SLD PIXMAP Error With How-To Example

Jennifer Zeisloft jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 8 13:01:58 PDT 2005

Hello All-

I am starting to play with SLD and am attempting to use an external graphic 
to symbolize a point. I first tried it with my own external graphic, but got 
the error message:

*Warning*: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbol(): Symbol of type PIXMAP has no 
image data. in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php
* on line *215*

*Warning*: Failed to open map file /ms4w/tmp/sess_4320970788d61/1126209374- in *C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php*on

*Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in *
C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php* on 
line *150*

I then tried it with the sld_symbols_external.xml file from the SLD How-To 
document (I changed the layer name, of course) and received the same error. 
I also tried using PNG instead of GIF - same error. Can anyone offer a hint? 
Thanks in advance for your help!

Jennifer Zeisloft
UW Sea Grant
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