Mapserver demo crash
Matt Garrish
matthew.garrish at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Sep 2 13:56:23 PDT 2005
As a final note to this thread, I was able to get the demo to work thanks to
Perry Nacionales pointing me to the 4.6.0 build available at My problems with the layers in the map file must
have been related to the HoBu's Kitchen Sink binary I tried after failing to
get the demo to run under the 4.4.1 binary from the page.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]" <nicolas.fortin at>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:43 AM
Subject: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash
I didn't follow all the conversation but as a windows user, I can tell you
that 90% of the problem with mapserver and IIS come from permission problem.
Run filemon ( while
loading the page and check the result to see if there's any ACCESS DENIED or
suspicious FILE NOT FOUND.
Hope this helps
Nicolas Fortin
-----Message d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la
part de Matt Garrish
Envoyé : 26 août 2005 11:36
Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash
It only dies in IIS when I run the demo (so far, anyway). I am, for example,
able to run the "Hello World" example on the recipes page
( Aside from the parameters
that get passed from the index.html page (reproduced below), I've set the
following in the file:
SHAPEPATH "c:/inetpub/wwwroot/workshop/data"
WMS_ONLINERESOURCE "http://localhost/workshop/index.html"
I'm going to try running the example on a win2k box and see if it's
something specific to XP (I've tried a couple of different XP boxes with the
same result).
> From: Ethan Alpert <ealpert at DIGITALGLOBE.COM>
> Date: 2005/08/26 Fri AM 10:48:00 EST
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash
> I'm not a windows user but the most common problem when mapserv runs
> fine at the command line but dies running in the webserver space is it
> can't find one or more shared library. Check the IIS's equivalent of
> -e
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Matt Garrish
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 7:41 AM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver demo crash
> I'm just getting started with mapserver and was hoping to be able to
> play around with the demo (
> I'm reasonably certain that my system (XP Pro SP2) is configured
> correctly, because I can run some of the other simple examples I've
> found on the Mapserver home page (I downloaded the 4.4.1 binary and
> set it up according
> to the readme file). When I tried to run the demo (from the index.html
> page), however, IIS crashed with a 502 error, so I went to the command
> line
> and tried the following:
> C:\Inetpub\Scripts>mapserv
> "QUERY_STRING=map=c:/inetpub/wwwroot/workshop/itasca.
> map&layer=lakespy2&layer=dlgstln2&zoomsize=1&program=http://localhost/cg
> i-bin/ma
> pserv.exe&root=http://localhost/workshop&map_web_imagepath=c:/inetpub/ww
> wroot/tm
> p&map_web_imageurl=http://localhost/tmp&
> ml"
> As soon as I run the command, however, an error window pops up with
> the
> following error signature:
> AppName: mapserv.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
> ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00018fea
> which I have to assume is the cause of the 502 error.
> Has anyone run into this problem before? Or know what the cause might
> be? Or know if I'm just doing something wrong? (If you don't have XP
> or can't reproduce the problem I can post the stack dump.)
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt
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