MySQL access and joins

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Thu Sep 8 12:02:07 PDT 2005

> > Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table?  I believe 
> > --with-mygis will work on a non-sppatial DB
> Yes, but this will work ONLY for template based queries (this 
> is not a mygis 
> limitiation per se, MapServer has separate code for the template (or 
> mapscript) queries, and join functionality you might wish to 
> use in a .MAP 
> file).

Thanks for the info.  What do you mean by template based queries?  My
overall goal is to generate a map (with shp2img) whose mapfile defines a
layer which has a join btw a shapefile and MySQL table, and CLASS items
based on expressions in columns in the MySQL table.

Thanks for any advice and / or recommendation.



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