Books reviewed by

Mark MacLennan maclenna at VISI.COM
Tue Sep 6 20:00:52 PDT 2005

At 07:21 PM 9/6/2005 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>Just got my latest copy of "Geospatial Soultions" magazine and there is 
>a nice write, 3 full pages, on "Web Mapping Illustrated" and "Mapping 
>Way to go guys!

I would point out that another book "Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS
Development" by Bill Kropla (with an Foreward by Stephen Lime, who along
with Howard Butler are listed as the technical reviewers) has just been
published - I received my copy last week. It looks to be a very good
tutorial and guide to MapServer in a (tangible) book form.
(do note the corrections to this first edition ...)

[The publisher Apress is currently offering a $10/book discount on
their books - currently lists this book at 39% off
not including this discount]

Wow, finally some really decent and affordable GIS books are available in
print :-)

- Mark

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