STATUS in LAYER object

Randy James rjames57 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 8 14:32:47 PDT 2005

Hi Gregory

In my map file i have a layer defined like this.

# 6 layer Lakes
    data "water-poly"
    name "basemap"
    group "basemap"
    status on
    type polygon
    MINSCALE 50000
    # 1 class #none
   name 'lakes'
      color 0 214 255
   outlinecolor 128 252 255

 Than in my Template.html i have a checkbox to turn the layer off and on.

<input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="basemap" [basemap_check]>250 water

Hope this helps


--- Gregory Yetman <gyetman at CIESIN.COLUMBIA.EDU> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to both mapserver and the list, hopefully this question isn't 
> too 'newbie'.
> I have a map file that works fine:
>   EXTENT        -180 -90 180 0
>   SIZE           320 320
>   SHAPEPATH      "data"
>     "proj=latlong"
>     "ellps=WGS84"
>   END
>   LAYER # sample jpeg LDEO layer
>       NAME         relief
>       STATUS       DEFAULT
>       TYPE         RASTER
>       TileIndex    'i_512/i_512.shp'
>       TileItem "Location"
>           "proj=merc"
>           "ellps=WGS84"
>        END
>    END # Raster layer ends here
> END # end of map file
> However, if I change STATUS from DEFAULT to ON the layer does not 
> appear, the image produced is empty. According to the manual (definition 
> below), ON is what should be used in 'normal use'. So is something wrong 
> with my map file or is there an issue with the use of STATUS?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> STATUS [on|off|default]
>     Sets the current status of the layer. Often modified by MapServer
>     itself. Default turns the layer on permanently.
>     Some notes regarding the STATUS values:
>         *
>           In CGI mode, layers with STATUS DEFAULT cannot be turned off
>           using normal mechanisms. It is recommended to set layers to
>           STATUS DEFAULT while debugging a problem, but set them back to
>           ON/OFF in normal use.
>         *
>           For WMS, layers in the server mapfile with STATUS DEFAULT are
>           always sent to the client.
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gregory Yetman
> Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
> Columbia University
> URL:
> e-mail: gyetman (at)
> tel: (845) 365-8982
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

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