone else editing mapfiles? Any advice would be greatly 
appreciated. Oh, my platform is Debian Sarge.

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