Mapserver 4.6.1 Make problems - mapogr.o
Steve Benzo
steve_benzo at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 2 13:10:43 PDT 2005
1) I verified mapogr.cpp is there in the mapserver
source directory
2) How do I check for this?
3) My make is at /usr/ccs/bin/make. I'm running
solaris 9. I tried running this using gmake which
seems to make the file alright (it makes mapserv). The
issue is that it doesn't want to run without setting
some ld_library_path parameters (an oracle and a
libiconv value). After those are set, it will respond
to the mapserv -v command. However, it gives back a
500 error once it's in the cgi-bin directory and run.
> 1- This could happen if mapogr.cpp is not present in
> your source
> directory. Could you please check that it's there.
> (I verified that it
> was included in the released source package).
> 2- Another option could be that the rule for .cpp
> files is not present
> in your Makefile (It was there in the release
> version).
> 3- Maybe the version of 'make' that your using
> doesn't like something in
> the MapServer makefile. Perhaps make sure you're
> using GNU make and not
> another flavour.
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Morissette
> dmorissette at
> DM Solutions Group
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