Multiple point symbols

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Fri Sep 2 11:16:36 PDT 2005

this is going to sound wierd, but I want make a grid pattern of of 
regularly space grid points.

I have points at equal distances that I want to make appear that they 
are a girdded filled poly area.

Does that make any sense?   something like a checkerboard pattern but at 
a pixel level to imitate a transparency.

I was just trying to pur two points into a symbol like so:

|            |            |
|            |      O     |
|            |            |
|            |            |
|      O     |            |
|            |            |

Just two points, The symbol would be 2 pixels by two pixels, or some 
mutiple of this.  Then if I place two of these point side by side they 
would look like a filled patern (a polygon fill) but still be plotted as 

points 0 0 END
points 1 1 END

But this doesn't work for a POINT Symbol.  It break when there are two 
POINT vaules for a POINT symbol type.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

>We made groupd of trees as an image then applied the image as a symbol 
>to a polygon fill. You could do the same for points and by the number of 
>points in the image you could get a density. But I'm not sure if this is 
>what you need.
>What data type to you want to use to display this with and what do you 
>want the display to look like?
>-Steve W.
>Bob Basques wrote:
>>More symbol stuff.
>>Is there a way to make a symbol that is basically a group of points?  
>>Along the lines of a grid fill pattern, only at the Symbol level?

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